Cost - Of.equipments (Furnace C Factor)
Cost - Of.equipments (Furnace C Factor)
Cost - Of.equipments (Furnace C Factor)
The choice of appropriate equipment often is influenced by construction and performance characteristics other than the basic
considerations of price. A lower efficiency or a shorter life may be ones also are provided. Although graphs are easily read and can
compensated for by a lower price. Funds may be low at the time of bring out clearly desirable comparisons between related types of
purchase and expected to be more abundant later, or the economic equipment, algebraic representation has been adopted here.
life of the process is expected to be limited. Alternate kinds of Equations are .capable of consistent reading, particularly in
equipment for the same service may need to be considered: comparison with interpolation on logarithmic scales, and are
water-cooled exchangers vs. air coolers, concrete cooling towers vs. amenable to incorporation in computer programs.
redwood, filters vs. centrifuges, pneumatic conveyors vs. screw or Unless otherwise indicated, the unit price is $lOOO, $K. Except
bucket elevators, and so on. where indicated, notably for fired heaters, refrigeration systems,
In this chapter, the prices of classes of the most frequently used and cooling towers (which are installed prices), the prices are
equipment are collected in the form of correlating equations. The purchase prices, FOB, with delivery charges extra. In the United
prices are given in terms of appropriate key characteristics of the States delivery charges are of the order of 5% of the purchase price,
equipment, such as sqft, gpm, lb/hr, etc. Factors for materials of but, of course, dependent on the unit value, as cost per lb or per
cuft. Multipliers have been developed whereby the installed cost of other standard materials are given for many of the items covered
various kinds of equipment may be found. Such multipliers range here. Usually only the parts in contact with process substances need
from 1.2 to 3.0, but details are shown in Table 20.3. be of special construction, so that, in general, the multipliers are
Data are taken from a number of published sources and are not always as great as they are for vessels that are made entirely of
updated to the beginning of 1985 with the cost indexes of Chemical special materials. Thus, when the tube side of an exchanger is
Engineering Magazine, a selection of which is in Table 20.2. The special and the shell is carbon steel, the multiplier will vary with the
main sources and the dates of their prices are Hall et al. (1981), amount of tube surface, as shown in that section.
Institut Francais du Petrole (1975), and Evans et al. (1979). As with most collections of data, the price data correlated here
References also are made to price data of some equipment not exhibit a certain amount of scatter. This is due in part to the
covered here. Many data as of mid-1982 have been collected by incomplete characterizations in terms of which the correlations are
Ulrich (1984). Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook (1984) has made, but also to variations among manufacturers, qualities of
many data scattered throughout; the page numbers having such data construction, design differences, market situations, and other
are listed in the reference (Green, 1984). factors. Accordingly, the accuracy of the correlations cannot be
Material of construction is a major factor in the price of claimed to be better than f 2 5 % or so.
equipment so that multipliers for prices relative to carbon steel or
Pressure discharge, C = 0.31(HP)0'81 K$, 20 < HP < 5000 Internal draft tube: C = 178fW0.58, 15< W < 100 klb/hr of crystals
vacuum discharge, C = 0.69(HP)0.61 K$, 200 < HP< 8000 Batch vacuum: C =8.16fV0.47,. 50< V< 1000 cuft of vessel
8. Dryers (IFP)
Long-Tube Evaporators
+ +
Rotary combustion gas heated: C = (1 f h)exp[4.9504 - 0.5827(1n
A) 0.0925(1n A)'], 200 < A < 30,000 sqft lateral surface
Construction Material: Shell/Tube r,
Rotary hot air heated: C = 2.38(1 + C+ I~A'.'~, 200<A<4000sqft
lateral surface Steel/copper 1.o
Rotary steam tube: C = 1.83FAy, 500 < 4 < 18,000 sqft tube sur- Steel/steel 0.6
face, f = 1 for carbon steel, F = 1.75 for 304 stainless Steel/aluminum 0.7
Nickel/nickel 3.3
Cabinet dryer: C = 1.15f,A0.77, lO<A<50sqft tray surface
TABLE 20.2-(continued)
Vertical mixed flow (IFP): C = 0.036(gpm)0.82K$, 500 < gpm < 130,000
Vertical axial flow (IFP): C = 0.020(gpm)0’78K$, 1000 < gpm < 130,000 Vertical vessels: C = fMCb + C,
Gear pumps (IFP): C = exp[-0.0881 0.1986(ln 0)
C, = expI9.100 - 0.2889(1n W ) + 0.04576(1n W)’],
+ 0.0291(ln Of] K$, 10 < 0 < 900 gpm
5000 < W < 226,000 Ib
Reciprocating (Pikulik and Diaz, 19791, without motor, = 246D0.7396 0 7068
a L’ , 6<D<10,
Cast iron: C=40.00°’8’ K$, 15< 0 < 4 0 0 g p m 12 < L < 20 R tangent-to-tangent
Others: C = 410FQ0.52K$, 1 < 0 <400 gpm
Material Cost Factor FM
316 stainless F = 1.00 Stainless steel, 304 1.7
AI bronze 1.40 Stainless steel, 316 2.1
Nickel 1.86 CarDenter 2OCB-3 3.2
Monel 2.20 Nickel-200 5.4
Monel-400 3.6
Inconel-600 3.9
15. Refrigeration (IFP): C = 146F0°.65 K$, 0.5 < 0 < 400 M Btu/hr, in- lncoloy-825 3.7
stalled prices Titanium 7.7
Year 1970 1975 1980 1985