LLB PIII 5year Paper4

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L.L.B. (05 Years) Part – III Annual Examination – 2023

Subject: Law of Contract Paper: IV Time: 3 Hr. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any FIVE Questions in all by selecting FOUR questions from Part-I and
ONE Question from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.

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SubieCt: Law of Contract Paper: lV Time: 3 Hr. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any FIVE Quesfions in all by setecting FOUR guesfions from paft-l and
oNE Quesfion from Paft-lt. All questions cariequal marks.

Pa.rt-I (Law of Con$,aet)

l' Define the temt Contract. What are the essentials of a valid contact?
Explain with the
2. Explain circunostances with examples in which Contract is \Blid even without
3. Argue about the capacity of party in the light of Section llof Conhast A* l8l2,which
states that "a minor, a person of unsourd ntd, and person disgwtised
by lon, oe not
comwtent to contract".
4. What do you understand by the term 'undue influence' and what is the legal effect of
undue influence on a Confiact. Also elaborate with thc help of examples
when a Contract
is said to be induced by undue influence?
5. Discuss briefly "expressly declarcd void agreemeof' $rith excopions if ann iE tbe ligtt
of the relevant provisions of law of conhact Act 1g72.
6. What are the various modes in which a Contact may be discharged/t€rginatoq elaborato
with special reference to the law relating to discharge of Conbact by agreement and
supewening impossibility
7. What remedies are available to an aggrieved party in case of breach of Contract?
8. Explain the tenn 'contract of guaraatee' and 'Contact of indemnity'' aad draw a
distinction between these two.

9, Define &e term 'sale' and 'agreement to scll' also betwcen sale aod agrcement to sell.
10. Explain the Doctine of 'Cavet Emptor' and ie exceptioms, elabordc
with the help of
UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB :':.:.:.'I!"I"''"': I Rolt No. ................ :
L.L.B. (05 Years) Part - lll Annual Examination - 2021 1............. o......!
Subject: Law of Contract Paper: lV Time: 3 Hr. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any FIVE Questions in all by selecting FOUR guesfrbns from Part'l and
ONE Questron from Part-ll. All questions carry equal marks.

PART - I (Lsw of Contract)

Q.Na I Wlat arc teciprocal prcmiscstr and "sltemative promise? Exdain with

Q.No 2 Ulbat is 'bovalion', teecission' ud talteration' of oon&acf? &rylain with


Q. No.3 Pleam explain with ocramples tho contrst of guaranty, snrcty, priasipl, dcbtor
aod wditor.

Q. No.4 Defre hilmt, hilor and bnilec almgwith the orpluntion lYMor any
liability ofbailee aris6 by makirg unanhodzd use of goods bqilsd?

Q. No. 5 Whst ara the respoffiibilifies ofbaite u,hm the goods arc not duly nturnsd?

Q. No. 6 Defiro thc term Ag*nt and Prilrcipal ed dissrr$s the law rcgordiug oblig$ious and
&siee of agafi toureds prircipaL

Q. No. 7 A is employed by B, residirg in Lo&n, fi, resovcr d Karachi s dph frro to B. A

nsy adopt any legal procffi nffistry for &e puryos of mvuirg tb dsbt and
may glvc a rnrlid dischrgo for tho smo. Plcrsc discuss with rt.fwnsc to xtmt of
agmt's aflhority.

Q. No. E Wbat re ths por{icfir to s€t asiils a coffict inducod by rmduc idrruce? Dissuss

PART- tr fi,aw of Sale of Goods)

Q.No.9 Pleaso discuss

*sala by dosoipion'd t pliua oondrtionf ss to quality or

Q. No, l0 Plase discnss tbe law rcgErding lh prformancc of contnct vis-&vil tto &xix
of tk sellcr ad ths b,lycr, pal,nd and dolivmy, part*livay and ruIcs as to
・ ・ ・ ・・ ・ ・ ・・


Subiect: Law of Contract Paper: lV
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T:me:3 Hr.


Note: Attempt any FIVE Quesfioas in alt by selecting FOIJR guestions from Part-l and
ONE i)uesion from PartJl. All qu*tions carry equal marks'


t: According to section l0 of Contract Act, 1872 "All agreements arG contacts,

ifthey aIe
made by the free consent ofthe parties, competent to contrac! for
a lawful consideration

with a lawful object, and not hereby expresly to be void. where necessary,

agreemants must satisry their requirements of law regarding writing attestation

registration", tnterpret the statement with the help of examples'
Q2: Explain the principles in the light ofsection 4 and section 5 ofContract Act, relating
communication of offer, accepiance and revocation.

Who is competent to make a contract? Explain the legal position of contract

with persons
disqualified by law.
,.misrepresentation"? Explain the essentials of misrepresentation and its
el: Define the term
effect on a contract.

Page 1 of2 P.T.0

Q 5: Explain an agrcement in restraint of trade. What are the exceptions to this agreement?
Elaborate in the context ofsection 27 ofContract Act.

Q 6: Discuss the various modes in which a conrad may be discharged and refer the examples
!o explain these modes.

Q 7: Enumerate the rights and dutics ofbailee?

Q8: Give a brief note on contract of Indemnity and a contract of Guarantee. Also
di fferentiate between two,

Part-II [Law of Sale of Goodsl

Q 9: What do you understand by phrase *Doctrine of Caveat Empor?', Explain the exceptions
to &is doctrine in the light of relevant provisions of Sale of Goods Acq 1930.

p 10.' How the sale is different from agreement to sell? Give the solid reasons,

Page 2 ol 2

Sut t eCt : Law of Contract Paper: lV

Note: Aftempt any FIVE Quesfions in all by selecting FOIIR questions from Part-l
ONE 6ues{ion from Part-ll. All questions carry equal marks'

Q. 1 What are the essentials of a valid contract? Discuss in detail'

Q.2 Every person is not competent to contract. Discuss in the light of

rules regarding capacity of parties provided in Contract Ad,1872.

Q.3 Define fraud and misrepresentation and distinguish between two.

Q.4 Contract Act, 1872 has expressly declared certain agreements as

void. What are those agreements? Discuss in detail.

Q.s What remedies are available to an aggrieved person for breach of

contract? Discuss in detail.

Page 1 of2 P.T.O.

Q. 6 There are certain relations where parties can enforce their rights
even without a formal contract. Discuss in the light of relevant
provision of Contract Act, 1872.

Q. 7 Define indemnity and guarantee. When surety is discharged from


Q. I Define bailment. What are the rights and duties of a bailee?


Q.9 Define sale and agreement to sell and distinguish between the

Q. 10 Who is "Unpaid Seller"? What are his rights provided in Sales of

Goods Act?

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' , Subi ect : Law of Cont r act PapeH I V
: 慰二 Ti me: 3 Hr s.
. 11111。1
ⅣEar ks: 100

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e. 1 Define consideration. What are the exceptions to the rule "an

agreement without consideration is voidr'?

Q. 2 "Every contract is an agreement, but every agreement is not a

contract". Discuss in the light of essentials of a valid contract.

Q. 3 What is meant by "Quasi contracts"? Discuss in the light of

relevant provisions of Contract Act.

Q. 4 Define Guarantee. what are the rights of a surety?

Q. 5 Who is finder of goods? What are his rights and duties?

P. T. 0.
Q.6 What are the rules relating to "Appropriation of payments"
in Contract Act?
Q.7 What remedies are available to an aggrieved person for breach

Q.8 Definefreeconsent.Whatarethefactorswhichaffectthefree


Q.9 Define Condition and Warranty? Distinguish between two'

Q. 10 Define "sale" and "Agreement to sell" and distinguish between


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