ABC Costing
ABC Costing
ABC Costing
Historically, cost accounting models related indirect costs on the basis of volume.
With the costing now based on activities, the cost of serving a customer can be
ascertained individually. Deducting the product cost and the cost to serve each customer,
one can arrive at customer's profitability. This method of dealing separately with the
customer costs and the product costs, enables the identification of the profitability of each
customer. And Positioning the products and services accordingly.
Continuous Improvement
The implementation of ABC can make the employees understand the various costs
involved. This will then enable them to analyze the cost, and to identify the activities that
add value and those that do not add value. Finally, based on this, improvements can be
implemented and the benefits can be realized. This is a continuous improvement
process in terms of analyzing the cost, to reduce or eliminate the non value added
activities and to achieve an overall efficiency.
ABC has helped enterprises in answering the market need for better quality products at
competitive prices. Analyzing the product profitability and customer profitability, the
ABC method has contributed effectively for the top management's decision making
process. With ABC, enterprises are able to improve their efficiency and reduce the cost
without sacrificing the value for the customer. Many companies also use ABC as a basis
for a balanced scorecard.
This has also enabled enterprises to model the impact of cost reduction and subsequently
confirm the savings achieved. Overall, Activity Based Costing (ABC) is a dynamic
method for continuous improvement. With Activity Based Costing any enterprise can
have a built-in competitive cost advantage, so it can continuously add value to both its
stakeholders and customers.
The implementation of Activity Based Costing is not easy - not an ABC. Special activity
based costing software can be helpful.
Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing