Resolving Damage: Range Table
Resolving Damage: Range Table
Resolving Damage: Range Table
Close In range to trade 0 to 2 meters Might Unarmed combat,
blows with blunt melee weapons, pistol
objects and blades,
or grapple and strike
Short Close-quarter battle Out of reach — 3 to Dexterity Thrown, pistol, rifle,
distance for reflexive 30 meters bow
shooting and thrown
Medium Range to aim and 31 to 100 meters Cunning Thrown, pistol, rifle,
shoot with a firearm bow
or bow. Maximum
modern pistol range.
Long Range to plan and Over 100 meters to Discipline Rifle, some bows, light
execute long-range maximum effective artillery
sniping and special range (standard is
weapon attacks (com- 1000 meters)
pensating for wind,
Extreme Range of heavy By weapon (typically Intellect or dice pool Missiles, naval rail-
military weapons — 1000+ meters to of guidance system guns, heavy artillery
must compensate for weapon maximum
curvature of the Earth, — 10,000 meters or
speed of light delays. more)
Out of Range Beyond maximum Beyond maximum N/A N/A
weapon range. weapon range.
Extreme: Intellect
Firing Out of Range: Sometimes you need to shoot an
opponent who is just too far away. For each range band be-
yond the maximum range of the weapon, add +2 Difficulty
to the roll.
C haracters gain special Conditions when injured, called
Injury Conditions.
There are four general categories, corresponding to
When a character faces an extreme amount of Injury Conditions or a particularly tough foe, or if they just
feel like it, the player can opt to concede. In this case, the character is voluntarily Taken Out without going
through Bruised, Injured, etc. first. The character takes no further damage, and adds three Momentum to
the pool as normal. Losing a fight should be resolved in the same way as a Condition, leading to a new
angle in a story. There are also multiple options for withdrawing from a fight; if the battle appears to be
one-sided, the Storyguide should gently remind players of these options.
FIRST AID scraper (Scale 4) in half. In the case where there is a Close
between individuals of differing Scale, the entity with two or
more Scale above the other dictates the results of the conflict.
A fter combat, characters can give and receive first aid. This
allows a character to downgrade an Injury Condition
to one of a lower level. Make a Reason + Medicine roll at a
Difficulty based on the severity of the Injury; a character can When facing opponents (including objects such as ve-
only remove one Condition this way per session, through a hicles) of a greater Scale, a character can only deal damage
scene of picking glass out of bloodied arms, wrapping bandages to a target no greater than two Scale above her. For example:
around burned limbs, etc. A Scion (Scale 0, human-sized) with a sword can slice her
way through an armored car (Scale 3), but cannot slash a
An Injury Condition can only be downgraded once, and
skyscraper (Scale 5) in half without the aid of a Knack or
only if the character has empty Injury Condition boxes of
a lower level available. The Bruised condition is removed
when downgraded. Knacks and Boons may allow first aid to
be applied more readily, more often, or simply heal the level. WEAPONS
• Bruised: Two
• Injured: Three H arming other characters and protecting yourself from
harm are often best done with the right tools.
parts of the game. Scale Enhancement bonuses are additional • Aggravated (2): This weapon deals grievous magical
successes on a character’s roll, including for Defense. If the damage, such as a blade made of raw fire or lightning,
character is an Antagonist and they would have some form of or the revealed face of a God. Aggravated Injury
defensive Scale, add half the dramatic bonus to her Defense. Conditions are things like Burned Off Completely
and Melted Flesh and can only be healed by magical
Example: Sigrun picks a fight with Hogzilla, a nemean boar abilities. This is meant expressly for magical and su-
and a powerful titanspawn. Sigrun and Hogzilla have similar pernatural sources of injury.
stats (remarkably enough) but Hogzilla gains an Enhancement
bonus of 2 successes to most Physical actions and +1 to its • Arcing (1): This weapon can be fired in an arc,
Defense, due to its superior Scale rating. However, if Sigrun allowing shots to better maneuver around cover.
gets into a fight with Boyd, a fellow Scion, then Sigrun will When using this weapon against a target in cover,
gain 2 additional successes to all actions, since she is a superior downgrade its rating by 1: Light cover is ignored, and
type of combatant. heavy cover becomes light.
Damage and Scale: In addition to the Enhancement • Automatic (2): This weapon is designed to fire in
bonus, characters of a higher Scale rating can use their im- bursts. It may be used to make a burst fire attack,
pressive power to deal additional damage. A character with which adds +1 Enhancement to applying the Critical
a higher Scale rating may purchase the Inflict Damage Stunt Hit stunt. This tag may not be added to any weapon
Though Scion is a game of semi-divine heroes, their mortal weapons may fail them. At the end of any
turn where it would be dramatically appropriate, the Storyguide may call for an Out of Ammo check.
