Lecture15-16 HydrographsUpdated

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Runoff Mechanisms

Unit Hydrograph, Flood Routing

Urban Hydrology
CIVE 6361
interflow involving
preferential flow through
Day-To-Day Hydrology vs Extreme Weather
Hydrology vs Natural Hazards Hydrology
• RF to runoff
• Day-To-Day: runoff amount, intensity and duration, infiltration, baseflow,
antecedent moisture conditions, capacity of primary (pipes) and secondary
(street) drainage networks, carrying capacity of receiving streams
• What is the typical storm in Houston?
• Extreme: Flood insurance definition, flow-duration curves, intensity and
• Natural Hazard: hurricanes (wind, storm surge) often accompanied by
extreme rainfall (before, during or after)
• Elevates water level in receiving streams due to storm surge thereby reducing capacities

High flows
Hydrology 10000

Flow data Low flows

statistically in

terms of their
frequency of Median flow
occurence 100


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

As watersheds urbanize, peak flows increase – how do we
define natural flows and extreme events with this data?

White Oak at Houston (1936-2002)

35000 01
30000 92
Peak Flow (cfs)


0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67

As watersheds urbanize, stormwater quality worsens
Permitted (pipe flows), versus non-point, unpermitted, and illegal flows
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES)
• The EPA NPDES storm water program
regulates stormwater discharges associated
with industrial and construction activities and
municipal storm sewer systems
• The Joint Task Force was created by Harris
County, the City of Houston, HCFCD, and
TxDOT to work together to address stormwater
issues in the Houston Metro Area
• Best Management Practices (BMPs) are the
focus of the effort to reduce contamination in
lakes and rivers from stormwater
Primary Non-Point Sources of
Bacteria to Bayous
High Density Land Uses WW Treatment Plants

am Storm Sewer
Stream Overflows

Construction Residential
& Pets
Some Models Capable of Continuous Runoff
Calculations including Storm Events (e.g., HSPF)

No dynamically coupled models capable of simulating all

relevant hydrologic, hydraulic and hydrodynamic processes
Runoff Modeling
• Basic/simple: Qp=CiA
– Limited to intensities and durations on the order of time of travel within the area. Does
not provide detailed hydrograph or volumes involved
• Convolution or time-area methods: accumulating runoff based on hourly ppt and
time of travel within different parts of the watershed
– Limited to accumulation, does not account for losses and time of travel within channels
• Other empirical graph based models (intensity-duration-frequency curve for
example, Figure 1-15 in hydrology book)
• Area-dependent peak flow estimations for designing primary drainage (pipes) –
smaller design storm events
• Area-dependent peak flow estimations for designing secondary drainage (street
drainage or lot drainage) for smaller watersheds
Intensity – Duration – Frequency Curve

Figure 1-15
Time-Area Convolution Principle - Watershed

Figure 2-6(a)
Time-Area Convolution – Flow Schematic

Figure E2-2a
Time-Area Convolution – Accumulating runoff from the watershed as a function of time

Figure E2-2c
• Watershed travel times

• Time Area Graph

• Rainfall Intensities

• Add and Lag Method

• Resulting Hydrograph
Time Area Hydrograph
Peak Flow at Q2

• Q1 = P1 * A1
• Q2 = P2*A1 + P1*A2
• Q3 =P3*A1 + P2*A2
+ P1*A3
• And So Forth

At time step 2, P2 over A1 and P1 over A2

arrive at the same time -
Similar for time step 3 with 3 contributors
Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 2.2
Unit Hydrograph
ž Defined as 1-in of precipitation spread uniformly over a
watershed in a given duration
— 0.5 hr UH
— 1 hr UH
— 3 hr UH
ž Used to easily represent the effect of rainfall on a
particular basin
— Hypothetical unit response of watershed to a unit of rainfall
UH Example
ž 2-Hr UH
— Note that 0.5 in/hr fall for the 2 hours
UH Applications

