Sub Soil Investigation and Suitable Type of Foundation For Construction of Superstructure in The Bank of Gangua Nallah, Bhubaneswar
Sub Soil Investigation and Suitable Type of Foundation For Construction of Superstructure in The Bank of Gangua Nallah, Bhubaneswar
Sub Soil Investigation and Suitable Type of Foundation For Construction of Superstructure in The Bank of Gangua Nallah, Bhubaneswar
Abstract- Gangua Nallah is the lifeline of Bhubaneswar city. This Nallah, a small river not only meets the requirement of water to the
inhabitants but also meets all other necessities. It is located in the S-E of the capital of the state of Odisha, but in the recent past
mushrooming with constructions and infrastructural developments in its downstream has created acute problem preventing the natural
course of the river besides hindering the nature’s set-up. Since the region is devoid of solid and hard rock basement, it has become a
matter of concern for the technocrats to provide suitable and stabilized foundations for those upcoming massive structures. The complex
behavior of the soil parameters, whose index and engineering properties have been determined strictly based on Indian Standard Codes,
reflects the lacuna of foundation problem. The lithological variation of the land shows the entire region spread by thick blanket of clayey
soil having high porosity with less permeability generates swampy land throughout the year. But at a greater depth the stratum is defined
by a compact, hard and impervious lateritic bed that gives ample support for a safe and stable foundation. Geotechnical investigation is
inevitable once a plan for superstructure is to be executed. Engineering properties of the underlying soil need to be studied thoroughly to
find an amicable solution for design aspects to be implemented.Two numbers of bore holes named BH-1 and BH-2of 10.0m depth each are
taken into consideration whose diameter ranges to 150mm by wash drilling method. Standard Penetration Tests were conducted at regular
interval. Disturbed and undisturbed samples at suitable intervals or at change of strata whichever exists early were collected for
classification of soil. Based on the above circumstances suggestions were deceived to find suitable type of foundation. In this context bore
logs, soil profile, laboratory and field test play a vital role. From the various studies of soil it was found that clayey sand, sandy clay and
blanket of clay pre-dominates the study area. This followed by a thick layer of laterite defining the bedrock. Sometimes laterite is
associated with sandstone in the region. Load bearing structures are completely unfavorable on such type of soil. Due to expansive nature
of soil, deep foundation/pile foundation is suggested.
Keywords - Standard penetration test (SPT), Undisturbed sample (UDS), Disturbed Sample (DS), Borehole Logs, Shear Strength, Safe
Bearing Capacity, Gangua Nallah
Field works
Field tests unfold the sub-surface
surface deposits and their
characteristics. Laboratory tests help in determining the
relevant physical
sical and geotechnical properties of the sub-
surface deposits leading to finalization of foundation depths
of the structures and the bearing capacity with particular
reference to the sub-surface
surface types and their strength
parameters and settlement potentials at the site.
a. Boring
Boring was carried out by Wash Drilling method to sink
nominal 150mm diameter bore holes to depths envisaged by
using a mechanical winch. Disturbed soil samples were
collected at suitable intervals or at change of strata,
whichever is earlier, by open drive sampling method since it
was intended to ascertain the sub-soil
soil characteristics.
b. Sampling
Representative soil samples were collected from the
boreholes at different depths of the soil strata (IS: 1892- Table 2 Bore Log Data of BH
1979). The samples in the sampling tubes sealed with wax at
the two opposite ends were then properly sealed in III. RESULTS
polythene bags and labeled for proper identification
Laboratory test results of BH-11 and B
BH-2 are presented in
during testing. The disturbed soil samples were tested & its
Table 2 and Table 3 respectively. The different depths from
test results are used for classification
ification of soils (IS: 1498-
which samples were collected for DS, UDS and SPT have
1970).. Undisturbed samples were also collected at suitable
been presented below. DS extends up to 1.5m followed by
intervals & brought to the laboratory for various tests.
UDS up to 6m and SPT up to 10m respectively. Same
parameters for both the bore holes were considered to find a
cohesive relationship between this two bore hole log data.
ISSN:2278-5299 91
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology.
Sample collected at
0.5m 1.5m 2.0m 3.0m 4.5m 6.0m 7.5m 9.0m 10.0m IV. DISCUSSION
Type of sample
DS DS UDS UDS SPT UDS SPT SPT SPT Standard penetration tests were conducted to calculate the
Fine gravel safe bearing capacity of the bore holes. Safe bearing capacity
in %
(20mm to 3.57 4.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 at different depths for bore holes are calculated and presented
in Table 4. A summary of shear and safe bearing has been
sand in %
19.68 23.69 0.96 1.69 0.81 0.89 1.69 0.67 2.36
presented in Table 5.
