Ometry of Polynomial Rings 9811280088
Ometry of Polynomial Rings 9811280088
Ometry of Polynomial Rings 9811280088
Geometry of Polynomial Rings
ISSN: 1793-1193
Wu-Yi Hsiang University of California, Berkeley, USA/
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Hong Kong
Tzuong-Tsieng Moh Purdue University, USA
Ming-Chang Kang National Taiwan University, Taiwan (ROC)
S S Ding Peking University, China
M Miyanishi University of Osaka, Japan
Vol. 5 Algebra
by T-T Moh
Affine Algebraic
Geometry of Polynomial Rings
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Osaka University, Japan & Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
World Scientific
Published by
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
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Printed in Singapore
To the late Professor Masayoshi Nagata
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viii Affine Algebraic Geometry
the conjecture is not verified even in the case n = 2. A formal (or analytic)
inverse mapping of φ is rather easy to construct, but it is very difficult to
show that the inverse mapping is a polynomial mapping. This is partly due
to the fact that total (or whatever) degree of polynomials are not reliable
as a measure to control the behavior of polynomials because the degree
changes easily as the set of coordinates {x1 , . . . , xn } is replaced by another
one having changes of nonlinear terms. It is not clear if there exists a
geometric approach which enables to replace this method of formal inverse
mapping, though some success is obtained by such approaches. One honest
impression the author had through various geometric challenges is that the
affine space (even the affine plane) is so immaculate that one cannot find
clues to get a geometric study started with.
Affine algebraic geometry emerged from these backgrounds and prob-
lems. The subjects we treat therein are probably more biased on the affine
spaces and polynomial rings, but nothing more than noncomplete varieties
treated in standard algebraic geometry. As long as we want to use geometric
approach we cannot avoid a minimum background of algebraic geometry.
Hence this volume begins with an introduction to algebraic geometry.
The present author tried to start explanations from the beginning with-
out omission of proofs so that the readers with knowledge of algebra and
geometry taught at the third year level of the undergraduate study can
understand, though some important results are not given proofs which are
mostly involved and the author expects are provided by more advanced
textbooks with established reputation. Precise references are given with
few exceptions in such cases.
The first chapter of the present volume is based on the lectures on al-
gebraic geometry which the author gave at Kwansei Gakuin University for
graduate courses over several years. Some parts are taken from the au-
thor’s books on higher algebra and algebraic geometry which are written
in Japanese and have never been translated into foreign languages [60, 78].
One can consider the first chapter as a quick introduction to algebraic ge-
ometry and commutative algebra, and skip it if one has some background on
the subject. Enriques-Kodaira classification of projective algebraic surfaces
as well as the theory of logarithmic Kodaira dimension is explained in [59],
although the referred book is an advanced one for specialists and graduate
students (perhaps Ph.D students). We are reminded to make this volume
as accessible as possible for the beginning students in algebraic geometry.
So, we tried not to make heavy use of advanced results.
Topics specialized in affine algebraic geometry begin from Chapter 2
x Affine Algebraic Geometry
onward. The first topic is a proof of the AMS theorem which uses the
linear pencil of curves on the projective plane P2 and the elimination of
base points. In fact, these results symbolize the dawn of affine algebraic
geometry. We then explain generalizations of the Jacobian conjecture in di-
mension two. The readers will see how effectively affine algebraic geometry
is used to this conjecture. There is also a wish of the author to reveal con-
tributions of hidden ramification at the infinity to (not necessarily) finite
étale coverings of noncomplete varieties.
June, 2023
M. Miyanishi
Preface vii
xii Affine Algebraic Geometry
4. Postscript 407
4.1 AMS theorem and thereafter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
4.2 Suzuki-Zaidenberg formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
4.3 Cancellation problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Bibliography 411
Index 417
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Chapter 1
All rings treated in this book are commutative and unitary unless otherwise
I0 ⊆ I1 ⊆ · · · ⊆ In ⊆ In+1 ⊆ · · ·
2 Affine Algebraic Geometry
V (I) which contains either one of p or q but not the other. One cannot
choose p or q. In fact, p ⊂ q if and only if p ∈ V (I) always imply q ∈ V (I)
for a closed set V (I). √
For an ideal I, define the radical of I, denoted by I, by
I = {a ∈ R | an ∈ I for some n > 0}.
An ideal I is a radical ideal if I = I. Then we have the following theorem.
Since X is noetherian, the descending chain of closed sets ceases, i.e., there
exists N > 0 such that Fn = Fn+1 for all n ≥ N . Then FN = ∅. Hence
X = U1 ∪ U2 ∪ · · · ∪ Un .
(i) I = p1 ∩ p2 ∩ · · · ∩ pn , and
(ii) pi ⊂
̸ pj for any pair (i, j) with i ̸= j.
The closed subsets V (p1 ), . . . , V (pn ) correspond bijectively with irreducible
components F1 , . . . , Fn of F = V (I).
The decomposition
I = p1 ∩ p2 ∩ · · · ∩ pn
in Corollary 1.1.8 is called the prime decomposition2 of the radical ideal I.
For a fixed 1 ≤ i ≤ n, write
\ ∨
pj = p1 ∩ · · · ∩ pi−1 ∩ pi ∩pi+1 ∩ · · · ∩ pn
Y ∨
pj = p1 · p2 · · · pi−1 · pi ·pi+1 · · · pn ,
∨ Q T
where pi shows that the ideal pi is omitted. Then j̸=i pj ⊆ j̸=i pj , and
hence j̸=i pj ̸⊂ pi because pi ̸⊂ pj for any pair (i, j). Let ai be an element
of ( j̸=i pj ) \ pi . For an element a ∈ R, the subset
(I : a) = {x ∈ R | ax ∈ I}
is called an ideal quotient of the ideal I. It is an ideal of R containing I.
For the ideal quotient (I : ai ) it holds that (I : ai ) = pi . In fact, if x ∈ pi
then ai x ∈ ( j̸=i pj ) by the choice of ai and ai x ∈ pi because x ∈ pi . Hence
ai x ∈ I and pi ⊆ (I : ai ). Conversely, if x ∈ (I : ai ) then ai x ∈ I and
2 Later
we need a finer decomposition of ideals, called the primary decomposition of
ideals. We develop the theory in the appendix.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 9
Let Ω(R) denote the set of all maximal ideals of R. We define the dimension
of R (or X = Spec R) by
dim R = dim X = max ht (M).
am + c1 am−1 + · · · + cm = 0, c1 , . . . , cm ∈ T2 .
Proof. (1) Let a ∈ R\{0}. Then there exists the inverse a−1 in R′ because
R′ is a field. So, a−1 is integral over R, and hence satisfies a monic relation
(a−1 )n + a1 (a−1 )n−1 + · · · + an = 0, ai ∈ R.
With an multiplied to the relation, we have
1 + a1 a + · · · + an an = 0,
which is written as
a −(a1 + · · · + an an−1 ) = 1.
(a′ )−1 = − an−1 (a′ )n−1 + · · · + a−1 ′
n an−1 ∈ R .
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 17
S1−1 R′ such that p′2 (S1−1 R′ ) ⊆ e p′1 ∩ (S1−1 R) = p1 (S1−1 R), we can
p′1 and e
′ ′ ′
p1 ∩ R which satisfies
take p1 := e
Proof. (1) Suppose n = K-dim R < ∞. Then there exists a chain of prime
ideals of R
p0 ⫌ p1 ⫌ · · · ⫌ pn .
p0 ⫌ p1 ⫌ · · · ⫌ pn′ .
M = max Nj .
Hence the equation (1.5) shows that ξi is algebraic over k(ξ1 , . . . , ξi−1 ).
This is a contradiction.
M = max Nj .
aj0 ξ1N −j ̸= 0.
Nj =M
Theorem 1.2.4. Let L/k be a finitely generated field extension and let M
be an intermediate field extension, i.e., k ⊂ M ⊂ L. Then M/k is a finitely
generated field extension. Further, tr.degk M ≤ tr.degk L.
X X t
α mj
xα = 0.
α j=1
Hence aα = 0 for all j and α. Namely fj = 0 for all j. Hence
t ≤ [L : k(x1 , . . . , xn )] < ∞.
So, M/k is a finite algebraic extension.
(2) Case: M is not necessarily algebraic over k. Choose a tran-
scendence basis {x1 , . . . , xn } of L/k such that {x1 , . . . , xm } is a maxi-
mal system of transcendental elements of M/k. Then m ≤ n. In fact,
24 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Lemma 1.2.5. Let L/k be a finitely generated field extension. Then the
following conditions are equivalent.
(i) For every finite algebraic extension k ′ /k, the tensor product L ⊗k k ′ is
an integral domain.
(ii) For every algebraic extension k ′ /k, the tensor product L ⊗k k ′ is an
integral domain.
(iii) For every algebraic extension k ′ /k, the tensor product L⊗k k ′ is a field.
(iv) For an algebraic closure k, the tensor product L ⊗k k is a field.
Example 1.2.7. Let A = R[x, y]/(x2 + y 2 ) over the real number field
R. We denote the residue classes of x, y modulo (x2 + y 2 ) by the same
letters. Hence they satisfy x2 + y 2 = 0. Let S = {xn | n ≥ 0}, which is
a multiplicative set of A, and S −1 A = R[x, x−1 , y/x], where (y/x)2 = −1.
Since R[y/x] ∼= C the complex number field, we have S −1 A ∼ = C[x, x−1 ].
On the other hand, the natural homomorphism A → S A is injective, A
is an integral domain. Hence A is an affine domain over R. Meanwhile,
√ √
A ⊗R C ∼ = C[x, y]/(x2 + y 2 ) has a relation (x + −1y)(x − −1y) = 0.
Hence A ⊗R C is not an integral domain.
Example 1.2.8. Let p be a prime number and let Fp = Z/pZ which is the
prime field of positive characteristic p. Let k = Fp (t) with an indetermi-
nate t and let k ′ = k(τ ), where τ p = t. Let A = k[x, y]/(y p − txp ) and
let S = {xn | n ≥ 0} as in the above example. Then the natural homo-
morphism A → S −1 A ∼ = k[x, x−1 , (y/x)] ∼
= k ′ [x.x−1 ] is injective, where y/x
is identified with τ because (y/x) = t = τ p . This implies that A is an
Proof. (1) Consider the natural ring homomorphism ι : A → Apx /px Apx
given by a 7→ a1 + px Apx . Then Ker ι consists of elements a ∈ A such
that sa ∈ px for some s ∈ A \ px , whence a ∈ px . Namely, Ker ι = px
and ι induces inclusions A/px ,→ Apx /px Apx and Q(A/px ) ,→ Apx /px Apx .
Since Apx /px Apx consists of elements of the form as + px Apx , it is clear that
Q(A/px ) = Apx /px Apx = k(x).
(2) We may assume by replacing A by A/pi that A is an integral do-
main. The residue algebra A/px is an integral domain which is finitely
generated over k, i.e., an affine domain over k. Hence k(x)/k is a finitely
generated extension with tr.degk k(x) = dim A/px . It is a standard fact in
commutative algebra (see [54, 72]) that if A is an affine domain over k then
the following equality holds for a prime ideal p of A,
ht (p) + dim A/p = dim A.
(3) Suppose that k(x)/k is a finite algebraic extension. We have in-
clusions k ⊂ A/px ⊂ k(x). Since k(x) is a finite k-module, so is the k-
submodule A/px . Hence A/px is integral over k. By Lemma 1.1.18, A/px
is a field. So, px is a maximal ideal, and x is a closed point. Conversely,
suppose that x is a closed point, i.e., px is a maximal ideal. Then A/px is
a finitely generated k-algebra and a field as well. If d := tr.degk k(x) > 0,
then A/px contains a polynomial ring k[y1 , . . . , yd ] as a k-subalgebra, and
A/px is integral over k[y1 , . . . , yd ]. Lemma 1.1.18 implies that A/px is not
a field. This is a contradiction.
where Apx and Amx are viewed as local rings contained in K and the inter-
sections are considered inside K.
(ii) If ρ′ maps {ξi }i∈I to the zero of i̸=j Γ(Ui ∩ Uj , OX ), i.e., if ξi |Ui ∩Uj =
ξj |Ui ∩Uj for every pair (i, j) with i ̸= j, then there exists ξ ∈ Γ(U, OX )
(uniquely by (i)) such that ξi = ξ|Ui for every i ∈ I.
Note that every nonempty open set contains the generic point of X. The
above two properties are easily verified. The sequence (1.7) being an exact
sequence says that the assignment U 7→ Γ(U, OX ), i.e., the functor Γ(·, OX )
(or simply OX ) from the collection of all open sets U to rings Γ(U, OX ), is a
sheaf. We call OX the structure sheaf of the scheme X. In the construction
of OX , we used the assumption that X is an affine variety and the property
that Γ(U, OX ) = x∈U OX,x in the function field K of X for every open
set U . But we can extend the construction as follows for an arbitrary affine
scheme X = Spec A.
Let U be an open set of X. Then U = i∈I D(ai ), where D(ai ) =
Spec A[a−1i ] with ai ∈ A. In fact, write U = X \ V (I) for an ideal I of
A. For any point x ∈ U , px ̸⊃ I. Choose a ∈ A such that a ∈ I and
a ̸∈ px . Then x ∈ D(a) ⊂ U . Note that D(ai ) ∩ D(aj ) = D(ai aj ). We
define Γ(U, OX ) as the kernel of
ρ′ : A[a−1
i ]→ A[(ai aj )−1 ],
i∈I i̸=j
where ρ′ is a mapping
(ξi )i∈I 7→ (ξi |D(ai aj ) − ξj |D(ai aj ) )(i,j)∈I×I,i̸=j .
Here ξi |D(ai aj ) is the image of an element ξi ∈ A[a−1
i ] in A[(ai aj )
] by the
−1 −1
natural ring homomorphism A[ai ] → A[(ai aj ) ].
If U = D(a) then it can be shown that Γ(U, OX ) = A[a−1 ] (see Prob-
lem 1 of Chapter 1).
Given a point x ∈ X = Spec A and any open neighborhood U of x,
i.e., U is an open set of X containing x, there exists an open neighborhood
D(a) with a ∈ A such that x ∈ D(a) ⊂ U , where a ∈ A \ px . Note that
the set S(x) of all open neighborhoods of x induces an inductive system
{Γ(U, OX ) | U ∈ S(x)}, where S(x) satisfies the conditions:
We call OX,x the stalk of the sheaf OX at the point x. For the last descrip-
tion on inductive limits, see the appendix.
Proof. We have
Γ(U, OX ) = OX,x ⊂ k(x1 , x2 , x3 ).
ρU : A = Γ(X, OX ) → Γ(U, OX ),
ρ Y ρ′ Y
Γ(W, OY ) −→ Γ(D(bj ), OW ) −→ Γ(D(bi bj ), OW )
j∈J i̸=j
that σ ∗ (x1 ) = x−1 0 . Then the scheme X obtained by the above patching
is isomorphic to the projective line P1 to be considered in the next section
and hence separated.
(2) If σ ∗ (x1 ) = ax0 , we may assume by replacing x0 by x′0 = ax0
that σ ∗ (x1 ) = x0 . The scheme X = U0 ∪ U1 obtained by the patching is
not separated.6 In fact, if k is the complex number field C and the usual
5 If u, v are units, the product uv and the inverse u−1 are also units of A. Hence A∗
is a group with respect to the multiplication and the inverse of A. A ring isomorphism
∼ ∼
φ : A −→ B induces a group isomorphism φ∗ : A∗ −→ B ∗ .
6 The reasoning is to be read after reading the later part which treats the separatedness
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 39
closed points on A1 or finite sets of closed points like (P, Q). However there
are closed sets on A2 defined by irreducible equations f (x, y) = 0. Hence
the Zariski topology on X ×S Y is stronger than the product topology.
Lemma 1.4.3. The following assertions hold for a graded ring A such that
An = 0 for every n < 0 and a graded A-module M .
(1) A is noetherian if and only if A0 is noetherian and A is a finitely
generated A0 -algebra.
(2) Suppose that A is a finitely generated A0 -algebra. Then M is a finite
A-module if and only if
(i) Mn is a finite A0 -module for every n. Further, Mn = 0 for every n
smaller than some integer n0 .
(ii) There exist integers n1 and d > 0 such that Mn+d = Ad Mn for
every n ≥ n1 .
Proof. (1) The if part follows from Hilbert basis theorem (see Theo-
rem 1.1.10). We prove the only if part. Since A is noetherian, the ir-
relevant homogeneous ideal A+ is finitely generated and A0 = A/A+ is
noetherian. Let {a1 , . . . , ar } be a set of generators of A+ which we as-
sume to be homogeneous elements. We show by induction on n that An
is generated by a1 , . . . , ar over A0 . Let x ∈ A1 . Then x = i=1 bi ai ,
where deg(bi ) = deg(x) − deg(ai ) ≤ 0, whence bi = 0 if deg(ai ) > 1
and bi ∈ A0 if deg(ai ) = 1. So, x ∈ A0 [a1 , . . . , ar ]. Suppose that
A1 , . . . , An ⊆ A0 [a1 , . . . , ar ]. Let x ∈ An+1 . Write as above x = i=1 bi ai
with homogeneous elements bi of degree (n + 1) − deg(ai ) ≤ n. Since every
bi ∈ A0 [a1 , . . . , ar ], we have x ∈ A0 [a1 , . . . , ar ].
(2) The if part is easy to verify. In fact, the union of generators of
A0 -modules Mn for n0 ≤ n ≤ n1 + d − 1 generates M as an A-module.
We prove the only if part. By the hypothesis, A = A0 [a1 , . . . , as ], where
the ai are homogeneous elements with deg ai = di , and M = j=1 Amj ,
where the mj are homogeneous elements with deg mj = ej . Then, for
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 47
aα αs
1 · · · as mj ,
0 ≤ αi ≤ d/di (1 ≤ i ≤ s), 1 ≤ j ≤ t.
Since there are finitely many such elements, we denote the set by {xµ }1≤µ≤ℓ .
Let n1 = maxµ deg xµ . If n ≥ n1 , then every element of Mn+d with d > 0
is written as
fµ (b1 , . . . , bℓ )xµ , fµ (b1 , . . . , bℓ ) ∈ A0 [b1 , . . . , bℓ ] \ A0 .
Lemma 1.4.4. With the V+ (I) as closed sets of Proj A for all homoge-
neous ideals I, Proj A is a topological space. Namely we have the following
Proof. The assertions (1), (2), (3) are proved in the same way as in sub-
section 1.1.2. Only the homogeneity must be taken into account. As for the
second statement, let p be a homogeneous prime ideal such that p ̸⊇ A+ .
Then there exists a homogeneous element a ∈ (A+ ) \ p. Hence p ∈ D+ (a).
Note that a is not a nilpotent element. Otherwise, ar = 0 for r > 0, and
hence a ∈ p.
48 Affine Algebraic Geometry
The topology on Proj A is also called the Zariski topology. The topo-
logical space Proj A has a scheme structure by the following result.
Proof. (1) The result follows from the argument in subsection 1.1.1.
(2) ψa is a continuous map. Let d = deg a. For b ∈ And , b/an ∈ ψa (p)
if and only if am b ∈ p for some m > 0. Since a ̸∈ p, this is equivalent to
b ∈ p. Hence ψa−1 (D(b/an )) = D+ (a) ∩ D+ (b). So, ψa is continuous.
ψa is injective. Let p, q ∈ D+ (a) such that p ̸= q. Then there exists a
homogeneous element b ∈ A+ such that b ∈ p and b ̸∈ q. Replacing b by
bd if necessary, we may assume that b ∈ And . Then ψa (p) ̸∈ D(b/an ) and
ψa (q) ∈ D(b/an ). Hence ψa (p) ̸= ψa (q).
ψa is surjective. Let p′0 ∈ Spec (A[a−1 ]0 ). Set
{b ∈ An | bd /an ∈ p′0 } if n > 0
pn =
{b ∈ A0 | ba ∈ pd } if n = 0
and set p = n≥0 pn . Then p is a homogeneous ideal of A. We show that
p is a homogeneous prime ideal such that ψa (p) = p′0 . Suppose that x ∈
Am , y ∈ An and xy ∈ pm+n . Then a2 xy ∈ pm+n+2d , (a2 xy)d /am+n+2d =
((ax)d )/am+d )·((ay)d /an+d ) ∈ p′0 . Hence (ax)d /am+d ∈ p′0 or (ay)d /an+d ∈
p′0 . Suppose that (ax)d /am+d ∈ p′0 and m > 0. Then xd /am ∈ p′0 and hence
x ∈ pm . If m = 0 then ax ∈ pd and hence x ∈ p0 . If (ay)d /an+d ∈ p′0 the
same argument applies. As a consequence, xy ∈ pm+n implies x ∈ pm or
y ∈ pn . This shows that A/p = ⊕n≥0 An /pn is an integral domain., whence
p is a homogeneous prime ideal.
ψa−1 is a continuous map. For b ∈ An with n > 0, it holds that
ψa (D+ (ba)) = ψa (D+ (a)) ∩ D(bd /an ) (see also Lemma 1.4.4). This shows
that ψa−1 is continuous.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 49
Hence we have
i i
∨ ∨
td f (α0 , . . . , 1, . . . , αn ) = F (α0 t, . . . , t , . . . , αn t) = td F (α0 , . . . , αn ).
Hence the function f vanishes at the point P if and only if the function F
vanishes on LP . Further, the function F vanishes on LP if and only if F
vanishes at a point, say P , on LP which is different from (0).
θa = a φa : D+ (a) −→ D+ (a)red. If b ∈ A+ is a homogeneous element, then
we have a natural commutative diagram
A[a−1 ]0 −−−−→ A[a−1 ]0
y y
where ιab,a and (ιab,a )red are open immersions. Hence θa |D+ (ab) = θab . This
implies that the morphisms in {θa }a∈A+ patch together to give a morphism
θ : Proj (A) −→ Proj (A)red.
(3) Suppose that A+ has no zero divisors. For a homogeneous element
a ∈ Ad with d > 0, we show that A[a−1 ]0 is an integral domain. Suppose
that x/am ̸= 0, y/an ̸= 0 and (x/am ) · (y/an ) = 0 for x ∈ Amd and y ∈ And .
Hence ar xy = 0 for some r ≥ 0. Since ar x ̸= 0, we have a contradiction by
the hypothesis if m > 0 and n > 0. So, either m = 0 or n = 0. For arbitrary
s, t > 0, we have as x ̸= 0 and at y ̸= 0 because x/am ̸= 0 and y/an ̸= 0 in
A[a−1 ]0 . Since deg(as x) > 0, deg(at y) > 0 and (as x/as+m ) · (at y)/at+n ) =
0, we have also a contradiction. Hence A[a−1 ]0 is an integral domain. In
order to show that Proj A is irreducible, it suffices to show that Proj A is
connected. In fact, suppose that Proj A is connected. If Proj A = X1 ∪ X2
with proper closed subsets, X1 ∩ X2 ̸= ∅ because Proj A is connected. Let
x ∈ X1 ∩ X2 , which corresponds to a homogeneous prime ideal px of A.
Since px ̸⊇ A+ , there exists a homogeneous element a ∈ A+ which is not
in px . Then x ∈ D+ (a) and D+ (a) = (X1 ∩ D+ (a)) ∪ (X2 ∩ D+ (a)),
where X1 ∩ D+ (a) ̸= ∅ and X2 ∩ D+ (a) ̸= ∅. But this is a contradiction
because D+ (a) = Spec A[a−1 ]0 is irreducible. Now suppose that Proj A is
disconnected. Write Proj A = X1 X2 , where X1 and X2 are nonempty
open and closed subsets. Then there exist homogeneous elements a, b such
that ∅ ̸= D+ (a) ⊆ X1 and ∅ ̸= D+ (b) ⊆ X2 . Let d = deg a and e = deg b.
Then bd /ae ̸= 0 by the assumption that A+ has no zero divisors. Hence
D+ (ab) = Spec A[a−1 ]0 [(bd /ae )−1 ] ̸= ∅. Since D+ (ab) = D+ (a) ∩ D+ (b) ⊆
X1 ∩ X2 = ∅, we have a contradiction.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 53
Remark 1.4.8. In the assertion (3) of Lemma 1.4.7, the converse does not
hold as shown by the following example.
Let A = k[x0 , x1 , x2 ] be a graded algebra over a field k such that
A0 = k, deg(x0 ) = 1, deg(xi ) = 2 for i = 1, 2, x20 = 0 and x1 , x2 are vari-
ables. Then Proj A = D+ (x1 )∪D+ (x2 ), where D+ (x1 ) = Spec k[x2 /x1 ] and
D+ (x2 ) = Spec k[x1 /x2 ]. In fact, there are no elements x0 /xr1 in A[x−1
1 ]0
with r > 0 because deg(x0 /xr1 ) = 1 − 2r < 0. Similarly, there are no
elements x0 /xs2 in A[x−1 ∼ 1
2 ]0 with s > 0. Hence Proj A = P .
V ×Y V −−−−→ X ×Y X,
54 Affine Algebraic Geometry
where the morphism ι and the diagonal morphism ∆X/Y are closed immer-
sion by the hypothesis. The morphism ι×ι is determined by the morphisms
pi ι
ι ◦ pi : V ×Y V −→ V −→ X for i = 1, 2 (see the construction of fiber prod-
uct in the appendix). We have to show that ∆V /Y is a closed immersion.
By the construction of fiber products, we may assume that Y is an affine
scheme Spec B. Let U = {Uλ }λ∈Λ be an affine open covering of X such
that Uλ = Spec Aλ . The scheme V as a closed subset of X is covered by
the affine open sets Vλ := Uλ ∩ V = Spec Aλ /Iλ , where Iλ is an ideal of Aλ .
Since X is separated over Y , Uλ ∩Uµ = ∆−1 X/Y (Uλ ×Y Uµ ) is an affine scheme
Spec (Aλµ ) (see comments before Remark 1.3.9), where Aλµ is the image
∆∗X/Y (Aλ ⊗B Aµ ). We have Iλ Aλµ = Iµ Aλµ for any λ, µ ∈ Λ, which we
set Iλµ . This implies that the affine schemes Vλ := Uλ ∩ V = Spec (Aλ /Iλ )
and Vµ := Uµ ∩ V = Spec (Aµ /Iµ ) are patched together by the patching
isomorphism θµλ : Uλµ −→ Uµλ to form the closed set V .
The above commutative diagram considered on an affine open set Uλ ×Y
Uµ of X ×Y X induces a commutative diagram
Vλµ −−−−→ Uλµ
∆V /Y y y∆X/Y
Vλ × Vµ −−−−→ Uλ × Uµ ,
Let k be a field. Let A = m≥0 Am be a noetherian graded ring which
is generated by A1 over A0 = k. By Lemma 1.4.3, A1 is a finite k-module
and there is a surjective homomorphism
φ : Rn+1 = k[x0 , . . . , xn ] → A
such that dimk A1 = n + 1, Rn+1 is a polynomial ring with (n + 1)-variables
which is viewed as a graded k-algebra with deg xi = 1 for 0 ≤ i ≤ n,
{φ(x0 ), . . . , φ(xn )} is a k-basis of A1 and φ is a graded homomorphism in
the sense that φ maps degree r elements of Rn+1 to degree r elements of A.8
Let I = Ker φ. Then I is a homogeneous ideal. In fact, if f = m≥0 fm ∈ I
then 0 = φ(f ) = m≥0 φ(fm ) with φ(fm ) ∈ Am . Hence φ(fm ) = 0 for
every m ≥ 0. Then fm ∈ I. Let X = Proj A. Then X is identified with
a closed set V+ (I) of Pnk . Write I = (F0 , . . . , Fr ), where the generators Fi
are homogeneous polynomials.
Suppose that k is algebraically closed. By the explanations given in
Example 1.4.6, the set X(k) of closed points contained in X consists of
(α0 , . . . , αn ) ∈ Pn (k) such that Fi (α0 , . . . , αn ) = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ r. We call
X a projective algebraic set. By Lemma 1.4.7, the set X is irreducible and
reduced if A is an integral domain, i.e., the ideal I is a prime ideal. Since
X is separated over Spec k by Lemma 1.4.10, X is an algebraic variety. It
is called a projective algebraic variety.
As with Theorem 1.4.9, we have the following result.
F (a0 , . . . , an )
ξ= ,
where F (x0 , . . . , xn ) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d in Rn+1 such
that some nonzero monomial is not divisible by xi . Suppose that this
8 A ring homomorphism φ : A → B is said to be a graded homomorphism of degree d if
A= n≥0 An , B = n≥0 Bn and φ(An ) ⊆ Bn+d for every n ≥ 0. The integer d can
be a negative integer.
56 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Lemma 1.4.12. With the above notations and assumptions, the following
assertions hold.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 57
Let D = (Er − A) and let D∗ be the cofactor matrix of D. Then D∗ D =
dEr , where d = det D. Then, as in the proof of Lemma 1.1.13, we have
dmi = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ r. Since d − 1 ∈ m, d is invertible in R. Hence mi = 0
for 1 ≤ i ≤ r. This shows that M = 0.
To prove the second assertion, take a system of elements {z1 , . . . , zn } so
that {z 1 , . . . , z n } is a basis of the vector space M/mM over the field R/m
and set N = i=1 Rzi . Then M = N + mM . By the first assertion, we
then have M = N .
Lemma 1.5.3. Let (R, m) be a local ring. Then the following three condi-
tions are equivalent.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 61
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii). We show that any proper ideal I is a principal ideal.
Since R is noetherian, I is finitely generated, i.e., I = (a1 , . . . , ar ). For any
pair (i, j) with i ̸= j, either ai ∈ aj R or aj ∈ ai R. After replacing the order
of a1 , . . . , ar , we may assume that aj ∈ ai R if j > i. Then I = a1 R. In
particular, m = tR.
(ii) ⇒ (i). A PID is a noetherian ring because every ideal is principal.
Write m = tR. We show that every element a ∈ R is written as a = utn
for n ≥ 0 and u ∈ R∗ . If a ̸∈ m then a ∈ R∗ . So, we set n = 0 and u = a.
Suppose that a ∈ m. Then a = ta1 . If a1 ̸∈ m then a1 ∈ R∗ . So, set n = 1
and u = a1 . If a1 ∈ m then a = t2 a2 . If a2 ̸∈ m, we argue as above. If
a2 ∈ m, set I1 = a1 R and I2 = a2 R. Then I1 ⫋ I2 because a1 = ta2 and
t ̸∈ R∗ . We show that a = tn u for some n > 0 and u ∈ R∗ . Otherwise,
if we write a = tn an with an ∈ R, then an ∈ m. Set In = an R. Since
an−1 = tan , we have In−1 ⫋ In . Hence we have an ascending sequence of
I1 ⫋ I2 ⫋ · · · ⫋ In ⫋ · · · .
This contradicts that R is noetherian. Given a, b ∈ R, write a = tn u, b =
tm v with u, v ∈ R∗ . Then a ∈ bR (if n ≥ m) or b ∈ aR (if m > n).
(ii) ⇒ (iii). The argument in “(i) ⇒ (ii)” shows that a = tn u with n ≥ 0
and u ∈ R∗ . Hence Γ is generated by the class tR∗ , hence isomorphic to Z.
(iii) ⇒ (ii). Since every element a ∈ R is written as a = tn u with n ≥ 0
and u ∈ R∗ , where t is an element of R such that v(t) = 1, every ideal
I of R is principal. In fact, given an ideal I of R, take an element a ∈ I
such that v(a) is the smallest. Such an element exists because v(b) ≥ 0 for
every b ∈ R. For any element a′ ∈ I, v(a′ a−1 ) = v(a′ ) − v(a) ≥ 0, whence
a′ a−1 ∈ R, i.e., a′ ∈ aR. This shows that I = aR.
Lemma 1.5.4. Let (R, m) be a noetherian local ring. Then the following
two conditions are equivalent.
(i) (R, m) is a DVR.
(ii) R is an integral domain and m is a nonzero principal ideal.
62 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Theorem 1.5.6. Let (R, m) be a noetherian local ring. Then the following
two conditions are equivalent.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 63
Corollary 1.5.7. Let R be a normal ring and let p ∈ Spec R such that
ht p = 1. Then Rp is a DVR.
For the definition of prime divisor in the next result, see the explanations
after Corollary 1.1.8.
Theorem 1.5.9. Let R be a normal ring and let K be the field of quotients
of R. Then we have
R= Rp ,
ht p=1
64 Affine Algebraic Geometry
where p moves over all prime ideals of height one of R and Rp is considered
as a subring of the field K.
Proof. It suffices to show that ht p=1 Rp ⊆ R. Let ξ ∈ ht p=1 Rp and
write ξ = b/a with a, b ∈ R. If a ∈ R∗ , it is clear that ξ ∈ R. So, assume
that a ̸∈ R∗ . Namely, aR ̸= R. Let
aR = q1 ∩ · · · ∩ qn
be an irredundant primary decomposition (see the appendix, Theo-
rem 1.9.4) and let pi = qi . Then ht pi = 1 for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and
hence there are no inclusion relations among the pi . This implies that
qj Rpi = Rpi if j ̸= i. Hence we have
\ n
aRpi = qi Rpi = (qj Rpi ) = qi Rpi .
j=1 j=1
Our next goal is to prove the following theorem. We need some defini-
tions on morphisms of algebraic varieties. A morphism of algebraic varieties
f : X → Y is a finite morphism if the following conditions are satisfied (see
also Remark 1.5.12 for a special case):
(i) There exists a finite affine open covering U = {Ui }i∈I of Y such that
f −1 (Ui ) is an affine open set for every i ∈ I.
(ii) Write Ui = Spec Bi and f −1 (Ui ) = Spec Ai . Then Ai is a finite Bi -
A morphism f : X → Y is dominant if the image f (X) contains an open
set of Y . As a special case, f is birational if f is dominant and induces
an isomorphism of the rational function fields, i.e., f ∗ : k(Y ) → k(X) is
an isomorphism. Note that a dominant finite morphism is surjective by
Lying-over theorem (see Theorem 1.1.19).
Proof. (1) Let S be the set of principal ideals aR such that a does not
admit a decomposition into irreducible elements. It suffices to show that
S = ∅. Suppose S ̸= ∅. We define a partial order by inclusion, i.e.,
70 Affine Algebraic Geometry
ξ n + c1 ξ n−1 + · · · + cn = 0, ci ∈ R.
aR ⫋ a1 R ⫋ a2 R ⫋ · · · ⫋ an R ⫋ · · · .
where the second and the third terms of the right-hand side in the equal-
ity are divisible by p, though the first term is not. Hence f1 (x)f2 (x) is
(3) A polynomial f (x) ∈ R[x] is a prime element of R[x] if and only
if either f (x) = a ∈ R which is a prime element of R or f (x) is primitive
and f (x) is an irreducible polynomial in K[x]. In fact, suppose that f (x)
is a constant a. Then R[x]/(a) = (R/(a))[x], which is an integral domain
if and only if so is R/(a). This verifies the above assertion in the case
where f (x) = a. So, suppose that f (x) ̸∈ R and f (x) is a prime element.
It is clear that f (x) is primitive. Suppose that f (x) is reducible in K[x].
Write f (x) = G1 (x)G2 (x) with Gi (x) ∈ K[x] and deg Gi (x) > 0. Write
Gi (x) = ξi gi (x), where ξi ∈ K and gi (x) is a primitive polynomial in R[x].
Since f (x) is primitive, it follows that ξ1 ξ2 ∈ R∗ , i.e., f (x) ∼ g1 (x)g2 (x).
Comparison of x-degrees shows that f (x) is not a prime element. Hence
f (x) is an irreducible polynomial in K[x]. Conversely, suppose that f (x) is
a non-constant primitive polynomial and an irreducible polynomial of K[x].
Suppose that g(x)h(x) = f (x)ℓ(x) in R[x]. Since K[x] is a PID (and hence
a UFD by Lemma 1.5.16), either g(x) ∈ f (x)K[x] or h(x) ∈ f (x)K[x].
Suppose that g(x) ∈ f (x)K[x], i.e., g(x) = f (x)Q(x) with Q(x) ∈ K[x].
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 73
The following result is called Nagata’s lemma and quite useful in con-
crete problems. For the original result, see Nagata [70, Lemma 1].
Hence the localization Si−1 A = Ami corresponds to A/qi because the local-
ization in the direct product of rings is done component-wise and the i-th
component is a local ring for which (A/qi − mi /qi ) is the set of units. We
have thus an isomorphism Ami ∼ = A/qi and an isomorphism
= Am 1 × · · · × Am n .
(2) By definition, X has a finite affine open covering U = {Ui }i∈I such
that Ui = Spec Ai and Ai is a finitely generated k-algebra. By the assertion
(1), Ui is a direct sum of Spec (Ai )mij with 1 ≤ j ≤ ni . Since I is a finite set,
X is a direct sum of finitely many Spec (Ai )mij , where some of Spec (Ai )mij
might belong to different Ui ’s.
Proof. Step 1. Let x ∈ X and let y = f (x). Then there exist affine
open neighborhoods U = Spec A of x and V = Spec B of y such that
U ⊂ f −1 (V ), where we may assume that A and B are affine domains over
k. The restriction f |U : U → V is induced by a k-algebra homomorphism
φ : B → A. Since f is birational, φ extends to a k-isomorphism Q(φ) :
Q(B) −→ Q(A). Hence φ is injective. We may assume that B is a k-
subalgebra of A. Since B is normal and Q(A) = Q(B), B is integrally
closed in A. Let q (resp. p) be the prime ideal of B (resp. A) corresponding
78 Affine Algebraic Geometry
y = xn + b1 xn−1 + · · · + bn + 1. (1.11)
y m + cm−1 y m−1 + · · · + c0 = q0 + q1 y + · · · + qt y t , q0 , . . . , qt ∈ q.
Claim 7 (Proof of Claim 1). Since A and B are affine domains over k, A
is a finitely generated B-algebra. By Claim 2, replacing B by Bq and A by
A⊗B Bq , we may assume that (B, q) is a local ring. Write A = B[x1 , . . . , xt ].
For 0 ≤ i ≤ t, let Bi = B[x1 , . . . , xi ], let Ai be the integral closure of Bi
in A, let pi = p ∩ Ai and let qi = pi ∩ Bi . We proceed by descending
induction on i to show that Ap = (Ai+1 )pi+1 implies Ap = (Ai )pi . In fact,
since A = At and p = pt it holds that Ap = (At )pt . For i = 0, it holds that
Aq = B because A0 = B0 = B as B is integrally closed in A.
By Claim 2, there exists s ∈ (Ai+1 ) \ (pi+1 ) such that (Ai+1 )[s−1 ] =
A[s ]. Hence xi+2 , . . . , xt ∈ (Ai+1 )[s−1 ]. Write xj = aj /snj with aj ∈
Ai+1 for i + 2 ≤ j ≤ t. Then A[s−1 ] = Bi+1 [(aj ), s, s−1 ], where (aj ) stands
for a set {ai+2 , . . . , at }. Let q′i+1 = p∩Bi+1 [(aj ), s]. Since s ̸∈ q′i+1 , we have
Ap = (Bi+1 [(aj ), s])q′i+1 . Since aj (i + 2 ≤ j ≤ t) and s are integral over
Bi+1 , Bi+1 [(aj ), s] is a finite Bi+1 -module. Set Ai = Ai ∩ Bi+1 [(aj ), s] and
pi = p ∩ Ai . Since Bi+1 = Bi [xi+1 ], we have Bi+1 ⊆ Ai [xi+1 ]. Therefore,
we have Bi+1 [(aj ), s] = Ai [xi+1 ][(aj ), s], which is a finite Ai [xi+1 ]-module.
Meanwhile, q′i+1 is isolated over pi . In fact, since Ap = (Bi+1 [(aj ), s])q′i+1 ,
q′i+1 is a minimal prime ideal over pi . Further, q′i+1 is maximal over pi . In
fact, since
We only state the following result which was used in Claim 6 in the above
proof. For the proof we refer to [72, Theorem 10.13] or Matsumura [54,
Theorem 9.4]. In both references, proofs use Galois extension (or normal
extension) of a normal ring. See also Problems 9 and 10 for the substantial
part of the proof.
Theorem 1.5.24 (Going-down theorem). Let A be an integral domain
and let B be a subdomain of A. Assume that B is a normal ring and A
is integral over B. Let q1 ⊇ q2 be prime ideals of B and let p1 be a prime
ideal of A such that p1 ∩ B = q1 . Then there exists a prime ideal p2 of A
such that p1 ⊇ p2 and p2 ∩ B = q2 .
84 Affine Algebraic Geometry
In the present section we abuse the notations and denote Krull dimension
K-dim (R) of a ring R by dim R. We also assume that dim R < ∞.
Lemma 1.6.1. Let (R, m) be a noetherian local ring. Then the following
two conditions are equivalent.
(1) dim R = 0.
(2) The ideal m is nilpotent, i.e., ms = 0 for some s > 0.
A ring R satisfies the descending chain condition (d.c.c. for short) if all
descending chain of ideals of R
I0 ⊇ I1 ⊇ · · · ⊇ Ii ⊇ Ii+1 ⊇ · · ·
stops to decrease, i.e., there exists an integer N > 0 such that Ii = IN for
all i ≥ N . For a noetherian local ring (R, m), if R satisfies the d.c.c., then
R is an artinian ring. In fact, we have a descending chain
m ⊇ m2 ⊇ · · · ⊇ mi ⊇ mi+1 ⊇ · · · .
Since it stops, we have mn = mn+1 for n ≫ 0. Since mn is a finite
p R-module,
m = 0 by Nakayama’s lemma (see Lemma 1.5.1). Then m = (0), whence
dim R = 0.11
Given a finite R-module M , we say that M has a composition series of
M = M0 ⊃ M1 ⊃ · · · ⊃ Mi ⊃ Mi+1 ⊃ · · · ⊃ Mn−1 ⊃ Mn = 0
11 The following is a theorem of Akizuki (see [72, Theorem 9.1]): Let R be a ring satisfying
the d.c.c. if and only if R is noetherian and dim R = 0.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 85
= R/q1 × R/q2 × · · · × R/qr ,
M ⊃ mM ⊃ m2 M ⊃ · · · ⊃ ms−1 M ⊃ ms M = 0,
(R/m)v1 + · · · + (R/m)vni .
Proof. It suffices to show that a prime ideal q ⫋ p must be the ideal (0).
For the purpose, we may assume by replacing R by Rp that (R, p) is a local
ring. Set ai = q(i) + aR for i > 0. Then ai ⊇ ai+1 because q(i) ⊇ q(i+1) .
Hence we have a descending chain of ideals
a1 ⊇ a2 ⊇ · · · ⊇ ai ⊇ · · · . (1.12)
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 87
In the quotient ring R/aR, the above chain gives a descending chain
a1 ⊇ a2 ⊇ · · · ⊇ ai ⊇ · · · , (1.13)
where dim R/aR = supp dim R/p with p ranging over all minimal prime
divisors of aR.12 In geometric terms, this result implies that on an affine
variety X = Spec A all irreducible components of a subvariety V = V (f )
defined by a single element f ∈ A (called later a hypersurface section), i.e.,
V = {P ∈ X | f (P ) = 0}, have codimension one.
Theorem 1.6.4 (Krull’s height theorem). Let R be a noetherian ring
and let I = i=1 ai R be an ideal of R generated by r elements a1 , . . . , ar .
Let p be a minimal prime divisor of I. Then ht p ≤ r.
Proof. Let
p = p0 ⊃ p1 ⊃ · · · ⊃ ps
S = {q ∈ Spec R | p0 ⫌ q ⫌ p1 }.
12 If R is an affine k-domain, the equality holds since dim R is equal to the length of any
maximal chain of prime ideals. In fact, dim R = dim Rm for any maximal ideal m of R,
and Rm is a catenary ring (see several lines before Lemma 1.6.10).
88 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Proof. Note that m/m2 is a vector space of finite rank over the field
R/m. Let n = rank (m/m2 ) and let a1 , . . . , an be elements of m such
that {a1 , . . . , an } is a basis of m/m2 , where ai = ai + m2 . Then we have
Pn Pn Pn
m = i=1 ai R + m2 . Hence we have m/( i=1 ai R) = m(m/( i=1 ai R)).
By Nakayama’s lemma (Lemma 1.5.1), it follows that m = i=1 ai R. Now,
by Theorem 1.6.4, we have dim R ≤ n.
For a noetherian local ring (R, m), rank R/m m/m2 is called the embedding
dimension of R.
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii). Let p be a minimal prime divisor of i=1 ai R. By the
condition (i), ht (p) ≥ n. Since ht (p) ≤ n by Krull’s height theorem, we
have ht (p) = pn. Since m is a unique prime ideal of height n in R, we have
p = m. Then i=1 ai R = m.
(ii) ⇔ (iii). Clear.
(iii) ⇒ (iv). There exists an integer t > 0 such that mt ⊆ i=1 ai R.
Hence ℓ(R/ i=1 ai R) ≤ ℓ(R/mt ) < ∞.
(iv) ⇒ (i). Let i=1 ai R = q1 ∩ · · · ∩ qr be an irredundant primary
decomposition. Since R/ i=1 ai R is artinian, we have
ai R ∼
R/ = R/q1 × · · · × R/qr .
Lemma 1.6.9. Let (R, m) be a noetherian local ring of dimension n and let
a1 , . . . , ar be elements of m, where 0 ≤ r ≤ n. Then we have an inequality
dim R/I ≥ dim R − r, I = ai R,
Suppose that the equality holds in the statement. Note then that dim R = n
and dim(R/I) = n − r. Let {ar+1 , . . . , an } be a system of parameters of
R/I, where ai = ai + I for r + 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Then
n n
!! !!
ℓ R/ ai R = ℓ (R/I)/ ai (R/I) < ∞.
i=1 i=r+1
m = pn ⫌ pn−1 ⫌ · · · ⫌ p1 ⫌ p0 = (0)
is a graded ring over R/I for which the degree n part is I n /I n+1 and
the multiplication I m /I m+1 × I n /I n+1 → I m+n /I m+n+1 is given by the
canonical multiplication I m × I n → I m+n . The algebra grI R is called
the associated graded ring of R with respect to I. Since R is noetherian,
the ideal I is finitely generated as I = (a1 , . . . , ar ). Then we have a natural
surjective (R/I)-homomorphism of graded algebras
φ : (R/I)[x1 , . . . , xr ] → grI R, xi 7→ (ai + I 2 ), 1 ≤ i ≤ r,
where (R/I)[x1 , . . . , xr ] is a polynomial ring of dimension r over R/I. If
(R, m) is a noetherian local ring, we have with k = R/m
φ : k[x1 , . . . , xn ] → grm R,
where n = dimk m/m . We have the following characterizations of a regular
local ring (see [98, VIII, §11, Theorem 25]).
For assertion (1), see [72, Corollary 28.3] or [54, Theorem 19.3]. For
assertion (2), see [72, Theorem 28.7] and see also [72, p. 217] for a history
of the result. Assertion (3) follows from a structure theorem of complete
local rings [72, Theorem 31.1].
94 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Lemma 1.6.13. Let (R, m) be a noetherian local ring. Then the following
assertions hold.
Remark 1.6.15. We note the following facts about a regular local ring
(R, m) with a regular system of parameters {a1 , . . . , an }.
Lemma 1.6.16. Let (R, m) be a normal local ring with dim R ≥ 2. Then
depth R ≥ 2. Hence, if dim R = 2 then R is a Cohen-Macaulay local ring.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 97
Proof. Since a normal local ring is an integral domain, any nonzero ele-
ment a1 is not a zero divisor. Any prime divisor of a1 R has height 1 by
Lemma 1.5.8. So, m ⫌ p p, where p moves over all prime divisors of a1 R.
Hence there is a nonzero divisor a2 of R/a1 R.
Proof. Suppose that R is normal. Then the condition (i) follows from
Corollary 1.5.7 and the condition (ii) from Lemma 1.6.16. Conversely, we
prove that the conditions (i) and (ii) imply that R is integrally closed in
Q(R). Suppose that b/a is integral over R, i.e.,
(b/a)n + c1 (b/a)n−1 + · · · + cn = 0,
where a, b ∈ R, a ̸= 0, c1 , . . . , cn ∈ R. Let aR = i qi be an irredundant
primary decomposition and let pi = qi . Suppose that ht pi ≥ 2 for some
i. By the condition (ii), we have depth Rpi ≥ 2. Since pi = (aR : x) for
some x ∈ R, pi Rpi /aRpi consists of zero divisors. Meanwhile, by a remark
before Theorem 1.6.14, a maximal regular sequence of Rpi starting with
the element a/1 has length ≥ 2. Namely, pi Rpi /aRpi contains an element
which is not a zero divisor. This is a contradiction. This implies that
ht pi = 1 for every i. Now, since Rpi is a normal ring by the condition (i),
b/a ∈ Rpi . So, b ∈ aRpi ∩ R ⊆ qi Rpi ∩ R = qi . Then b ∈ i qi = aR.
Namely, b/a ∈ R.
Let R = OX,P and m = mX,P . Let xi be the image of Xi′ in the local ring
R. Then {x1 , . . . , xn } is a system of generators of m. We will find a k-basis
of the vector space m/m2 . The generators {F1 , . . . , Fr } of the ideal I give
rise to the following linear equations in R/m2 with respect to xi = xi + m2
for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
X ∂F1
F1 (x1 + α1 , . . . , xn + αn ) = (P )xi = 0
F (x + α , . . . , x + α ) =
2 1 1 n n (P )xi = 0
··· ··· ··· ···
r 1
(x + α 1 , . . . , x n + α n ) = (P )xi = 0.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 99
Write aij = ∂X j
(P ), where 1 ≤ i ≤ r and 1 ≤ j ≤ n. So, we obtain an
(r × n)-matrix
a11 a12 · · · a1n
a21 a22 · · · a2n
J = . . . .
.. .. · · · ..
ar1 ar2 · · · arn
We call J the Jacobian matrix of the embedding X ,→ An at the point P .
We consider all the minors of J, and define an integer s ≥ 0 by
s = max{t | t ≤ min(r, n), some tth minor of J is nonzero}.
Proof. (1) Suppose that there exists a nonzero tth minor of J. By changes
of numbering for the Fi and Xj , we may assume that the tth minor
a11 a12 · · · a1t
a21 a22 · · · a2t
.. .. ..
. . ··· .
at1 at2 · · · att
is nonzero. Then x1 , . . . , xt are expressed as homogeneous linear polynomi-
als in xt+1 , . . . , xn . Namely, rank m/m2 ≤ n − t. Since d ≤ rank m/m2 by
Corollary 1.6.5, we have d ≤ n − s. So, s ≤ n − d.
(2) If s = n − d, then m/m2 has a k-basis xn−d+1 , . . . , xn . Then m =
(xn−d+1 , . . . , xn ). This implies that {xn−d+1 , . . . , xn } is a regular system
of parameters of (R, m).
(3) We need more than d elements to generate the maximal ideal. Hence
(R, m) is not a regular local ring.
0. Then we have !
′ 2 ′ ′ ′
ai ⊗ ai + I = (ai ⊗ 1)(1 ⊗ ai − ai ⊗ 1) + ai ai ⊗ 1 + I 2
i i i
=− ai da′i .
Hence Ω1A/B is an A-module generated by d(A). Suppose that A =
B[a1 , . . . , an ]. Then an element of A is written as a = f (a1 , . . . , an ), where
f (X1 , . . . , Xn ) is a polynomial in X1 , . . . , Xn over B. Then we have
n n
X ∂f X
da = (a1 , . . . , an )dai ∈ Adai .
∂Xi i=1
So, Ω1A/B is a finite A-module generated by {da1 , . . . , dan }.
(3) By (2), Ω1S −1 A/B is an S −1 A-module generated by d(S −1 A), where
a sda − ads
d = ∈ S −1 Ω1A/B .
s s2
So, Ω1S −1 A/B ⊆ S −1 Ω1A/B . Conversely, it is clear that S −1 Ω1A/B ⊆
Ω1S −1 A/B . Hence Ω1S −1 A/B = S −1 Ω1A/B .
(4) We note first that Der k (R, k) ∼ = Homk (m/m2 , k). In fact, let δ ∈
Der k (R, k). Since k ∼ = R/m, any element a ∈ R is written as a = α + ξ,
where α ∈ k and ξ ∈ m. Since δ is k-trivial, δ(a) = δ(ξ). So, δ is uniquely
determined by δ|m . If ξ, η ∈ m then δ(ξη) = ξδ(η) + ηδ(ξ) = 0. This shows
∼ Homk (m/m2 , k).
Der k (R, k) =
13 d : A → Ω
A/B , denoted also by dA , is called the universal derivation of the B-algebra
A in the sense that a B-derivation δ : A → M with an A-module M is obtained as
δ = φ · d for a uniquely determined A-module homomorphism φ : ΩA/B → M .
102 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Since Der k (R, k) ∼= HomR (Ω1R/k , k), it follows that Ω1R/k ⊗R R/m ∼
= m/m2 .
Write m = (a1 , . . . , an ) and let Ω = i=1 Rdai . Then Ω is an R-submodule
of Ω1R/k such that (Ω1R/k /Ω) ⊗R (R/m) = 0. By Nakayama’s lemma
(Lemma 1.5.1), we have Ω1R/k = Ω. Here we note that Nakayama’s lemma
is available since we assume that Ω1R/k is a finite R-module.
(5) Let B = k and S = A \ p in the above (3). Then we have Ω1R/k ∼ =
−1 1
S ΩA/k , where Ω1A/k is a finite A-module by (2). Hence Ω1R/k is a finite
S −1 A-module, where R = S −1 A.
Proof. (1) We have the following commutative diagram with two exact
0 −−−−→ IB −−−−→ B ⊗C B −−−−→ B −−−−→ 0
yα′ yα⊗α yα
0 −−−−→ IC −−−−→ A ⊗C A −−−−→ A −−−−→ 0,
where α′ is a C-module homomorphism induced by α ⊗ α such that
α′ ((b ⊗ 1)x) = α(b)α′ (x) for b ∈ B and x ∈ IB .
So, α′ induces an A-module homomorphism α : (IB /IB 2
) ⊗B A → IA /IA 2
1 1
which is u : ΩB/C ⊗B A → ΩA/C . There is a natural surjective ring homo-
morphism A ⊗C A → A ⊗B A, which induces an A-module homomorphism
v : Ω1A/C → Ω1A/B .
Using the isomorphism in Lemma 1.6.20(1), the A-module homomor-
phisms u and v yield the homomorphisms u∗ and v ∗ in the following se-
quence for an A-module M , where u∗ (δ) for δ ∈ Der B (A, M ) is the same
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 103
f ′ (θ)δ(θ) + fδ (θ) = 0,
Hence Ω1R/k = i=1 Rdai , where {a1 , . . . , an } is a regular system of param-
eters of (R, m). Then there exists a surjective R-module homomorphism
ρ : Rn → Ω1R/k such that ρ(ei ) = dai , where {e1 , . . . , en } is a free basis of
Rn with which we identify i=1 ci ei with (c1 , . . . , cn ). Let N = Ker ρ. Let
K = Q(R). Since K is a flat R-module, we have an exact sequence
0 −→ N ⊗R K −→ Rn ⊗R K ∼ = K n −→ Ω1R/k ⊗R K ∼ = Ω1K/k −→ 0,
where ρ ⊗ K is an isomorphism because Ω1K/k ∼
= i=1 Kdξi (see the end
of the proof of Lemma 1.6.21(3)). So, N ⊗R K = 0. This implies that
N = 0, for otherwise R has torsion elements. This argument is the same as
in [31, Theorem 8.8].
(4) Let x be a closed point of X corresponding to a maximal ideal p of
A. Write R = Ap = S −1 A with S = A \ p. Since (R, m) with m = pR is
a regular local ring, we have a regular system of parameters {a1 , . . . , an }
such that Ω1R/k = i=1 Rdai . Replacing A by a ring of quotients, we
may assume that a1 , . . . , an ∈ A. Define an A-module homomorphism
ρ : An → Ω1A/k by ρ(ei ) = dai for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Let M = Coker ρ and
N = Ker ρ. Then we have an exact sequence
S −1 ρ
0 −→ S −1 N −→ (S −1 A)n −→ S −1 Ω1A/k −→ S −1 M −→ 0,
where ρ′ ({ξj }j∈J ) = {(ξj |Vj ∩Vj′ − ξj ′ |Vj ∩Vj′ )}j,j ′ ∈J . Then Γ( · , OX ) is
viewed as a functor U 7→ Γ(U, OX ) from the category of open sets of X to
the category of k-algebras satisfying the exactness of the sequence
ρ Y ρ′ Y
0 −→ Γ(U, OX ) −→ Γ(Ui , OX ) −→ Γ(Ui ∩ Ui′ , OX ),
i∈I i,i′ ∈I
for some s, s ̸∈ p. So, we may assume that M [s−1 ] = M ′ [s−1 ] for some
N −c
The last equation is obtained from the former by multiplying siN −ci sj j .
If N ≫ 0, the last equality holds for all pair (i, j). If we replace mi , ri by
ri Qn −1
i mi , N + ri , we may assume that the element (mi /si ) of i=1 M [si ]
satisfies the equation
mi sj j = mj sri i
Pn ri Pn
for every pair (i, j). Write i=1 si ai = 1 with ai ∈ A. Let m = i=1 ai mi .
Then we have
n n
sri i m = aj sri i mj = aj sj j mi = mi .
j=1 j=1
In (1.16) and (1.17), the second and the third terms are the same by the
choice of the si . Hence it follows that M = M ′ .
The divisor F in the assertion (2) is called the fixed part of L and L′
the movable part of L. Replacing L by L′ we often assume that L is fixed-
component free, i.e., F = 0. Even if L has no fixed components, there might
exist subvarieties of codimension > 1 which are common to all members of
L. We set Bs (L) = {P ∈ X | P ∈ Supp D′ , ∀D′ ∈ L}. Then Bs (L) is
a closed set, and the support of the fixed part F is the part of Bs (L) of
codimension one.
Suppose that L is a linear system of dimension m > 0 such that L has
no fixed part. Let {f0 , . . . , fm } be a k-basis of the vector subspace in M (D)
which defines L. Consider a rational mapping
ΦL : X 99K Pm , P ∈ X 7→ (f0 (P ), f1 (P ), · · · , fm (P )).
Clearly, ΦL is defined on an open set U := X \ (Supp (D) ∪ Bs (L)). Let
φ = ΦL |U . Let {x0 , x1 , . . . , xm } be a system of homogeneous coordinates of
Pm and let Hα be a hyperplane defined by α0 x0 +· · ·+αm xm = 0, where α =
(α0 , . . . , αm ) is a point of the dual projective space Pm . Let U be the do-
main of definition of ΦL . Suppose that either X is smooth or D is a Cartier
divisor. Let P ∈ U and let fP be a defining equation of D near the point
P . Then (Φ|L )−1 (Hα ) = D + (α0 f0 + · · · + αm fm ) on U since we can iden-
tify the coordinates (f0 (P ), . . . , fm (P )) with ((fP f0 )(P ), . . . , (fP fm )(P )).
Hence Dα := D + (α0 f0 + · · · + αm fm ) is obtained by taking the closure of
(ΦL |U )−1 (Hα ) in X.
Suppose further that Bs (L) = ∅. Then ΦL : X 99K Pm is de-
fined on X \ (Supp D). If P ∈ Supp D. With the above notations,
((fP f0 )(P ), . . . , (fP fm )(P )) ̸= (0, . . . , 0) because Bs (L) ̸= ∅. So, ΦL is
defined also at P . This implies that ΦL : X 99K Pm is a morphism if
Bs (L) = ∅.
A dominant morphism Φ : X → C from X to a smooth projective curve
C is called a pencil. If C is rational, i.e., C ∼ = P1 , then Φ is called a rational
pencil. If C is not rational, Φ is an irrational pencil. We show that a
rational pencil is a linear pencil.
which is the local ring at the generic point of C, is an artin local ring of
length vC (x). Hence Φ∗ (P0 ) is identified with the zero part (x)0 of the
function x on X. Similarly, Φ∗ (P∞ ) is identified with the polar part
(x)∞ .
(2) Let Pα be a point (1, α) of P1 with α ∈ k. Then (x − α) = Φ∗ (Pα ) −
Φ∗ (P∞ ). Hence all fibers of Φ constitute members of a linear pencil.
Proof. (1) Since X is normal, the local ring OX,C is a DVR with a uni-
formisant t. Let ξ be the generic point of C. Then OF0 ,ξ = OX,ξ /(x),
where x = tr u with r = vC (x) the value of x at ξ and u ∈ OX,ξ . Then
there is a composition series of OX,ξ /(x)-modules,
Hence ℓ(OX,ξ /(x)) = r. So, we can let OX,ξ /(x) correspond to rC. Hence
Φ∗ (P0 ) corresponds to an effective divisor i vCi (x)Ci , where Ci moves
ΦL : X 99K C → Pm
With the notations in the statement, the closed set F is the closure of
the image of f , and dim F is the dimension of the image of f . We denote
dim F by dim f (X).
Let X be a normal projective variety of dimension n defined over a field
k and let D be a Cartier divisor on X. We consider complete linear systems
|mD| for all m ≥ 1. If |mD| = ̸ ∅ for some m > 0, we set
κ(X, D) = max{dim Φ|mD| (X) | |mD| =
̸ ∅, m ≥ 0}.
If |mD| = ∅ for all m > 0, we set κ(X, D) = −∞. We call κ(X, D) the D-
dimension of X. The notion was introduced by Iitaka [38]. By definition,
κ(X, D) takes values −∞, 0, 1, . . . , dim X.
The purpose of this section is to recall several basic results on smooth al-
gebraic curves and surfaces. An algebraic variety X defined over k is a
geometrically integral scheme of finite type over k, i.e., X ⊗k k ′ is an irre-
ducible and reduced scheme of finite type over k ′ , where k ′ /k is an algebraic
extension. In particular, the function field k(X) is a regular extension over
k. If dim X = 1 (resp. dim X = 2) we call X an algebraic curve (resp.
algebraic surface). A locally free sheaf F of rank r over an algebraic variety
X is a coherent OX -Module such that F|Uλ ∼ = ⊕r OUλ (∀λ ∈ Λ) for an open
covering U = {Uλ }λ∈Λ of X, where ⊕ OUλ is a free OUλ -Module of rank
r. In the present section the ground field k is assumed to be algebraically
closed. Hence all closed points of an algebraic variety are k-rational points,
i.e., the residue field is k.
exact sequences
0 → H 0 (X, F) → H 0 (X, G) → L0 →0
0→ L0 → H 0 (X, H) → L1 →0
0→ L1 → H 1 (X, F) → L2 →0
0→ L2 → H 1 (X, G) → L3 →0
··· ··· ··· ···
we can show that χ(X, G) = χ(X, F) + χ(X, H).
Set g = h0 (C, OC (KC )), which is called the genus of the curve C. We
will see roles of significance which the genus g plays in various results. For a
15 If
k is not algebraically closed, the degree of D is defined by deg D = i ni [k(Pi ) : k].
122 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Theorem 1.8.3. Let C be a smooth projective curve defined over k and let
D be a divisor. Then the following formula holds.
h0 (C, OC (D)) − h0 (C, OC (KC − D)) = 1 − g + deg D,
which is written as
dim |D| − dim |KC − D| = 1 − g + deg D.
In particular, we have deg KC = 2g − 2.
we obtain
χ(OC (D)) = χ(OC (−D1 )) + χ(OD0 ).
Since we have an exact sequence
0 −→ OC (−D1 ) −→ OC −→ OD1 −→ 0,
we have
χ(OC (−D1 )) = χ(OC ) − χ(OD1 ).
Hence we have
χ(OC (D)) = χ(OC ) + χ(OD0 ) − χ(OD1 )
= 1 − g + deg D0 − deg D1 = 1 − g + deg D.
By replacing the divisor D by KC in the formula, we obtain
h0 (OC (KC )) − h0 (OC ) = 1 − g + deg KC ,
which gives the equality deg KC = 2g − 2.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 123
Proof. (1) By Lemma 1.8.4, (2g + 1)D is very ample since deg(2g + 1)D =
(2g + 1) deg D > 2g. Hence D is ample.
(2) Let F = {P1 , . . . , Pd } with d ≥ 1. Identify F with a divisor F =
P1 +· · ·+Pd . If nd > 2g then OC (nF ) ∼ = ι∗ OPm (1) for ι = Φ|nF | : C ,→ Pm ,
where m = dim |nF |. Hence n(P1 + · · · + Pd ) = ι∗ (H0 ) for some hyperplane
H0 of Pm . Since C \ F is a closed set of Am = Pm \ H0 , C \ F is an affine
(3) Since C is embedded into Pm as a closed set, C is isomorphic to
Proj A for a graded ring A over k generated by A1 = i=0 kai . Let (O, m)
be a DVR of k(C) and let v be the associated valuation of k(C). Since
0 ])0 ⊂ k(C), we can compare the values v(ai /a0 ) (0 ≤ i ≤ m). Sup-
pose that v(a1 /a0 ) = min1≤i≤n v(ai /a0 ). Then v(aj /a1 ) = v(aj /a0 ) −
v(a1 /a0 ) ≥ 0 for j = 0, 2, . . . , m, and O ⊃ A[a−11 ]0 . Let P be a point of
−1 −1
Spec A[a1 ]0 ⊂ C corresponding to m ∩ (A[a1 ]0 ). Then O ≥ OC,P , which
means that O ⊃ OC,P and m ∩ OC,P = mC,P .17 Since OC,P is a DVR as a
normal local ring of dimension 1, it is easy to show that O = OC,P . In fact,
17 We write it as O ≥ OC,P and say that O dominates OC,P .
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 125
where x runs over the closed points of X and fx , gx are local equations
of D1 , D2 at x.
(3) If D1 ∼ D1′ and D2 ∼ D2′ then (D1 · D2 ) = (D1′ · D2′ ).
Meanwhile, since Supp (D1 ) ∩ Supp (D2 ) is a finite set of closed points, we
χ(OD1 ⊗ OD2 ) = h0 (OD1 ⊗ OD2 ) = ℓ(OX,x /(fx , gx )).
We call σ ∗ (D) and σ ′ (D) the total transform and the proper transform of
D, respectively.
(E 2 ) = −1.
(5) The intersection number is a bilinear form on Pic X. Then the result
follows from the foregoing results.
(6) With the above notation, let ω = du∧dv, which is a nonzero element
of ωK/k , where K = k(X). Let Pe0 be the point on E = σ −1 (P ) which is
given as Pe0 = (1, 0) with respect to the homogeneous coordinates (t0 , t1 )
on E. Let x = v/u. Then v = ux and ω = udu ∧ dx. Namely we
have u−1 ω = du ∧ dx. Since σ ∗ KX is represented by (ω)X ′ = σ ∗ ((ω)X )
and OX ′ (E) = u−1 OX on an open neighborhood of Pe0 , it follows that
(ω)X ′ + E = (du ∧ dx)X ′ ∼ KX ′ . This gives KX ′ = σ ∗ (KX ) + E. Since
(σ ∗ (KX ) · E) = 0, we have (KX ′ · E) = −1.
There are still too many results to be stated in the surface case which
we need to develop research on affine algebraic surfaces. But the part
on introduction to algebraic geometry is already too heavy, and necessary
results are written in [57, Chapter 9] and [59, Chapter 1]. So we leave the
readers to these references for the remaining results, and state only basic
and frequently used results.
As in the previous subsections, X is a smooth projective surface de-
fined over an algebraically closed field k. In subsection 1.7.3, a pencil is
a dominant morphism Φ : X → C from X to a smooth projective curve.
We extend the definition so that a pencil of curves is a dominant ratio-
nal mapping Φ : X 99K B, where B is a smooth projective curve. We
used the letter C for the base curve, but we need the letter C for many
other purposes. So, we use B to mean a base curve. Definitions like ra-
tional (or irrational) pencil are extended to the case of rational mappings.
Let ρ : X 99K B be a pencil of curves. Then ρ is given by a morphism
ρU : U → B, where U is the domain of definition of ρ. Let Z be the clo-
sure of the set {(u, ρU (u)) | u ∈ U } in X × B. For a point b ∈ B, we set
Xb := (X × {b}) ∩ Z which is identified with a subset of X and called the
fiber of ρ over the point b ∈ B. A pencil ρ : X 99K B is irreducible if the
field extension k(X)/k(B) is a regular extension. Hence if ρ is a morphism
the generic fiber Xη := X ×B Spec k(B) is geometrically integral. If ρ is a
morphism and irreducible, we say that ρ is a fibration.
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 137
Lemma 1.8.15.
(I) Let ρ : X 99K B be a pencil of curves. Then the following assertions
hold (see Lemma 1.7.4 and [57, Lemma 9.5]).
(1) If ρ is irrational then ρ is a morphism.
(2) If ρ is rational then Λ := {Xb | b ∈ B} is a linear pencil on X
without fixed components.
(II) Suppose that the characteristic of k is zero and ρ is not irreducible. Let
Ke be the algebraic closure of k(B) in k(X). Then K e is the function
field of a smooth projective curve Be and ρ is factored as
ρ ν
e −→
ρ : X 99K B B,
where ρe : X 99K B e → B is a
e is an irreducible pencil and ν : B
finite morphism. The factorization is called the Stein factorization
(see [57, p. 178]).
(III) Suppose that ρ : X 99K B is a morphism. If ρ is irreducible then
ρ∗ OX = OB and every fiber is connected. (See [57, Lemma 9.3].)
In the following result, the first assertion (resp. the second assertion)
is called the first theorem of Bertini (resp. the second theorem of Bertini).
See [57, Theorems 9.6 and 9.11].
Theorem 1.8.16. Let X be a smooth projective surface defined over an
algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and let L be a linear system
on X such that dim L > 0. Then the following assertions hold.
(1) Suppose that L has no fixed components and is not composed of a pencil
of curves. Then a general member of L is irreducible and reduced.18
(2) Suppose that Bs L is a finite set. Then a general member of L is smooth
outside the set Bs L.
In the case of a fibration we have the following result (see [57,
Lemma 9.10]).
Lemma 1.8.17. Suppose that k has characteristic zero. Let ρ : X → B be
a fibration of curves. Then the following assertions hold.
(1) The generic fiber Xη of ρ is geometrically normal. Namely, Xη ⊗k(B)
k(B) is a smooth projective curve, where k(B) is an algebraic closure
of k(B).
18 The members of L are parametrized by a projective space Pm . If some property holds
for every i.
Proof. (1) Let F be a fiber of ρ. Then, by the arithmetic genus formula (see
the definition after Proposition 1.8.10), we have pa (F ) = 12 (F ·F + KX )+1,
which is invariant under algebraic equivalence.
(2) By Lemma 1.8.15, F is connected. Hence if F is reducible, every
irreducible component of F is a curve. The local ring OXb ,C of F at the
generic point of Ci is an artin local ring, and its length is equal to the
multiplicity ni .
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 139
and j̸=i nj (Cj · Ci ) > 0 because F is connected, it follows that (Ci2 ) < 0
for all i.
(1) The generic fiber Xη is isomorphic to P1k(η) , where k(η) = k(B). Hence
general fibers are isomorphic to P1k . We call the fibration ρ : X → B
a P1 -fibration.19 Furthermore, there is a curve S on X such that ρ|S :
S → B is an isomorphism. We call S a section (or cross-section) of ρ.
A section S satisfies (S · F ) = 1 for a fiber F of ρ.
(2) Let F = i ni Ci be a reducible fiber. Then the following assertions
(i) Every Ci is isomorphic to P1 , (Ci2 ) < 0 and (Ci · Cj ) = 0 or 1 if
i ̸= j. Further Ci ∩ Cj ∩ Cℓ = ∅ if i, j, ℓ are distinct.
(ii) One of the components, say Ci , is a (−1)-curve. Let τ : X → X1 be
τ ρ1
the contraction of Ci . Then ρ splits as ρ : X −→ X1 −→ B, where
ρ1 is a P1 -fibration.
(iii) If ni = 1 for a (−1)-curve Ci then there exists another component
Cj which is a (−1)-curve.
19 A fibration ρ : X → B is called an F -fibration if general fibers are isomorphic to an
algebraic variety F .
140 Affine Algebraic Geometry
which is derived from the exact sequence in Lemma 1.6.21(1). Since Ω1B/k is
an invertible sheaf on B, the homomorphism ρ∗ (Ω1B/k ) → Ω1X/k is injective.
Taking the second exterior product of Ω1X/k , we have Ω2X/k ∼ = ρ∗ (Ω1B/k ) ⊗
1 ∗ 1
ΩX/B , i.e., KX ∼ ρ (KB ) + KX/B , where OX (KX/B ) = ΩX/B . Restricting
both sides to the generic fiber Xη , we have KX |Xη ∼ KX/B |Xη = KXη .
More precisely, if U is an open set such that KB |U ∼ 0, we have
KX |ρ−1 (U ) ∼ Kρ−1 (U )/U . It follows that deg((KXη ⊗k(B) k(B)) = −2, where
k(B) is an algebraic closure of k(B). Set Xη = Xη ⊗k(B) k(B). Then Xη ∼ =
Pk(B) . It follows that H 0 (Xη , O(KXη )) ∼ = H 0 (Xη , O(KXη )) ⊗k(B) k(B).
Hence Φ|−KXη | = Φ|−KXη | ⊗k(B) k(B). Since the image of Xη by Φ|−KXη |
is a smooth curve of degree 2 in Pk(B) , it follows that the image of Xη by
Φ|−KXη | is also a curve C of degree 2 in P2k(B) which is defined over the
field k(B). Now we use Theorem of Tsen which says that the function field
k(B) of an algebraic curve defined over an algebraically closed field k is a
C1 -field.20 Then the curve C has a k(B)-rational point Q whose homo-
geneous coordinates in P2 are elements in k(B). Then C is isomorphic to
P1 over k(B). In fact, the set L of lines in P2k(B) passing through Q is a
linear pencil, and each line ℓ ∈ L meets the curve C in the point Q and
a point Q(ℓ) since deg C = 2. A k(B)-rational point Q(ℓ) is viewed also
as a k(B)-rational point of Xη . Hence the mapping ℓ 7→ Q(ℓ) gives an
isomorphism P1k(η) ∼ = Xη . Let S be the closure of {Q} in X. Then S is an
irreducible curve in X, and ρ|S : S → B is a birational morphism. Hence
it is an isomorphism because B is a smooth curve. So S is a section. It is
clear that (S · F ) = 1.
