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W-Economics-63 P.T.O.
1. If the market supply curve for a product shifts rightwards, what is the best possible
explanation for this shift?
(C) Introduction of a new technique that makes the production of that commodity
(A) Additional
(B) Unimportant
W-Economics-63 2
6. Short-run marginal cost is equal to
(B) the change in total variable cost divided by the change in output.
(C) the cost per unit of the variable input divided by the marginal product of the
variable input.
in the short run than in the long run. Which of the following is an example of a
W-Economics-63 3 P.T.O.
11. Moving along an indifference curve the:
(A) Consumers prefer some of the consumption points to others.
(B) Marginal rate of substitution for a good increase as more of the good is consumed.
(C) Marginal rate of substitution is constant.
(D) Consumers do not prefer one consumption point to another.
12. Find the slope of a tangent to the curve Y=9X2 + 7X4 at X=1
(A) 28
(B) 16
(C) 46
(D) None of these
13. The optimal amount of pollution to society is where
W-Economics-63 5 P.T.O.
(A) Production of goods and services
words of
(D) J M Keynes
23. Which of the following events will lead to an increase in the demand for money?
(A) J B Say
(B) J M Keynes
(C) J S Mill
(D) A C Pigou
W-Economics-63 6
26. This independence of real variables from changes in money supply and nominal
variables is called:
27. Which of the following about money supply measure adopted in 1977 is correct?
30. In short run macroeconomic analysis, demand is often viewed as the driving force.
Which component of total demand is often regarded as being independent of economic
conditions and thus exogenous in the model?
W-Economics-63 7 P.T.O.
numbers, is increasing?
(B) F(x)=-4x + 1
(C) F(x) = -4 X2
(D) F(x)=x2
(A) 0.8
(B) 500
(C) 810
(D) 0.81
W-Economics-63 8
36. The long-run Phillips Curve is vertical which indicates
(A) A country is poor because it has low productivity but high savings
(C) Poverty perpetuates itself in reenforcing way in both demand and supply side
(C) Both
(D) None
into three group on the basis of GNP per capita. They are
46. A questionnaire that offers no scope for any respondent’s own view is called:
(A) close-ended
(B) Schedule
(C) open-ended
(D) Unstructured
W-Economics-63 10
47. Plagiarism in research is:
(C) Referring to previous data and working over it with new objectives
(A) 1,2&3
(D) 1,2,3,&4
49. Which of Rostow’s stages of economic growth is marked by a few key industries
driving economic growth?
(B) Take-off
50. The rational expectations hypothesis implies that when macroeconomic policy
W-Economics-63 11 P.T.O.
51. If a rise in the expected price level results in an immediate and equal rise in wages
and prices, then an expansionary monetary policy will cause
(A) the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right, and output to increase only if
the policy is anticipated.
(B) the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right, and output to increase only if
the policy is unanticipated.
(C) a decline in the price level.
(D) Both (B) and (C) of the above.
52. Import of machinery and equipment is recorded under ______ of the ______account.
(A) Credit side, capital
(B) Debit side, capital
(C) Debit side, current
(D) Credit side, current
53. According to Mundell- Fleming model, _________ balance refers to equilibrium in
balance of payments.
(A) Internal & External
(B) External
(C) International
(D) Domestic
W-Economics-63 12
56. Who among the following is not part of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog?
(A) All Chief Ministers of the states
(B) Chief minister of Delhi and Puducherry
(C) Governors of States
(D) Lieutenant Governor of Andaman & Nicobar Island
57. Which one of the following is not an assumption of Harrod-Domar Model?
(A) Fixed capital-output ratio
(B) Variable marginal and average propensity to save
(C) Closed economy
(D) Capital is the only factor of production
58. Marx attributed the capitalist crisis to:
(A) High rate of wages
W-Economics-63 13 P.T.O.
62. A period of rapid population growth between a preindustrial stable population
64. To calculate the median, all the items of a series have to be arranged in a/an ____.
65. Which of the following techniques is an analysis of the relationship between two
variables to help provide the prediction mechanism?
(A) Correlation
(B) Regression
(A) 1.5
(B) 2.5
(C) 3.5
(D) 2.25
W-Economics-63 14
67. Fisher’s method of calculating the index number is based on the ________.
68. Which of the following is the index that is used to measure changes in total money
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Kerala
70. Which of the following indicators is not used to calculate Human Development Index?
(B) Education
W-Economics-63 15 P.T.O.
W-Economics-63 16