66-3-3 Business Studies
66-3-3 Business Studies
66-3-3 Business Studies
ì`mdgm{`H$ AÜ``Z
66/3/3 1 P.T.O.
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e :
(i) Bg àíZ-nÌ _| nm±M IÊS> h¢ : A, ~, g, X VWm ` &
(ii) IÊS> A _| 1 A§H$ dmbo àíZ 1 go 8 VH$ h¢ & {OZH$m CÎma EH$ eãX AWdm EH$ dmŠ` _| hmo &
(iii) IÊS> ~ _| 3 A§H$ dmbo àíZ 9 go 13 VH$ h¢ & {OZH$m CÎma 50 – 75 eãXm§o _| hmo &
(iv) IÊS> g _| 4 A§H$ dmbo àíZ 14 go 19 VH$ h¢ & {OZH$m CÎma bJ^J 120 eãXm§o _| hmo &
(v) IÊS> X _| 5 A§H$ dmbo àíZ 20 go 22 VH$ h¢ & {OZH$m CÎma bJ^J 150 eãXm§o _| hmo &
(vi) IÊS> ` _| 6 A§H$ dmbo àíZ 23 go 25 VH$ h¢ & {OZH$m CÎma bJ^J 200 eãXm§o _| hmo &
(vii) àíZ-nÌ _| H$moB© g_J«-M`Z-{dH$ën CnbãY Zht h¡, VWm{n EH$ A§H$ dmbo 3 n«íZm| _§o, VrZ
A§H$ dmbo 2 n«íZm| _§o, Mma A§H$ dmbo 2 n«íZm| _§o, nm±M A§H$ dmbo 1 n«íZ _§o VWm N>: A§H$
dmbo 1 n«íZ _§o {dH$ën CnbãY h¢ & Eogo àíZm| _|o AmnH$mo Ho$db EH$ {dH$ën H$m hr CÎma
XoZm h¡ &
General Instructions :
(i) This question paper contains five Sections : A, B, C, D and E.
(ii) Section A contains questions 1 to 8 carrying one mark each. Answers to
these questions may be given in one word or a sentence.
(iii) Section B contains questions 9 to 13 carrying three marks each. Answers
to these questions may be given in 50 – 75 words.
(iv) Section C contains questions 14 to 19 carrying four marks each. Answers
to these questions may be given in about 120 words.
(v) Section D contains questions 20 to 22 carrying five marks each. Answers
to these questions may be given in about 150 words.
(vi) Section E contains questions 23 to 25 carrying six marks each. Answers to
these questions may be given in about 200 words.
(vii) There is no over-all-choice in the question paper, however an internal
choice has been provided in 3 questions of one mark, 2 questions of three
marks, 2 questions of four marks, 1 question of five marks and 1 question
of six marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
66/3/3 2
2. ny±Or g§aMZm Ho$ EH$ ^mJ Ho$ ê$n _| "drZg {b{_Q>oS' Ho$ nmg > < 50 bmI H$s g_Vm A§e
n±yOr VWm >< 20 bmI H$m ZrAm°Z ~¢H$ go G$U h¡ & AÀN>m bm^ A{O©V H$aZo na "drZg
{b{_Q>oS' Zo AnZo g_Vm A§eYmaH$m| H$mo bm^m§e XoZo H$m {ZU©` {H$`m naÝVw CÝh§o AmíM`©
hþAm O~ ZrAm°Z ~¢H$ Zo bm^m§e> ^wJVmZ na à{V~§Y bJm {X`m &
bm^m§e {ZU©` H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo Cg H$maH$ H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE {OgHo$ Ûmam {ZAm°Z
~¢§H$ H$mo "drZg {b{_Q>oS'> Ûmam bm^m§e ^wJVmZ na à{V~§Y bJmZo H$s AZw_{V àXmZ H$s
JB© & 1
As a part of its capital structure, ‘Venus Ltd.’ had < 50 lakhs as Equity
Share Capital and a loan of < 20 lakhs from Neon Bank. On earning a
good profit, ‘Venus Ltd.’ decided to give dividend to the equity
shareholders but were surprised when the Neon Bank imposed
restrictions on the payment of dividend.
Identify the factor affecting dividend decision that allows Neon Bank to
impose restrictions on the payment of dividend by ‘Venus Ltd.’
