Coursework COMP1787 VuHaiNam

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Table of Contents

Movie Ville 1
Overview Information about Movie Ville 1
Movie Ville new system 2

Requirement 3
1. High level requirements 3
2. Important Requirements 6
3. MosCow method 8

Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues 10

1. Scenario 11
2. British Computer Society Code of conduct 12
2.1. Public Interest 12
2.2. Professional Competence and Integrity 12
2.3. Duty to Relevant Authority 13
2.4. Duty to the Profession 13
Assumption 13

Conclusion 13

References 13

II. Movie Ville
1. Overview Information about Movie Ville
Movie Ville is a private movie theatre in a trendy town, North of London and has
existed since 1960. During the previous century, the theatre was immensely popular, but
ticket sales began to decline in 2008 as video streaming became more common. In reality,
compared to 2007, the present availability and high adoption rate of streaming services like
Netflix has resulted in a 40% decrease in the number of people visiting the theatre.

The theatre was founded and run by David’s parents, Due to their old age, they
decided to leave management to their son David. He had a plan to upgrade the theatre with
modern and high technology now to change the manual paper work methods like 'century
ago, that plan called Movie Ville.

Movie Ville’s employees:

● Managing Director: The Managing Director of a company oversees

the function and performance of different departments. They also look
after the daily performance and functioning of the departments or
managers under them

● Consultant / Chair: A consultant is a person who's an expert in a

particular field who gives professional advice to individuals and
businesses in their area of expertise

● Secretary to the Managing Director: A person who is responsible for

the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regard to
ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and
for ensuring that decisions of the board of directors are implemented.

● Ticket Sales: The person who stands in front of the stalls and sells
the ticket to customers.

● Contracted Systems Developer: A contract developer is someone

who develops applications for a client on a short-term contract.

● Concession: It is a kind of partnership between the public sector and

a (usually) private company that has shown its added value in a
specific area.

● Interior Designer: An interior designer is responsible for the layout of

the internal space in a building or structure.

● Accountant: An accountant is a person who records business

transactions on behalf of an organisation.
2. Movie Ville new system
Project will use an Agile approach to development, it will give developers more
control. Helps to add tremendous value to the project team and especially to the client.
Tasks and tasks can be broken down into parts and done over and over again. Make the
whole process more transparent. In addition, it increases customer satisfaction. Close
cooperation will help customers, making it easier for them to visualise the speed of the
project's development process.

At the same time, pointing out and defining the high level requirements helps Movie
vile’s developers make requirements simple and easy-to-digest allows stakeholders and
project teams to absorb the crucial information about the project’s expected outcomes. Cost
savings, cost control can be developed throughout the development life of the project

Indicating scenarios, problems that the MV may face in the future, related to Legal,
ethical, professional and social issues helps the theatre and the entire staff can visualise an
objective view and overview of those problems in order to provide the necessary solutions to
deal with them. And can imagine the consequences that problems can bring. In addition,
mentioning the BCS code of conduct helps all theatre employees to fulfil their obligations,
bring profits to the company and improve their own values.

III. Requirement

1. High level requirements

ID Requirements Functional or Reason why I decide it belong to functional

Non-functional or non-functional requirement

1 Customer must have account to Functional Functional Requirement is the function that
purchase tickets, as I want their Requirement software must perform, with specific outputs
details to be able to market to and inputs. With clarified inputs such as
them username, password and some personal
information from the user. In addition, the
output is that when the user has successfully
logged in, the ticket payment will take place.

2 The user interface must be Non-functional Non-functional requirement defines the quality
sleek. Not flashy, but elegant, to Requirement attribute of a software system. Therefore, this
show that we have flair. function pays attention to improving the user
experience, especially to the interface of the

3 The app should be error-free. Functional A project must not be error-free, that will
Nothing is more infuriating than Requirement seriously affect the system. Especially, the
an error message larger the project, the more difficult it is to fix
the bug.

4 People need to be able to Functional The requirements describe a functionality that

choose their seats when Requirement needs to be performed. Because they need to
making the booking. know which seat is empty or not that comes
with showtimes and screening rooms.

