Gimme That Instructions 2022

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Objective Game Play Spud Sheet

Be the first person to count all 100 The spud sheet is where players count
potatoes on your spud sheet. Sounds On the count of “1, 2, 3, SPUD!” the player
and record potatoes by numbering the
easy…but wait: everyone has the same job with the pencil begins counting and potatoes as fast as possible.
and there’s only one pencil! recording the number of potatoes on their
Spud Sheet while the player to their left
rolls the die and completes the necessary
Welcome to the Set Up action as indicated by the roll. The Spud Sheet
Bureau of Spud Management! Distribute a Spud sheet to each player. The gameplay goes very fast, so let’s break
Count your 100 potatoes and be the first
to become the new Spud King!

person who last ate a French fry starts with down these components.
the pencil. The player to the left of that
person begins with the die.

Spud Sheet
Count your 100 potatoes and be the first During the course of play, your Spud Sheet
to become the new Spud King!

will likely move to another player. The

player with the pencil must count
potatoes on the Spud Sheet in front of
Scan the QR code for
them, beginning where the last person left
a demo video!
off, treating the Spud Sheet as their own.
What to do when the What to do when the After the action has been completed, the For games with 5 or more players, or for
Die is rolled: Die is rolled: die moves to the player to the left of the a shorter game, the win condition can
person who made the last roll. be reduced to only counting 50
Pencil potatoes.
Yell “Mashed Potatoes!” All
players (excluding the Yell “Gimme That!” and
pencil holder) knock on quickly grab the pencil Pace The Bureau of Spud Management
(from the player who has
the table repeatedly with
both hands. For more it) and start counting on Players must keep a fast steady pace to Thanks You For Playing!
craziness, mash right next your Spud Sheet. the game. The pencil holder should
to the player who has the
always keep writing and the die should
High Five always keep moving.
Left Yell “High Fry!” Every player
LEFT Yell “Left!” ALL players (excluding the pencil
(including the pencil holder) gives each other a
holder) move their Spud simultaneous high five. Ending The Game
Sheets to the player on
the left. The pencil holder The game ends when a player records
should then begin
counting potatoes on the Fist Bump all 100 potatoes on their Spud Sheet.
new sheet in front of
Yell “Spud Bump!” Every
The winner is a sMASHING success Game involves physical contact.
them, beginning where LE
FT player (excluding the pencil within the Bureau of Spud Play at your own risk.
the last person left off.
holder) gives each other a Management and is rewarded with the
simultaneous fist bump.
“King Spud” sticker. WWW.DOLPHINHAT.COM
Copyright© 2022 Dolphin Hat Games LLC

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