Roll Firearms + Cunning or Composure. A failure indicates the character has run out of ammunition and
cannot continue to use any weapon requiring ammunition or with the Firearm tag until they spend an action
reloading, which may be part of mixed action using the same dicepool.
When Eileen went out to collect the empty saucer Eileen blinked. Was some kind of fae magic about
of cream the next morning, she found a woman sit- to happen? Were her ordinary shoes about to turn
ting on the back step. The newcomer was diminu- into some kind of seven-league boots, to carry her
tive, bird-boned, and might have passed for human to where the harp was hidden?
were it not for her eyes. No whites, just yellow edge “There are fairy mounds in the Blue Hills. You
to edge, with a feline slit for the pupil. have some walking to do.”
“Well met, daughter of the Dagda,” she said, •••
dabbing at the corners of her mouth with a linen
handkerchief. She didn’t tell Maura she was driving south of
the city, let alone that she was going there in search
“I. Uh.” Fair folk. She’s one of the fair folk. Gran had of a fairy relic. Instead, she left a vaguely worded
said there was an etiquette to these sorts of inter- note about having to go pick something up for a
actions, but damned if she’d ever touched on what colleague, and ed before Maura woke up.
happened when one acknowledged your father the
God. “Well…met?” The day was overcast and warm, decent for
hiking but not so perfect the trails were crowded.
The fairy woman sniffed. “You may call me Lady Eileen puzzled at a map of the trails, casting about
Niamh.” for anything that might suggest the presence of the
“Lady Niamh. I’m Eileen.” She’d never seen a fair folk. What she wouldn’t give to have Gran at
cat roll its eyes before. Now she had a good idea her side, offering advice.
how it might look. When in doubt, she �gured, go No Gran, though. No Gran, no Dagda, no Lady
into customer service mode. “How might I be of Niamh, not even Bev.
She set off at random, onto a path that led into the
That did it. Sort of. Lady Niamh’s mouth quirked forest’s canopy. It looked empty, no hikers ahead,
up into what Eileen hoped was a smile. “I’m the and rose slowly into the hills. She had no idea
one who can assist you. My silver harp was stolen whether it was fairy-like, but it had a pleasant view
a century ago. Bring it back to me, and I will show and an easy slope, and soon enough she found
you how to return to your father’s library.” herself humming as she strolled. The parking lot
Her heart leapt at the very thought of it, then vanished around a curve, and the woods closed
plunged right back into her shoes. She doubted this around her.
was the sort of thing she could pull up in the card Other hikers had left trail markers along the way.
catalogue. “Where would I even go looking for it?” Eileen remembered some of them from a scouting
“Put on your hiking boots, daughter of the badge she’d earned in elementary school: turn left,
Dagda.” turn right, gone home.
“Do you think,” said the man, “you are the �rst He set the harp aside and stood, taking his time
the Tuatha has sent after me? Do you think you’re about it. He was human-shaped, but his propor-
even the tenth?” His voice was the rumble of thun- tions were wrong: limbs too long, face too at. His
der in the distance. “Their children, so fragile. So skin resembled tree bark, and the sparse hair on his
pleasantly breakable. I feast on your kind, and still head twisted around two jutting bits of bone that
they send more.”
Maura wasn’t home when Eileen got back to the Lady Niamh’s mouth pursed, but she nodded.
apartment. She’d left a note on the kitchen table: “Well enough. I’ll see you there.” She turned on her
Went out. Don’t wait up. The spiky letters and the heel and was gone. It saved Eileen the dilemma of
way the pen had dug deep into the paper told Eileen whether to offer her a ride, or ask if they ought to
she was on her girlfriend’s shit list. And rightly so. walk to campus together.
It was just as well that Maura had gone out: Lady •••
Niamh was waiting on the back step, and Eileen The crows were back, perched in a long black line
had no idea how she’d even begin to make that on the library roof. Bev sat on the steps, watching
particular introduction. Eileen approach. “I knew you could do it.”
“Do you have it?” asked the fairy woman. “Could’ve used a hand.”
“I do,” said Eileen, but she knew better than to “Eh. You had it. Besides, that’s not how it works.
simply hand over the harp. “I dropped it off at the I wasn’t allowed to interfere. There are rules to all
library, and you can have it when you show me the of this.”
way to the one in Tír na nÓg.”