Lesson-Exemplar English9 Melc-1

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Department of Education

Region VI-Western Visayas

Schools Division of La Carlota City
Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School


S.Y. 2023-2024

Date February 05-09, 2024 REMARKS

I. Objectives
Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other
text types serve as a means of connecting to the world; also, how to use ways of
analyzing one-act play.
Performance Standards:
The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
Learning Competencies:
EN9LT-IIIe-16: Analyze literature as a means of connecting to the world.
EN9VC-IIIa1.2/2.2: Interpret the message conveyed in a material viewed.
EN9LC-IIIa-6: Employ appropriate listening strategies suited to type of text.
II. Content:
Differentiating Biases from Prejudices
Quarter 3, MELC 1
III. Learning Resources:
A. References
A. English 9 Activity Sheet Quarter 3 MELC 1
B. References: google.com and youtube.com
C. Other Learning Resource: Anglo- American Literature Learner’s Material
IV. Procedures:
A. Presenting the new lesson
February 12, Group Task: Each group shall be given a topic and be able to discuss their collated
2024, Monday response in the class. Rubrics shall be used in rating.
Group 1: Best age to be in a relationship
Group 2: Most superior gender
Group 3: Best nationality in the world
Group 4: Best religion in the county
B. Establishing the purpose of the lesson
The following learning goals shall be presented to the learners:
February 13, 1. Make judgment based on the given scenarios.
2024, Tuesday 2. Differentiate biases and prejudices through examples.
3. Weigh information to make decision.
4. Supply correct answers to given tasks.
February 13, C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
2024, Tuesday

Third Quarter Lesson Examplar in English 9

Differentiating Biases and Prejudices.
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of La Carlota City
Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School

Bias is a tendency to look at things in a certain way, in preference to another

way. It means a tendency to favor or support or against a particular one person,
group, thing, or point of view over another resulting in unfairness.
Some of the most common types of bias are:
1. Anchoring Bias - This happens when people are too relied on current information
or the initial information they find in decision- making.
From what I know, I chose you because I believed others are not as good as you.

2. Media Bias - This happens when the journalists and news producers in the mass
media select what to report and cover
As a witness to the incident, I can attest that the reported news is far from what I see
because the events are reversed and untrue.

3. Confirmation - This happens when one tends to search for,

interpret, favor and remember information supporting one's belief and views.
When he found out that the report did not agree with his views, he immediately
researched facts to prove that he was right.

4. Conformity - This happens when one makes a wrong or uncomfortable decision to

fit in to please the group of people.
Although I did not agree with my will, I went with them to be happy. I was ashamed
of my own helpless decision.

5. Halo Effect - This happens when one sees the wonderful thing about a person and
let the perceptions on everything else about that person be distorted.
Among the applicants, only Leo's papers were completely reviewed because the
manager was impressed with his awards and commendations.

Prejudice refers to pre-judging before looking at the evidence. It is an

unfavorable opinion or feeling beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
Prejudice can have a strong influence on how people behave and interact with others,
particularly with those who are different from another group.

The most common types of prejudice include:

1. Racism This is the idea that groups of people exhibit different
personality characteristics and can be separated based on the
dominance of one race over another.
All Chinese in the country are considered virus carriers due to the COVID-19

2. Sexism This is a prejudice based on sex or gender.

Women are considered weak and lack the strength and ability to do the work of men.

3. Classism. This is a prejudice based on social class or grouping of individuals based

on wealth, occupation, income, education,
and social network.
The poor are uneducated and do not help our country; they should not be treated
well by the government.

Third Quarter Lesson Examplar in English 9

Differentiating Biases and Prejudices.
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of La Carlota City
Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School

4. Ageism This is a prejudicial attitude towards older people, old age, and the aging
All adults should not be hired because they only become a burden, especially those
who deserve to retire.