5 Can we track where they are so Non-functional To track their location, the system needs
I can get an idea where my Requirement permission from users to access their devices
patrons come from? such as smartphones or laptops. To give
recommendations in order to improve user

6 People can rate a movie after Functional Rating a movie can help other users get a
watching it and discuss the Requirement clear idea of ​the movie before they watch it.
movie with other customers while allowing other users to discuss the
using the app. movie. This is a feature that helps users
interact with each other.

7 We need to have the look and Non-functional This requirement wants the application to be
feel of the app similar to the Requirement colourful to catch the user's eyes. In order to
colour schemes of the theatre’s satisfy and retain users with a sophisticated
interior to preserve the branding and splendid interface.

8 We need to show them maps of Non-functional Show maps of the theatre seating areas to
the theatre seating areas so Requirement users allows them to choose their favourite
they can choose their preferred seats, this will improve their experience. For
seats. those who choose seats close to the screen,
they probably enjoy the movie with great
sound quality and a viewing angle close to the
screen. For other users who choose seats
medium or far from the screen, they will enjoy
the movie with a wide viewing angle that can
cover the entire screen without too much
impact on the eyes and sound at a low level.

9 The system should allow Functional Displaying upcoming attractions will help users
people to see upcoming Requirement get an overview of upcoming movies and can
attractions attract a large number of viewers.

10 The mobile application can Functional This function is a mandatory function to notify
trigger notifications when new Requirement users that popular movies and their favourite
movies come out movies have showtimes, in order to stimulate
the user's desire to go to the movies.

11 There should be a feedback Functional The system will collect user’s feedback,
system where people can make Requirement including their opinion about the current
suggestions for improvements application with suggestions. After collecting,
to the facilities. the application will be improved.

12 The app should allow people to Functional For some specific situations, we can't predict
choose a movie and buy tickets Requirement or calculate in advance whether a user will
for that movie by specifying the actually buy a ticket for them, or if they want to
number of seats go see it with their family or friends. The
requirements clarify the necessary
functionality for calculating, it will be helpful if
the application allows users to buy tickets with
a specific number of seats.
13 If people can choose their own Non-functional This requirement will improve usability and
seats, we need to guard against Requirement efficiency of the entire software system. Avoid
too many single seats being left single seats being left open.
open. Last minute purchases
could suffer if groups cannot sit

14 We need to think about how Functional This requirement needs to be met, selling
counter ticket sales will be Requirement tickets at the counter or selling tickets online
conducted. Will we also use the through the application must be clear,
application at the counter, or everything will have to be synchronised, but
will there be another system customers buying online will have to go to the
that uses the same database? ticket counter to receive tickets. This helps to
synchronise in business processes.

15 The app should generate a Non-functional By generating a digital ticket, the app will
digital ticket for all the Requirement reduce booking expenses by eliminating the
purchased tickets. need for printing and mailing paper documents
and in order to improve performance of the

16 The app should allow a PDF Non-functional With PDF download of the tickets, it enables
download of the tickets to be Requirement them to give everyone a copy of their own
generated so it can be printed. ticket. If the application can have registration
at the door, then the user can choose to scan
the QR code of the PDF ticket. It will save
more time.

17 Couldn’t we create a website Functional Website platforms are currently a trend, the
instead of an app? It has a Requirement use of websites can be done by many devices.
wider audience. In addition, the number of users using the
website increases day by day, so it makes
sense to build a website program. However,
the cost of maintaining as well as building a
website with a large number of users can cost
a lot of time and money. This will require
careful consideration. However, building a
mobile app will be a reasonable choice for new
business models entering technology.

18 The app should generate Functional This requirement will give an overview about
monthly reports on the number Requirement the theatre's income in the past month to
of bookings for each showing outline specific business plans. Based on the
so we can draw statistics from statistics data from this, the theatre will need
this. to pay more attention to specific fields.

19 The app should allow people to Non-functional Offering a wide range of payment method
pay for their transactions in Requirement options to customers has many business
standard ways, such as credit benefits. This will reduce waiting time, giving
cards and PayPal. They should users more choices in payment instead of
be able to store payment details encapsulating with a few traditional payment
for easy future purchases. methods such as direct payment by cash or
via debit card.
20 The app should integrate a Non-functional Due to a non-functional requirement defines
reward system for buying Requirement the quality attribute of a software system. With
tickets and referring friends. this requirement, the image of the app will be
introduced to another potential user who is a
friend of the current user.