(4.75mm to
sand in %
28.68 31.58 5.96 6.48 8.15 7.64 9.19 3.94 9.56
qd = CNcscdcic = Cu x 5.14 x
Pressure in kg/cm2gd = g x
Grain size analysis
% by wt. Retained
Effective Over Burden
SBC = qu + gd in T/m
sc x ic x dc in Kg / cm²
BH Reference
Fine sand in
Depth in m.
qu = qd/ F = qd / 2.5
After Over-burden
%(0.425mm Sl.
43.38 31.01 8.50 10.08 10.47 12.78 12.65 11.70 18.73
to No.
in Kg / cm²
[N' = N]
Silt & clay
4.69 9.47 84.58 81.75 80.57 78.69 76.47 83.69 68.51
in %
Liquid limit
18.0 19.0 38.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 32.0
in %
----- ----- 19.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 18.0
in %
Plasticity 1 4.5 9 0.401 --- --- 0.603 5.842 2.337 27.38
NP NP 19.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 14.0
index in %
Bulk density in gm/cc ---- ---- 1.976 1.981 ---- 1.971 ---- ---- ---- 2 7.5 13 0.608 --- --- 0.871 10.185 4.074 46.82
Field Moisture content 3 9 16 0.823 --- --- 1.072 13.61 5.444 62.67
---- ---- 18.05 19.36 ---- 18.67 ---- ---- ----
in %
4 10 21 0.942 --- --- 1.407 18.803 7.521 84.63
Cohesion C in Kg/cm ---- ---- 0.30 0.29 ---- 0.29 ---- ---- ----
1 4.5 8 0.428 --- --- 0.536 5.193 2.077 25.05
Angel of shearing
---- ---- 6 7 ---- 5 ---- ---- ----
resistance Ö in degree. 2 7.5 12 0.699 --- --- 0.804 9.402 3.761 44.6
Specific gravity 2.65 2.68 2.72 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.72 2.74 2
3 9 17 0.847 --- --- 1.139 14.461 5.784 66.31
Void ratio ---- ---- 0.62 0.63 ---- 0.63 ---- ---- ----
4 10 20 0.925 --- --- 1.34 17.908 7.163 80.88
Field SPT Value (N) ---- ---- ---- ---- 9 ---- 13 16 21
D.F.S in % 0.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 20.0
Table 4 Calculation of SBC from field SPT Value for
Group of soil as per SP-
IS:- 1498-1970
Medium Table 5 Shear and Safe bearing of Bore Holes
sand in %
29.69 32.15 3.64 2.64 6.94 3.64 5.94 8.34 7.45
(2.0mm to
0.425mm) All the tests were conducted as per relevant Indian Standard
Fine sand in Specifications. The details of the borehole characteristics
43.44 22.24 3.86 2.79 9.80 4.88 8.06 10.27 7.39
(0.425mm to have been mentioned below:
Silt & clay
in %
3.15 13.69 92.36 94.57 83.26 91.48 85.36 80.45 84.69 BH-1
Liquid limit
in %
18.0 20.0 52.0 53.0 38.0 53.0 36.0 36.0 38.0 1. It is seen that non-plastic, non-expansive poorly graded
Plastic limit
----- ----- 25.0 26.0 19.0 26.0 18.0 18.0 19.0
in %
up to 2.0m depth from which one DS (disturbed sample)
index in %
NP NP 27.0 27.0 19.0 27.0 18.0 18.0 19.0
was collected at 0.5m depth. UDS was slipped at 1.5m
Bulk density in gm/cc ---- ---- 1.994 2.010 ---- 1.993 ---- ---- ----
Field Moisture content
depth to collect DS.
---- ---- 19.35 19.14 ---- 18.92 ---- ---- ----
in %
Cohesion C in Kg/cm2 ---- ---- 0.28 0.29 ---- 0.30 ---- ---- ----
2. From 2.0m depth, a high plastic, moderate expansive &
Angel of shearing
stiff consistent silt & clay with intermediate
---- ---- 4 5 ---- 5 ---- ---- ----
resistance Ö in degree.
compressibility strata exists up to 10.0m depth whose field
Specific gravity 2.65 2.64 2.71 2.71 2.72 2.71 2.72 2.71 2.72
N values from SPT were found to vary from 9 to 16 blows.
