Flexural Response of Textile-Reinforced Sandwich Slab With Modified Polymeric Core
Flexural Response of Textile-Reinforced Sandwich Slab With Modified Polymeric Core
Flexural Response of Textile-Reinforced Sandwich Slab With Modified Polymeric Core
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/structures
Keywords: Concrete sandwich panels are thermally insulative but difficult to erect due to heavy weight and thickness, and
Sandwich slabs also require sufficient clear cover to avoid corrosion. Textile reinforcement is a novel field of research in civil
Textile reinforcement engineering. The size, weight, and cost can be reduced using it as reinforcement in sandwich elements. The past
Fine grained cementitious composites
researchers focus on sandwich slabs with polymeric cores which are prompt to delamination. Thus, this study
compares the performance of steel mesh, and basalt textile fiber mesh reinforced sandwich slabs with conven
Composite action tional concrete and expanded perlite board as core materials. The sandwich slabs are tested under flexure in four-
point bending and validated numerically by considering the non-linear characteristics of the material. The
sandwich slabs reinforced with steel and basalt textile fiber mesh have similar load-carrying capacities with
higher deflection of basalt textile mesh-reinforced sandwich slabs. The core material plays a major role than the
type of reinforcement used. Conventional concrete core sandwich slabs did not show any delamination by
enhancing the degree of composite action and mitigated the shear failure without shear connectors than sand
wich slabs with expanded perlite cores. However, it affects the major property of the sandwich panel due to its
density. Using the cast in-situ method in manufacturing sandwich specimens rather than adopting the slab stock
method avoids delamination by proper bonding between the layers. Thus, textile-reinforced sandwich slabs have
a similar load-carrying capacity as of concrete sandwich panels with steel mesh. The experimental results are
validated well with numerical data.
1. Introduction Precast sandwich panels can be used as wall panels instead of brick
masonry due to their insulative characteristics [6]. The precast sand
Composites are a prevalent field among researchers in civil engi wich slab with foam core can be used instead of normal reinforced
neering due to their excellent characteristics. Among the different types concrete slabs in buildings, as suggested by Amran et al. [7] from the
of composites in industry, sandwich elements are the key source of results on the flexural response of precast sandwich slabs with foam core
research among budding researchers due to their thermal comfort, en and shear connectors. The structural behavior of precast sandwich ele
ergy efficiency, reliability, fire resistance, fast and easy construction [1]. ments depends on the strength and stiffness of the materials [8]. The
Many works were reported on the sandwich element (slab/panels) right fully composite sandwich elements fail only due to the yielding of re
from its development in 1849 by William Fairbairn in constructing inforcements or crushing of concrete [7,9,10]. In an experimental study
Britannia Tubular Bridge in North Wales [2]. But, using reinforcement conducted by Mughed Amran on precast foamed concrete sandwich
on both sides increases the elements’ weight and size as it requires a panels (PFCSPs) subjected to out-of-plane loads using lightweight foam
sufficient clear cover to prevent corrosion. It is necessary to take this as a concrete reduces the self-weight as residential buildings, slab self-weight
major point of consideration in developing thin sandwich elements with accounted for approximately 40–60% of the total dead load [11]. The
improved structural and thermal performance [3]. The PCI committee precast concrete sandwich panels (PCSP) were theoretically and exper
describes the types of sandwich elements, insulation, detailing, shear imentally studied under flexure by Benayoune et al. [12]. In tests, PCSP
connectors, and minimum specifications [4]. A novel type of rein acting as slab elements showed very similar failure modes and cracked
forcement other than steel reinforcement is required to reduce the size of patterns to solid slabs, especially when the two concrete halves act
the wythe of the sandwich element leading to thin construction [5]. together as a composite unit. As a result of the finite element analysis of
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Jeyan Sudhakar), [email protected] (B. Muthusubramanian).
