12 TH Grade Unit 7
12 TH Grade Unit 7
12 TH Grade Unit 7
1. Express
L1,2 - Understand the 2. Listen to the recording one’s own
main points and specific about the benefits of being ideas
Understand with little or no support most specific information in
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics.
- teacher’s book
- worksheet: pre-listening questions related to solve problems and numbers
- worksheet: questions to choose the best answer
- resource: Listening material
S2 -Use formal & informal Ex 17 discuss the 1. Link
registers in their talk on comments to
Give an opinion at discourse level
on an increasing range of general
following questions.
-Interact with peers to negotiate
- survey about changes of your life
- worksheet: some questions related to the topic
- worksheet: sentence completion with conjunctions, assessment rubric
R2- Understand specific 1. Understan
Begin to recognize in consistencies in argument in short texts on a - Jigsaw d the main
information on
environmental issues, 4. Read the text and points and
choose the best title. reading or specific
recycling and eco schools
writing in information
12. R8- Use familiar and 10. Read the text and correct order 2. Recognize
unfamiliar paper and digital answer the questions. the attitude or
reference resources to - Filling opinion of the
check meaning and extend Ex19. Read the text and gaps speaker(s)
say whether a statement 3. Use a
understanding on true or false.
paper and
limited range of general and curricular subject
А, B, C
- worksheet: texts about the reading personal information with school subject
- jig saw reading activity worksheets
- jeapordy game board
- worksheet: key word sheet
- worksheet: multiple choice activity with dependent prepositions following verbs
Ex 7. Write plant a tree. 1. Write a
W3 - Write about personal paragraph
feelings and opinions on Ex 16. What you can do to 2. Prepositio
reasons, examples and evidence for a limited range of written
Develop coherent arguments supported when necessary by
40 min
Done By:
G12M3U7L1 Lesson plan1,2 “Mother nature and wellness”
Activity 2
Activity 3 Explain meanings of the new words in glossary
They will observe the grammar usage and section and infinitive of purpose
understand how to form infinitive and use
Activity 3
Explain and revise how to form infinitive and use it.
Activity 4 Activity 4
Students will work in pairs again and do Ask students to practice infinitive of purpose
ex-6c. In this task, they will choose Help them to find and correct the errors in ex-6c
incorrect words or phrases and correct
Practice 25’
Activity 5:
Help students listen to the recording and
understand main points
Activity 5:
5. Ss count your own appearance evaluate own and the partners and today;s lesson
and summarize lesson
Done by:
Ss will write lesson topic, lesson’s aim and Teacher will introduce aim, new words and explain
sentences. some exercises.
Activity 1
Activity 1 Explain meanings of the new words in glossary
Students will read a text about nature section and modal verbs.
conservation and environmental issues in
pairs and improve their vocabulary.
Activity 2
They will understand how to use modal
verbs and note the new words and
Activity 2
Can, must, have to etc..
Activity 3 Activity 3
Students will work in pairs again and do - Ask students to practice modal verbs
ex-11b and 13 on page 123. In this tasks, Help them to find and correct the errors in ex-13
they will match modal verbs to
explanations and correct the mistakes in Activity 4
Practice 25’
Activity 4 Do ex 13
Activity 5:
5. Ss count your own appearance evaluate own and the partners and today;s
lesson and summarize lesson
Done by:
Ss will write lesson topic, lesson’s aim and Teacher will introduce aim and explain grammar.
sentences. Activity 1
Activity 1 Observe pairs and help with new vocabulary
Activity 2
Students will improve their vocabulary with
new words related to eco-friendly living
and observe the grammar usage to
understand infinitives after certain nouns.
They will have to memorize them
Activity 3 Activity 3
- Students will work as a group and Ask students to read the text about eco school and
help them to understand main points
read the text about eco schools.
- They will read the statements after
reading and answer them as Yes or No
Practice 20’
there are
Activity 5
They will look at the text in ex-19 and
count how many infinitives forms after
nouns there are
Activity 5
Help students with useful expressions
Focus on their speaking
Conclusion /
5. Ss count your own appearance evaluate own and the partners and today;s
lesson and summarize lesson
Done by:
Activity 2
Then they will understand how to use
conjunction; because and note the
Activity 2
Explain how to use conjunction.
Activity 3 Activity 3
Students will work in pairs again and do - Ask students to practice conjunction; because
ex-26b on page 129. In this tasks, they Help them to correct their mistakes
will join two sentences using
conjunction; because. Some volunteer
Practice 25’
5. Ss count your own appearance evaluate own and the partners and today;s
lesson and summarize lesson
Write an article of 100-120 words on topic “How to make people environmentally friendly
Done by:
(Performing tasks, skill orientated (Setting tasks, methodological / didactical
language practice) approaches / techniques)
Students will write lesson topic, lesson’s Warm up: Teacher will introduce aim of the
aim and sentences. lesson and write date, topic and new words on
Students will works as a small group and do the blackboard.
- Then they will listen to the short - Let them listen the recording and dialogue
dialogue between two students and
Activity 2 Activity 2
Students will practice reading sections in Help the students to understand main points of
pairs. They will read the text about E- the text and check their answers by whole class
waste idea for the 2020 Olympics in ex- discussion
Activity 3.
3, page 131.
Activity 3 Decide the given statements
Practice 25’
Activity 4 Activity 4
Students will practice on use of English
section. In these tasks, they will
5. Ss count your own appearance evaluate own and the partners and
today’s lesson and summarize lesson
Students will practice writing section as a homework. They will think and write about how to
Done by: