Rifky Ardana N. 3A (UTS Coursebook) 2
Rifky Ardana N. 3A (UTS Coursebook) 2
Rifky Ardana N. 3A (UTS Coursebook) 2
UNIVERSITY 2022 / 2023
1. Regular evaluation of the total curriculum is necessary. How do you define curriculum
evaluation and what is the basis of curriculum evaluation?
ANSWER: Curriculum evaluation is a method for determining the worth and effectiveness
of any newly implemented curriculum and the basis of the curiculum evalution is the quality
of student learning. Knowing the extent to which students have achieved the outcomes
specified in the curriculum is fundamental to both improving teaching and evaluating the
2. Mention at least five important activities of curriculum evaluation and explain how to do
the activities.
Relevance indicates the value of the intervention or program with others. Stakeholder
needs, state and national priorities, international partners' policies, including
development goals.
Efficiency answers the question. "Does the program use the resources in the most
effective way to achieve its goals?"
Effectiveness pertains to the question, "Is the activity achieving satisfactory results in
relation to stated obtectives?"
Impact focuses on the results of the intervention (intended and unintended; positive
and negative) including social, economic, and environmental effects on individuals,
institutions, and communities.
Education provides the way each generation passes on its culture, discoveries,
successes and failures to the next generations. If there is not adequate inter-
generational education, knowledge and accomplishments cannot be sustained,
Education is the foundation for formulating, challenging and disseminating ideas,
knowledge, skills and values within communities, nations and also globally.
3. In English classrooms all over the world today, commercial coursebooks play a more
prominent role as the main teaching and learning resources than other types of materials.
What are the advantages and the disadvantages of using a commercial coursebook?
o Coursebook are psychhologically indispensable for students since their
progress and acchievement can be measured concretely when they are used in
the English classroom (Haycroft, 1998)
o Published materials have more credibility for student than teacher-generated
or “in-house” materials (Sheldon, 1988)
o Coursebook are usually sensitive to students need, even if they are not written
specifically from them, they save time and money, and they can should allow
for adaptation and improvisation to suit the requierements of a given teaching
situation (O’Neill,1982)
o Coursebook are not flexible and generally simply mirror the pedagogic,
psychologycal, and linguistic prefences and biases of their authors.
o Coursebook contain social and cultural biases, such as gender buas, sexism,
and stereotyping. (Carell and Korwitz, 1994; Renner, 1997)
4. There are three approaches commonly employed for pre-use materials evaluation namely
impressionistic method, checklist method, and in-depth method. Explain how each works
for pre-use materials evaluation and explain why checklist method is more preferred.
Because from the checklist model above, we can conclude that anyone can use a textbook
evaluation checklist model that fits their needs. You can also modify existing models to
create surveys or design your own surveys. Textbook evaluation is necessary to see if the
textbook is making a valuable contribution to the learning process. However, deciding
whether the book deserves an award depends not only on the judgment of one or more
people, but also on several considerations. The eighth checklist model has similarities,
difference. Designers of checklist models base their questionnaires on several principles.
Others adjust and/or revise the draft questionnaire by adding, deleting, or paraphrasing
elements of the questionnaire. While the checklist model has its advantages, it also has its
weaknesses. The checklist does not provide an explanatory justification for why respondents
gave such scores.
5. Beside the pre-use evaluation, materials evaluation during in-use and post-use stages is
also encouraged. Explain their different purposes.
Whilst (In)-Use Evaluation: measures the value of the materials whilst observing or
using them. It is more reliable than pre-use evaluation since it makes use of
measurement rather than prediction (Tomlinson 1998, 2003).
Post-Use Evaltuation: the most important and valuable type of evaluation because it
can measure the actual effects of the materials on the users and provide reliable
information (Tomlinson 1998, 2003).