Void ratio ---- ---- 0.62 0.60 ---- 0.61 ---- ---- ----
ISSN:2278-5299 92
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology.
Test Conducted as per IS: 2720 and IS: 1498 – 1970
1. In this borehole, it is found that a non-plastic, non- Sample collected at 0.5 1.5m 2.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5
9.0mt 10.0m
expansive poorly graded sand stratum followed by silty Depth m t m m m m m
sand stratum existing up to 2.0m depth from which one Type of sample
DS sample was collected at 0.5m depth. UDS was slipped Fine
at 1.5m depth by which DS sample was taken. gravel in
0.0 0.8
% 3.57 4.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 4
(20mm to
2. From 2.0m to 4.5m depth, a high plastic, high expansive 4.75mm)
Silt & clay with high compressibility strata exists from Coarse
sand in
which two UDS samples were collected at 2.0m & 3.0m %
0.96 1.69 0.81 0.89 1.69
0.6 2.3
(4.75mm 9 7 6
depth respectively. to
3. From 4.5m depth, a high plastic, moderate expansive & Medium
sand in
medium consistent Silt & clay with intermediate %
31.5 3.9 9.5
compressibility strata existing up to 6.0m depth from (2.0mm 28.68
5.96 6.48 8.15 7.64 9.19
4 6
which Field N value from SPT was found to be 8. 0.425mm
4. From 6.0m depth, a high plastic, high expansive Silt & Fine sand
in %
Atterberg’s Limit
intermediate compressibility strata whose Field N values %
from SPT were found to be vary from 12 to 20. 20. 18.
limit in ----- ----- 19.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 19.0
0 0
DS/SPT/UDS samples collected at different depths from both Plasticity
NP NP 19.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 19.0
20. 14.
index in % 0 0
the bore holes were tested for its Grain size, Atterberg’s Bulk density in
---- ---- 1.976 1.981 ---- 1.971 ---- ---- ----
Limit, Specific Gravity and DFS as per their relevant IS gm/cc
Field Moisture content
Codes and the test results of the same are presented in the sub in %
---- ---- 18.05 19.36 ---- 18.67 ---- ---- ----
soil investigation test results.UDS samples were also Cohesion C in
---- ---- 0.30 0.29 ---- 0.29 ---- ---- ----
collected at different depths from both the boreholes. Shear Angel of shearing
tests & all other test as above were conducted in UDS resistance Ö in
---- ---- 6 7 ---- 5 ---- ---- ----
samples (Table 3). Specific gravity 2.65 2.68 2.72 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71
2.7 2.7
2 4
Pile & SBC calculation are calculated according to the IS Void ratio ---- ---- 0.62 0.63 ---- 0.63 ---- ---- ----
Field SPT Value
specifications (IS: 2911& IS: 6403). (N)
---- ---- ---- ---- N=09 ---- N=13 N=16 N=21
30. 20.
D.F.S in % 0.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
1.1 Summary of Safe Bearing Capacity 0 0
Group of soil SP-
Bore (IS:- 1498-1970) SM
Sl Type of Type of SBC in
Hole Depth(M)
No. Sample Strata T/M2
1 2.0 UDS CI 13.742 Sub soil investigation test result of the soil samples collected
2 3.0 UDS CI 16.180
3 4.5 SPT(N=9) CI 27.38
during boring from BH-2 for the subsoil investigations work
4 6.0 UDS CI 20.534 is calculated below.
5 7.5 SPT(N=13) CI 46.82 Test Conducted as per IS: 2720 and IS: 1498 – 1970
6 9.0 SPT(N=16) CI 62.67
7 10.0 SPT(N=21) CL 84.63
1 2.0 UDS CH 11.836 Sample collected at
0.5m 1.5m 2.0m 3.0m 4.5m 6.0m 7.5m 9.0mt 10.0m
2 3.0 UDS CH 15.214
3 4.5 SPT(N=8) CI 25.05 Type of sample
4 BH-2 6.0 UDS CH 21.822
Fine gravel
5 7.5 SPT(N=12) CI 44.60
in % 0.0
6 9.0 SPT(N=17) CI 66.31 4.36 6.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(20mm to 0
7 10.0 SPT(N=20) CI 80.88 4.75mm)
Coarse sand
in % 0.4
Table 6 Lithological set up across different depths 19.36 25.69 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.94
Grain size analysis
% by wt. retained
(4.75mm to 7
for borehole 1 and 2 2.0mm)
sand in % 7.4
UDS and SPT samples collected at different depths up to (2.0mm to
29.69 32.15 3.64 2.64 6.94 3.64 5.94 8.34
10m shows their lithology and SBC is calculated for each Fine sand in
depth of boring has been shown in Table 6. %
43.44 22.24 3.86 2.79 9.80 4.88 8.06 10.27
(0.425mm to 9
4.2 Laboratory Test Results Silt & clay
3.15 13.69 92.36 94.57 83.26 91.48 85.36 80.45 84.69
in %
Sub soil investigation test result of the soil samples Liquid limit 38.
