6M7 - Gr12 JML

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SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................. 12-2


1. Lubrication System ........................................................................... 12-3
2. Oil Pump ............................................................................................. 12-4
3. Oil Cooler ........................................................................................... 12-5
4. Full-flow Oil Filter ........................................................................ 12-6
5. Bypass Oil Filter ........................................................................... 12-7
6. Engine Oil Pressure Switch .............................................................. 12-7
7. Regulator Valve .................................................................................. 12-7
8. Lubrication of Engine Components ................................................. 12-8

TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................... 12-11


1. Oil Filter Replacement ..................................................................... 12-12
2. Engine Oil Replacement ................................................................. 12-14
3. Oil Pressure Measurement ............................................................. 12-15

OIL PAN, OIL JETS ......................................................................... 12-16

OIL PUMP, OIL STRAINER ............................................................. 12-18

OIL FILTER ...................................................................................... 12-22

OIL COOLER ................................................................................... 12-24

REGULATOR VALVE ....................................................................... 12-26

Item Specifications
Method of lubrication Oil pump type
Oil filter Filter paper element center bolt type
Oil cooler Shell and plate type (multiple-plate type)
API classification CD, CD/SF, CE, CE/SF, CF-4 or JASO
classification DH-1, DH-2
Engine oil
Oil pan Approx. 31.5 {31.5}
Quantity dm3 {L}
Oil filter 4 to 4.5 {4 to 4.5}

1. Lurication System

1 Rocker shaft 14 Powertard solenoid valve 27 Bypass oil filter

2 Camshaft journal (No.2 to 7) 15 Main oil gallery 28 Oil cooler bypass valve
3 Camshaft journal (No.1) 16 Regulator valve 29 Oil cooler
4 Rocker case (No.1) 17 Check valve for oil jet 30 Full-flow oil filter
5 Slave piston (No.1 to 5) 18 Piston 31 Engine oil bypass
6 Camshaft cap (No.2 to 6) 19 Air compressor alarm switch
7 Rocker case (No.2 to 6) 20 Turbocharger 32 Relief valve
8 Cylinder head sub oil gallery 21 Main bearing 33 Oil pump
9 Master piston (No.1 to 5) 22 Connecting rod bearing 34 Oil strainer
10 Slave piston (No.6) 23 Connecting rod bushing 35 Supply pump
11 Camshaft cap (No.7) 24 Idler gear A, B 36 Idler gear C
12 Rocker case (No.7) 25 Oil spray plug 37 Idler gear D
13 Master piston (No.6) 26 Oil spray plug 38 Flywheel PTO
39 Oil pan

2. Oil Pump
• This engine uses a gear-type oil pump
driven by the rotation of the crankshaft
transmitted through the engagement
of the crankshaft gear and the oil
pump gear.
The oil pump has a relief valve, which
prevents excessive pressure from
building up inside the lubricating sys-
tem by allowing part of the engine oil
to escape to the oil pan when the oil
pressure exceeds a specified level.

3. Oil Cooler

3.1 Bypass valve

• When the engine oil is cool and its vis-
cosity is high, or when the oil cooler el-
ement becomes clogged and restricts
the flow of the engine oil, the bypass
valve opens to let the engine oil by-
pass the oil cooler and flow directly to
the main oil gallery.

4. Full-flow Oil Filter
• The filter elements use elements
made of filter paper.

4.1 Engine oil bypass alarm switch

• If the full-flow oil filter elements clog
up, this will restrict the flow of engine
oil, causing various parts of the engine
to seize. To prevent this, the engine oil
bypass alarm switch is installed.
• If the full-flow oil filter clogs up, the en-
gine oil bypass alarm switch trips in
such a way as to direct the engine oil
straight on to the oil cooler, bypassing
the filter elements. When the engine
oil bypass alarm switch trips, the rele-
vant warning lamp illuminates to alert
the operator to the clogged full-flow oil
filter elements.

5. Bypass Oil Filter
• The oil filter elements use elements
made of filter paper.

6. Engine Oil Pressure Switch

• If the oil pressure of the engine oil fed
to the main oil gallery drops below the
specified value, the engine oil pres-
sure switch trips and illuminates the
relevant warning lamp to alert the op-
erator to the abnormal oil pressure.

7. Regulator Valve
• If the oil pressure in the main oil gal-
lery exceeds the specified value, the
regulator valve opens and returns a
portion of the engine oil to the oil pan
to adjust the oil pressure.

8. Lubrication of Engine Components
• The engine oil in the main oil gallery lubricates the engine components in the following ways.

8.1 Main bearing and connecting rod bearing

• Engine oil supplied through an oil passage in the crankshaft lubricates the big end (connecting rod bearing) of
each connecting rod. Simultaneously, engine oil supplied through an oil passage in the connecting rod lubricates
the connecting rod’s small end (connecting rod bushing). Beside, engine oil is sprayed out of the oil jet in the head
of the connecting rod into the piston to cool the piston.

8.2 Timing gears

• Engine oil in the main oil gallery is directed through the oil passages in the crankcase and cylinder head and is
used to lubricate the various gear shafts. After lubricating the gear shafts, the oil is used to lubricate the gears be-
fore returning the oil pan. Engine oil also lubricates the gears by the oil spray plugs. The oil spray plug has an ar-
row showing the installed direction on its head.

8.3 Valve mechanism

• Engine oil in the main oil gallery is directed through the oil passages in the cylinder head, rocker case and cam-
shaft cap, and lubricates the No. 1 journal of the camshaft before being fed to the rocker shaft. The oil flowing
through the oil passages in the rocker shaft lubricates No. 2 to No. 7 journals of the camshaft and also lubricates
the rockers. The oil flowing to the adjusting screws on the rockers lubricates the valve bridges. After lubricating
the various parts, the oil returns to the oil pan.

8.4 Check valves and oil jets

• An oil jet is fitted in the lower part of
the main oil gallery for each cylinder.
• Engine oil is sprayed out of the oil jet
into the piston to cool the piston.
• Each oil jet is fitted with a check valve
that opens and closes at predeter-
mined oil pressure levels. At low en-
gine speeds, the check valve closes to
maintain the required volume of oil in
the lubrication system and prevent re-
ductions in oil pressure.

8.5 Turbocharger
• Engine oil in the main oil gallery is di-
rected through a pipe to the bearing
housing to lubricate the inner compo-
• A piston ring is provided on each end
of the turbine wheel shaft. The rings
function as oil sealing.

8.6 Supply pump

• The engine oil supplied to the supply
pump lubricates the inside of the pump
and supply pump gear.
• After lubricating the inside of the
pump, the oil is directed through the
timing gear train from the rear of the
pump and returns to the oil pan.

8.7 Air compressor

• The engine oil in the main oil gallery
lubricates the inside of the air com-
pressor, is directed through the timing
gear train from the air compressor
gear side, and returns to the oil pan.


Excessive oil consumption (oil leakage)

Engine is difficult to start
Reference Gr

Low oil pressure

Possible causes
Incorrectly mounted element O O O
Defective gasket O O O
Defective O-ring O O O
Oil cooler
Clogged element O O
Damaged element O O O
Weakened bypass valve spring O
Malfunctioning oil pump O O
Interference between oil pump gear and oil pump case
and/or cover
Oil pump
Incorrectly connected oil pipe O O
Clogged oil strainer O O
Weakened relief valve spring O
Incorrect installation O
Oil filter Clogged element O O
Defective O-ring O
Defective front oil seal O
Front cover
Incorrectly mounted front cover O
Defective rear oil seal O
Flywheel housing
Incorrectly mounted flywheel housing O
Weakened regulator valve spring O
Defective piston cooling oil jet(s) O O
Oil working its way up into combustion chamber(s) through piston rings O
Oil working its way down into combustion chamber(s) through valves O
Too high oil viscosity O
Poor oil quality O
Deterioration of oil O
Excess of oil O
Fuel mixed with oil O