(2) Since F is connected and (F · Ci ) = 0, (Ci2 ) < 0 for every i (see
Lemma 1.8.19). On the other hand, by the arithmetic genus formula,
20 A field K is a C -field if an equation F = 0 defined by a homogeneous polynomial of
degree d in N variables F (x1 , . . . , xN ) with coefficients in K has a root (α1 , . . . , αN ) ̸=
(0, . . . , 0) if d < N .
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 141
where 2pa (Ci ) − 2 − (Ci2 ) ≥ −1 with the equality occurring if and only if
(Ci2 ) = −1 and pa (Ci ) = 0, i.e., Ci is a (−1)-curve. Hence there is some
Ci which is a (−1)-curve. If ni = 1 there is another component Cj which
is a (−1)-curve. Suppose that Ci is a (−1)-curve. Let τ : X → X1 be the
contraction of Ci . Since ρ(Ci ) is a point b on B, ρ1 := ρ · τ −1 is defined
at P1 and ρ1 : X1 → B is a P1 -fibration. If ρ−1 1 (b) is reducible, we find a
(−1)-curve among the components of ρ−1 1 (b) and contract it. Continuing
this process with (−1)-curves appearing in the P -fibration induced by ρ,
we find a birational morphism φ : X → Y and a P1 -fibration ρY : Y → B
such that φ is a composite of blowing-downs of (−1)-curves, ρ = ρY ◦ φ
and every fiber of ρY is irreducible. Suppose that F = mC is an irreducible
fiber. Since (F · S) = m(C · S) = 1 for a section S of ρY , we have m = 1.
Hence every fiber of ρY is irreducible and reduced.
The assertion (3) follows from the above observation because ρ is ob-
tained from ρY by a succession of blowing-ups. Note that each (−1)-curve
appearing in an intermediate blowing-up is contained in a fiber of the cor-
responding P1 -fibration.
The forthcoming arguments are quite sketchy, and we only state results
which we need in the next chapters. For the details see [57, Chapter 11].
Let ρ : X → B be a P1 -bundle. Let S be a section of ρ (see
Lemma 1.8.20(1)). Then we have an exact sequence of OX -Modules
0 → ρ∗ OX → ρ∗ OX (S) → OS (S) → 0,
0 → OB → F → L → 0.
Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Lemma 1.1.6. Let S be the set
of proper ideals of R which are not written as the intersections of irreducible
ideals. Suppose that S ̸= ∅. Define an order I ≤ J by the inclusion I ⊆ J.
Then S is an inductive set because R is noetherian. By Zorn’s lemma, S
has a maximal element, say J. Since J is not irreducible, J = J1 ∩ J2 for
proper ideals Ji ⫌ J for i = 1, 2. Since J is a maximal element of S, Ji ̸∈ S
for i = 1, 2. Then we have expressions
Ji = Ji1 ∩ · · · ∩ Jini , i = 1, 2
with irreducible ideals Jij . Then J is written as the intersection of irre-
ducible ideals
J = J1 ∩ J2 = (J11 ∩ · · · ∩ J1n1 ) ∩ (J21 ∩ · · · ∩ J2n2 ) .
This is a contradiction.
An ideal q is called primary if ab ∈ q for a, b ∈ R and b ̸∈ q implies
a ∈ q. In other terms, q is primary if ab ∈ q and a ̸∈ q implies b ∈ q. Let
p = q. Then p is a prime ideal if q is a primary ideal. In fact, suppose
ab ∈ p and b ̸∈ p. Then (ab)n ∈ q for some n and bn ̸∈ p. Hence an ∈ q by
definition. So, a ∈ p. If p = q we say that q is a primary ideal belonging
to the prime ideal p.
an s′ t = qsn s′ . Hence (as′ t)n = q(ss′ )n tn−1 ∈ q. This implies that as′ t ∈
√ √
q and (a/s) = (as′ t)/(ss′ t) ∈ qRS . We next show that qRS is a primary
ideal. Suppose that (a/s)·(b/t) ∈ qRS with s, t ∈ S and b/t ̸∈ qRS . Since
(ab)/(st) = q/u with q ∈ q and u ∈ S, we have s′ (abu − qst) = 0 for some
s′ ∈ S. This implies that a(bs′ u) = qss′ t ∈ q and bs′ u ̸∈ q. Hence
a ∈ q and (a/s) ∈ qRS . Thus qRS is a primary ideal belonging to qRS .
Finally we show that qRS ∩ R = q. In fact, q ⊆ qRS ∩ R is clear. Suppose
(a/1) ∈ qRS . Then sa ∈ q for some s ∈ S. Note that if q ∩ S = ∅ then
√ √
q ∩ S = ∅. So, s ̸∈ q. Then a ∈ q. This implies that qRS ∩ R ⊆ q.
I = q1 ∩ · · · ∩ qn = q′1 ∩ · · · ∩ q′m ,
we have
(i) n = m.
√ q
(ii) If qi and q′j are the same minimal prime divisor of I then qi =
q′j .
(4) Ass (R/I) = {p1 , . . . , pn }.
where a = bc.
We have to prove the above claim. Suppose that xy ∈ (q1 : b). Then
bxy ∈ q1 . If x ̸∈ (q1 : b), then bx ̸∈ q1 . Since q1 is a primary ideal, y r ∈ q1
for some r > 0 and hence by r ∈ q1 . So, r
p y ∈ (q1 : b). This shows that
(q1 : b) is a primary ideal. Suppose x ∈ (q1 : b). Then bxs ∈ q1 for some
s > 0. Since b ̸∈ q1 we have (xs )t ∈ q1 for some t > 0. Hence x ∈ q1 = p1 .
We have therefore
p √
q1 ⊆ (q1 : b) ⊆ (q1 : b) ⊆ q1 .
p √
Hence we have (q1 : b) = q1 = p1 .
148 Affine Algebraic Geometry
where {qi1 , . . . , qis } exhaust all qi such that (qi : b) ̸= R, i.e., b ̸∈ qi . Note
that (qi : b) is then a primary ideal belonging to pi = qi , i.e., pni i ⊂ (qi : b).
So, we have
Y \s
pij ⊆ (qij : b) = p,
j=1 j=1
which is also written as (a,b)∈A×B α(a,b) (a, b), where the coefficient α(a,b)
is zero except for a finite number of pairs (a, b). The addition of two such
finite sums and the scalar multiplication are defined by
α(a,b) (a, b) + β(a,b) (a, b) = (α(a,b) + β(a,b) )(a, b)
(a,b)∈A×B (a,b)∈A×B (a,b)∈A×B
α α(a,b) (a, b) = αα(a,b) (a, b).
(a,b)∈A×B (a,b)∈A×B
Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii). Let q ∈ Spec R. We show that qAq ⊊ Aq . Suppose that
qAq = Aq . Since L ⊗R/q A/qA ∼ = L ⊗R A for an R/q-module L, it follows
that A/qA is faithfully flat over R/q. We have
(A/qA) ⊗R/q Q(R/q) ∼
= A ⊗R (Rq /qRq ) ∼
= Aq /qAq = 0.
Hence Q(R/q) = 0, which is a contradiction. So, qAq ⊊ Aq . Let m be a
maximal ideal of Aq containing qAq . Then m ∩ Rq ⊇ qRq . Since qRq is
the maximal ideal of Rq , we have m ∩ Rq = qRq . Let p = m ∩ A. Then
p ∩ R = (m ∩ A) ∩ R = (m ∩ Rq ) ∩ R = qRq ∩ R = q. This shows that f is
(ii) ⇒ (i). It suffices to show that M ⊗R A = 0 for an R-module M
implies M = 0. Let p ∈ Spec A and let q = p ∩ R. We have
(M ⊗R A) ⊗A Ap = (M ⊗R Rq ) ⊗Rq Ap = 0.
Since Ap is faithfully flat over Rq by Lemma 1.9.7, it follows that M ⊗R Rq =
0. By the assumption that f is surjective, q moves over all prime ideals
of R. We show that M = 0. Otherwise, let m be a nonzero element of
M , and let a = {c ∈ R | cm = 0}. Then a is a proper ideal of R. Let m
be a maximal ideal such that m ⊇ a. Then M ⊗R Rm = 0. So, sm = 0
for an element s of R \ m. Then s ∈ a ⊆ m. This is a contradiction. So,
M = 0.
sets, groups, R-modules, etc. We will tacitly use the following result. Let
{Ai }i∈I be an inductive system of rings. Suppose that for each i ∈ I we
are given an exact sequence of Ai -modules
i α βi
0 −→ Li −→ Mi −→ Ni −→ 0
and for i < j we have a commutative diagram
i α βi
0 −→ Li −→ Mi −→ Ni −→ 0
↓ fji ↓ gji ↓ hji
αj βj
0 −→ Lj −→ Mj −→ Nj −→ 0.
Then the inductive limits give an exact sequence of A-modules
α β
0 −→ lim Li −→ lim Mi −→ lim Ni −→ 0,
−→ −→ −→
i∈I i∈I i∈I
The projective limit is also called the inverse limit, and it is again a ring.
Example 1.9.12. (1) Let (A, m) be a noetherian local ring with maximal
b where T n
ideal m. Then we denote the m-adic completion A, n>0 m = (0)
by Krull’s intersection theorem. Hence there is an injective ring homomor-
phism ι : A ,→ A.
(2) Let A = k[x1 , . . . , xn ] be a polynomial ring in n variables x1 , . . . , xn
over a field k and let a = (x1 , . . . , xn ) be the ideal generated by
x1 , . . . , xn . Then the a-adic completion A b is the ring of formal power series
k[[x1 , . . . , xn ]] which consists of infinite sums of monomials
f (x1 , . . . , xn ) = cα xα , cα ∈ k,
where α = (α1 , . . . , αn ) with αi ≥ 0 and xα = xα αn
1 · · · xn .
Step 3. Let U = {Ui }i∈I and V = {Vj }j∈J be respectively open coverings
of X and Y . Suppose that a fiber product of (Ui , f |Ui ) and (Vj , g|Vj ) over
S exists for every (i, j) ∈ I × J. Then a fiber product of (X, f ) and (Y, g)
over S exists.
Ui′ ) ∩ qλ−1′ (Vj ∩ Vj ′ ) is also a fiber product of (Ui ∩ Ui′ ) and (Vj ∩ Vj ′ ) over
Lemma 1.9.14. Let (X, A) be a ringed space. Then the following asser-
tions hold for A-Modules.
(1) Let
f g
0 −→ F −→ G −→ H −→ 0
be an exact sequence of A-Modules. If two of F, G and H are coherent
then the rest is coherent.
(2) A-Modules F, G are coherent if and only if F ⊕ G is coherent.
(3) For an A-homomorphism of coherent A-Modules f : F → G,
Ker f, Coker f and Im f are coherent.
(4) For coherent A-Modules F, G, F ⊗A G and HomA (F, G) are coherent
(5) For A-Modules F and G, if F is coherent, then HomA (F, G)x ∼ =
HomAx (Fx , Gx ).
f |U g|U
0 −→ F |U −→ G|U −→ H|U −→ 0
↑e ↑t ↖v ↑u
h k
−→ −→
0 −→ (A|U )m r (A|U )n+m s (A|U )n −→ 0
←− ←−
↑w ↑kw
(A|U )p −→ (A|U )p ,
HomA (Φ∗ G, F) ∼
= HomB (G, Φ∗ F).
Y αn
C (U, F) = {f = (fαn ) ∈ Γ(Uαn , F) | fβn = sgn fαn
αn ∈I n+1
if βn is a permutation of αn }
(dn f )αn+1 = (−1)j (f(αn+1 ,∨j) |Uαn+1 ),
where (αn+1 , ∨j) = (i0 , . . . , ij , . . . , in+1 ) if αn+1 = (i0 , . . . , in+1 ).
It is easy to show that dn+1 ◦ dn = 0. Hence we have a complex
d0 d1 dn−1 dn
0 −→ C 0 (U, F) −→ C 1 (U, F) −→ · · · −→ C n (U, F) −→ · · · .
Its nth cohomology group Ker dn /Im dn−1 is denoted by H n (U, F). In
particular, H 0 (U, F) = Γ(X, F) because C 0 (U, F) −→ C 1 (U, F) coincides
Y −ρ′ Y
Γ(Ui , F) −→ Γ(Uij , F), − ρ′ ((fi )) = (fj |Uij − fi |Uij ),
i∈I i,j
Then we have
0 n
τ ′ − τ 0 = σ 0 · d0 , τ ′ − τ n = σ n · dn + dn−1 · σ n−1 (n ≥ 1).
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 171
Namely, (σ n )n≥0 is a chain homotopy from (τ ′ )n≥0 to (τ n )n≥0 . Then the
homomorphisms τ n , τ ′ : H n (U, F) → H n (V, F) coincides with each other
for every n ≥ 0. This shows that the homomorphism τ n does not depend
on the choice of τ . So, denote this homomorphism by τV,U . Let Cov(X)
be the partially ordered set of open coverings of X with order defined by
refinement U ≤ V. Then {H n (U, F) | U ∈ Cov(X)} is an inductive system,
hence limU ∈Cov(X) H n (U, F) exists. We denote the limit by Ȟn (X, F) and
call it the nth Čech cohomology of F over X.
Let X be an algebraic variety defined over a field k, which is a local
ringed space with the structure sheaf OX . For a quasi-coherent OX -Module
F, we can define a cohomology theory (H n (X, F))n≥0 defined by an injec-
tive resolution of F in the category of OX -Modules (see [31, Chapter III]).
We state some related results without further explanations.
Proof. For the first statement, see [31, Chapter III, Theorem 3.5]. For the
second statement, see [ibid., Chapter III, Theorem 3.7].
f g
0 −→ F −→ G −→ H −→ 0
sequence of cohomologies
0 → H 0 (X, F) → H 0 (X, G) → H 0 (X, H) → H 1 (X, F) →
∂ ∂
H 1 (X, G) → H 1 (X, H) → H 2 (X, F) → H 2 (X, G) → H 2 (X, H) →
∂ ∂
H 3 (X, F) → ··· → H n (X, F) → H n (X, G) → H n (X, H) →
H n+1 (X, F) → ··· ··· .
= A[a−1 m−ℓ
i ]0 · ai .
Hence it follows that HomOX (OX (ℓ), OX (m)) = ∼ OX (m − ℓ).
(3) For the first assertion, see [31, Chapter II, Proposition]. For the
second assertion, we use a criterion that a graded A-module M = n∈Z Mn
is a finite A-module if and only if
(i) dimk Mn < ∞ for all n ∈ Z and there exists an integer n0 such that
Mn = 0 for all n < n0 and
(ii) there exist integers n1 and d > 0 such that Mn+d = Ad Mn for all
n ≥ n1 .
Since X = ∪ni=0 D+ (ai ), we can show that if F is a coherent OX -Module,
Γ∗ (F) satisfies these two conditions (i) and (ii). See also [31, Chapter II,
Theorems 5.17 and 5.19].
22 In f ⊗O N
our situation, we have M e ∼
= (M^
⊗A N ), and if M is a finite A-module,
f e ∼ ^
HomO (M , N ) = HomA (M, N ).
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 175
D+ (ai ) = ι−1 (D+ (xi )). So, the open covering UX := {D+ (ai ) | 0 ≤ i ≤ n}
is the inverse image of the open covering U := {D+ (xi ) | 0 ≤ i ≤ n}. For a
coherent OX -Module F, the Čech cohomologies H i (UX , F) and H i (U, ι∗ F)
are the same for all i ≥ 0. This is because the Čech complexes C • (UX , F)
and C • (U, ι∗ F) are the same. Furthermore, ι∗ (F) is a coherent OPn -
Module. By Theorem 1.9.16, if dimk H i (Pn , ι∗ (F)) < ∞, it follows that
dimk H i (X, F) < ∞, i.e., the k-vector space H i (X, F) has finite dimen-
In order to show that dimk H i (Pn , ι∗ (F)) < ∞, we need the following
result (see [31, Chapter III, Theorem 5.1]).
This implies that I1 · · · Ii · · · In + Ii = R. Define a ring homomorphism
φ : R → (R/I1 ) × · · · × (R/In )
by a 7→ (a + I1 , . . . , a + In ). Then Ker φ = I1 ∩ · · · ∩ In . We show that
φ is surjective. For every 1 ≤ i ≤ n, since Ii + I1 · · · Ii · · · In = R,
there exists an element bi such that bi ∈ I1 · · · Ii · · · In and 1 − bi ∈ Ii .
For an element (a1 + I1 , . . . , an + In ) ∈ (R/I1 ) × · · · × (R/In ), set
a = b1 a1 + · · · + bn an . Since b1 , . . . , bi−1 , bi − 1, bi+1 , . . . , bn ∈ Ii , we
a − ai = b1 a1 + · · · + bi−1 ai−1 + (bi − 1)ai + bi+1 ai+1 + · · · + bn an ∈ Ii .
Hence φ(a) = (a1 + I1 , . . . , an + In ).
For the last assertion, suppose that we have ideals I, J of R such that
I + J = R. Then a + b = 1 for a ∈ I and b ∈ J. Then, for x ∈ I ∩ J,
we have x = ax + bx ∈ I · J. This implies that I ∩ J ⊆ I · J. The
opposite inclusion I · J ⊆ I ∩ J is clear. So, I ∩ J = I · J. For n ≥ 2,
we proceed by induction on n. Assume that I2 ∩ · · · ∩ In = I2 · · · In .
Since I1 + I2 · · · In = R, we have
I1 ∩ I2 ∩ · · · ∩ In = I1 ∩ (I2 · · · In ) = I1 · (I2 · · · In ) = I1 · I2 · · · In .
So we are done.
(2) Suppose that Ii + Ij ̸= R. Then there p exists a maximal ideal m
such that Ii + Ij ⊆ m. Since Ii = mi and Ij = mj , it follows that
mi , mj ⊆ m. Then mi = m = mj . This is a contradiction. Hence
Ii + Ij = R.
3. Let R = k[x, y] be a polynomial ring in two variables over a field k and
let I = (x2 , xy). Verify the following assertions (see the appendix for
primary decomposition).
(1) I is not a primary ideal.
I = (x) ∩ (x2 , y) is
(2) p pthe irredundant primary decomposition.
(3) (x) = (x) and (x2 , y) = (x, y). (x) is a minimal prime divisor
and (x, y) is an embedded prime divisor.
and (x2 , y) is a primary ideal because (x2 , y) = (x, y) is a maximal
ideal and (x, y)2 ⊆ (x2 , y). Further it is clear that the decomposition
is the irredundant one.
(3) It is easy to show that (x) = (I : y), (x, y) = (I : x) and (x) ⊂
(x, y).
4. Prove Krull’s intersection theorem (see Theorem 1.9.10) according to
the following steps.
(1) Let N = n≥0 an M . Then aN = N .
(2) By the argument in the proofs of Lemmas 1.1.13 and 1.5.1, show tat
N = 0 if the condition on the elements a − 1 for a ∈ a holds. In the
proof, one can use the following result (see [72, Theorem 3.7]).
Let D = (Em −A), let D∗ be the cofactor matrix of D and let d = det D.
Then D∗ D = dEm , d = 1 − a with a ∈ a and dzi = 0 for 1 ≤ i ≤ m.
Since d is not a zero divisor of M by the assumption, we have zi = 0
for every 1 ≤ i ≤ m. Namely, N = 0.
5. Let X be a scheme defined over a field k and separated over k. Let Ui =
Spec Ai (i = 1, 2) be an open set such that Ai is a finitely generated
k-algebra. Show that U3 = U1 ∩ U2 is an affine open set such that the
coordinate ring A3 is a finitely generated k-algebra.
180 Affine Algebraic Geometry
^ −1
Since f∗ (OX ) is quasi-coherent, f∗ (OX )|Ui = A[s i ] = Ai , whence
α|f −1 (Ui ) = αi is an isomorphism for every i ∈ I. So, α : X → Spec A
is an isomorphism, and X is an affine scheme.
8. Let R be an integral domain and let R[x] be a polynomial ring in one
variable over R. Prove the following assertions.
(1) R[x] is an integral domain.
(2) (R[x])∗ = R∗ .
′ σ
Let α = σ∈G α(σ). Then α ∈ P and α ̸∈ P for every σ ∈ G. Let
a = σ∈G σ α. Then a ∈ R, a ∈ P′ ∩ R and a ̸∈ P ∩ R. This is a
m/m2 m/m2
Hence D is surjective. Now, comparing dimensions of m/m2 and
Ω1R/k ⊗R R/m, we obtain the stated isomorphism.
14. Show that on a ringed space (X, A), a sequence of A-Modules
f g
0 −→ F −→ G −→ H −→ 0 (1.25)
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 185
15. Let R be a UFD and let f, g ∈ R such that gcd(f, g) = 1. Show that
the following sequence is exact:
α β γ
0 → f gR −→ f R ⊕ gR −→ R −→ R/(f, g) → 0,
where the homomorphisms α, β, γ are those given in the proof of
Lemma 1.8.8.
We begin with the following result which we use frequently and tacitly in
the subsequent arguments (see Hartshorne [32, Theorem 4.2 and its proof,
p. 69]).
k ⊆ Γ(C, OC ) ⊆ Γ(C,
e O e ) = k.
Hence Γ(C, OC ) = k.
192 Affine Algebraic Geometry
(1) Let F be a fiber of f . Then Fred is a disjoint union of the affine lines.
(2) X contains an affine open set W of the form W = f −1 (U ) ∼ = U × A1 ,
where U is an open set of B.
(i) Every fiber of ρ is connected and meets the section S in one point
(ii) There is no circle contained in F , i.e, any connected sequence of suc-
cessively meeting irreducible components in F , say Ci1 , Ci2 , . . . , Cir ,
never meet the starting component Ci1 . We then say that the config-
uration of F is a tree.
(iii) Only terminal component can meet the open set X, where a component
is terminal if it meets only one other component of F . For otherwise,
a complete component will be left in X.
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 193
(2) Suppose that Pic X = 0, i.e., the coordinate ring of X is a UFD. Then
f : X → B has no singular fibers. Namely, f is an A1 -bundle and
X∼= B × A1 .
(3) Write X = Spec A. Then A∗ = k ∗ if and only if B ∼ = A1 .
Proof. (1) With the notations in the proof of Lemma 2.1.2, we may assume
that the fibers ρ−1 (b) with b ∈ B \ B are smooth fibers and any fiber ρ−1 (b)
with b ∈ B is a smooth fiber if f −1 (b) is integral. Hence singular fibers
of ρ are exhausted by F i := ρ−1 (bi ) with bi = f (Fi ) for 1 ≤ i ≤ r. By
Lemma 1.8.20, the abelian group Pic V is then generated by the classes
of a smooth fiber ℓ of ρ which we take outside of X, the section S and
all the irreducible components of singular fibers F 1 , . . . , F r with relations
F i ∼ ℓ. In the quotient group Pic X = Pic V /G(D), the classes of ℓ, S and
the irreducible components of F i ∩ (V \ X) (1 ≤ i ≤ r) become zero. Hence
we have the presentation of Pic X in the assertion (1).
(2) Suppose that Pic X = 0. It follows from (1) that there are no
singular fibers of f : X → B. By the assumption made in the proof of
the assertion (1), this implies that ρ is a P1 -bundle and S is a section.
194 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Since a P1 -bundle is locally free, there exists an open covering U = {Ui }i∈I
such that ρ−1 (Ui ) ∼ = Ui × P1 . In fact, if we write V = P(F), then F|Ui =
OUi e0 ⊕ OUi e1 and hence P(F|Ui ) = Ui × Proj (k[e0 , e1 ]) ∼ = Ui × P1 . The
section S is given by the homogeneous ideal (s0 e0 − s1 e1 ) of Ri [e0 , e1 ],
where Ui = Spec Ri and s0 , s1 ∈ Ri with s0 Ri + s1 Ri = Ri . Hence there
are t0 , t1 ∈ Ri such that s0 t0 − s1 t1 = 1. Let e′0 = s0 e0 − s1 e1 and
e′1 = −t1 e0 +t0 e1 . Then the section S|Ui is given by e′0 = 0. Let xi = e′1 /e′0 .
Then f −1 (Ui ) ∼= Ui × Spec k[xi ] ∼
= Ui × A1 .
