Performance Assessment of Mimo Precoding On Realistic Mmwave Channels
Performance Assessment of Mimo Precoding On Realistic Mmwave Channels
Performance Assessment of Mimo Precoding On Realistic Mmwave Channels
Abstract—In this paper, the performance of multi-user gNB in order to perform beamforming of information toward
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems is evaluated in the served UEs.
terms of SINR and capacity. We focus on the case of a downlink
arXiv:1903.11330v1 [cs.IT] 27 Mar 2019
as 0NT ×M . Finally, we generally indicate with X
b the Frobenius
LoS ray normalized matrix of X.
elements II. S YSTEM M ODEL
We consider a narrowband single-cell downlink multi-user
MIMO mmWave system where a single gNB sector with
UE1 NT transmit antennas is serving M single-antenna UEs.2
ℎ"# The channel to the m-th user is assumed narrowband and is
ℎ$# described by the vector of coefficients hm ∈ CNT ×1 , and its
gNB j-th element describes the channel response between the j-
ℎ%# th transmitting antenna element and the receive antenna. This
UE3 input-output relationship can be described as
UE4 ym = hH
m x + nm , m ∈ {1, 2, . . . , M } (1)
where x is the NT ×1 transmitted vector signal, ym ∈ C is the
Figure 1: Illustration of the mmWave system model considered (bottom) and received signal, and nm is the noise term. Assuming PM to use
representation of the channel model used for each link in the framework (top). a precoder, the transmitted vector signal is x = i=1 wi si ,
where si is the data symbol and wi is the NT × 1 linear
DFT codebook. In this latter case, both the indices of the
precoding vector.
chosen vectors and the linear combination coefficients are fed
Aggregating together the precoding vectors of all the
back to gNB. Finally, it is worth observing that the accuracy of
M UEs we can define the precoding matrix W =
a Type-II CSI feedback scheme is larger, and so is the resulting T ×M
[w1 , . . . , wM ] ∈ CN . We
note that, in order to respect the
overhead [11]. The reason behind such mechanisms is to be
power constraint E kWsk2 = 1, we normalize the precoding
found in the attempt to reduce the amount of CSI acquisition
matrix with the Frobenius norm as follows W c = W . Using
overhead while exploiting MIMO advantages, such as spatial kWkF
multiplexing and beamforming. Although at the moment full this notation, it is possible to write the system input-output
CSI1 is not included in the standard, ongoing discussions are equation as
attempting to assess the trade-off between precoding gain and y = HH Ws
c +n (2)
overhead cost. where y, s and n are vectors with dimension M × 1, while
Differently from the prior art, the objective of this study channel matrix H is defined in CNT ×M .
is twofold. First, we aim at evaluating the performance of Finally, we define H̄(p) as the M × M equivalent matrix
diverse precoders when a realistic channel is considered, obtained with the product
where “realistic” denotes both the adoption of a channel
model supported by experimental evidence and the inclusion H̄(p) = HH W
c (p) (3)
of CSI imperfections. Second, we compare the aforementioned where superscript p is used to identify the different precoding
linear precoders against Grid of Beams (GoB) optimization approaches evaluated as described in the following.
approaches, with the goal of assessing the gain of linear
precoders overs simpler (and less demanding in term of CSI) A. Channel Models
GoB approaches. In our evaluation, MIMO channel vectors h are generated
As reported in Figure 1, we consider a scenario with both a according to three distinct statistical channel models. The first
realistic sectorization and an antenna array radiation pattern, as model under analysis is a standard Rayleigh fading channel
suggested by the 3GPP specifications in [12]. Moreover, two model; the second is derived from a set of extensive measure-
measurement-based realistic channel models are considered, ment campaigns in New York City by NYU–Wireless [13]; the
one from New York University (NYU) [13] and one from last model considered is the one provided by the 3GPP [14],
3GPP as suggested in [14], both used to evaluate and compare which was obtained from multiple measurement campaigns
the performance of different precoders. from different research groups all around the world. For this
Notation: In this paper, column vectors and matrices study, we adopt the channel model with the settings of the
are respectively denoted by boldface lowercase and uppercase Urban Macro (UMa) scenario.
letters. We identify with XH the conjugate transpose of X, and Both the realistic models (i.e., NYU and 3GPP) are based
the Frobenius norm is denoted k · kF while the Euclidean norm on the WINNER II channel characterization [15], and consider
is denoted as k · k. The set of all complex numbers is denoted
2 We note that the number of UEs that can be simultaneously supported by
1 According to the 3GPP terminology, the term full CSI is known as explicit the gNB sector is less than or equal to the number of antenna elements, i.e.,
CSI. M ≤ NT .
