Career Pathways of Technical, Vocational and Livelihood Senior High School Graduates in Pililla National High School

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Volume: 17
Issue 2
Pages: 104-112
Document ID: 2024PEMJ1546
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10659256
Manuscript Accepted: 01-24-2024
Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Career Pathways of Technical, Vocational and Livelihood Senior High School

Graduates in Pililla National High School
Ricter C. Robles,* Nova Hebron-Ariston
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study focused on the career pathways on Technical Vocational and Livelihood-Electrical Installation
Maintenance (TVL-EIM) graduates from the school years 2017-2018 to 2020-2021 at Pililla National High School.
The research employed a quantitative approach with a descriptive research design, utilizing a self-constructed
questionnaire and conducting in-depth interviews to collect data on employment status, further education pursuits, and
job satisfaction. The findings indicated that a significant number of these graduates have recently recognized the
importance of pursuing further education. Additionally, the study discovered that various factors related to career
pathways significantly influenced the status of TVL-EIM graduates. These factors encompassed career choice, career
development, education, employment, entrepreneurship, personality, skills, and talent. Collectively, these variables
played a pivotal role in determining the outcomes and status of TVL-EIM graduates.
Keywords: career pathways, status of technical, vocational and livelihood graduates

In recent years, there has been a global shift in education towards a more holistic approach that considers the diverse interests and
abilities of students. The Philippines has adapted to this change by making adjustments in its educational system to meet the evolving
needs of learners. These changes have provided students with valuable opportunities to learn innovative skills, media and technology
literacy, communication skills, and life skills through the new Senior High School curriculum. This is an important step in raising the
Philippines' international standards and improving its global competitiveness.
The Philippines has made significant efforts to enhance curriculum design, teacher training, and educational infrastructure, prioritizing
education and skill development to build a solid foundation for increasing competitiveness on a global scale. Achieving an environment
that supports quality, innovation, and parity with international standards requires collaboration among the government, educational
institutions, and industry, and the participating institutions have worked together.
School-industry collaboration is highlighted as essential, emphasizing trust, shared vision, effective communication, and intellectual
property management. Insights from a study by Ankrah and Al Tabbaa (2015) provide strategies for promoting effective collaboration
and aligning education with industry requirements.
Pililla National High School, recognized for its commitment to providing quality education, offers a comprehensive Technical,
Vocational, and Livelihood (TVL) program. The school aims to equip students with relevant technical skills, nurture their talents, and
empower them to pursue meaningful careers aligned with their interests and aspirations.
The Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood (TVL) track focuses on specific vocations and industries, tailoring technical skills to meet
industry demands. This ensures that graduates possess practical knowledge and competencies that employers seek, bridging the skills
gap and producing individuals who are ready for the job market.
The TVL programs not only impart technical skills but also provide a foundation for career growth and advancement. By nurturing
talents and interests, students can develop clear career pathways and build upon their skills and knowledge to pursue higher positions
and responsibilities in their chosen fields.
Enabling students to pursue meaningful careers aligned with their interests and aspirations contributes to their overall satisfaction and
well-being. Working in roles that resonate with their passions allows individuals to experience a sense of purpose, motivation, and
personal fulfillment in their professional lives.
Moreover, the technical skills acquired through the TVL track can empower students to become entrepreneurs and start their own
businesses. They possess the necessary expertise and practical know-how to establish ventures in their chosen fields, creating economic
opportunities for themselves and contributing to the local economy.
TVL programs play a crucial role in promoting economic development at both the individual and community levels. By equipping
students with relevant technical skills, they become productive contributors to the workforce, stimulating economic growth and
innovation. Additionally, as TVL graduates find employment or establish businesses, they contribute to job creation and local
TVL programs instill a mindset of continuous learning and skill development. Graduates are encouraged to adapt to changing industry
trends, technologies, and demands, fostering a culture of lifelong learning. This prepares them to embrace future challenges, upskill or

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

reskill as needed, and remain competitive in a rapidly changing job market.

In summary, equipping students with relevant technical skills, nurturing their talents, and empowering them to pursue meaningful
careers aligned with their interests and aspirations have numerous advantages. It enhances employability, aligns education with industry
needs, fosters personal fulfillment, supports entrepreneurship, drives economic development, and cultivates a lifelong learning mindset.
Research Questions
The main purpose of this study is to determined the Career Pathways of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Graduates in Pililla
National High School. Specifically, the following questions were sought to answer:

1. What is the status of career pathways among TVL graduates in terms of the following;
1.1 career choice;
1.2 career development;
1.3 talent;
1.4 skills; and
1.5 personality?
2. What is the status of TVL-EIM graduates in terms of;
2.1 employment;
2.2 entrepreneurship; and
2.3 education?
3. Is there significant effect of status of career pathways and status of Technical Vocational and Livelihood graduates?
4. Do career pathways predict the status of Technical Vocational and Livelihood graduates?

Literature Review
A clear career pathway is crucial for senior high school students as it enables them to set meaningful goals and establish a sense of
direction for their future. It serves as a roadmap, outlining the necessary courses, training, and experiences they should pursue to
achieve their desired career outcomes. Understanding the steps required to reach their goals allows students to focus their efforts and
optimize their high school experience.
Numerous studies have explored the career pathways of graduates, providing valuable insights into the post-graduation experiences of
students and how their acquired knowledge and skills are applied and utilized. These studies play a significant role in enhancing
educational understanding, as they shed light on what happens to students after graduation and how their learning experiences can be
effectively utilized and leveraged.
The career choices made during senior high school have lasting effects as they shape the educational paths and programs students will
pursue in college, university, or technical-vocational institutions. These choices enable students to make informed decisions about their
educational and career aspirations, facilitating a smoother transition from high school to higher education or the workforce.
However, some students face challenges in developing proper career plans due to factors such as lack of information and skills to
anticipate and address potential obstacles. Additionally, the perceptions of parents can also influence students' choices regarding their
future careers (Zhang, & Barnett, 2015).
Relative to this, Erin and Domondon (2021) emphasize the significance of the K-12 education system, particularly the Senior High
School (SHS), in equipping graduates with the knowledge and wisdom necessary for making informed decisions about the chosen
paths. Regardless of the specific chosen path, it is essential for students to be prepared to confront the realities and difficulties of the
real world.
Rothwell (2014) stressed that students should consider not only the financial aspects of a career but also factors such as job satisfaction,
work-life balance, and opportunities for growth and advancement. Bimrose (2019) also noted that career decision-making is an
individual process, and while external guidance and support are important, students should ultimately have the autonomy to choose a
career path that aligns with their personal goals and aspirations.
A well-developed career plan helps TVL students achieve personal growth and fulfillment. By pursuing careers that resonate with their
passions and values, students are more likely to experience job satisfaction and lead meaningful lives.
By nurturing their vocational talents and skills, career development empowers TVL students to contribute to society. They can make
valuable contributions to their communities, industries, and the economy by utilizing their expertise in their chosen vocational fields.
Interest is one of the personality factors playing a significant role in career decision-making. Individuals who choose a career that
matches his/her interests are likely to feel more satisfied and motivated. Interests promote career choice goals, such as having career
intentions, developing career plans, and choosing a career direction to engage in (Nazareno, 2021).
According to Alonsagay (2021), choosing a career doesn't have to be difficult if the students are already aware of their personality
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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

traits. By already knowing what type of qualities they already possess - whether that be having a creative or analytical mindset or
finding enjoyment in working with others or alone, knowing the personality could be helpful to be strategic in forging a successful
career path.
Mostly, skills required for different career pathways can vary widely based on the nature of the job, industry, and specific roles within
that industry. However, the specific skills required will depend on the industry, job role, and individual career goals. It is important for
individuals to identify the skills relevant to their desired career and continuously develop and refine those skills to succeed in their
chosen field.
Students should reflect on their interests, skills, and passions to determine the career paths they want to pursue. This self-assessment
will help them align their studies and skills with their desired employment options.
Employers are undoubtedly in continuous search of employable graduates who are not only ready to demonstrate employability skills
but are competent in using these skills to create positive working environment for the overall higher performance of the organization
(Abas & Imam, 2016).
Thinking about students’ personality qualities might help them identify the strengths and limitations when pursuing their dream career.
This reflection not only describes students’ current technical talents, but also the interpersonal skills and how to best match with
available employment opportunities.
This study used a questionnaire checklist to evaluate the state of the career pathways of Technical Vocational and Livelihood senior
high school graduates. Part I of the questionnaire includes the following characteristics, including career choices, career development,
talent, skills, and personality.
The status of Technical Vocational and Livelihood graduates is covered in Part II; one part is responsible for gathering information
about graduates' acquired curriculum exits and checking the appropriate box; the other part is responsible for assessing the Technical
Vocational and Livelihood graduates' status using a five-point Likert scale.
The respondents of the study were 198 senior high school graduates of Technical Vocational and Livelihood- IA- Electrical Installation
and Maintenance and were chosen using purposive sampling technique.
The study designed and used questionnaire checklist with closed-ended questions to collect quantitative data administered to Technical
Vocational and Livelihood-Electrical, Installation and Maintenance graduates from Pililla National High School.
The questionnaire checklist is composed of three parts, first part is the status of technical vocational and livelihood graduates consisting
of career choices, career development, talent, skills and personality while the part two is composed of the status of technical vocational
and livelihood graduates showing the three senior high school curriculum exits such as employment, entrepreneurship and education.
The questionnaire was reviewed by experts in the field to ensure that the content accurately represents the construct of career pathways
and evaluated the relevance, clarity, and comprehensiveness of the items. This ensured the consistency, accuracy, and alignment of the
questionnaire with the construct being measured, ultimately leading to more reliable and valid data related to career pathways.
Administration of the instrument was done to the 198 Technical, Vocational and Livelihood senior high school graduates. The
respondents answered the questionnaire thru hard copy and google form and ensure that participants understand the purpose of the
study and provide informed consent to participate. Additionally, in- depth interviews was conducted with selected graduates to obtain
a deeper understanding of their career pathways and experiences.
Ethical Considerations
The researcher obtained informed consent from respondents, secured understanding about purpose of the study, made what participation
entails, and any potential risks or benefits involved. The researcher also respect the privacy of participants and ensure the confidentiality
of their personal information and should be voluntary, and participants should not be coerced or pressured into taking part.
This study took measures to minimize any potential harm or discomfort to participants. This includes ensuring that the study design,
procedures, and questions are respectful and sensitive to the participants' well- being.
These ethical considerations help protect the rights and well-being of the respondents and maintain the integrity and credibility of the

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Results and Discussion

This section presents the analysis and the interpretation of the gathered data in the conduct of this study.
Status Of Career Pathways Among TVL Graduates
Based on the data collected in this study, the following findings were identified;
Table 1. Status of Career Pathways of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Graduates
Career Pathways Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank
Career Choices 4.44 Very Good 1
Career Development 4.41 Very Good 2
Talent 4.23 Very Good 4
Skills 4.25 Very Good 3
Personality 4.18 Good 5
Average WX 4.30 Very Good

