Lg5e Can-Do Guide lb1
Lg5e Can-Do Guide lb1
Lg5e Can-Do Guide lb1
Lesson Let’s Learn Let’s Talk Lesson Let’s Learn Let’s Talk
. 1 I can find the Aa I can say Hi! and Hello! 8 I can find the Bb I can say How many? 7!
words. words.
Andy Language: Beth Language:
ant, alligator, apple Hi! Hello. boy, bird, bag How many? 7!
The A Chant The B Chant
2 I can find the Ee I can say What’s your 9 I can find the Dd I can say How old are
words. name? words. you? I’m 7.
3 I can find the Ii I can say Hi! How are 10 I can find the Pp I can say What are they?
words. you? I’m fine. words. They’re eggs.
6 I can find the Cc I can count 1,2,3,4,5! 13 I can find the Zz I can say What color is
words. words. it? It’s pink.
Zack Colors:
Carol Numbers:
zebra, zero, zipper pink, purple, black,
car, cat, candy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
brown, white
The Z Chant
The C Chant Language:
Let’s count! OK! 1!
What color is it?
It’s purple.
7 I can find the Gg I can count 6, 7, 8, 9, 14 I can find the Ff I can say What shape is
words. 10! words. it? It’s a circle.
© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Let’s Go 5e Let’s Begin 1 1
Lesson Let’s Learn Let’s Talk Lesson Let’s Learn Let’s Talk
15 I can find the Ll I can say What shape is 22 I can find the Hh I can say Touch your
words. it? It’s a star. words. shoulders.
Luke Shapes: Henry Body:
lamb, lemon, lion a star, a diamond, hat, horse, house shoulders, elbows,
a heart, an oval knees, toes
The L Chant The H Chant
Language: Language:
What shape is it? Touch your shoulders.
It’s a star.
16 I can find the Mm I can say Good 23 I can find the Qq I can say Ouch! I hurt
words. morning. Good night. words. my knee.
17 I can find the Nn I can say Thank you! 24 I can find the Rr I can say Let’s go! Up!
words. You’re welcome! words. OK!
18 I can find the Ss I can say This is my 25 I can find the Ww I can say I can walk.
words. body. words.
Scott Body: Wendy Actions:
sandwich, seesaw, body, head, face, water, watch, woman walk, run, skip,
sun mouth jump
The W Chant
The S Chant Language: Language:
This is my body. I can walk.
19 I can find the Xx I can say These are my 26 I can find the Yy I can say I can swim.
words. eyes. words.
Mr. X Body: Yolanda Actions:
X-ray, box, fox eyes, ears, nose, yak, yarn, yo-yo swim, hop, sing,
fingers The Y Chant dance
The X Chant
Language: Language:
These are my eyes. I can swim.
This is my nose.
20 I can find the Jj I can say These are my 27 I can say the Alphabet.
words. arms.
© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Let’s Go 5e Let’s Begin 1 2