Dopamine Related Frontostriatal Abnormalities in Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder Emerging Evidence For Developmental Psychopathology
Dopamine Related Frontostriatal Abnormalities in Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder Emerging Evidence For Developmental Psychopathology
Dopamine Related Frontostriatal Abnormalities in Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder Emerging Evidence For Developmental Psychopathology
To cite this article: Michael Michaelides, Panayotis K. Thanos, Nora D. Volkow & Gene-Jack
Wang (2012) Dopamine-related frontostriatal abnormalities in obesity and binge-eating disorder:
Emerging evidence for developmental psychopathology, International Review of Psychiatry, 24:3,
211-218, DOI: 10.3109/09540261.2012.679918
Obesity and binge-eating disorder (BED) frequently arise in adolescence, which is a critical developmental time period
where self-regulatory processes are formed. Indeed, both obesity and BED are thought to arise partly due to deficits in
self-regulatory processes (i.e. lack of inhibitory control to overeat or binge). Recent neuroimaging studies have implicated
the frontal cortex, a brain region involved in regulating inhibitory-control, and the striatum, which is thought to be involved
in food reward, satiety and pleasure, in mediating responses to food cues and feeding in normal-weight individuals as well
as obese and BED subjects. Intriguingly, frontostriatal circuits have been observed to be preferentially modulated in obese
adults and similar associations have been observed in obese/overweight adolescents. Furthermore, brain dopamine (DA)
is selectively altered in striatum in obese relative to normal-weight individuals, and frontostriatal regions constitute a major
component of DA circuitry. The aim of this review will be to present the main findings from neuroimaging studies in
obese and BED adults and adolescents, as these relate to frontostriatal circuitry, and to emphasize the potential for using
functional neuroimaging in both humans and animals with the scope of obtaining information on developmental and
molecular contributions to obesity and BED.
frontal brain circuitry in both obese and BED adults
The prevalence of obesity has reached dramatic pro- and adolescents, which are paralleled by impairments
portions and is estimated to currently affect 32% of in inhibitory and cognitive control behaviour. These
US adults (Flegal et al., 2010). Binge-eating disorder recent findings suggest that obesity and BED may be
(BED), which is currently estimated to affect 3.5% attributed, in part, to developmentally associated
and 2% of US adult women and men respectively, is neurobiological impairments. This notion is sup-
also on the rise (Hudson et al., 2007). Besides the ported by the striking increases in childhood cases of
physical health problems associated with obesity and obesity (Faith et al., 2011; Ogden et al., 2010) as well
BED, there have also been reports of psychiatric as the generalized observations of BED onset during
comorbidity with depression and anxiety disorders adolescence.
(Faith et al., 2011), which suggests that part of the Neuroimaging techniques using functional mag-
behavioural phenotype of obese and BED individuals netic resonance imaging (fMRI) offer the ability to
may be related to impairments in brain function. An monitor obese and BED adolescents and adults
important distinction is that this may not occur for across developmental time-spans. These studies have
all obese individuals, the majority of whom exhibit implicated frontostriatal circuitry as being involved
metabolic abnormalities. However, a subset of obese in obesity and BED in both adults and adolescents.
individuals are characterized by excessive, compulsive- However, fMRI is limited in its ability to implicate
like overeating behaviour where obesity is thought to specific molecular determinants of obesity and BED.
be the manifestation of underlying psychopathology Positron emission tomography (PET) provides a way
(Davis & Carter, 2009). Emerging evidence from of assessing the contribution of specific molecular
neuroimaging experiments point to abnormalities in systems in obesity and BED, and studies in adults
Correspondence: Gene-Jack Wang, MD, 30 Bell Ave Building 490, Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA.
Tel: 631 - 344-3608. Fax: 631 - 344-2358. E-mail: [email protected]
Figure 1. Obesity-related deficits in striatal dopamine D2 receptors (D2R) are conserved across species: (A) representative positron
emission tomography brain scans and (B) Bmax/Kd values of D2R binding in lean and obese humans (Wang et al., 2001) and rats (Thanos
et al., 2008).