3. EH$ boo{Q>Z A_o[aH$Z _mH©$ Zma, O~ EH$ ñnoZ Ho$ ì`dgm`r Ho$ gmW ì`mdgm{`H$ g_Pm¡Vo
H$mo nyU© H$a ahm Wm Vmo CgZo EH$ Eogo eãX H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m {OgH$m AZwdmX ñno{Ze _|
An_mZOZH$ _mZm OmVm Wm & BgZo ñnoZ Ho$ ì`dgm`r H$mo naoemZ H$a {X`m VWm dh
g_Pm¡Vo go nrN>o hQ> J`m &
à^mdr g§àofU _| ^mfmJV éH$mdQ> H$m CëboI H$s{OE & 1
Mark Nar, a Latin American, while closing a business deal with a
businessman from Spain, used a word which was considered offensive in
Spanish when translated. This made the Spanish businessman upset and
he backed away.
State the semantic barrier to effective communication.
66/3/3 3 P.T.O.
4. AnZr ì`mnH$ `moOZm Ho$ EH$ ^mJ Ho$ ê$n _| ‘ZraOm {b{_Q>oS>’ Zo `h {ZU©` {b`m {H$ dh
AnZo dV©_mZ OyVm| Ho$ ì`dgm` Ho$ gmW {H«$`mAm| (J{V{d{Y) H$s EH$ ZB© n§{º$ Omo‹S>oJr &
`moOZm Ho$ àH$ma H$mo nhMm{ZE & 1
n`©dojU ñVa na à~§Y Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo H$m`mªo H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 1
Define ‘Efficiency’.
State any two functions to be performed at supervisory level of
6. "àH¥${V' Ho$ AmYma na "Am¡nMm[aH$ g§JR>Z' VWm "AZm¡nMm[aH$ g§JR>Z' _| AÝVa ñnîQ>
H$s{OE & 1
"EH$b Cn`moJr `moOZm' VWm "ñWm`r `moOZm' _| "AW©' Ho$ AmYma na AÝVa ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 1
Differentiate between ‘Formal Organisation’ and ‘Informal Organisation’
on the basis of ‘Nature’.
Differentiate between ‘Single Use Plan’ and ‘Standing Plan’ on the basis
of ‘Meaning’.
66/3/3 4
7. EH$ g§JR>Z AnZo H$_©Mm[a`m| H$s "_mZ-gå_mZ (à{VîR>m) Amdí`H$VmAm|' H$mo H¡$go g§VwîQ>
H$aVm h¡ ? CëboI H$s{OE & 1
How does an organisation satisfy ‘Esteem Needs’ of its employees ? State.
8. bmoJ gmoMVo h¢ {H$ Ho$db "CËnmX' H$m hr {dnUZ hmo gH$Vm h¡ & naÝVw BgHo$ A{V[aº$ {H$gr
Am¡a H$m {dnUZ ^r hmo gH$Vm h¡, O¡go "ñdmñÏ` n`©Q>Z Ho$ {bE Ho$ab nYm[aE' & nhMm{ZE,
`hm± {H$gH$m {dnUZ hmo ahm h¡ & 1
People think that it is the ‘Product’ only that can be marketed. But
something else can also be marketed, e.g. ‘Visit Kerala for Health
Tourism’. Identify what is being marketed here.
IÊS> ~
9. {Z`ÝÌU Ho$ _hÎd Ho$ {H$Ýht VrZ {~ÝXþAm| H$mo g_PmBE & 3
EH$ CXmhaU H$s ghm`Vm go "AndmX Ûmam à~ÝY' H$mo g_PmBE & 3
Explain any three points of importance of controlling.
Explain ‘Management by Exception’ with the help of an example.
10. ñQ>rbmoZ EÝQ>aàmBµOoO CÀM JwUdÎmm dmbo ñQ>rb Ho$ ~V©Zm| Ho$ {Z_m©Vm h¢ & ñQ>rb Ho$ ~V©Zm| H$s
_m±J ~‹T> ahr h¡ Š`m|{H$ bmoJ OmJê$H$ hmo aho h¢ {H$ ßbmpñQ>H$ ñdmñÏ` Ho$ {bE AÀN>r Zht
h¡ & Bggo ñQ>rb Ho$ ~V©Zm| Ho$ CËnmXZ _| d¥{Õ hþB© h¡ & {dH«$` H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE
ñQ>rbmoZ EÝQ>aàmBµOoO Zo EH$ CXma gmI (Ho«${S>Q>) Zr{V H$s KmofUm H$s Omo BgHo$ WmoH$
H«o$VmAm| H$mo VrZ _mh H$s gmI (Ho«${S>Q>) XoVr h¡ &
Cn`w©º$ Ho$ àH$me _| ñQ>rbmoZ EÝQ>aàmBµOoO H$s H$m`©erb n±yOr Amdí`H$VmAm| H$mo à^m{dV
H$aZo dmbo Xmo H$maH$m| H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & H$maU g{hV C„oI H$s{OE {H$ Cn`w©º$ nhMmZo
JE H$maH$m| Ho$ n[aUm_ñdê$n H$m`©erb ny±Or H$s Amdí`H$Vm A{YH$ hmoJr AWdm H$_ & 3
66/3/3 5 P.T.O.
