Use of Zeolite in Maize Zea Mays Cultivation On Ni
Use of Zeolite in Maize Zea Mays Cultivation On Ni
Use of Zeolite in Maize Zea Mays Cultivation On Ni
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Concerns about unbalanced use of fertilizers leading to environmental pollution have been globally
expressed. As a result, studies on how to use efficient methods to reduce nutrient applications at the
same time increasing or maintaining crop yield, reducing nutrient losses and improving nutrient use
efficiency are imperative. Nutrient loss due to leaching, volatilization and fixation upon fertilizer
application to soils may be reduced through the use of slow-release fertilizers. A pot study was
conducted to investigate if the use of inorganic fertilizers together with zeolite will improve nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) uptake and efficiency in maize (Zea mays) cultivation on Nyalau
series (Typic Paleudalts). Maize hybrid no. 5 variety was used as test crop. Treatments evaluated were:
(i) Unfertilized condition (T1), (ii) normal N, P and K application (7.4 g urea + 11.3 g Christmas Island
rock phosphate (CIRP) + 3.8 g muriate of potash (MOP)) (T2), (iii) 135 g zeolite + 5.92 g urea+9.0 g CIRP
+ 3.0 g MOP (T3), (iv) 270 g zeolite + 4.44 g urea + 6.8 g CIRP + 2.3 g MOP (T4), (v) 405 g zeolite+3.0 g
urea+4.5 g CIRP+1.5 g MOP (T5) and (vi) 540 g zeolite + 1.5 g urea + 2.3 g CIRP + 0.8 g MOP (T6). The
effect of T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 on soil N, P and Mg at harvest was not significantly different compared
with T1. However, treatments with zeolite significantly increased K and Ca contents of soil compared to
T1. Irrespective of treatment, dry matter production was not different. However, nutrient concentrations
determined in plant tissues were clearly affected by the addition of zeolite. N, P and K uptake varied
significantly but T6 significantly affected N, P and K use efficiency. The use of inorganic fertilizers
mixed with zeolite remarkably increased N, P and K uptake, and their use efficiency in leaves, stem and
roots. The use of zeolite could be beneficial with respect to nutrient retention in soil and their use
Key words: Zeolite, inorganic fertilizers, nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, Zea mays.
In recent times, concerns about unbalanced use of same time increasing or maintaining crop yield, reducing
fertilizers leading to environmental pollution have been nutrient losses and improving nutrient use efficiency are
globally expressed. As a result, studies on how to use imperative (Oosterhuis and Howard, 2008). For instance,
efficient methods to reduce nutrient applications at the sustainable nutrient use efficiency could be attained by
agronomic practices which take into account timely
synchronization of nutrient application with plant roots
development, or use of slow-release fertilizers, and foliar
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected], feeding (Matson et al., 1997; Oosterhuis and Howard,
[email protected]. 2008). One of the merits of this approach of efficient
2394 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
synchronization of soil nutrient application with good root recommendation for the test crop (Hybrid number 5 variety). It must
system development for nutrient uptake is that it ensures be noted that the rates used in this study were a scale down of the
standard fertilizer recommendation for the test crop. Soil in pots
reduction of erosion and nutrient loss through leaching was mixed with clinoptilolite zeolite according to the treatments in
(Jagadeeswaran et al., 2005; Perez-Caballero et al., Table 1. Inorganic fertilizer was prepared by first weighing the 3
2008; Glisic and Milosevic, 2008). In this regard, inclusion materials for treatments T2 to T6 separately into plastic vials, tightly
of zeolites in fertilizers management for agriculture is closed and shaken on an orbital shaker at 150 rpm for 30 min for
essential as besides serving as soil conditioner (including uniform mix.
soil fertility improvement), zeolites have the potential to The soil used was coarse loamy, siliceous, isohyperthermic, red-
yellow to yellow Typic Paleudalts (Nyalau series) (Paramanathan,
increase crop yield (Valente et al., 1982; Noori et al., 2000). Based on the soil’s bulk density, plastic pots measuring 22
2006). cm (height) × 30 cm (diameter) were filled with soil samples until
Utilization of zeolites in agriculture is possible because the bulk density of the soil was attained. Each pot was filled with 9
of their special cation exchange properties, molecular kg soil (air-dried, crushed and sieved to pass a 2 mm sieve). For
sieving and adsorption (Mumpton, 1999; Glisic and good plant establishment, the maize seeds were soaked in water
for 24 h prior to planting. The depth of the planting holes was 4 cm.
