Testing, Assesing and Teaching Mind Map

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Assessment is an ongoing process of Teaching sets up the practice
evaluating student performance and
A test, is a method of
games of languague learning:
ability, while tests are specific measuring a person's ability,
the opportunities for learners to
administrative procedures done at knowledge or performance in a
listen, think, take risks , set goals
certain times to measure performance. given domain.
and process feedback from the
Formative and
Informal and Formal Main ideas
Summative assessment SECONDARY
There is informal Formative assessment It is an intrument - a items that requires IDEA
assessment aims to provide performance on the part of the test-taker.
(impromptu feedback, feedback to students To quality as a test, the method must be For optimal learning
to help continue their explicit and structured: múltiple-choice to take place students
comments on work,
growth and learning.
etc.) and formal in the classroom must
Summative Some test measure general ability, while
assessment have the freedom to
assessment measures others focus on very specific
(systematic, planned experiment, to try out
what has been competencies Or objectives.
evaluations). Tests are learned up to a their own hypotheses
a type of formal certain point, often at about languague.
A test measures an individual's ability
assessment. the end of a course. knowledge , or performance.

Norm-Referenced and
Criterion-Referenced test
Norm-referenced tests compare students to Norm-refenreced or student assessments, the norm
Tennis players, before a tournament, have the freedom to
a broader population distribution and rank group is often a nationally representative sample of practice their skills with no implications for their final
them, while criterion-referenced tests several thousand students in the same grade, while placement on that day of days, so also must learners have
measure specific course objectives and criterion-referenced It's done to a small group ample opportunities to play without language in a
give personalized feedback. (classroom, i.e). language in a classroom without being formally graded.

BY: Margelis Quevedo and Walter Marquez

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