On Uij = Ui ∩ Uj , we have xj = αji xi + βji with αji ∈ OB (Uij )∗ and
βji ∈ OB (Uij ). On Uijℓ = Ui ∩ Uj ∩ Uℓ for distinct i, j, ℓ ∈ I, we have αℓi =
αℓj αji and βℓj = αℓj βji + βℓj . Hence {αji } is a set of transition functions
for an invertible sheaf L on B. Since Pic B = 0, we have {αi ∈ O(Ui )∗ }i∈I
such that αji = αj αi−1 . Replacing xi by αi−1 xi , we may assume that αji = 1
for all i, j ∈ I with i ̸= j. Then βℓi = βji + βℓj . By Theorem 1.9.17, we
have H 1 (U, OB ) = 0. This implies that βji = βj − βi for βi ∈ OB (Ui ). Set
x′i = xi − βi . Then x′j = x′i for every pair (i, j) ∈ I 2 . Set this element x.
Then X = B × Spec k[x] ∼ = B × A1 .
(3) Since B = Spec R is a smooth affine rational curve, B ⊆ A1 =
P \ {one point}. If B = A1 \ {P1 , . . . , Pn }, the points Pi is given by
x = ci ∈ k, where A1 = Spec k[x]. Then R∗ = k ∗ × i=1 Z[x − ci ] because
a unit of R is written as c i=1 (x − ci )ni with c ∈ k ∗ and ni ∈ Z. Hence
R∗ = k ∗ if and only if B = A1 . Note that, by (2), A∗ = R∗ .
So, dim H 0 (V, OV (M + mℓ)) = 2m − n + 2. Here we used the cohomology long exact
sequence and the result that H i (V, ρ∗ (OP1 (m)) ∼
= H i (P1 , OP1 (m)) for i = 0, 1.
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 197
Lemma 2.2.3. For 0 ≤ i < N , the point Pi+1 is an infinitely near point
of Pi , and ri = µ(C (i) , Pi ) which is the multiplicity of C (i) at Pi .
Proof. The first assertion is clear and just for a reminder. We prove the
second assertion. We have
i(C (i) , ℓq0 +···+qs−1 ; Pi ) = ds−1 − tds
i(C (i) , ℓi ; Pi ) = ds ,
where t = i−(q0 +· · ·+qs−1 ). Since 0 ≤ t < qs , it follows that ds < ds−1 −tds
if i ̸= N − 1 and ds−1 − tds = ds if i = N − 1. Since Pi is a one-place point
of C (i) , we have µ(C (i) , Pi ) = min(ds , ds−1 − tds ).
(N )
The curves ℓi (0 ≤ i ≤ N ) are the proper transforms of exceptional
curves which appear in consecutive steps of blowing-ups in ρ. To elucidate
(N )
the steps of blowing-ups, we rename ℓi in the following way.
(N )
E0 := ℓ0 ,
(N )
E(s, t) := ℓi if i = q0 + q1 + · · · + qs−1 + t, 1 ≤ s ≤ α, 1 ≤ t ≤ qs .
Intersection relations of these curves are well exhibited by drawing a con-
figuration picture of these curves. More simply, it is shown by drawing the
dual graph which consists of vertices and edges, where one assigns a vertex
(denoted by a circle ◦) to each irreducible curve and an edge (denoted by a
line segment) to each intersection point of two curves which is a transversal
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 201
Lemma 2.2.5. The above-defined integers a(s, t) satisfy the following con-
(i) If α = 1, i.e., d2 = 0, then a(1, q1 ) ≥ d0 . Otherwise, a(1, q1 ) ≥ d2 .
More precisely, if α > 1 and q1 ≥ 2 then a(1, q1 ) > d0 .
(ii) If α ≥ 2 then a(s, qs ) > ds−1 > ds for 2 ≤ s ≤ α. Hence a(α, qα ) > dα .
(iii) For 2 ≤ s ≤ α, a(s, 1) > a(s − 1, qs−1 ).
(iv) For 1 ≤ s ≤ α and 1 ≤ t ≤ qs − 1, a(s, t + 1) ≥ a(s, t) > 0.
(v) dα | a(s, t).
(vi) a(α, qα )dα = d0 (d0 − d1 ).
202 Affine Algebraic Geometry
(E02 ) E0 (E02 ) E0
−2 E(2, 1) −2 E(2, 1)
−2 E(2, q2 − 1) −2 E(2, q2 − 1)
−(q3 + 2) E(2, q2 ) −(q3 + 2) E(2, q2 )
−2 E(4, 1) −2 E(4, 1)
−2 −2
−(qα−1 + 2) E(α − 2, qα−2 ) −(qα−2 + 2) E(α − 3, qα−3 )
−2 E(α, 1) −2 E(α − 1, 1)
−2 −2 E(α, qα − 1)
−2 E(α − 1, 1) −2 E(α, 1)
−(qα−2 + 2) E(α − 3, qα−3 ) −(qα−1 + 2) E(α − 2, qα−2 )
−2 −2
−2 E(3, 1) −2 E(3, 1)
−(q2 + 2) E(1, q1 ) −(q2 + 2) E(1, q1 )
−2 E(1, q1 − 1) −2 E(1, q1 − 1)
−2 E(1, 1) −2 E(1, 1)
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 203
Thus we have
Hence we have
b := e(d0 /dα )E0
Xα X qs
+ {a(s, t)/dα + (e − 1)c(s, t)d0 /dα }E(s, t) + (d0 /dα )ρ∗ (Γ) − ebℓb0 ,
s=1 t=1
where a(s, t) and c(s, t) are integers defined previously. Let db1 be the mul-
tiplicity of C b ∩ ℓb0 . Then the following assertions hold.
b at Pb0 := C
b = {Vb , X, C, b db0 , db1 , eb}
b ℓb0 , Γ,
α X
( )
∆(N ) = ρ∗ ((e − 1)ℓ0 + Γ) = (e − 1) E0 + c(s, t)E(s, t) + ρ∗ (Γ).
s=1 t=1
(N ) (N )
Further, (C (N ) · ℓN ) = dα , (C (N ) · ℓj ) = 0 for 0 ≤ j < N and
(C (N ) · ρ∗ (Γ)) = 0. Then, with C,
b ℓb0 , db0 , eb and Γ
b defined as above, we have
C ∼ d0 (b
b b eℓ0 + Γ). Note that ρ (X) is isomorphic to X and Supp (Γ)
b b b =
Vb \ (X ∪ ℓb0 ). Further Vb \ X = ℓb0 ∪ Supp (Γ).
b Hence (X, C0 ) has admissible
data D = {V , X, C, ℓ0 , Γ, d0 , d1 , eb}. The inequalities db1 ≤ db0 ≤ d1 < d0
b b b b b b b
holds clearly. Let d0 = b0 dα and d1 = b1 dα . Then gcd(b0 , b1 ) = 1 and
b0 > b1 ≥ 1, whence b0 ≥ 2. Since eb = b0 (b0 − b1 ) + (e − 1)b20 by Lem-
mas 2.2.5 and 2.2.6, it follows that eb ≥ 4(e − 1) + 2 = 4e − 2. The assertion
(2) follows from Lemma 2.2.4 and the assertion (3) is easy to prove.
206 Affine Algebraic Geometry
−1 −2 −2 (ℓ20 ) − 1
(i) (i)
(2) If 1 ≤ i < e and d1 < d1 = d0 , then Di = {Vi , X, C (i) , ℓi , Γi , d0 , d1 ,
(e − i)} is admissible data for (X, C0 ), where
(i) (i)
Γi := ρ∗ (Γ) + (e − i + 1)ℓi−1 + · · · + eℓ0 .
Step 2. Suppose that d is not a power of p and write d = pα d′ with
gcd(d′ , p) = 1. Let t be a uniformisant of B at b, i.e., mB,b = (t). Let B ′ be
a smooth projective curve such that k(B ′ ) = k(B)(t1/d ) and let ψ : B ′ → B
be the morphism corresponding to the injection k(B) ,→ k(B ′ ). Then ψ
ramifies totally over b. Namely there exists a unique point b′ ∈ B ′ such
that ψ(b ) = b and mB ′ ,b′ = (t ) with t = t . We then say that B ′ ramifies
′ ′ ′
f ′y yf
B ′ −−−−→ B.
Let W ′ = f ′ (b′ ). Let v be a closed point of V lying on ∆ but not the
intersection point of two irreducible components and let x be an element
of mV,v such that x = 0 is a local equation of ∆ as a divisor near the point
v. We show that
(i) V ′ is smooth near the fiber W ′ ,
(ii) ψe maps W ′ onto pα ∆ (considered as a closed subscheme of V and
defined by xp = 0 near the point v), and
(iii) φ′ := ψ|e W ′ : W ′ → pα ∆ is an étale covering.
′ ′ α
In fact, we have t = uxd with u ∈ OV,v . Hence t1/d = (u1/d )xp in
′ ′
the field k(V ) = k(V ) ⊗k(B) k(B ), which is a field because the extension
k(V )/k(B) is a regular extension as f : V → B being an irreducible pencil.
d′ ′ α
Hence t′ = uxd is an irreducible equation with t′ = t1/d . Let τ ′ = t′ /xp .
Then τ ′ = u. Hence ψe−1 (v) has d′ points. We have
V ′ ×V Spec (OV,v ) = the normalization of (V ×B B ′ ) ×V Spec (OV,v )
= the normalization of B ′ ×B Spec (OV,v )
= Spec (OV,v [τ ′ ]),
where τ ′ = u ∈ OV,v∗
. Hence the assertions (i), (ii) and (iii) hold for all
points of V lying over v. Since this observation holds for every closed point
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 209
Proof. We prove the assertions (3) and (4). Other assertions are clear
from the foregoing arguments.
(4) Suppose that D is reducible. Write D = D1 + D′ , where D1 is
the component meeting the section ℓe . So, D1 has the coefficient 1 in D
as viewed as a divisor, and D′ is the sum of other components. Then
Supp D′ ⊂ X0 . Since X0 is affine by assumption, this is a contradiction as
no complete curves are contained in an affine variety. So, D is irreducible
and reduced. Since two irreducible fibers of f have the same arithmetic
genera, the rest of the assertion is clear.
(5) By (4), if C0 ∼
= A1 then pa (D) = 0, whence D ∼ = P1 . An A1 -bundle
1 ∼ 1 1 ∼ 2
f0 : X → A is trivial, i.e., X = A × A = A by Lemma 2.1.3 provided
the characteristic of k is zero. In the case of positive characteristic, we refer
the readers to [59, Chapter 3].
212 Affine Algebraic Geometry
The next theorem due to Ganong [21] deals with the case for which
there is no condition on non-p-divisibility of d0 or d1 . It is called the
generic irreducibility theorem of Ganong.
Our results (Lemmas 2.2.12 and 2.2.13 in particular) prove that the
conjecture holds. The assumption that p ∤ d is important. If this assump-
tion is violated, something pathological in the case of positive characteristic
occurs. Namely there exists a fixed-point free (linear) pencil whose fibers
all have singular points outside X. Hence the assertion in the conjecture
does not hold if p | d. Nagata [76] gave the following
−1 −2
u1 u3
−2 −2
E1 E2
After the Euclidean transformation, the proper transform C α is defined
by the following equation obtained from the equation (2.1) by setting u =
v 3 u3 and dividing it by v 9
The last equation implies the stated assertion. The reducible fiber is written
3Γ = 9ℓ + 6E1 + 12E2 + 18E3 + 15E4 + 12E5 + 9E6 + 6E7 + 3E8
= 3Γ,
where the exceptional curves Ei for 4 ≤ i ≤ 8 come from the curves with
parameters wi for 1 ≤ i ≤ 5.
Problem 2.2.23. Let f (x, y) ∈ k[x, y] be a polynomial such that the curve
f = 0 is isomorphic to A1 . Is the curve f (x, y) = α isomorphic to A1 for
every α ∈ k?
Proof. (1) By the iteration of the Euclidean transformations and the (e, i)-
transformations, whose composite is the birational morphism σ : V → P2 ,
we reach to the situation treated in Lemma 2.2.9, where the proper trans-
form σ ′ Λ is free from base points and hence defines a surjective morphism
q : V → P1 . The construction of σ shows that the last exceptional curve
S is a (−1)-curve on V such that q|S : S → P1 is a purely inseparable
morphism of degree, say pn .
218 Affine Algebraic Geometry
(2) The generic fiber Vη := V ×P1 Spec k(P1 ) has a purely inseparable
place outside of Vη ∩ A2 . Its singularity can be resolved by taking the
normalization of Vη ⊗k(P1 ) k(T ) for a suitable purely inseparable extension
k(T )/k(P1 ) of degree pm with m ≥ n. Hence the condition (a) is satisfied.
Let Wζ be the generic fiber of qeT : W → T . Then the place of Wζ over
the point Vη ∩ S is taken to be k(T )-rational. Let T ′ be the closure of the
point over Vη ∩ S in W . Then there is a birational mapping γ : T → T ′
such that qeT ′ ◦ γ = idT . Then γ is an isomorphism and hence the curve T ′
is a section of qeT . Since k(W ) = k(V ) ⊗k(P1 ) k(T ), it follows that [k(W ) :
k(V )] = [k(T ) : k(P1 )] = pm . So, θ is a purely inseparable morphism of
degree pm .
(3) For a point P ∈ P1 , let νP be the number of irreducible components
of q −1 (P ). Since V \ (S ∪ q −1 (P∞ )) ∼ = A2 and rank Cℓ (P2 ) = 1, the
construction of q implies that Cℓ (V ) ⊗ Q is generated by S and irreducible
components of q −1 (P∞ ). Hence we have
rank Cℓ (V ) = 1 + νP∞ = 2 + (νP − 1) = 1 + (νP − 1) + νP∞ .
P ∈P1 P ̸=P∞
This implies that νP = 1 for every P ∈ P such that P ̸= P∞ . So, C α
is irreducible for all α ∈ k. Suppose that Cα = {f = α} is not reduced.
Let (Cα )red be defined by g = 0. Then f − α = g µ with µ ≥ 2. Since
C α := q −1 (α) = µG with the closure G of (Cα )red in V , we have
(q −1 (α) · S) = pn = µ(G · S).
′ n′ −n′ n′
So, µ is a power of p, say pn with n′ > 0. Then f = g p +α = (g+αp )p .
This is a contradiction since f is an irreducible polynomial. So, Cα is
(4) (i) ⇒ (ii). Write the fiber q −1 (0) as C 0 which is the closure of
C0 = {f = 0} in V . Let F 0 be the fiber qe−1 (0) which lies over C 0 .
Since C0 ∼ = A1 , it follows that θ−1 (C0 ) = F 0 \ (F 0 ∩ T ′ ) ∼ = A1 . Since
W \ (eqT (∞)) is smooth and T is a section of qeT , it follows that F 0 ∼
−1 ′
= P1 .
By the arithmetic genus formula and by the fact that all closed fibers are
linearly equivalent to F 0 , it follows also that all irreducible fibers of qeT are
isomorphic to P1 and the generic fiber Wζ has arithmetic genus 0. Since the
section T ′ gives a k(T )-rational point of Wζ , we have Wζ ∼ = P1k(T ) (see the
proof of Lemma 1.8.20(1)). This implies that qeT : W → T is a P1 -fibration
5 In [61, p. 325], there is an argument using the projection formula for θ : W → V which
In this section we look into the automorphism group of the affine plane and
clarify the structure of the automorphism group. The base field k is an
algebraically closed field of characteristic p. An influential reference in this
topic is Nagata’s lecture notes [77].
e := σ ′ (Λ) has no
(ii’) Let σ : Ve → V be a birational morphism such that Λ
base points. Then general fibers of the morphism σ ◦ φ : Ve → B are
If k has characteristic zero, the condition (ii) follows from the condition
(i) by Theorem of Bertini (see Theorem 1.8.16). If k has positive char-
acteristic, this is, however, not the case because of the moving singular
Further the curve Vη has genus 0 and is defined over the C1 -field by The-
orem of Tsen. Hence Vη ∼ = P1 over k(B) by Lemma 1.8.20. Since Λ is a lin-
∼ 1
ear pencil, i.e., B = P over k, it follows that k(V ) is a purely transcendental
extension k(x, y). The field k(B) is identified with a subfield k(f ) as the
curve B is rational. Since Vη ∼ = P1k(B) , we have k(V ) = k(B)(Vη ) = k(f, g)
with g ∈ k(V ). It is clear that if k(V ) = k(f, g) then Vη ∼ = P1 over
k(B) = k(f ). The following result is a corollary of Lemma 1.8.20.
Bs (Λ) be the set of base points of Λ.6 Let F = i=1 ni Ci be a degenerate
member of Λ. Then the following assertions hold.
Now we turn to the case where the curve f = 0 has one ordinary point
at infinity. One can find a similar statement in [77, (1.8), p. 21].
E0 E(1, q1 ) E(1, 1)
(ii) The line ℓ0 \ {P0 } is sent to the point P0′ = (0, 1, 0) of the target P2 .
We call ℓ0 := {X0 = 0} the fundamental curve of T .
(iii) Since the inverse τ −1 of τ is given by τ −1 (x) = α−1 x−α−1 f ((y−γ)/β)
and α−1 (y) = β −1 (y − γ), the inverse birational mapping T −1 has also
the fundamental point P0′ = (0, 1, 0) and the fundamental curve ℓ′0 ,
where the prime indicates that the point and the curve are considered
on the target P2 .
We find a smooth projective surface V and the birational morphisms
q : V → P2 and q ′ : V → P2 such that T = q ′ ◦ q −1 . The morphism q (resp.
q ′ ) is the shortest succession of blowing-ups of the fundamental points of
T (resp. T −1 ) including infinitely near fundamental points which appear
subsequently after blowing-ups. To begin with, let q1 : V1 → V0 := P2 be
the blowing-up of the fundamental point P0 . Then the birational mapping
T ◦ q1 : V1 → P2 has the fundamental point P1 := E1 ∩ q1′ (ℓ0 ), where
E1 = q1−1 (P0 ). Let q2 : V2 → V1 be the blowing-up of P1 . Then T ◦ (q1 ◦ q2 )
has the fundamental point P2 := E2 ∩ q2′ (E1 ), where E2 = q2−1 (P2 ). For
2 ≤ i < n, we set Pi := Ei ∩ (q2 ◦ · · · ◦ qi )′ (E1 ), where qi : Vi → Vi−1 is the
blowing-up at Pi−1 and Ei = qi−1 (Pi−1 ). The points Pi is the fundamental
point of T ◦ (q1 ◦ · · · ◦ qi ). On the curve En−1 , there is a unique fundamental
point Qn of T ◦ (q1 ◦ · · · ◦ qn−1 ) which is not the intersection point Pn of
En−1 and the proper transform of E1 . Including the point Qn , we further
blow up the (n − 1) points to eliminate the points where T is not regular.
In terms of local coordinates, the above blowing-ups are explained as
follows. Let u = X0 /X1 and v = X2 /X1 . Then (u, v) is a system of
coordinates such that P0 is given by (u, v) = (0, 0) and ℓ0 is defined by
u = 0. The transformation T is given in terms of (u, v) by
T : (u, v) 7→ (un , αun−1 + un f (v/u), βun−1 v + γun ).
Introduce u1 by u = vu1 . Then u1 is a coordinate of E1 such that P1 is
given by (u1 , v) = (0, 0) and the transformation T is given as follows by
replacing u by vu1 and dividing three coordinate terms by v n−1 ,
T : (u1 , v) 7→ (vun1 , αun−1
1 + v(bn + bn−1 u1 + · · · + b0 un1 ), un−1
1 v(β + γu1 ).
The blowing-up of P1 is given by introducing v1 = v/u1 and the transfor-
mation T is changed to
T : (u1 , v1 ) 7→ (v1 un1 , αu1n−2 + v1 (bn + · · · + b0 un1 ), un−1
1 v1 (β + γu1 ).
The point P2 is given by (u1 , v1 ) = (0, 0). The blowing-ups at points
P2 , . . . , Pn−1 are done by introducing v2 = v1 /u1 , v3 = v2 /u1 , . . . , vn−1 =
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 229
−1 −2 −2 −2 −2 −2 −1
q ′ (ℓ0 ) L
| {z } | {z }
n−2 n−2
In the picture, we can contract the component q ′ (ℓ0 ) first and all com-
ponents except for L. The composition of these contractions gives the
morphism q ′ : V → P2 such that T = q ′ ◦ q −1 . By the above construc-
tion, it is clear that V, q, q ′ are uniquely determined up to isomorphisms.
The birational transformation T has 2n − 1 fundamental points including
infinitely near ones. The inverse T −1 has the ordinary fundamental point
(0, 1, 0) on ℓ′0 and totally 2n − 1 fundamental points.
An affine transformation σ given by σ(x) = ax + by + α1 and σ(y) =
cx + dy + α2 is extended to an automorphism S of P2 by
1 α1 α2
S : (X0 , X1 , X2 ) 7→ (X0 , X1 , X2 ) 0 a c .
0 b d
Hence A2 ∩ J2 consists of those elements with c = 0 with respect to the
above expressions. If σ ̸∈ J2 then a (τ ◦ σ) as a birational transformation of
230 Affine Algebraic Geometry
P2 has the ordinary fundamental point (0, 1, 0) and its inverse a (τ ◦ σ)−1
has the ordinary fundamental point (0, d/(ad − bc), −c/(ad − bc)) which is
not (0, 1, 0) because c ̸= 0.
The automorphism theorem due to Jung [40] and van der Kulk [50] is
stated as follows.
Theorem 2.3.8. Let k be a field of characteristic p. Then Aut k[x, y] is
generated by the subgroups A2 and J2 . Furthermore, Aut k[x, y] is an amal-
gamated product of A2 and J2 .
Proof. Step 1. Let φ ∈ Aut k[x, y]. Then φ is given by (x, y) 7→
(φ(x), φ(y)), where
φ(x) : = f (x, y) = f0 (x, y) + f1 (x, y) + · · · + fm (x, y)
φ(y) : = g(x, y) = g0 (x, y) + g1 (x, y) + · · · + gn (x, y),
where fi (x, y) and gj (x, y) are homogeneous parts of polynomials f (x, y)
and g(x, y) of degree i and j, respectively and fm (x, y)gn (x, y) ̸= 0. We
set m = deg f and n= deg g. Let ξ be a linear automorphism given by
ξ(x, y) = (x, y) . Replacing φ by ξ ◦ φ if necessary, we may assume
that fm (x, 0) ̸= 0 and gn (x, 0) ̸= 0. Then we can define a closed immersion
ρ : A1 → A2 by
ρ∗ (x) = f (x, 0) and ρ∗ (y) = g(x, 0).
Since C0 := ρ(A1 ) is the image of the line {y = 0} by an automorphism
φ : A2 → A2 , it follows that C0 ∼ = A1 , k[ρ∗ (x), ρ∗ (y)] = k[x] and the
defining equation f (x, y) of C0 is a field generator. By Corollary 2.3.7, it
follows that either m | n or n | m. On the other hand, since f (x, y) = 0
defines a curve isomorphic to A1 , it has one place outside A2 . Namely,
fm (x, y) = αλm
1 with α ∈ k and λ1 ∈ k[x, y] is a linear form with coefficient
in k, which is an algebraic closure of k. Similarly, gn (x, y) = βλn2 with
λ2 ∈ k[x, y].
We may assume that mn > 1. If mn = 1 then φ ∈ A2 . By Bezout’s
theorem (see Problem 1 of Chapter 1), the closures of the curves f (x, y) = 0
and g(x, y) = 0 intersect in one point of A2 with multiplicity 1 and in points
of ℓ0 with the summed-up intersection multiplicities equal to mn − 1 > 0.
This implies that the linear forms λ1 and λ2 give the same point on ℓ0 . So,
we may assume that λ1 = λ2 , which we write by λ. Suppose that n | m.
Write m = nd. Define an automorphism τ ∈ J2 by τ (x) = x − γy d with
α = β d γ and τ (y) = y. Then φ1 := φ ◦ τ satisfies
φ1 (x) := f1 (x, y) = f (x, y) − γg(x, y)d and φ1 (y) := g1 (x, y) = g(x, y).
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 231
−1 −3 −3 −3 −1
∆1 ∆2 ∆r
q ′ (ℓ0 ) L
where ∆i for 1 ≤ i ≤ r is the dual graph before Theorem 2.3.8 with q ′ (ℓ0 )
and L removed and with n replaced by ni .
(2) Let T1 = a (σ1 ◦ τ1 ◦ σ2 ◦ τ2 · · · σr−1 ◦ τr−1 ◦ σr ) and T1′ = a (τ1 ◦ σ2 ◦
τ2 · · · σr−1 ◦ τr−1 ◦ σr ). Then T1 = T1′ ◦ a (σ1 ). Since σ1 ̸∈ J2 , there is a point
P0 on ℓ0 such that a σ1 (P0 ) = (0, 1, 0) and P0 ̸= (0, 1, 0). Then the point P0
is the first fundamental point of T1 . Hence σ◦ τ1 · · · σr−1 ◦τr−1 ◦σr ̸∈ J2 .
232 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Example 2.4.1.
(1) Let A = k[t] be a polynomial ring in one variable. Define µ, ι and ε by
µ(t) = t ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ t, ι(t) = −t, ε(t) = 0.
Then Spec k[t] has a group scheme structure with m = a µ, i = a ι
and e = a ε. We call the group scheme the additive group scheme and
denote it by Ga . For T = Spec R, Ga (T ) = Homk (k[t], R) = R and the
induced group operation is the addition of two elements in R.
(2) Let A = k[t, t−1 ] be a ring of Laurent polynomials. Define µ, ι and ε
µ(t) = t ⊗ t, ι(t) = t−1 , ε(t) = 1.
Let Gm = Spec k[t, t−1 ] with the induced group operations. We call
Gm the multiplicative group scheme. For T = Spec R, Gm (T ) =
Homk (k[t, t−1 ], R) = R∗ and the induced group operation is the multi-
plication of two units in R.
(3) A group scheme G is called a unipotent group scheme if G has a normal
series of subgroup schemes
{e} = G0 ◁ G1 ◁ · · · ◁ Gn−1 ◁ Gn = G
such that Gi /Gi−1 is a subgroup scheme of Ga for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. If k has
characteristic zero, Ga has no nontrivial subgroup schemes, Gi /Gi−1 ∼=
Ga for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n. This entails that the underlying scheme of G
with group structure forgotten is isomorphic to the affine space An .
(4) A group scheme G is a torus if G is isomorphic to a direct product of
n copies of Gm , i.e., G = Gnm .
Proof. We prove only the case of char (k) = 0. Since R is normal, the
ring R0 of Ga -invariants is also normal. Further R0 is finitely generated
over k (see [27, Theorem 2.2.4]) and (R0 )∗ = k ∗ . In fact, R0 is a UFD.
Then R0 = k[f ] (see Lemma 2.1.3). Since A2 contains a cylinderlike open
set U × A1 with an open set U of Spec k[f ], Theorem of Abhyankar-Moh-
Suzuki implies that R = k[f, g] for an element g ∈ R. We can choose
236 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Remark 2.4.5. In the case char (k) = 0 the additive group scheme Ga has
no nontrivial finite groups, but in the case of char (k) = p > 0, Ga contains
a subgroup of order pn as the set of roots of the equation xp − x = 0,
where Ga = Spec k[x]. The group {α ∈ k | αp − α = 0} is equal to the set
{0, 1, . . . , p − 1} ∼
= Z/pZ.
(1) Let F be a finite subgroup of order n of Aut k k[x, y]. Then a conjugate
of F is contained in either A2 or J2 .
(2) Suppose that either char (k) = 0 or char (k) = p > 0 and p ∤ n, then
there exists an element ρ of Aut k k[x, y] such that ρ−1 F ρ is in GL (2, k).
(3) If char (k) = p > 0 and p | n, the assertion (2) does not necessarily
Proof. (1) The assertion follows from Theorems 2.3.8 and 2.7.10.
(2) We may assume that F is a subgroup of A2 or J2 .
Case F ⊂ A2 . It suffice to show that there exists a point P = (α, β)
such that g P = P for every g ∈ F , i.e., P is a fixed point. In fact, define an
affine transformation ρ of A2 by
1 00
ρ(x, y, 1) = (x, y, 1) 0 1 0 .
Let r(σ) = (α(σ), β(σ)) be a point of A2 viewed as a row vector and let
A(σ) be an invertible matrix
a(σ) c(σ)
A(σ) = .
b(σ) d(σ)
For σ1 , σ2 ∈ A2 , we have
A(σ1 ◦ σ2 ) = A(σ1 )A(σ2 ), r(σ1 ◦ σ2 ) = r(σ1 )A(σ2 ) + r(σ2 ).
Then r0 = (α0 , β0 ) is a fixed point of F if and only if r(σ) = r0 − r0 A(σ),
where r(σ) = (α(σ), β(σ)). Set r0 = n1 σ∈F r(σ). This division by n is
over τ1 ∈ F and dividing the sum by n, we have c(τ ) = d − b(τ )d. Then
τ (y − d) = b(τ )(y − d). Hence, by replacing y by y − d, we may assume
that F ⊂ J20 . We look for a polynomial g(y) ∈ k[y] such that τ (x + g(y)) =
a(τ )(x + g(y)) for every τ ∈ F . If such a polynomial exists, define an
automorphism ρ ∈ Aut k[x, y] by ρ(x) = x + g(y) and ρ(y) = y. Then
(ρ−1 ◦ τ ◦ ρ)(x) = a(τ )x and (ρ−1 ◦ τ ◦ ρ)(y) = b(τ )y. Hence ρ−1 ◦ F ◦ ρ ⊂
GL (2, k).
A polynomial g(y) satisfies τ (x + g(y)) = a(τ )(x + g(y)) for every τ ∈ F
if and only if fτ (y) = a(τ )g(y) − g(b(τ )y) for every τ ∈ F . Since c(τ ) = 0
for τ ∈ F , by the relation fτ1 ◦τ2 (y) = a(τ2 )fτ1 (y)+fτ2 (b(τ1 )y +c(τ1 )), fτ (y)
writes in the form
a(τ ) 1
fτ (y) = fτ ◦τ ′ (y) − fτ ′ (b(τ )y).
a(τ ◦ τ ′ ) a(τ ′ )
238 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Lemma 2.4.7. The following assertions hold under the above settings.
ai · · · gℓj ai ,
αi,1 = (−1) ai , . . . , αi,j = (−1)j g ℓ1
g∈G ℓ1 <···<ℓj
n g
. . . , αi,n = (−1) ai .
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 239
Lemma 2.4.8. Let L be a field and let G be a finite subgroup of Aut (L).
Let K = LG . Then the field extension L ⊃ K is a Galois extension of
Galois group G.
ci = (−1)i αj1 · · · αji = (−1)i si (α1 , . . . , αs )
1≤j1 <···<ji ≤s
where the second equality is obtained by the above argument for α applied
to β. If K(β) ⫋ L, take γ ′ ∈ L \ K(β). Since γ ′ is separable over K (as so
is α over K), K(β, γ ′ ) is a simple extension K(γ) of K. Let γ1 , . . . , γt be
all conjugates of γ over K. Then K(γ1 , . . . , γt ) = K(δ) and
[K(β) : K] < [K(δ) : K] ≤ |G|.
By the same argument repeated for finitely many times, we can write L =
α]. Then
α) : K] = degαe (x) = |G : H(e
[L : K] = [K(e α)| ≤ |G|.
Note that H(e α) = {1}. In fact, if g α
e=α e then the action of g on L is the
identity. Since G ⊂ Aut L, it follows that H(e
α) = {1}. Hence [L : K] = |G|.
Thus L is a finite Galois extension of K with Galois group G.
The ring R is a graded ring by total degree. Namely, set deg xi = 1 for
1 ≤ i ≤ n and deg M = i=1 αi for a monomial M = xα αn
1 · · · xn . Then
R = m≥0 Rm , where Rm is the k-vector space spanned by all monomials
of degree m. Set S = RG and Sm = S ∩ Rm .
Lemma 2.4.11. S is a graded k-subalgebra of R. Namely, we have S =
m≥0 Sm .
We set M M
R+ = Rm , S+ = Sm ,
m>0 m>0
which are homogeneous ideals of R and S, respectively. We set F = S + R,
which is a homogeneous ideal of R generated by S + . For f ∈ R, we define
the trace T (f ) and norm N (f ) by
1 X Y
T (f ) = g(f ), N (f ) = g(f ).
g∈G g∈G
It is clear that T (f ), N (f ) ∈ S.
We set V = kx1 + · · · + kxn and identify GL (n, k) with GL (V ), which
is the group of all k-linear automorphisms of V . An element σ ∈ GL (n, k)
is called a reflection if the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) σ 2 = 1.
(2) σ is conjugate to a matrix
1 0 ··· ··· 0
0 1 ... ..
. .
. . .
.. . . . .
1 0
0 ··· ··· 0 −1
244 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Theorem 2.4.12. Assume that char (k) = 0. Suppose that a finite group
G acts linearly and faithfully on a polynomial ring R = k[x1 , . . . , xn ]. Then
the G-invariant subring S = RG is a polynomial ring if and only if G is a
pseudoreflection group.
Hence we have
T (p1 ) − p1 ∈ F.
Here T (p1 ) ∈ S and deg T (p1 ) = deg p1 > 0. So, T (p1 ) ∈ F , which implies
p1 ∈ F .
k1 m1 + k2 m2 + · · · + kr mr
Let G be a small finite subgroup of GL (2, k). Then the quotient group
G = G/ZG with ZG = Z ∩ G is the image of G in PGL (2, k). We write it
as an exact sequence
0 → ZG → G → G → 1.
Since Z ∼
= k ∗ , ZG is a cyclic group consisting of mth roots of unity, i.e.,
ZG = ζ ∈ k, ζ m = 1 ,
where m = |ZG |.
The finite subgroups of PGL (2, C) are classified by F. Klein [44] by
embedding these finite subgroups to the special orthogonal group SO(3) of
dimension 3, which is the group of (3, 3)-square orthogonal matrices over
the real numbers R with determinant 1, i.e.,
(1) G fixes the north and south poles, i.e. two antipodal points on S 3 .
Hence G is realized as the symmetry group of a regular polygon which
is inscribed to the unit circle S 2 on the equatorial plane.
(2) G induces the symmetry group of a regular polygon on the equatorial
plane, but contains elements which replace the north and south poles.
(3) G is the symmetry group of a finite convex regular polyhedron which
is inscribed to S 3 . There are five types of such regular polyhedra,
i.e., a tetrahedron, a cube, an octahedron, a dodecahedron and an
icosahedron. They are called Platonic solids. Among them, a cube
and an octahedron, and a dodecahedron and an icosahedron are dual
to each other under the vertex-face correspondence, i.e., read vertex as
face and face as vertex. The dual polyhedra have the same symmetry
Then σ
e induces a Gm -action on X so that q is Gm -equivariant, i.e.,
q(t P ) = t q(P ) for P ∈ A2 and t ∈ Gm (k).
Hence X has a unique singular point O if X is singular, where O is the
image of the origin O of A2 .
(ii) Case n ≡ 1 (mod 2). Then b(X) = −Z, b(Y ) = −Y and b(Z) = −X.
Hence RG = k[(X − Z), Y 2 , (X + Z)Y ]. Set u = X − Z, v = Y 2 and
w = (X + Z)Y . By a computation similar to the case (i), we have
w2 = (u2 − 4v n )v. So, RG = k[u, v, w]/(w2 − u2 v + 4v n+1 = 0).
E1 E2 Er−1 Er .
254 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Type Dn+2 .
| {z }
G = BT
Type E6
G = BO
Type E7
G = BI
Type E8 .
This is the subject studied by many people and there are many references,
e.g. Nagata [71] and Blanc-Hedén [8]. We discuss the subject from a view-
point of affine de Jonquière transformations which played a main role in
the previous sections.
p1 p2
V1 ······ V2
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 257
Proof. Clear.
We consider examples.
P2 Q1 E2 Q0
ℓ′1 ℓ′0
ℓ1 ℓ0 p1 p2
E0 E1
P0 ℓ2 P1 E0 E1 Q2
In terms of homogeneous coordinates, φ is given by
1 1 1
(X0 , X1 , X2 ) 7→ , , = (X1 X2 , X2 X0 , X0 X1 ).
X0 X1 X2
P2 Q2
ℓ′1 −2 E2′ ′
ℓ1 ℓ0 p1 −1 −1 p2 E0 E2
−1 −1
P0 ℓ2 P1 E0 ℓ′0 Q0 ℓ′2 Q1
The linear system Λ1 on the source P2 corresponding to Λ2 = |ℓ| on
the target P2 consists of conics C such that C passes through the points
P0 , P2 and C and C ′ are tangent at P2 with i(C, C ′ ; P2 ) = 2, where C
and C ′ are general members of Λ1 . We call this transformation p2 ◦ p−11
a quadratic transformation of the second kind along P0 , P2 and ℓ0 . The
inverse of a quadratic transformation of the second kind along P0 , P2 and
ℓ0 is a quadratic transformation of the second kind along Q0 , Q2 and E 0 .
where F (X0 , X1 ) = X2d g(X0 /X2 , X1 /X2 ). Let x = X1 /X0 and y = X2 /X0 .
The defining equation of C \ P2 in the affine plane Spec k[x, y] is then
y + f (x) = 0 with f (x) = X0−d F (X0 , X1 ) ∈ k[x] and deg f (x) ≤ d. Write
f (x) = axd + h(x) with a ∈ k ∗ and deg h(x) < d. Set anew y + h(x) as y.
(4) Let T : P2 99K P2 be a quadratic transformation of the second kind
along P0 , P2 and ℓ0 , where P0 is the point given as C ∩ ℓ1 = {P0 , P2 } and
i(C, ℓ1 ; P0 ) = 1. As in Example 2.5.4, blow up the point P2 and its infinitely
near point Q2 to produce exceptional curves E2 , E2′ , where (E22 ) = −2 and
(E ′ 2 ) = −1. The proper transform C ′ of C is a smooth rational curve
touching E2 at E2 ∩ E2′ with multiplicity d − 2. Then we have
(C ′ ) = d2 − (d − 1)2 − 1 − 1 = 2d − 3,
where d2 − (d − 1)2 − 1 is the reduction of the self-intersection number by
the blowing-ups of P2 , Q2 and the last −1 is due to the blowing-up of the
point P0 . Hence the image C of C ′ by the blowing-downs of ℓ′1 and E2 has
(C ) = 2d − 3 + (d − 2)2 = (d − 1)2 .
Hence C is an irreducible curve of degree d − 1 on P2 such that it has a
one-place singular point of multiplicity d − 2 provided d ≥ 4.
Proof. By Lemma 2.5.5, the assertions (2) and (3), one can apply the
results in section 2.2 in the proof of Theorem of Abhyankar-Moh-Suzuki.
We therein use the assumption that either char k = 0 or d is not divisible
by p. The rest of the assertions follow from these arguments.
e E5 E4 E3 E2 ℓe0
−1 −2 −2 −2 −2 −1
−3 E1
where Fe∞ = 3ℓe0 + E1 + 3E2 + 3E3 + 2E4 + E5 with the proper transform
Ei on Ve of the exceptional curve of the ith blowing-up.
By the assertion (2) of Lemma 2.5.6, we have the following result.
0 → OV (−D) → OV → OD → 0. (2.11)
dim |D + KV | = pa (D) + pg − q + m + t − 2
= pa (Ci ) + pg − q + e(D) + t − 1.
dim |D + KV | + 1 = pg + h1 (D, OD ) − q + t,
264 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Claim. e(D) ≥ e(D′ ), and the equality holds if and only if there are at
most two irreducible components of D passing through P .
v1 v2 vr vr+1
12 Consider
a k-vector space k · Γ = v∈Γ k · v and consider the binary form such that
(v, v) = bv , where bv is the weight of v, and (v, v ′ ) is equal to the number of edges linking
v and v ′ if v ̸= v ′ .
268 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Ci′ Eb+1 Eb E1 ′
−(m1 + 1) −2 −2 −2 −1 −(m2 + 1)
Theorem 2.6.11. Every minimal log smooth completion of the affine plane
A2 is obtained by one of the following operations.
This shows the case n = 2. Assume that a − φ(b) = i φ(b′i )di , where
b′i ∈ mny and di ∈ Ox . Here we note that mx = φ(my )Ox implies that
mnx = φ(mny )Ox . Write di = βi + ei with βi ∈ k and ei ∈ mx . Set
b′ = b + i βi b′i . Then a − φ(b′ ) = i φ(b′i )ei ∈ mn+1
x . So φn is surjective,
and this implies that φb is surjective.
(iii) ⇒ (ii). By the construction Ox /mnx ∼ = O b nx , where m
bx /m b x is the
n ∼ b n
maximal ideal of Ox . Similarly, Oy /my = Oy /my . Hence the surjection φ
b b b
implies that
φ2 : Oy /m2y → Ox /m2x
is surjective. Hence mx = φ(my )Ox + m2x . Since Ox is noetherian,
Nakayama’s lemma implies that mx = φ(my )Ox .
278 Affine Algebraic Geometry
0 → mny /mn+1
y → Oy /mn+1
y → Oy /mny → 0
↓ ↓ ↓
0 → mnx /mn+1
x → O x /m n+1
x → O x /mn
x → 0,
φn : Oy /mny → Ox /mnx
by −−−−→ O
bx ,
where φ
b is an isomorphism, and ιy and ιx are faithfully flat. Let
α β
0 −→ L1 −→ L2 −→ L3 −→ 0
i ni Di 7→ i ni Di , where Di is the closure in X of an irreducible divisor
Di in X ◦ . This mapping clearly preserves the linear equivalence.
Let f : X → Y be a finite morphism of normal algebraic surfaces,
which we assume is dominant. We may replace Y (resp. X) by Y ′ =
Y \ (Sing Y ∪ f (Sing X)) (resp. X ′ := f −1 (Y ′ )) and assume that X and Y
are smooth. Then f∗ (OX ) is a flat OY -Module (see Remark 1.9.9(4)(iii)).
For an invertible sheaf OX (D), f∗ (OX (D)) is a locally free OY -module. Let
Pn (j)
V = {Vj } be an open covering of Y such that f∗ (OX (D))|Vj = i=1 OVj ei
is a free OVj -Module. Then, on Vj ∩ Vj ′ , we have
(j ′ )
e1 e1
. = Aj ′ j .. ,
. .
(j ′ ) (j)
en en
f∗ (f ∗ B) = (deg f )B
for a divisor B ∈ Cℓ (Y ).
In order to prove the result, we need to prove that f ∗ and f∗ are de-
fined as Q-linear homomorphisms and then the formula holds. We prove it
only in the case k(X)/k(Y ) is a separable extension. If the field extension
k(X)/k(Y ) is a Galois extension with Galois group G, then G acts on X.
In fact, V = Spec S is an affine open set then f −1 (V ) = Spec A is an affine
open set because a finite morphism f is an affine morphism. Hence A is an
integral closure of B in k(X). So, G acts on A (see Problem 9 of Chapter 1).
Further, B is the set of G-invariant elements. In fact, k(Y ) ∩ A = B. We
then say that X is a Galois covering of Y and Y = X/G. For any point
y ∈ Y , G acts on the set f −1 (y) transitively.
For the sake of later use, we state the following result, called the pro-
jection formula. We refer the readers to Hartshorne [31, Appendix A, A.4].
w1 w2 = (x1 , . . . , xn , y1 , . . . , ym )
(ii) If w has two adjacent elements xi , xi+1 belonging to the same group
G or H, then
w ∼ (x1 , . . . , xi−1 , xi xi+1 , xi+2 , . . . , xn ).
(iii) If xi = c ∈ C then
w ∼ (x1 , . . . , xi−1 c, xi+1 , . . . , xn ) ∼ (x1 , . . . , xi−1 , cxi+1 , . . . , xn ).
(iv) If w1 ∼ w2 and w2 ∼ w3 then w1 ∼ w3 .
By the condition (i), a word (1, 1, . . . , 1) ∼ ∅. The equivalence class of words
containing w = (x1 , . . . , xn ) is denoted by x1 x2 · · · xn . The set W/(∼)
of the equivalence classes of words is denoted by G ∨C H and called the
amalgamated product of G, H over C. It is a group with multiplication
induced by the one in W, which is compatible with equivalence relation,
and the identity element induced by ∅. The inverse of the class of w =
(x1 , . . . , xn ) is w−1 = (x−1
n , . . . , x1 ). If the group C is trivial then G ∨C H
is a free product of G, H and denoted by G ∗ H. An element g of G ∨C
H has the shortest expression (as a word) if g is represented by a word
(x1 , . . . , xn ) of length n and not represented by a word of shorter length.
Every element G ∨C H has such an expression. By the above construction
of equivalence relation, a word with the shortest length to express a given
element of G ∨C H is uniquely determined modulo the equivalence given by
the condition (iii). Namely, if (x1 , . . . , xn ) is one expression of the shortest
length then, for every c ∈ C, (x1 , . . . , xi c, c−1 xi+1 , . . . , xn ) represents the
same element of G ∨C H and has the same length n.
(h1 g2 · · · gr hr x0 )(g1 h1 · · · gr hr x0 ) · · · (g1 h1 · · · gr hr x0 ) = g1−1 ∈ G
and since gr hr ∈ G \ C, Lemma 2.7.9 implies that x0 ̸∈ H \ C, i.e., x0 ∈ G.
Since this is the case for every element x0 of F ∩ (G ∪ H), it follows that
F ∩ (G ∪ H) = F ∩ G. Then g1−1 (F ∩ G)g1 ⊂ g1−1 F g1 ∩ (G ∪ H) because
g1 ∈ G. So, take g1 as a.
Proof of the assertion (2)r . Since xn = 1 for some n > 0, gr′ ∈ C
by Lemma 2.7.9. If r−1 then x = h′1 g1′ ∈ H, hence (2)1 holds. Suppose that
r > 1. As in the case (1)r , h′r gr′ h′1 ∈ C by Lemma 2.7.9. Set h′ = h′r gr′ h′1 .
−1 −1 −1
Then h′r gr′ = h′ h′1 and h′1 xh′1 = g1′ h′2 · · · h′r−1 gr−1
h′ . So, h′1 xh′1 has
an expression as in (i)r−1 . Next we show that
−1 −1
h′1 (F ∩ (G ∪ H))h′1 ⊂ h′1 F h′1 ∩ (G ∪ H).
Let x0 be an element of F ∩ (G ∪ H). Since xx0 ∈ F and (xx0 )m = 1 for
some m > 0, a similar argument as for the case (1)r shows that x0 ∈ H.
−1 −1
Hence F ∩ (G ∪ H) = F ∩ H. Then h′1 (F ∩ H)h′1 ⊂ h′1 F h′1 ∩ (G ∪ H)
because h′1 ∈ H. So, take h′1 as a.
g − id : O → O, a ∈ O 7→ g(a) − a ∈ O.
0 −→ Og ⊗OH O
d b g−id
H −→ O −→ O,b
bg ∼ H) ∼ H ∼
\ \ \
ObH = O = (Og ⊗OH O
d =( O g ) ⊗O H O
d = OH ⊗OH O
d H,
bH = O
we have O d H.
Lemma 2.7.16. With the same setting as in the previous lemma, we ad-
ditionally assume that n = 2. Then the following assertions hold.
Since we can take 1/bi as ui , we have bi = bji bj . Let ξi be the dual base of
vi and let Zi = Spec k[ξi ] × Vi ∼
= A1 × Vi . Then patch together {Zi }i∈I by
ξi = hji ξj . Thus we obtain an A1 -bundle over Y . Define a closed set Xi of
Zi by the equation ξin = bi ci . Then {Xi }i∈I patch together because
ξin = bi ci = bji bj ci = cj hnji c−1 n n n n
i bj ci = (cj bj )hji = ξj hji = (ξj hji ) .
Since ci (1 + c−1 ∗ ∗
i bi α) ∈ OY,Q , we have KX ∼ f (KY ) + (n − 1)R near the
point P , where we note that OX (R)P = OX,P (1/ξi ). So, these observations
imply that KX ∼ f ∗ (KY ) + (n − 1)R. Since OX (R) and OY (F ) have the
same transition functions with respect to V, we have R ∼ f ∗ (F ). This gives
the last piece of the stated formula.
Suppose that B is a divisor with simple normal crossings. Let S be
the set of intersection points of B. Set Y ◦ := Y \ S, X ◦ := f −1 (Y ◦ ) and
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 297
E22 C2
C1 E12
E01 E11
E02 C0
µ∗ (B) = (ℓ′′i + 2Ei′ ) + 3 Eij ∼ 3µ∗ (F ), F = ℓ,
i=0 (ij)∈I
we can write it as
X 2
b := (ℓ′′i + Ei′ ) ∼ 3 µ∗ F − Ei′ − Eij .
i=0 i=0 (ij)∈I
b02 ℓb0 E
b01 E
b1 E
b21 ℓb2
−3 −1 −3 −1 −3 −1
−1 −3 −1 −3 −1 −3
b2 E
b12 ℓb1 E
b10 E
b0 E
b20 .
(C · C + KV ) = (a + 1)(C 2 ) = −2.
X −−−−→ Y
ey yρ
e −−−
B −→ B,
(1) C is a smooth elliptic curve, i.e., g = 1, and meet the line at infinity
ℓ0 = {X0 = 0} at the point P0 = (0, 0, 1) with (C · ℓ0 ) = 3.