Received 17 July 2023; Received in revised form 25 November 2023; Accepted 29 November 2023
Available online 14 December 2023
2352-0124/© 2023 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
the PCSP, we could reasonably estimate the experimental previous literature mainly focuses on polymeric foam cores like
load–deflection curves and strain levels in shear connectors. It was expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene and polyurethane cores;
found that the stiffness of the shear connector was a very important they are synthetic, have less strength, result in poor bonding, and
factor in determining the ultimate strength and composite action. Amran require shear connectors to ensure composite action. Also, the major
et al. [13] studied the performance of sandwich panels under flexure type of failure is delamination between the layers, even after using the
with different construction and end conditions methods. The construc shear connectors. So, there is a need for using different insulation ma
tion type influences sample behavior at the initial stage of flexural terials other than polymeric with improved bonding between layers.
loading. As a result, the higher strength was observed in poured concrete Thus this study focuses on the flexural response of sandwich slabs using
samples compared to sprayed concrete. The failure pattern of the foam steel mesh and basalt fiber textile reinforced mesh. And using two core
core is influenced based on the edge conditions. Tuwair et al. [14] materials, a conventional concrete core and a modified polymeric core
evaluated sandwich panels with different polyurethane foams and ribs (EPB). No shear connectors are used. The performance of this sandwich
in experiments and numerical simulations, and the proposed design was slab element is studied under four-point bending, and is compared based
found to be both engineering and economically feasible. In bending, all on the load carrying capacity, failure pattern, degree of composite ac
sandwich beams achieved linear-elastic behavior. Due to the remarkable tion, deflection, strain, slip data, ductility, stiffness and energy dis
effect of web layers in the Type 3 construction, it performed better in sipaction. The experimental data obtained is then validated with the
strength, flexural, and shear stiffness than any of the other two types. numerical data.
The polyurethane foam core and the facings formed an excellent bond
during this research. 2. The behavior of sandwich slab elements
In a typical concrete wythe, steel reinforcement requires a minimum
thickness of 80 mm [15]. A greater thickness of internal wythe from 80 The sandwich slab elements are assumed to behave according to the
mm to 160 mm improved the fire performance of insulation [16]. The sandwich beam theory. According to its concept, the reinforced wythe
sandwich panel is the best level of reducing the carbon footprint by resists flexural bending, and the core resists shear. The major difference
replacing the cement with other materials for the concrete wythe [17]. It between the ordinary beam theory and sandwich beam theory is that the
is possible to reduce embodied energy through thin precast concrete deflection due to the shear of the sandwich element is not neglected
sandwich panels when compared with reinforced concrete solid panels, [26].
as well as reduce the weight and material of reinforced concrete solid Based on the degree of composite action, it is classified as fully
panels [18]. With high-performance cementitious composites, light and composite sandwich elements, partially composite or semi-composite,
thin concrete wythes can transfer and resist shear loads [19]. The and non-composite sandwich elements [27]. Its composite behavior
response of the sandwich panel with a wythe of 5 mm thickness by Lee based on the "theory of bending" is shown in Fig. 1.
et al.[20] finds higher bending response with poor thermal character
istics. Flansbjer [21] and Shams [22] reported the considerable perfor 3. Experimental campaign
mance of the thin textile reinforced sandwich panels with polymeric
foam core. It is difficult to fabricate the shear connectors in the sandwich This study deals with sandwich slab elements with two re
panels [23]. The bending behavior of textile-reinforced sandwich beams inforcements, steel and basalt fiber mesh, with a conventional concrete
with different numbers of layers of textiles placed in concrete with core and modified polymeric core. And their performance is compared.
gypsum board and calcium silicate board was evaluated by Smitha et al.
[24] and suggested that the increase in layers of textile reinforcement
improves its performance. Colombo et al. [25] studied the behavior of 3.1. Materials
textile reinforced sandwich beams under bending. Multiple cracking was
observed upon loading, affecting the textile fabric’s position, the beam’s The detailed specifications of the materials used for preparing this
thickness, and its geometry. From the observation, it is clear that the sandwich slab are given in this section.
number of layers, position, thickness, and type of material influence the
characteristics. 3.1.1. Reinforcement
Only limited work has been reported from the literature on textile- The steel mesh of 2.3 mm diameter with 25 mm spacing in both warp
reinforced sandwich elements, and scarce works have been found and weft direction is used in the top and bottom wythe of the sandwich
comparing steel reinforcement performance with textile fibers. It’s section. Basalt fiber is a natural and inert material obtained from basalt
important to compare its performance to know its characteristics before rock by melting it above 1500 ℃. The basalt textile fiber mesh is used as
applying it in the industry. When the core materials are considered, textile reinforcement with a spacing of 25 mm in both warp and weft
directions. The reinforcement ratio of 1.6% is adapted in the wythe of
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
Table 2
Mix proportions of fine grained cementitious concrete and conventional concrete.