Milosevic, 2008; Hecl and Toth, 2009). It is believed that
Seeds were sown directly in each planting hole. The planting holes
because zeolites have the ability to lose and gain water were partially covered with loose soil from the surface to allow quick
reversibly, without the change of crystal structure, they emergence of the seeds. There were five seeds per pot and they
could be used as fertilizers, stabilizers and chelators were thinned to three at 7 days after seeding (DAS). Soil moisture
(Kapetanios and Loizidou, 1992; Perez-Caballero et al., was maintained at field capacity.
2008). As an example, a study has shown that zeolites A fertilizer rate of 60 N kg/ha, 60 P kg/ha and 40 K kg/ha for the
maize was followed, MARDI (Malaysia Agriculture Research
enable both inorganic and organic fertilizers to slowly Development Institute) recommendation and applied in two equal
release their nutrients (Perez-Caballero et al., 2008). splits at 10 and 28 DAS. The fertilizers used were urea (46% N),
However, there is dearth of information on the right CIRP (30% P2O5) and MOP (60% K2O).
amount of zeolites to be used with for instance inorganic Prior to the commencement of the experiment, soil samples were
and organic fertilizers. In this study, it was expected that analyzed for bulk density (Tan, 2005), soil texture (Bouyoucos,
the right proportion of inorganic fertilizers and zeolite will 1962), pH in water and 1 M KCl (Peech, 1965), total N (Bremmer,
1965), exchangeable K, Mg and Ca (Tan, 2005), P, and cation
improve nutrient uptake and use efficiency of corn on exchange capacity (CEC) (Cottenie, 1980). The bulk density of the
Typic Paleudalts (Nyalau series) soils. Although, nutrient Nyalau series was 0.956 g/cm3 and was typical of this soil series.
uptake and use efficiency of corn seems to be dependent Standard procedures were used to determine the selected chemical
on soil fertility, the effect of zeolite on the slow release of properties of zeolite, CIRP, MOP and urea. The pH of the urea,
nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) is yet to zeolite, CIRP and MOP was determined in a 1:2.5 soil: distilled
water suspension and/or 1 N KCl using a glass electrode. The CEC
be investigated. The objective of this study was to
of the zeolite was determined by the CsCl method of Ming and
investigate if the use of inorganic fertilizers together with Dixon (1986).
zeolite will improve N, P and K uptake and use efficiency The plants were monitored for 60 days. At tasseling (60 DAS),
in maize cultivation on an acid soil. the plants were harvested and partitioned into leaves, roots and
stems. Standard procedures were used to dry these parts for dry
weight determination. At tasseling (60 DAS), soil samples were
MATERIALS AND METHODS taken and analyzed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, organic matter, pH, and
CEC as previously outlined. Nitrogen concentration in the selected
A pot study was conducted in a rain shelter at University Putra plant parts was determined by the Kjeldahl ((Bremmer, 1965) while
Malaysia Bintulu Campus of Sarawak, Malaysia. The experimental the single dry ashing method (Cottenie, 1980) was adopted for the
design was randomized complete block design with three extraction of P, K, Ca, and Mg in the plant tissues. The filtrates
replications. The test crop in this study was super sweet corn hybrid were analyzed for K, Ca, and Mg by Atomic absorption
number 5 variety. The selected variety was tested with the spectrophotometry (AAS) and UV-spectrometer for P. The
treatments summarized in Table 1. concentrations of N, P and K in the plant parts multiplied by their
The amounts of urea, Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) dry matter gave the amount of N, P and K taken up by the plant
and Muriate of Potash (MOP) used were based on the standard parts. Nitrogen, P, and K use efficiency were calculated using the
Ahmed et al. 2395
Physico-chemical properties
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
a ab bc c bc bc
pH (water) 4.61 4.90 5.13 5.25 5.22 5.05
a b b b ab ab
pH (KCl) 3.67 3.86 3.89 3.92 3.82 3.76
a ab bc ab d cd
CEC 8.82 10.16 11.94 10.38 15.17 14.48
ab ab b a ab a
Total N (%) 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.16 0.13 0.15
b ab ab a ab ab
Available P (mg/kg) Trace 66.56 102.72 140.34 27.48 65.99
+ a a a b c c
Exchangeable K (mg/kg) 52.70 264.50 272.20 660.40 1057.00 1054.90
2+ a b c d e f
Exchangeable Ca (mg/kg) 506.36 640.93 850.71 1012.84 1185.29 1295.31
2+ a a a a a a
Exchangeable Mg (mg/kg) 102.51 107.96 84.87 87.64 89.73 106.11
Means with different alphabets in column indicate significant difference between treatments by Duncan’s test at P 0.05.