Development of
design storm

Development of
UH developed from a single storm
ž Total storm hydrograph

ž Hydrograph minus
baseflow, rainfall minus

ž Hydrograph adjusted
to be a 2-hr UH
Concerns with UH
ž Assumptions of linearity are inherent in
UH development
ž Linearity can be violated if…
— intensity variations are large over long-
duration storms
— Storage effects in watershed are important
ž Typically should not exceed areas of 3 – 5
mi2 in urban areas, 10 sq mi natural A
— Divide the watershed into subareas if needed
Unit Hydrograph Convolution
ž Deriving hydrographs from multiperiod rainfall excess


— Where
○ Qn = storm hydrograph ordinate
○ Pi = rainfall excess
○ Uj = UH ordinate
— where j = n - i + 1
Unit Hydrograph Convolution
ž Can view this
— Note that the final
hydrograph goes
to time-step 10
○ UH goes from 0-7
○ 4 Rainfall periods
of 1 time step
UH Convolution Example
ž Pn= [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.5] in

ž Un= [0, 100, 320, 450, 370, 250, 160, 90, 40, 0] cfs

Storm Hydrograph - Qn

Outflow (cfs)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Time (hr)
UH Convolution Example
ž Pn= [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.5 ] in
Time (hr) P 1U n P 2U n P 3U n P 4U n P 5U n Qn
Storm Hydrograph - Qn
0 0 0 1200

Outflow (cfs)
1 50 0 50 1000
2 160 100 0 260 600
3 225 320 150 0 695 400
4 185 450 480 0 0 1115
5 125 370 675 0 50 1220 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Time (hr)
6 80 250 555 0 160 1045
7 45 160 375 0 225 805
8 20 90 240 0 185 535
9 0 40 135 0 125 300
10 0 60 0 80 140
11 0 0 45 45
12 0 20 20
13 0 0
Unit Hydrograph Convolution
ž Can reverse procedure
— Multiperiod rainfall excess hydrograph à UH

ž Uses matrix methods

— [Q] = [P][U] à
[PTP][U] = [PT][Q] à
[U] = [PTP]-1[PT][Q]
UH Hydrograph Example 2-1
ž Convert a DRO (direct runoff hydrograph) to a 2-hr UH
Time (hr) Q (cfs) 2-hr UH
ž Net rainfall is 1.0 inch/hr for 2 hrs
0 0 0
which is 1 inch too much since UH is 1 inch 1 0 0
2 200 100
in 2 hrs 3 600 300
Therefore, need to divide all ordinates by 2 4
700 350
6 500 25
7 300 150
8 300 150
Peak Flow 9 100 50
Tp = 2hrs 10 0 0
Base is 9 hrs 11 0 0
Storm hydrograph from UH – Ex 2-2
ž Given Pn =
[0.5,1,1.5,0,.5) Time UH P1=0.5 P2=1.0 P3=1.5 P4=0 P5=.5 Hydrograph

ž Un = 0 0 0 0
[0,100,320,450,370,25 1
100 0
0,160,90,40,0] 3 450 225 320 150 0 695
4 370 185 450 480 0 0 1115
ž Calculate storm 5 250 125 370 675 0 50 1220
6 160 80 250 555 0 160 1045
hydrograph 7 90 45 160 375 0 225 805
8 40 20 90 240 0 185 535
9 0 0 40 135 0 125 300
10 0 60 0 80 140
11 0 0 45 45
12 0 20 20
13 0 0
Convert a 1-hr UH to a 3-hr UH

Time (hr) UH (cfs) Hr 1 Hr 2 Hr 3 Sum 3-HR UH

What happens when duration 0 0 0 0 0

is not an integer? 1 25 25 0 25 8.3
2 50 50 25 0 75 25.0
We can do fractions but the S- 3 100 100 50 25 175 58.3
method is easier 4 80 80 100 50 230 76.7
5 60 60 80 100 240 80.0
6 40 40 60 80 180 60.0
7 20 20 40 60 120 40.0
8 0 0 20 40 60 20.0
0 20 20 6.7
0 0 0
S-Curve Method
ž Allows for the construction of UH of any