Steelone Enterprises is manufacturing high quality steel utensils. The
demand for steel utensils is rising as people are getting aware that
plastic is not good for health. This has led to increase in production of
steel utensils. To encourage sales, Steelone Enterprises declared a liberal
credit policy which allows three months credit to its wholesale buyers.
In the light of the above, identify the two factors affecting working capital
requirements of Steelone Enterprises. State with reason, whether the
factors as identified above, will result in high or low working capital
11. amoñQ>oS> H$m°\$s H$m°nm©oaoeZ EH$ H$m°\$s hmCg ûm¥§Ibm h¡ Omo ^maV Ho$ gmV amÁ`m| _| H$m`©erb
h¡ & amîQ´>r` ~mµOma _| à{V`mo{JVm H$m X~md hmoVo hþE ^r AnZo à^mdr g§§JR>ZmË_H$ T>m±Mo Ho$
_mÜ`_ go BgZo {dH$mg {H$`m h¡ & H$ånZr H$m EH$ H«$` VWm CËnmXZ {d^mJ, Amny{V©
ûm¥§Ibm à~§YZ VWm g§^ma-V§Ì {d^mJ, ~«mÊS> à~§YZ {d^mJ VWm {dH«$` {d^mJ h¡ & Bg
g§aMZm go {H«$`mË_H$ Hw$ebVm _| gwYma hþAm h¡, Š`m|{H$ H$_©Mmar AnZo H$m`©joÌ _| {deofk
~Z JE & CÝh| {d{eîQ> à{ejU ^r {X`m Om gH$Vm Wm Š`m§o{H$ `hm± _w»` Ho$ÝÐ {~ÝXþ gr{_V
loUr Ho$ H$m¡ebm| na Wm &
amoñQ>oS> H$m°\$s H$m°nm©oaoeZ Ho$ g§JR>ZmË_H$ T>m§Mo H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & gmW hr Cn`w©º$ AZwÀN>oX
_| M{M©V bm^m| Ho$ A{V[aº$ Bg T>m±Mo Ho$ VrZ AÝ` bm^m| H$m C„oI ^r H$s{OE & 3
Roasted Coffee Corporation is a coffeehouse chain operating in seven
states of India. Through its effective organisational structure, it has
grown despite pressure from competitors in the national market. The
company has a Purchase and Production department, Supply chain
management and logistics department, Brand management department
and Sales department. This structure has facilitated operational
efficiency, as employees became specialists within their own realm of
expertise. They could be imparted specialised training as the focus was
on limited range of skills.
Identify the organizational structure of Roasted Coffee Corporation. Also
state the three advantages of this structure other than those discussed in
the above paragraph.
66/3/3 6
12. EH$ H$ånZr Ho$ ny±Or ~OqQ>J {ZU©` H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo {H$Ýht VrZ H$maH$m| H$mo
g_PmBE & 3
{dÎmr` {Z`moOZ Ho$ Xmohao CÔoí`m| H$mo g_PmBE & 3
Explain any three factors affecting capital budgeting decision of a
13. {H$Ýht VrZ AmYmam| na "A§VaU' VWm "{dHo$ÝÐrH$aU' _| A§V^}X H$s{OE & 3
Differentiate between ‘Delegation’ and ‘Decentralisation’ on any three
IÊS> g
14. Vng goZ Zo AnZr dV©_mZ gyn ~ZmZo dmbr _erZ H$mo EH$ N>moQ>r VWm gwdmø (nmoQ>}~b)
_erZ _| nwZ: {S>µOmBZ {H$`m & _erZm| H$mo ~oMZo Ho$ {bE CgZo AnZo MmMm Ho$ gmW EH$
g_Pm¡Vm {H$`m Omo bm^m| _| 50% ^mJ Ho$ gmW n[a`moOZm Ho$ {dÎmr`Z Ho$ {bE gh_V hmo
JE & _erZ H$mo ~mµOma _| CVmaZo Ho$ {bE CÝhm|Zo {dVaU Ho$ àË`j _mÜ`_ H$m M`Z {H$`m &
CÝhm|Zo CÚ_ H$mo "H$n-E-gyn' H$m Zm_ {X`m & àW_ df© _| CZH$m à_wI CÔoí` A{YH$V_
bm^ H$_mZm Wm & CÝhm|Zo _erZ Ho$ {dVaU Ho$ {bE Xoe ^a _| 30 à{e{jV {dH«$`H$Vm©Am|
H$s {Z`w{º$ H$s & AnZo {dH«$` bú`m| H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE CÝhm§oZo {dH«$`H$Vm©Am| H$mo
àmoËgmhZ VWm nwañH$ma àñVm{dV {H$E &
(H$) ‘H$n-E-gyn’ Ûmam Cn`moJ {H$E JE {dnUZ-Xe©Z H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE &
(I) ‘H$n-E-gyn’ Ûmam Cn`moJ {H$`m J`m àdV©Z H$m gmYZ (J{V{d{Y) nhMm{ZE &
(J) Eogo {H$Ýht Xmo JwUm| H$m C„oI H$s{OE {OÝh| {dH«$`H$Vm©Am| H$s {Z`w{º$ Ho$ {bE
‘H$n-E-gyn’ Ûmam Ü`mZ _| aIm J`m hmoJm & 4
66/3/3 7 P.T.O.
