Prakrit Language Introduction

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History and

development of
Prakrit LanguAge
1) Ancient Indo Aryan Languages – 1600 BC to 600 BC

2) Middle Indo Aryan Languages - 600 BC to 1000 AD

3) Modern Indo Aryan languages – 1000 AD to till date

History of Prakrit languages

• Two Stages:

1. Primary stage of Prakrit languages

2. Secondary stage of Prakrit languages

Primary stage of Prakrit languages:

• 1600 BC to 600 BC, Available in Vedic

• Pre-veda languages
Similarities in Vedic literature and
युष्मान् – युष्मा – वाज.सं
पश्चात् – पञ्चा – अथवव.
उच्चात् – उच्चा – तै. सं.
होदी – भोदद
सत्थेहह – सत्थेहह
Secondary stage of Prakrit languages
• Early age – 600 BC to 200 AD

• Middle age – 200 AD to 600 AD

• Age of Apabhraṃśa – 600 AD to 1200 AD

Prakrit in Early age –600 BC to 200 AD
) Ārṣha Prākṛita
a) Pālī b) Ardhamāgadhī c) Śaurasenī

ii) Inscriptional Prākṛita

iii) Niyā Prākṛita
iv) Dhammapada’s Prākṛita
V) Prākṛita in the plays of Ashwaghosha
Prakrit in Middle age - 200 AD to 600 AD

• Prosperous era of Prakrit literature

• a) Mahārāṣtrī

• b) Māgadhī

• c) Paiśacī
Age of Apabhraṃśa – 600 AD to 1200 AD

Language developed from prakrit

Sanskrit word – अपभ्रष्ट

Apabhraṃśa forms the previous stage of

Modern Indo Aryan languages
History of Prakrit literature based on languages
1) Ardhamāgadhī literature

2) Jaina Śaurasenī literature

3) Mahārāṣtrī literature

4) Śaurasenī in Dramas

5) Māgadhī

6) Paiśacī

7) Apabhraṃśa
Types of literature
1) आगम साहहत्य ६) मुक्तक काव्य

२) हिलालेखी साहहत्य ७) सट्टक और नाटक साहहत्य

३) िास्त्रीय महाकाव्य ८) कथा साहहत्य

४) खण्ड काव्य ९ ) अन्य प्राकृ त साहहत्य

५) चररत काव्य
Similarities in Pali and Prakrit language
1) 8 vowels are accepted
2) ऐ, औ, ऋ, ल ृ gets omitted
3) Instead of ॠ one of the vowels is used
from अ, इ, उ
4) Visarga (:) does not find in both
5) Dual form is not available
6) Forms of words in chaturthi and shashthi
are same
7) स is found in place of श and ष
पागदस्स वण्णमाला
क ख ग घ ङ
च छ ज झ ञ
ट ठ ड ढ ण
त थ द ध न
प फ ब भ म
य र ल व स
ह ंं (अनुस्वार) ं (अनुनाहसक)

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