5. Religion This is the attitude towards a person or group differently because of the
particular beliefs about religion.
He lost his job because of his religion, which was believed to conflict with his
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills no. 1
Learning Task 3: Viewing Comprehension
Directions: Students will watch a short video about bias and prejudice and complete
the table below.

What I learned are… What I need to do…

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
February 14,
Wednesday E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills no. 2
Learning Task 4: Directions: Determine whether the line, statement, or situation is
considered a form of BIAS OR PREJUDICE. Write B for BIAS and P for
1.Negative comments in social media about economic status of a family at Cavite are
being posted.
2. Some people are not served in a restaurant or retail store because the color of skin
or race.
3. Aira won the contest because one of the judges in their community is her uncle.
4. A company hires only women because they feel that they make better employees.
5. Angel doesn’t like Jose because he has a red hair.
F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills no. 3
February 14, Learning Task 5: Based from the lesson, let the groups in the class research and
2024, accomplish the differentiated tasks (Collaboration and presentation of tasks).
1. Short video (to be uploaded to Fb and/or YouTube)
2. e-Poster-Slogan (Canva)
3. Infographics (Canva)
4. Vlog (to be uploaded to Fb and/or YouTube)
5. Advocacy/Campaign (to be uploaded to Fb and/or YouTube)
 Manner of delivery- 10
 Content of the presentation-10
 Relevance of the ideas-5
2. Presentation of Outputs
Learners shall submit/present their work online and/or face-to-face whichever

Third Quarter Lesson Examplar in English 9

Differentiating Biases and Prejudices.
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of La Carlota City
Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.

Leaning Task 6:
A. Learners will collaboratively tackle biases and prejudices. They will have a short
discussion about common biases they've observed or experienced. Then, in small
groups, assign each group a specific bias to explore (e.g., gender, ethnicity). Their
task is to identify real-life scenarios where this bias might occur and propose practical
solutions to address or prevent it. Groups will present their findings to the class.
February 15, (Group work) Sense of
2024, Thursday Gratitude
Also, complete the table below for your reflection.
Listening from the presentations…
I learned that… I am thankful because…

February 15, H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

2024, Thursday
How should you respond to a friend’s biased or prejudiced statement which is the
total opposite of what you believe?

I. Evaluating Learning:
Directions: Read the following situations and understand the context of each. Then,
answer the questions that follow.

A judge in a local beauty pageant is the uncle of one of the candidates. Given the
criteria for judging, the candidate ranks second only to her contender. Everyone was
surprised when at the end of the contest, the candidate rose to first place after her
uncle changed his scores in the last minute.

1. The scenario illustrates a/an ______________________.

a. bias b. prejudice c. discrimination d. opinion

2. Which factor affected the favor given by the judge?

a. personal relationship
b. religious affiliation
c. community membership
d. set of criteria

3. The scenario illustrates a ______________________.

a. bias b. prejudice c. discrimination d. opinion

4. What do you suggest to make the situation get rid of favors and biases?
a. Encourage the people not to vote the captain in the next election.
b. Cancel the contest and prize money.
c. Let the majority decide about the prize money allocation for both categories.

Third Quarter Lesson Examplar in English 9

Differentiating Biases and Prejudices.
Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of La Carlota City
Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School

d. Convert the prize money into a new project in the barangay.

5. Prejudices are determined also by social norms and standards. In the 18th
century, which norm was challenged by the characters in the novel?
a. For a couple to be married, they must be of the same religion.
b. Wealthy men must also marry women of influence.
c. Children of slaves must not play with children of masters.
d. Same sex marriage is prohibited.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
A. Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts

February 16, I understand that ___________________.

2024, Friday I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

B. Catch-up Fridays
In-classroom practice of performance tasks, and Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)

Prepared: For Quality Assurance:


Teacher III Master Teacher II

Checked and Verified: Attested:


EPS, English CES, CID

Third Quarter Lesson Examplar in English 9

Differentiating Biases and Prejudices.

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