Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Assessment (Adult)

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Health Promotion and the Individual

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment (Adult)

Health Perception Health Management Pattern:

a. How has general health been?

My general health has certainly had its share of ups and downs, especially as I've entered my 60s. I've
noticed a decrease in energy and more aches and pains, which is quite typical for someone my age.

b. Any colds in the past year?

Yes, I've had a few colds in the past year, and they seem to stick around longer than they used to.
Thankfully, I'm not working anymore, so it hasn't affected my job.

c. Most important things you do to keep healthy? Think these things make a difference in health?
Staying healthy is a priority for me. I try my best to maintain a balanced diet, take my vitamins, and stay
physically active. I truly believe these habits play a significant role in my overall health. Plus, I've never
been a smoker or used drugs, and I enjoy a glass of wine in moderation.

d. Accidents (home, work, driving)?

I've had a few slips and falls at home, nothing too serious, thankfully. I'm much more cautious now and
have taken steps to ensure my home is safe for me.

e. In the past, been easy to find ways to follow suggestions from physicians or nurses?

For the most part, I've been able to follow my healthcare provider's advice. Sometimes, though, it can be
a bit challenging to remember everything, especially with all the appointments and recommendations.

f. What do you think caused this illness?

Actions taken when symptoms are perceived? Results of action? I think some of my health issues are
simply a result of getting older. When I notice symptoms, I make it a point to consult my doctor. I've had
to make some lifestyle changes, like managing my diet and taking medications for certain conditions. The
results vary, but I'm doing my best to stay healthy and active.

g. Things important to you in your healthcare?

How can we be most helpful? What matters most to me is having healthcare professionals who
genuinely listen to my concerns, explain things clearly, and involve me in the decision-making process.
It's reassuring when they consider the challenges that come with aging and provide practical solutions.


general health appearance: I might appear a bit tired, and my posture might not be as upright as it used
to be. My energy level can fluctuate from day to day.
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern:

a. Typical daily food intake?

I make it a point to maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Throughout the day, I
enjoy a few snacks like nuts and yogurt. And, of course, I take vitamins to supplement my diet.

b. Typical daily fluid intake?

Staying well-hydrated is essential for me, so I make sure to drink water and herbal tea throughout the

c. Weight loss or gain? Height loss or gain?

Over the years, I've noticed a gradual weight gain, and I've lost some height due to aging.

d. Appetite?

My appetite isn't what it used to be. I find myself eating smaller, more frequent meals rather than larger

e. Food or eating: Discomfort? Swallowing? Diet restrictions?

Fortunately, I haven't had any significant issues with discomfort or swallowing. I do need to watch my
salt and sugar intake due to some medical conditions.

f. Skin problems: Lesions? Dryness?

I've observed that my skin has become drier, and I've noticed a few age spots and skin tags. Nothing too
concerning, though.

g. Dental problems?

Dental issues have been a part of the aging process for me. I've dealt with gum recession and a few
cavities, which is why I wear partial dentures to replace missing teeth.


My skin is a bit dry, and there are some age spots. I wear glasses, and my oral mucous membranes
appear normal. Partial dentures are in place to replace missing teeth.

Elimination Pattern:

a. Bowel elimination pattern?

I generally have regular bowel movements, but constipation can be a problem at times. I occasionally use
a mild laxative.

b. Urinary elimination pattern?

I find myself going to the bathroom frequently, especially at night. There's some urgency and occasional
c. Excessive perspiration? Odor problems?

I don't sweat excessively, but I have noticed that I tend to have more body odor than I used to.


No specific examination is needed unless there's a problem.

Activity-Exercise Pattern:

a. Sufficient energy for desired or required activities?

I do have enough energy for my daily activities, but I've noticed that I get tired more easily now.

b. Exercise pattern?

To stay active, I engage in light exercises like walking and regular stretching. Vigorous workouts aren't
really an option for me anymore.

c. Spare-time (leisure) activities?

I enjoy reading, gardening, and spending quality time with my grandchildren. These activities keep me
mentally and physically engaged.

d. Perceived ability (code for level) for various activities:

Some activities, like cooking and shopping, I can manage at what I'd call level I. But for more physically
demanding tasks, I'd rate myself at level II or III.


You might notice that my gait isn't as steady as it once was, and I may require assistance with some
activities. My posture might not be perfect either.

Sleep-Rest Pattern:

a. Generally rested and ready for daily activities after sleep?

Most of the time, I sleep well, but I have noticed that I wake up more frequently during the night. It takes
me a bit longer to feel fully rested in the morning.

b. Sleep onset problems? Aids? Dreams (nightmares)? Early awakening?

Falling asleep isn't a problem for me, but I do tend to wake up early. Occasionally, I have vivid dreams,
though they're not usually nightmares.

c. Rest-relaxation periods?

I do take short naps during the day to recharge, especially when I'm feeling tired.

No specific examination is needed.

Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern:

a. Hearing difficulty? Hearing aid?

