Connection #Flushyourmeds Scott Barry

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Connection #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocuast Denier Dunce ... ;
You know what, we have found a connection, a connection that
says all telepathic remote viewers remote influencers and
anyone with the PSI is both an Atheist and a Holocaust Denier.
The biggest lies ever The Holocaust, a ban of speech in sixteen
different countries as a means of Radical Zionism, The Martian
God Myth Mentioned in the Kyle Odom Manifesto. Also we America
never actually won the war of independance, this was always a
French Corporation British Crown Colony, Act of Eighteen
Seventy One District of Columbia, Cestui Que Vie Sixteen Sixty
Six AD, also Hitler was the Good Guy in History who his only
real crime was that he got Germany out of a Banking Debt,
BNAI BRITH of the ADL you say, they censor the First Amendment,
remember Nineteen Eighty Four, Concentrated Hatred Against the
enemy, yup, that is right, we are directionless now due to
and programs that have been deeply embedded into our minds,
once you are aware of Radical Zionism and have read The
Protocols of
the learned elders of Zion and realize that it is not a Forgery
just as the Fake ADL has told you so, so it is time to
Freemasons are corrupt people, they all are part of the
Department and traffick illegal drugs such as Steriods and
So you know where I am getting by now, there is a deep
with Atheist Holocaust Deniers and people who are Telepathic
and do Remote Viewing, have the PSI gene in them, this is a key
of what Goyim are brainwashed by Television and What Goyim are
As Rabbi Finkelstein has said in Rabbi Tells All, they are in
ownership of the Goyim, there is no escaping this, you just
have to
branch out, we know by now that Holocaust Deniers happen to
have more
telepathy than Holocaust Believers of Dach Hall Wax Museums LOL
... ;
Holocaust Deniers dare to question what is banned in Sixteen
and happen to be Telepathic and also do Remote Viewing as well,
Remote Viewers keep this Holocaust Denial Thing a Secret as it
hurt their character and get them terminated from businesses
Remember This The ADL and Concentrated Hatred Against The Eneny
Nineteen Eighty Four Bnai Brith Hate Department you see where
we are
heading Bnai Brith is a Pure Jew Secret Society that runs all
MKULTRA of CIA then COINTELPRO of FBI so much going on and
people in
general have no idea about SCALAR Waves or The Lilly Wave
through the
power grid and so the masses remain Brainwashed by TV and Radio
... ;
We already get that Zionists Control The Surface Web Internet
And all
Media News Stations through GE, VIACOM, TIME WARNER, NEWSCORP,
DISNEY, yup that is all six and get sourced from Reuters and
The AP.
So when you have figured this out by now you finally get it,
there was
a boring documentary called "The Calling" you can still get it,
and it
basically says that, Six Company Media, Reuters and Associated
is where you get all your news, so if you want raw footage of
the explosion
of that building in Lebanon just go to Reuters and The AP and
it is right
there to screen record in OBS or FFMPEG or Simplescreenrecorder
for Linux.
So you get where we go from here, you yourself are a better
Journalist than
Television and Radio, if you haven't figured out the internet,
it is far far
more divers when it comes to information, wayback machine ever
heard of that
archive dot today web archive org holywar dot org slash
jewishtr slash open
dot htm that leads you down a rabbit hole of suppressed info
about how radical
zionism took over everything and even Kyle Odom wrote about it
in his PDF
Manifesto, David Duke has a Free PDF called Jewish Supremacism
you can check
out that if you are willing The Protocols of The Learned Elders
of the Zion a
blueprint that all the critics called fake and *** as you would
have known them
to say about such a text that Brian Ruhe have discussed in his
videos also as
well, they always use the key phraise Concentrated Hatred
Against The Enemy.
Now I am all for putting your cell phone in a Faraday Bag not
in use Degoogling
it getting Graphene OS or Netguard on it Alphanumeric Password
Lock anything.
Wired Everything, that is good, Spoof your Mac Address, Random
8888 DNS, AND
Tor Routing through Brave Tails or Tor Browser, VPN, DNS SSH
Ping Tunneling,
Proxies, Free Proton or Router VPN, all of those are good and
stop the DNS and
ARP cache Spoofing of what they want to do is Browser Jack
Peoples Internet,
and it makes no sense why they phish people and do browser
jacking but they
all do it, Public WiFi WiFi pinapple and more phishing methods
Ettercap, Wireshark, Kali Linux, any Pen Testing Distro,
doesn't matter that
is what script kiddies will do, you never ever use Public WiFi
because Phishing,
and lastly you fall for a grabify Link LOL, phishing, a damn
script kiddie gets
into your gmail account, it happened to me, I known I am an
idiot, but you gotta
not make those mistakes and get your account pwned by
brandnewtube or whatever,
I typed mine into haveibeen pwned and long and behold I was
brandnewtubed ... ;
So that about wraps this one up, I got only drivel out on the
text editor ... ;
--Scott Alan Barry , The Flushyourmeds Guy who has a Dot Com
Domain ... ;
This is The Footer EOF of all of this useless garbage ***
drivel ... ;

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