Ethics Reviewer by SHQ
Ethics Reviewer by SHQ
Ethics Reviewer by SHQ
Maxims: Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism is a consequential theory,
Maxims are rules that guide our actions. which is a subclass of teleological moral
For instance, I can have as a rule “Never theory. A teleological ethical system, as
lie to your friends” or “Always respect we discussed in the previous lessons
your parents” or “Always look out for labels an act to be right or wrong based
yourself first” or “Never break a on the goal or purpose of the act.
What is Kant's Rights Theory? the utility to decide whether rules are
valid or not. The consequences of the
In law, Immanuel Kant proposes the implementation of such rules are what is
principle of rights. He said that the measured to say if the following of a rule
government must approach the making of gives the most benefit. Criticisms against
enforcement of laws with the right this view make it possible to implement
intentions in respect to the end goals of unjust rules according to the principle of
the society that it governs. Rule-Utilitarianianism.
he argues that while a happy life is a life
of pleasure, such pleasure is not limited
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) to only sensual pleasure.
He points out that there are actually
According to Bentham, the principle of lower pleasures such as physical pleasure
utility states that an action is right if it which animals can also experience. This
produces the greatest happiness for the kind of pleasure includes those from
greatest number of beneficiaries. eating food etc.
● For him, nothing is intrinsically higher pleasures, Mill explains these are
good, but pleasure. In its simplest pleasure that only human beings can
terms, act utilitarianism focuses experience, such as the pleasures of
on the effect of individual actions. appreciating good music, seeing works of
arts, and even solving a mathematical
Quantitative Utilitarian Calculation problem.
1. Intensity
2. Duration Secondary Principles
3. Certainty moral agents knowledge and tendencies of
4. Remoteness actions when there has no better
5. Fruitfulness information available. the consequences
6. Purity that are manifested in the past
7. Extent experiences that make them true or valid.
Utilitarianism defines the morality of an
act or decision by calculating the sum of Analyzing Utilitarianism
pleasure it caused or will cause and the
amount of pain to be inflicted. Utilitarianism appears to be attractive,
anchoring the basis of pleasure and pain.
John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism teaches us that there are
allowances for actions that may be
proposed that the "greatest happiness justified by the consequences. However,
principle" that says- the greatest we should also keep in mind that it is not
happiness of the greatest number is the easy to predict, and make sure of the
measure of right or wrong. consequences.
Generational cohorts are groups of people
who were born about the same time, or
during a specific time period, possess
similar characteristics and behaviors, and Millennials have been painted as the
are different from members of other age self-entitled and selfie-snapping
groups. generation. Considered as a class of
self-centered and self-absorbed
Filennials is a term used to denote the 20-somethings.
Filipino Millennials.
Millennials are seen by Baby Boomers as
seven basic traits attributed to somewhat greedy, self-absorbed, and
Millennials, namely ‘special, sheltered, wasteful. One reason for the cause of
confident, team-oriented, conventional, conflict is the difference in mentality.
pressured, and achieving’. Baby boomer’s life principle are to: attain
a good education, get a well-playing
full-time job, find a stable partner,
purchase a house and a car, and have a
child or children. And millennials who fail
in any of this, reflects on their dignity
and is perceived by boomer’s to in moral