Mix Cement GGBS (kg/m3) Fine aggregate (kg/m3) Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) Water Superplasticizer (kg/m3) Basalt fiber (kg/m3)
(kg/m3) (kg/m3)
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
to the bottom wythe along the sides of the sandwich slab with EPB core 3.3. Instrumentation
is clearly visible in Fig. 3(d).
he sandwich slabs are tested under flexure in a four-point bending
technique. This technique is adapted to nullify the effect of shear in the
loading area. The load is applied by means of displacement control at a
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
as in Fig. 4.
4. Numerical Modelling
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
Table 5
Ultimate loads and deflection of the sandwich slab.
Specimen ID Ultimate load (kN) Deflection at ultimate load (mm)
compression pt/p0c (1.01) (hydrostatic yield stress ratio)". All the ma indicating poor bonding similar to the work reported by Raj et al. [31]
terial properties given as input are obtained experimentally for each on polymeric foam core. However, no cracks are identified in the core
material. due to its compressibility. The flexural failure modes obtained for CMCC
and BFCC were similar to the normal reinforced concrete slab with
4.2. Loading and Boundary conditions brittle failure. And the major mode of failure in the CMEPB and BFEPB
sandwich slab elements was at the concrete at the sides resulting in shear
This model was to validate the experimentally obtained results. The failure was similar to inferred studies by Joseph et al. [26,32]. Also, the
loads and supports are applied using a rigid body as rollers. The cracks developed in the bottom wythe in their study were contradictory
modelled textile reinforced sandwich slab is shown in Fig. 5. The as no cracks were generated in the bottom wythe except for CMCC and
boundary conditions are assigned with one end hinged and another as BFCC. But in the cases inferred studies, shear connectors are used to
roller support. The wythe and core elements are mesh as C3D8R, and the ensure the composite action between the sandwich slab’s top and bot
steel and textile reinforcements mesh as T3D2. The entire sandwich slab tom wythe, and the same pattern was achieved in our study without
assembly with the supports contains 8564 nodes with 3576 elements. using shear connectors. Thus, it is clear that even without shear con
The frictionless hard contact is given as interaction between the supports nectors, delamination failure can be mitigated by adapting the
and the slab. Tie interaction is given as contact between the layers, and cast-in-situ method rather than the slab stock method. The CMCC and
the reinforcement is embedded. Then the model is set for analysis BFCC specimens are cast-in-situ no delamination failure occurred;
through displacement control. however, CMEPB and BFEPB failed under delamination and were
fabricated by the slab stock method. Also, the type of reinforcement used
5. Results and discussion has no role in failure mode as it was similar in sandwich slabs with steel
mesh and basalt textile fiber mesh.
The experimental and numerical results obtained upon flexural
loading of the sandwich slabs with different core and reinforcement 5.2. Ultimate Load and Deflection
materials are discussed in detail.
The ultimate load carrying capacity of the sandwich slabs with the
5.1. Failure Mode deflection at ultimate load is given in Table 5.
The sandwich slabs with steel and basalt textile mesh showed almost
The different failure modes are identified in sandwich slabs with similar load-carrying capacity. But basalt fiber reinforced specimens
different core materials, and the photographs in Fig. 6 represent the have higher deflection when compared with steel mesh reinforced
typical failures. The failure pattern is affected based on the type of core sandwich slabs. While considering the core materials, sandwich slabs
material. Flexural cracks appear on the sandwich slabs (CMCC and with EPB cores have higher deformation than conventional concrete
BFCC) with a conventional concrete core, which widens for higher loads. cores. The difference in ultimate load between CMCC and BFCC is
The widened crack developed through the bottom wythe to till the rear 4.25%, and no difference in ultimate load between CMEPB and BFEPB.
face resulting in catastrophic failure. The sandwich slabs with steel mesh The difference in deflection between CMCC and BFCC, CMEPB, and
as reinforcement and basalt fiber textile mesh as reinforcement have the BFEPB is 6.3% and 33.93%, respectively. The sandwich slabs with
same failure mode. And the sandwich slabs with conventional concrete conventional concrete core had 2 times higher ultimate load carrying
were brittle due to their low strain capacity resulting in crack widening. capacity and a lower deflection of 0.27 times than EPB core. Hong et al.
