English World 7 Teacher S Book PDF PDF Reading Comprehension English Language
English World 7 Teacher S Book PDF PDF Reading Comprehension English Language
English World 7 Teacher S Book PDF PDF Reading Comprehension English Language
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Macmillan Education
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ISBN 978-0-230-03256-9
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The publishers would like to thank the Macmillan teams around the world
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Buzbaz, Nisreen Attiya, Mohammend Abu Wafa, Fatima Saleh, Mona Ghazi,
Anna Solovyeva Yekaterinburg, Tatyana Olshevskaya Yekaterinburg, Irina
Shikyants, Irina Burdun, Elena Mitronova, Inna Daugavet, Olga Pavlenko,
Svetlana Potanina, Irina Ostrovskaya, Zhanna Suvorova, Sergey Kozlov,
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Scope and sequence 4
Introduction 6
Methodology 7
SB pages 8
U nit I 26
U nit 2 38
U n it 3 51
Un it 4 63
U nit 5 76
U nit 6 88
U n it 7 100
Unit 8 II I
U n it 9 123
U n it 10 134
Un it II 146
U n it 12 158
5 Victoria, Queen of the true/false questions; suffixes: comparative adjectives: as ... as, not as ...
Great lives United Kingdom definitions; thinking -ment / -ness as, -er than
Page 47 a biography skills; scanning; personal spelling: words Victoria was not as free as other children.
response with gu
6 Mr Duffy's workshop literal questions; noun words ending -ate; articles: a, an, the, zero article
What a a description of a phrases; thinking skills; word classes; Flowers filled the courtyard. An old peach
character! character words in context; personal spelling: words tree was in the corner. Near the tree was
Page 57 response with silent c a door.
7 Ben and Bella's Brilliantly literal questions; past participle zero conditional
This is what Healthy Beefburgers discussion of writing adjectives; prefix If you heat water to 100° Celsius, it boils.
to do a recipe with instructions style; matching/ordering pre-; spelling:
Page 67 sentences; personal words ending -ture
8 Wildlife World true/false questions; style negative prefixes: first conditional with If / unless
A point of view a blog discussion; definitions; in- / im-~, You will see different animals i f you visit
Page 77 scanning; thinking skills; homophones; the zoo.
personal response spelling: words Unless people are given information, they
with ci / ti will go on visiting zoos.
9 How we see literal questions; multiple suffixes: -ible / the passive: present, past, present perfect,
How the body an explanatory text choice; thinking skills; -able; gerunds; future
works vocabulary; personal spelling: words The eye is protected by the eyelid.
Page 87 response ending -sion The eye was / will be / has been damaged.
10 A helping hand true/false questions; extra information present perfect simple and continuous
Later that a narrative story thinking skills; vocabulary; in clauses; suffixfor /sinc e
day... synonyms and antonyms; -ous; spelling: She has been interested in photography for
Page 97 personal response words ending a long time.
-er / -re She has been taking photos since her
seventh birthday.
11 A match with a difference multiple choice; thinking compound nouns; reported speech
Sports reports a newspaper sports skills; definitions; hyphenated words; Someone shouted that the balloon was
Page 107 report matching paragraphs to spelling: words landing on the pitch.
summaries; personal with -tch
12 Danger on the railway literal questions; thinking adverbial phrases; second conditional
On stage a playscript based on a skills; synonyms; Who suffix -ive; spelling: If a train came along the line now, it would
Page 117 classic text said it?; personal words with crash.
response modified a after w
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