macro-level scattering paths and sub-paths. Some minor differ- pointing towards a direction. According to this principle, the
ences are present in the settings of the models, nevertheless, entire codebook spans the whole effective area.3
a major difference is identified in the number of paths and Two different GoB metrics and thus optimization criteria
sub-paths considered. The NYU characterization has higher are considered in this study. First, for each active UE, we
(GoB )
directionality obtained by assuming a smaller number of paths. identify the precoder wm P which maximizes the received
To be precise, the NYU model considered a maximum of power among all possible precoder vectors z in the codebook
4 main paths (defined as clusters), while the 3GPP channel Z, thus
(GoBP )
model can reach a maximum of 20 clusters in Non Line of wm = arg max |hH 2
m wz | . (5)
Sight (NLoS) conditions. Here, by directionality, we mean
the ability of the channel and beamforming, to focus the We identify it with the acronym GoBP , and the respective
power in a specific direction. Together with the channel, precoding matrix is derived as
also a measurement-based distance-dependent path loss model h
(GoB ) (GoB )
is considered with Line of Sight (LoS), NLoS and outage W(GoBP ) = w1 P , . . . , wM P . (6)
conditions. b) Grid of beams (SLNR optimization): Similarly, we
At the transmitter side, we model the antenna of the consid- study an alternative in which the precoder is chosen by
ered sector as a Uniform Planar Array (UPA). In this manner, maximizing the Signal to Leakage plus Noise Ratio (SLNR)
the beamforming can be performed in both the azimuth and for each single UE m. We define it as GoBSLNR and the
elevation dimensions. Furthermore, we precisely model each optimization expression becomes
element radiation pattern following the 3GPP specifications !
in [12] and [14], as done in our previous work [16]. We (GoBSLNR )
m,m wz |
wm = arg max (7)
σ 2 + i6=m |hH
P 2
consider the superposition of element radiation pattern and z∈Z m,i wz |
array factor in order to gather a precise knowledge of the
array radiation effects due to beamforming. This permits a then, the precoder matrix W(GoBSLNR ) is derived as in (6).
careful characterization of the steering beams, and therefore The rationale behind this choice is that the sum of SLNRs
a precise knowledge of the amount of power irradiated by is a close approximation of the sum of Signal to Interference
the antenna array in all directions. Thus, we are realistically plus Noise Ratios (SINRs), with the advantage of being
computing both the desired and the interfering signals. A computationally much easier to perform. This stems mainly
complete explanation of the relationship between array and from the fact that whereas the sum SINR maximization would
element patterns can be found in [12] and [16]. require an exhaustive search for all possible beams and all
The channel of each link is computed with a set of K users in the cell, the sum SLNR can be maximized by simply
clusters and Lk sub-paths per cluster (as shown in the top maximizing the SLNR of each UE.
part of Figure 1), and is represented as c) Matched filter precoder [17]: The MF, also known as
conjugate beamforming, maximizes the power of the received
X signal, without any interference consideration. It is optimum
h= gkl FT (Ωkl ) uT (Ωkl ) (4) when the noise power received by the UE is much stronger
k=1 l=1
than the interference that would result from the transmitted
where gkl is the small-scale fading gain of sub-path l in signals intended to be received by the co-scheduled UEs. For
cluster k, and uTX is the 3D spatial signature vector of this reason, it is optimum for noise-limited scenarios.4 Its
the transmitter. Furthermore, for brevity, we use subscript or precoding matrix is expressed as
superscript T, referring to a transmitter related term. Moreover,
Ωkl = (θkl , φkl ) is the angular spread of vertical and horizon- W(MF) = H.
b (8)
tal Angles of Departure (AoD) for sub-path l in cluster k [13]. The gNB computes the precoding matrix after estimating the
Finally, FT is the field factor term of the transmitting array. channel so as to direct the useful energy in the direction of
Detailed explanation on how to precisely compute all these each UE. In our evaluation, we assume complete knowledge
channel terms can be found in [13] and [16]. of the channel and we use this assumption for the calculation
B. Precoders Considered of this and the next precoders.
d) Zero-forcing precoder: An evolution of MF linear
With the intent to perform a study of the different precoding processing can be used to limit the detrimental effects of
techniques while realistically modeling the channel, we discuss multi-user interference. The ZF precoder tries to cancel the
in the following paragraphs all the approaches evaluated and power of the interference, and therefore is an optimal solution
provide details on how they are computed. for interference-limited scenarios. This interference canceling
a) Grid of beams (power optimization): This approach
3 This principle is an assumption adopted for this evaluation. Different
consists in the use of a codebook Z of precomputed precoders
that will be tested with the aim to choose the one that codebook designs can also be applied in our optimization.
