Resolving Damage: Range Table

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Close In range to trade 0 to 2 meters Might Unarmed combat,
blows with blunt melee weapons, pistol
objects and blades,
or grapple and strike
Short Close-quarter battle Out of reach — 3 to Dexterity Thrown, pistol, rifle,
distance for reflexive 30 meters bow
shooting and thrown
Medium Range to aim and 31 to 100 meters Cunning Thrown, pistol, rifle,
shoot with a firearm bow
or bow. Maximum
modern pistol range.
Long Range to plan and Over 100 meters to Discipline Rifle, some bows, light
execute long-range maximum effective artillery
sniping and special range (standard is
weapon attacks (com- 1000 meters)
pensating for wind,
Extreme Range of heavy By weapon (typically Intellect or dice pool Missiles, naval rail-
military weapons — 1000+ meters to of guidance system guns, heavy artillery
must compensate for weapon maximum
curvature of the Earth, — 10,000 meters or
speed of light delays. more)
Out of Range Beyond maximum Beyond maximum N/A N/A
weapon range. weapon range.

Extreme: Intellect
Firing Out of Range: Sometimes you need to shoot an
opponent who is just too far away. For each range band be-
yond the maximum range of the weapon, add +2 Difficulty
to the roll.
C haracters gain special Conditions when injured, called
Injury Conditions.
There are four general categories, corresponding to

SURPRISE ATTACKS increasing levels of Complication severity: Bruised (−1),

Injured (−2), and Maimed (−4). Beyond that, you’re
Taken Out. Except for Taken Out, characters don’t often get
W hen you want to get the drop on an enemy and maximize
the element of surprise, you must set up an ambush.
Against a single target, roll Subterfuge + Dexterity or Intellect
Injured or Maimed, they get Broken Arm or Crushed Skull.
Be descriptive when applying these Conditions — weapons
vs. a difficulty half the target’s Composure (rounded down). can only apply Injury Conditions that would be narratively
Ties favor the player character. Against a group, roll against logical. If an Injury Condition wouldn’t affect your character
the highest rating among the group of enemies. Bandmates (say, they’re trying to shoot someone while suffering from a
generally should not be surprise attacking each other, but in broken leg) the Condition effect or Momentum generation
the event of intra-band strife, the roll is the same, with ties simply doesn’t apply.
favoring the defender. Injuries needn’t represent actual wounds; at the
On a success, the ambushing character or characters Storyguide’s discretion, they can be “Fated Injuries,” which
have a full round to act against their opponents before ini- are curses, injuries held in abeyance, or close calls that throw
tiative is rolled as normal and the enemies join the fight. off the character and keep them off balance. Having a char-
Stealth cannot be reestablished in a fight without the aid of acter dodge a hail of bullets only to catch the fateful one that
Knacks or Boons. Takes them Out is perfectly in-genre.
Calculating Injury Conditions: Anyone can take the
Bruised or Maimed Condition levels (or the equivalents
thereof caused by weapons). With a Stamina rating of 1, they