1. Oil Filter Replacement
Tightening torque (Unit: N·m {kgf·m})
Mark Parts to be tightened Tightening torque Remarks
– Drain plug (oil filter) 24.5 ± 4.9 {2.5 ± 0.5} –
– Center bolt 63.7 ± 4.9 {6.5 ± 0.5} –

Lubricant and/or sealant

Mark Points of application Specified lubricant and/or sealant Quantity
Engine oil
API classification CD, CD/SF, CE, 4 to 4.5 dm3
– Oil filter
CE/SF, CF-4 or JASO classification {4 to 4.5 L}
DH-1, DH-2

• Wipe up any spilled engine oil, as it can cause fires.
• To avoid any risk of burns, take care not to touch the engine oil when the engine is hot.

• Make sure not to put any engine oil on the belt when working on the oil filter. Belts soiled with oil or
grease may easily slip, resulting in deteriorated performance of the cooling system.
• Do not reuse the oil filter elements by washing.
• Install the gasket, taking care not to twist it.

• Remove the drain plug and drain the oil out of the oil filter.

• Clean other parts than the element, O-ring and gasket to be re-
placed with washing oil.

• Replace the element, O-ring and gasket with new ones, respec-
• Install the oil filter case so that the drain plug is positioned as
shown in the illustration.
• With the oil filter installed, start the engine and ensure that there
is no oil leakage through the gasket.
• If oil is leaking, remove and reinstall the oil filter.
• Stop the engine and check the engine oil level.
• Add engine oil if the engine oil level is low.

2. Engine Oil Replacement
Tightening torque (Unit: N·m {kgf·m})
Mark Parts to be tightened Tightening torque Remarks
– Drain plug (oil filter) 24.5 ± 4.9 {2.5 ± 0.5} –
– Drain plug (oil pan) 68 {7} –

Lubricant and/or sealant

Mark Points of application Specified lubricant and/or sealant Quantity
Engine oil 4 to 4.5 dm3
– Oil filter
API classification CD, CD/SF, CE, {4 to 4.5L}
CE/SF, CF-4 Approx. 31.5 dm3
– Oil pan or JASO classification DH-1, DH-2 {31.5L}

• Wipe up any spilled engine oil, as it can cause fires.
• To avoid any risk of burns, take care not to touch the engine oil when the engine is hot.

• Make sure not to put any engine oil on the belt when working on the oil filter. Belts soiled with oil or
grease may easily slip, resulting in deteriorated performance of the cooling system.

• Remove the filler cap.
• Remove the drain plugs of the oil filter or oil pan to drain out the
engine oil.

• Tighten the drain plug to the specified torque, then pour a speci-
fied amount of new engine oil into the engine.
• Wait at least for 6 minutes after installing the filler cap and check
the engine oil level.
• Start the engine and ensure that there is no oil leakage.
• Stop the engine, wait at least for 30 minutes and check the en-
gine oil level.
• Add engine oil if the engine oil level is low.

• Do not add engine oil too much. An excessive oil level can
only lead to increased oil consumption or make the positive
crankcase ventilation system less efficient.

3. Oil Pressure Measurement
Service standards
Location Maintenance item Standard value Limit Remedy
49 kPa
135 to 295 kPa
No-load minimum speed {0.5 kgf/
Oil pressure (oil tempera- {1.4 to 3 kgf/cm2}
– cm2} Inspect
ture at 70 to 90°C)
295 to 490 kPa 195 kPa
No-load maximum speed
{3 to 5 kgf/cm2} {2 kgf/cm2}

Tightening torque (Unit: N·m {kgf·m})

Mark Parts to be tightened Tightening torque Remarks
– Engine oil pressure switch 24.5 ± 4.9 {2.5 ± 0.5} With cold engine

• Remove the engine oil pressure switch.