subtraction method stated below (Pomares-Gracia and Pratt, 1987). K, Mg and Ca, were typical of Nyalau series
(Paramanathan, 2000). The soil pH (water and KCl) and
% FE = (TNF – TNU) ÷ RFA x 100 −1
CEC of zeolite were 6.84, 5.48 and 105 cmol kg ,
Where, TNF = total nutrient uptake of fertilized plants (T2, T3, T4, respectively and they were also consistent with those
T5 and T6), TNU = total nutrient uptake of unfertilized plants (T1), reported in the literature (He et al., 2002; Ahmed et al.,
RFA = rate of fertilizer nutrient applied. 2008).
The soil pH, CEC, total N, available P, exchangeable K,
The data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance to
Ca and Mg after harvest under fertilized and unfertilized
detect treatment effect. Means of treatments was compared using
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test DMRT). The statistical software used conditions are presented in Table 3. At harvest, the CEC
was Statistical Analysis System (SAS) version 9.1. and pH (water and KCl) for the treatment without fertilizer
(T1) were 8.82 cmol (+)/kg, 4.613 and 3.665,
respectively, while these variables were significantly
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION affected by T3, T4, T5 and T6. This finding is consistent
with some studies who also reported that addition of
The selected physico-chemical properties of Nyalau zeolite usually increases soil pH (Noori et al., 2006;
series are presented in Table 2. The soil pH (water and Perez-Caballero et al., 2008). Zeolites are known for not
KCl) and CEC before planting were 4.68, 3.47 and 8.6 being acidic but marginally alkaline and this is one of the
cmol kg , respectively. Regardless of treatment, soil reasons why when they are used with fertilizers they help
texture, CEC, bulk density, pH, total N and exchangeable to buffer soil pH, thus reducing the need for liming
2396 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
Table 4. Dry weight (DW), N, P, K, Ca, and Mg concentrations in leaves, roots, and stems of maize hybrid no.5 variety.
(Mumpton, 1999). The significant effect of T3, T4, concentrations of maize hybrid 5 leaves, roots and for T2 in terms of N uptake in leaves), T3 and T6
T5 and T6 on CEC could be due to the addition of stems under unfertilized and fertilized conditions improved N, P and K uptake in leaves and stems
zeolite (Table 2). This observation was are presented in Table 4. Irrespective of while the effect of T1 resulted in the lowest
comparable with those reported by other authors treatment, the test crop dry matter production uptake. Nitrogen and P uptake in roots was
(He et al., 2002; Huang and Petrovic, 1994). (leaves, stems and roots) was not statistically highest for T6, but the opposite was true for K
Irrespective of treatment, the soil total N and different. Except for T6, N concentration in leaves uptake, where T4 showed the highest uptake. Low
exchangeable Mg at harvest were not significantly differed significantly compared with T1. In the N and P uptake in roots was recorded for T3 and
different (Table 3). It should be noted that T4 and case of stem, N concentration except for T3 T1, respectively.
T6 (treatments with higher amounts of zeolite) (highest concentration of 1.823%), the other The influence of treatments on N, P and K use
showed the highest soil N content, which was treatments showed no significant difference efficiency in leaves, stem and roots are shown in
approximately 0.16%. Except for T4, the effect of compared to T1. Nitrogen concentration in roots Table 5. T6 showed the best N, P and K use
T2, T3, T5 and T6 on soil available P content was was statistically similar to that of T2. However, efficiency in plant tissues, except for N use
not significant compared with T1. Soil plants of T6 accumulated the highest N efficiency in leaves and K use efficiency in roots,
exchangeable K and Ca contents of all the concentration in plant tissues compared to T1. where T3 and T4 were the best. From Table 5, it
treatments with fertilizer significantly increased The differences in P and Ca concentrations in is obvious that application of chemical fertilization
compared to T1. Treatments with zeolite leaves, stems and roots for all the treatments alone (T2) resulted in lower nutrient use efficiency
marginally increased soil N compared to T1, were not statistically significant. Comparatively, compared with treatments with using zeolite.