The table revealed that a career choice that requires work environment that is free and open, encouraging creativity and personal
expression obtained the highest weighted mean, while a career choice that deal with people who basically need help with personal or
career problems, affecting others spiritually, and being socially responsible has been the least priority among the technical, vocational
and livelihood senior high school graduates. It was also found that the technical, vocational and livelihood senior high school graduates
prioritized the career pathways that are related to career choice rather than personality.
It only means that the preference for a career choice that offers a free and open work environment, encouraging creativity and personal
expression, stems from the desire for fulfillment, innovation, autonomy, collaboration, and overall well-being. Means the technical,
vocational and livelihood senior high school graduates seek opportunities that are aligned with their passions and values, where they
can thrive and contribute meaningfully while enjoying a sense of personal and professional growth. Moreover, technical, vocational,
and livelihood senior high school graduates prioritize career pathways that are related to their career choices rather than their personality
traits. This suggests that these graduates place a higher emphasis on aligning their education and training with their desired professional
paths, rather than solely considering their personal inclinations or aptitudes.
It only implies that the choice of a career that requires a free and open work environment, encouraging creativity and personal
expression, can have far-reaching implications in the present situation. It can lead to increased job satisfaction, innovation, talent
attraction and retention, positive organizational culture, agility, and economic growth. These implications highlight the importance of
creating work environments that foster creativity and personal expression to thrive in the rapidly changing and challenging landscape
of today.
By prioritizing career pathways aligned with their career choices, these graduates demonstrate a proactive approach to their future
careers. They recognize the importance of acquiring the specific skills and knowledge necessary for their chosen fields. This decision
reflects their understanding that their career choices play a significant role in shaping their professional success and personal fulfillment.
In summary, technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates prioritize career pathways that are related to their career
choices. This suggests a strategic and goal-oriented approach to education and training, as they seek to acquire the necessary skills and
knowledge for their desired professions. While personality traits are important, these graduates prioritize aligning their education with
their chosen career paths to enhance their prospects for success and personal fulfillment.
According to Rothwell (2014), students should take into account things like job satisfaction, work-life balance, and chances for growth
and progress in addition to a career's financial components. According to Bimrose (2019), professional decision-making is a personal
process, and while outside help and guidance are significant, students should ultimately have the freedom to select a career path that is
consistent with their own objectives and desires [10], [11] .
When individuals have the freedom to express themselves and be creative in their work environment, it often leads to higher levels of
job satisfaction and engagement. This, in turn, can positively impact their overall well-being and productivity. In the present situation,
where the global workforce is facing numerous challenges and uncertainties, a career choice that prioritizes these factors can contribute
to a more fulfilling and rewarding work experience.
Table 2. Status of Technical Vocation and Livelihood (TVL) Senior High School Graduates
Year Graduated Education % Employment % Entrepreneurship %
2017-2018 4 7.84 45 88.24 2 3.92
2018-2019 39 73.58 12 22.64 2 3.77
2019-2020 21 58.33 11 30.56 4 11.11
2020-2021 46 79.31 7 12.07 5 8.62
Total 110 55.56 75 37.88 13 6.57
It has been revealed that most of the technical, vocational and livelihood senior high school graduates recently realized to continue
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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Based on the results, it can be concluded that a significant number of technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates
have shown a recent inclination towards continuing their education. This suggests that these graduates recognize the value of further
education and the potential benefits it can bring to their careers and personal development.
According to PhilsStar Global (2023), Vice President Sara Duterte, stressed out that most senior high school graduates since 2016
struggled to find employment without a college or university education. She also cited that more than 10% only of senior high school
graduates landed a job, while 83% continued on to higher education, according to the National Senior High School tracer study included
in the DepEd’s Basic Education Report (BER), which discussed the state of education in the country [12] .
This means that there may be a limited number of job opportunities available for individuals who have completed their secondary
education but have not pursued higher education. This suggests that pursuing higher education is perceived as an important pathway
to enhance career prospects and increase employability of Senior High School graduates.
In lieu with this, the decision of Technical, Vocational and Livelihood graduates to pursue further education after graduating from a
technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school indicates a desire for additional knowledge and skills in their chosen field. It
demonstrates a proactive approach to career advancement and a recognition of the importance of continuous learning in a rapidly
evolving job market.
By opting to continue their education, these graduates may be seeking to enhance their expertise, expand their career opportunities, or
specialize in a particular area within their field. They may also be motivated by a desire to stay competitive in their respective industries
and keep up with the latest advancements and trends.
In relation to this matter, Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood (TVL) graduates continuing their education by enrolling in college
with electrical-related courses suggests a strong interest and inclination towards the electrical field among these graduates. It indicates
that they have found value in their TVL education and have chosen to further specialize in an area directly related to their previous
By selecting electrical-related courses in college, these graduates are likely seeking to deepen their knowledge and skills in electrical
systems, electronics, or related disciplines. They may have identified the potential for career growth and advancement in the electrical
field and have made a conscious decision to pursue higher education to capitalize on those opportunities.
This trend also highlights the relevance and demand for electrical expertise in various industries. It suggests that there is a need for
skilled professionals in areas such as electrical engineering, electrical installation and maintenance, or related technical roles.
The decision to enroll in electrical-related courses in college may also indicate a desire to obtain formal qualifications and certifications
recognized by employers in the field. This can enhance their employability and open doors to a wider range of job opportunities within
the electrical industry.
It only implies that the decision of technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates to continue their education has
the potential to lead to improved career prospects, increased employability, personal growth, and societal benefits. It is a positive trend
that aligns with the evolving needs of the job market and supports the lifelong learning journey of individuals.
In this regard, matched courses between senior high school and college promote a coherent educational journey, fostering a stronger
foundation, academic readiness, and a smoother transition for students as they pursue their chosen career paths. It maximizes the value
of their education and sets them up for success in their future endeavors.
However, those entering the workforce in the 21st century require a variety of competences that will allow them to change professions
and careers throughout their working lives in addition to their immediate job abilities. Additionally, some career education routes were
created with the idea that students could go on to post-secondary education, possibly even to the university level (Ramos, 2021) [13].
Table 3. Status of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Graduates
Status of TVL-EIM Graduates Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank
Employment 4.15 Good 1
3.99 Good 2
Education Entrepreneurship
3.88 Good 3
Average WX 4.00 Good
It could be seen from the table that employment described by the technical, vocational and livelihood senior high school graduates as
a realization a career for a new self-concept obtained the highest computed weighted mean.
It has been revealed that that employment opportunities described by technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates
have resulted in a significant realization of a new self-concept and career prospects.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates prioritize employment