4 Noise-limited and interference-limited scenario refer, respectively, to the
maximizes a specific metric. Each precoder vector in the case in which the noise power is greater than the interference power and
codebook represents a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) beam vice-versa.
1 1 1
0.8 MF 0.8 MF 0.8 MF
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0 0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
(a) Rayleigh fading channel. (b) NYU channel model. (c) 3GPP channel model.
Figure 2: Empirical CDF of the SINR for the different precoders evaluated. In these figures, we used a fixed number of UEs M = 4 and PT = 30 dBm.
Table I: List of parameters used in our evaluation. Unless specified otherwise,
property is obtained at the price of a slightly complex precoder these settings are considered as default in all the studies carried out during
computation and of a reduced received power. The precoding our evaluation.
matrix is designed according to the ZF criterion [18] and is
Value Meaning and (Notation)
given by
W(ZF) = H( b H b −1
b H H) (9) 28 GHz carrier frequency (f )
7 dB noise figure (NF)
which simply denotes the right pseudo-inverse of the matrix 100 m transmitter receiver distance
b H. 4 # of served UEs (M )
H 64 total # of antennas per gNB (NT )
e) MMSE precoder: Differently from the last two pre- [8 × 8] vertical and horizontal UPA configuration
coders considered, the MMSE precoding strategy (also known λ[0.7, 0.5] vertical and horizontal UPA element spacing
as Kalman filter precoder) maximizes the sum of the SINR. 30 dBm transmitted power (PT )
6 # bits phase shifters
Therefore, it optimizes the received power while minimizing 0.99 imperfect channel metric (τ )5
the interference signal. It can be considered as a solution in
between the MF and the ZF precoders. The precoding matrix c e(p) ,
b HW
consideration, the equivalent matrix becomes H̄e = H
is expressed as (p)
where the precoder W c e has been calculated considering the
−1 imperfect channel He .
W(MMSE) = H b H b HHb + 1 IM (10)
and it is possible to prove that it can be expressed as a linear In this section we provide some simulation results to com-
combination of MF and ZF precoders [19]. pare the performance of the different precoders considered,
which will be assessed in terms of SINR and achievable
C. Imperfect channel estimate system capacity. Before examining in detail all the results, we
Focusing on a realistic system, achieving a complete and briefly report here the SINR expression used in our evaluation.
correct knowledge of the CSI is not feasible in a practical Furthermore, Table I details all the parameters and respective
framework. To be precise, typical mmWave implementation values adopted.
does not have direct access to the signals received on each The first metric considered in our evaluation is the SINR,
gNB antenna, so learning the channel on each antenna element we calculate it for each UE m as follows
is currently extremely difficult and almost infeasible. For this (p)
(p) |h̄m,m |2
reason, we consider the performance in case the transmitter has SINRm = (p)
an imperfect channel estimate. The channel estimation error SNR + i6=m |h̄m,i |2
is modeled following a Gauss-Markov formulation, where the where SNR is computed using the transmitted power, the path
imperfect channel He is obtained using the true channel H as −1
loss `, and the thermal noise σ 2 as PTσ`2 . We note that
follows p each UE’s SINR is affected by the accurate antenna array
He = τ H + 1 − τ 2 E (11) radiation pattern that is computed considering the field factor
where each term of the matrix E follows a circularly sym- term into the channel gains, as previously described in (4).
metric Normal distribution CN (0, 1). Moreover, the scalar Finally, superscript (p) is used to identify the M × 1 vector
parameter τ ∈ [0, 1] is used to indicate the quality of the of the equivalent matrix H̄(p) obtained with the corresponding
precoder Wc (p) . We recall that the precoding matrix is included
channel estimation, where τ = 1 corresponds to perfect
estimation of the channel whereas τ = 0 corresponds to having into the equivalent matrix as done in (3).
only the random channel E [20]. This parameter depends on 5 The value τ = 0.99 identifies an optimistic channel imperfection. As
factors such as the time/power spent on pilot-based channel discussed later in the results, even with a small error in the CSI the degradation
estimation. As done in (3), and with the imperfect channel is notable.
8 8 1 1
7 GoB SLNR 7
MF 0.8 0.8
6 ZF 6
5 5 0.6 0.6
4 4
0.4 GoB
0.4 P
3 3 GoB SLNR
2 2
0.2 ZF
1 1
0 0 0 0
0 20 40 0 20 40 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 -20 0 20
PT [dBm] SINR [dB]
Figure 3: System capacity for the different precoders, varying the transmitted Figure 4: Empirical CDF of the SINR for the different precoders evaluated
power PT . In this figure, M = 4, NF = 7 dB, and the channel is modeled when an imperfect channel is considered. In this figure, M = 4, NF = 7 dB
as NYU in the left plot and following the 3GPP characterization in the right and τ = 0.99, and the channel is modeled as NYU in the left plot and
plot. following the 3GPP characterization in the right plot.
