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SinVat Galatians

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The Relationship between Vaticanus & Sinaiticus and the Majority Text in Galatians

Graham G. Thomason
Original article published on 24 October 2014
Revised 11 December 2018, 15 January 2023, 5 October 2023 (Venn diagram)

This document uses red and blue text and yellow highlighting.

This is a study based on a research theme initially conceived, and researched for the Gospels, by Dr Leslie
McFall. What Dr McFall has done for the Gospels, we have undertaken for Galatians, namely to show the
relationship between Vaticanus (B) & Sinaiticus (ℵ) and the Majority Text (𝔐), in particular the relative
occurrences of the following categories: (1) B and ℵ mutually agreeing but differing from 𝔐; (2) ℵ agreeing
with 𝔐, but B differing; (3) B agreeing with 𝔐, but ℵ differing; (4) B, ℵ and 𝔐 all unique. The data obtained
corroborate Dr McFall's finding that when B and ℵ differ, one of the codices almost always contains 𝔐. From
this one may infer that 𝔐 very probably underlies B and ℵ, a theory which gains strength when it is observed
that a similar phenomenon is observed when other manuscript families which show a split are examined
(forthcoming publication by Dr McFall).

Variation statistics for the whole of Galatians

number % of number of
Summary per category for the whole of Galatians
of cases differences from 𝔐
for the entire first hand texts cases in B and ℵ

B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 84 31% 84 in B + 84 in ℵ

B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 68 25% 68 in B
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 110 41% 110 in ℵ
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 8 3% 8 in B + 8 in ℵ
Total 270 160 in B + 202 in ℵ
total = 362
Table 1.

We now consider what effect the correctors' hands have had on the text. The percentage (%) column is the
number of cases of this category of correction, as given in the preceding column, divided by the number of
differences from 𝔐 in the manuscript in question (shown the table above). So the first percentage given is

Cases where: number %
of cases
a correction in B aligns it with 𝔐, when the first hand was at variance with 𝔐 12 1 7½%
a correction in B puts it at variance with 𝔐, when the first hand was aligned with 𝔐 32 2%
a correction in B keeps it at variance with 𝔐, but in a different way to the first hand 3 2%
a correction in ℵ aligns it with 𝔐, when the first hand was at variance with 𝔐 40 20%
a correction in ℵ puts it at variance with 𝔐, when the first hand was aligned with 𝔐 45 2%
a correction in ℵ keeps it at variance with 𝔐, but in a different way to the first hand 46 2%
Table 2.

The net effect of the corrections is shown in the following table, where the figures apply to the entire text of B
and the entire text of ℵ when read as accepting all the corrections marked up by the correctors. Be aware that
a correction in B or ℵ can alter the numbers in more than one category in the table. For example, if in the first
hand, B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐, but when we look at the corrections, we note that ℵ, but not
B, has a correction aligning it with 𝔐, then the number of instances of B and ℵ mutually agreeing against 𝔐
will decrement, but the number of cases of B alone differing from 𝔐 will increment.

number % of number of
Summary per category for the whole of Galatians
of cases differences from 𝔐
for the entire texts as corrected by the corrector(s) cases in B and ℵ
B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 68 28% 68 in B + 68 in ℵ
B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 75 31% 75 in B
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 91 38% 91 in ℵ
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 7 3% 7 in B + 7 in ℵ
Total 241 150 in B + 166 in ℵ
total = 316
Table 3.

The following remarks may be made about occurrences of variant readings.

• The above figures should be seen in relation the total number of words in Galatians, which is 2252 in
RP, and a similar number in B and ℵ.
• Galatians contains 149 verses. The number of variations per verse in the first hand of B is therefore
160/149 = 1.07. For ℵ the figure is 202/149 = 1.36.
• B and ℵ differ mutually more than twice as often as they mutually agree against 𝔐.
• When B and ℵ differ mutually the reading of one of them is almost always 𝔐, the Majority Text. In
only 3% of all such cases do B and ℵ differ from 𝔐 in different ways, so giving rise to three readings
(B, ℵ and 𝔐).
• ℵ differs from 𝔐 about 60% more often than B in the first hand, but the correctors have reduced this
quite significantly to 21% more often.

Gal 1:11, 1:19, 1:22, 2:1, 2:16, 3:16, 4:8, 5:14, 5:17, 6:3, 6:10, 6:10. These are marked in the detailed table (p.5) by Bc.
Gal 3:28, 5:17, 6:10. These are marked in the detailed table by Bc!, where the preceding column notes B*.
Gal 3:10, 3:23, 6:9. These are marked in the detailed table by Bc!, where the preceding column notes B*.
Gal 1:1, 1:4 (twice), 1:7, 1:8, 1:9, 1:18, 1:21, 2:6, 2:8, 2:9, 2:13, 2:20, 3:7, 3:10, 3:26, 3:28 (twice), 4:7 (twice), 4:14,
4:19 (twice), 4:24, 4:26, 4:28, 4:30, 5:1, 5:2, 5:3, 5:5, 5:7, 5:15, 5:17, 5:21 (twice), 5:24, 6:2, 6:8, 6:15. These are marked
in the detailed table by ℵc.
Gal 1:4, 1:11, 4:15, 5:18. These are marked in the detailed table by ℵc!, where the preceding column notes ℵ*.
Gal 2:14, 4:14, 4:26, 5:19. These are marked in the detailed table by ℵc!, where the preceding column notes ℵ*.
• Where B and ℵ agree mutually in a way which differs from 𝔐 (84 cases in the first hand), one may
infer that there was a common exemplar which had these departures from 𝔐.
• The correctors bring the manuscripts a small step in the direction of 𝔐, the total number of variations
being reduced from 362 to 316, a reduction of 13%.

The triangle
We can represent the above results in a triangle, where the vertices are the texts (B, ℵ, ) and the sides are the
number of differences between the two manuscripts at the ends of the side.

Texts Number of differences Scaled to cm. Opposite angle in

(see Table 1) (dividing by 20). degrees
B and 𝔐 84 + 64 + 8 = 156 7.8 47.192
ℵ and 𝔐 84 +110 + 8 = 202 10.1 71.797
B and ℵ 68 +110 + 8 = 186 9.3 61.011
Table 4.

There are also 6 differences7 between 𝔐 and TR, which as scaled above is 0.3cm. We need an extra dimension
to represent that, but it can be fairly displayed as a broad ellipse around 𝔐.


ℵ and 𝔐
202 differences
B and 𝔐
156 differences

B ℵ

B and ℵ
186 differences

It is seen that B and ℵ by no means provide a consistent witness against 𝔐, and that it would be more
accurate to say that B and 𝔐 oppose ℵ, though the great diversity really invalidates any alliances. We
postulate that B and ℵ cannot be considered to belong to the same text type, and that their classification in
[K&B A, p.107] in the same group (Alexandrian, with 𝔓75) is misplaced. Such a classification was developed
by Westcott and Hort, who used the term “Bℵ text”, quoted in [K&B A, p.18].

Gal 1:4, 1:16, 2:2, 4:24, 5:7, 6:12. One of these agrees with B but not ℵ; two with ℵ but not B; one with B and ℵ.
From the Triangle to the Venn Diagram

The triangle is made up of 3 quantities:

B≠𝔐 Vaticanus differs from the Majority Text 156 differences
ℵ≠𝔐 Sinaiticus differs from the Majority Text 202 differences
B≠ℵ Vaticanus differs from Sinaiticus 186 differences

This can be represented by a Venn diagram.

B≠𝔐 ℵ≠𝔐
The two circles represent:

B≠𝔐, the differences between Vatican

X Y Z us and the Majority Text
B≠𝔐 B≠𝔐 ℵ≠𝔐 ℵ≠𝔐, the differences between
but and but Sinaiticus and the Majority Text
ℵ=𝔐 ℵ≠𝔐 B=𝔐

We would like to know the figures for the regions:

X where only Vaticanus differs from the Majority Text
Y where Vaticanus and Sinaiticus agree against the Majority Text
Z where only Sinaiticus differs from the Majority Text

The triangle doesn’t give us any of X, Y, Z directly, but it gives us combinations from which we can derive X,
Y and Z by solving simultaneous equations. The triangle gives us
B≠𝔐: X+Y = 156
ℵ≠𝔐: Y+Z = 202
B≠ℵ X+Z = 186

Solving, we obtain X=70, Y=86, Z=116. As an area-proportional Venn diagram, this gives

Vaticanus on its Sinaiticus on its
own against the own against the
Majority Text Majority Text

70 86 116

B≠𝔐 B≠𝔐 ℵ≠𝔐

but and but
Sinaiticus and ℵ=𝔐 ℵ≠𝔐 B=𝔐
Vaticanus unite
against the
Majority Text

Conclusion: We see that where there is a textual issue, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus differ more than twice as
often (70 + 116) as they agree against the Majority Text (86). And when they differ, one of the two almost
always has the majority text (only 7 exceptions).

The detail
Our principal source for the text of ℵ and B is [Swanson]. We follow Swanson's line-by-line divisions except
for minor variations where there is an issue spanning Swanson's lines (e.g. with RP's mh/pwj in Gal 4:11), or
where a line spans two chapters (Gal 4:31-5:1).

Our main source for the Majority Text is Robinson-Pierpont 2005 (RP), but where there is an issue concerning
• a mobile nu, e.g. e1sti¨n©
• a mobile sigma, e.g. ou3tw¨j©
• an elision (di', a)p', a)f' etc.)
• consonantal alterations preceding rough or smooth breathings (e0k, e0c, ou0k, ou0x etc.)
• a phonetic assimilation in a compound form (e0n →e0g, sun → sum, sug, sul etc.)
we refer to Hodges and Farstad, [HF], since RP follows a regular pattern [RP, p.xx] rather than a manuscript
consensus on these forms. We do not refer to Hodges and Farstad in other cases of spelling or variant reading.
We follow RP's punctuation, which can affect the accentuation (e.g. Gal 4:28, RP's 870Isaa&k followed by a
comma versus Swanson's 870Isaa_k with no comma following).

In identifying variations, we ignore diacritics (accentuation, breathing, iota subscript and dieresis) and
punctuation and contractions (including nomina sacra). Also in the case of a compound word which may be
written as two separate words (e.g. mh/pwj ¯ mh/ pwj as in Gal 4:11) we follow RP and ignore the issue of one
word or two words in the manuscripts, because we presume the original autograph did not use spaces, and the
space is an editorial revision with no bearing on the autograph. Swanson removes the editorial diacritics to B
and ℵ where there is more than one possibility (e.g. Gal 5:11, a!ra and a}ra) and separates the unaccented
word and the accented words as variations (ara, a!ra and a}ra); we do not make any distinction, on the
assumption that the original autograph was not accented.

In addition to the 𝔐, B and ℵ text, we also show the Robinson-Pierpont marginal reading, the Received Text
(according to Stephanus 1550, Elzevir 1624 and Scrivener 1894), and the Greek Orthodox Church Patriarchal
edition of 1904, since these are well-known and long-established texts, familiar to many students of the New

Symbols used:
• B = Vaticanus. B* = Vaticanus, first hand. Bc = Vaticanus, corrector.
• ℵ = Sinaiticus. ℵ* = Sinaiticus, first hand. ℵc = Sinaiticus, corrector.
• 𝔐 = Majority Text
• HF = Hodges and Farstad, reference [HF].
• RP = Robinson-Pierpont, reference [RP].
o RP-text = the primary RP text.
o RP-marg = the marginal text, i.e. the secondary reading when there is a split in the majority
o The 𝔐 reading, (HF, RP, or RP-text with any support) is enclosed in braces, e.g. {RP ℵ: ...}
o The non-𝔐 reading, typically ℵ and/or B, but including RP-marg, and even RP if overruled
by HF on the specific issues mentioned above, is enclosed in square brackets with highlighted
symbols for ℵ and/or B e.g. [B: ...].
• TR = Received Text. When there is a split within the editions of the received text,
o S1550 = Stephanus, edition of 1550.
o E1624 = Elzevir, edition of 1624.
o F1894 = Scrivener, edition of 1894.
• P1904 = Greek Orthodox Church Patriarchal edition of 1904, (the “Antoniades” text).

TR (and its editions listed above if they differ mutually) and P1904 are only shown if they differ from RP, as
they are usually the same. We also show them if RP has a marginal reading. The order of presentation is HF
RP B ℵ P1904 TR.

We use red to emphasize non-𝔐 readings in B and ℵ, or the significant part of them, in the Greek text, e.g. in
Gal 1:1: {RP B ℵc au0to\n} [ℵ* au0tw~n].

Where a variant reading is a transposition, this is represented as an omission and an insertion, but to indicate
that this is regarded as one variation, the entire omission entry, following the words in question in the 𝔐
position, is shown in blue (e.g. Gal 2:16, [B ℵ: - ]).

Blue is similarly used where a variant reading is distributed in the sentence, but where the parts are
grammatically connected, so that only one part is counted as a variant, e.g. Gal 4:28 {RP ℵ: 879Hmei=j} [B:
879Umei=j] ... {RP ℵ: e0sme/n} [B: e0ste/].

We ignore any later breathings and accentuation added to B and ℵ. In Gal 2:17, the word a}ra (interrogative
particle, is it the case that ...?) occurs. In some manuscripts it is accented a!ra (inferential particle, then, cf.
Gal 2:21). In [Swanson] in Gal 2:17, readings of a}ra, but not a!ra, are regarded as variant from B*; we ignore

We follow the verse divisions of RP. There is a variation from RP/HF at Swanson's Gal 2:20.

Explanation of the “Variants” columns in the table following:

• The purpose of the symbols in the “Variants” column is to facilitate counting the variations and the
categories of variations.
• The first “Variants” column counts variations in the entire first hand texts of B and ℵ with respect to
• The second “Variants” column counts variations in the entire corrected texts of B and ℵ with respect
to 𝔐.
• Every occurrence of the symbol B in either column counts a case of Vaticanus differing from 𝔐,
applicable to the first hand, and also the entire corrected text, because no correction is applied.
• Every occurrence of the symbol ℵ in either column counts a case of Sinaiticus differing from 𝔐,
applicable to the first hand, and also the entire corrected text, because no correction is applied.
• Every occurrence of the symbol B* (necessarily in the first column) counts a case specifically of the
Vaticanus first hand differing from 𝔐, but not necessarily the corrected text, though the corrected text
could differ from 𝔐 in a different way.
• Every occurrence of the symbol ℵ* (necessarily in the first column) counts a case of specifically the
Sinaiticus first hand differing from 𝔐, but not necessarily the corrected text, though the corrected text
could differ from 𝔐 in a different way.
• Every occurrence of the symbol Bc (necessarily in the second column) counts a case of specifically the
Vaticanus corrector's hand differing from 𝔐, (whether or not the first hand differs from 𝔐).
• Every occurrence of the symbol ℵc (necessarily in the second column) counts a case of specifically the
Sinaiticus corrector's hand differing from 𝔐, (whether or not the first hand differs from 𝔐).
• To emphasize a case of B and ℵ mutually agreeing departure from 𝔐, we bracket the pair as follows:
(Bℵ). This can of course be interpreted as simply the fact that there is a departure from 𝔐 in B and
there is a departure from 𝔐 in ℵ, but our brackets help categorize these departures. The brackets may
enclose specific first hand or corrected readings (in the appropriate column) of B and ℵ, e.g. (Bℵ*),
(Bℵc!), where the exclamation mark draws attention to a corrected reading not agreeing with 𝔐.
• Where B ℵ and 𝔐 all differ, we emphasize this with square brackets, e.g. [B,ℵ], or if only applicable
to a first hand or only applicable to a correction, then by e.g. [B,ℵ*], [Bc,ℵ]. Again, this can be

interpreted as simply the fact that there is a departure from 𝔐 in B and there is a departure from 𝔐 in
ℵ, but our brackets help categorize these departures.
• Where a correction brings a reading into line with 𝔐, the symbol is in red with double strikethrough,
e.g. ℵc. So such a symbol does not represent a difference with respect to 𝔐.
• In a few cases, the first hand agrees with 𝔐 whereas the correction makes the departure from 𝔐. In
such cases, the first hand symbol is in red with double strikethrough, e.g. ℵ*. So such a symbol does
not represent a difference with respect to 𝔐.

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants

in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
1:1 Pau=loj a)po/stoloj ou0k a)p' a)nqrw&pwn, ou0de\ di' - -
1:1 a)nqrw&pou, a)lla_ dia_ 870Ihsou= xristou=, kai\ qeou= patro\j tou= - -
1:1-2 {RP B: e0gei/rantoj} [ℵ: e0gi/rantoj] {RP B ℵc au0to\n} [ℵ*: ℵ,ℵ* ℵ,ℵc
au0tw~n] e0k nekrw~n, ² kai\ oi9 su\n e0moi\ pa&ntej a)delfoi/,
1:2-3 tai=j e0kklhsi/aij th=j Galati/aj: ³ xa&rij u9mi=n kai\ ei0rh/nh a)po\ - -
1:3-4 qeou= {RP B: patro/j, kai\ kuri/ou h9mw~n} [ℵ: patro/j h9mw~n kai\ ℵ ℵ
kuri/ou] 870Ihsou= xristou=, ´ tou= do/ntoj
1:4 e9auto\n {RP ℵ*: peri\} [B ℵc P1904 TR: u9pe\r] tw~n a(martiw~n B,ℵ* (Bℵc!)
h9mw~n, o3pwj e0ce/lhtai h9ma~j e0k
1:4 {RP ℵc: tou= e0nestw~toj ai0w~noj} [B ℵ*: tou= ai0w~noj tou= (Bℵ*),ℵ* B,ℵc,ℵc
e0nestw~toj] ponhrou=, kata_ {RP B ℵc: to\} [ℵ*: - ] qe/lhma tou=
1:5 kai\ patro\j h9mw~n: µ w%{ h9 do/ca ei0j tou\j ai0w~naj tw~n ai0w&nwn. - -

1:6 Qauma&zw o3ti {HF ou3tw} [B ℵ RP: ou3twj] taxe/wj {RP B: (Bℵ),ℵ (Bℵ),ℵ
metati/qesqe} [ℵ: metati/qesqai] a)po\ tou=
1:6 kale/santoj u9ma~j e0n xa&riti xristou= ei0j e3teron eu0agge/lion: - -
1:7 o4 ou0k e1stin a!llo, ei0 mh/ tine/j ei0sin oi9 tara&ssontej u9ma~j - -
1:7 {RP B ℵc: kai\ qe/lontej} [ℵ*: - ] metastre/yai to\ eu0agge/lion ℵ* ℵc
tou= xristou=.
1:8 70Alla_ {RP ℵ: kai\ e0a_n} [B: ka~n] h9mei=j h2 a!ggeloj e0c ou0ranou= B,B,ℵ B,B,ℵ
{RP ℵ: - } [B: u9mi=n] {RP-text B P1904 TR: eu0aggeli/zhtai} [RP-
marg: eu0aggeli/zetai] [ℵ: eu0aggelishtai]
1:8-9 {RP ℵc: u9mi=n} [B ℵ*: - ] par' o4 eu0hggelisa&meqa u9mi=n, a)na&qema (Bℵ*) B,ℵc
e1stw. ¹ 79Wj
1:9 {RP B ℵc: proeirh/kamen} [ℵ*: proei/rhka], kai\ a!rti pa&lin ℵ* ℵc
le/gw, ei1 tij u9ma~j eu0aggeli/zetai
1:9 par' o4 parela&bete, a)na&qema e1stw. - -
1:10 871Arti ga_r a)nqrw&pouj {RP B: pei/qw} [ℵ: pi/qw] h2 to\n qeo/n; ℵ ℵ
872H zhtw~
1:10 a)nqrw&poij {RP B: a)re/skein} [ℵ: a)re/skin]; Ei0 {RP: ga_r} [B ℵ: ℵ,(Bℵ) ℵ,(Bℵ)
- ] e1ti a)nqrw&poij h1reskon, xristou=
1:10 dou=loj ou0k a@n h1mhn. - -

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
1:11 Gnwri/zw {RP ℵ*: de\} [B ℵc: ga_r] u9mi=n, a)delfoi/, to\ B,ℵ*,B* (Bℵc!),Bc
eu0agge/lion {RP Bc ℵ: - } [B*: to\ eu0agge/lion to\ eu0agge/lion]
1:11 to\ eu0aggelisqe\n u9p' e0mou=, o3ti ou0k {HF B: e1sti} [RP ℵ: e1stin] ℵ ℵ
kata_ a!nqrwpon.
1:12 Ou0de\ ga_r e0gw_ para_ a)nqrw&pou pare/labon au0to/, {RP B: ℵ ℵ
ou1te} [ℵ: ou0de\]
1:12 e0dida&xqhn, a)lla_ di' a)pokalu/yewj 870Ihsou= xristou=. - -
1:13 70Hkou/sate ga_r th\n e0mh\n a)nastrofh/n pote e0n tw%~ 8 - -
1:13 870Ioudai+smw%~, o3ti kaq' u9perbolh\n e0di/wkon th\n e0kklhsi/an tou= - -
1:13-14 qeou=, kai\ e0po/rqoun au0th/n: ±´ kai\ proe/kopton e0n tw%~ - -
1:14 u9pe\r pollou\j sunhlikiw&taj e0n tw%~ {RP B: ge/nei} [ℵ: ge/ni] ℵ ℵ
mou, perissote/rwj
1:14-15 zhlwth\j u9pa&rxwn tw~n patrikw~n mou parado/sewn. ±µ 873Ote - -
1:15 eu0do/khsen {RP ℵ: o9 qeo\j} [B: - ] o9 {RP ℵ: a)fori/saj} [B: B,B B,B
a)fwri/saj] me e0k koili/aj mhtro/j mou kai\
1:15-16 kale/saj dia_ th=j xa&ritoj au0tou=, ±¶ a)pokalu/yai to\n ui9o\n - -
1:16 e0n e0moi\ i3na eu0aggeli/zwmai au0to\n e0n toi=j e1qnesin, eu0qe/wj - -
1:16-17 ou0 prosaneqe/mhn sarki\ kai\ ai3mati: ±· ou0de\ {RP ℵ: a)nh=lqon} B B
[B: a)ph=lqon] ei0j
1:17 879Ieroso/luma pro\j tou\j pro\ e0mou= a)posto/louj, {HF RP B ℵ - -
P1904: a)lla_} [TR: a)ll'] a)ph=lqon
1:17 ei0j 870Arabi/an, kai\ pa&lin u9pe/streya ei0j Damasko/n. - -
1:18 871Epeita meta_ {RP B: e1th tri/a} [ℵ: tri/a e1th] a)nh=lqon ei0j ℵ ℵ
1:18 i9storh=sai {RP ℵc: Pe/tron} [B ℵ*: Khfa~n], kai\ e0pe/meina pro\j (Bℵ*) B,ℵc
au0to\n h9me/raj dekape/nte.
1:19 873Eteron de\ tw~n a)posto/lwn {RP Bc ℵ: ou0k} [B*: ou0x] {RP B: B*,ℵ Bc,ℵ
ei]don} [ℵ: i]don], ei0 mh\ 870Ia&kwbon to\n
1:19-20 a)delfo\n tou= kuri/ou. ²° 874A de\ gra&fw u9mi=n, i0dou\ e0nw&pion - -
1:20-21 tou= qeou= o3ti ou0 yeu/domai. ²± 871Epeita h]lqon ei0j ta_ kli/mata - -
1:21-22 th=j Suri/aj kai\ {RP B ℵc: th=j} [ℵ*: - ] Kiliki/aj. ²² 871Hmhn de\ ℵ* ℵc
1:22 tw%~ prosw&pw% tai=j {RP Bc ℵ: e0kklhsi/aij} [B*: e0kklhsi/aj] th=j B* Bc
870Ioudai/aj tai=j e0n xristw%~:
1:23 mo/non de\ a)kou/ontej h]san o3ti 879O diw&kwn h9ma~j pote/, nu=n - -
1:23-24 eu0aggeli/zetai th\n pi/stin h3n pote e0po/rqei. ²´ Kai\ e0do/cazon - -
1:24 e0n e0moi\ to\n qeo/n. - -
2:1 71Epeita dia_ dekatessa&rwn e0tw~n pa&lin a)ne/bhn - -

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
2:1 ei0j 879Ieroso/luma meta_ Barna&ba, {RP Bc: sumparalabw_n} [B* (B*ℵ) Bc,ℵ
ℵ: sunparalabw_n] kai\ Ti/ton:
2:2 a)ne/bhn de\ kata_ a)poka&luyin, kai\ a)neqe/mhn au0toi=j to\ - -
2:2 eu0agge/lion o4 khru/ssw e0n toi=j {HF: e1qnesi} [RP B ℵ: e1qnesin], (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
kat' i0di/an de\ toi=j
2:2-3 {HF: dokou=si} [RP B ℵ: dokou=sin], mh/pwj ei0j keno\n tre/xw h2 (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
e1dramon. ³ 70All' ou0de\
2:3 Ti/toj {RP ℵ: o9} [B: - ] su\n e0moi/, 873Ellhn w!n, h0nagka&sqh B B
2:4 dia_ de\ tou\j {RP B: pareisa&ktouj} [ℵ: parisa&ktouj] ℵ ℵ
yeudade/lfouj, oi3tinej pareish=lqon
2:4 kataskoph=sai th\n e0leuqeri/an h9mw~n h4n e1xomen e0n xristw%~ - -
2:4-5 70Ihsou=, i3na h9ma~j {RP: katadoulw&swntai} [B ℵ: (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
katadoulw&sousin]: µ oi[j ou0de\ pro\j w#ran
2:5 ei1camen th|= u9potagh|=, i3na h9 {RP B: a)lh/qeia} [ℵ: a)lh/qia] tou= ℵ ℵ
eu0aggeli/ou diamei/nh|
2:5-6 pro\j u9ma~j. ¶ 70Apo\ de\ tw~n dokou/ntwn ei]nai/ ti - o9poi=oi/ {HF ℵ* ℵc
RP B ℵc: pote} [ℵ*: pot']
2:6 h]san ou0de/n moi {RP B: diafe/rei} [ℵ: diafe/ri]: pro/swpon {RP ℵ,ℵ ℵ,ℵ
B: - } [ℵ: o9] qeo\j a)nqrw&pou ou0
2:6 lamba&nei - e0moi\ ga_r oi9 dokou=ntej ou0de\n prosane/qento: - -
2:7 a)lla_ tou0nanti/on, {RP B: i0do/ntej} [ℵ: ei0do/ntej] o3ti ℵ ℵ
pepi/steumai to\ eu0agge/lion
2:7-8 th=j a)krobusti/aj, kaqw_j Pe/troj th=j peritomh=j - ¸ {RP B ℵc:
o9 ga_r e0nergh/saj} [ℵ*: - ]
ℵ*,ℵ (8) ℵc,ℵ
2:8 {RP B ℵc: Pe/trw% ei0j a)postolh\n th=j peritomh=j,} [ℵ*: - ] {HF
B: e0nh/rghse} [RP ℵ: e0nh/rghsen] kai\ e0moi\ ei0j
2:8-9 ta_ e1qnh - ¹ kai\ gno/ntej th\n xa&rin th\n doqei=sa&n moi, - -
2:9 kai\ Khfa~j kai\ {RP ℵ: 870Iwa&nnhj} [B: 870Iwa&nhj], oi9 dokou=ntej B B
stu/loi ei]nai, decia_j
2:9 e1dwkan e0moi\ kai\ Barna&ba% koinwni/aj, i3na h9mei=j {RP-text ℵc: (Bℵ*) B,ℵc
me\n} [RP-marg B ℵ* P1904 TR: - ] ei0j ta_ e1qnh,
2:9-10 au0toi\ de\ ei0j th\n peritomh/n: ±° mo/non tw~n ptwxw~n i3na - -
2:10 o4 kai\ e0spou/dasa au0to\ tou=to poih=sai. - -
2:11 873Ote de\ {HF: h]lqe} [RP B ℵ: h]lqen] {RP: Pe/troj} [B ℵ: (Bℵ), (Bℵ),ℵ (Bℵ), (Bℵ),ℵ
Khfa~j] ei0j {RP B: 870Antio/xeian} [ℵ:870Antio/xian], kata_

(Gal 2:8) The cells are merged because there is a single omission in ℵ spanning two rows, which must not be double-
Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
2:11-12 au0tw%~ a)nte/sthn, o3ti kategnwsme/noj h]n. ±² Pro\ tou= ga_r {RP ℵ ℵ
B: e0lqei=n} [ℵ: e0lqi=n]
2:12 tinaj a)po\ 870Iakw&bou, meta_ tw~n e0qnw~n sunh/sqien: o3te de\ {RP: (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
h]lqon} [B ℵ: h]lqen],
2:12 {HF: u9pe/stelle} [RP B ℵ: u9pe/stellen] kai\ a)fw&rizen e9auto/n, (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
fobou/menoj tou\j e0k peritomh=j.
2:13 Kai\ sunupekri/qhsan au0tw%~ {RP ℵ: kai\} [B: - ] oi9 loipoi\ B,ℵ* B, ℵc
870Ioudai=oi {RP B ℵc: - } [ℵ*: pa&ntej], w#ste
2:13-14 kai\ Barna&baj sunaph/xqh au0tw~n th|= {RP B: u9pokri/sei} [ℵ: ℵ ℵ
u9pokri/si]. ±´ 870All' o3te
2:14 ei]don o3ti ou0k {HF ℵ: o0rqopodou=si} [RP B: o0rqopodou=sin] B B
pro\j th\n a)lh/qeian tou= eu0aggeli/ou,
2:14 ei]pon tw%~ {RP: Pe/trw%} [B ℵ: Khfa~] e1mprosqen pa&ntwn, Ei0 su/, (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
870Ioudai=oj u9pa&rxwn,
2:14 e0qnikw~j {HF RP: zh|=j kai\ ou0k 870Ioudai+kw~j}, [B ℵc: kai\ ou0xi\ [B,ℵ*],(Bℵ) (Bℵc!),(Bℵ)
870Ioudai+kw~j zh|=j], [ℵ*: kai\ ou0x 870Ioudai+kw~j zh|=j] {RP: ti/} [B ℵ:
pw~j] ta_ e1qnh a)nagka&zeij 870Ioudai+/zein;
2:15 879Hmei=j fu/sei {RP B: 870Ioudai=oi} [ℵ: 870Ioude/oi ] kai\ ou0k e0c ℵ ℵ
e0qnw~n a(martwloi/,
2:16 ei0do/tej {RP TR: - } [B ℵ P1904: de\] o3ti ou0 dikaiou=tai (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
a!nqrwpoj e0c e1rgwn no/mou, e0a_n
2:16 mh\ dia_ {RP Bc ℵ: pi/stewj} [B*: pi/stej] {RP ℵ:870Ihsou= B*,B,ℵ,B Bc,B,ℵ,B
xristou=} [B: xristou= 870Ihsou=], kai\ {RP B: h9mei=j} [ℵ: h9mi=j] ei0j
{RP ℵ: xristo\n 870Ihsou=n} [B: 870Ihsou=n xristo\n]
2:16 e0pisteu/samen, i3na dikaiwqw~men e0k pi/stewj xristou=, kai\ ou0k - -
2:16 e0c e1rgwn no/mou: {RP: dio/ti} [B ℵ: o3ti] {RP: - } [B ℵ: e0c e1rgwn (Bℵ),(Bℵ),B (Bℵ),(Bℵ),B
no/mou] {RP ℵ: ou0} [B: - ] dikaiwqh/setai {RP: e0c e1rgwn no/mou}
[B ℵ: - ] pa~sa
2:16-17 sa&rc. ±· Ei0 de/, zhtou=ntej dikaiwqh=nai e0n xristw%~, eu9re/qhmen - -
2:17 kai\ au0toi\ a(martwloi/, a}ra xristo\j a(marti/aj dia&konoj; Mh\ - -
2:17-18 ge/noito. ±¸ Ei0 ga_r a$ kate/lusa, tau=ta pa&lin oi0kodomw~, - -
2:18-19 e0mauto\n {RP: suni/sthmi} [B ℵ: sunista&nw]. ±¹ 870Egw_ ga_r dia_ (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
no/mou no/mw% a)pe/qanon,
2:19-20 i3na qew%~ zh/sw. ²° Xristw%~ sunestau/rwmai: zw~ de/, ou0ke/ti e0gw&, - -
2:20 zh|= de\ e0n e0moi\ xristo/j: o4 de\ nu=n {RP B ℵc: zw~} [ℵ*: e0zw~] e0n ℵ*,ℵ ℵc,ℵ
sarki/, e0n {RP B: pi/stei} [ℵ: pi/sti] zw~ th|=
2:20 {RP ℵ: tou= ui9ou=} [B: - ] tou= qeou= {RP ℵ: - } [B: kai\ xristou=], B,B B,B
tou= a)gaph/santo/j me kai\ parado/ntoj e9auto\n
2:20-21 u9pe\r e0mou=. ²± Ou0k a)qetw~ th\n xa&rin tou= qeou=: ei0 ga_r dia_ - -
2:21 dikaiosu/nh, a!ra xristo\j dwrea_n a)pe/qanen. - -

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
3:1 87]W a)no/htoi Gala&tai, ti/j u9ma~j {HF: e0ba&skane} [RP B ℵ: (Bℵ),(Bℵ) (Bℵ),(Bℵ)
e0ba&skanen] {RP: th|= a)lhqei/a% mh\ pei/qesqai} [B ℵ: - ],
3:1 oi[j kat' o0fqalmou\j 870Ihsou=j xristo\j proegra&fh {RP: e0n (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
u9mi=n} [B ℵ: - ] e0staurwme/noj;
3:2 Tou=to mo/non qe/lw maqei=n a)f' u9mw~n, e0c e1rgwn no/mou to\ - -
pneu=ma e0la&bete,
3:2-3 h2 e0c a)koh=j pi/stewj; ³ Ou3twj a)no/htoi/ e0ste; 870Enarca&menoi - -
3:3-4 nu=n sarki\ {RP: e0pitelei=sqe} [B: e0piteilei=sqe] [ℵ: [B,ℵ] [B,ℵ]
e0pitelei=sqai]; ´ Tosau=ta e0pa&qete ei0kh|=; Ei1ge kai\ ei0kh|=.
3:5 879O ou]n e0pixorhgw~n u9mi=n to\ pneu=ma kai\ e0nergw~n {RP B: ℵ ℵ
duna&meij} [ℵ: duna&mij] e0n u9mi=n,
3:5-6 e0c e1rgwn no/mou, h2 e0c a)koh=j pi/stewj; ¶ Kaqw_j 870Abraa_m - -
3:6 {HF: e0pi/steuse} [RP B ℵ: e0pi/steusen] tw%~ qew%~, kai\ e0logi/sqh (Bℵ), (Bℵ),
au0tw%~ ei0j dikaiosu/nhn.
3:7 {RP: Ginw&skete} [B ℵ: Geinw&skete] a!ra o3ti oi9 e0k pi/stewj, (Bℵ),(Bℵ*) (Bℵ),B,ℵc
ou[toi/ {RP ℵc: ei0sin ui9oi\} [B ℵ*: ui9oi/ ei0sin] 870Abraa&m.
3:8 Proi+dou=sa de\ h9 grafh\ o3ti e0k pi/stewj {RP B: dikaioi= ta_ ℵ ℵ
e1qnh} [ℵ: ta_ e1qnh dikaioi=] o9 qeo/j,
3:8 proeuhggeli/sato tw%~ 870Abraa_m o3ti {RP B ℵ P1904 S1550: - -
870Eneuloghqh/sontai} [E1624 S1894: 870Euloghqh/sontai] e0n soi\
3:8-9 ta_ e1qnh. ¹ 873Wste oi9 e0k pi/stewj eu0logou=ntai su\n tw%~ pistw%~ - -
3:10 873Osoi ga_r e0c e1rgwn no/mou ei0si/n, u9po\ kata&ran {HF: ei0si/} (Bℵ) (Bℵ),
[RP B ℵ: ei0si/n]: ge/graptai
3:10 ga&r {RP: - } [B ℵ: o3ti], 870Epikata&ratoj pa~j o4j ou0k e0mme/nei (Bℵ),(Bℵ*), (Bℵ),B,ℵc,
{RP ℵc: e0n} [B ℵ*: - ] {HF B: pa~si} [RP ℵ: pa~sin] toi=j {RP ℵ: ℵ,B* ℵ,Bc!
gegramme/noij} [B*: e0ngegramme/noij] [Bc e0ggegramme/noij]
3:10-11 e0n tw%~ bibli/w% tou= no/mou, tou= poih=sai au0ta&. ±± 873Oti de\ e0n - -
3:11 ou0dei\j dikaiou=tai para_ tw%~ qew%~, dh=lon: o3ti 879O di/kaioj e0k - -
3:11-12 zh/setai: ±² o9 de\ no/moj ou0k e1stin e0k pi/stewj, {HF RP B: a)ll'} ℵ ℵ
[ℵ: a)lla_] 879O poih/saj
3:12-13 au0ta_ {RP: a!nqrwpoj} [B ℵ: - ] zh/setai e0n au0toi=j. ±³ Xristo\j (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
h9ma~j e0chgo/rasen e0k th=j
3:13 kata&raj tou= no/mou, geno/menoj u9pe\r h9mw~n kata&ra: {RP ℵ: B B
ge/graptai ga&r} [B: o3ti ge/graptai],
3:13-14 870Epikata&ratoj pa~j o9 krema&menoj e0pi\ cu/lou: ±´ i3na ei0j ta_ - -
3:14 h9 eu0logi/a tou= 870Abraa_m ge/nhtai e0n {RP: xristw%~ 870Ihsou=} [B: [B,ℵ] [B,ℵ]
70Ihsou= xristw%]~ [ℵ:870Ihsou, xristou=], i3na th\n

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
3:14 e0paggeli/an tou= pneu/matoj la&bwmen dia_ th=j pi/stewj. - -
3:15 870Adelfoi/, kata_ a!nqrwpon le/gw: o3mwj a)nqrw&pou - -
3:15 kekurwme/nhn diaqh/khn {RP B: ou0dei\j} [ℵ: ou0di\j] {RP B: ℵ,ℵ ℵ,ℵ
a)qetei=} [ℵ: a)qeti=] h2 e0pidiata&ssetai.
3:16 Tw%~ de\ 870Abraa_m {RP Bc TR: e0rrh/qhsan} [B* ℵ P1904: (B*ℵ) Bc,ℵ
e0rre/qhsan] ai9 e0paggeli/ai, kai\ tw%~ spe/rmati
3:16 au0tou=. Ou0 le/gei, Kai\ toi=j spe/rmasin, w(j e0pi\ pollw~n, {HF RP B B
ℵ: a)ll'} [B: a)lla_] w(j
3:16-17 e0f' e9no/j, Kai\ tw%~ spe/rmati/ sou, o3j {HF: e0sti} [RP B ℵ: e0stin] (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
xristo/j. ±· Tou=to de\
3:17 le/gw, diaqh/khn prokekurwme/nhn u9po\ tou= qeou= {RP: ei0j
xristo\n} [B ℵ: - ] o9 meta_ {RP: e1th} [B ℵ: - ] tetrako/sia
(Bℵ),(Bℵ) (9) (Bℵ),(Bℵ)
3:17 kai\ tria&konta {RP: -} [B ℵ: e1th] gegonw_j no/moj ou0k a)kuroi=,
ei0j to\ katargh=sai
3:17-18 th\n e0paggeli/an. ±¸ Ei0 ga_r e0k no/mou h9 klhronomi/a, ou0ke/ti - -
3:18 e0c {RP P1904c TR: e0paggeli/aj} [P1904u: e0pagggeli/aj]: tw%~ - -
de\ 870Abraa_m di' e0paggeli/aj kexa&ristai
3:18-19 o9 qeo/j. ±¹ Ti/ ou]n o9 no/moj; Tw~n paraba&sewn xa&rin - -
3:19 {HF B ℵ: a!xrij} [RP: a!xri] {RP ℵ: ou[} [B: a!n] e1lqh| to\ B B
spe/rma w%{ e0ph/ggeltai, diatagei\j di' a)gge/lwn
3:19-20 e0n {RP B: xeiri\} [ℵ: xiri\] {RP ℵ: mesi/tou} [B: mesei/tou]. ²° 879O ℵ,B,B ℵ,B,B
de\ {RP ℵ: mesi/thj} [B: mesei/thj] e9no\j ou0k e1stin, o9 de\ qeo\j
ei[j e0sti/n.
3:21 879O ou]n no/moj kata_ tw~n e0paggeliw~n {RP ℵ: tou= qeou==} [B: - B B
]; Mh\
3:21 ge/noito. Ei0 ga_r e0do/qh no/moj o9 duna&menoj zw%opoih=sai,
o1ntwj {RP: a@n} [B ℵ: - ]
[B,ℵ](10), [B,ℵ],
3:21-22 {RP ℵ: e0k no/mou} [B: e0n no/mw ] {RP: h]n} [B: a@n h]n] [ℵ: h]n a@n] h9 B,ℵ,ℵ B,ℵ,ℵ
{RP B: dikaiosu/nh} [ℵ: dikeosu/nh]. ²² 870Alla_ {RP B:
sune/kleisen} [ℵ: sune/klisen] h9 grafh\
3:22 ta_ pa&nta u9po\ a(marti/an, i3na h9 e0paggeli/a e0k pi/stewj 870Ihsou= - -
3:22 xristou= doqh|= toi=j {HF: pisteu/ousi} [RP B ℵ: pisteu/ousin]. (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
3:23 Pro\ {RP B ℵ TR: tou= de\} [P1904: de\ tou=] {RP B: e0lqei=n} [ℵ: ℵ ℵ
e0lqi=n] th\n pi/stin, u9po\ no/mon e0frourou/meqa,
3:23-24 {RP: sugkekleisme/noi} [B*: sunkleio/menoi] [Bc: [B*,ℵ](11) [Bc!,ℵ]
sugkleio/menoi] [ℵ: sunklio/menoi] ei0j th\n me/llousan pi/stin
a)pokalufqh=nai. ²´ 873Wste

(Gal 3:17) The cells are merged because the word e1th is transposed from one row to the next.
(Gal 3:21) The cells are merged because the positioning of a@n and h]n is regarded as one variation.
(Gal 3:23) Not only do B* ℵ and 𝔐 differ, but Bc introduces a fourth reading.
Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
3:24 o9 no/moj paidagwgo\j h9mw~n {RP ℵ: ge/gonen} [B: e0ge/neto] ei0j B B
xristo/n, i3na e0k pi/stewj
3:24-25 dikaiwqw~men. ²µ 870Elqou/shj de\ th=j pi/stewj, ou0ke/ti u9po\ - -
paidagwgo/n e0smen.
3:26 Pa&ntej ga_r ui9oi\ {RP B ℵc: - } [ℵ*: oi9] qeou= e0ste\ dia_ th=j ℵ* ℵc
pi/stewj e0n xristw%~ 870Ihsou=.
3:27 873Osoi ga_r ei0j xristo\n e0bapti/sqhte, xristo\n e0nedu/sasqe. - -
3:28 Ou0k e1ni 870Ioudai=oj ou0de\ 873Ellhn, ou0k e1ni dou=loj ou0de\ - -
3:28 ou0k e1ni {RP B: a!rsen} [ℵ: a!rren] kai\ qh=lu: {RP B*: pa&ntej} ℵ,B*,ℵ,ℵ*,ℵ* ℵ,(Bc!ℵ),ℵc,ℵc
[Bc ℵ: a#pantej] ga_r u9mei=j {RP B ℵc: ei[j} [ℵ*: - ] e0ste\ e0n {RP
B ℵc: xristw%}~ [ℵ*: xristou=] 870Ihsou=.
3:29 Ei0 de\ u9mei=j xristou=, a!ra tou= 870Abraa_m {RP ℵ: spe/rma} [B: B B
3:29 e0ste/, {RP: kai\} [B ℵ: - ] {HF RP B: kat'} [ℵ: kata_] e0paggeli/an (Bℵ),ℵ (Bℵ),ℵ
4:1 Le/gw de/, e0f' o3son xro/non o9 klhrono/moj nh/pio/j e0stin, - -
4:1-4.2 ou0de\n {RP B: diafe/rei} [ℵ: diafe/ri] dou/lou, ku/rioj pa&ntwn ℵ ℵ
w!n: ² a)lla_ u9po\ e0pitro/pouj
4:2-3 {HF ℵ: e0sti\} [RP B: e0sti\n] kai\ oi0kono/mouj, a!xri th=j B,B,(Bℵ) B,B,(Bℵ)
proqesmi/aj {RP: - } [B: th=j] tou= patro/j. ³ {HF: Ou3tw} [RP
B ℵ: Ou3twj]
4:3 kai\ {RP B: h9mei=j} [ℵ: h9mi=j] , o3te h]men nh/pioi, u9po\ ta_ {RP B: ℵ,ℵ,ℵ ℵ,ℵ,ℵ
stoixei=a} [ℵ: stoixi=a] tou= ko/smou {RP B: h]men} [ℵ: h1meqa]
4:3-4 dedoulwme/noi: ´ o3te de\ {HF: h]lqe} [RP B ℵ: h]lqen] to\ (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
plh/rwma tou= xro/nou,
4:4 {RP B: e0cape/steilen} [ℵ: e0cape/stilen] o9 qeo\j to\n ui9o\n ℵ ℵ
au0tou=, geno/menon e0k gunaiko/j,
4:4-5 geno/menon u9po\ no/mon, µ i3na tou\j u9po\ no/mon e0cagora&sh|, i3na - -
4:5-6 th\n ui9oqesi/an a)pola&bwmen. ¶ 873Oti de/ e0ste ui9oi/, {RP B: ℵ ℵ
e0cape/steilen} [ℵ: e0cape/stilen]
4:6 {RP ℵ: o9 qeo\j} [B: - ] to\ pneu=ma tou= ui9ou= au0tou= ei0j ta_j B,(Bℵ) B,(Bℵ)
kardi/aj {RP: u9mw~n} [B ℵ: h9mw~n], kra~zon,
4:6-7 870Abba~, o9 path/r. · 873Wste ou0ke/ti ei] dou=loj, {HF RP: a)ll'} [B (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
ℵ: a)lla_] ui9oj / : ei0 de\ ui9oj/ ,
4:7 kai\ klhrono/moj {RP ℵ : qeou=} [B ℵ*: - ] dia_ {RP ℵc: xristou=}
(Bℵ*), B,ℵc,
[B ℵ*: qeou=]. (Bℵ*) B,ℵc
4:8 8¸ 70Alla_ to/te me/n, ou0k ei0do/tej qeo/n, e0douleu/sate toi=j {RP: (Bℵ),B* (Bℵ),Bc
mh\} [B ℵ: - ] {RP Bc ℵ : fu/sei} [B*: fu/si] {RP: - } [B ℵ: mh\]
4:8-9 {HF B ℵ: ou]si} [RP: ou]sin] qeoi=j: ¹ nu=n de/, gno/ntej qeo/n, - -
ma~llon de\

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
4:9 gnwsqe/ntej u9po\ qeou=, pw~j e0pistre/fete pa&lin e0pi\ ta_ a)sqenh= ℵ ℵ
kai\ ptwxa_ {RP B: stoixei=a} [ℵ: stoixi=a],
4:9-10 oi[j pa&lin a!nwqen {RP: douleu/ein} [B: douleu=sai] [ℵ: [B,ℵ] [B,ℵ]
douleu=se] qe/lete; ±° 879Hme/raj parathrei=sqe,
4:10-11 kai\ mh=naj, kai\ kairou/j, kai\ e0niautou/j. ±± Fobou=mai u9ma~j, - -
4:11 ei0kh|= kekopi/aka ei0j u9ma~j. - -
4:12 {RP ℵ: Gi/nesqe} [B: Gei/nesqe] w(j e0gw&, o3ti ka)gw_ w(j {RP B: B,ℵ B,ℵ
u9mei=j} [ℵ: u9mi=j], a)delfoi/, de/omai
4:12-13 u9mw~n. Ou0de/n me {RP B: h0dikh/sate} [ℵ: h0dikh/satai]: ±³ {RP B: ℵ,ℵ,ℵ ℵ,ℵ,ℵ
oi1date} [ℵ: oi1datai] de\ o3ti di' {RP B: a)sqe/neian} [ℵ:
a)sqe/nian] th=j
4:13-14 sarko\j eu0hggelisa&mhn u9mi=n to\ pro/teron. ±´ Kai\ to\n {RP B: ℵ ℵ
peirasmo/n} [ℵ: pirasmo/n]
4:14 {RP: mou} [B ℵ*: u9mw~n] [ℵc: - ] {RP ℵc: to\n} [B ℵ*: - ] e0n th|= (Bℵ*), [B,ℵc!],
sarki/ mou ou0k e0couqenh/sate ou0de\ e0ceptu/sate, {HF RP ℵ: (Bℵ*),B B,ℵc,B
a)ll'} [B: a)lla_]
4:14-15 w(j a!ggelon qeou= e0de/casqe/ me, w(j xristo\n 870Ihsou=n. ±µ {RP: (Bℵ),(Bℵ) (Bℵ),(Bℵ)
Ti/j} [B ℵ: Pou=] ou]n {RP: h]n} [B ℵ: - ]
4:15 o9 makarismo\j u9mw~n; Marturw~ ga_r u9mi=n o3ti, ei0 - -
dunato/n, tou\j
4:15-16 o0fqalmou\j u9mw~n e0coru/cantej {RP: a@n} [B ℵ: - ] {RP: B ℵ*: (Bℵ),ℵ* (Bℵ),ℵc!
e0dw&kate/} [ℵc: a)nedw&kate/] moi. ±¶ 873Wste e0xqro\j
4:16-17 u9mw~n ge/gona a)lhqeu/wn u9mi=n; ±· Zhlou=sin u9ma~j ou0 kalw~j, - -
4:17 a)lla_ {RP B: e0kklei=sai} [ℵ: ek0kli=sai] {RP P1904 S1550 S1894: ℵ ℵ
u9ma~j} [E1624: h9ma~j] qe/lousin, i3na au0tou\j zhlou=te.
4:18 Kalo\n de\ {RP: to\} [B ℵ: - ] (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
4:18 {RP: zhlou=sqai} [B ℵ: zhlou=sqe] e0n kalw%~ pa&ntote, kai\ mh\ (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
mo/non e0n tw%~ parei=nai/ me
4:18-19 pro\j u9ma~j. ±¹ {RP ℵc: Tekni/a} [B ℵ*: Te/kna] mou, ou4j pa&lin (Bℵ*),B,(Bℵ*) B,ℵc,B,B,ℵc
{RP ℵ: w)di/nw} [B: w)dei/nw], {HF ℵc: a!xrij} [RP: a!xri] [B ℵ*:
me/xrij] ou[ morfwqh|=
4:19-20 xristo\j e0n u9mi=n, ²° h1qelon de\ parei=nai pro\j u9ma~j a!rti, kai\ - -
4:20 a)lla&cai th\n fwnh/n mou, o3ti a)porou=mai e0n u9mi=n. - -
4:21 Le/gete/ moi, oi9 u9po\ no/mon qe/lontej ei]nai, to\n no/mon - -
4:21-22 ou0k a)kou/ete; ²² Ge/graptai ga&r, o3ti 870Abraa_m du/o ui9ou\j - -
4:22-23 e3na e0k th=j paidi/skhj, kai\ e3na e0k th=j e0leuqe/raj. ²³ {HF RP ℵ: B,B B,B
870All'} [B: 870Alla_] o9 {RP ℵ: me\n} [B: - ]
4:23 e0k th=j paidi/skhj kata_ sa&rka gege/nnhtai, o9 de\ e0k th=j {RP B: ℵ ℵ
e0leuqe/raj} [ℵ: e0leuqeri/aj]

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
4:23-24 {RP B: dia_ th=j} [ℵ: di'] e0paggeli/aj. ²´ 873Atina& e0stin ℵ ℵ
a)llhgorou/mena: au[tai ga&r
4:24 ei0sin {RP P1904 B ℵc: - } [ℵ* TR: ai9] du/o diaqh=kai: mi/a me\n ℵ*,B,ℵ ℵc,B,ℵ
a)po\ o1rouj {RP ℵ: Sina~} [B: Seina~], ei0j {RP B: doulei/an} [ℵ:
4:24-25 gennw~sa, h3tij e0sti\n 873Agar. ²µ To\ {RP ℵ: ga_r} [B: de\] {RP B: B,ℵ,B,ℵ B,ℵ,B,ℵ
873Agar} [ℵ: - ] {RP ℵ: Sina~} [B: Seina~] o1roj e0sti\n {RP B: - }
[ℵ: o4n]
4:25 e0n th|= 870Arabi/a%, {RP ℵ: sustoixei=} [B: sunstoixei=] de\ th|= nu=n B,(12) B
879Ierousalh/m, douleu/ei
4:25-26 {RP: de\} [B ℵ: ga_r] meta_ tw~n te/knwn au0th=j. ²¶ 879H de\ a!nw (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
4:26-27 e0leuqe/ra e0sti/n, {HF: h3tij e0sti\} [RP B ℵc: h3tij e0sti\n] [ℵ*: - ] [B,ℵ*], (Bℵc!),
mh/thr {RP ℵc: pa&ntwn} [B ℵ*: - ] h9mw~n: ²· ge/graptai ga&r, (Bℵ*),(13) B,ℵc
4:27 Eu0fra&nqhti, {RP B: stei=ra} [ℵ: sti=ra], h9 ou0 ti/ktousa: ℵ ℵ
4:27 r(h=con kai\ bo/hson, h9 ou0k {RP: w)di/nousa} [B: w)dei/nousa]: B B
4:27 o3ti polla_ ta_ te/kna th=j e0rh/mou - -
4:27 ma~llon h2 th=j e0xou/shj to\n a!ndra. - -
4:28 {RP ℵ: 879Hmei=j} [B: 879Umei=j] de/, a)delfoi/, kata_ {RP B ℵc: B,ℵ* B,ℵc
870Isaa&k} [ℵ*:870Isa&k], e0paggeli/aj te/kna {RP ℵ: e0sme/n} [B: e0ste/].
4:29 870All' w#sper to/te o9 kata_ sa&rka gennhqei\j {HF B ℵ: - -
e0di/wke} [RP: e0di/wken] to\n
4:29-30 kata_ pneu=ma, {HF: ou3tw} [RP B ℵ: ou3twj] kai\ nu=n. ³° 70Alla_ (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
ti/ le/gei h9 grafh/;
4:30 871Ekbale th\n paidi/skhn kai\ to\n ui9o\n au0th=j, ou0 {RP TR B ℵ: - -
ga_r mh\} [P1904: mh\ ga_r]
4:30 {RP TR: klhronomh/sh|} [B ℵ P1904: klhronomh/sei] o9 ui9o\j th=j (Bℵ),ℵ* (Bℵ),ℵc
paidi/skhj meta_ {RP B ℵc: tou= ui9ou=} [ℵ*: - ] th=j
4:30-31 e0leuqe/raj. ³± {RP: 871Ara} [B ℵ: dio/], a)delfoi/, ou0k e0sme\n {RP (Bℵ),ℵ (Bℵ),ℵ
B: paidi/skhj} [ℵ: pedi/skhj] te/kna,
4:31 a)lla_ th=j e0leuqe/raj. - -
5:1 Th|= e0leuqeri/a% {RP: ou]n} [B ℵ: - ] {RP: h|[} [B ℵ: - ] {RP: - } [B (Bℵ), (Bℵ), (Bℵ), (Bℵ),
ℵ*: h9ma~j] xristo\j {RP ℵc: h9ma~j} [B ℵ*: - ] {HF: h0leuqe/rwse} (Bℵ*), B,ℵc,
[RP B ℵ: h0leuqe/rwsen], (Bℵ),(14) (Bℵ)
5:1 sth/kete {RP - } [B ℵ: ou]n], kai\ mh\ pa&lin zugw%~ {RP B: (Bℵ),ℵ (Bℵ),ℵ
doulei/aj} [ℵ: douli/aj] e0ne/xesqe.

ℵ reads ihlm, which suggests a variant spelling of 879Ierousalh/m, but we pass over it. The same applies to the next
HF RP P1904 TR (including E1624 checked against the printed edition) read h9mw~n; Swanson's t reads u9mw~n.
We count omission of ou]n and h|[ as two omissions, as the words are not grammatically connected, and some manuscripts
omit only one, e.g. Cc Dc 075.
Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
5:2 871Ide, e0gw_ {RP B ℵc: Pau=loj} [ℵ*: - ] le/gw u9mi=n, o3ti e0a_n {RP ℵ*,B ℵc,B
ℵ: perite/mnhsqe} [B: perite/mhsqe],
5:2-3 xristo\j u9ma~j ou0de\n w)felh/sei. ³ Martu/romai de\ pa&lin - -
5:3 panti\ {RP B: a)nqrw&pw%} [ℵ: a)nqrw&pwn] peritemnome/nw%, {RP ℵ,ℵ*,ℵ ℵ,ℵc,ℵ
B ℵc: o3ti} [ℵ*: - ] {RP B: o0feile/thj} [ℵ: o0file/thj] e0sti\n o3lon
5:3-4 to\n no/mon poih=sai. ´ {RP B: Kathrgh/qhte} [ℵ: ℵ,(Bℵ) ℵ,(Bℵ)
Kathrgh/qhtai] a)po\ {RP: tou=} [B ℵ: - ] xristou=, oi3tinej
5:4-5 e0n no/mw% dikaiou=sqe: th=j xa&ritoj {RP-text P1904 TR: - -
e0cepe/sate} [RP-marg: e0cepe/sete]. µ 879Hmei=j ga_r
5:5 pneu/mati e0k pi/stewj e0lpi/da dikaiosu/nhj {RP B ℵc: ℵ* ℵc
a)pekdexo/meqa} [ℵ*: e0kdexo/meqa].

5:6 870En ga_r xristw%~ {RP ℵ: 870Ihsou=} [B: - ] ou1te peritomh/ ti B B
i0sxu/ei, ou1te
5:6 a)krobusti/a, a)lla_ pi/stij di' a)ga&phj e0nergoume/nh. - -
5:7 870Etre/xete kalw~j: ti/j u9ma~j {HF RP P1904 B ℵ: e0ne/koyen} (Bℵ*),ℵ B,ℵc,ℵ
[TR: a)ne/koyen] {RP ℵc: th|=} [B ℵ*: - ] {RP B: a)lhqei/a|} [ℵ:
5:8 mh\ {RP B: pei/qesqai} [ℵ: pi/qesqai]; ¸ 79H {RP B: peismonh\} [ℵ: ℵ,ℵ,ℵ ℵ,ℵ,ℵ
pismonh\] ou0k e0k tou= {RP B: kalou=ntoj} [ℵ: kalou=ntaj] u9ma~j.
5:9-10 ¹ {RP ℵ: Mikra_} [B: Meikra_] zu/mh o3lon to\ fu/rama zumoi=.±° B B
870Egw_ pe/poiqa ei0j u9ma~j
5:10 {RP ℵ: e0n kuri/w%} [B: - ], o3ti ou0de\n a!llo {RP B: fronh/sete} B,ℵ B,ℵ
[ℵ: froni/sete]: o9 de\ tara&sswn
5:10-11 u9ma~j basta&sei to\ kri/ma, o3stij {RP: a@n} [B ℵ: e)a_n] h|]. ±± 870Egw_ (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
de/, a)delfoi/,
5:11 ei0 peritomh\n e1ti khru/ssw, ti/ e1ti diw&komai; 871Ara - -
5:11-12 to\ ska&ndalon tou= staurou=. ±² 871Ofelon kai\ a)poko/yontai - -
5:12 oi9 a)nastatou=ntej u9ma~j. - -
5:13 879Umei=j ga_r e0p' e0leuqeri/a% e0klh/qhte, a)delfoi/: - -
5:13 mo/non mh\ th\n e0leuqeri/an ei0j a)formh\n th|= sarki/, a)lla_ - -
5:13-14 dia_ th=j a)ga&phj {RP B: douleu/ete} [ℵ: douleu/etai] ℵ ℵ
a)llh/loij. ±´ 879O ga_r pa~j no/moj
5:14 e0n e9ni\ lo/gw% {RP: plhrou=tai} [B ℵ: peplh/rwtai], e0n tw%~, {RP (Bℵ),B* (Bℵ),Bc
B ℵ: 870Agaph/seij} [B : 870Agaph/sij] to\n plhsi/on
c *

5:14-15 sou w(j {RP TR: e9auto/n} [B ℵ P1904: seauto/n]. ±µ Ei0 de\ (Bℵ),ℵ (Bℵ),ℵ
a)llh/louj da&knete kai\ {RP B: katesqi/ete} [ℵ: kataisqi/ete],
5:15 ble/pete mh\ {RP ℵc TR: u9po\} [B ℵ* P1904: u9p'] a)llh/lwn (Bℵ*) B,ℵc
5:16 Le/gw de/, pneu/mati peripatei=te, kai\ e0piqumi/an sarko\j - -
5:16-17 ou0 mh\ tele/shte. 879H ga_r sa_rc e0piqumei= kata_ tou= - -

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
5:17 to\ de\ pneu=ma kata_ th=j sarko/j: tau=ta {RP ℵc: de\} [B ℵ*: (Bℵ*),B B,ℵc,B
ga_r] {RP ℵ: a)nti/keitai a)llh/loij [B: a)llh/loij a)nti/keitai],
5:17-18 i3na mh\ {RP Bc ℵ: a$} [B*: - ] {RP B*: a@n} [Bc ℵ: e0a_n] qe/lhte, B*,B*,ℵ Bc,(Bc!ℵ)
tau=ta poih=te. ±¸ Ei0 de\ pneu/mati a!gesqe,
5:18 ou0k {RP B ℵ*: e0ste\} [ℵc: tij] u9po\ no/mon. ±¹ Fanera_ de/ {HF B: ℵ*,ℵ ℵc!,ℵ
e0sti} [RP ℵ: e0stin] ta_ e1rga th=j sarko/j,
5:19-20 a#tina& {HF: e0sti} [RP B ℵ: e0stin] {RP: moixei/a} [B ℵ*: - ] [ℵc: (Bℵ), (Bℵ),
moixi/a], {RP B: pornei/a} [ℵ: porni/a], {RP ℵ: a)kaqarsi/a} [B: (Bℵ*), [B,ℵc!],
a)kaqarsei/a], {RP B: a)se/lgeia} [ℵ: a)se/lgia], ²° {RP B ℵ: TR: ℵ,B,ℵ ℵ,B,ℵ
ei0dwlolatrei/a} [P1904: ei0dwlolatri/a],
5:20 {RP B: farmakei/a} [ℵ: farmaki/a], e1xqrai, {RP: e1reij} [B ℵ: ℵ,(Bℵ), ℵ,(Bℵ),
e1rij], {RP ℵ: zh=loi} [B: zh=loj], qumoi/, {RP ℵ: e0riqei=ai} [B: B,B B,B
e0reiqei=ai], dixostasi/ai,
5:20-21 {RP B: ai9re/seij} [ℵ: ai9re/sij], ²± fqo/noi, {RP: fo/noi} [B ℵ: - ], ℵ, (Bℵ),ℵ ℵ, (Bℵ),ℵ
me/qai, {RP B: kw~moi} [ℵ: kw~mai], kai\ ta_ o3moia tou/toij: a$
5:21 prole/gw u9mi=n, kaqw_j {RP ℵc: kai\} [B ℵ*: - ] {RP B ℵc: (Bℵ*),ℵ* B,ℵc,ℵc
proei=pon} [ℵ*: ei]pon], o3ti oi9 ta_ toiau=ta pra&ssontej
5:21 {RP B: basilei/an} [ℵ: basili/an] qeou= ou0 klhronomh/sousin. ℵ ℵ
5:22 879O de\ karpo\j tou= pneu/mato/j e0stin a)ga&ph, xara&, - -
5:22-23 ei0rh/nh, makroqumi/a, xrhsto/thj, a)gaqwsu/nh, pi/stij, ²³ {RP: (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
pra%ot / hj} [B ℵ: prau+/thj],
5:23-24 e0gkra&teia: kata_ tw~n toiou/twn ou0k {HF: e1sti} [RP B ℵ: (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
e1stin] no/moj. ²´ Oi9 de\
5:24 tou= {RP B ℵc: - } [ℵ*: kuri/ou] xristou= {RP: - } [B ℵ: 870Ihsou=], ℵ*,(Bℵ),B ℵc,(Bℵ),B
th\n sa&rka e0stau/rwsan su\n toi=j {HF ℵ: paqh/masi} [RP B:
5:24-25 kai\ tai=j e0piqumi/aij. ²µ Ei0 zw~men pneu/mati, pneu/mati kai\ - -
5:25-26 stoixw~men. ²¶ Mh\ {RP ℵ: ginw&meqa} [B: geinw&meqa] B B
keno/docoi, a)llh/louj prokalou/menoi,
5:26 {RP ℵ: a)llh/loij} [B: a)llh/louj] fqonou=ntej. B B
6:1 8± 70Adelfoi/, e0a_n kai\ {RP: prolhfqh|=} [B ℵ: prolhmfqh|=] (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
a!nqrwpoj e1n tini
6:1 paraptw&mati, {RP B: u9mei=j} [ℵ: u9mi=j] oi9 pneumatikoi\ ℵ ℵ
katarti/zete to\n toiou=ton
6:1 e0n pneu/mati {RP: pra%o/thtoj} [B ℵ: prau+t / htoj], skopw~n (Bℵ),ℵ (Bℵ),ℵ
seauto\n mh\ kai\ su\ {RP B: peirasqh|=j} [ℵ: pirasqh|=j].
6:2 870Allh/lwn ta_ ba&rh {RP B ℵc: basta&zete} [ℵ*: basta&sete], ℵ*,B ℵc,B
kai\ ou3twj {RP ℵ: a)naplhrw&sate} [B: a)naplhrw&sete]
6:2-3 to\n no/mon tou= xristou=. ³ Ei0 ga_r dokei= tij ei]nai/ {RP Bc ℵ: ti} B* Bc
[B*: - ], mhde\n
6:3-4 w!n, {RP: e9auto\n frenapata%~} [B ℵ: frenapata~ e9auto/n]: ´ to\ (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
de\ e1rgon e9autou= dokimaze/tw

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
6:4 {RP ℵ: e3kastoj} [B: - ], kai\ to/te ei0j e9auto\n mo/non to\ B B
kau/xhma e3cei, kai\ ou0k
6:4-5 ei0j to\n e3teron. µ 873Ekastoj ga_r to\ i1dion forti/on basta&sei. - -

6:6 Koinwnei/tw de\ o9 kathxou/menoj to\n lo/gon tw%~ kathxou=nti - -
6:7 e0n pa~sin a)gaqoi=j. · Mh\ plana~sqe, qeo\j ou0 {RP B: ℵ ℵ
mukthri/zetai} [ℵ: mukthri/zete]:
6:7-8 o4 ga_r {RP ℵ: e0a_n} [B: a_n] spei/rh| a!nqrwpoj, tou=to kai\ B B
qeri/sei. ¸ 873Oti o9
6:8 {RP B: spei/rwn} [ℵ: spi/rwn] ei0j th\n sa&rka e9autou=, e0k th=j ℵ,ℵ* ℵ,ℵc
sarko\j {RP B ℵc: qeri/sei} [ℵ*: qerisisei] fqora&n:
6:8 o9 de\ {RP B: spei/rwn} [ℵ: spi/rwn] ei0j to\ pneu=ma, e0k tou= ℵ,ℵ ℵ,ℵ
pneu/matoj {RP B: qeri/sei} [ℵ: qeri/si] zwh\n
6:8-9 ai0w&nion. ¹ To\ de\ kalo\n poiou=ntej mh\ {RP: e0kkakw~men} [B*: [B*,ℵ] (Bc!ℵ)
e0nkakw~men] [Bc ℵ: e0gkakw~men]: kairw%~ ga_r
6:9-10 i0di/w% {RP B: qeri/somen} [ℵ: qeri/swmen], mh\ e0kluo/menoi. ±° ℵ,(B*ℵ) ℵ,Bc,ℵ
871Ara ou]n w(j kairo\n {RP Bc: e1xomen} [B*ℵ: e1xwmen],
6:10 {RP B* ℵ: e0rgazw&meqa} [Bc: e0rgazo/meqa] to\ a)gaqo\n pro\j B* Bc !
pa&ntaj, ma&lista de\ pro\j tou\j
6:10 oi0kei/ouj th=j pi/stewj. - -
6:11 871Idete {RP Bc ℵ: phli/koij} [B*: h9li/koij] u9mi=n gra&mmasin B* Bc
e1graya th|= e0mh|= xeiri/.
6:12 873Osoi qe/lousin eu0proswph=sai e0n sarki/, ou[toi - -
6:12 u9ma~j {RP B: perite/mnesqai} [ℵ: perite/mnesqe], mo/non i3na ℵ,(Bℵ),B ℵ,(Bℵ),B
{RP: mh\} [B ℵ: - ] tw%~ staurw%~ tou= xristou= {RP ℵ: - }
[B: 870Ihsou= ] {RP: - } [B ℵ: mh\]
6:12-13 diw&kwntai. ±³ Ou0de\ ga_r oi9 {RP B P1904: peritetmhme/noi} [ℵ ℵ ℵ
TR: peritemno/menoi] au0toi\ no/mon
6:13 fula&ssousin, a)lla_ qe/lousin u9ma~j {RP ℵ: perite/mnesqai} B B
[B: perite/mesqai], i3na e0n
6:13-14 th|= u9mete/ra% sarki\ kauxh/swntai. ±´ 870Emoi\ de\ mh\ ge/noito - -
6:14 kauxa~sqai ei0 mh\ e0n tw%~ staurw%~ tou= kuri/ou h9mw~n 870Ihsou= - -
6:14 xristou=: di' ou[ e0moi\ ko/smoj e0stau/rwtai, ka)gw_ {RP: tw%~} [B (Bℵ) (Bℵ)
ℵ: - ] ko/smw%.
6:15 {RP ℵ: 870En} [B: ou1te] ga_r {RP ℵ: xristw%~ 870Ihsou= ou1te} [B: - ] B,B,(Bℵ*) B,B,B,ℵc
peritomh/ ti {RP ℵc: i0sxu/ei} [B ℵ*: e0stin], ou1te a)krobusti/a,
a)lla_ kainh\
6:15-16 kti/sij. ±¶ Kai\ o3soi tw%~ kano/ni tou/tw% stoixh/sousin, {RP B: ℵ ℵ
ei0rh/nh} [ℵ: i0rh/nh]
6:16 e0p' au0tou/j, kai\ e1leoj, kai\ e0pi\ to\n 870Israh\l tou= qeou=. - -
6:17 Tou= loipou=, ko/pouj moi {RP B: mhdei\j} [ℵ: mhdi\j] ℵ ℵ
parexe/tw: e0gw_ ga_r

Verse Greek Text Variants Variants
in entire first in entire
hand texts of corrected
B&ℵ texts of B & ℵ
compared to compared to
6:17 ta_ sti/gmata tou= {RP ℵ: kuri/ou} [B: - ] 870Ihsou= {RP B: - } [ℵ: B,ℵ B,ℵ
xristou=] e0n tw%~ sw&mati/ mou basta&zw.
6:18 879H xa&rij tou= kuri/ou {RP B: h9mw~n} [ℵ: - ] 870Ihsou= xristou= ℵ ℵ
6:18 tou= pneu/matoj u9mw~n, a)delfoi/. 870Amh/n. - -
Table 5.

Variation statistics per chapter

Cases in the Cases in the

entire first hand entire corrected
texts texts

Chapter 1
B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 5 4
B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 10 8
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 16 11
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 0 0

Chapter 2
B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 15 14
B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 10 10
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 16 13
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 1 0

Chapter 3
B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 16 14
B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 10 11
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 16 13
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 4 4

Chapter 4
B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 21 15
B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 15 20
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 23 21
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 2 2

Chapter 5
B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 20 15
B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 13 16
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 24 19
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 0 1

Chapter 6
B and ℵ agree mutually but differ from 𝔐 7 6
B and ℵ differ mutually, ℵ agrees with 𝔐, B differs from 𝔐 10 10
B and ℵ differ mutually, B agrees with 𝔐, ℵ differs from 𝔐 15 14
B and ℵ differ mutually and both also differ from 𝔐 1 0
Table 6.

The Majority Text and United Bible Societies' Eclectic text

To what extent does the United Bible Societies' eclectic text of Swanson's time, [UBS-4 / NA26], from which
many modern Bibles were translated, rely on Sinaiticus (ℵ) and Vaticanus (B)? We examine the differences
between the Majority Text, 𝔐, taken from [RP] and [HF], and UBS-4, and the correspondence with ℵ and B.
We consider only the first hand readings of ℵ and B. The issue may only be with the UBS alternative reading,
where the reading is in square brackets. We remark on such cases in the Notes below (alt./main reading).

Verse 𝔐 𝔐 UBS-4 (main or alternative UBS-4 Notes

with reading; see Notes) with
1:3 kai\ kuri/ou h9mw~n B h9mw~n kai\ kuri/ou ℵ
1:3 peri\ ℵ u9pe\r B
1:4 tou= e0nestw~toj ai0w~noj - tou= ai0w~noj tou= e0nestw~toj Bℵ
1:6 ou3tw - ou3twj Bℵ [HF] not majority?
RP does not distinguish
1:6 xristou= Bℵ - - UBS-4 alt. reading
1:8 u9mi=n par' o4 - par' o4 Bℵ UBS-4 alt. reading
1:10 Ei0 ga_r e1ti - Ei0 e1ti Bℵ
1:11 Gnwri/zw de\ u9mi=n ℵ Gnwri/zw ga_r u9mi=n B
1:11 e1sti B e1stin ℵ RP does not distinguish
1:15 o9 qeo\j ℵ - B UBS-4 alt. reading
1:18 Pe/tron - Khfa~n Bℵ
2:2 e1qnesi - e1qnesin Bℵ RP does not distinguish
2:2 dokou=si - dokou=sin Bℵ RP does not distinguish
2:4 katadoulw&swntai - katadoulw&sousin Bℵ
2:6 qeo\j B o9 qeo\j ℵ UBS-4 main reading
2:11 h]lqe - h]lqen Bℵ RP does not distinguish
2:11 Pe/troj - Khfa~j Bℵ
2:12 u9pe/stelle - u9pe/stellen Bℵ RP does not distinguish
2:13 kai\ oi9 loipoi\ ℵ oi9 loipoi\ B UBS-4 alt. reading
2:14 o0rqopodou=si ℵ o0rqopodou=sin B RP does not distinguish
2:14 Pe/trw% - Khfa~ Bℵ
2:14 ti/ - pw~j Bℵ
2:16 ei0do/tej - ei0do/tej de\ Bℵ UBS-4 main reading
2:16 no/mou: dio/ti - no/mou: o3ti Bℵ
2:16 ou0 dikaiwqh/setai e0c e1rgwn - e0c e1rgwn no/mou ou0 ℵ B does not have ou0!
no/mou dikaiwqh/setai
2:18 suni/sthmi - sunista&nw Bℵ
3:1 e0ba&skane - e0ba&skanen Bℵ RP does not distinguish
3:1 th|= a)lhqei/a% mh\ pei/qesqai - - Bℵ
3:1 e0n u9mi=n - - Bℵ
3:6 e0pi/steuse - e0pi/steusen Bℵ RP does not distinguish
3:7 ei0sin ui9oi\ - ui9oi/ ei0sin Bℵ
3:10 ei0si/ - ei0si/n Bℵ RP does not distinguish

Verse 𝔐 𝔐 UBS-4 (main or alternative UBS-4 Notes
with reading; see Notes) with
3:10 ga&r - ga&r o3ti Bℵ
3:10 e0mme/nei e0n - e0mme/nei Bℵ
3:10 pa~si B pa~sin ℵ RP does not distinguish
3:12 a!nqrwpoj - - Bℵ
3:13 ge/graptai ga&r ℵ o3ti ge/graptai B
3:16 e0rrh/qhsan - e0rre/qhsan Bℵ
3:16 e0sti - e0stin Bℵ RP does not distinguish
3:17 ei0j xristo\n - - Bℵ
3:17 e1th tetrako/sia kai\ - tetrako/sia kai\ tria&konta Bℵ
tria&konta e1th
3:21 tou= qeou ℵ - B UBS-4 alt. reading
3:21 o1ntwj a@n - o1ntwj Bℵ
3:21 h]n h9 dikaiosu/nh - a@n h]n h9 dikaiosu/nh B ℵ has third reading:
h]n a@n h9 dikeosu/nh
3:22 pisteu/ousi - pisteu/ousin Bℵ RP does not distinguish
3:23 sugkekleisme/noi - sugkleio/menoi - 4 readings
3:29 e0ste/, kai - e0ste/, Bℵ
4:2 e0sti\ ℵ e0sti\n B RP does not distinguish
4:2 Ou3tw - Ou3twj Bℵ RP does not distinguish
4:4 h]lqe - h]lqen Bℵ RP does not distinguish
4:6 u9mw~n - h9mw~n Bℵ
4:7 a)ll' - a)lla_ Bℵ
4:7 klhrono/moj qeou= - klhrono/moj Bℵ
4:7 dia_ xristou= - dia_ qeou= Bℵ
4:8 mh\ fu/sei - fu/sei mh\ Bℵ
4:8 ou]si Bℵ ou]sin - RP does not distinguish
4:14 mou - u9mw~n Bℵ
4:14 to\n e0n th|= sarki/ - e0n th|= sarki/ Bℵ
4:14 a)ll' ℵ a)lla_ B
4:15 Ti/j - Pou= Bℵ
4:15 ou]n h]n - ou]n Bℵ
4:15 e0coru/cantej a@n - e0coru/cantej Bℵ
4:18 Kalo\n de\ to\ - Kalo\n de\ Bℵ
4:19 Tekni/a - Te/kna Bℵ
4:19 a!xrij - me/xrij Bℵ
4:23 dia_ th=j B di' ℵ
4:24 ai9 du/o ℵ du/o B Doubt about HF=𝔐
4:25 To\ ga_r ℵ To\ de\ B
4:25 de\ meta_ - ga_r meta_ Bℵ
4:26 h3tij e0sti\ - h3tij e0sti\n B RP does not distinguish
e0sti\ / e0sti\n. ℵ lacks
both words.
4:26 pa&ntwn h9mw~n - h9mw~n Bℵ
4:28 879Hmei=j ℵ 879Umei=j B
4:28 e0sme/n ℵ e0ste/ B
4:29 e0di/wke Bℵ e0di/wken - RP does not distinguish
4:29 ou3tw - ou3twj Bℵ Doubt about HF=𝔐
4:30 klhronomh/sh| - klhronomh/sei Bℵ
4:31 871Ara - Dio/ Bℵ

Verse 𝔐 𝔐 UBS-4 (main or alternative UBS-4 Notes
with reading; see Notes) with
5:1 e0leuqeri/a% ou]n - e0leuqeri/a% Bℵ
5:1 h|[ - - Bℵ
5:1 xristo\j h9ma~j - h9ma~j xristo\j Bℵ
5:1 h0leuqe/rwse - h0leuqe/rwsen Bℵ RP does not distinguish
5:1 sth/kete - sth/kete ou]n Bℵ
5:4 a)po\ tou= xristou= - a)po\ xristou= Bℵ
5:7 th|= a)lhqei/a| - a)lhqei/a| Bℵ UBS-4 alt. reading. ℵ=
a)lhqi/a| (without th|=)
5:11 o3stij a@n - e)a_n Bℵ
5:14 plhrou=tai - peplh/rwtai Bℵ
5:15 e9auto/n - seauto/n Bℵ
5:15 u9po\ - u9p' Bℵ
5:17 de\ - ga_r Bℵ
5:17 a)nti/keitai a)llh/loij ℵ a)llh/loij a)nti/keitai B
5:17 a@n B e0a_n ℵ
5:19 Fanera_ de/ e0sti B Fanera_ de/ e0stin ℵ RP does not distinguish
5:19 a#tina& e0sti - a#tina& e0stin Bℵ RP does not distinguish
5:19 moixei/a - - Bℵ
5:20 e1reij - e1rij Bℵ
5:20 zh=loi ℵ zh=loj B
5:21 fo/noi - - Bℵ
5:21 kaqw_j kai\ - kaqw_j Bℵ
5:23 pra%ot / hj - prau+/thj Bℵ
5:23 e1sti - e1stin Bℵ RP does not distinguish
5:24 xristou= - xristou= 870Ihsou= Bℵ UBS-4 main reading
6:1 prolhfqh|= - prolhmfqh|= Bℵ
6:1 pra%ot / htoj - prau+/thtoj Bℵ
6:2 a)naplhrw&sate ℵ a)naplhrw&sete B
6:3 e9auto\n frenapata%~ - frenapata~ e9auto/n Bℵ
6:9 e0kkakw~men - e0gkakw~men ℵ B= e0nkakw~men
6:12 mh\ tw%~ staurw%~ - tw%~ staurw%~ ... mh\ Bℵ
6:13 peritetmhme/noi B peritemno/menoi ℵ
6:14 tw%~ ko/smw% - ko/smw% Bℵ
6:15 870En ℵ Ou1te B
6:15 xristw%~ 870Ihsou= ou1te ℵ - B
6:15 i0sxu/ei - e0stin Bℵ
6:17 kuri/ou 870Ihsou= ℵ 870Ihsou= B
Table 7. Where 𝔐 and UBS-4 differ

Positioning of UBS-4 TR 𝔐

ℵ and 𝔐
202 differences
B and 𝔐 UBS-4
156 differences and 𝔐

B ℵ

B and ℵ
186 differences

The position of UBS-4 in the above diagram shows a considerable divergence from 𝔐, but not as much as the
extent to which B or ℵ diverge from 𝔐 individually, because on many occasions either B or ℵ has a blatant
spelling error, and UBS-4 has to accept the B or ℵ reading which agrees with 𝔐. Bear in mind that one cannot
represent all the differences between 4 texts in a 2-dimensional diagram (though one can in 3 dimensions, as
a skew pyramid).

Places where ℵ and B, united or differing mutually, are both deserted in UBS-4.

Verse UBS-4 Reading Bℵ Reading Notes

1:6 xa&riti xa&riti xristou= In UBS-4 alternative reading
1:8 u9mi=n par' o4 par' o4 In UBS-4 alternative reading
2:1 sumparalabw_n sunparalabw_n
2:12 h]lqon h]lqen
3:3 e0pitelei=sqe ℵ=e0pitelei=sqai A 3-way split UBS/ℵ/B
3:7 Ginw&skete Geinw&skete
3:14 xristw%~ 870Ihsou= ℵ=870Ihsou, xristou= A 3-way split UBS/ℵ/B
B=70Ihsou=, xristw%~
3:23 sugkleio/menoi B= sunkleio/menoi 𝔐=sugkekleisme/noi
ℵ= sunklio/menoi A 4-way split 𝔐/UBS/ℵ/B
4:8 ou]sin ou]si 𝔐 is also ou]si, so UBS-4
differs from 𝔐Bℵ
4:9 douleu/ein ℵ= douleu=se A 3-way split UBS/ℵ/B
B= douleu=sai
4:18 zhlou=sqai zhlou=sqe
4:29 e0di/wken e0di/wke
5:20 ei0dwlolatri/a ei0dwlolatrei/a 𝔐 also= ei0dwlolatrei/a (?),
so UBS-4 differs from 𝔐Bℵ
5:24 xristou= xristou= 870Ihsou= In UBS-4 alternative reading
6:10 e1xomen e1xwmen
Table 8.

The claim that ℵ and B are the best
We have shown that they cannot both be of good quality, because of the many differences between them. But
suppose, hypothetically, that they are both better than the Majority Text. Then the eclectic text should be taking
its reading from one or the other every time they differ, and in such a way that the reading which is not 𝔐 is
taken. The “triangle” and UBS-4 text should look like this:


ℵ and 𝔐
B and 𝔐 202 differences


B ℵ
B and ℵ
186 differences

Why isn't UBS-4 down here, differing

from the “inferior” 𝔐 wherever possible,
(with 241 differences)?

The answer to why UBS-4 isn't as far from 𝔐 as possible is simple: it would lead to a text full of blatant
spelling mistakes, as can be seen from our table of the texts, and on one occasion to an intolerable fall from
• In Galatians 2:16, Vaticanus reads: a man is justified by works of the law.

The fact that ℵ and B are deserted so many times, even when they agree with each other, shows that even
scholarly opinion is de facto not of the opinion that they are the best manuscripts, despite saying, de jure as it
were, that they are the best, with translators following their lead15.

A footnote in the New International Version at the end of Mark's Gospel states that ℵ and B (without naming them, but
no other manuscript is eligible in the context) are the most reliable early manuscripts.
Possible Corrigenda
1. The HF reading of ei0sin (before du/o) in Gal 4:24 seems to be in a minority (𝔐= ei0si). If accepted,
this would reduce some distances by 1, which would hardly affect the geometry of the triangle
or our general conclusions.
2. The HF reading of ou3tw in Gal 4:29 seems to be in a minority (𝔐= ou3twj). Remarks as above
could apply.
3. The RP HF reading of ei0dwlolatrei/a in Gal 5:20 seems to be in a minority (𝔐= ei0dwlolatri/a?).
Remarks as above could apply.
4. The NA26 reading of Gal 4:20 is e0riqei=ai, not e0riqei=ai, the latter being Swanson's UBS-4 reading.

[NA26] Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, 25/26/27/28 Auflage,
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , P. O. Box 810340, 7000 Stuttgart 80, Germany.
ISBN for NA26: 3-438-05100 (plastic) and 3-438-05101-7 (leather).

[UBS-4] The United Bible Societies, The Greek New Testament,

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, P.O.Box 810340, 7000 Stuttgart 80, Germany.
4th edition: ISBN 3 438 05110 9 / 3-438-05110-9

[K&B A] Kurt and Barbara Aland, The Text of the New Testament, Translated by Erroll F. Rhodes, William
B Eerdmans Publishing Co., ISBN 0-8028-3620-8.

[HF] Z and C, Hodges and Arthur L. Farstad, The Greek New Testament according to the Majority Text,
Second Edition, Thomas Nelson Publishers, ISBN 0840749635.

[McFall] Leslie McFall, Inventory of 87 Lists, Showing the Relationship between f28 & f565 on the one
side, and f1, f13, Vaticanus & Sinaiticus. Forthcoming publication.

[P1904] Our P1904 text is the Antoniades text, digitally constructed as a merge of an accented text obtained
from the currently defunct kainh.homestead.com website and an unaccented, but accurate, text
from Google.

[RP] Maurice A. Robinson and William G. Pierpont, The New Testament in the Original Greek,
Byzantine Textform 2005, Chilton Book Publishing (ISBN 0-7598-0077-4) and online at

[Swanson] Reuben Swanson, New Testament Greek Manuscripts - Variant Readings Arranged in Horizontal
Lines Against Codex Vaticanus - Galatians. Tyndale House Publishers Inc, ISBN 0-86585-069-0

[TR] We obtained the texts of the various editions from

We have consulted the original Elzevir 1624 edition (H KAINH DIAQHKH ... Ex Officina
Elzevirana, C|Ɔ |Ɔ C XXIV) on occasion.


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