• Using an adapter, connect an oil pressure gauge to the engine

oil pressure switch mounting hole.
• Warm up the engine until the oil temperature reaches 70 to
• Measure the oil pressure while running the engine at a minimum
speed and then at maximum speed, both under no load.
• If the measurements are below the specified limits, overhaul the
lubrication system.

• Reinstall the oil pressure switch only when the engine is

Disassembly sequence
1 Drain plug
2 Oil pan
3 Check valve
4 Oil jet

: Locating pin
: Non-reusable parts

• The check valve has been tightened
using thread-locking compound
and so, may deform during remov-
al. Once removed, the check valve
must not be reused. Do not remove
the check valve unless defects are

Assembly sequence
Follow the disassembly sequence in reverse.

• If overtightened, the check valve will not operate properly, leading to engine seizure. Be sure to tighten
the check valve to the specified torque.

Tightening torque (Unit: N·m {kgf·m})

Mark Parts to be tightened Tightening torque Remarks
Drain plug 68 {7} –
Check valve 34 {3.5} –

Lubricant and/or sealant

Mark Points of application Specified lubricant and/or sealant Quantity
Crankcase mounting surface of oil pan ThreeBond 1207C As required

Installation procedure
Installation: Oil pan
• Clean the mating surfaces of each part.
• Apply a bead of sealant to the mating surface of the oil pan
evenly and without any breaks.
Change the amount of application to A and B at four locations
shown in the illustration.
• Mount the oil pan within three minutes of applying the sealant.
Make sure that the sealant stays in place.
• Do not start the engine less than an hour after installation. If
the oil pan mounting bolts were loosened or removed, be
sure to reapply sealant.


Disassembly sequence
1 Oil strainer 8 Relief valve spring
a: Crankshaft gear
Oil pipe
Relief valve
Idler shaft
* Oil pump gear

4 Gasket 11 Idler gear : Locating pin

5 Cover 12 Gear and case : Non-reusable parts
6 Driven gear 13 Gasket
7 Ring

• The oil strainer, the oil pipe and the oil pump must all be removed together as an assembly.
• Do not disassemble the oil pump unless defects are evident.
• The gear and case assembly is not serviceable. If the gear and case assembly appears defective, replace it.

Assembly sequence
Follow the disassembly procedure in reverse.

Service standards (Unit: mm)

Location Maintenance item Standard value Limit Remedy
5, 12 Clearance between drive gear shaft and cover 0.04 to 0.07 0.15 Replace
Clearance between driven gear shaft and case, and
5, 6, 12 0.04 to 0.07 0.15 Replace
that between the shaft and cover
Clearance between case and tooth tips of each gear 0.2 to 0.29 0.35
6, 12 Replace
Difference between case depth and height of each gear 0.05 to 0.12 0.15
190 ± 11 N 179 N
8 Relief valve spring installed load (installed length 47.7) Replace
{19.4 ± 1.1 kgf} {18.3 kgf}
0.9 +0.1 MPa 0.9 MPa
9 Relief valve opening pressure 0 Replace
{9 +10 kgf/cm2} {9 kgf/cm2}
10, 11 Clearance between idler shaft and idler gear 0.03 to 0.06 0.15 Replace

11, a Backlash between idler gear and crankshaft gear 0.08 to 0.2 0.35 Replace
11, *b Backlash between idler gear and oil pump gear 0.076 to 0.196 0.35 Replace

Tightening torque (Unit: N·m {kgf·m})
Mark Parts to be tightened Tightening torque Remarks
Bolt (oil pump cover mounting) 44 ± 4.9 {4.5 ± 0.5} –
Nut (idler shaft mounting) 69 ± 10 {7 ± 1}

Lubricant and/or sealant

Mark Points of application Specified lubricant and/or sealant Quantity
Nut thread Loctite 262 As required
Sliding parts of oil pump Engine oil As required