Tapas Sen, a manufacturer, redesigned his existing soup making
machine into a small and portable machine. For selling the machine he
entered into an agreement with his uncle who agreed to finance the
project with a 50% share in the profits. To launch the machine they
decided to start with direct channels of distribution. They named the
venture as ‘Cup-a-Soup’. In the first year their main objective was profit
maximization. They appointed 30 trained salesmen for distribution of the
machines across the country. They offered incentives and awards to
salesmen for achieving their sales targets.
(a) Identify the marketing philosophy used by ‘Cup-a-Soup’.
(b) Identify the tool of promotion used by ‘Cup-a-Soup’.
(c) For hiring the salesmen, state any two qualities ‘Cup-a-Soup’
would have kept in mind.
16. µOrZmo {b{_Q>oS> EH$ {díd ñVar` gyMZm VH$ZrH$ H$s nam_e©XmÌr H$ånZr h¡ {Og_| 45,000
H$_©Mmar 600 go A{YH$ J«mhH$m| H$mo 23 Xoem| _| godmE± àXmZ H$aVo h¢ & BgHo$ _w»`
H$m`©H$mar A{YH$mar Zrb gw_Z Zo H$ånZr H$mo {d{dYrH$aU VWm {dH$mg Ho$ {bE Xmo XeH$m|
VH$ _mJ©Xe©Z {X`m {Oggo `h gm°âQ>do`a CÚmoJ H$s ^maV H$s EH$ AJ«Ur H$ånZr ~Z JB© &
H$ånZr Zo AnZo H$_©Mm[a`m| H$mo gd©loîR> à{ejU Adga gw{ZpíMV H$aZo hoVw _mZH$m| H$m
{ZYm©aU {H$`m h¡ &
BgH$m "àmoOoŠQ> JmBS>§og àmoJ«m_' 52 {XZm| H$m EH$ g§a{MV à{ejU H$m`©H«$_ h¡ & `h {d{^Þ
n¥îR>^y{_`m| dmbo g^r ZE gXñ`m| H$mo Amdí`H$ ì`mdhm[aH$ VWm VH$ZrH$s H$m¡ebm| _|
à{ejU XoZo Ho$ {bE àñVm{dV {H$`m OmVm h¡ Omo CÝh| gOrd Cn^moº$m n[a`moOZmAm| _| H$m`©
H$aZo Ho$ {bE V¡`ma H$aVm h¡ & VH$ZrH$s, noeoda VWm à~§YH$s` H$m`mªo Ho$ {bE BZ gXñ`m|
H$s {Z`w{º$ {díd{dÚmb`m| VWm à~§Y g§ñWmZm| go H$s OmVr h¡ & `h à{ejU H$m`©H«$_ ZE
66/3/3 8
H$_©Mm[a`m| H$mo OëX hr bmoJm|, n[adoe, H$m`© VWm ì`dgm` go n[a{MV H$amH$a ZE H$m`© _|
ì`dpñWV hmoZo _| ghm`Vm H$aVm h¡ &
(H$) ZE H$_©Mm[a`m| H$s {Z`w{º$ Ho$ {bE H$ånZr Ûmam Cn`moJ {H$E JE ^Vu Ho$ ~mø òmoVm|
H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE &
(I) ^mJ (H$) _| nhMmZo JE ^Vu Ho$ òmoV Ho$ Cn`moJ Ûmam {Z`wº$ {H$E JE H$_©Mm[a`m|
Ho$ à{ejU Ho$ {bE H$ånZr Ûmam Cn`moJ H$s JB© à{ejU {d{Y H$mo g_PmBE &
(J) Eogo {H$Ýht Xmo VarH$m| H$m C„oI H$s{OE {OZgo "àmoOoŠQ> JmBS>§og àmoJ«m_' µOrZmo
{b{_Q>oS> H$mo bm^m§{dV H$a gHo$ & 4
Xeno Ltd. is a global information technology consulting company with
45,000 employees serving over 600 clients in 23 countries. Its Chief
Executive Officer, Neil Suman, guided the company through two decades
of diversification and growth to emerge as one of the leading Indian
companies in the software industry. The company has set standards in
ensuring the best training opportunities for its employees.