Yes, I've experienced some hearing loss and wear hearing aids.

b. Vision? Wear glasses? Last checked?

I wear glasses, and my vision was last checked about a year ago.

c. Any change in memory lately?

I've noticed some minor forgetfulness, but I understand that it's quite typical for someone my age.

d. Important decision easy or difficult to make?

Decision-making can be more challenging now, especially when it involves complex choices.

e. Easiest way for you to learn things? Any difficulty?

I find that written instructions work best for me. Sometimes, it can take me a bit longer to grasp new

f. Any discomfort? Pain?

I do experience chronic pain, especially in my joints and back. I manage it with over-the-counter pain


Despite these challenges, I can still communicate effectively, and my orientation remains intact.
However, my hearing and vision aren't as sharp as they once were, so I may need things repeated or
presented more clearly.

Self-Concept Pattern:

a. How describe self?

In general, I feel good about myself, but there are moments when I feel a bit insecure due to the physical
changes that come with aging.

b. Changes in body or things you can't do? Problem to you?

Yes, I've noticed changes in my body, and some of the limitations do bother me at times. Accepting these
changes gracefully is indeed a challenge.

c. Changes in the way you feel about self or body (since illness started)?
Illness has made me more aware of my vulnerability, but it hasn't drastically changed how I feel about

d. Things frequently make you angry? Annoyed? Fearful? Anxious?

I do get annoyed by some things, but I try not to dwell on them. Occasionally, I feel anxious about my
health, which is natural.

e. Ever feel you lose hope?

There have been moments when I felt a bit hopeless, especially when dealing with chronic health issues,
but I usually bounce back.


I can maintain eye contact and engage in conversation. However, you might notice that my posture isn't
as confident as it once was.

Roles-Relationships Pattern:

a. Live alone? Family? Family structure (diagram)?

I live with my spouse, and we have grown-up children and grandchildren who visit frequently. Our family
structure is close-knit.

b. Any family problems you have difficulty handling (nuclear or extended)?

We have occasional family disagreements, but we usually resolve them through communication.

c. Family or others depend on you for things? How are you managing?

My family doesn't depend on me in the same way they used to. These days, we all help each other out
when needed.

d. When appropriate: How does your family or others feel about illness or hospitalization?

My family is supportive and understanding when it comes to my health issues. They try to help in any
way they can.

e. When appropriate: Problems with children? Difficulty handling?

Thankfully, we haven't had any significant problems with our children. We have a good relationship.

f. Belong to social groups? Close friends? Feel lonely (frequency)?

I'm a part of a few social groups, and I have close friends. However, there are moments when I do feel
lonely. Staying engaged with these groups helps combat that feeling.

g. Things generally go well at work? (School?)

I'm no longer working; I retired a few years ago. But during my working years, things generally went well
for me.
h. When appropriate: Income sufficient for needs?

Our income is sufficient for our needs in retirement.

i. Feel part of (or isolated in) the neighborhood where living?

I feel like part of the neighborhood. We have friendly neighbors, and we look out for each other.


I interact well with family members and others. Our relationships are positive and supportive.

Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern:

a. When appropriate to age and situations: Sexual relationships satisfying? Changes? Problems?

My sexual relationships have evolved with age, and there have been changes. However, my partner and I
adapt to maintain intimacy.

b. When appropriate: Use of contraceptives? Problems?

We no longer use contraceptives due to our age.

c. Female: When menstruation started? Last menstrual period? Menstrual problems? Para? Gravida?

I went through menopause many years ago, so menstruation is not relevant. I have children and

Examination: No specific examination is needed unless there's a specific concern.

Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern:

a. Any big changes in your life in the last year or two? Crisis?

I haven't experienced any major crises recently, but adjusting to retirement was a significant change.

b. Who's most helpful in talking things over? Available to you now?

My spouse and close friends are the most helpful when I need to talk things over. They're available and

c. Tense or relaxed most of the time? When tense, what helps?

I'm generally relaxed but get tense when facing health issues. I find relaxation techniques and the
support of loved ones help me cope.

d. Use any medicines, drugs, alcohol?

I only use prescribed medications as directed by my doctor. I don't use recreational drugs, and I consume
alcohol in moderation.
e. When (if) have big problems (any problems) in your life, how do you handle them?

I try to approach problems with a positive mindset, seeking support from friends and family. I also rely
on my faith for guidance.

f. Most of the time, are these ways successful?

Yes, most of the time, these coping strategies have been successful in helping me manage life's

Values-Beliefs Pattern:

a. Generally get things you want from life? Important plans for the future?

I've achieved many of my life goals, and I have plans for enjoying my retirement with family and friends.

b. Is Religion important in life?

Yes, my faith is important to me. It provides comfort and guidance.

c. Will being here interfere with any religious practices?

No, being here won't interfere with my religious practices. I can continue to observe my faith.

Other Concerns:

a. Nothing specific to mention at the moment.

b. Any questions:

I don't have any questions at the moment.

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