Inspection before removal

Inspection: Backlash of each gear
• If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace the defective

Inspection procedure
Inspection: Driven gear, Gear and case assembly
• Perform the following inspections. Replace the defective part(s)
as required.
(1) Difference between case depth and height of each gear

(2) Clearance between case and tooth tips of each gear

(3) Clearance between drive gear shaft and cover
(4) Clearance between driven gear shaft and case, and that
between the shaft and cover

Installation procedure
Installation: Idler shaft
• Install the idler shaft so that “↑” is positioned within the area
shown in the illustration.


Disassembly sequence
1 Drain plug
2 Center bolt
3 Washer
4 O-ring
5 Oil filter case
6 Gasket
7 Oil filter element
8 Spring
9 Engine oil bypass alarm switch
10 Oil filter head
11 O-ring

*a:: Oil cooler

Non-reusable parts

Assembly sequence
Follow the disassembly sequence in re-

• Wipe up any spilled engine oil, as it can cause fires.
• To avoid any risk of burns, take care not to touch the engine oil when the engine is hot.

• When adding engine oil, be careful not to allow engine oil to smear the belt. A belt smeared with oil will
slip, resulting in reduced cooling efficiency.
• Do not reuse the oil filter elements by washing.
• Install the gasket, taking care not to twist it.

Tightening torque (Unit: N·m {kgf·m})

Mark Parts to be tightened Tightening torque Remarks
Drain plug 24.5 ± 4.9 {2.5 ± 0.5} –
Center bolt 63.7 ± 4.9 {6.5 ± 0.5} –
Engine oil bypass alarm switch 49 ± 4.9 {5.0 ± 0.5} –


Removal sequence
1 Bypass valve
2 O-ring
3 Water pipe
4 O-ring
5 Oil cooler element
6 O-ring
7 Oil cooler cover
8 Oil cooler plug
9 O-ring
10 O-ring
11 Gasket
12 Regulator valve
(See later section.)
13 O-ring

: Non-reusable parts

Installation sequence
Follow the removal sequence in reverse.

Service standards (Unit: mm)

Location Maintenance item Standard value Limit Remedy
244 kPa
294 ± 50 kPa
1 Bypass valve opening pressure {2.5 kgf/ Replace
{3.0 ± 0.5 kgf/cm2}
Air leakage from oil cooler element
5 0 cm3 {0 mL} – Replace
(air pressure: 1.47 MPa {15 kgf/cm2}, 15 seconds)

Tightening torque (Unit: N·m {kgf·m})

Mark Parts to be tightened Tightening torque Remarks
Bypass valve 15 to 20 {1.5 to 2.0} –
Bolt (oil cooler cover mounting) 54 {5.5} –
Regulator valve 98 to 118 {10 to 12} –
Nut (oil cooler element mounting) 24.5 to 32.3 {2.5 to 3.3} –
Oil cooler plug 21 {2.1} –

Lubricant and/or sealant

Mark Points of application Lubricant and/or sealant Quantity
O-ring Engine oil As required

Inspection procedure
Inspection: Oil cooler element
• Plug the outlet of the oil cooler element and connect a hose to
the engine oil inlet port. Then, immerse the oil cooler element in
a tank of water.
• Apply a specified air pressure for 15 seconds through the hose,
and check for any air leaks.
• Replace the element if it leaks air.

Disassembly sequence
1 Snap ring
2 Valve
3 Spring
4 Body

Assembly sequence
Follow the disassembly sequence in re-

Service standards (Unit: mm)

Location Maintenance item Standard value Limit Remedy
0.49 ± 0.03 MPa
– Regulator valve opening pressure – Replace
{5.0 ± 0.3 kgf/cm2}
78 ± 2 N
3 Spring installed load (installed length 48.3) – Replace
{8.0 ± 0.2 kgf}


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