Template Letter of Authority
Template Letter of Authority
Template Letter of Authority
1. you would like to nominate someone within your business who is not listed as an
associate on the ABR to act on behalf of your business – please see Template A below
2. you would like your accountant, tax agent or BAS agent to act on behalf of your business
– please see Template B below.
Please copy the text from the relevant template below onto your business letterhead and ensure
all requested information is provided. Digital signature will be accepted. Incomplete information
may result in application processing delays, or Service NSW requesting a new letter be submitted.
Applicants must consent to Service NSW conducting an audit of documentation used to support
an application to verify information provided.
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under Part 5A of the Crimes Act 1900
(NSW). A person convicted of an offence under Part 5A of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) is liable to
imprisonment for up to two years and/or a fine of up to $22,000.
If you are a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent applying on
behalf of a business
If your client has requested you to apply on their behalf for a grant, scheme or support program
administered by Service NSW, please ask them to complete a letter of authority using Template B
below, on their company letterhead.
Service NSW will ask you to submit this letter during the online application process.
[IMPORTANT NOTE: The below template must either be inserted on your business letterhead or
sent from your business email address]
I, [insert full name] am an Associate for [business name and ACN/ABN] (‘the Business’) listed on the
Australian Business Register and have authority to act and speak on behalf of the Business. My
position in relation to the Business is [insert position/role].
I confirm that [insert name, position and contact details of authorised person] has authority to speak
and act on behalf of the Business for the purposes of [the name of grant].
[IMPORTANT NOTE: The below template must either be inserted on your business letterhead or
sent from your business email address]
I, [insert full name] am an Associate for [business name and ACN/ABN] (‘the Business’) listed on the
Australian Business Register and have authority to act and speak on behalf of the Business. My
position in relation to the Business is [insert position/role].
I confirm that [insert name and position] of [business name, ABN and contact details of authorised
accountant/tax agent/BAS agent], has authority to speak and act on behalf of the Business for the
purposes of [the name of grant].
I confirm that [name of authorised accountant/tax agent/BAS agent] is authorised to receive any
funds that may be payable to the Business, if the application is approved, and I authorise Service
NSW to deposit such funds into the account nominated by [name of authorised accountant/tax
agent/BAS agent].