Class 3 - Black Body Radiation

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Department of Basic Sciences,

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur

Applied Sciences: ASL 101

3. Origin of Quantum Mechanics

Dr. Aatish S Daryapurkar

[email protected]
Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur
Classical Mechanics

19th Century
✓ The law of Inertia
✓ The law of Force
✓ 3rd law of motion
✓ The inverse square law of gravitation
✓ Coulomb’s inverse square law
✓ The law of force on a moving charge in a magnetic field

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Inadequacy Classical Mechanics
✓ 1895 – X-rays
✓ 1896 – the law of radioactivity
✓ 1897 – electron
✓ Study Black body radiation
✓ Photoelectric effect
✓ Compton effect etc………

1) It does not hold in the region of atomic dimension i.e. it can not explain the non-relativistic
motion of atoms, electrons, protons etc.
2) It could not explain the stability of atoms
3) It could not explain the large number of observed phenomenon such as black body
radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect etc.

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Niels Bohr
“If you are not confuse by
quantum physics then you haven’t
really understood it.”

Richard Feynman
“I think I can safely say that
nobody understand quantum

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Black body radiation
How radiation interacts with matter?

Coefficient of Absorption =
Coefficient of Emission = 1

Lamp black can absorb = 96%

Platinum black = 98%

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Distribution of the Energy in the spectrum of black body
X 10-10

In 1899,
1850 K
Lummer and

E 𝝀 (W/m2Ao)

1646 K

1449 K

1259 K

998 K

0 10 20 30 40 X 103
Wavelength (𝝀) (Ao)
Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur
Distribution of the Energy in the spectrum of black body

1) As the temperature increases, Eλ for every wavelength increases.

2) At constant temperature as λ increases, Eλ increases till its value
becomes maximum Em at a certain wavelength λm and then
further increase of λ, Eλ decreases.
3) At a higher temperature the wavelength λm at which Eλ is
maximum, shifts towards the shorter wavelength.
4) Total area enclosed by the curve at absolute T, increases rapidly
with increase in temperature. This area represents total radiation
emitted per unit area per second by a perfectly black body at
absolute Temperature T over all the wavelength which is called the
total emissive power.
5) This is neither depend on the chemical composition of the object
nor the shape, but only on the temperature of the cavity. 7

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Failure of classical physics

Stefan-Boltzaman law

The total radiation emitted from a black body at temperature T is proportional to fourth power of
the absolute temperature of the body.

E 𝝰 T4

E = 𝞂 T4

𝞂 = 5.67 X 10-8 w/m2K4

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Failure of classical physics

1896 - Wien’s Radiation law

Arbitrary assumption are as follows:

1) The radiation inside a hollow enclosure is produced by resonators of molecular dimensions .
2) The frequency of radiation emitted is proportional to the KE of the resonator.
3) The intensity of radiation of any particular wavelength is proportional to the number of
resonators having required amount of energy.

The formula explains the experiments results fairly well for lower wavelength but for higher
values it fails badly.

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Failure of classical physics
1900- Rayleigh – Jeans law

8𝜋𝜐 2 𝐾𝑇
𝑈𝜐 𝑑𝜐 = 3


Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Graphical Comparison of Wien’s Radiation law and Rayleigh – Jeans law

24 X 10-10
1850 K
E 𝝀 (W/m2Ao)

1646 K

1449 K

1259 K

998 K

0 10 20 30 40 X 103
Wavelength (𝝀) (Ao) 11

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Planck’s Quantum Theory
1900 – Max Planck
atoms – Simple harmonic oscillators – Characteristic frequency
Two assumption are as follows:
1) A simple harmonic oscillator cannot have any arbitrary values of energy but only those values
of the total energy E that is given by the relation,

𝐸 = 𝑛ℎ𝜈

n = 1, 2, 3, ……………….n which is called as quantum number
𝜈 - frequency of oscillation
ℎ - Plank’s Constant = 6.626 x 10-34 J.s

Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Planck’s Quantum Theory
2) As long as the oscillators has energy equal to one of the allowed values, it can not emit or
absorb energy. Therefore, the oscillator is said to be in a stationary state or a quantum state of
energy. The emission or absorption of energy occurs only when the oscillators jumps from one
energy state to another.

𝐸2 = 𝑛2 ℎ𝜈 𝐸2 − 𝐸1 = 𝑛2 − 𝑛1 ℎ𝜈

If 𝑛2 − 𝑛1 = one unit, then

𝐸1 = 𝑛1 ℎ𝜈 𝐸2 − 𝐸1 = ℎ𝜈


Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Planck’s Radiation Law


Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

Planck’s Radiation Law

X 10-10

1850 K

U𝝀 1646 K
1449 K
1259 K

998 K

0 10 20 30 40 X 103
Wavelength (𝝀) (Ao)
Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, IIIT Nagpur

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