Chapter 1

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Prison inmates are some of the most disturbed and unstable people in society. Most of the inmates

have had too little discipline or too many come from broken homes and have no self-esteem. They

are very insecure and are at war with themselves as well as with society. Most inmates have not

learn in moral values or to follow everyday norms. In order to rehabilitate criminals the

government must do more than just send them to prison (Manwong, 2006)

Various community corrections alternatives include intensive probation or parole supervision,

home confinement, electronic surveillance or monitoring, narcotics and drug deterrence, work

furlough, program or work release, study release, day reporting centers, and probationer violation

and restitution residential centers. (Nidorf, 1998)

Correction is one of the pillar of the criminal justice system which undertake the reformation and

rehabilitation of offenders for their eventual absorption into the social and economic stream of

the community through institutional or community based program. (Padua 2013)

The primary objective of a programs is to alter the post-release behavior of the offenders under the

jurisdiction of the correctional agency. The program goal is to end the criminal behavior of the

offender by bringing about changes in the offender client. The change is intended to eliminate the

inmate’s motivation to engage in criminal behavior upon release from the jurisdiction of

correctional system. (Par 2007)

The Philippine prison system adopt two approaches for treatment of offenders. These are the

institutional-based treatment programs and the community-based treatment programs. These

programs aimed to improve of offender’s attitude and philosophy of life. Reformation and

rehabilitation of inmates as well as preparation for the reintegration in the community are the

ultimate goals of the programs.

One of this program under community-based corrections is technical and vocational training

which is a program aimed to prepared the inmates for and occupation, education designed to

enhance for chance employment upon release. (Agas 2004)

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of mandatory enrollment in technical vocational

courses of supervised clients as perceived by parole and probation administrator in the province

of Cavite. It will seek to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the parole and probation administrators in terms of.

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Type of supervised office (Organic/Volunteer probation aid)

2. How effective is the mandatory enrollment in technical and vocational courses of supervised

clients based on

2.1 Skill training

2.2 employment opportunities

2.3 recidivism rate

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile and their perception of the respondent as

to the effectiveness of mandatory enrollment of supervised clients.


There is no significant relationship between the profile and the perception of the respondent as to

the effectiveness of mandatory enrollment of supervised clients.

Significance of the study

This study is benefits to the following:

1. Government officials of province of Cavite – Provide more technical and Vocational

courses to those person who under the pre-release program.

2. Community - it reduce recidivism favorable in society.

3. Supervised clients – most convenient way of reformation which give to them on

opportunity to take a job upon release.

4. Parole and Probation Administrators – recommended budget necessary to implementation

of Technical and Vocational courses.

5. Other researchers - Serve as reference for future studies.

Scope and Delimitations

The study covered the level of effectiveness of mandatory enrollment in technical and vocational

courses of supervised clients as perceived by parole and probation administrators in the province

of Cavite. For more accurate results researchers decided to choose 20 parole probation officer

and 30 volunteer probation aid.

This study is limited to effectiveness to community-based program in terms of profile of

respondent as to age , gender and type of supervised office and how effective is the mandatory

enrollment in technical and vocational courses of supervised clients based on skill training,

employment opportunities and recidivism rate. The respondents of the said research were the

parole and probation officer and volunteer probation aids. This time frame in the conduct of

study is from A.Y 2017 to 2018.

Definition of terms

Absolute pardon refers to an executive clemency granted by the President to a prisoner who

has served his maximum sentence or has already been granted final release and discharge.
Board refers to the Board of Pardons and Parole.

Community-based rehabilitation refers to help people with disabilities, by establishing

community-based programs for social integration, equalization of opportunities, and Physical

therapy(Physiotherapy) rehabilitation programs for the disabled.

Clients refers to probationers, parolees and pardonees.

Conditional Pardon refers to the forms of executive clemency granted by the President of the

Philippines to a prisoner who has served at least one-half (1/2) of the maximum of his original

indeterminate and/or definite prison term.

Maximum supervision is a form of supervision wherein clients are required to report at least

twice per month.

Medium supervision is a form of supervision wherein clients are required to report at least

twice a month.
Minimum supervision this refers to a form of supervision wherein clients with minimum

supervision are required to report to the Probation Officer once a month.

Parole refers to the conditional release of a prisoner from a correctional institution after he has

served the minimum of his prison sentence.

Parole supervision refers to the supervision/ surveillance by a Probation and Parole Officer on

the prisoner who was granted parole or pardon.

Parolee refers to a prisoner who was released on parole.

Pardonee refers to a prisoner who was released by pardon.

Petitioner refers to a convicted defendant who files a formal application for probation.

Probation is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence is released

subject to the conditions imposed by the court and to the supervision of a probation officer.
Probation Office refers either to the Provincial or City Probation Office.

Probation Officer refers to a Public Officer like the Chief Probation and Parole Officer (CPPO),

Supervising Probation and Parole Officer (SPPO), Senior Probation and Parole Office (SrPPO),

Parole and Probation Officer II (PPO II), or Parole and Probation Officer 1 (PPO1), who takes

charges of correcting and offender through community based programs, investigates for the

Trail Court a referral for probation or supervises a Probationer or does both functions, and

performs other necessary and related duties and functions as directed.

Probation Order refers to the order of the trial court granting probation.

Probationer refers to a person who is placed under probation.

Release Document refers to the discharge on parole issued by the Board report for supervision

within the period ordered by the court or a probationer who fails to continue reporting for

supervision and/or whose whereabouts are unknown for a reasonable period of time.

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