21 The site must be safe and Non-functional The requirement related to product security
secure Requirement issues. Ensure user information is the quality
attribute of a software system.

22 We can probably have people Non-functional Enhancing the customer experience, by

purchase their snacks on the Requirement allowing them to pay for their snacks through
app too and serve it to them in the app once they've reached their seat, saves
the theatre once they are them time, doesn't have to leave their seats to
seated. buy, and focuses on the meal. movie. This will
be a plus point for the theatre, helping users
have a strong impression of the system

23 There can maybe be a facility Non-functional With this feature, the user experience will be
for people to store their Requirement enhanced. Paying for movie tickets will save
preferred snacks so they can time for users who have added their favourite
order it automatically every time snacks.
they buy a ticket.

24 The app should allow people to Non-functional The requirement allows users to identify which
make notes on the movies Requirement movies have been watched, avoiding them
they’ve seen, so they can look having to watch it again and then realising that
at these again. this is not the first time they have seen it

25 The app should allow people to Functional Login is a procedure when starting to join a
create an account and login. Requirement certain system. This is a mandatory function,
especially for roles-based applications.
Function that helps the system distinguish
between different users before serving or
denying certain services.

26 The app should allow people to Functional Allowing users to view a short synopsis is
choose a movie, which will then Requirement essential, it also helps users to shape the plot
show a short synopsis. summary of the movie, and help them have a
better overview. A short synopsis also helps
attract viewers, helping them understand the
movie better.

27 The app should allow people to Functional This is a must-have function, when the user is
purchase tickets for selected Requirement finished choosing their favourite movie,
movies. favourite seat and reasonable show time. The
system will receive the payment request and
perform a number of steps to verify information
and payment methods. With this feature, users
are required to log in to the system.

28 The app should allow people to Functional This is an indispensable function in the
reserve seats for the selected Requirement system. Once the user has selected the movie
movie. they want to watch, the system will display a
seat layout map, displayed in real time to know
which seats are already booked. Help them
choose the right seat with their preferences.

2. Important Requirements
ID Requirement Functional or The reason why it needs to implement for
Non-functional the system

1 The app should allow people Functional The application should allow users to create
to create an account and login Requirement accounts and log in to the system. This allows
systems to manage and control functions
through their information. In addition, allowing
users to log in with their accounts makes it
easier for the system to manage roles.
Envision that with potentially hundreds of
employees like ticket sellers, managers, etc.
They all need access to the system, and the
theatre can designate and manage what they
do and what roles they play.

2 Customers must have Functional The function is required for almost all
accounts to purchase tickets, Requirement applications. Signing by an account to
as I want their details to be purchase tickets helps the application to limit
able to market to them certain groups of users who are allowed to
access the system. It is also possible to limit
access to some resources. For example, in a
game app anyone can join the game, however
only paying players can use mythical items.

3 People can rate a movie after Functional Having a rating feature helps users get a clear
watching it and discuss the Requirement idea of ​the movie before they watch it. They
movie with other customers can see the rating and discussions of previous
using the app viewers to decide if the movie is really worth
watching or not.
In addition, having a movie review feature
helps theatres to improve sales. Most people
are influenced by other people's reviews when
making a purchase, so customer reviews are a
powerful tool to boost sales. Positive
comments about a product or service will help
build trust with new customers. Customers will
rely on positive reviews of past customers to
buy products, thereby boosting sales.

4 The site must be safe and Non-functional With the explosion of the internet and online
secure Requirement marketing, it is important for a business to
understand their customers. That's why
theatre or customer data needs top protection.
The worst-case scenarios can happen if the
application is highly secure, the system can be
hacked, then the customer's personal data or
sales statistics will be given to the third party in
order to do a certain purpose. A good example
is the recent Cambridge Analytica incident,
where the data of more than 87 million
Facebook user accounts was leaked and used
to shock public opinion.