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

as their most important goal. This implies that these graduates are primarily focused on securing a job and entering the workforce after
completing their education.
The emphasis on employment suggests that these graduates value the practical skills and training acquired through technical,
vocational, and livelihood education. They likely perceive these skills as essential for obtaining gainful employment and achieving
economic stability.
This conclusion aligns with the purpose and objectives of technical, vocational, and livelihood education, which aim to equip students
with specialized knowledge and skills that are directly applicable to specific industries or occupations. By prioritizing employment,
these graduates demonstrate their recognition of the practical benefits and opportunities provided by this type of education.
It is important to note that while employment is the perceived priority for these graduates, it doesn't necessarily exclude other aspirations
or goals they may have. Some individuals may also pursue further education or entrepreneurial endeavors in addition to seeking
employment. Nonetheless, the emphasis on employment suggests that securing a job is a significant objective for these graduates.
The fact that the technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates expressed positive views regarding their employment
prospects suggests that their chosen career paths align with their personal aspirations and goals. These graduates have likely received
practical training and acquired specialized skills during their education, enabling them to find fulfilling employment opportunities.
Furthermore, the high computed weighted mean implies a strong consensus among the respondents, reinforcing the conclusion that
technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates have experienced a positive shift in their self-concept through their
chosen careers. This indicates that these graduates have found a sense of identity, purpose, and accomplishment in their professional
Based on the information provided and the computed weighted mean, and it may vary depending on the specific context and sample
of graduates. Further research and analysis would be beneficial to validate these findings and understand the factors contributing to the
positive self-concept and career realization experienced by technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates.
Vocational education and training (VET) focuses on certain trades and conveys the practical skills necessary for people to engage in a
particular professional activity, claims Agrawal (2013). It also aims to increase business productivity and give people access to
employment opportunities. He also mentioned the importance of vocational education and training for increasing labor mobility.
Productivity and adaptability both improve firms' competitiveness and correct labor market imbalances. It includes all formal and
informal skill transfers necessary to enhance a society's productive activities [14].
In some cases, many technical, vocational, and livelihood senior high school graduates may prioritize financial considerations and opt
for vocational education as a more affordable option. They can enter the workforce sooner, potentially earning a stable income and
avoiding the expenses associated with a longer college education.
Table 4. Effect of Status of Career Pathways and Status of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Graduates
Career Pathways Dependent Variables Computed Value p-value Ho Interpretation
Career Choice Status of Technical 16.562 0.002 Reject Significant
Vocational and
Career Development 11.672 0.02 Reject Significant
Livelihood Graduates
Talent 14.765 0.022 Reject Significant
Skills 12.554 0.051 Retain Not Significant
Personality 0.542 0.969 Retain Not Significant
The table revealed that the computed values and p-values, Career Choice, Career Development, and Talent are found to be significant
factors influencing the Career Pathways of TVL-EIM graduates. On the other hand, Skills and Personality do not appear to have a
statistically significant relationship with the other variables in this analysis.
Based on the computed values and p-values is that Career Choice, Career Development, and Talent, there are significant factors
influencing the Career Pathways of TVL-EIM graduates. This means that these variables have a statistically significant relationship
with the Career Pathways of the graduates, indicating that they play a significant role in shaping their career choices and development.
This finding implies that the decisions made by TVL-EIM graduates regarding their career paths are influenced by their career choices,
the opportunities for career development, and their individual talents. The Career Choice variable indicates that the initial career
decision made by the graduates plays a significant role in shaping their subsequent career pathways.
It suggests that TVL-EIM graduates should engage in thorough self-assessment and exploration of their interests, skills, and values to
make informed career choices. By choosing a career path that aligns with their individual preferences and aspirations, they increase
the likelihood of finding fulfillment and success in their chosen fields.
Furthermore, the finding highlights the importance of seeking out opportunities for career development. TVL-EIM graduates should
actively pursue avenues such as further education, training programs, or professional advancement to enhance their skills, knowledge,

