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Short Vowel Decodable Readers LM

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Short Vowel

Decodable readers

Natalie Lynn
These decodable readers allow students to practice reading cvc words within
simple sentences. Each book has 6 pages and comprehension questions on the
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I can answer the questions: My CVC Words Reader
Who sat on the mat first?
The Mat
Who sat on the mat second?

Who sat on the mat third?

Short Vowel A
The rat and the cat
A cat sat on the mat.
and the man sat on the
1 mat. 6
A man sat on the mat. The cat sat and sat.
5 2
A rat sat on the mat. The rat and the cat
sat on the mat.
3 4
I can answer the questions: My CVC Words Reader
What color is the hen?
The Hen
Where did the hen sit?

Did the girl want the hen on

her bed?

Short Vowel E
I see a hen. The hen got off the
1 6
Get off my bed, red The hen is red.
5 2
I see my bed. The red hen sat on my
3 4
I can answer the questions: My CVC Words Reader
Is the pig big or little?
The Pig
What can the pig do?

What does my pig have?

Short Vowel I
This is my pig. I like my silly pig!
1 6
My big pig can do a jig My pig is big. It is a big
in a wig. pig.
5 2
My pig can jig. My big My pig has a wig.
pig likes to jig.
3 4
I can answer the questions: My CVC Words Reader
What did the dog and the hog
jump over? The Log
Who jumped first?

Who jumped second?

Short Vowel O
The dog and the hog
I see a log.
can jump over the log.
1 6
The hog can jump over I see a dog.
the log.
5 2
The dog can jump over I see a hog.
the log.
3 4
I can answer the questions: My CVC Words Reader
Who went in the tub?
The Tub

Why did the animals go in the


Short Vowel U
The pig was in the mud. The bug went in the
1 6
The bug was in the The pig went in the
mud. tub.
5 2
The cub was in the The cub went in the
mud. tub.
3 4
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