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Green ? Chemistry ?

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Article in World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences · October 2020

DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20195-13602


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6 authors, including:

Pooja Sharma
Abhilashi Educational Society


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Sharma et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
SJIF Impact Factor 7.421

Volume 8, Issue 5, 202-208 Review Article ISSN 2278 – 4357


Pooja Sharma*, Munish Kumar, Ashwani Sharma, Divya Arora, Aman Patial, Malvika

Dreamz College of Pharmacy, Khilra, PO Meramasit, Teh Sunder Nagar, Distt. Mandi
(H.P)- 175036, India.

Article Received on
19 Feb. 2019, The present review work focuses on the importance and economic
Revised on 12 March 2019,
Accepted on 02 April 2019
development of green chemistry. It is new branch in chemistry dealing
DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20195-13602 with reduction of harmful and toxic chemicals in the synthesis and
replacing it with ecofriendly methods. The principle of green chemistry
with various benefits have been discussed to understand the basic
*Corresponding Author
Pooja Sharma requirement for replacement of conventional synthetic method with
Dreamz College of green chemistry synthesis. To describe it the synthetic approach for the
Pharmacy, Khilra, PO synthesis of acetanilide has been discussed and compared.
Meramasit, Teh Sunder
Nagar, Distt. Mandi(H.P)- KEYWORDS: Green Chemistry, Ecofriendly, Conventional,
175036, India.

The accelerated progress in science and technology now a days has led to economic
development in world, but such economic development also cause environmental degradation
which is manifested by climate change, the issue of ozone holes and accumulation of non-
destructive organic pollutant in all parts of biospheres.

So the present situation required the solution to balance the use of natural resources and
environmental conservation. From last two decades awareness for environmental protection
has increased by using the concept of “Green Chemistry”. The new laws and regulations have
a Aim to protect the ecosystem from harmful chemicals and develop new compounds by the
approach of Green chemistry which are less dangerous to human health and the

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Sharma et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Green chemistry is new branch of chemistry involves pulling together tools and techniques
that helps to chemical engineers in research related to the creation of chemical product and
processes that reduce or eliminate the use of harmful chemicals as well as reducing harmful
and toxic products for the development of more eco-friendly and efficient product with less
wastage. Green chemistry is now going to become an essential tool in the field of synthetic

1.1.Definition of Green Chemistry: According to environmental protection agency, green

chemistry is defined as a chemistry that designs chemical products and processes that are
harmless to the environment. Chemical products should be made in such a manner that
they do not remain in the environment at the end of their application and broken down
into components that are harmless to environment.[4]

1.2.History: The term green chemistry was first given by Poul .T. Anastas in 1991 in special
program launched by the US environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement
sustainable development in chemistry ,chemical technology by industry ,academia and
government. In 1995 the annual US presidential green chemistry challenge was
announced. In 1996 the working party on green chemistry was created, acting within the
framework of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. The first book and
journals on the subject of green chemistry were introduced in 1990 by the royal society of
chemistry. Green chemistry includes a new approach to the synthesis, processing and
application of chemical substances in such a manner to reduce scourge to health and
environment like:
 Clean Chemistry
 Atom Economy
 Environmentally benign chemistry.[5-11]

Twelve principles of Green chemistry have been developed by Poul Anastas, speaks about
the reduction of dangerous or harmful substances from the synthesis, production and
application of chemical products. When designing a green chemistry process it is impossible
to meet the requirements of all twelve principles of the process at the same time, but it
attempts to apply as many principles during certain stages of synthesis.[12,13]

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1.3. Principles of Green Chemistry

1.3.1. Pollution Prevention: It is to prevent waste and to treat and clean up waste after it has
been created.
1.3.2. Atom Economy: It should be designed to maximize the incorporation of all materials
used in process into the final product.
1.3.3. Less Hazardous Chemical Synthesis: The synthetic method should be designed to
use and generate substances that process little or no toxicity to human health and the
1.3.4. Designing Safer Chemicals: Chemical product should be designed to affect their
desired function while minimizing toxicity.
1.3.5. Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries: The use of auxiliary substances should be made
unnecessary wherever possible.
1.3.6. Design for Energy Efficiency: energy requirements of chemical processes should be
recognized at low temperature and pressure.
1.3.7. Use of Renewable Feedstock’s: A raw material of feedstock should be renewable.
1.3.8. Reduce Derivatives: The unnecessary derivatization like use of blocking groups,
protection, deprotection should be avoided whenever impossible.
1.3.9. Catalysis: The catalytic reagents are superior stoichiometric reagents.
1.3.10. Design for Degradation: The chemical products should be designed so that at the
end of their function they breakdown into harmless degradation products and do not persist in
the environment.
1.3.11. Real-time analysis for Pollution Prevention: Analytical methodologies need to be
further developed to allow for real-time, in process monitoring and control prior to the
formation of hazardous substances.
1.3.12. Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevent: The substances used in the
chemical process should be chosen to minimize the potential for chemical accidents,
explosion and fires. This principle can motivate chemistry at all levels like research,
education and public perception.[14]

1.4. Benefits of Green Chemistry

 Benefits for health
 Cleaner air-less release of hazardous chemicals to air leading to less damage to lungs.
 Cleaner water-less release of hazardous chemical wastes to water leading to cleaner

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 Increase safety for worker in chemical industry, less use of toxic materials, less potential
for accident.

 Benefits for environment

 Plants & animals suffer less harm from toxic chemicals in environment.
 Lower potential for global warming, ozone depletion & smog formation.

 Economy
 Better performance so that less product is needed to achieve the same function.

2.1. Green chemistry aims to reduce or even eliminates the production of any harmful bi-
products and maximizing the desired product without compromising with the
environment. The three key developments in green chemistry include use of super critical
carbon di oxide as green solvent, aqueous hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent and
use of hydrogen in asymmetric synthesis. It also focuses on replacing traditional methods
of heating with that of modern methods of heating like microwave radiations so that
carbon footprint should be reduces as low as possible.[15]
2.2. The work focuses to reduce the chemical wastage by applying the concept of green
chemistry. Few derivative of acetanilide were synthesized by conventional method as
well as by green chemistry method. In conventional method there was wastage of
chemicals by the formation of acetic acid molecule but by green synthesis method the
formation of byproducts was avoided and the atom economy was calculated on the basis
of molecular weight of desired product and it was found to be in the range of 72 to 82%
which signify the utility of green synthesis method.[16]
2.3. Due to technology development the quality of life on earth became much better but
harmful effect of chemistry also became pronounced main among them being the
pollution of land, water and atmosphere. This is caused mainly due to the use of harmful
reactants and effect of by-product of chemical industries, which are being discharge into
air, rivers and the land, but by applying the concept of green chemistry these all problems
can be reduced.[17]
2.4. Green chemistry is a term that refers to the production of chemical products and
processes that reduce the use of and production of harmful substances.[18]

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2.5. The green chemistry revolution provides the various numbers of challenges to those who
practice chemistry in industry, education and research. It is the modern science of
chemistry deals with the application of environment friendly chemical compound in the
various area of our life such as industries. The chemical industries supply us a huge
variety of essential product, from plastic to pharmaceuticals, these industries has a
potential to damage our environment, so green chemistry serves to promote the design
and efficient use of chemicals and chemical processes.[19]

3. Experimentation
The synthesis of acetanilide by green chemistry has various disadvantages as there is a lot of
wastage of acetic acid molecule, which can be minimized by green chemistry.

3.1. Synthesis of compounds by conventional method

 In a 250 ml beaker containing 125 ml of water, 4.6 ml of conc. Hydrochloric acid and 5.1
g of aniline / substituted anilines were introduced.
 Stirred until all the anilines passes completely into solution.
 To the resulting solution, 6.9 g (6.4ml) of redistilled acetic anhydride was added and
stirred until it was dissolved.
 Poured immediately in a solution of 3.8 g of crystalline sodium acetate in 25 ml of water.
 Stirred vigorously and cooled in ice. Filtered the acetanilide and substituted acetanilide
with suction, washed with 10 ml water, drained well and dried upon filter paper. The
crude products were recrystallized from boiling water and methylated spirit.
 Non green component: Acetic anhydride leaves one molecule of acetic acid unused.

3.2. Synthesis of compounds by green chemistry method

 A mixture of aniline / substituted anilines (3.3g) and zinc dust (0.16g) in acetic acid
(10ml) in 100 ml round bottom flask was heated over a gentle flame using water
 Heating was continued for about 45 min., the reaction mixture was then carefully poured
in cold water (33ml) in 250ml beaker with vigorous stirring.
 The shining crystals of product were separated slowly. After 15 min, crystals were
collected by filtration. The solid crystals were washed over the Buchner funnel with water
and product was dried and crystallized in boiling water.
 Green context: Minimize waste by-products, avoids use of acetic anhydride.

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Synthesis and mechanism by conventional method

zn dust
+ Glacial acetic acid


zn O

Synthesis and mechanism by green chemistry method

This review article will definitely help to understand the importance of green chemistry,
which is basic requirement in today’s pharmaceutical industries. The approach will help to
avoid the utilization of the toxic chemicals leading to various hazards in the industry. These
conventional methods can be replaced easily by the methods which utilize non toxic and
environment friendly techniques for the synthesis of same. One of such approach has been
discussed for the synthesis of acetanilide. The approach will definitely help in the synthesis
by keeping the environment safe.

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