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and competencies. This continuous learning and growth can enable them to stay competitive, adapt to industry changes, and unlock
potential career opportunities.
Individual talents also play a significant role in shaping career pathways. TVL-EIM graduates should recognize and leverage their
unique abilities and strengths to enhance their career prospects. By honing and showcasing their talents, they can differentiate
themselves in the job market and potentially access specialized roles or opportunities that align with their skill set.
On the other hand, the analysis suggests that Skills and Personality do not have a statistically significant relationship with the other
variables in this context. This implies that, Skills and Personality may not be influential factors in determining the Career Pathways of
TVL-EIM graduates.
Furthermore, the Career Development variable suggests that the availability of opportunities for growth and advancement in their
chosen field significantly impacts the graduates' career trajectories. This indicates that access to professional development programs,
training, mentorship, or promotions can greatly influence their career paths.
The Talent variable highlights the importance of individual skills, abilities, and aptitudes in shaping the career paths of TVL-EIM
graduates. The presence of a statistically significant relationship implies that the unique talents possessed by the graduates influence
their career choices and the opportunities available to them.
Table 5. Effect of Status of Career Pathways and Status of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Graduates
Original Standard Deviation T statistics
Variables Sample mean (M) P- values Decision Interpretation
sample (O) (STDEV) (|O/STDEV|)
Career Choice
<- Status of
0.248 0.248 0.022 11.439 0.000 Reject Ho Significant
Career Pathways
Development <-
Status of Career 0.159 0.158 0.029 5.412 0.000 Reject Ho Significant
DV Education
<- Status of TVL
0.365 0.366 0.031 11.878 0.000 Reject Ho Significant
Employment <-
Status of TVL 0.522 0.524 0.059 8.835 0.000 Reject Ho Significant
DV Entrep <-
Status of TVL
0.342 0.34 0.036 9.522 0.000 Reject Ho Significant
Based on the results, it appears that there is a significant relationship between the variables related to career pathways and the status of
Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) graduates. This suggests that the choice of career, career development, talent, skills and
personality have a predictive value for the status of TVL graduates.
On the other hand, Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship in relation to the status of TVL graduates indicated a significant
relationship and have a predictive value for the status of Technical, Vocational and Livelihood graduates. Based on the results, the
variables related to career pathways have a significant predictive value for the status of TVL graduates. Factors such as career choice,
career development, education, employment, entrepreneurship, personality, skills, and talent all play a role in determining the status of
TVL graduates.
It only means that career choice, career development, education, employment, entrepreneurship, personality, skills, and talent in
determining the status of TVL graduates is significant in the field of Technical Vocational and Livelihood education.
In conclusion, the variables related to career pathways have significant predictive value for determining the status of TVL graduates.
Factors such as career choice, career development, education, employment, entrepreneurship, personality, skills, and talent all
contribute to shaping the status of TVL graduates.
The significance of these variables suggests that they are key determinants in the outcomes and achievements of TVL graduates. Their
career choices, influenced by personal preferences and aspirations, significantly impact their status after graduation. The availability
of career development opportunities, such as further education, training programs, or professional advancement, also plays a significant
role in determining their status.
The variables of education and employment highlight the importance of academic qualifications and securing suitable employment for
TVL graduates. Obtaining relevant educational credentials and successfully entering the workforce are crucial factors in determining
their status.

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Research Article

Entrepreneurship emerges as a significant variable, indicating that some TVL graduates may choose to start their own businesses or
pursue self-employment. This entrepreneurial path can contribute to their status by offering opportunities for financial independence
and career autonomy.
Personality traits, skills, and talent are also identified as influential factors in determining the status of TVL graduates. Personal
attributes, such as perseverance, adaptability, and interpersonal skills, can influence their success in various career pathways.
Additionally, the presence of specific talents and skills relevant to their chosen field can enhance their chances of achieving a favorable
These findings highlight the multifaceted nature of determining the status of TVL graduates and emphasize the significance of
considering various factors related to their career pathways. Understanding the predictive value of these variables can assist
policymakers, educators, and career counselors in developing effective strategies and interventions to support TVL graduates in
achieving successful outcomes and maximizing their potential.
Career Guidance and Counseling: The findings emphasize the importance of providing effective career guidance and counseling
services to TVL students. By helping them make informed career choices aligned with their interests, skills, and talents, educators and
career counselors can increase the likelihood of positive outcomes for TVL graduates.
Curriculum Design and Development: The results suggest that TVL programs should incorporate components that promote career
development and equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for employment and entrepreneurship. Curriculum designers
can focus on integrating practical training, industry- relevant skills, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Enhancing Education Quality: The significant relationship between education and the status of TVL graduates highlights the
importance of quality education in the TVL field. Institutions offering TVL programs should ensure that their curriculum, teaching
methods, and resources meet industry standards, preparing graduates for successful career pathways.
Promoting Entrepreneurship: The findings suggest that entrepreneurship plays a role in determining the status of TVL graduates.
Encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives within TVL education can empower graduates to create their own career
opportunities, contribute to economic growth, and foster innovation in their respective fields.
Personality Development: The study highlights the influence of personality traits on the status of TVL graduates. Institutions can
consider incorporating personality development programs, such as soft skills training, communication skills, and emotional
intelligence, to enhance graduates' overall employability and adaptability.
Industry Partnerships and Work-Based Learning: To bridge the gap between education and employment, collaboration with industries
becomes crucial. Establishing partnerships, providing work-based learning opportunities, and promoting internships and
apprenticeships can better prepare TVL graduates for the demands of the job market, enhancing their status and career prospects.
Continuous Professional Development: The findings reinforce the need for lifelong learning and continuous professional development
for TVL graduates. As industries evolve, graduates need to update their skills and knowledge to remain competitive. Institutions,
employers, and policymakers should invest in upskilling and reskilling programs to support the ongoing development of TVL
By acknowledging and acting upon these implications, policymakers, educators, career counselors, and employers can contribute to
the overall success and advancement of TVL graduates, leading to improved outcomes and opportunities in their chosen career
Based on the findings relative to the status of career pathways of technical, vocational and livelihood senior high school graduates, the
following conclusion were drawn: The technical, vocational and livelihood senior high school graduates recognize the importance of
acquiring the specific skills and knowledge necessary for their chosen fields, seek opportunities that are aligned with their passions and
values, seek guidance from professionals and reliable individuals to address skill gaps rather than focusing on establishing competencies
in their chosen field. Furthermore, most of the respondents prefer working with hands, making, fixing, assembling, or building things,
using and operating equipment, tools, or machines, and often enjoy working outdoors and preferred the skills that make them well-
suited for various industries that rely on hands-on expertise and require individuals capable of executing specific tasks efficiently and
The technical, vocational and livelihood senior high school graduates recently realized to continue education, and believed that
vocational education provides the necessary job market readiness to secure employment in the chosen field immediately after
completing their studies. It was revealed out also that employment opportunities described by technical, vocational, and livelihood
senior high school graduates have resulted in a significant realization of a new self-concept and career prospects. Graduates who enter
a business related to their strand have a strong foundation to build a successful career in their chosen field.
On the other hand, Career Choice, Career Development, and Talent have a statistically significant relationship with the Career Pathways

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Psych Educ, 2024, 17(2): 104-112, Document ID:2024PEMJ1546, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10659256, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of the graduates, indicating that they play a significant role in shaping their career choices and development while Skills and Personality
do not have a statistically significant relationship with the other variables.
Moreover, career choice, career development, education, employment, entrepreneurship, personality, skills, and talent in determining
the status of TVL graduates is significant in the field of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Education
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information

Ricter C. Robles
Pililla National High School
Department of Education – Philippines
Nova Hebron-Ariston
Pililla National High School
Department of Education – Philippines

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