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Aviation Prepositions

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inthe hanger onthe runway atthe gate inthemanual onthe taxiway at the terminal intheseatpocket onthe apron atthe entrance inthe sky onthe radio at the airport ‘inthe airplane onthe dashboard at the baggage reclaim in the cockpit onthe radar at the check-in desk inthe cabin onthe screen inthe departure lounge onthe fuselage in London / Paris / SP onthe wing inEngland/ Brazil onthe window inthe engine onthe windshield ‘onthe baggage cart onthe catering truck onthe steps onthe escape slides For daily aviation news, English tips and advice like our facebook page wwrw.facebook.com/absoluteaviation the hangar the Windows the baggage cart the Entrance California the check in desk the sky the fuselage the airport the radar Los Angeles Exercise #1: Read about Prepositions of Place and then proceed to Exercis #2 ‘A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. Even for the most advanced students, propositions can always use more practice. Many verbs are (usually) followed by certain prepositions. Some even entirely ‘change the meaning of a verb by turning it into a phrasal verb. Learners just have to memorize most prepositions, especially those that follow certain verbs (and even more s0 for those that create phrasal verbs). Some prepositions can be used interchangeably depending on the situation. This just adds more confusion for people learning English. ‘The good news is that prepositions of place, perhaps, are among the most ‘consistent (that is, they have fewer exceptions). Prepositions of place are almost logical, if you can understand the preposition on its own. 2 ‘THE BOOK IS ON THE TABLE In general, we use: at fora POINT in for an ENCLOSED SPACE ‘on fora SURFACE [a in | on | Powr ENCLOSED space _|_ SURFACE [atthe comer inthe garden [on the wal |_ atthe bus stop in London | on the ceting |_ at the door in France |_ on the door |_at the top of the page ina box | onthe cover |_ at the end of the road in my pocket [on the floor |_ atthe entrance inmy wallet | on the carpet (nies ina uldng [eae |_ athe tont desk ones (ares Look at these examples: Jane is waiting for you at the boarding gate. ‘The shop is at the end of the concourse. The plane stopped at Dubai and Hanoi and arrived in Bangkok two hours late. ‘When will you arrive at the dispatcher's office? Do you work in the headquarters’ building? Ihave a meeting in New York. Do you live in Paris? The jet is in the hangar. ‘The aircraft model is on the cover of the flight manual ‘There are no prices on this menu. ‘You are standing on my foot. ‘There is a *no smoking" sign on the airplane's wall Ilive on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London, When describing the location of someone of something inside of a vehicle, the use of the prepositions in, on depends on the kind of vehicle being discussed, 1. All vehicles that do not allow someone to walk easily around inside normally use the preposition in. For example: She was in the car when she called me. 2. All vehicles that do allow someone to walk easily around inside normally use the reposition on. For example: We were on the plane when the fire started. ‘Exceptions: Although you are not able to walk around inside of them, when riding a bicycle, motorcycle or any animal the preposition on must be used. For example: I rode on a horse yesterday. She rode on her bicycle. etc. Look at these examples: in acar ‘on abus a taxi onatrain a helicopter ‘on aplane ina boat ‘ona ship in a lift (elevator) ‘on abicycle ‘on a motorbike ‘on ahorse, ‘on an elephant .0 #2: Practice with aviation phrases the terminal — the airplane — the gate the cockpit — the jetway the baggage cart the baggage ciaim area __ the reservations desk 9. __ the fight status sereen 10. __ the engine Exercise #3: Complete the following quiz using the correct preposition for ‘each sentence. Place Prepositions Quiz Determine which of the folowing prepositions goes with each sentence: 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8 4. lam ___work. 2.Weare sitting ___ the park. Its a nice day. 3. My caris parked ___the parking lot. 4, Ourhouse is ___ the end of the street. 5. My office is ___ the 6th floor. 6. The books are ___ the bag. 7. The planes are ___ the apron. 8. There are a lot of pilots _ the airport. 9. I called their house, but nobody is _ home. 10. There is a beautiful painting of a plane ___ the wall 11. The cup fell ___ the floor. | have to pick it up. 12. Come sit ____ the table. Its time to have breakfast before we fy. 13. There is a lot of food ___the refrigerator 14. The sweetener is ___ the top shelf in the galley. 15. The laptop is __ the table. 16. The Learjet is ___ the hangar. 17. Is the registration ___ the tall? 18. Are your children ___ the 2nd grade? 19. Do your children stay ___ their grandmother's house when you fly? 20. Is someone going to answer ___ the door?

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