Learning Task 8
Learning Task 8
Learning Task 8
Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
Desired Learning
• It guides the teacher on the instructional activities he/she will implement in class.
This is an important component in the instructional process.This will help teachers become
systematic and organized and on track/ on task while
• This will aid the teachers to teach MORE and DO MORE and will help her/ his learners
attain the outcomes set for the day.
• This will help the teachers plan differentiated activities to cater to diverse types of
• This gives a sense of direction in relation to the curriculum map and teaching guides
prepared for the subject.
• It also serves as practical and useful basis for future plans.
• It gives the teacher more confidence in carrying out the daily tasks.
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1. Request a sample lesson plan or a Daily Learning Plan from your CT.
Study each part carefully. Paste it here.
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
Performance Task 2. Make your Daily Learning Plan (DLP) outline using the
given template. Prepare a developmentally sequenced Learning
Plan with learning outcomes aligned with the learning
Subject Area:
TOPIC/Learning Content:
Learning Competencies:
Learning Outcomes What to attain or realize?
Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning resources What to use?
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
Performance Task 3. Write your Daily Learning Plan. Get your topic/content
from your Cooperating Teacher. Follow the DLP format. Write your plan on the
space provided.
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
My Learning Artifacts
Request three samples of Learning Plans from various schools with different formats. You
may also wish to surf the net for some samples. Acknowledge the source.
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
My Learning Artifacts
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
My Learning Artifacts
Practice Teaching
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College
Practice Teaching