can take Injured (create a small box for the level). For every INJURED DAMAGE
additional 2 above (round up), the character can take one EXAMPLES EFFECT TYPE
additional Bruised Condition. Scale can add directly to this,
creating one additional Bruised Condition per Scale level. Minor Increases Difficulty of Bashing
Concussion all Mental actions and
Example: At 3 they have Taken Out, Maimed, Injured, and Firearms actions
two Bruised. At 5, they have Taken Out, Maimed, Injured, and
Broken Leg Halves movement Bashing,
three Bruised. At 11, it’d be six Bruised, and so on.
speed, and increases Lethal
Any time the character takes damage, he must take the Difficulty of all
an Injury Condition. His player chooses to take a Bruised, Agility actions
Injured, or Maimed Condition, if available. If none are Cracked −2 Defense Bashing,
available, he is Taken Out. Ribs Lethal
If the attack is from a weapon with the Aggravated tag,
the Condition becomes Persistent. Against mortal charac-
ters, lethal damage is Persistent. The four-point Critical Hit
You have suffered an incredibly serious, and potentially
Stunt allows you to inflict an additional Condition.
permanent, wound.
BRUISED Effect: None, beyond filling the damage level.
You’re beaten up a bit. Momentum: The Injury gets in your way later in the
Effect: None, beyond filling the damage level. scene, adding +4 Difficulty to an action.
Momentum: The injury gets in your way later in the Resolution: Healing magic, or wait two weeks.
scene, adding +1 Difficulty to an action.
Resolution: Various Calling or other healing magic; EXAMPLES EFFECT TYPE
otherwise, wait two days. Shattered Increase Difficulty of Bashing,
Knee/Shoulder all actions involving Lethal
BRUISED DAMAGE the shattered limb
Internal Increase Difficulty Bashing,
Bruised Ribs −1 Defense Bashing Bleeding of all attacks and Lethal
Black Eye Increases Difficulty of Bashing movement
Firearms actions Acid Burns Increase Difficulty Lethal,
Sprained Increases Difficulty of Bashing of all Physical and Aggravated
Ankle all actions any time the Social actions
character moves
INJURED You have been hurt enough to take you out of a fight.
You have been solidly hit, and are suffering from a seri- You might be dying, trapped under serious amounts of rub-
ous but still heroic wound. ble, or simply knocked out cold or too bruised to move. You
Effect: None, beyond filling the damage level. might be able to talk, but can’t make any serious efforts at
convincing someone of something.
Momentum: The Injury gets in your way later in the
scene, adding +2 Difficulty to an action. Effect: You may not take any more actions during the
scene in which you’ve taken this Condition. Any successful
Resolution: Healing magic, or wait two weeks. hit in a later scene has the same effect until you resolve this
Condition. Add three Momentum to the pool when you first

When a character faces an extreme amount of Injury Conditions or a particularly tough foe, or if they just
feel like it, the player can opt to concede. In this case, the character is voluntarily Taken Out without going
through Bruised, Injured, etc. first. The character takes no further damage, and adds three Momentum to
the pool as normal. Losing a fight should be resolved in the same way as a Condition, leading to a new
angle in a story. There are also multiple options for withdrawing from a fight; if the battle appears to be
one-sided, the Storyguide should gently remind players of these options.


acquire Taken Out, and for every time a definite lack of your an additional time for each Scale rank they have above
presence in the fight harms your companions. their opponent. Storyguides, be sparing when hitting an PC
Resolution: The Injury that caused you to be Taken and use the extra successes as much as possible — the blow
Out, while no longer incapacitating, gets in your way in a should hurt, but it’s more dramatic to break some ribs and
later scene, adding +3 Difficulty to an action. send the character flying a few range bands over and into
an inconveniently-placed car than put the antagonist’s fist
If a character is Taken Out, they can no longer actively through the PC’s torso.
participate in the fight. This doesn’t mean that they’ve been
killed outright, and the workings of Fate mean that PCs When facing opponents (including objects such as vehi-
will never be killed by enemies of a lower Tier. It’s up to the cles) of a greater Scale, a character can only deal damage to
Storyguide to judge the tone of the campaign and determine a target no greater than two Scale above her. For example: a
whether or not a character has been permanently slain. satyr (Scale 0, human-sized) with a sword can slice her way
through an armored car (Scale 2), but cannot slash a sky-

FIRST AID scraper (Scale 4) in half. In the case where there is a Close
between individuals of differing Scale, the entity with two or
more Scale above the other dictates the results of the conflict.
A fter combat, characters can give and receive first aid. This
allows a character to downgrade an Injury Condition
to one of a lower level. Make a Reason + Medicine roll at a
Difficulty based on the severity of the Injury; a character can When facing opponents (including objects such as ve-
only remove one Condition this way per session, through a hicles) of a greater Scale, a character can only deal damage
scene of picking glass out of bloodied arms, wrapping bandages to a target no greater than two Scale above her. For example:
around burned limbs, etc. A Scion (Scale 0, human-sized) with a sword can slice her
way through an armored car (Scale 3), but cannot slash a
An Injury Condition can only be downgraded once, and
skyscraper (Scale 5) in half without the aid of a Knack or
only if the character has empty Injury Condition boxes of
a lower level available. The Bruised condition is removed
when downgraded. Knacks and Boons may allow first aid to
be applied more readily, more often, or simply heal the level. WEAPONS
• Bruised: Two
• Injured: Three H arming other characters and protecting yourself from
harm are often best done with the right tools.

• Maimed: Five WEAPON TAGS

• Taken Out: One success per other Condition the To distinguish one weapon from another, Scion uses a
target has on them series of tags which indicate the special properties a weapon
has. Use these tags to design your own unique gear befitting
SCALE your story. A weapon may have up to three total points of
tags. There’s no point cost for damage type, but weapons

M ost combatants are similar in power and ability, but when

the sides are uneven, Scale comes into play. For the most
part, Scale works the same for combat as it does in the other
may only have one type. This section includes a few stock
examples to get you started.

parts of the game. Scale Enhancement bonuses are additional • Aggravated (2): This weapon deals grievous magical
successes on a character’s roll, including for Defense. If the damage, such as a blade made of raw fire or lightning,
character is an Antagonist and they would have some form of or the revealed face of a God. Aggravated Injury
defensive Scale, add half the dramatic bonus to her Defense. Conditions are things like Burned Off Completely
and Melted Flesh and can only be healed by magical
Example: Sigrun picks a fight with Hogzilla, a nemean boar abilities. This is meant expressly for magical and su-
and a powerful titanspawn. Sigrun and Hogzilla have similar pernatural sources of injury.
stats (remarkably enough) but Hogzilla gains an Enhancement
bonus of 2 successes to most Physical actions and +1 to its • Arcing (1): This weapon can be fired in an arc,
Defense, due to its superior Scale rating. However, if Sigrun allowing shots to better maneuver around cover.
gets into a fight with Boyd, a fellow Scion, then Sigrun will When using this weapon against a target in cover,
gain 2 additional successes to all actions, since she is a superior downgrade its rating by 1: Light cover is ignored, and
type of combatant. heavy cover becomes light.

Damage and Scale: In addition to the Enhancement • Automatic (2): This weapon is designed to fire in
bonus, characters of a higher Scale rating can use their im- bursts. It may be used to make a burst fire attack,
pressive power to deal additional damage. A character with which adds +1 Enhancement to applying the Critical
a higher Scale rating may purchase the Inflict Damage Stunt Hit stunt. This tag may not be added to any weapon


with the Melee or Shockwave characteristic. This • Firearm (0): The weapon is a gun. It must be used
restriction applies even if these tags were added via a with the Firearms skill.
special ability, such as a Knack or a Boon. After using • Grappling (1): This weapon grants +1 Enhancement
the Empty the Clip Stunt, the player must roll for Out to making the Grapple attack.
of Ammo with a -2 Complication for each time they’ve
rolled this scene. • Lethal (0): The weapon deals lethal damage, which
can lead to serious injury. This tag allows for the
• Bashing (0): This weapon deals blunt force damage. Scratched, Cut, or Bleeding Out Injury Conditions.
The tag allows for the Broken and Battered Injury A weapon with this tag cannot inflict the Bruised or
Conditions. It cannot be used to slice or sever objects Battered Injury Conditions.
(or limbs).
• Long Range (1): This weapon can be fired at far
• Brutal (1): This weapon can inflict massive trauma
distances, extending its effective range band to long.
on a target. This weapon reduces the successes nec-
These weapons increase the Difficulty of any attacks
essary for a Critical Stunt by 1.
in the close and short range band by 1.
• Concealable (1): The weapon can be hidden in a
pocket, up a sleeve, or inside a particularly long coat. • Loud (−1): The weapon is noisy and cannot be
Gain Enhancement 1 to any tasks involving sneaking silenced, and will surely draw attention if fired in a
the weapon into a location without someone noticing. place where people can hear it.
• Melee (0): This weapon can only be used at close
range. It must be used with the Close Combat Skill.