The stress concentration was higher in the crack-prone zones in the [33] have higher ultimate load and deflection in sandwich specimens
numerical model as in Fig. 6(a,b), and experimentally the cracks ob with glass fiber mesh reinforcement than steel mesh but the results
tained in those region validates the CMCC and BFCC sandwich slab. inferred are contradictory. But they have used textile reinforcement as
Further, in the case of sandwich slabs with EPB core, the shear and wrapping in sandwich slabs while casting. Upon validating the experi
flexural cracks are identified on the sides as indicated in Fig. 6. While mental and numerical data on ultimate load and deflection at ultimate
casting the sandwich slab with steel mesh, the wythe material seepages load is of 4.12% and 6.22% difference for CMCC, 4.02% and 4.19% for
along the sides of the core material and the failure is noticed on the sides BFCC, 1.65% and 1.79% for CMEPB and 9.52% and 1.57% for BFEPB
in the seepages parts resulting in mixed mode failure. But in the case of sandwich slabs respectively. Experimental and numerical data differ
the BFEPB specimen, accidental seepage was less when compared with ences may be due to some accidental error while testing. However, a
CMEPB. The BFEPB specimens failed under flexure and only in the top, difference of up to 10% is considered in the good range and acceptable.
bottom wythe, and seepages. The failure of seepage concrete is relevant Thus the sandwich slab model is validated. The higher deflection of
to shear failure. No cracks are generated on the EPB core; instead, it basalt fiber mesh reinforced sandwich slabs is due to its low modulus of
resulted in core crushing due to its high compressibility. Even in the elasticity. The EPB core is highly compressible, resulting in higher
numerical model, as in Fig. 6(c,d), the stress concentration was higher in deflection than sandwich slabs with a CC core.
the top and bottom wythe, and similarly, the failure that occurred in that
region experimentally validates the numerical model except for CMEPB. 5.3. Degree of composite action
The shear and flexural failure are noticed experimentally due to the
accidental seepage while casting; thus, it couldn’t be validated. But The degree of composite action of sandwich slab elements was
numerically, both CMEPB and BFEPB show similar performance. The calculated according to beam theory with the help of load, deflection,
delamination failure is also noted on the sandwich slab with EPB core, stiffness, and strain [34]. In this research degree of composite action
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
Table 6 between the ultimate load-carrying capacity of fully composite and the
Degree of composite action of sandwich slab elements. non-composite section; thus, the sandwich slab elements are partially
Specimen ID Ultimate load (kN) Degree of composite action (%) composite. However, the conventional concrete core has a higher degree
of composite action due to the cast-in-situ method adapted while cast
Pexp Pcomposite Pnon-
ing. The sandwich slabs with shear connectors are used to achieve about
40–90% degree of composite action in the inferred studies [34,35,37,
CMCC 48 59.57 13.96 74.63
BFCC 46 62.35 14.56 65.78
38], but, it was contradictory to present research as, a higher degree of
CMEPB 24 59.57 13.96 22.01 composite action is achieved by the cast-in-situ method. Thus, by casting
BFEPB 24 62.35 14.56 19.75 the sandwich elements as cast-in-situ than slab stock method, the degree
of composite action can be increased by using additional shear con
nectors. In turn, the absence of shear connectors helps reduce the ele
using ultimate load is adopted [35]. The ultimate load-carrying capacity
ment’s weight.
of the sandwich elements is calculated as per the given Eq. 1. The
calculation of the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the composite and
non-composite section can be referred to from the literature [35,36]. 5.4. Load vs. Deflection
Pnon− composite − Pexperimental
Degree of composite action (%) = X100
Pnon− composite − Pcomposite The deflection at different points on the sandwich slab upon loading
(1) is represented in the form of load vs. deflection graphs in Fig. 7(a-d),
including the numerically obtained data of each specimen for validation.
The results in Table 6 conclude a higher degree of composite action CMCC and BFCC specimens show the same behavior until the ultimate
in conventional concrete cores of about 74.63% and 65.78%. The load with lower deflection due to its brittle nature. Similarly, CMEPB
sandwich slab elements of EPB have composite action of 22.01% and and BFEPB specimens show similar patterns until failure with higher
19.75%. The degree of composite action of all the specimens lies deflection values. L1 and L2 are taken directly below the loading point,
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
Fig. 8. Deflection profile of sandwich slabs at L1 and L2 for different stages of loading.
showing a similar pattern for all samples due to the uniform distribution. the top in both axes, indicating the tensile and compressive strain,
However, L3 and L4 are measured along the minor axis yield line. The respectively. Also, the strain is higher at the bottom wythe in the major
deflection in the major axis is higher when compared to the minor axis. axis than at the top wythe. The load vs. strain data obtained experi
The load vs. deflection of EPB specimens is high and similar to the mentally validated well with the numerical data. Also, when compared
results obtained by Hegarty et al. [18] on sandwich specimens with EPS with the type of reinforcement basalt fiber textile reinforced sandwich
foam core. The deflection profile for all the sandwich slab specimens slab had higher strain than the steel mesh. EPB core-based sandwich
upon various stages of loading at L1 and L2 is shown in Fig. 8(a-d). It elements had higher strain at lower loads when compared with con
indicates the even distribution of load at the loading points. The ventional concrete cores. The sandwich slabs possess tensile strain at the
deflection is lower across the minor axis when compared with the major bottom wythe and compressive strength at the top wythe; this was
axis. The numerically obtained data also validated well with the similar to the results inferred from Daniel et al. [39], Hong et al. [33],
experimental data. The deflection is higher in basalt fiber textile rein and Chen et al. [34]. Thus, it is clear that textile reinforcement and EPB
forced specimens due to its low modulus of elasticity and was similar to core lead due to higher strain due to its lower modulus of elasticity.
the results inferred from Hong et al. [33]. Thus, it is clear that textile
fiber-reinforced specimens show higher deflection. Also, modified 5.6. Load vs. Slip
polymeric core (EPB) sandwich slabs have higher deflection due to their
compressibility. As the sandwich slabs are made of different materials, it slips on
loading due to the poor bonding between the wythe and core material.
5.5. Load vs. Strain The load vs. slip behavior of sandwich slabs up on flexural loading is
shown in Fig. 10 (a-d). The slip of the sandwich slabs between the layers
The typical load vs. strain behavior of all the sandwich slabs along is recorded using dial gauges on the major and minor axis. For a
the major axis and minor axis at the top and bottom wythe is represented particular load same slip is recorded at the dials between the top wythe
in Fig. 9. The strain is very less at the early stage of loading in the top and and core, bottom wythe and core, respectively. The slip is higher along
bottom wythe of the sandwich slab elements across the major and minor the major axis than the minor axis. The type of reinforcement used does
axis. Then it started to increase for higher loads. The sandwich slab el not influence the slip characteristics. From Fig. 10 (a-d), the sandwich
ements show positive strain at the bottom wythe and negative strain at slabs with EPB cores possess higher slip indicating their non-composite
A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
behavior. The slip was much less than the conventional concrete core, is found for BFEPB specimen when compared to CMCC. Gopinath et al.
which once again proves its composite nature. [42] and Dong et al. [43] strengthened the reinforced concrete elements
The experimental data validates well with the experimental data. by using textile reinforcements and noticed an improvement in the
The larger slip of about 4.11 mm is noted for the BFEPB specimen and ductile factor. But the findings of this research is contradictory as the
the lowest of 0.38 mm in the case of CMCC specimens. The slip obtained textile reinforcement is used in sandwich panel in which the ductility
was similar to the inferred results from Choi et al. [37] and Sohel and factor mainly depends on the core material due to its thickness. Thus, it
Liew [40]. Thus, the type of reinforcement does not influence the slip of is clear that the ductility characteristics dropped by using basalt textile
the sandwich specimens, and EPB-modified polymeric cores possess fibers as reinforcement. But by using modified polymeric core (EPB) the
higher slips proving their non-composite behavior. ductility factor improved.
Here, Δmax is the maximum deflection at ultimate load and, Δy is the Where, Vy is the yield load and Δy is the yield deflection. The stiffness of
deflection at yield load. sandwich slabs found is given in Table 7. The stiffness of BFCC, CMEPB
The ductility factor of the sandwich slabs with different core mate and BFEPB dropped by 19.09%, 84.97% and 89.68% respectively than
rials and reinforcements is given in Table 7, CMCC. The sandwich slab specimens with EPB core possess lower
The ductility factor reduces by 12.42% than CMCC for BFCC speci stiffness. Shams et al., [22] found negligible effect of shear connectors in
mens. But it escalated by 8.07% for CMEPB specimens and no difference the stiffness of textile reinforced sandwich sections and concludes it
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A. Jeyan Sudhakar and B. Muthusubramanian Structures 59 (2024) 105679
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