The first result is a comparison of the SINR values for the power without a preferred direction, realistic mmWave
all the precoders studied under different channel model as- channels present limited multi-paths and rays with a large
sumptions. In order to have a comprehensive view of the portion of the power concentrated in few directions. To further
overall performance, Figure 2 reports the empirical Cumulative support such interpretation, Figure 2b reports the SINR values
Distribution Function (CDF) of the SINR for all the config- under NYU and 3GPP UMa channel characterizations. We
urations considered. The results have been collected over a note that, since the NYU model has fewer clusters than its
sufficient number of repetitions in order to obtain the desired UMa counterpart, the power is concentrated in fewer directions
accuracy, thus precisely evaluating the different precoders. We and thus the GoB approaches have even higher performance.
compare both the NYU and 3GPP channel characterizations With the use of the SINR expression in (12), we can
with a random Rayleigh channel model computed as HR ∼ compute the channel capacity as follows
√1 CN (0N ×M , 1N ×M ). The figures are obtained with a
M T T (p)
Monte Carlo approach which generates random samples of Cm = log2 1 + SINR(p)m . (13)
channel and environment for all the UEs in each iteration. This metric can be used to evaluate the spectral efficiency of
As expected, the MMSE precoder outperforms all the other each configuration, and we indicate its average value by C̄.
configurations for most of the UEs. Furthermore, due to the Figure 3 plots the average system capacity in the different
high directivity of the NYU channel, both GoB precoders are configurations as a function of the transmit power PT used
able to reach higher SINR values, with respect to the MF, at the gNB side. The growing transmit power increases at the
for more than forty percent of the UEs. We note that for this same rate the received power and the interference levels for the
plot we have used a 7 dB noise figure6 , which corresponds interference-blind precoders (i.e., MF, GoB) hence resulting
to a mostly interference-limited system [21]. Due to lack of in a saturation of the performance. Conversely, interference-
space, we are not reporting here any results with higher noise aware precoders such as ZF and MMSE can have indefinitely
power. However, larger noise values push the system into a growing performance. The figures display the good perfor-
noise-limited regime, hence reducing the performance of the mance of the GoB precoder when the SLNR is optimized.
ZF precoder. We remark that, even if the average MF SINR is higher with
Figure 2 also highlights the lack of fairness among UEs respect to the other configurations, it presents poor fairness as
when the MF precoder is used. Even if the average value of previously discussed.
MF’s SINR is the highest, really high values of SINR are
Comparing the two realistic models, we can notice also in
obtained only for a small percentage of UEs. As we can see
these figures how the directivity of the NYU model results in
in Figure 2a, the precoders which do not require knowledge of
good outcomes for the capacity in the two GoB approaches
the channel (e.g., GoBP and GoBSLNR ) are unable to operate
in the range of values around 20 dBm of transmitted power.
efficiently when the channel is Rayleigh. Conversely, they
Contrary to expectation, in this particular range, GoB proce-
show SINR values close to those of MF when the channel is
dures can perform appreciably better than ZF if high spectral
modeled following the NYU characterization. This stems from
efficiency is desired, while, if a more energy-efficient operating
the fact that, while a Rayleigh channel is isotropic and scatters
point is chosen, the performance gap narrows, and eventually
6 The noise figure term quantifies the degradation of the Signal to Noise MF outperforms all the other configurations.
Ratio (SNR) due to the noise present in the system. As the last result, Figure 4 reports the empirical CDF of the
Table II: Evaluation of the gaps in the 50th percentile of the SINR expressed Finally, we have studied how the performance behaves when
in dB for the different precoders considered in this evaluation. Table obtained
with a fixed number of UEs M = 4, and PT = 30 dBm.
considering an error in the CSI acquisition. Results show
that, even with a small CSI imprecision, the performance gap
perfect CSI imperfect CSI between linear precoding and GoB vanishes.
(τ = 1) (τ = 0.99) The study of more refined MMSE approaches which include
NYU 3GPP NYU 3GPP per-user power balancing, as well as a theoretical evaluation
MF – GoBSLNR +0.87 −0.80 −0.46 −1.03 of the performance of the various techniques, also for different
ZF – GoBSLNR +1.40 +6.33 +0.89 +5.67 frequency bands, are left for future study.
MMSE – GoBSLNR +4.05 +6.45 +1.36 +5.67
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