Exam 3 Key 2
Exam 3 Key 2
Exam 3 Key 2
phosphate in the ER membrane followed by switching the saccharide to the luminal side
catalyzed by __flippase_____________
3) ___COPI coat, retrograde transport_ mediates transport of proteins from the Golgi to the ER
5) __taxol_____________ is a drug (where FSU played a role) that blocks cell division by
7) Basal bodies are modified __ centrioles __________________ that template the formation of
8) Striated muscle myofibrils are end-to-end associations of the fundamental contractile units of
9) In which of the following organelles would you expect to first find a protein destined to be
secreted from a cell?
A) Endosome
B) Golgi apparatus
C) Lysosome
D) Secretory vesicle
E) Endoplasmic reticulum
10) Comparing cells synthesizing secretory proteins and cells secreting steroid hormones, the
cells synthesizing the steroid hormones are likely to be enriched in
A) rough ER.
B) smooth ER.
C) equal amounts of smooth and rough ER.
D) lysosomes.
E) none of these.
11) When a membrane protein is radioactively labeled during synthesis and followed through
the various organelles in the secretory pathway, all the radioactivity is concentrated in the cis-
Golgi apparatus six hours after the protein synthesis. This suggests that the protein
A) was imported directly into the cis-Golgi posttranslationally.
B) contains a KDEL sequence near its C-terminus.
C) has a membrane-spanning domain length equals the thickness of the cis-Golgi membrane.
D) has a mannose-6-phosphate tag.
E) is misfolded and being degraded in the cis-Golgi.
12) Each of the following is part of the core oligosaccharide side chain in the ER except
A) N-acetyl glucosamine.
B) erythrose.
C) mannose.
D) glucose.
E) All are part of the core oligosaccharide.
13) In addition to endocytosis, on which of the following intracellular locations does clathrin
organize a coat and form vesicles?
A) Lysosomes
B) Trans-Golgi network
C) Endoplasmic network
D) Inner membrane of mitochondria
E) Regulated secretory vesicles
14) Using genetic engineering techniques, which of the following would you do to a protein that
normally is constitutively secreted to make it accumulate in the ER?
A) Fuse it to GFP.
B) Add an amino acid that would get a mannose-6-phosphate group added to its carbohydrate.
C) Add a KDEL sequence near its C-terminus.
D) Mutate one of the asparagines that is normally glycosylated to an alanine, which is not
E) None of these would cause the protein to accumulate in the ER.
16) How do proteins become embedded in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum?
A) By protein chaperones that insert cytosolic proteins into the ER membrane
B) By splicing of proteins on either side of the ER membrane
C) Via stop- and start-transfer sequences that stop and start translocation of a polypeptide
through the ER membrane, resulting in transmembrane proteins
D) By direct insertion into the ER membrane
E) Via transit sequences that target porins for membrane insertion
17) Tubulin may assemble onto one end while disassembling from the other end of the same
microtubule simultaneously in a process known as
A) dynamic instability.
B) treadmilling.
C) nucleation.
D) oligomerization.
E) catastrophe-rescue.
18) CapZ
A) causes microfilaments to lengthen by assembly at their plus ends.
B) depolymerizes microfilaments at their plus ends.
C) prevents assembly and disassembly at microfilament plus ends.
D) forms microfilament branches.
E) connects microfilaments to microtubules.
21) The axonemal "9 + 2" pattern of microtubules is nine ________ surrounding a(n) ________.
A) outer doublets; central pair
B) basal bodies; inner two
C) central tubules; double pair
D) B tubule structures; middle two
E) triplet microtubules; basal bodies
22) Which of the following lists of structures is in the correct order from inside to outside of the
cell in a cilium?
A) Axoneme, transition zone, basal body
B) Transition zone, basal body, axoneme
C) Axoneme, basal body, transition zone
D) Basal body, transition zone, axoneme
E) Basal body, axoneme, transition zone
23) Which of the following major protein components of skeletal muscle is incorrectly matched
with its function?
A) Titin–links thick filaments to Z line
B) Nebulin–links thin filaments to Z line
C) Myomesin–links myosin filaments at M line
D) Troponin–binds along the length of the thin filaments and blocks myosin binding sites
E) Actin–major component of thin filaments
24) Which of the following sequences is in the correct order for the cyclic process by which a
myosin head generates force on an actin filament for muscle contraction?
A) Power stroke, cross-bridge formation, cross-bridge dissociation, cocking of myosin head
B) Cross-bridge formation, power stroke, cross-bridge dissociation, cocking of myosin head
C) Cross-bridge formation, cocking of myosin head, power stroke, cross-bridge dissociation
D) Cross-bridge formation, cross-bridge dissociation, cocking of myosin head, power stroke
E) Cross-bridge formation, power stroke, cross-bridge dissociation, power stroke, cocking of
myosin head
Short Answer
27) Suppose you had the technology to watch a protein traverse the Golgi in real time. What
would you expect to observe if the Golgi used the stationary cisternae model vs the cisternal
maturation model? (4 points)
In the cisternal maturation model, the protein would remain in a single cisterna but would
traverse the whole stack
In the stationary cisternae model, the protein would be continually jumping from one cisterna to
the next through vesicles.
28) For the protein coat complexes that mediate a) ER/Golgi transport, b) Golgi/ER transport, c)
endocytosis. List the name of the complex and one of the proteins that comprise the coat. (6
a) ER/Golgi – COPII coat, Sec13/31, Sec23/24, Sar1
b) Golgi/ER – COPI coat, Arf1, coatamer, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon