2020 Out of Area Criteria

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Present enrolment numbers at Sefton High School have the school at or near capacity. As such there is very
little scope for out of area placements being available within our community stream intake.
All applicants must be aware that applications for out of area placement are for community stream intake
only. Placement of students into the selective stream intake is via a completely separate process. Details of
how to apply for placement within the selective stream intake are found elsewhere on our website.
There is no one critieria that Sefton High School will use to assess out of area applications for the
community stream. A holistic approach is taken. Sibling enrolments at Sefton High School is not of itself a
basis for an out of area community intake application.
Applicants wishing to have their application for out of area enrolment into the Sefton High School
community stream considered must do so on the prescribed form and completed in the students’ own
handwriting. Applications must include
• Copies of the student’s birth certificate and, if held, passport and visa.
• Copies of the student’s last three (3) years’ school reports.
• Clearly written reasons for wanting to be considered for the Sefton High School community stream
intake and why these wants cannot be achieved at your local intake school.
• A handwritten statement by the student as to how they believe they will contribute to the critical Sefton
High School values of Sincerity, Scholarship, Service.
• Any essential documents you believe the school should consider which support the application.
Out of Area applications will be assessed and placed on a waiting list. Families will be contacted in the
event of a place being available within the community stream. If the demand for bona fide local enrolments
into the community stream equals our limit, then no out of area positions can be made available.
Parents are advised that should Sefton High School be considering offering a student a place as an out of
area student into the community stream, then communication between Sefton High School and the
applicants present and/or previous school will occur.

In the event of a position being available parents will be contacted.

Excellence in education for all of our students

Please attach to this application:
• Copies of the student’s birth certificate and, if held, passport and visa.
• Copies of the student’s last three (3) years’ school reports.
• Clearly written reasons for wanting to be considered for the Sefton High School community stream
intake and why these wants cannot be achieved at your local intake school.
• A handwritten statement by the student as to how they believe they will contribute to the critical Sefton
High School values of Sincerity, Scholarship, Service.
• Any essential documents you believe the school should consider which support the application.

Student Name _______________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth _______________________ Gender ___________ Year to enrol ___________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s Phone No __________________________ Parent’s Email ____________________________

Name of Parent with whom the child lives, and who is making the application on behalf of the student
Current School ______________________________________________________________________

Reason for seeking Out of Area Enrolment________________________________________________

Please return the completed application to the Administration Office. Your name will then be placed on a
list. You will be contacted if a place becomes available.

Excellence in education for all of our students

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