Sample Stretching Programs Larsson V2 Compressed
Sample Stretching Programs Larsson V2 Compressed
Sample Stretching Programs Larsson V2 Compressed
I know with certainty that it is possible to become fully flexible and heal
most types of back pain, neck problems and get rid of sciatica with proper
stretching. There have been hundreds if not thousands of studies
published on the effect of stretching on health, mobility and athletic
performance in the Journal of Sports Medicine and in the National
Institute of Health.
Stretching improves blood flow, which drives oxygen to the injured area
and removes metabolic waste, while also stimulating the healing of
Studies show, however, that a dedicated stretching routine can and will
give you improved range of motion in your limbs and joints, aka more
This exercise program is very effective for all kinds of lower and upper
back pain or hip pain, issues pinched nerve and nerve irritation,
herniated or bulged discs.
It can even improve mobility and correct your posture if you suffer from
mild scoliosis or relieve and even completely remove sciatica.
One way of improving this method is to slowly move your trunk up and
down (forth and back as you stretch) which will increase demand on
neuro-muscular adaptation resulting in improved flexibility.
This is followed by relaxing the muscle and then increasing the ROM
anywhere from few millimeters to an inch and repeating the contraction-
relaxation-increase proces several times. In a way, it's a form of muscle
pre-exhaustion that will switch of muscle tension and allow for gerater
And let's be open, flexibility and strength are two sides of the same coin.
Too flexible but weak muscle is prone to injury just like a strong but stiff
muscles. So muscle strength and flexibility should be balanced in order
to build and maintain healthy and injury-proof physique.
Here's why this stretching method is so effective:
The method takes advantage of your muscle survival reflex. At any given
moment, muscle flexibility and muscle contraction is controlled by your
brain. Main function of this control mechanism is to prevent muscles
from becoming damaged or injured.
But there is also an opposite reflex call inverse myotatic reflex that
protects your muscles from excessive contractions. For example, when
you bench press weight that your muscles can't handle, sudden
relaxation of muscles activates upon development of excessive tension.
The barbell quickly ends on your chest.
For muscles from your waist up (except lower back) you don't need any
special warm-up before stretching. Warm-ups increase muscle
temperature and boost intra-muscular blood flow that reduces risks of
There are 2 types of warm-ups, one of them has already been integrated
into the routines:
I'm going to turn the tables and ask you a question in return "When can
you stretch with consistency and without skipping stretching?" Although
afternoon and evenings are the most ideal times for stretching, as your
body is warmer and thus naturally more flexible compared to mornings,
what matters more is being consistent and not skip sessions.
So if you have more time and more energy for stretching in the morning,
it's perfectly fine. And if you skip some training session in the morning,
you can still catch up and stretch later that day.
Lower Back and Hip pain, Pre and Post Hip Replacement
Recovery, Herniated Lumbar Discs, Bladder and Bowel
Control, Spinal Fusion and Stenosis, Pelvic Strength, Hip
Flexors, Lower Back and Hamstring Flexibility, Hip Opening
Repeat 3 times per week i.e. Mo, We, Fr or do Front Split routine Mo, We,
Fr and Side Split routine Tu, Th, Sa and rest on Sunday
Repeat both routines 3 times per week and avoid side split routines as
out of over 1 million users we had reports from 3 people that it
increased sciatic pain. Not a huge number but be cautious as lateral leg
positioning can compress the sciatic nerve running through upper leg
and cause even bigger pain.
All Types of Arthritis, Scoliosis, Fibromyalgia, Spasticity,
Ehler-Danloss Syndrome, Neck and Thoracic Spine Issues
Repeat all 3 routines times per week i.e. Mo, We, Fr or do Front Split and
Side Split routine on Mo, We, Fr and Upper Body routine on Tu, Th, Sa
and rest on Sunday
Repeat this routine minimum of 3 times per week i.e. Mo, We, Fr - we
had some users reporting that doing the routine daily contributed to
their fast shoulder recovery, so test it out.
Repeat Pike Routine or both routines minimum of 3 times per week i.e.
Mo, We, Fr.
Bridge Routine
Upper Body Routine
Dynamic Stretching (Lower Body)
Bridge Routine
Front Split Routine
Pike Routine
Side Split Routine
Dynamic Stretching (Lower Body)
Upper Body Routine
Sample Routines for
04 Sport Disciplines
This section is dedicated to athletes whose primary goals are improving
performance, optimizing their workouts for best results and preventing
injuries from short and long term perspective. For best results, purpose of
which is increasing flexibility, such as routines in this program should be
performed at the end of your sport workouts.
However, if you don't have the energy after a heavy workout and tend
skipping stretching, do them in the beginning or as a separate workout in
different part of the day. Stretching should be done before workout (as part
of a warm-up) and then again after you've finished. And these two differ.
Joint rotations which are slow circular movements starting with your
wrists, head, trunk, hips, knees and ankles.
Followed by 5 - 10 min of light cardio activity such as skipping rope
or light jogging to increase blood flow in muscles or in case of long
distance running and jogging with proper breathing techniques.
Dynamic Stretching
Static Stretching (this only applies to ballet and gymnastics)
After you've finished your warm-up, you can proceed to your main workout
part and do the Hyperbolic Stretching routines as the very last thing in your
Strength Workouts
Martial Arts
Skipping rope, shadow boxing
Dynamic stretching for legs
Main Workout
Hyperbolic Stretching routines (Minimum 3 times per week - Front Split,
Pike Routine, Side Split)
Light cycling, skipping in one spot
Dynamic stretching for legs
Main Workout i.e. Cycling
Hyperbolic Stretching routines (Minimum 3 times per week - Front Split,
Pike Routine, Side Split)
Before you go to bed tonight, eat 1/2 teaspoon of THIS (before 10pm) and
boost your metabolism by up to 728%. I was skeptical in the beginning, but
then I saw the shocking proof for myself.
Within weeks folks have dropped an average of 25.3 lbs, waists have shrunk
by 7.2 inches.
Your Back, Knees,
06 Cartilage & More
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