Though Scion is a game of semi-divine heroes, their mortal weapons may fail them. At the end of any
turn where it would be dramatically appropriate, the Storyguide may call for an Out of Ammo check.
Roll Firearms + Cunning or Composure. A failure indicates the character has run out of ammunition and
cannot continue to use any weapon requiring ammunition or with the Firearm tag until they spend an action
reloading, which may be part of mixed action using the same dicepool.


• Reach (1): A weapon with a long haft, or one where
the end of the weapon can reach up to six feet or
SAMPLE WEAPONS more away (like a whip). These weapons can be used
to make Close Combat attacks out to short range.
Knife: Concealable, Lethal, Melee, Thrown • Returning (1): Often paired with Thrown, this
weapon returns when fired or thrown away from the
Sword: Lethal, Melee, Versatile character. A boomerang is the most common exam-
Staff: Bashing, Melee, Reach, Stun ple, but a harpoon with a retractable chain would also
Knuckleduster: Bashing, Concealable, be Returning.
Melee, Worn
• Shockwave (4): This weapon can be used to strike all
targets in the same range band. This tag is reserved for
HEAVY MELEE weapons at large Scale, or for magical effects granted by
Great Sword: Lethal, Melee, Two-Handed, Knacks or Boons and is not typical on mundane weaponry.
Unconcealable • Slow (−1): This weapon requires time and effort to
Hammer: Bashing, Melee, Pushing set up, reload, move, etc, such as a catapult or trebu-
Axe: Lethal, Melee, Piercing chet. An action must be dedicated to the aspect of
Spear: Lethal, Melee, Reach, Thrown the weapon that requires work and attention.
• Stun (1): When inflicting an Injury, this weapon can
FIREARMS only be used to inflict the Minor Injury Conditions
Bruised, Staggered, or Stunned, or the Major Injury
Pistol: Concealable, Firearm, Lethal, Piercing,
Ranged Condition Battered. When a character is Taken Out
by a weapon with the Stun tag, they are knocked
Shotgun: Firearm, Lethal, Loud, Ranged unconscious.
Submachine Gun: Automatic, Firearm,
Ranged • Thrown (0): The weapon can be thrown out to
short range. When thrown, the Athletics skill must
Sniper Rifle: Firearm, Lethal, Long Range, be used. Unless it is also Returning, a Thrown weap-
on must be retrieved after it is tossed away.
• Two-Handed (−1): The weapon requires two hands
to use. If a character loses the ability to use one of her
Longbow: Arcing, Lethal, Ranged, Two- hands, she cannot use this weapon.
• Unconcealable (−1): The weapon is too big or bulky
Javelin: Arcing, Lethal, Piercing, Thrown
to be easily hidden. You may be able to smuggle it
Bolas: Bashing, Pushing, Stun, Thrown into places by putting it in a container or case of
some kind, but even this might be difficult without
arousing suspicion.
• Versatile (2): The weapon is useful outside of simply
• Messy (−1): This weapon does not damage cleanly, causing harm. Add +1 Enhancement when using the
leaving ragged wounds, or blowing apart cover. A weapon to perform any Stunts.
Messy weapon will leave behind a distinctive trail. • Worn (2): The weapon is strapped to the character’s
• Piercing (2): This weapon is meant to punch through body or otherwise worn, and cannot be disarmed.
the protective layers of armor. Reduce a target’s hard
armor value by 1 or soft armor value by 2 when deal- ARMOR TAGS
ing damage with a weapon with this quality. When charging into a fight, it’s important to protect
• Pushing (1): This weapon is heavy, large, or other- one’s vital spots from harm. Characters wearing protective
wise well-adapted to pushing foes around the bat- gear use the following rules to determine the mechanical
tlefield. After dealing Stress or an Injury Conditions effect of armored equipment. Like weapons, armor may have
to an opponent, you can also choose to knock them up to three total points of tags. To distinguish different sets
prone. of armor from each other, use the following tags, which are
all considered to be “Armored” tags.
• Ranged (0): This weapon is meant to be fired at
range, up to medium range. These weapons increase • Cumbersome (−1): The armor is big and bulky,
the Difficulty of any attacks in the close range band by imposing +1 Difficulty to any kind of athletic feats
1. It must be used with either Firearms or Athletics. performed while wearing it.