ž Creating the S-Curve

— Add and lag series of UH of duration, D, by
time period D’
○ Gives runoff hydrograph from continuous
rainfall excess intensity of 1/D
○ Equilibrium hydrograph or an S-Curve
S-Curve Method
ž S-Curve to UH
— Shift the curve by D’ hr
— Subtract ordinates between the two curves
○ Receive curve (b)
— Multiply all ordinate
by D/D’
— Receive UH of
duration D’
S curve
for a
30 minute
To get a 15-minute UH
• Lag the 30-minute S curve
by 15 minutes
• Subtract the 2 S-curves
• Adjust the volume to get 1
Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 2.3
Synthetic Unit Hydrographs – 60s
ž UHs developed for ungaged basins
— Based on data for similarly gauged basins
ž Revolutionized ability to predict hydro
— Produce storm hydrographs from rainfall data
ž Can be updated to reflect changes in
watershed geography/land cover
ž Variety of approaches but most based on
tp (lag time) and Qp (peak flow)
Synthetic Methods
ž Snyder’s Method (1938) - **

ž Clark Method (1945) – TC & R**

ž Nash IUH (1958)

ž SCS (1957, 1964) – Soil Conserv Serv.
ž Kinematic Wave (1970s) - **
Snyder’s Method (1938)
ž First to develop a synthetic UH
— Studied watersheds in Appalachian Highlands
ž Simple and popular method

ž tp = Ct*(L*Lc)0.3 ž Qp = 640*Cp A/tp

Tp = lag time (hr) Qp = peak flow (cfs)
Ct = coeff. (1.8-2.2) Cp = coefficient (0.4-0.8)
L = length of main A = area (sq mi)
stream (mi)
Lc = length to centroid
(mi) ž Tb = 3 + tp/8
Tb = time base of
hydrograph (days)
Snyder’s Method (1938)
ž Example
— Skecth the approximate shape of hydrograph for an area of
100 mi2
— Given: Ct = 1.8 L = 18 mi
Cp = 0.6 Lc = 10 mi

tp = Ct*(L*Lc)0.3
= 8.6 hr

Qp = 640*Cp A/tp
= 4465 cfs
Tb ~ 4tp
= 34.4 hr

Duration = tp/5.5 hr
= 1.6 hr
SCS Method - Triangle
ž Early method assumed a simple triangle
hydrograph with certain parameters

D – rain duration (hr)

TR – time of rise (hr)
B – time of fall (hr)
QP – peak flow (cfs)
tP – lag time from
centroid of rainfall
to QP
SCS Method - Triangle
ž Volume of direct runoff from hydrograph

— Where
SCS Method - Triangle Lag Time
ž Lag time (tP) is most often estimated
using formula below – 3000 watersheds
— Make sure units match

— L = length to divide (ft)

— y = average watershed slope (%)
— S = 1000/CN – 10”
○ CN = curve number from soil/land use table
Clark UH Method (1945)
ž Based on the use of a watershed
ž Handout from CHAP 5
ž Modeled as a linear channel in series
with a linear reservoir
— Accounts for translation and attenuation

ž Creates instantaneous UH (IUH) from

the outflow (Oi) from the linear reservoir
— Inflow (Ii) to the linear reservoir is the outflow
from the linear channel
UH Applications
ž For complex watersheds:

1. Design storm hydrographs (10-yr, 25-

2. Historical rainfall events
3. Evaluate effects of land use changes,
channelization, storage additions, and
other variables
4. Simulate storm hydrographs (Ch. 4)
5. Analysis of flood control options (Ch. 4)
UH Applications
1. Design storm hydrographs (10-yr, 25-yr,100-yr)
Typical Design Rainfall Dist’n
1. Design storm hydrographs (10-yr, 25-yr,100-yr)

10 yr – 7.35 in
25 yr – 9.51 in
100 yr – 13.89
UH Applications
Design storm inches by duration (10-yr, 25-yr,100-yr)
Developed by the NWS for all urban areas