because zeolite has the capacity to reduce nitrate leaves and stems tissues had the highest P and Furthermore, low P use efficiency in leaves
and ammonium from leaching (Perez-Caballero et Ca concentrations for T2 and T3, respectively. (0.028%) and roots (0.011%) was recorded for T4
al., 2008). Treatments with zeolite improved P, K Potassium contents in leaves and roots were not (0.028%). Nitrogen and K use efficiency in roots
and Ca concentrations in the soil because the significant and the opposite was true for K content was negative for T3 and T6, respectively. In terms
zeolite also has the ability to adsorp these in stems. Except for stems where the effect of T3 of overall nutrient use efficiency of maize hybrid 5
nutrients from the fertilizers used as well as was significant, there was no significant difference variety, T6 improved N, P and K use efficiency
reducing leaching in the soil. Increase in soil pH in Mg content in all of the plant tissues. significantly (Table 6). The general lack of
due to zeolite application may have also Regardless of plant portion (leaves, stem and significant difference in nutrient concentrations in
contributed to these nutrients availability in the roots), T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 significantly the plant tissues irrespective of zeolite dose
soil. improved N, P and K uptake compared with T1 (Table 3) could be attributed to dilution effect
The dry weight (DW) and N, P, K, Ca, and Mg (Figures 1 to 9). Among these treatments (except (Mengel and Kirkby, 1996). In soil-plant system,
Ahmed et al. 2397
Figure 2. Effect of treatments on N uptake in stem of maize hybrid number 5 variety. Means
with different alphabets indicate significant difference between treatments by Duncan’s test
at P 0.05.
Nutrients (%)
a a a
T2 0.612 0.049 0.755
b b b
T3 1.226 0.039 2.073
c c c
T4 0.992 0.028 2.023
d d d
T5 1.133 0.030 4.316
e e e
T6 0.796 0.056 10.575
a a a
T2 0.209 0.030 4.602
b b b
T3 1.498 0.044 7.598
c c c
T4 1.013 0.029 6.245
d d d
T5 0.286 0.003 8.17
e e e
T6 2.673 0.194 14.513
a a a
T2 0.024 0.013 0.108
b b b
T3 -0.117 0.025 0.192
c c c
T4 0.345 0.011 1.102
d d d
T5 0.283 0.017 0.139
e e e
T6 1.464 0.133 -0.888
Means with different alphabets in column indicate significant difference between
treatments by Duncan’s test at P 0.05.
Table 6. Total N, P and K use efficiency of maize hybrid adding low dosage of chemical fertilizer and high dose of
number 5 variety. zeolite (T6) and this positive effect could be that the low
dose enabled efficient nutrient retention and availability
Nutrients (%) for timely uptake.
T2 0.845 0.092 5.465
T3 2.607 0.108 9.863 Conclusion
T4 2.350 0.068 9.37
Addition of zeolite affects soil chemistry. In terms of N, P
T5 1.682 0.050 12.625
and K uptake in plant tissues, T3 and T6 had significant
T6 4.933 0.383 24.200
effect, while irrespective of treatment, dry matter
production was similar. Generally, all the treatments with
zeolite improved N, P and K uptake and use efficiency in
comparison with control treatment. The highest zeolite
lack of significant effect on N uptake could be partly due dose (T6) significantly increased N, P and K use
to ammonia volatilization under surface-applied urea efficiency of maize hybrid number 5 variety. The use of
(Ferguson, 1984) because significant N loss as ammonia zeolite in maize cultivation on acids soils could be
results in low N uptake by plants from soil. The effect of beneficial.
zeolite is more noticeable for K than for N, both in terms
of plant tissue and soil nutrient contents. Treatments with
zeolite gave best N, P and K uptake in plant tissues, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
probably because of less leaching of these nutrients. This
is because when zeolites are mixed with chemical The researchers acknowledge the financial support for
fertilizers, they help to retain nutrients in root zone and, this research by University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.
hence, improving the long term soil quality by enhancing
nutrient absorption (Mumpton, 1999). Regardless of
treatment, variations in the nutrient uptake by the test REFERENCES
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