Detection of Antibiotic Residues Among Poultry Meat in Erbil City and Impact of Thermal Processing On Remnants
Detection of Antibiotic Residues Among Poultry Meat in Erbil City and Impact of Thermal Processing On Remnants
Detection of Antibiotic Residues Among Poultry Meat in Erbil City and Impact of Thermal Processing On Remnants
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to survey the occurrence of antibiotic residues in poultry
meat in Erbil city and study the effect of thermal processing on these remnants. A total of 135 Breast
muscle, Thigh muscle, and Liver (45 for each) were examined by direct microbiological method. The
incidence rate was (11.1%), the highest rate were found in Liver (17.8%), then Thigh (8.9%), and
Breast (6.7%). The value of (p< 0.05 ) ( 0.000 ) showed significant differences between the presence
of antibiotic residues. January, December, and February take the more detection rate (20.8%), (18.5%)
and (12.5%)respectively. The result indicated that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the
relationship between months and incidence of antibiotic remnants in total samples of poultry meat
during interval of research. This study registered that the cooling at 4°C for a period of 3 days and
the freezing at (-18°C) for a period of 4 weeks gave the affect on the remains of antibiotic in different
percentages. As for cooking (boiling) for 30 minutes showed full affect on the existence of remains
antibiotics. From this study we concluded that the occurrence of antibiotic remnants in poultry meat
in Erbil city was high. The importance of public health hazards was discussed.
KEYWORDS: Antibiotic residues , Poultry meat , Detection , Erbil city, Thermal Processing , Remnants .
Fowls have been on the ground for over 150 million years. The poultry section was the most active
meat sector, because there are different advantage of farming poultry, specially broilers, over the
© 2018 Life Science Informatics Publication All rights reserved
Peer review under responsibility of Life Science Informatics Publications
2018 Jan-Dec RJLBPCS 3(4) Page No.237
Al – Mashhadany et al RJLBPCS 2018 Life Science Informatics Publications
animals, such as growth rotation which allows for repeated production during the year, the return
from the investment in broiler is fast , high feed conversion efficiency (FCE), and the consumer
demand for poultry meat was high[1-3].Antibiotics, also called antibacterial, are a type of
antimicrobial drug widely used in food producing animals as they are in human medicine, and nearly
all the classes of antimicrobials that are used for humans are also being used for food producing
animals including the most modern classes of drugs, some antibiotics are produced by a variety of
germs (Bacteria and Fungi), but most of them are now manufactured artificially [4-6]. Antibiotics are
used in poultry output not only for remedial purpose, some producers nowadays manage sub-
therapeutic concentrations of antibiotics for different goals, such as growth enhance objectives ,
hindrance or decline of disease outbreaks, improving digestion , rushing of weight gain, and increase
feed conversion ratio (FCR), and these antibiotics include a large number of compounds which can
be administered in the feed or drinking water, or may be individually depending on the reason of
prescription [7-9].The misuse and overuse of these antibiotics lead to collection of violative levels of
unfit for human consumption poultry tissues and organs as residues intended for human consumption ,
especially with the lack of knowledge between poultry producers about withdrawal periods of
antibiotics, and the presence of antibiotic residues in food of animal origin above the maximum
residue limits (MRLs)is recognized worldwide by various public health authorities as being unlawful
[10-12].The eating of poultry meat containing antibiotic remnants poses a major threats and
hazards to the public health including direct toxicity, expansion of antibiotic resistance among
bacterial pathogens that have been known as a worldwide health difficulty and escalated by major
world health organizations to one of the peak health gauntlet facing the 21st century, remedy
hypersensitivity which characterized by a spectrum of reactions ranging from mild skin rashes to
angioedema or life-aggressive anaphylaxis, disorder of the normal gastrointestinal microbiota ,
carcinogenic effect, bone marrow despair, mutagenesis and teratogenic effect of the antibiotic
remnants on human being[13-15].Residues of antibiotics have been detected in poultry meat by
various investigators in several countries [16-25].In recent decades, there has a significant increase
in antibiotic residues in food of animal origin, including poultry meat, therefore the aims of this
research were to investigate the occurrence of antibiotic residues in poultry meat in Erbil city and to
determine the relationship between occurrence of antibiotic residues in poultry meat with months
during the period of research, as well as study the effect of thermal treatment on these residues. Also
high lights on the importance of antibiotic residues in poultry meat help in the establishing public
health action that could halt the misuse of these type of antimicrobial drugs, and to focusing on the
withdrawal periods of antibiotics.
2.1. Collection of samples
A total of 135 Breast muscle, Thigh muscle and Liver (45 for each) were randomly collected from
© 2018 Life Science Informatics Publication All rights reserved
Peer review under responsibility of Life Science Informatics Publications
2018 Jan-Dec RJLBPCS 3(4) Page No.238
Al – Mashhadany et al RJLBPCS 2018 Life Science Informatics Publications
different retail markets in Erbil city, Erbil, Kurdistan region, during the period from December 2016
to May 2017. The collected sample were put in separate plastic bags and transported to pathological
analysis department, college of Science, Knowledge University, under chilling for further
examinations. In the laboratory, samples divided into 3 parts.
Part 1: Also divided into two parts, first part used to detection of antibiotic residues by direct method,
while second part used to study the effect of cooking (Boiling)(100°C/30minutes) on remnants.
Part 2: preserved in refrigerator at 4°C.After 3 days, these samples used to study the effect of cooling
(4°C) on remnants.
Part 3: preserved at (-18°C /4 weeks). These samples used to study the effect of freezing (-18°C) on
2.2. Preparation of the spore suspension. This step was done according to ( 26 ) .
2.3. Determination of spore's concentration. Done according to ( 27 ) .
2.4. preparation of test plates.
a- Muller-Hinton medium was left to cool to (45-50°C),and then it was inoculate with the spore
suspension of Bacillus subtilis (0.1ml / 100 ml medium).
b- The ingredients was poured on petri dishes and left for complete solidification, and either used in
the same day or stored in a refrigerator at (4°C)and used within one week.
2.5. Detection of antibiotic residues in samples
a- Technique of (16) is adopted for detection of antibiotic remnants in poultry meat samples.
b- Antibiotic residues were analyzed by direct plate method using Bacillus subtitles as the test
c- Result would be indicated by measuring the diameter of inhibition zones of the growth of the
Bacillus subtitles around meat samples.
d- The zone which is more than or equal to 2mm would be recorded as positive result.
e- The zone which is from 1-2 mm would be recorded as suspicious result.
f-The zone which is less than 1mm would be considered as negative result.
2.6. Effect of thermal treatment on positive samples
The positive raw samples were selected for cooling,freezing and cooking methods then we performed
the test for processed samples just like raw samples after complete thermal processing of them.
a. Cooling: Samples which showed positive results in the direct method were kept in the refrigeration
at (4°C). After 3 days examined for the detection of antibiotic residues by using of direct method.
b. Freezing: Samples which showed positive results in the direct method were kept in the freezing at
(-18°C).After 4 weeks examined for the detection of antibiotic residues by using of direct method.
c. Cooking(Boiling): A15-20grams of (Breast muscle, Thigh muscle and liver) samples which showed
positive results in direct method were placed into a strainer, immersed in 100ml of water bath
preheated to 100°C , and cooked for 30 minutes, then removed and allowed to cool and examined for
© 2018 Life Science Informatics Publication All rights reserved
Peer review under responsibility of Life Science Informatics Publications
2018 Jan-Dec RJLBPCS 3(4) Page No.239
Al – Mashhadany et al RJLBPCS 2018 Life Science Informatics Publications
the detection of antibiotic residues by using of direct method( 28 , 29 ).
2.7. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis using Chi – Square test and SPSS software version 15.
3.1. Incidence of antibiotic residues in poultry meat samples
From 135 samples of different types of poultry meat,15(11.1%)were gave a positive results for
presence of antibiotic residues. This result include 3 (6.7%) positive samples from breast muscle,
4(8.9%) positive samples from thigh muscle and 8 (17.8%) positive samples from liver (Table1).The
value of ( p< 0.05) (0.000)showed significant differences between the presence of antibiotic residues
in different type of samples.
Table (1) :- Incidence of antibiotic residues in poultry meat samples
Type of No. of samples Positive samples Negative samples
samples No. % No. %
Breast muscle 45 3 6.7 42 93.3
Thigh muscle 45 4 8.9 41 91.1
Liver 45 8 17.8 37 82.2
Total 135 15 11.1 120 88.9
3.2. Relationship between months and incidence of antibiotic residues in total samples of
poultry meat.
When we study the relationship between months and incidence of antibiotic residues in total samples
of poultry meat during period of research, we noticed that the highest rate of detection of antibiotic
residues were found in January5(20.8%),approximately to this rate in December 5(18.5%), then in
February 3 (12.5%) (Table 2).The result indicated that there were significant differences ( p< 0.05 )
in the relationship between months and incidence of antibiotic residues in total samples of poultry
meat during period of research .
Table (2):-Relationship between months and incidence of antibiotic residues in total samples of
poultry meat.
Month Breast muscle Thigh muscle Liver Total Total positive
March 6 0 6 0 6 1 18 1 5.6
April 7 0 7 0 7 1 21 1 4.8
May 7 0 7 0 7 0 21 0 0