5 People need to be able to Functional Choosing seats based on preferences is one

choose their seats when Requirement of the top priorities of customers, the seat is
making the booking satisfied, the quality of viewing will be
improved. Seat selection will be required after
the user has selected their favourite movie, if
this step is not completed, the ticket purchase
process will be cancelled.

6 We can probably have people Non-functional Allowing users to order and pay for snacks
purchase their snacks on the Requirement through the app from their seats is a function
app too and serve it to them in that can enhance the user experience to the
the theatre once they are highest level. Users will not have to miss
seated attractive footage to go to the counter to buy
their favourite snacks, instead, they just need
to order directly at their seats, staff will bring
them to their seats.

7 We need to show them maps Non-functional Users can see a map of the seating area in the
of the theatre seating areas so Requirement movie theatre so they can choose their
they can choose their favourite seats during the movie. For each
preferred seats person, the choice of seat will be different,
people who are nearsighted or have limited
hearing will want to experience the movie at a
close seat, for normal people, they want a seat
in the middle, or Others want to sit in the
farthest position. Without a seat location map,
they will not be able to know where the seat
they have chosen will be located, which will
affect the user experience.

8 The app should generate a Non-functional Digital tickets can be stored in the phone, or
digital ticket for all the Requirement emailed or through photos, making it easy and
purchased tickets convenient for users to take away or give to
others. In addition, avoiding losing the ticket
for some unfortunate reasons.

9 The app should integrate a Non-functional This is a feature that stimulates current users
reward system for buying Requirement to promote the theatre by rewarding users who
tickets and referring friends. have purchased tickets and invited friends. For
the purpose of promoting purchases and
creating trust with customers.

3. MosCow method
ID Requirement Priority Reason

1 The app MUST allow people to MUST This function must be on the application, as I
create an account and login mentioned above, the login can help the
application to manage the users, and can also
classify which users will have the corresponding
access rights with the respective role. In addition,
the function will show the continuity and
consistency of data, if a user changes their phone
or switches to the desktop version of the site,
they will still have their search history, favourites,
personal information, and so on.

2 Customers MUST have accounts MUST It is essential to ensure that the user is
to purchase tickets, as I want their successfully logged in to be able to proceed with
details to be able to market to the purchase payment process. It will help the
them system have a strict control with each order or
with each ticket sold. Imagine if the application
allows users to pay without login and still pay for
their orders, bad troubles can be mentioned such
as the buyer has lost the ticket, the ticket control
staff will not be able to check control or
authenticate whether the non-logged-in user is
who paid for the ticket to be able to recover the
ticket. Or if there is any error during the payment
process, the user will not be able to verify to be
able to request a refund.

3 People COULD rate a movie after COULD Users can rate the movie watched to give an
watching it and discuss the movie overview of the quality of the movie through
with other customers using the numbers to new users. In addition, discussing
app issues surrounding the movie also brings a
multi-dimensional view to new users who have
not seen the movie.

4 The site MUST be safe and MUST The protection of information as well as users
secure must feel safe when using the application is a
must, and this I mentioned above. However, I
would like to clarify what information should be
kept confidential here. With employee
information, employees are the most valuable
asset of the business. Especially, senior
personnel should be kept well confidential, to
avoid letting other businesses offer more
attractive remuneration in order to cleverly entice
employees to their side. Customer information
and partner information also need to be
protected. If it is revealed, there will be problems
as rival companies will always find a way to
snatch them out of theatre’s hands. Moreover
some other information such as, information
about business status, and information about
strategy or products.
5 People MUST to be able to MUST Users must have the right to choose their seats to
choose their seats when making help them provide the best experience. At the
the booking same time increase the prestige and service
quality of the theatre.

6 We COULD probably have people COULD This function may or may not be available.
purchase their snacks on the app Applying this function to the application can bring
too and serve it to them in the a lot of improvement in the quality of users,
theatre once they are seated helping users not have to get out of their seats
but still have the snacks they like during the
movie enjoyment. . However, most viewers have
selected and paid for the snacks they want when
buying tickets, so this can be considered for

7 We MUST to show them maps of MUST The display of the map of seating arrangement in
the theatre seating areas so they the theatre is mandatory. If users do not choose
can choose their preferred seats the seats they want, they will not have the best
experience when enjoying the movie regardless
of the very good service quality of the theatre.
When users do not have a good experience, they
will gradually lose faith in the theatre and will
choose another method of watching movies or
choose another theatre that can meet their