Its ‘Project Guidance Program’ is a 52-day structured training
programme. This is offered to all recruits of varied backgrounds to be
trained on essential behavioural and technical skills that prepares them
to work in live customer projects. These recruits are hired from
universities and management institutes for technical, professional as
well as managerial jobs. The training programme helps the new
employees in settling down quickly into the job by becoming familiar with
the people, the surroundings, the job and the business.
(a) Identify the external sources of recruitment used by the company
to hire new employees.
(b) Explain the method of training used by the company to train
employees selected by the source of recruitment identified in part
(c) State any two ways in which the ‘Project Guidance Programme’
can benefit Xeno Ltd.
17. "bo~qbJ' Ho$ {H$Ýht Mma H$m`mªo H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 4
{dVaU ûm¥§Ibm Ho$ M`Z H$mo {ZYm©[aV H$aZo dmbo {H$Ýht Mma H$maH$m| H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 4
State any four functions of ‘Labelling’.
State any four factors determining the choice of channels of distribution.
66/3/3 9 P.T.O.
18. "S>r.Eb.S>ãë`y. {b{_Q>oS>' Ho$ à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Am{XË` Imogbm VWm {dÎmr` à~§YH$ amOoe nwar
H$ånZr Ho$ {ZpîH«$` H$mofm| H$mo {Zdoe {H$E OmZo dmbo joÌm| Ho$ ~mao _| MMm© H$a aho Wo &
Am{XË` Imogbm H$m {dMma Wm {H$ YZ H$m {Zdoe ny±Or ~mµOma _| {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE, O~{H$
ê${‹T>dmXr hmoZo Ho$ H$maU amOoe nwar H$m gmoMZm Wm {H$ YZ H$m {Zdoe _wÐm ~mµOma _| {H$`m
OmZm C{MV hmoJm & Š`m|{H$ AW©ì`dñWm CË\w$„ Wr, à~§Y {ZXoeH$ Zo amOoe nwar H$mo ñdrH$ma
H$am`m {H$ CÝh| CË\w$„ AW©ì`dñWm H$m bm^ CR>mZm Mm{hE VWm AÀN>o à{V\$b H$mo àmá
H$aZo Ho$ {bE ny±Or ~mµOma _| {Zdoe H$aZm Mm{hE & A§VV… {ZpîH«$` H$mofm| H$m ny±Or ~mµOma _|
{Zdoe H$aZo H$m {ZU©` {b`m J`m &
(H$) H$ånZr H$mo {H$g àH$ma Ho$ ànÌm| H$m H«$` H$aZm Mm{hE ?
(I) CË\$w„ AW©ì`dñWm _| ny±Or ~mµOma Ûmam AÀN>o à{V\$b H$s g§^mdZm Š`m| hmoVr h¡ ?
H$maU H$m CëboI H$s{OE &
(J) Bg ~mµOma _| à{V^y{V`m± _wÐm ~mµOma H$s Anojm {H$VZr gwa{jV h¢ d Š`m| ? 4
Aditya Khosla, the Managing Director of ‘D.L.W. Ltd.’ and Rajesh Puri,
the Finance Manager were discussing about avenues of investing the idle
funds of the company. Aditya Khosla was of the opinion that money
should be invested in the capital market whereas Rajesh Puri, being
more conservative, felt that it would be better if the investment was
made in the money market. Since the economy was buoyant, the
Managing Director convinced Rajesh that they should take advantage of
it and invest in the capital market to get good returns. Ultimately it was
decided to invest the idle funds in the capital market.
(a) What kind of instruments should the company buy ?
(b) Why is the capital market expected to give a better return in a
buoyant economy ? State the reason.
(c) Why and how safe are the securities in this market as compared to
the money market ?
19. Xm{_Zr S>rgyµOm Zo ^maV _| "{H$Zgm [aQ>ob' Ho$ à~§Y {ZXoeH$ H$m H$m`©^ma g§^mbm & OmnmZ
pñWV _w»`mb` dmbr "{H$Zgm [aQ>ob' {nN>bo 40 dfmªo go \w$Q>H$a ì`dgm` H$a ahr h¡ &
BgHo$ {d{^Þ Xoem| _| joÌr` H$m`m©b` h¢, àË`oH$ joÌr` H$m`m©b` AnZo joÌ H$s XþH$mZm| H$s
XoI^mb H$aVm h¡ & My§{H$ `h EH$ ~‹S>m g§JR>Z h¡, AV: joÌr` A{YH$m[a`m| H$mo _w»`mb`
Ûmam ñdrH¥$V H$mofm| H$mo AnZo joÌ Ho$ J«mhH$m| Ho$ H$ë`mU Ho$ {bE IM© H$aZo H$m {ZU©` boZo
H$m A{YH$ma {X`m J`m h¡ &
66/3/3 10
"{H$Zgm [aQ>ob' Z¡{VH$ ì`dhma Ho$ gd©loîR> g§^m{dV _mZX§S>m| H$m nmbZ MmhVr h¡ VWm
_yë`m| H$mo ì`dhma _| bmZo Ho$ {bE BgHo$ {bE EH$ AmMma g§{hVm {dÚ_mZ h¡ & H$ånZr H$s
Amoa go H$m`© H$aVo g_` g^r H$_©Mm[a`m| VWm ~moS>© gXñ`m| H$mo CƒV_ ì`{º$JV VWm
noeoda AI§S>Vm Ho$ _mnX§S>m| Ho$ AZwgma H$m`© H$aZm Amdí`H$ h¡ & BgH$m nmbZ Z H$aZo na
^mar X§S> VWm Zm¡H$ar g_m{á gpå_{bV h¡ &
"{H$Zgm [aQ>ob' Ûmam AnZmE JE gm_mÝ` à~§Y Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo {gÕm§Vm| H$mo g_PmBE & 4
Damini D’Souza took over the reins of ‘Kinsa Retail’ as its Managing
Director in India. ‘Kinsa Retail’ with its headquarter at Japan has been
in the retail business for the last 40 years. It has regional offices in many
countries that take care of the shops in that region. As it is a large
organisation, the regional officers have been given the powers to decide
and spend funds sanctioned to them by the headquarter for the welfare of
the customers of their region.
‘Kinsa Retail’ wants the highest possible standards of ethical conduct
being followed, for which a code of conduct is in place for putting values
into practice. All employees as well as Board members are required to act
in accordance with the highest standards of personal and professional
integrity when acting on behalf of the company. Non-compliance involves
a heavy penalty including termination of employment.
Explain any two principles of general management being followed by
‘Kinsa Retail’.
20. h¢S>goZ, {díd H$s g\$bV_ H$ån{Z`m| _| go EH$, ‘Ý`yH¡$gb EÝQ>aàmBµOoO’ Ho$ _w»` H$m`©H$mar
A{YH$mar h¢ & CgH$s g\$bVm H$s H$hm{Z`m§o H$mo ^br-^m±{V XñVmdoµOr ê$n {X`m J`m Wm &
dh AË`{YH$ A{^ào[aV VWm `mo½` à~§YH$m| H$m M`Z H$aVm h¡ Omo AnZo H$m`© H$mo {~Zm
CgH$s ghm`Vm Ho$ g¥OZmË_H$ VWm n`m©á ê$n go H$a gH$Vo h¢ & dh g_yh Ho$ gXñ`m| H$mo
AnZm H$m`© ñd`§ H$aZo H$s VWm g_ñ`mAm| H$mo ñd`§ gwbPmZo H$s AZw_{V XoVm h¡ &
dh V^r hñVjon H$aVm h¡ O~ à{VHy$b n[apñW{V`m| H$mo R>rH$ H$aZo H$s Amdí`H$Vm hmoVr
h¡ & O~ VH$ nyU© ê$n go Amdí`H$ Z hmo dh A{YH$ma H$m à`moJ Zht H$aVm & dh AnZo
66/3/3 11 P.T.O.
bmoJm| Ûmam Jb{V`m± hmoZo XoVm h¡ Vm{H$ do CZgo grI bo gH|$ & dh CZH$mo g_W©Z XoVm h¡ VWm
CÝh| {XE JE H$m`mªo H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE Amdí`H$ gyMZm àXmZ H$aVm h¡ &
(H$) h¢S>goZ Ûmam AnZmB© JB© ZoV¥Ëd e¡br H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE &
(I) {MÌ H$s ghm`Vm go A{YH$ma Ho$ à`moJ na AmYm[aV Xmo AÝ` ZoV¥Ëd e¡{b`m| H$mo
g_PmBE & 5
(b) With the help of diagram, explain the other two leadership styles
based on the use of authority.
21. "à~ÝY' H$m Š`m AW© h¡ ? Cƒ ñVar` à~ÝY Ho$ {H$Ýht Mma H$m`mªo H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 5
"g_Ýd`' H$m Š`m AW© h¡ ? {H$Ýht Mma {~ÝXþAm§o H$s ghm`Vm go g_Ýd` Ho$ _hÎd H$m
CëboI H$s{OE & 5
What is meant by ‘Management’ ? State any four functions of top level
What is meant by ‘Coordination’ ? State its importance with the help of
any four points.
66/3/3 12
22. gw_Z EH$ goÊS>{dM Q>moñQ>a H«$` H$aZm MmhVr Wr & CgZo Am°Z-bmBZ CnbãY {d{^Þ
goÊS>{dM Q>moñQ>am| H$s Om±M H$s VWm _yë`m§o H$s VwbZm H$s Vm{H$ EH$ ~w{Õ_ÎmmnyU© VWm
kmZnyU© {ZU©` {b`m Om gHo$ & BgHo$ níMmV² dh nmg Ho$ EH$ ~mµOma _| goÊS>{dM Q>moñQ>a
IarXZo JB© & EH$ gw{dk J«mhH$ Ho$ ZmVo CgZo ghr _mZH$sH$aU {M• XoIm & XþH$mZXma Zo Cgo
{d{^Þ Q>moñQ>a {XImE bo{H$Z dh Am°Z-bmBZ Om±M {H$E JE _yë` go A{YH$ _yë` ~Vm ahm
Wm & XþH$mZXma go ~mVMrV H$aZo Ho$ níMmV² dh _yë` H$mo H$_ H$amZo _| g\$b hþB© & EH$
CÎmaXm`r Cn^moº$m H$s Vah CgZo CËnmX Ho$ {bE ^wJVmZ H$s JB© am{e Ho$ ~Xbo _| H¡$e _o_mo
H$s _m±J H$s VWm Q>moñQ>a H$mo Ka bo JB© & n¡Ho$O ImobZo na Cgo EH$ {ZX©oímZ nwpñVH$m {_br,
{OgH$mo CgZo gmdYmZrnyd©H$ n‹T>m & BgHo$ níMmV² CgZo ha {ZX}eZ H$m EH$-EH$ H$aHo$
AZwgaU {H$`m VWm AnZo n[adma Ho$ {bE AÀN>r Vah go Q>moñQ> {H$E JE nZra goÊS>{dM
~ZmE &
(H$) H¡$e _o_mo H$s _m±J Ho$ A{V[aº$ gw_Z Ûmam {Z^mE JE {H$Ýht Xmo CÎmaXm{`Ëdm| H$m
C„oI H$s{OE &
(I) Cn`w©º$ pñW{V _| M{M©V {H$Ýht Xmo A{YH$mam| H$mo g_PmBE & 5
(b) Explain the two rights being discussed in the above case.
66/3/3 13 P.T.O.
IÊS> `
23. ^maVr` hñVH$bm {damgV BgHo$ ar{V-[admOm§o VWm naånamAm| Ho$ H$maU Or{dV h¡ &
amOñWmZ, JwOamV, Ag_, BË`m{X Ho$ hñV{epën`m| Ûmam ~ZmE JE hñVH$bm CËnmX Z Ho$db
Xoe _| Cn`moJ {H$E OmVo h¢ A{nVw g§.am. A_o[aH$m, O_©Zr, `y.Ho$., \«$m§g VWm {díd Ho$ AÝ`
Xoem| _| ^r {Z`m©V {H$E OmVo h¢ & BZ CËnmXm| Ho$ {Z`m©V H$s _mÌm go ^maV H$mo ^wJVmZ
g§VwbZ VWm AË`{YH$ Amdí`H$ {dXoer _wÐm H$m bm^ {_bVm h¡ & àYmZ _§Ìr MmhVo h¢ {H$
hñVH$bm CÚmoJ H$mo VH$ZrH$s Ho$ gmW Omo‹S>H$a BgH$m {dñVma {H$`m OmE & BgH$m Ho$ÝÐ
{~ÝXþ {Z_m©Ur à{H«$`m H$mo n[ad{V©V H$aZm, {Q>H$mD$nZ H$mo gw{ZpíMV H$aZm VWm ZdàdV©Zm|
H$mo AnZmZm hmoZm Mm{hE &
Cn`w©º$ AZwÀN>oX go n§{º$`m| H$mo CX²Y¥V H$aVo hþE ì`mdgm{`H$ n`m©daU Ho$ {H$Ýht Mma
Am`m_m| H$mo g_PmBE & 6
India’s craft heritage is surviving because of its customs and traditions.
