02 CGCE Colomuts Published
02 CGCE Colomuts Published
02 CGCE Colomuts Published
Keywords: Adenomatous polyposis coli / Colorectal cancer / Cycling gradient capillary electro-
phoresis / K-ras / Mutations DOI 10.1002/elps.200305770
CE and CEC
optimization of mutation detection in several tumor sup- After PCR amplification, mutant heteroduplexes were an-
pressor genes involved in colorectal carcinogenesis fol- alyzed in periodically cycling temperature gradient on
lowed by analysis of clinical samples taken from patients MegaBACE capillary-array genetic analyzer (Amersham
during colonoscopy treatment. Biosciences, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) equipped with a
Caddy plate loading robot (Watrex Praha, Czech Repub-
lic) for unattended operation. The separation took place in
2 Materials and methods a standard denaturing gel matrix (MegaBACE long-range
matrix; Amersham Biosciences) containing 7 M urea. The
2.1 Sample preparation
running conditions included injection for 120 s at 3 kV and
DNA samples were collected from large polyps (. 10 mm) running at 6 kV for 90 min. The cycling gradient tempera-
in colon and rectum from patients by polypectomy during ture profiles were created using MBCS software Version
colonoscopy examination. Tubular adenoma was found in 2.0 (Genomac International, Prague, Czech Republic).
3 Results
The analysis of somatic point mutations shows potential
for early detection of colorectal tumors through mutation
analysis of bioptic tissue samples. We have previously
introduced CGCE for high-throughput screening of sin-
gle-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using multiple
injection approach [10]. In the present work, we demon-
strate the applicability of this method in clinical research
by detecting several point mutations in tissue samples
taken during regular colonoscopy examination. All muta- Figure 2. Optimization of CGCE running parameters.
DCC intron 14 mutant standard analyzed at different
tion regions analyzed in this study were previously found
ranges of cycling temperatures: (A) 437C–417C, (B) 447C–
to be related to colorectal carcinogenesis. 427C, (C) 467C–447C, (D) 487C–467C. An optimum temper-
Prior to detecting selected mutation markers, it is neces- ature range of 447C–427C was used for mutation analysis
sary to optimize temperature conditions for all selected in clinical samples. Similar optimization was performed on
all mutation regions used in the study (see Table 1).
target sequences. Mutation detection techniques based
on separation of homo- and heteroduplexes often require
careful optimization of separation conditions including
homo-and hetero- duplexes (labeled 1–4) were analyzed
optimum melting temperature [11] in electrophoresis or
by CGCE at four different gradient cycling ranges. It can
temperature in combination with mobile phase gradient
be seen that at lower temperature range the wild-type (1)
composition in chromatography [12]. Similarly, in a tradi-
and mutant (2) homoduplexes are not completely
tional single-sweep temperature gradient approach
resolved. Clearly the best resolution was achieved when
(TGCE), the gradient range as well as gradient slope has
cycling between 42 and 447C. This is in agreement with
to be optimized in order to find the best conditions to
theoretical predictions, indicating natural melting temper-
resolve all forms (wild-type and mutant homoduplexes
ature of the DCC intron 14 target sequence of 647C since
and two heteroduplexes) potentially present in the sample
the 7 M urea in the separation matrix effectively lowers the
[13]. In CGCE, the only parameter to optimize is a range of
DNA melting temperature by approximately 217C [15, 16].
temperatures while the individual gradient cycles are per-
At a gradient higher than the optimum, the two heterodu-
formed rapidly with no delay. It was demonstrated pre-
plexes (3 and 4) co-elute. Using the identical procedure,
viously that for high reproducibility fast cycling is prefer-
conditions were developed for all target sequences
ential to slower temperature sweeps [14]. The maximum
examined in this study. The final optimum conditions for
achievable frequency of gradient cycling is usually limited
all markers are listed in Table 1. These conditions were
by the rate of temperature control inside the capillary
used to examine the clinical samples.
oven and is typically lower with increasing range of the
cycling gradient. Optimization of a new marker usually One of the most important parameters of each mutation
involves performing several runs using different tempera- detection technique is detection sensitivity expressed in
ture ranges of cycling gradient. During optimization, terms of a fraction of mutated DNA copies detectable in
cycling temperatures are usually selected 27C above and an excess of wild-type DNA [17]. While conventional DNA
below the theoretical melting temperature of the target sequencing typically detects a presence of minor allele at
DNA segment. An example of optimization of the temper- a concentration above 20%, techniques based on spatial
ature cycling conditions is shown in Fig. 2. The PCR prod- separation of mutant and wild-type (such as denaturant
uct of DCC gene wild-type target sequence was mixed at gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE, or single-strand con-
a 1:1 ratio with an artificial point-mutant standard (see formation polymosphism, SSCP) are capable of detecting
Section 2). The intron 14 mutant, labeled as C9, was pre- low-level mutations in fractions down to 10% or lower
viously found in colorectal carcinoma patients [8]. After [18]. An example of detection sensitivity using CGCE is
mixing, 5 min denaturation was performed at 957C fol- shown in Fig. 3. Two clinical samples, positive for muta-
lowed by reannealing of wild-type and mutant strands at tion in K-ras mutation hotspot (codon 12 and 13), showed
657C for 60 min. The resulting four combinations of pattern of heteroduplex peaks at the optimum separation
Gene Location
Ascendens Descendens Sigmoideum/
(15 tumors) (7 tumors) rectum
(25 tumors)
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1999, 45, 1133–1140.
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