(2) Let C0 be an affine plane curve defined by f = x3 + (1 − y)3 + y 3
in A2 = Spec k[x, y]. If we set x = X1 /X0 and y = X2 /X0 . Then
C0 = C \ {P0 }.
(3) D = {P2 , A2 , C, ℓ0 , 0, 3, 1, 1} are admissible data for the pair (X, C0 ).
(4) Let Λ be a linear pencil spanned by C and 3ℓ0 and let fe : Ve → P1
be the linear pencil free from the base points which is obtained
from V by a succession of the Euclidean transformations and the
(e, i)-transformations. Let Γ e be the fiber of fe containing the proper
transform of ℓ0 . Then Γ has the following dual graph:
304 Affine Algebraic Geometry
3 6 5 4 3 2 1
where each vertex represents a (−2)-curve and the number attached
to each vertex signifies the coefficient of the corresponding compo-
nent in Γ.
(5) There is exactly one more fiber D of fe such that D ∩A2 is defined by
f = 1/4, which is an irreducible rational curve with a cusp (x, y) =
(0, 1/2). The component with coefficient 1 meets the section of fe.
Answer. (1) Note that KP2 ∼ −3ℓ0 and C ∼ 3ℓ0 . By the arithmetic
genus formula (after Proposition 1.8.10), we have pa (C) = 1. Since C
is smooth by the Jacobian criterion of smoothness (see Lemma 1.6.19),
C has genus 1 and hence is an elliptic curve. The intersection point
P0 := C ∩ ℓ0 is (0, 0, 1). Hence P0 is a flex, where the tangent line ℓ0
meets C with local intersection multiplicity 3. The rest of the assertions
is clear and easy to show.
8. Let ι : A2 → P2 be an open immersion. Show that ι is the standard
embedding A2 ,→ P2 as the complement of a line ℓ0 .
(1) r = 2.
(2) C1 and C2 are smooth rational curves such that (C1 · C2 ) = 1.
(3) Write Ci ∼ ai M + bi ℓ. Then ai ≥ 0, bi ≥ 0, a1 b2 + a2 b1 = 1 and
a1 b2 − a2 b1 = ±1.
(4) Exchanging the roles of C1 , C2 , we may assume that a1 b2 −a2 b1 = 1.
Then a1 b2 = 1 and a2 b1 = 0. Hence a1 = b2 = 1 and either a2 = 0
or b1 = 0. So, either C1 ∼ M + b1 ℓ and C2 ∼ ℓ, or C1 ∼ M and
C2 ∼ a2 M + ℓ. The pencil |ℓ| in the first case and the pencil |M | in
the second case gives an A1 -fibration on ι(A2 ).
(5) Let ∆ be the diagonal of F0 , which is, by definition, the image of the
closed immersion (id, id) : P1 → F0 = P1 × P1 , whence ∆ ∼ M + ℓ.
Let P0 ∈ ∆ and let Λ = |M +ℓ|−2P0 . Since dim |∆| = 3, dim Λ = 1.
In fact, every member except for M + ℓ, where we assume that
M ∩ ℓ = {P0 }, is smooth. Hence irreducible member of Λ is a
smooth rational curve meeting ∆ twice at the point P0 . This pencil
Λ cuts on ι(A2 ) = F0 \∆ an A1 -fibration.
Answer. (1) On the real (a, b)-plane, consider the vectors ⃗vi con-
necting the origin and the point (ai , bi ). Since Pic (F0 ) is a free abelian
group of rank 2 and ι(A2 ) is a factorial affine open set of F0 , we have
r ≥ 2. Suppose that the vectors ⃗v1 and ⃗v2 are independent. If r ≥ 3
then we have
(a3 , b3 ) = q1 (a1 , b1 ) + q2 (a2 , b2 ), qi ∈ Q, qi ≥ 0.
This implies that
n3 (a3 , b3 ) = n1 (a1 , b1 ) + n2 (a2 , b2 ), ni ∈ Z, ni ≥ 0, n3 > 0.
Hence we have n1 C1 + n2 C2 − n3 C3 = (f ) with f ∈ k(F0 ) and f ∈
Γ(A2 , OA2 )∗ , which is a contradiction.
(2) We use Lemma 1.8.20 which describes the structure of a degenerate
fiber of a P1 -fibration on a smooth projective surface. Since ι(A2 ) has
an A1 -fibration which is extended to a linear pencil Λ on F0 having
base points in general. If Λ has no base points or base points lie on a
point of C1 or C2 but not of C1 ∩ C2 , then it is clear that (C1 · C2 ) = 1.
In fact, there exists a birational morphism σ : V → F0 such that the
proper transform Λ e of Λ is free from base points. We take σ as the
shortest succession of blowing-ups at base points including infinitely
near ones. The proper transforms of C1 , C2 are then contained in a
unique degenerate fiber F∞ of the P1 -fibration ρe induced by Λ. e The
306 Affine Algebraic Geometry
−3 −2 −1 −3 −2
−1 −1
S1 ℓe1 ℓe2 S2
−2 −2 −1 −3
11. Let t be a variable over an algebraically closed field of characteristic
p. Let n ≥ 3 be an integer such that p ∤ n. Let a1 , . . . , an be dis-
tinct nonzero elements of k, let f (x, y) = i=1 (x − ai y) + t and let
F (X0 , X1 , X2 ) be a homogeneous polynomial given by
= ntX0n−1
n n
∂F Y X 1
= (X1 − ai X2 )
∂X1 i=1 j=1
X1 − aj X2
n n
∂F Y X −aj
= (X1 − ai X2 ) .
∂X2 i=1 j=1
X1 − aj X2
13. Show that there are no nontrivial group scheme homomorphisms be-
tween Ga and Gm .
2 = ((f ∗ ℓQ )2 ) = (C1 + C2 )2
= (C12 ) + (C22 ) + 2(C1 · C2 ) = 2((C12 ) + (C1 · C2 ))
15 A conic is a curve of degree 2 on P2 . If it is not smooth, C is either a sum of two lines
ℓ1 + ℓ2 or a line counted twice 2ℓ.
314 Affine Algebraic Geometry
C1 C2 C3 .
Answer. The weighted dual graph with the left terminal component
C1′ of weight 0 is
Geometry on Affine Surfaces 315
0 0 −5
(1) The obtained divisor D′ = C1′ + C2′ + C3′ lies on a smooth rational
projective surface V ′ . By the Riemann-Roch theorem for surfaces, we
1 1
χ(V ′ , OV ′ (C1′ )) = (C1′ · C1′ − KV ′ ) + χ(OV ′ ) = − (C1′ · KV ′ ) + 1 = 2,
2 2
where χ(OV ′ ) = 1 because pg = q = 0 and (C1′ · KV ′ ) = −2 because
pa (C1′ ) = 0 and (C1′ )2 = 0. Hence dim |C1′ | = 1 and the linear pencil
|C1′ | defines a P1 -fibration p′ : V ′ → P1 for which C1′ is an irreducible
fiber and C2′ is a cross-section. Hence p′ induces an A1 -fibration ρ′ :
X → A1 . The argument is completely similar in the case of C3′′ .
(2) Since X is affine by the assumption, X has no complete curves.
In the case of ρ′ , the curve C3′ is contained in the singular fiber F3′ =
C3′ + j=1 Ej′ , where Ej′ is a (−1) curve with (C3′ · Ej′ ) = 1 and hence
Ej′ ∩ X ∼ = A1 . This fiber is a unique singular fiber in the fibration
P5 P5
p′ . Since C1′ ∼ C3′ + j=1 Ej′ , j=1 Ej′ ∩ X ∼ 0. This implies that
Pic (X) ∼ = Z⊕4 . We can argue in the same way in the case of C3′′ .
(3) If we remove j=2 Ej′ ∩ X from X, the open set U is isomorphic
to A2 because the open set has an A1 -bundle structure over A1 .
(4) Clearly, Ei′ and Ei′′ are disjoint from C2 , hence they are fiber com-
ponents of p0 . They form pairwise five fibers Fi of p0 . For three of
the fibers Fi , say i = 1, 2, 3, contract the components Ei′′ and for the
remaining two fibers, contract the components Ei′ for i = 4, 5. Then
the resulting surface is the Hirzebruch surface F0 and the image D0 of
D consists of one fiber of the projection p1 : F0 → P1 and two fibers of
the projection p2 : F0 → P1 .
22. Let X = F0 \ ∆, where F0 is the Hirzebruch surface of degree 0 and
∆ is the diagonal, i.e., ∆ = {(P, P ) | P ∈ P1 }. Prove the following
316 Affine Algebraic Geometry
U0 U3 = U1 U2 = U2 (V + U2 ).
320 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Lemma 3.1.1. Assume that char k = 0. Then the affine space An is simply
Proof. Let F be a divisor on X whose class in Pic X has order n > 0 with
gcd(n, p) = 1. Namely we have nF ∼ 0. We construct an étale Galois
covering f : Y → X of degree n with group G ∼ = Z/nZ such that X = Y /G.
Construction is the same as the one given before Theorem 2.7.17. Let
U = {Ui }i∈I be an affine open covering of X such that OX (F )|Ui = OUi ui
for every i ∈ I. Then uj = fji ui with fji ∈ Γ(Ui ∩ Uj , OX ). Since nF ∼ 0,
there exists a family {ci ∈ Γ(Ui , OX ∗ n
) | i ∈ I} such that fji = c−1
j ci for all
i, j ∈ I if the covering U is fine enough. Let Z be the A -bundle over X
which is associated to F . Namely, Z|Ui = Spec k[ξi ] × Ui and ξi = fji ξj for
i, j ∈ I. Define an algebraic variety Y with a morphism f : Y → X locally
by f −1 (Ui ) = Spec k[ξi ]/(ξin − ci ) for i ∈ I. Since ξin = fji ξj = c−1
n n n
j ci ξj ,
Y together with the morphism f is well-defined. Since gcd(n, p) = 1, f |Ui
is an étale covering of degree n. In fact, the group G of nth roots of unity
acts on Y as ξi 7→ ζξi . If f is an isomorphism, then ξi ∈ Γ(Ui , OX ) and
fji = ξj ξi . Hence F ∼ 0. So, X is not simply connected if Pic X has a
non-trivial torsion element whose order is prime to p.
reduced unit group. If X is affine and X = Spec R then U (X) is the multi-
plicative group R∗ of units. Further, if V is projective then Γ(V, OV∗ ) = k ∗
and U (X) = R∗ /k ∗ . Since Ker φ is a subgroup of a free abelian group of
finite rank, U (X) is also a free abelian group of finite rank. We call its rank
the unit rank of X and denote it by γ(X). If we assume that V is projective
and X is affine, the group U (X) does not depend on the choice of an open
embedding X ∼ = V \ D ,→ V . We say that the irreducible components Di of
D are independent modulo linear equivalence, or linearly independent for
short, on V if φ is injective. The following result is clear by the definition.
Lemma 3.1.6. With the above notations, the Di are linearly independent
on V if and only if the unit rank of X is zero.
The following result follows from Lemma 2.1.1 and Theorem 2.6.11.
Lemma 3.1.7. Let X be a smooth affine surface satisfying one of the fol-
lowing conditions.
(3) Pic X is a finite group if and only if B is a rational curve and every
singular fiber Fi is irreducible.
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 325
D = ℓ + S + A,
(1) If B ∼= A1 , then rank Pic (X) = P ∈B (nP − 1), where nP is the num-
(iii) X has a log smooth completion V with D = V \ X such that the dual
graph of D is as given below, where n ≥ 1 and r ≥ 1. Furthermore, F
is the closure of F in V and S ′ is the unique cross-section contained
in D.
−d E1
−1 F 0 ℓ′∞
−2 −2 −2 −2 −2
−2 −n
Ed+r−1 Ed+1 Ed Ed−1 E2 ℓ′0 S ′
Affine pseudo-planes of type (d, r) are observed in tom Dieck [14] as affine
surfaces without the cancellation property. His construction is based on a
result corresponding to Lemma 3.1.13. In order to state tom Dieck’s result
which enables us to write the universal covering of an affine pseudo-plane of
type (d, r) as an affine hypersurface in A3 , we write the Hirzebruch surface
Fn of order n ≥ 0 as the quotient space of A2∗ × P1 under a Gm -action,
where A2∗ = A2 \ {(0, 0)}. Let (x0 , x1 ) be a system of coordinates of A2
and let (w0 : w1 ) be a system of homogeneous coordinates of P1 . Then the
Gm -action on A2∗ × P1 is given by
p1 : A2∗ × P1 → A2∗ ,
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 333
Proof. With the notations of Problem 5, the coordinates of the open sets
F10 ∪ F11 of Fn are exhibited in the following picture:
P1 x1
1 w1
1 w1
w0 Cd
M0 .
P0 x0
(5) X(d,
e r) is obtained by glueing together the d-copies of the affine plane
A2 by the transition functions
pω (x) − pλ (x)
gλω := φ−1
λ ◦φ ω : A 1
∗ ×A 1
→ A 1
∗ ×A 1
, (x, t) →
7 x, t + .
(6) The Galois group is a cyclic group H(d) := Z/dZ of order d and acts
λ · φω (x, t) = φλω (λx, λ1−r t).
Proof. (1) For a general point b ∈ B, the fiber f −1 (b) is isomorphic to A1∗
and the fiber φ−1 (b) isomorphic to P1 . So, two points of φ−1 (b) lie outside
of X. This implies that φ−1 (b) meets two irreducible components S1 , S2
of D or a single irreducible component S. Hence we have the untwisted
or twisted case. The rest of the assertion can be verified straightforwardly
(see [59, §1.6, Chapter 3]).
(2) By contracting irreducible components of singular fibers Fj which
are (−1) components or become subsequently (−1) components, we have
a birational morphism σ : V → V0 := Fn the Hirzebruch surface of order
n. Let S 1 = σ(S1 ) and S 2 = σ(S2 ). We can assume that (S 1 )2 = (S1 )2 .
Namely, S1 is not affected by the above contractions. Then S 1 ∩ S 2 = ∅,
whence one of the following two cases occurs:
(1) One of S 1 and S 2 is a minimal section of Fn , i.e., (S 1 )2 = −n or
(S 2 )2 = −n.
(2) n = 0 and (S 1 )2 = (S 2 )2 = 0.
This follows from Hodge index theorem (see Theorem 1.8.14). Reversing the
contraction morphism σ, we obtain a sequence of blowing-ups which begin
with the blowing-ups of r points P1 , . . . , Pr of S 2 , perform the blowing-ups
with centers at infinitely near points of the points Pj and end up with
the surface V . Let ℓj be a fiber of Fn through the point Pj . We show
by induction on the number of blowing-ups with centers on Fj (and its
infinitely near points) that the increment to D + KV by the special fiber
Fj is σ ∗ (ℓj ) − Ej . We assume that j = 1. Let
1 σi+1 1 σ
Vs1 −→ Vs1 −1 −→ · · · −→ Vi+1 −→ Vi −→ · · · −→ V1 −→ V0
be the sequence of blowing-ups to regain the singular fiber F1 from the
smooth fiber ℓ1 . Note that the fiber F1 is a linear chain by the assumption.
Let D0 = S 1 + S 2 + j=1 ℓi . Note that KV0 = −S 1 − S 2 − 2ℓ. Hence
D0 +KV0 ∼ (r−2)ℓ. Let Ai be the exceptional curve of σi : Vi → Vi−1 . Note
that KV1 = σ1∗ (KV0 ) + A1 . Since σ1 is the blowing-up with center S1 ∩ ℓ1
or S2 ∩ ℓ1 , we have D1 = σ1∗ (D0 ) − A1 if A1 ⊂ D1 and D1 = σ1∗ (D1 ) − 2A1
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 339
The assertion (3) follows from this observation. For a precise computation,
see Problem 6.
(3) Let X be the open set Vb \(S1 + j=1 Γj,red) of Vb . Then X is isomorphic
to A2 /G with a small finite subgroup G of GL (2, k).
Proof. (1) Let the weighted dual graph of Γj be a linear chain L with
weights −a1 , . . . , −as from the left to the right. Then it corresponds to a
continued fraction [a1 , . . . , as ] which is written as
= [a1 , . . . , as ],
d(L1 )
where d(L) (resp. d(L1 )) is the absolute value of the determinant of the in-
tersection matrix of the linear chain L (resp. L1 ) and L1 is a subchain of L
with the vertex of weight −a1 removed (see [59, Chapter 1, Lemma 3.3.1]).
Assume that the linear chain L = Γj determines a fractional number
nj /dj with gcd(nj , dj ) = 1 when the left most component of L meets the
cross-section S1 . Then the linear chain ∆j determines a fractional number
nj /(nj − dj ) when the right most component of ∆j meets the cross-section
S2 . Here is a conceptual (not strict, but correct) proof.
Consider W = A1 × P1 with A1 = Spec k[x] and P1 = Proj k[u, v] and
set y = v/u. Let G = Z/nZ act on W by ζ(x, y) = (ζx, ζ d y). Then
the projection p1 : W → A1 is given by (x, y) 7→ x. Then the G-action
preserves the fibration p1 : W → A1 . Hence p1 induces a P1 -fibration p1 :
W := W/G → A1 = Spec k[xn ]. Let q : W → W be the quotient morphism
and let Q1 (resp. Q2 ) be the image by q of the point (x = 0) × (1 : 0) (resp.
(x = 0)×(0 : 1)). Since (x, 1/y) is a system of local parameters at the point
(x = 0) × (0 : 1), G acts as ζ(x, 1/y) = (ζx, ζ n−d (1/y)). Hence the point
Q2 has a quotient singularity of type (n, n − d). Let F = p−1 1 (x = 0) and
F = p−11 (x n
= 0). Then F passes two quotient singular points Q1 and Q2 .
Let Wf be the minimal resolution of singularity of these points. Then W f
1 1 n
inherits the P -fibration p1 , which we denote by pe1 : W → A = Spec k[x ].
Then the fiber Fe looks like the fiber F1 . Namely Fe consists of Γ, mL, ∆. Let
A1 , . . . , As be the irreducible components of Γ such that (A2i ) = −ai and
let Bt , . . . , B1 be the irreducible components of ∆ such that (Bj2 ) = −bj ,
where n/(n − d) = [b1 , . . . , bt ]. Write
X t
Fe = αi Ai + mL + βj B j ,
i=1 j=1
two. Namely, the quotient space A3 /Ga exists and the quotient morphism
q : A3 → A3 /Ga is surjective.
H 0 (P2 , C) ∼
= H 1 (P2 , C) = (0), H 2 (P2 , C) ∼
= Z2g ,
H 3 (P2 , C) ∼
= Z/dZ, H 4 (P2 , C) ∼=Z,
Hi (X) ∼
= H 4−i (P2 , C), 0 ≤ i ≤ 4,
we obtain
H0 (X) ∼
= Z, H1 (X) ∼
= Z/dZ, H2 (X) ∼
= Z2g , H3 (X) ∼
= H4 (X) ∼
= (0).
Let X = X/G.
e Then φe induces an endomorphism φ : X → X, and φ e is
an automorphism if and only if φ is an automorphism (see Lemma 3.3.4).
e ∼
There is a partial affirmative result in the case X = A2 and G is a small
finite subgroup of even order (see [63]).
Xℓ = X/G.
e By the assertion (1), the image φ(Xu ) is a Zariski open
set of Xℓ containing all codimension one points of Xℓ . Let P be a point
of codimension one of X e and let Q = φ(P ). Then G acts on φ e−1 (Q)
transitively (see Problem 9 of Chapter 1) and one point, say P ′ , of φ e−1 (Q)
belongs to Xu . Then OX,Pe
= OXu ,P ′ . Since OXu ,P ′ is étale over OXℓ ,Q , so
is OX,P
e over OXℓ ,Q . Hence φ
e is étale over Xℓ at all points of codimension
one. By the purity of branch loci (see Lemma 3.2.9 below), φ e:X e → Xℓ is
an étale covering. Since X = An is simply connected, it follows that φ
e is
an isomorphism, hence so is φ.
For the proof the readers are referred to [72, Theorem 41.1].
The (JC2 ) has affirmative results in more special cases (see van den
Essen [17]).
Remark 3.2.11. (1) Nakai-Baba’s criterion (i), (ii) and (iii) is included
in Applegate-Onishi’s criterion. In their proof, total degree of f1 and f2
with weights of x1 and x2 which are different from the standard weights
w(x1 ) = w(x2 ) = 1 is used. Such weights are determined by looking at
the slopes of the Newton polygon of f1 and f2 .6 With such weights, the
terms of f1 and f2 with smaller total degree than the top ones in the
standard weights appear as the top degree terms. Hence one can observe
how the Jacobian condition affects the middle terms. Criteria (1) and
(2) excludes many pairs of (deg f1 , deg f2 ) from the list of candidates of
counterexamples. If deg f1 ≤ deg f2 ≤ 30, 45 cases among the total 465
cases remain undetermined.
(2) If deg f1 ≤ deg f2 ≤ 100, the four cases (deg f1 , deg f2 ) = (48, 64),
(50, 75), (56, 84), (66.99) are undetermined by Moh and Heitmann criteria.
Moh showed by hand calculation that the (JC2 ) holds in these four cases.
by substituting h for fi .
Proof. It suffices to show that the condition (2)-(ii) holds. This follows
from Theorem 3.1.22.
7 IfA is a B-algebra and x is a variable over A, then Ω1A[x]/B[x] ∼
= Ω1A/B ⊗A A[x].
1 1
Hence ΩA/B = 0 if and only if ΩA[x]/B[x] = 0. So, A ⊃ B is unramified if and only if
A[x] ⊃ B[x] is unramified. See subsection 2.7.1.
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 353
Remark 3.2.15. (1) The Jacobian conjecture can be observed over a non-
closed field, e.g.,the real number field R. In the real case, by Pinchuk [82],
there is an example of a pair of polynomials (f1 , f2 ) in R[x1 , x2 ] such that
the morphism F = (f1 , f2 ) : R2 → R2 is a local isomorphism but not a
homeomorphism, while the Jacobian determinant is not invertible but has
no solutions in R2 .
(2) There are many approaches to (JCn ) by observing the conditions on
a set of polynomials F = (f1 , . . . , fn ) brought by the restriction J(F ; X) ∈
k ∗ . Since we are interested in the behavior of the morphism F at the
boundary at infinity, we do not touch upon such results. The references
[7, 17, 41, 62, 65] will give more informations on the conjecture.
354 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Proof. (1) If φ is injective, the assertion follows from Ax’s theorem (see
Theorem 3.2.3). If φ is birational, Zariski’s main theorem (see Theo-
rem 1.5.23) implies that φ is injective because X is smooth and φ is quasi-
finite. Hence the assertion follows from Ax’s theorem.
(2) The assertion follows from [38].
(3) Let d := deg φ. Since φ is a finite morphism if X is projective
(see Problem 8), by the topological argument using a triangulation of the
complex space X(C), we have e(X) = de(X), where d is the degree of the
morphism φ, i.e., d = [k(Xu ) : k(Xℓ )]. If e(X) ̸= 0 then d = 1. Namely φ
is birational. Hence φ is an automorphism by (1).
The following result due to Iitaka [39, Theorem 2] indicates that the
(GJC) is mostly related to the case of κ(X) = −∞.
Lemma 3.3.1, the assertion (2) and Theorem 3.3.2 are called Theorem
of Iitaka.
Theorem 3.3.5. Let X be a smooth affine surface with κ(X) = −∞. Then
any étale endomorphism φ : X → X is an automorphism in one of the
following cases:
Proof. (1) Since κ(X) = −∞, by Theorem 3.5.9 in the Appendix below,
there exists an A1 -fibration f : X → B, where B, by the assumption, is
a smooth curve of positive genus g > 1 and we may assume that B =
f (X). Let φ : X → X be an étale endomorphism. Then there exists an
endomorphism β : B → B such that f ◦ φ = β ◦ f . In fact, for a fiber
component C of f , f (φ(C)) is a point of B because C is rational (see
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 357
(1) Γ ∩ ∆ = ∅.
(2) Γ = 0, Γ = mΓ1 with m ≥ 1 and Γ1 ∼ = A1∗ , or Γ = m1 Γ1 + m2 Γ2 , where
mi ≥ 1, Γi ∼= A1 for i = 1, 2, and Γ1 and Γ2 meet each other in one
point transversally.
(3) ∆ ≥ 0 and Supp ∆ is a disjoint union of curves isomorphic to A1 .
Proof. We use the notations of Lemma 3.3.6 and its proof. Suppose that f
has a singular fiber of the second kind F0 = Γ + ∆. Write Γ = a1 C1 + a2 C2
with C1 ∼ = C2 ∼ = A1 . Then C1 and C2 meet each other transversally in a
single point P . Since φ∗ (Γ) is G-stable, the fiber S := fX u
(fXℓ (F0 )) is an
A∗ -singular fiber of the second kind S = Γ + ∆ , and Γ′ = b1 D1 + b2 D2
1 ′ ′
Proof. Since Pic (X) = (0) and Γ(X, OX )∗ = k ∗ , it follows that the A1∗ -
fibration f is untwisted.