8 The app SHOULD generate a SHOULD This feature will solve the problem of having to
digital ticket for all the purchased deal with procedures or print tickets by paper. At
tickets the same time, it helps to save costs for the
theatre with stages such as distribution, printing,
shipping and handling documents, etc. As a
result, theatres can simplify some payment
processes, which in turn helps users significantly
reduce ticket prices compared to paper tickets. In
addition, it also saves time, will avoid cases, lost
tickets, forgotten tickets or torn tickets. Moreover,
users can sit at home and book tickets by
e-ticketing, and can request the modification
more easily.

9 The app SHOULD integrate a SHOULD According to many research articles on business,
reward system for buying tickets up to 91% of users often trust the opinions of
and referring friends. people they know such as family, friends, and
celebrities. Nowadays with the development of
technology, users can refer to their friends in
many different ways. This will help the system
expand its influence to increase sales. A good
example is the Dropbox app, which grew 4 million
users in 15 months from zero. Dropbox in the
rough early days decided to launch its referral
program by rewarding each user. present when
they invite a friend of theirs to use this app.
IV. Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues
A Data Controller can process collected data using its own processes. In some
instances, however, a data controller needs to work with a third-party or an external service
in order to work with the data that has been gathered (Chris, 2020). In addition, they are
supposed to do duties like collecting personal information from customers, changing or
modifying the data that they get, where and how to use the data and towards what purpose,
and some other one.

Legal issues are issues that arise that are related to law and may require the
participation and assistance of a lawyer to resolve. These problems can occur in different
ways or under certain situations. For example Spyware is software downloaded onto a user's
electronic device without their knowledge and is used mostly to steal their personal
information. These can be used for good and bad. Parents can use them to monitor their
children or companies to monitor their employees, while third party apps can be downloaded
to infect phones and use their camera or microphone to spy on the owner 24/7.

Ethical issues are problems or situations that require a person or organisation to

choose between an alternative that must be judged as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical).
Ethical issues in different countries will differ due to different standards. For example, a
group of hackers hacked into the bank accounts of millionaires who got rich by doing illegal
things. They take the money from those millionaires and give it to the poor. From many
perspectives, it can be argued in a good or bad way, ethical or unethical.

A social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of individuals

within a society. Social issues are distinguished from economic issues; however, some
issues (such as immigration) have both social and economic aspects.

Professional issues are problems related to the profession or field of work, which do
not meet the expectations, qualifications and quality of the work.

1. Scenario
Scenario 1: All of the information related to the customers will be stored in the
database of Movie Ville’s system. However, there was a case where a client of the system
suddenly contacted the database administrator. They wanted to pay money for getting all of
the personal information about another client including telephone number, address, hobbies,
etc by paying money. In this situation, if the database administrator agrees to provide the
information, they will violate the principle of Data Protection Act.

Solution for scenario 1: This scenario has violated ethical issues and legal issues,
it also violated principle 7 of Data Protection secure, all information about the customer
needs to be protected in the database. The database administrator needs to deny the
request from the client who wants to pay money for getting all personal information. If any
request from another authority, the database administrator needs to get permission from the
objective who has own personal information.
Scenario 2: All of the banners, cover images, or some image used for the promotion
of the film. They all have to get permission and approval from the makers of that movie. But,
the Design and Marketing department of Movie Ville arbitrarily stole the banners, cover
images of the movies to promote movie advertising campaigns on many platforms like social
network, television, etc. To increase sales without asking permission to use the copyrights of
the units that made those movies. In this scenario, all of the employees from the Design and
Marketing department of Movie Ville violated the Copyright, Design and Patents act 1988.

Solution for scenario 2: In the specific second situation above violated professional
and social issues. If the enterprises or companies that made the movie find out that they
have done something wrong, they may file a lawsuit against Movie Ville. Now society is
raising the issue of piracy, which can cause a wave of public opinion, opening up many
controversies and the wave of movie theatre. This can affect user and theatre attendance. In
addition, the fact that employees arbitrarily steal ideas, images, and banners without
copyright permission is also partly the fault of Movie Villie's human resources training

2. British Computer Society Code of conduct

The British Computer Society (known as BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT), has a
responsibility to set rules and professional standards to direct the behaviour of its members
in professional matters. It is expected that these rules and professional standards will be
higher than those established by the general law and that they will be enforced through
disciplinary action which can result in expulsion from membership.