216 M. Michaelides et al.
models where experimental factors as well as genetic replicated the decreases in striatal D2R previously
and environmental components relevant to the observed in obese humans (Wang et al., 2001). Spe-
disease or behaviour being studied can be manipu- cifically, genetically obese rats scanned with [11C]
lated and controlled. This type of experimental strat- raclopride showed lower striatal D2R levels com-
egy allows for the estimation of cause–effect pared to lean controls (Thanos et al., 2008b) (Fig. 1)
relationships. In turn, results from animal studies and in a more recent study, striatal D2R levels in
can be translated to humans and eventually lead to normal-weight rats predicted future measures of
therapeutic interventions. One particularly relevant body weight (Michaelides et al., 2012). That is, rats
feature of small animal imaging methods such as with the lowest striatal D2R levels showed the high-
fMRI and PET is that these techniques are generally est body weight 2 months later, while rats with the
non-invasive, reproducible, and allow for longitudi- highest D2R levels showed the lowest body weight.
nal assessment of regional brain activity over time These recent findings suggest that striatal D2R are
and during discrete developmental time periods. involved in body weight regulation and that inherent
This makes small animal imaging a powerful research D2R deficits contribute to increased weight gain and
tool for elucidating neural and molecular correlates eventually obesity. In sum, the ability to study and
associated with development in obesity and BED model human obesity and BED in animals and to
animal models. study these models with PET will allow for longitu-
As of now fMRI experiments in rodents (Schmidt dinal assessment of brain activity and striatal DA in
et al., 2006; Tenney et al., 2004) have not assessed the same animal over time and this, in turn, would
the effects of food stimulation on brain regional acti- allow one to study these models at selective develop-
vation in the context of obesity or BED. This is mental time points and importantly, obtain molecu-
because for fMRI studies the animals need to remain lar insight into the developmental pathophysiology
motionless, which requires the use of anaesthesia, associated with obesity and BED.
which affects the responses to stimulus presentation
and thus limits the ability to study cognitive pro-
cesses. Conversely, PET imaging in rodents has reca- Conclusions
pitulated some of the clinical observations made in
The findings and views presented in this review are
obese and BED populations, and for certain radiotrac-
consistent with the notion that obesity and BED may
ers such as [18F]FDG (used to measure brain glu-
arise in adolescence, in response to deficits in fron-
cose metabolism) and [11C]raclopride (used to
tostriatal circuitry and related DA mechanisms.
measure D2R binding potential) the measurements
These mechanisms are involved in mediating, among
can be made in awake animals. One PET study done
other things, reward and self-regulatory processes.
in genetically obese rats (leptin-receptor deficient)
Interestingly, obese subjects and subjects with BED
examined the brain metabolic responses to food
are also characterized by uniquely altered self-
stimuli in awake rats comparing metabolism in the
regulatory capacity. These associations have recently
absence and in the presence of a bacon scent (Thanos
been observed in obese/overweight adolescents, sug-
et al., 2008a). This study found that while bacon
gesting that obesity and BED onset may be due to
scent decreased glucose metabolism (marker of activ-
developmental factors. In the future, technological
ity) in frontal cortex in both obese and lean rats, the
advancements that will allow the safe and sensitive
decreases were significantly greater in the obese
assessment of molecular profiles in children and ado-
group. This study illustrates the potential of small
lescents will enable direct assessment of the contribu-
animal PET for assessing the effects of exposure to
tion of DA in BED and obesity during childhood and
food stimuli on brain activity in rodent models of
adolescence. In addition, advanced genetic techniques
obesity including those with specific genetic manipu-
will allow us to expand our understanding of how
lations that are relevant to human obesity (i.e. leptin
genes associated with obese and BED phenotypes in
signalling). Indeed, leptin regulation of frontostriatal
humans affect brain function throughout the various
responses to food cues has been demonstrated in
developmental time periods. Finally, small animal
humans with fMRI (Baicy et al., 2007; Farooqi et al.,
imaging and rodent models of obesity and BED may
2007), providing evidence that this peptide regulates
help to obtain an understanding of developmentally
cognitive processes associated with food perception
mediated factors involved in obesity and BED.
and thus individuals with leptin imbalances (obese
individuals are generally leptin-resistant) may be
prone to such deficits. Further evidence of the sig- Declaration of interest: Brain imaging studies were
nificance of small animal imaging to obesity research carried out at Brookhaven National Laboratory with
are recent findings reporting similar deficits in striatal infrastructure support from the US Department of
D2R in obese rats as has been previously reported in Energy OBER (DE-ACO2 - 76CH00016) and under
humans. In particular, rodent PET experiments have support in part by the National Institutes of Health:
Dopamine in obesity and binge-eating during development 217
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