Duration 10 - yr 25 - yr 100 – yr

15 min 0.69 0.83 1.08

1 hr 2.76 3.33 4.32
3 hr 4.25 5.3 7.33
6 hr 5.27 6.76 9.82
12 hr 6.37 8.31 12.31
24 hr 7.35 9.51 13.89
UH Land Use Effects
1. Effects of land use changes, storage additions, and
other variables – normally increase peak flows
UH Conversion to Storm Hydr
1. Create storm hydrograph from UH for each
subbasin as function of rainfall
2. Combine hydrographs at each confluence

3. Flood route combined hydrographs downstream

4. Add in additional runoff from subbasins

5. Finally add together to get final storm hydrograph

Hydrograph Watershed Analysis

Hydrograph Combining/Routing

Subarea G + Subarea F = Combine PT1

Hydrograph Combining/Routing
Subarea G + Subarea F = Combine PT1

Subarea E + Route to 3 + Subarea C = Combine PT3


Hydrograph Combining/Routing
Subarea G + Subarea F = Combine PT1

Subarea E + Route to 3 + Subarea C = Combine PT3

Combine PT1 + Route to 2 + Subarea D = Combine PT2

Hydrograph Combining/Routing
Subarea G + Subarea F = Combine PT1

Subarea E + Route to 3 + Subarea C = Combine PT3

Combine PT1 + Route to 2 + Subarea D = Combine PT2

Combine PT2 + Route to 3 + Subarea B = Combine PT3

Hydrograph Combining/Routing
Combine PT3 + Route to 4 + Subarea A = RESULTING HYDROG

3 Q

Channel Routing
• Simulate the movement of water through a channel
Continuity equation
• Used to predict the magnitudes, volumes, and temporal
Hydrologic Routing patterns of the flow (often a flood wave) as it translates
down a channel.
Hydraulic Routing
• 2 types of routing : hydrologic and hydraulic.
Momentum Equation
• both of these methods use some form of the continuity

Flood Routing – Reservoir & River
Tends to shift hydrograph in time and reduce the flow



Reservoir Routing River Routing

Continuity Equation
The change in storage (dS) equals the
Continuity equation difference between inflow (I) and outflow (O)
or :
Hydrologic Routing
Hydraulic Routing =I -O
Momentum Equation dt
For open channel flow, the continuity
equation is also often written as :

¶A ¶Q A = the cross-sectional area, Q = channel

+ =q flow, and
¶t ¶x q = lateral inflow
Hydrologic Routing
Continuity equation
• Methods combine the continuity equation with some
Hydrologic Routing
relationship between storage, outflow, and possibly
Hydraulic Routing
Momentum Equation
• These relationships are usually assumed, empirical,
or analytical in nature.
• An of example of such a relationship might be a
stage-discharge relationship.

Use of Manning Equation
Continuity equation Stage is also related to the
Hydrologic Routing
outflow via a relationship such as
Hydraulic Routing
Manning's equation
Momentum Equation

Q= ARh S f
2 1
3 2

Hydraulic Routing
Continuity equation • Hydraulic routing methods combine the continuity
equation with some more physical relationship
Hydrologic Routing describing the actual physics of the movement of
Hydraulic Routing the water.
• The momentum equation is the common
Momentum Equation relationship employed.
• In hydraulic routing analysis, it is intended that the
dynamics of the water or flood wave movement be
more accurately described

Routing Methods

• Modified Puls
Modified Puls
Kinematic Wave • Kinematic Wave
• Muskingum

Modified Puls
• The modified puls routing method is probably most often
Modified Puls applied to reservoir routing
Kinematic Wave • The method may also be applied to river routing for
Muskingum certain channel situations.
• The modified puls method is also referred to as the
storage-indication method.
• The heart of the modified puls equation is found by
considering the finite difference form of the continuity

Modified Puls
Modified Puls I 1 + I 2 - ( O1 + O 2 = S 2 - S 1 Continuity Equation
Kinematic Wave
Muskingum 2 2 Dt
Dynamic æ 2 S1 ö 2 S2
Modeling Notes I1 I2 ç
+ + - O1 ÷ = + O2 Rewritten
è Dt ø Dt

The solution to the modified puls method is accomplished by developing a

graph (or table) of O -vs- [2S/Δt + O]. In order to do this, a stage-discharge-
storage relationship must be known, assumed, or derived.


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