In addition, the BCS Code of conduct is one of the most important concepts. It has
four main concepts such as public interest, professional competence and integrity, Duty to
Relevant Authority, and Duty to the Profession.

2.1. Public Interest

In public interest, you will conduct your professional activities without discrimination
on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality, colour, race, ethnic
origin, religion, age or disability, or of any other condition or requirement.

For example, MV ticket control staff took racist actions against customers of colour.
They prevent and do not allow black customers to watch the movie. Especially for customers
from Asia, they will cut off their benefits, such as the function of placing snacks on the seats,
limiting the movies that can be watched, etc. In real life, a bar club in Hongdae and Itaewon
Korea, all foreigners being banned. According to Ock, a black woman whose username is
“Daylightful” posted a video on YouTube on July 1 last year accusing a hip-hop bar in
Itaewon of refusing admission to her for “being black.”

2.2. Professional Competence and Integrity

In professional Competence and Integrity, you should avoid injuring others, their
property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious or negligent action or inaction.
For instance, a customer had rude actions such as insulting the ticket salesman for
giving the wrong snacks. Unable to control himself, the ticket salesman got into a fight with
the customer, causing the MV's work to stall. At the same time, that is also the reason why
many people gradually turn away from MV. In 2013 there was an incident that has shaken
the whole United States, causing a wave of riots and demonstrations. BLM (Black Lives
Matter) is an international social activism, rooted in the African-American community, that
campaigns against violence and racism that have a system for blacks.

In 2013, the movement began with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on
social media after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the February 2012 shooting of
African-American teenager Trayvon Martin. The movement gained nationwide recognition
along with street protests following the 2014 deaths of two African-Americans: Michael
Brown, which led to protests and unrest in Ferguson, a city near St. Louis Muffand, and the
death of Eric Garner in New York City

2.3. Duty to Relevant Authority

In duty to Relevant Authority, you should not disclose or authorise to be disclosed, or
use for personal gain or to benefit a third party, confidential information except with the
permission of your Relevant Authority, or as required by Legislation.

For example, as a Data Controller of MV, he has one month left to finish his
employment contract. In the last month, he received an attractive offer from a competitor of
the MV. On the condition that he has to disclose next month's business strategy, and some
important customer information so that the rival company can learn and map out a strategy
to attract customers from the MV.

2.4. Duty to the Profession

In duty to the Professio, you should accept your personal duty to uphold the
reputation of the profession and not take any action which could bring the profession into

For instance, if employees of Movie Ville encounter or meet any problems during the
process of implementing a project or developing company, they should inform and notify the
agencies involved in those issues so that timely action can be taken.

3. Assumption

- Data Controller sells customer information to third parties, which exposes a lot of
sensitive customer information and can be used for malicious purposes. This violates
ethical and legal issues.
- The department responsible for promoting the image for Movie Ville arbitrarily took
the image, banner, cover of the movie without the permission of those filmmakers.
This violates copyright, legal and ethical issues.
- The MV ticket salesman was rude to black customers. This will open up a
controversy and claim for the rights of the black customer, and the MV will lose the
trust of the customer. Violations professional, and ethical issues

V. Conclusion
In this report, I have provided an overview of the current system, as well as a clear
understanding of the new system including customer requirements. Also mentioned BCS
code of conduct, and the situations that Movie Ville may encounter in the future and how to
deal with them.

VI. References
1. Chris Brook, 2020. Data controller vs data processor [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed on April 22th 2022]

2. Young, G., 2019. The 8 principles of data protection act 1998. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed on April 22th 2022]

3. 2022. Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 22 April 2022].

4. Ock Hyun-ju., 2019, [Feature] Racism still haunts club scene in S. Korea [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 22 April 2022]

5. Tikkanen., A., 2022. Black Lives Matter | Definition, Founders, Goals, History, &
Influence. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 23 April 2022].

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