CSMLS Exam Guide Notes (Referrence Range)

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CSMLS Exam Guide Notes (Reference Range)

Sodium (criticals) - 135-150 mmol/L cL = < 1.75

cL = < 125 cH = > 3.25;

cH = > 155

Calcium (ionized; criticals) - 1.15 - 1.35 mmol/L

Potassium (criticals) - 3.5 - 5.0 mmol/L cL = 0.85

cL = < 2.5 cH = 1.50

cH = > 6.0

CSF Glucose - 60% of plasma glucose levels

Chloride - 98 - 108 mmol/L

Criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus - 1. Fasting Glu

>/= 7.0 mmol/L
Bicarbonate - 22 - 30 mmol/L
2. 2h PP Glu >/= 11.1 mmol/L

3. Random Glu >/= 11.1 mmol/L

Anion gap (w/ K & w/o K) - w/ K = 10 - 20 mmol/L
4. HbA1C >/= 6.5%
w/o K = 5 - 15 mmol/L

Type 1 diabetes mellitus - An absolute insulin deficiency

Glucose (fasting; criticals) - 3.3 - 6.0 mmol/L
with hyperglycemia due to destruction of pancreatic
cL = </= 2.5 beta cells. 10-20% of cases; appears often in children
and adolescents. Treatment requires administration of
cH = >/= 25.0 exogenous insulin; patients much more prone to
frequent ketoacidosis

Glucose (random; criticals) - 3.3 - 11.0 mmol/L

cL = <\= 2.5 type 2 diabetes mellitus - Due to insulin resistance, the

secreted levels are insufficient to meet the body's needs
cH = >\= 25.0 (relative insulin resistance). It affects mainly people
over 40; disease is regulated by exercise and controlled
eating. Ketoacidosis is rare, but hyperosmolar states
Urea - 2.5 - 8.5 mmol/L may develop due to high Glu: may lead to dehydration,
coma, and death.

Creatinine (serum and urine) - Serum: 40 - 120 umol/L

creatinine clearance formula - a fairly accurate
Urine: 6.0 - 18.0 mmol/day
measurement of the glomerular filtration rate:

CC = (U/P)x(V/86400sec)x(1.73/A)
Calcium (total; criticals) - 2.10 - 2.60 mmol/L

CSMLS Exam Guide Notes (Reference Range)

U (urinary) and P (plasma) is concentration of creatinine

CK-MB - 0 - 16 U/L
V is 24h urine volume

A is patient's body surface area

GGT - M: 0 - 60 U/L

F: 0 - 35 U/L
Glomerular Filtration Rate - Adults: 1.20 - 2.30 mL/sec

Values below indicate renal impairment

LD - 100 - 200 U/L

Albumin - 35 - 50 g/L
Lipase - 0 - 200 U/L

ALP - 30 - 130 U/L

Mg (criticals) - 0.65 - 1.05 mmol/L

cL= <0.50 mmol/L

ALT - 0 - 60 U/L
cH= >1.50 mmol/L

AST - 0 - 40 U/L
Osmolality - 280 - 300 mOsm/kg

Ammonia (cH) - 10 - 45 umol/L; cH= >110

Phosphate (criticals) - 0.80 - 1.50 mmol/L

cL= <0.30 mmol/L

Amylase - 0 - 100 U/L
cH= >3.00 mmol/L

beta hCG - 0 - 5 IU/L

Protein (Total) - 60 - 80 g/L

Bilirubin (Total [cH] & Direct) - Total: 0 - 20 umol/L; cH=

Triglycerides - 0.30 - 2.30 mmol/L

Direct: 0 - 4 umol/L
Troponin I - </= 0.02 ug/L

Cholesterol - 3.60 - 8.00 (<5.20) mmol/L

Uric Acid - M: 200 - 500 umol/L

F: 150 - 450 umol/L

CK - M: 0 - 180 U/L

F: 0 - 150 U/L
CSMLS Exam Guide Notes (Reference Range)

ABG - pH (criticals) - 7.35 - 7.45 WBC Count - 4.0-10.0 x 109/L

cL= <7.20

cH= >7.60 RBC Count - M: 4.7 - 6.1 x 1012/L

F: 4.2 - 5.4 x 10^12/L

ABG - pCO2 (criticals) - 35 - 45 mmHg

cL= <20 mmHg Hgb - M: 140-180g/L

cH= >70 mmHg F: 120-160g/L

ABG - HCO3 (criticals) - 22-26 mmol/L Hct - M: 0.42-0.52L/L

cL= <10 mmol/L F: 0.37-0.47L/L

cH = >40 mmol/L

RDW - 11.4-14.5%

ABG - pO2 (cL) - 75 - 85 mmHg

cL= <45 mmHg MCV (calc + ref) - MCV = Hct/RBC


UA - UBG - 3 - 17 umol/L

MCH (calc + ref) - MCH = Hgb/RBC

UA - SG - 1.003 - 1.030 27-31pg

UA - pH - 5.5 - 8.0 MCHC (calc + ref) - MCHC = Hgb/Hct


SPE - Protein, Albumin, Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta, Gamma -

Total Protein: 60 - 80 g/L
PLT Count - 150-400 x109/L
Albumin: 35 - 50 g/L

Alpha 1: 0.6 - 2.4 g/L

Retic Count (relative & absolute) - 0.5-2.0%
Alpha 2: 4.0 - 10.0 g/L
24-84 x109/L
Beta: 4.0 - 11.0 g/L

Gamma: 3.0 - 13.0 g/L

ESR - M: 0-15 mm

F: 0-20 mm

CSMLS Exam Guide Notes (Reference Range)

Lymphs (relative & absolute) - 20-40%

0.8-4.0 x109/L

Neuts (relative & absolute) - 50-70%

2.0-7.0 x109/L

Bands (relative & absolute) - 2-6%

0.08-0.60 x109/L

Monos (relative & absolute) - 2-9%

0.08-0.90 x109/L

Eos (relative & absolute) - 2-4%

0.08-0.40 x109/L

Basos (relative & absolute) - 1-2%

0.04-0.20 x109/L

PT - 11-13 sec

APTT - 20-35 sec

Fibrinogen - 1.6 - 4.1 g/L

D Dimer - <0.5 um/mL


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