Flyer - Design - Innovation Management - Vollzeit
Flyer - Design - Innovation Management - Vollzeit
Flyer - Design - Innovation Management - Vollzeit
Under this trend, specialists with exclusive, interdiscipli- knowledge in the two subject areas as well as soft
nary expertise in design and management are needed. skills in view of personal development. Through
Crucial in creating high value-added products and practice-oriented modules, students are to acquire
services for consumers, creativity and high-quality transfer competence to consolidate their practical
design and the resulted innovations are proven to be competence in design and innovation management.
essential to corporate competitiveness and growth. A course of advanced business English rounds up
High-qualified professionals with strong design compe- the programme with an international perspective.
tence and management skills are to fulfil the double
function in companies and organisations to optimise Graduates of the programme are able to identify and
innovation methods and processes while ensuring solve practice-relevant problems of design and inno-
creative design quality for a sustainable growth. vation management and to conduct applied research
projects independently, taking into account social,
The FOM Master’s study programme “Design & Innova- economic, technological and ethical factors. Successful
tion Management” is developed to meet the market completion of this programme paves the way to career
demand for specialised professionals capable of design opportunities in the management level in companies
and innovation management. The programme contents, - especially international companies - of various
combining the reputable management expertise of industries and sectors, where the combination of
FOM University of Applied Sciences and the strength of design/innovation and management competence is
design and innovation, integrate sound methodological needed.
M A S T E R O F A R T S D E S I G N & I N N O VAT I O N M A N A G E M E N T – F U L L -T I M E
As one of the European Green Capitals, the city offers countless Place of study
recreation possibilities accompanied by plenty of cultural high- Essen, Germany
lights: the renowned Folkwang Museum, the Krupp Residence
Credit points
Villa Hügel, UNESCO World Heritage Zollverein Coal Mine
120 ECTS
Complex, Red Dot Museum, theatres and concert halls. Open,
vibrant, and versatile – Essen is waiting for you. Fees
Registration fee: 1,580 €, Tuition fee: 15,570 €,
Examination fee: 350 €, Total cost: 17,500 €
Master of Arts (M. A.)
Admission requirements
University degree of 180 ECTS with:
at least 60 ECTS in business administration, and
at least 60 ECTS in design or related disciplines,
e.g. art*
English language proficiency B2
FOM University
FOM424-Int_PR – 06/23
*If your university degree only covers one of the two mandatory
FOM University was founded in 1991 at the initiative of the non-profit subject fields, you can fulfil the admission requirements by
“Stiftung BildungsCentrum der Wirtschaft” (Foundation for the completing a bridge course in the missing subject. Please refer
Centre of Education for Trade and Industry). With more than 50,000 to the information sheet "Bridge Courses for Self-Study".
students on 35 campuses in Germany, FOM is one of the largest
universities in Europe. Focus of the university is to provide students
with practice-oriented higher education to promote knowledge
transfer between the university and business.
Business Administration /
Engineering & Technology / Design
Preparation Courses for International Master’s Programmes
Prior knowledge in a related subject field is often mandatory for attending a Master’s programme.
Our bridge courses for self-study provide you with the opportunity to acquire the necessary subject
knowledge required for your chosen degree programme before the programme starts – regardless
of your time zone and location.
The bridge courses are Moodle-based and free of charge for candidates of our international Master’s
Corresponding programmes:
• M.Sc. Industrial Engineering
Online counselling sessions and oral exam require registration in advance. Up to two exam repetitions are allowed.
For more information, please contact the International Office: [email protected].