Betamesal Ointment - MA

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Government of the People's Republic of Brngladesh
Directorrte Getreral of Drug Administrstion
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Mohakhali, Dhaka- I 2 I 2.

Memo No: DcDNMA-366t20t714* o*q .Q!...t.Q)-tzoz\

Incepta Phamaceuticals Ltd.,
Dhamrai Unit, Dhak4 Bangladesh
Subjcct: Certilicrte for Merkcting Authoriz.tion of Drug/Biologicrls/Vrccincs,/Medicinal Devices.

ln response to application, reference number IPLDU/PR/OO7T2O23 for Marketing aulhorization

ofthe following product, trcDA hereby inform you that the evaluation ofthe application has been

Trade name : Betrmesrl Ointment

Generic Nam{s) : Betamethasone BP/Ph. Eur. + Salicylic Acid BP/Ph.Eur.

Strength(s) per dosage unit : (0.059n + 3gm!l00gm

Dosage form : Oinunent

Manufacturing Site : Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dharnrai Unit, Dhak4

Shelflife :2 years
Storage Condition : Do not store above 30oC

Name ofmarketing authorization : Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dhamrai Unit, Dhak4

holder Bangladesh

Tlre appmval of marketing authorization has been given subject to the conditions in this
c€rtificate and it's attachments. This certificate and its attachments constitute the marketing
authorization. The details ofthis authorization are as follows.
Marketing Authorizalion Number : MA No. 35G136071
Date of Marketing Authorization . 0 I, JAN 202i.

Expiry date of Marketing Authorization : l2-01L202t


fU"io" Yousuf
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Licensi uthority (Drugs)
G ort. of the People S lc of Bangl adesh
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Conditions which appiy to this approval are as follows:

The product(s) must conform with all the details provided in your application and as
modified in subsequent correspondence.
No changes may be made to the prcduct without prior approval ofthe Liccnsing Authority
The approved sites of manufacture are stated in Attachment -l (Annexure-UAnnexure -II
approved formulation).
The Approved shelfJife stated above and in attachment 2 (stability study report), may be
changed having the prior approval oflicensing Authority.
The only Product Information (PI) that may be supplied with or for this product must be
the PI that is approved. Attachment 3 is a copy ofthe approved Pl (Product Information).
Text /design of packaging materials csn not be changed without approval. Approved
packaging materials should be attached (Attachment-4).
The Product lnformation (Pl) may not be altered without prior appmval of Licensing
Authority, except for safety updates that further restrict use of the product. Any such
safety-related changes must be notified to the Licensing Authority within five days of
making the changes.
The approved product price has to be pnntod on the packaging Materials clearly. Over
stamping/price tempering/price sticker on printed price is not allowed price certificate
should be attached (Attachmert-5).
Pharmacovigilance ofrhis product has to be conducted on regrrlar basis & report has to be
submitted to DGDA if any adverse efrect is nd identified or rcceived nil report has to be
submitted to DGDA.

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