Craft products made by craftsmen of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Assam, etc. are
not only used in the country but are also exported to USA, Germany, UK,
France and other countries of the world. The volume of exports of these
products gives India an advantage in balance of payments and the much
needed foreign exchange. The Prime Minister desires that the handicraft
industry should be expanded by linking it with technology. Focus should
be on changing the manufacturing process, ensuring durability and
adopting innovations.
Quoting the lines from the above paragraph, explain any four dimensions
of the business environment.
24. H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ {ZînmXZ _| gwYma Ho$ {bE CÝh| A{^ào[aV H$aZo _| à`wº$ {H$Ýht N>…
µJ¡a-_m¡{ÐH$ A{^àoaH$m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 6
‘‘n`©dojH$ Ho$ H$m`© VWm CZH$m {ZînmXZ EH$ g§JR>Z Ho$ {bE ~hþV _hÎdnyU© hmoVm h¡ Š`m§o{H$
dh H$m_Jmam| Ho$ gmW àË`j ê$n go Ow‹S>m hmoVm h¡ O~{H$ AÝ` à~ÝYH$m| H$m {ZåZ ñVar`
H$m_Jmam| Ho$ gmW H$moB© àË`j gå~ÝY Zht hmoVm &’’ Bg H$WZ Ho$ g§X^© _| n`©dojH$ Ho$
{H$Ýht N>: H$m`mªo H$mo g_PmBE & 6
66/3/3 14
Describe any six non-monetary incentives that are used to motivate the
employees to improve their performance.
‘‘The functions and performance of the supervisor are vital to an
organisation because he is directly related with the workers whereas
other managers have no direct touch with bottom level workers.’’ In the
light of this statement, explain any six functions of a supervisor.
25. EH$ df© _| ^maVr` OZg§»`m Ho$ 90% ^mJ VH$ nh±þMZo Ho$ _hÎdmH$m§jr bú` Ho$ gmW gm¡a^
O¡Z Zo "H$sQ>moZ' Zm_ go EH$ Q>obrH$m°_ ì`dgm` Zm{gH$ _| ñWm{nV {H$`m & CgZo Bg
ì`dgm` H$m M`Z Bg YmaUm Ho$ gmW {H$`m {H$ AJbo 2 – 3 dfmªo _| S>oQ>m godmAm| H$s _m±J
Mma JwUm ~‹T> OmEJr & Bg _hÎdmH$m§jr bú` H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE Cgo `m Vmo {H$gr
dV©_mZ Q>obrH$m°_ ì`dgm` H$m A{YJ«hU H$aZm Wm AWdm {H$gr Ho$ gmW gh`moJ H$aZm Wm
AWdm H$R>moa à{V`mo{JVm Ho$ H$maU AmH«$m_H$Vm Ho$ gmW ñdV§Ì ê$n go AHo$bm MbZm Wm &
`h AÀN>r Vah go OmZVo hþE {H$ Xoe H$s Am{W©H$ Zr{V`m| _| n[adV©Z Ho$ H$maU AZw_mZ
~Xb gH$Vo h¢, CgZo {d{^Þ H$ån{Z`m| Ho$ àñVmdm| H$m VwbZmË_H$ _yë`m§H$Z à{V A§e Am`,
H$a Xo`Vm, bm^m§e ^wJVmZ, Am{X Ho$ AmYma na {H$`m &
Cn`w©º$ AZwÀN>oX _|o à~§Y Ho$ EH$ H$m`© Ho$ Hw$N> MaUm| H$s MMm© H$s JB© h¡ & Cn`w©º$ AZwÀN>oX
go n§{º$`m± CX²Y¥V H$aVo hþE BZ MaUm| H$mo H$mbH«$_~Õ ê$n go g_PmBE & 6
Saurabh Jain set up a telecom business in Nasik, named as ‘Ketone’, with
an ambitious target of reaching out to 90% of the Indian population
within one year. He chose this business on the belief that the demand for
data services will increase 4 times within the next 2 – 3 years. To fulfil
such an ambitious target, he had to either acquire an existing telecom
business or collaborate or go independent aggressively in the light of
tough competition.
He assessed the proposals of different companies vis-a-vis earnings per
share, tax liabilities, dividends paid, etc. and their future projections,
knowing fully well that the projections may change if the country’s
economic policies get modified.
The above paragraph discusses some of the steps of one of the functions
of management. By quoting the lines from the above paragraph, explain
these steps in chronological order.
66/3/3 15 P.T.O.