Motorcycle Jacket: Armored, Innocuous
Kevlar Vest: Soft (1), Concealable, Resistant
M ost heroic characters don’t need to worry about catching
ordinary illnesses like the cold or flu — they live in
a world with modern over-the-counter medicines, urgent-
(Bulletproof), Weighty care centers, and hospitals, after all. Supernatural blights
Chainmail Shirt: Hard (1), Concealable, and magically inflicted diseases require a Knack or Boon to
Resistant (Arrows) apply and are inflicted as Complications, which last until the
Plate Armor: Hard (3), Cumbersome target character as accrued enough successes via Stamina
+ Resolve or Survival rolls to buy off the Complication or
until the character has received medical care from a trained
practitioner. Unlike other Complications, a healer’s successes
• Concealable (2): Whether a Kevlar vest or a flaw- on Medicine + Intellect or Dexterity rolls may apply to buying
lessly made chain shirt forged by dwarves, the armor down a Disease Complication. Some Knacks or Boons may
can be hidden under clothing. grant a character the ability to remove these automatically.
• Hard (1 or 3): Hard armor grants the wearer one ad-
ditional Injury Condition box. The one-point version
of the tag gives one condition box, and the three-
point version gives an additional one. Once filled,
the boxes stay filled until the end of the scene. There
T ypically applied via an attack (such as an poisoned arrow or
blade), poisons, venoms, or toxins all inflict the Poisoned
Condition once they inflict an Injury Condition.
is no Complication attached to the Injury Condition
box provided by Hard armor. Armor cannot be both
Hard and Soft.
Effect: This Condition lasts a number of rounds equal
• Innocuous (2): This armor looks like an ordinary to the number of successes that inflicted it (equal to the suc-
object. Often a motorcycle jacket, or sports pads: cesses over the target’s Defense). For each round it persists,
things someone won’t be concerned about seeing. it deals damage to the target as though the Inflict Damage
Relic armors may have this tag as a magical property. Stunt had been applied to the target until the target dedi-
• Resistant (2): The armor is designed to protect cates a simple action to overcoming the poison via a Resolve
against a certain type of damage. The most com- or Survival + Stamina roll. Armor does nothing to resist the
mon mundane armor is bulletproof, which ignores Injuries that poison might cause.
the Piercing tag on any weapon that also has the Some poisons are soporifics, or may paralyze their
Firearms tag. Armors made by Gods may be resistant target, or deal any number of other unusual effects rather
to fire or frost or acid, protecting the character from than damage. Administer the poison as you would normally.
any Complication or Condition that may come from In the event that a character is poisoning another’s food
those sources. If enough points are available, this tag or drink, make opposed rolls: Subterfuge + Dexterity or
may be purchased more than once. Manipulation vs. an applicable perception roll. Ties favor
• Soft (1): Soft armor increases the Difficulty of the the defender. Instead of dealing damage that persists, this
“Inflict Damage” Stunt by 1. Armor cannot be both inflicts whichever kind of effect it would supply otherwise,
Hard and Soft, but certain effects may grant both resolving itself as listed above.
soft and hard armor; so long as they’re from different Momentum: Every time the sufferer takes damage.
sources, they stack. Resolution: Overcome the poison or be the recipient
• Weighty (−1): The armor is heavy or tiring to wear. of healing magic.
If a character performs extended feats of labor or
sleeps in it, she must make a Difficulty 3 Athletics
+ Stamina roll or deal with a Fatigued Condition (p.