18.0 20.0 52.0 53.0 38.0 53.0 36.0 36.0
in % 0
Plastic limit 19.
----- ----- 25.0 26.0 19.0 26.0 18.0 18.0
investigations work is presented below. in % 0
ISSN:2278-5299 93
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology.
NP NP 27.0 27.0 19.0 27.0 18.0 18.0
19. [1] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1973: Indian Standard Code of Practice
index in % 0
Bulk density in
for Preparation of Dry Soil a sample for Various Tests, IS: 2720-
---- ---- 1.994 2.010 ---- 1.993 ---- ---- ---- 1973, Part-II (Revision 2).
Field Moisture
content in %
---- ---- 19.35 19.14 ---- 18.92 ---- ---- ---- [2] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1973: Indian Standard Code of Practice
Cohesion C in for Determination of Unconfined Compressive Strength IS: 2720-
---- ---- 0.28 0.29 ---- 0.30 ---- ---- ----
Kg/cm2 1973, Part-X.
Angel of shearing
resistance Ö in ---- ---- 4 5 ---- 5 ---- ---- ---- [3] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1978: Indian Standard Code of Practice
degree. for Determination of Shear Strength Parameters of a Specimen Tested
Specific gravity 2.65 2.64 2.71 2.71 2.72 2.71 2.72 2.71
2 In Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression without the
Void ratio ---- ---- 0.62 0.60 ---- 0.61 ---- ---- ---- Measurement of Pore Water Pressure, IS: 2720-1978, Part-XI.
Field SPT Value (N) ---- ---- ---- ---- N=08 ---- N=12 N=17 N=20
[4] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1978: Indian Standard Code of Practice
D.F.S in % 0.0 0.0 40.0 40.0 30.0 40.0 30.0 30.0 for Determination of Shear Strength Parameters of a Specimen Tested
Group of soil as per
In Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression with the
IS:1498- 1970 Measurement of Pore Water Pressure, IS: 2720-1978, Part-XII.
[5] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1979: Indian Standard Code of Practice
V. CONCLUSION for Subsurface Investigation for Foundations (First Revision), Second
Reprint, November 1985, IS: 1892-1979.
Based on the field and laboratory test results & the above
discussion the following may be concluded and [6] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1980: Indian Standard Code of Practice
for Determination of Specific Gravity of Soil, IS: 2720-1980, Part-
recommended: XIII.
Two Boreholes of 10.0m depth below GL have been [7] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1981: Indian Standard Code of Practice
for Determination of Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations (First
advanced for Geotechnical Investigation work. The ground Revision) Sixth Reprint February 1998, IS: 6403-1981, 15.
water table was found to be vary from 1.1m to 1.3m depth [8] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1982: Indian Standard Code of Practice
below the existing G.L during the month of March 2014.It is for Standard Penetration for Soil (First Revision) Third Reprint
seen that an expansive clay strata is extended up to 10.0m March 1997,IS: 2131-1981.
depth below the G.L. in both the bore holes which a shallow [9] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1985: Indian standard code of practice
for Design and construction of Pile foundations, load test on piles, IS:
strip footing may not be adequate as per IS: 2911 (Part – III ) 2911-1985, part-4.
1980. Pile foundation may be suitable for the design of the [10] Bureau of Indian Standards, 1985: Indian standard code of practice
foundation of the proposed structure. The study area is that for subsurface investigation for foundations, IS: 1892-1979.
zone where the importance of residential apartments and [11] Bureau of Indian Standards, 2000: Indian standard code of practice
for Classification and identification of soils for general engineering
buildings are increasing day by day. Considering the purposes, IS: 1498-1970.
importance of utility based on the present scenario the [12] Mishra A. K., et al. A New Technology of Marble Slurry Waste
investigated results has been reviewed to ascertain the Utilization in Roads, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research.
2010. 69; 67-72.
suitable type of foundation depending on stability and
economy. The foundation may be shallow or deep but the
most suitable type will be deep foundation for the following
ISSN:2278-5299 94