In fact, suppose that f is twisted. Let p : V → B be a log smooth
completion of f : X → B. Let D = V \ X. Note that D contains only
one irreducible component H which is a 2-section of the P1 -fibration p, i.e.,
(H · F ) = 2 for a general fiber F of p, and all other components are fiber
components of p. Since Pic (X) is the quotient group of Pic (V ) modulo
the subgroup generated by irreducible components of D, the class [S] of
the 2-section S of p remains in Pic (X) as a nonzero 2-torsion element, and
hence Pic (X) is not zero. Since Pic (X) = (0) by the hypothesis, f must
be untwisted.
Furthermore, codim X (X − φ(X)) ≥ 2. This follows from Problem 7 of
this chapter.
Let Xe be the normalization of Xℓ in the function field of Xu . By
Lemma 3.3.7, the normalization morphism ν : X e → X is an étale finite
Galois covering with a cyclic group of order n as the Galois group. By
Lemma 3.3.9 there exists an invertible sheaf L such that L⊗n ∼ = OXℓ and
Xe ∼ Ln−1
= Spec ( i=0 L⊗i ). Since Pic X = (0) the invertible sheaf L is trivial.
Then X e is a disjoint union of n-copies of X. Since X is an dense open set
of X,
e we know that n = 1. Hence φ is an automorphism. Case of κ = 1
type to a fiber of non-simple type. Suppose that there exists a singular fiber
of non-simple type. Let Tns be the set of points b of B such that f −1 (b) is
a fiber of non-simple type. Then β induces a permutation of the set Tns .
By replacing φ by φn (hence β by β n ), we may assume that β induces the
identity automorphism on the subset Tns . If there are only singular fibers
of simple type, the same argument works well for the set Ts because φ sends
a multiple fiber to a multiple fiber, where Ts is the set of points b ∈ B such
that f −1 (b) is a singular fiber of simple type.
Consider the assertion (2). If κ(B) = 1 then B is a curve of log general
type. Hence β is an automorphism of finite order. So, replacing φ and
β by φn and β n , we may assume that β = idB . Suppose that κ(B) = 0
and there exists a singular fiber of non-simple type. Namely there exists a
point b ∈ B such that f −1 (b) is a singular fiber of non-simple type. We may
assume that β(b) = b. Then β induces an automorphism of B ′ := B \ {b}.
Since κ(B ′ ) = 1 we are done by the previous case. If there are only singular
fibers of simple type, we are done by the above remark.
(1) B is isomorphic to P1 or A1 .
(2) If B ∼= P1 then f is untwisted and every fiber of f is irreducible. Hence
every fiber is isomorphic to A1∗ or A1 if taken with the reduced structure.
(3) If B ∼ = A1 and f is untwisted, then every fiber of f except for only
one fiber F0 is irreducible and isomorphic to either A1∗ or A1 if taken
with the reduced structure. The unique reducible fiber F0 consists of
two irreducible components C0 , C1 such that (i) Γ = C0 + C1 with
C0 ∼= C1 ∼ = A1 , (ii) Γ = C0 ∼ = A1∗ and ∆ = C1 , or (iii) Γ = 0 and
∆ = C1 + C2 with C1 = C2 = A1 . If B ∼
∼ ∼ = A1 and f is twisted, every
1 1
fiber is isomorphic to A or A∗ if taken with the reduced structure.
of irreducible components of the fiber f (b) (resp. f −1 (b)). Then we have
rank Pic (V ) = 2 + (Nb − 1).
and if f is twisted
1+ (nb − 1) = ε.
We refer to [53, Theorem 3.2] for the proof of the following result.
(1) g = 0 and r = 1,
(2) g = 0, r = 2 and m1 ̸= m2 .
Proof. Let ti be a uniformisant of OBi ,bi . Then β ∗ (t2 ) ∼ te1 . Choose points
Pi ∈ Γi such that φ(P1 ) = P2 . Then there exists ξi ∈ OXi ,Pi such that Γi
is defined by ξi = 0 at Pi . We have
φ∗ ◦ ρ∗2 (t2 ) = ρ∗1 ◦ β ∗ (t2 ) ∼ ρ∗1 (te1 ) ∼ (ξ1ℓ )e
∼ φ∗ (ξ2m ) ∼ ξ1m ,
because φ is étale at P1 and maps Γ1 to Γ2 . Hence ℓ · e = m.
3.4.2 Counterexamples
A counterexample to the (GJC) is a pair of a smooth algebraic variety X
and a non-finite étale endomorphism φ of X. It is clear that if (X, φ) is a
counterexample to (GJC) then so is a pair (X × T, φ × idT ) for any smooth
variety T . The following result gives a counterexample to the (GJC).
Proof. We prove the assertion (2). The other assertions are easy to prove.
Let π : W → P2 be a triple covering which ramifies totally over the curve
C (see Theorem 2.7.17). Then W is a smooth projective surface with
KW ∼ π ∗ (KP2 + 2H),
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 373
Q1j and Q2j are defined respectively by ξ = ω j−1 and ξ = −ω j−1 with ω
being a primitive nth root of unity. The fibers L1j and L2j have the same
forms as the fibers L1 := q ∗ (Q1 ) and L2 := q ∗ (Q2 ), respectively. Write
L1j = M1j + ∆1j and L2j = M2j + ∆2j , where ∆1j ∼ = ∆2j ∼ A1 and M1j
P2= Pn
and M2j are considered as open sets of C. Let X1 := X \ ( i=1 j=2 ∆ij ).
Then the following assertions hold:
(1) X1 is isomorphic to X and the composite φ of the open immersion
X1 ,→ X e → X is a surjective non-
e and the canonical projection X
finite étale endomorphism of degree n.
(2) We have κ(X) = 1 if g > 0 and κ(X) = 0 if g = 0. If g = 0 then
X∼ = F0 \ (D1 + D2 ), where F0 ∼
= P1 × P1 and D1 , D2 are the curves of
type M + ℓ, where ℓ and M are fibers of two projections from F0 to P1 .
(3) In the case g = 0, X is isomorphic to
Spec k[x, y, z, z −1 ]/(xy = z 2 − 1).
A surjective étale endomorphism
−1 2
φ : X : = Spec k[x′ , y ′ , z ′ , z ′ ]/(x′ y ′ = z ′ − 1)
→ X := Spec k[x, y, z, z −1 ]/(xy = z 2 − 1)
is given by
2(n−1) 2(n−2) 2 n
x = x′ , y = y ′ (z ′ + z′ + · · · + z ′ + 1), z = z ′ ,
where n is a positive integer.
(4) X has an untwisted A1∗ -fibration ϕ : X → C induced by the projection
Y → C.
Remark 3.4.8. (1) The non-finite étale endomorphism given in the as-
sertion (3) in Theorem 3.4.7 can be generalized to the universal cover-
ings of some classes of affine pseudo-planes. Let X(d, r) be tom Dieck’s
affine pseudo-plane of type (d, r) (see Theorem 3.1.18) and let X(d, e r)
r d 3
be its universal covering which is defined by x z + y = 1 in A . Let
X = Spec k[x, y, z, y −1 ]/(xr z + y d = 1). Define a surjective étale en-
−1 r d
domorphism φ : X = Spec k[x′ , y ′ , z ′ , y ′ ]/(x′ z ′ + y ′ = 1) → X =
Spec k[x, y, z, y −1 ]/(xr z + y d = 1) by
n d(n−1) d(n−2) d
x = x′ , y = y ′ , z = z ′ y ′ + y′ + · · · + y′ + 1 .
Then φ has degree n, and there are n2 − n affine lines missing in the above
X for φ to be finite.
(2) Dubouloz and Palka [16] showed that there are counterexamples
to (GJC) of affine pseudo-planes of non-Gizatullin type, i.e., those with
We assume throughout the present section that the ground field k has
characteristic zero.
Lemma 3.5.1. With the above notations, we have the following assertions.
(1) Let δ be a locally nilpotent k-derivation of A and let B = Ker δ. Then
δ is naturally extended to a k-derivation δK of K = Q(A), and K0 =
{ξ ∈ K | δK (ξ) = 0} is equal to Q(B).
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 379
Proof. We prove only the if part by referring the proof of the only if part
to [27, Chapter 2, Theorem 2.6.2]. By the explanation after Lemma 3.1.8,
V is a rational surface. By shift transformations or a succession of blowing-
ups applied to the linear chain L which consists of the components of D,
the resulting linear chain, say Lℓ on a projective surface Vℓ , has the left
terminal component, say Cℓ , of weight 0. The linear system Λℓ := |Cℓ | is a
linear pencil and defines an A1 -fibration of affine type ρℓ : X → B, where
B is an affine curve isomorphic to A1 because γ(X) = 0. By Lemma 2.1.4,
ρℓ is the quotient morphism by the Ga -action given by a locally nilpotent
Theorem. Let k be a field and let A be a normal affine domain over k. Let L = Q(A)
and let K be a subfield of L such that k ⊆ K and tr.degk K ≤ 2. Then B := A ∩ K is
an affine domain over k.
By this theorem, Ker δ1 and Ker δ2 are affine domains of dimension 1 over k.
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 381
Remark 3.5.4. With the notations in the above proof, the unique excep-
tional case for which φ∗ Λℓ has no base points is the case where L consists
of three vertices such that two terminal components have weight 0. Then
Λℓ = Λr and the middle component is a cross-section of the P1 -fibration
defined by the pencil Λℓ = Λr . In this case γ(X) = 1.
Next, if v, w are any two vertices which are connected by an edge, then we
impose the relation
v · w = w · v,
(1) Let {u, v} be a drip of Γ such that the weight w(v) of v is −d and let Γ′
be obtained from Γ by removing the string {u, v}. Then π1 (Γ) = π1 (Γ′ ).
(2) Suppose that Γ is a linear chain. Then π1 (Γ) is a cyclic group Z/|∆|Z,
where |∆| is the absolute value of the determinant of the intersection
form on the free abelian group generated by the vertices of Γ. Hence ∆
is non-zero if and only if π1 (Γ) is finite cyclic.
Proof. (1) Let {u, v} be a string of Γ with w(u) = 0 and w(v) = −d. If
Γ consists only of vertices u, v and an edge linking them, it is easy to see
that π1 (Γ) = {e}. Otherwise, let w be a third vertex linking to v. Let the
ordering on the vertices of Γ be u, v, w, . . .. Since u0 v = e and uv −d w = e,
we have v = e and u = w−1 . Hence it follows that π1 (Γ) = π1 (Γ′ ).
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 383
(2) Let the ordering on Γ be v1 < v2 < · · · < vn , which accords with
the left-to-right order of vertices on a line:
v1 v2 v3 vn−1 vn .
Lemma 3.5.6. Let X be an affine pseudo-plane of type (d, r). Then π1∞ (X)
is a group generated by x, y with relations xr = y d = (xy)d . If r = 1 then
π1∞ (X) is a finite cyclic group of order d2 .
and zy d−1 xr−1 = z 2d . Thence we obtain z = xy. So, π1∞ (X) has generators
and relations as described in the statement. If r = 1, i.e., D is a linear chain,
then π1∞ (X) is an abelian group generated by y. So, π1∞ (X) = H1∞ (X). A
direct computation shows that H1∞ (X) is a finite group for r general, and
isomorphic to Z/d2 Z if r = 1.
Proof. The weighted dual graph Γ(D) is given by the graph given in the
proof of Lemma 3.5.5, where the vertex vi corresponds to the irreducible
component Di and (Di2 ) = −di . If P is a point on Di which is not the
intersection points Di−1 ∩ Di nor Di ∩ Di+1 . Then Γ(D′ ) has a new vertex
w with weight −1 corresponding to σ −1 (P ) linked to the vertex vi and the
weight −di is changed to −di − 1. Then we have
vi = w, vi−1 vi−di −1 vi+1 w = e, vi vi+1 = vi+1 vi ,
where, by the abuse of notations, the vertices in Γ(D′ ) corresponding to
the proper transforms are denoted by the same symbols as in Γ(D). From
these relations, it follows that π1 (Γ(D)) = π1 (Γ(D′ )). If P = Di−1 ∩ Di ,
Γ(D′ ) has a new vertex w with weight −1 which is linked to the vertices
vi−1 and vi and the weights of vi−1 and vi are changed to −di−1 − 1 and
−di − 1. In the group π1 (Γ(D′ )), we have
vi−1 w = wvi−1 , vi w = wvi
−d −1
vi−1 w−1 vi = e, vi−2 vi−1i−1 w = e, wvi−di −1 vi+1 = e.
From these relations, we have w = vi−1 vi . Substituting w by this relation
in the other relations in the above second line, we get back the relations in
π1 (Γ(D)). So, π1 (Γ(D′ )) = π1 (Γ(D)).
Since a shift transformation is a composite of blowing-ups on the linear
chain and the blowing-downs of components of the linear chain, it does not
change the group π1 (Γ(D)).
D + KV ∼ Φ∗ (∆ + KW ) + R
for some effective divisor R on V which is called the log ramification divisor.
We show this in the case of dimension 2.
We assume that the ground field k has characteristic zero unless otherwise
1. A locally nilpotent k-derivation δ on an affine k-domain is called reduced
if the ideal δ(A)A of A generated by the set {δ(a) | a ∈ A} has no prime
divisors of height 1. Let A be a polynomial ring in two variables over
k. Prove the following assertions.
(1) Given any reduced locally nilpotent derivation δ on A, there exists
a system of coordinates {x, y} such that δ = ∂/∂x.
(2) For an element σ ∈ Aut k (A) and a reduced locally nilpotent deriva-
tion δ of A, let σ ∗ (δ) = σ ◦ δ ◦ σ −1 . Then σ ∗ (δ) is a reduced locally
nilpotent derivation of A.
(3) Given two reduced locally nilpotent derivations δ, δ ′ of A, there exists
σ ∈ Aut k (A) such that δ ′ = σ ∗ (δ).
(3) These four quotient spaces are isomorphic to the affine plane and
patched together to form an algebraic surface F by the following
identifications, where we identify Fij (i, j = 0, 1) with the open sets
of F :
(xn1 w1 )/w0 = (x1 /x0 )n · ((xn0 w1 )/w0 ) on F00 ∩ F10
w0 /(xn0 w1 ) = ((xn0 w1 )/w0 )−1 on F00 ∩ F01
w0 /(x1 w1 ) = (x0 /x1 ) · ((x0 w1 )/w0 ) , (x0 /x1 ) = (x1 /x0 )−1 ,
n n n −1
on F00 ∩ F11 .
(4) The restriction of ρ on Fij (i, = 0, 1) is given as follows:
x1 xn0 w1
ρ|F00 : Spec k , −→ V0 := Spec k ,
x0 w 0 x0
x0 xn1 w1
ρ|F10 : Spec k , −→ V1 := Spec k ,
x1 w 0 x1
x1 w 0 x1
ρ|F01 : Spec k , −→ V0 := Spec k ,
x0 xn0 w1 x0
x0 w 0 x0
ρ|F11 : Spec k , −→ V1 := Spec k .
x1 xn1 w1 x1
This shows that ρ−1 (V0 ) = V0 × P1 and ρ−1 (V1 ) = V1 × P1 .
(5) We can write OP1 ⊕ OP1 (n) as follows:
(OP1 ⊕ OP1 (n))|V0 = OV0 w0 ⊕ OV0 (xn0 w1 ),
(OP1 ⊕ OP1 (n))|V1 = OV1 w0 ⊕ OV1 (xn1 w1 ).
This identification shows that F ∼= Fn as P1 -bundles over P1 .
(6) The curve defined by w1 = 0 (resp. w0 = 0) defines a cross-section
M0 (resp. M1 ) of ρ such that (M02 ) = −n (resp. M12 ) = n).
Answer. Since 10/3 = [4, 2, 2] and 10/7 = [2, 2, 4] the fiber Fe has the
weighted dual graph
−4 −2 −2 −1 −4 −2 −2
A1 A2 A3 L B3 B2 B1 .
396 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Write Fe as
Fe = (αi Ai + βi Bi ) + mL,
α1 = 1, − 4α1 + α2 = 0, α1 − 2α2 + α3 = 0, α2 − 2α3 + m = 0,
β1 = 1, − 2β1 + β2 = 0, β1 − 2β2 + β3 = 0, β2 − 4β3 + m = 0.
Since α1 = β1 , the above equations have a solution
α1 = 1, α2 = 4, α3 = 7, β1 = 1, β2 = 2, β3 = 3, m = 10.
Hence we obtain m = n = 10.
7. Let R be an affine k-domain such that R is a UFD and R∗ = k ∗ . Let
φ is an injective k-homomorphism. Let X = Spec R and let Φ = a φ :
X → X. Suppose that Φ is a quasi-finite morphism, i.e., for any point
z ∈ X, the inverse image Φ−1 (z) is either a finite set or the empty set.
Show that the image of Φ contains all points of codimension one.
14. Let C := {X03 +X13 +X23 = 0} be a cubic curve on P2 and let S := P2 \C.
Let T := {X03 + X13 + X23 + X33 = 0} be a cubic hypersurface in P3 and
let π : P3 → P2 be the projection π([X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 ]) = [X0 , X1 , X2 ].16
Denote by T0 the curve T ∩ {X3 = 0}. Verify the following assertions.
(1) π : T \ T0 → S is a Galois covering of group Z/3Z.
(2) T is a del Pezzo surface with KT = OT (−T0 ). There exist six points
in general position on P2 , say P1 , . . . , P6 , such that T is obtained
from P2 by blowing up these points. Let Ei be the exceptional
curve lying over Pi . Then each Ei meets T0 transversally in exactly
one point and hence each Ei is a straight line in P3 . Let τ : T →
P2 be the blowing-up morphism and let C ′ = τ (T0 ). We have an
T \ (T0 ∪ E1 ∪ · · · ∪ E6 ) → P2 \ C ′ .
Since T0 = ∼ C ′ , there is an isomorphism C ∼
= C ′ . Hence there ex-
ists an automorphism of P2 which maps C onto C ′ . Clearly, the
morphism π : T \ (T0 ∪ E1 ∪ · · · ∪ E6 ) → S is an étale but non-
finite morphism. Thus we obtain a non-finite étale endomorphism
fe := π ◦ τ −1 : S → S.
(3) Consider the following action of Z/3Z = ⟨σ⟩ on T induced by a
Z/3Z-action on P3 ,
σ([X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 ]) = [θX0 , θ2 X1 , θX3 , X4 ].
Here θ is a primitive cubic root of unity. This action has no fixed
points on T \ T0 and it commutes with the projection π : P3 → P2
and the covering transformation h : T − T0 → T − T0 , where
σ([X0 , X1 , X2 ]) = [θX0 , θ2 X1 , θX3 ],
h([X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 ]) = [X0 , X1 , X2 , θX3 ].
(4) There exist six disjoint lines F1 , . . . , F6 on T such that σ keeps this
set of lines stable. We can use these six skew lines on T 17 to get a
morphism g : T → P2 such that these six lines are the exceptional
curves for the blowing up morphism g. Then σ acts fixed-point freely
on T \ (T0 ∪ E1 ∪ . . . ∪ E6 ) and commutes with the projection π :
T \ T0 → S. Thus we get an induced non-finite étale endomorphism
from the quotient space S/(σ) to itself.
16 The projection π is defined on P3 \ {[0, 0, 0, 1]}. Since T ̸∋ [0, 0, 0, 1], π is defined on
T as a morphism.
17 Two lines L and L′ on P3 are in a skew position if L ∩ L′ = ∅.
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 401
Answer. (1) A similar case was already treated in the text. So, the
detail is left to the readers.
(2) A triple cyclic covering q : W → P2 ramifying totally over the
curve C is constructed by taking a hypersurface W in P3 defined by an
X33 = X02 X1 − X23 .
e = W \ q −1 (C). Since q −1 (C) is the intersection of W with the
Let X
hyperplane X3 = 0, X
e is defined by an equation
x2 y = z 3 + 1,
where x = X0 /X3 , y = X1 /X3 and z = X2 /X3 . Hence X e is a
Danielewski surface, which is simply-connected because X contains A2
as an open set.21 Hence q|Xe : X
e → X is the universal covering.
fibration f : X → A1 = Spec k[x] such that all fibers of f except for f −1 (0) are isomor-
phic to A1 and f −1 (0) is a disjoint sum of irreducible components A1 with multiplicity
20 This question is fairly hard to answer. So, the readers might well treat it as a reminder
of a result.
21 Consider the projection f : X e → A1 defined by (x, y, z) 7→ x. If x ̸= 0 then the fiber is
isomorphic to A1 . The fiber f −1 (0) is a disjoint union of three affine lines. If we throw
two components from the fiber f −1 (0), the complement is isomorphic to A2 .
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 403
a11 a12 ··· a1n
a21 a22 ··· a2n
··· ··· ···
an1 an2 ··· ann
Let R∗ = (bij ) be the adjoint matrix of R. Then R∗ R = N En , where
N = det R. We show that if φ∗ is quasi-finite then N ̸= 0. Suppose that
N = 0. Then there exists a non-zero integral row vector (c1 , . . . , cn )
such that (c1 , . . . , cn )R = (0, . . . , 0). Then we have
∗ c ∗ c c1
φ (x1 ) 1 φ (xn ) n x1 · · · xcnn
··· =φ = 1.
α1 αn α1c1 · · · αncn
Meanwhile, if φ∗ is quasi-finite, then φ∗ is injective. This is a contra-
diction. Hence N ̸= 0. It is then easily verified that
∗ b ∗ b
φ (x1 ) i1 φ (xn ) in
··· = xNi (1 ≤ i ≤ n).
α1 αn
This implies that we have inclusions
C[x±N ±N ∗
1 , . . . , xn ] ⊆ C[φ (x1 )
, . . . , φ∗ (xn )±1 ] ⊆ C[x±1 ±1
1 , . . . , xn ].
Answer. (1) Since U is affine, the set S is not the empty set. Let a ∈
A∗ \ k ∗ . Then the divisor (a) has support on S. Hence S contains two
or more points. Suppose that S = {b1 , b2 }. Since deg(a) = 0, we may
assume that (a) = n(b1 − b2 ). If (a) = n(b2 − b1 ). Consider a−1 instead
of a. This implies that the rational mapping q ′ : B 99K P1 defined by
b 7→ a(b) ∈ P1 defines an nth cyclic covering q : B → P1 , i.e., a cyclic
group G = Z/nZ acts on B and the quotient morphism q : B → P1 is
given by the rational mapping q ′ which ramifies totally over the points
q(b1 ) and q(b2 ). Then, by the Riemann-Hurwitz formula, the genus g
of B is given by 2g − 2 = −2n + 2(n − 1), whence g = 0. This is a
contradiction since g > 0. Hence S contains more than two points.
Geometry and Topology of Polynomial Rings 405
The theorem was originally proved by Abhyankar-Moh [2] and Suzuki [93]
in early 1970s. Since then there are 13 different proofs published including
the proof in this volume. Every proof, geometric or topological, uses in-
formation at infinity given by a curve C isomorphic to A1 . The following
theorem, called Theorem of Lin-Zaidenberg, is one of definitive results.
408 Affine Algebraic Geometry
Topological methods and tools work well for affine algebraic varieties de-
fined over C. If (V, D) is a log smooth completion of a smooth affine variety
X, homology theory or cohomology theory for a pair (V, D), together with
long exact sequences and Poincaré and Lefschetz dualities, give necessary
information on topological properties of X. The alternating sum
eX) := (−1)i bi (X)
of the Betti numbers bi (X) := rank Hi (X; Q) for 0 ≤ i ≤ dim X is the topo-
logical Euler number of X. The following formula due to Suzuki [94] and
Zaidenberg [97] and it is very useful to detect and determine the singular
fibers of a fibration on algebraic surfaces.
Further, e(Fi ) ≥ e(F ) for all i and if the equality holds for some i then
F is either A1 or A1∗ and Fi is isomorphic to F if taken with the reduced
For the other usage of topological methods, the readers are referred
to [27, Chapter 1].
412 Affine Algebraic Geometry
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418 Affine Algebraic Geometry
ideal length, 10
associated prime, 148 limit
conductor, 80 inductive, 155
homogeneous, 45 inverse, 156
irreducible, 144 projective, 156
irrelevant, 45 linear pencil
primary, 144 proper transform, 132
quotient, 8 strict transform, 132
radical, 4, 9 linear system, 115
reducible, 144 complete, 115
inductive set, 155 composed of a pencil, 117
inductive system, 155 dimension, 115
integral, 12 fixed part, 116
integral closure, 14 fixed-component free, 116
integral domain movable part, 116
geometric local, 91 pencil, 115
integral extension, 14 linear topology, 157
integrally closed, 14 local chart, 37
intersection multiplicity affine, 37
Index 421