When Eileen went out to collect the empty saucer Eileen blinked. Was some kind of fae magic about
of cream the next morning, she found a woman sit- to happen? Were her ordinary shoes about to turn
ting on the back step. The newcomer was diminu- into some kind of seven-league boots, to carry her
tive, bird-boned, and might have passed for human to where the harp was hidden?
were it not for her eyes. No whites, just yellow edge “There are fairy mounds in the Blue Hills. You
to edge, with a feline slit for the pupil. have some walking to do.”
“Well met, daughter of the Dagda,” she said, •••
dabbing at the corners of her mouth with a linen
handkerchief. She didn’t tell Maura she was driving south of
the city, let alone that she was going there in search
“I. Uh.” Fair folk. She’s one of the fair folk. Gran had of a fairy relic. Instead, she left a vaguely worded
said there was an etiquette to these sorts of inter- note about having to go pick something up for a
actions, but damned if she’d ever touched on what colleague, and ed before Maura woke up.
happened when one acknowledged your father the
God. “Well…met?” The day was overcast and warm, decent for
hiking but not so perfect the trails were crowded.
The fairy woman sniffed. “You may call me Lady Eileen puzzled at a map of the trails, casting about
Niamh.” for anything that might suggest the presence of the
“Lady Niamh. I’m Eileen.” She’d never seen a fair folk. What she wouldn’t give to have Gran at
cat roll its eyes before. Now she had a good idea her side, offering advice.
how it might look. When in doubt, she �gured, go No Gran, though. No Gran, no Dagda, no Lady
into customer service mode. “How might I be of Niamh, not even Bev.
She set off at random, onto a path that led into the
That did it. Sort of. Lady Niamh’s mouth quirked forest’s canopy. It looked empty, no hikers ahead,
up into what Eileen hoped was a smile. “I’m the and rose slowly into the hills. She had no idea
one who can assist you. My silver harp was stolen whether it was fairy-like, but it had a pleasant view
a century ago. Bring it back to me, and I will show and an easy slope, and soon enough she found
you how to return to your father’s library.” herself humming as she strolled. The parking lot
Her heart leapt at the very thought of it, then vanished around a curve, and the woods closed
plunged right back into her shoes. She doubted this around her.
was the sort of thing she could pull up in the card Other hikers had left trail markers along the way.
catalogue. “Where would I even go looking for it?” Eileen remembered some of them from a scouting
“Put on your hiking boots, daughter of the badge she’d earned in elementary school: turn left,
Dagda.” turn right, gone home.


Wait. too? Never leave the path?). She was on the right
The “gone home” sign was usually a circle of trail.
rocks, with a single stone in the center. She turned Ten minutes further on and she heard the music.
around to peer at the one she’d just passed and She’d always thought of harps as elegant, ethereal,
swore. The path had given way from concrete to the sort of music you heard in heaven, or what
well-trodden dirt to mostly grass, some bare patch- played in your head when you spotted your idol
es suggesting a trail. It was here, in a little clearing, from afar. This was the opposite of that, like the
where the circle lay. catgut strings were, in fact, being removed from a
The outer ring was composed of mushrooms, the still-living cat.
at-topped, misshapen sort that grew out this way. A copse of trees marked the path’s end, and
Fairy ring. She knew better than to step inside it — Eileen crept forward, peering through the thick
losing seven years to dancing with the fairies was branches to see who might be standing on the other
a common feature of Gran’s stories. Eileen skirted side, torturing the harp.
around it, giving it as wide a berth as she could and Plunked down on a felled tree, the delicate silver
still stay on the path (wasn’t that part of the stories, harp gripped awkwardly in his gnarled �ngers,
was the most hideous man Eileen had ever seen.

