Meseron Therapy
Meseron Therapy
Meseron Therapy
Meseron Therapy
Caroline. E. Ofovwe
Department of Mental Health, School of Medicine, College of Medical Sciences,
University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.
Email: cofovwe; [email protected]
Meseron therapy was developed by Alfred Awaritefe in 1995, the word Meseron is an
Urhobo word which means “I reject it”. The core component in Meseron therapy is the
power of the spoken word which cuts across cultural and religious boundaries. A general
opinion is that words are powerful; they can make or mar, indeed, life and death are said to
lie in the tongue. [Prv. 18:21] The Urhobos characteristically reject the unwholesome by
saying “Meseron” i.e. “I reject it” at the mention of anything unwholesome. Incidentally this
practice has found its way into conventional expression among Nigerians as reflected in an
increased sensitivity to reject the unwholesome, unwelcome and unpleasant with phrases like
“I reject poverty”, “I reject ill health” “it is not my portion” “God forbid” and so on. This
widespread “I reject it” mind-set makes Meseron therapy a viable tool in clinical practice if
well harnessed. Meseron therapy possess therapeutic strength and value with its undertone of
optimism and resilience. However, Meseron therapy does not subscribe to empty optimism,
the flipside of rejecting the unwholesome is accepting the wholesome. Research evidence
abound on its use in therapeutic interventions like the management of fear, emotional
disorder, as an antidote to stress etc. Meseron therapy also compares favourably well with
western therapies of cognitive and motivational perspectives. This paper attempts to expose
the rich theoretical viewpoints of Meseron therapy with the hope that its use in research/
clinical practice will be further enhanced.
definition of mental health as “not just the cultural diversity and the need
absence of mental disorder, but a state of to meet individuals at a level
well-being in which every individual they can relate with thus
realizes his or her own potential, can cope enhancing the gains as well as
with the normal stresses of life, can work achieving the goals of
productively and fruitfully, and is able to psychotherapy. To this end, a
make a contribution to her or his number of psychotherapies
community.” have emanated these include
There are diverse Ubuntu therapy from South
psychotherapies based on Africa, Harmony restoration
different theoretical therapy (Ebigbo, 1989) and
orientations ranging from the Meseron therapy (Awaritefe,
Psychoanalytical, Behavioural, 1995) from Nigeria.
Humanistic to the Cognitive, in
the same vein the goal and Meseron therapy was developed by Alfred
target can be equally varied, Awaritefe in 1995 from a broad conception
encompassing individual, of man as a striving being. The word
group, insight/ action oriented, “Meseron” is an Urhobo word which means
supportive or family “I reject it.” The power of the spoken word
psychotherapies. Further still, remains a core component in Meseron
psychotherapies can be therapy. The widespread acclamation of the
categorized into being western power of the spoken word creates a veritable
or non-western or indigenous platform for Meseron as a therapeutic tool if
and non-indigenous. Although well harnessed. Meseron therapy subscribes
the foundation of psychology is to the assumption that the spoken word has
deeply rooted in Euro the ability to sensitize an individual for
American ideology, over the constructive engagement with his/her
years scholars have stressed the experiences. By way of an example, mere
need for the emergence and words like “this is how I am, I cannot
incorporation of non-western change myself” significantly differentiates
ideologies. The promotion of the reactive individual from the proactive
non-western therapies is borne individual who says” I do not like this
out of the opinion that non- position, I reject it and I choose to change
western cultures have their it” The former by his/her verbal declaration
inherent worldviews deserving seizes to strive and is relegated to a position
of recognition and of passivity and/or in action, conversely the
appreciation, moreover both latter is energized to act and take charge.
types of psychotherapies are The conceptual framework of Meseron
concerned with the same therapy (Ofovwe, 2005) provides four
objectives as is evident from salient steps that serve as a guide for the
the definition and goals of therapeutic process; viz:
psychotherapy. Additionally, a.) Acknowledgement of the disabling
the incorporation of indigenous symptom/problem.
psychotherapy into main b.) A desire to be disassociated from the
stream psychotherapy symptom/problem.
acknowledges the concept of c.) A conscious effort to overcome.
38 International Journal for Psychotherapy in Africa (2:1)
Western psychotherapies can be can only be gotten from works borne out of
traced to the foundation of psychology as a interest in indigenous therapies.
discipline, and thus have enjoyed long years Lack of opportunity for use: A claim of
of adoption and trials, unfortunately this is lack of opportunity for use seems a weak
not the case of indigenous therapies that are excuse. As a therapeutic tool, Meseron
still in their early stages of development. therapy can be profitably applied to a
The preference for western psychotherapies number of psychological problems ranging
over indigenous therapies is stifling. from depression, phobia, and anxiety, to
Indigenous therapies should be given a wellbeing issues like motivation and
chance to grow, that way they can be used resilience.
alongside western therapies and their
similarities and differences highlighted as Conclusion
addressed by Ofovwe and Awaritefe (2008) In the context of positive psychology, in
in their work on Rational emotive therapy which emphasis is placed on positive human
and Meseron therapy: a comparative qualities and experiences over elimination of
analysis. Interestingly, indigenous healing distressing symptoms (Seligman &
methods are not viewed as a legitimate and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Snyder & López,
empirically valid form of healing by many 2002). We propose that the philosophical
Western mental health bodies ideologies of Meseron therapy be applied as
(LaFromboise, 1988). The onus thus rests on a strategy for the development and
non-western practitioners and researchers to promotion of resilience. The benefits of
propagate non-western ideologies and resilience has been severally reported;
therapies. resilient people persist in the face of
Notably, preference cannot be obstacles and, when necessary, accept
equitably discussed when one party has not circumstances that cannot be changed.
been given a fair hearing. In other words the Resilience provides a buffer to protect us
premise has not provided the impetus for from psychological and physical health
choice; it must be stressed that except a consequences during difficult times.
conscious effort is made to independently Current global experiences call for the
develop as well as integrate non-western development of resilience. The need to open
therapies with western therapies the issue of new vistas in positive psychology
preference becomes a fallacy. Not particularly in the area of resilience as it
surprisingly, a number of scholars pertains Meseron therapy cannot be
(Durojaiye (1993), Peltzer and Bless, overemphasized. The association between
(1989), Owusu-Bempah and Hoffitt (1995), an “I can” mind-set and a vigour to conquer
Nsamenang (2007) have resisted the cling to ones circumstance by a conscious refusal
Euro American psychological ideologies to (Meseron= I Reject it) positively correlates
the neglect of home bred orientations. with the attributes of resilience.
Furthermore, our present political, social
Lack of guidelines for use: Meseron and economic climate calls for a therapy that
therapy does not lack guidelines for its use, focuses on the elimination of symptoms of
previous clinical interventions provide basic distress without neglecting the need for
guidelines that can serve as a platform to empowering the individual in required skills
build on. The importance of a manual such as highlighting strengths that are
cannot be overemphasized, yet the hitherto unused,.
ingredients necessary for such a template
Ofovwe, C.E. (2017). Meseron Therapy, 41
International Journal for Psychotherapy in Africa 2(1):36-42