“Do you think,” said the man, “you are the �rst He set the harp aside and stood, taking his time
the Tuatha has sent after me? Do you think you’re about it. He was human-shaped, but his propor-
even the tenth?” His voice was the rumble of thun- tions were wrong: limbs too long, face too at. His
der in the distance. “Their children, so fragile. So skin resembled tree bark, and the sparse hair on his
pleasantly breakable. I feast on your kind, and still head twisted around two jutting bits of bone that
they send more.”


might have been horns. “Come out, little morsel, Still wary, he relinquished the harp. It was cool
and let me decide how best to cook you.” to the touch, the strings singing softly with only the
Shit. lightest movement of the air around them. Eileen
thought something made of solid silver would be
Any number of desperate plans ashed through heavy in her grasp, but instead it was light and
Eileen’s head. She could run, but the man’s long lovely, and if she got out of this, she swore to her-
legs would easily outpace her. She could try climb- self she’d learn how to play.
ing a tree, but she doubted she’d make it up more
than a few branches before he yanked her down. She took a spot on the fallen tree and plucked a
Screaming for help? She hadn’t seen any fellow few strings experimentally. The man settled down
hikers for over an hour. on his haunches in front of her, ready to spring.
Eileen tensed as well. Soon as I start playing, he’s
“All right,” she said, �ghting the urge to gibber going to know. But no more clever ideas came to
and ee. “Fine, here I am.” She pushed her way her, and all she could do was hope she could pick
through the branches and into the clearing. “But out “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” She thought she
what if…” she licked her lips. “What if, before you, remembered that from grade-school music classes,
uh, cook me, what if I show you how to play the provided the harp strings matched a piano’s keys.
harp?” Eileen had no earthly idea how to actually
play it, but plucking a few strings couldn’t be that What owed from her �ngers wasn’t artful. It
hard. At least, it couldn’t sound worse than what- likely only sounded like a children’s song if you
ever he’d been doing to it earlier. were drunk and had never heard the song in the
�rst place. But it was better than what the man
The man eyed her distrustfully. “You’ll try to had been producing, and as Eileen plucked and
steal it and run.” strummed and fumbled, his eyes began to droop.
“If I were going to run, I’d have done it already. Trying not to panic, too terri�ed to rejoice, she
I’ve done the math: you’ll catch me before I’ve gone dredged every nursery rhyme and lullaby out of
a hundred feet. So. At least I can hear a little music her memory that she could. She played until twi-
before I die. That’s a reasonable request, isn’t it?” light fell, and at last the man pitched over onto his
Eileen glanced up at the trees, and saw the crows side, ground-shaking snores emanating from him.
gathering in the branches. For a moment, she let Eileen continued plucking as she slid from the
herself give in to the eeting hope that it was the log. No attempts at melody now, just notes played
same ock from this morning, that Bev was nearby haphazardly, her �ngers shaking with fright. She
and would help her escape from this poorest of life tiptoed to the tree line, ducked through the place
choices. at which she’d come into the clearing, and ran like
But, no. It was only Eileen and the ugly man. And hell all the way back to her car.
the harp. She inched closer, holding out her hands.
“May I?”

Maura wasn’t home when Eileen got back to the Lady Niamh’s mouth pursed, but she nodded.
apartment. She’d left a note on the kitchen table: “Well enough. I’ll see you there.” She turned on her
Went out. Don’t wait up. The spiky letters and the heel and was gone. It saved Eileen the dilemma of
way the pen had dug deep into the paper told Eileen whether to offer her a ride, or ask if they ought to
she was on her girlfriend’s shit list. And rightly so. walk to campus together.
It was just as well that Maura had gone out: Lady •••
Niamh was waiting on the back step, and Eileen The crows were back, perched in a long black line
had no idea how she’d even begin to make that on the library roof. Bev sat on the steps, watching
particular introduction. Eileen approach. “I knew you could do it.”
“Do you have it?” asked the fairy woman. “Could’ve used a hand.”
“I do,” said Eileen, but she knew better than to “Eh. You had it. Besides, that’s not how it works.
simply hand over the harp. “I dropped it off at the I wasn’t allowed to interfere. There are rules to all
library, and you can have it when you show me the of this.”
way to the one in Tír na nÓg.”


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