CHAPTER 4 Subsurface Investigation and Characterization1
CHAPTER 4 Subsurface Investigation and Characterization1
CHAPTER 4 Subsurface Investigation and Characterization1
The variations in testing procedures may be at least - another common in situ test.
partially compensated by converting the measured N - used extensively in Europe for over half a
to N60 as follows (Skempton, 1986): century, and now is also widely used in North
America and elsewhere.
- have a cone- shaped tip with a 60 degrees
(4.11) apex angle.
- with the two most common sizes having
projected areas of 10 cm2 and 15 cm2.
where - A mini- cone and a large cone with projected
N60 = SPT N value corrected for field areas of 2 cm2 and 40 cm2.
procedures - all CPTs in use today are electronic cones
Em = hammer efficiency (from Table 4.3) [ASTM D5778].
CB = borehole diameter correction (from - The cone is mounted on a set of steel rods and
Table 4.4) a hydraulic ram then pushes this assembly
CS = sampler correction (from Table 4.4) into the ground while instruments measure
CR = rod length correction (from Table 4.4) the resistance to penetration.
N = measured SPT N value
The cone resistance (qc) is the total force acting on the
The SPT data also may be adjusted using an cone divided by its projected area.
overburden correction that compensates for the effects
of effective stress. The corrected value, N1,60, is (Liao The sleeve friction (fs) is the total frictional force
and Whitman, 1985): acting on the friction sleeve divided by the sleeve
surface area.
(4.12 SI)
It is common to express the side friction in terms of the
friction ratio, Rf :
(4.12 English)
N1,60 = SPT N-value corrected for field
procedures and overburden stress o The CPT defines the soil profile with much
greater resolution than does the SPT.
𝜎𝑧′ = vertical effective stress at the test
o CPT rigs are often mounted in large three-
location (kPa or lb/ft2)
axle trucks.
N60 = SPT N-value corrected for field
o Typically capable of producing maximum
thrusts of 100 to 200 kN (10–20 tons).
*The overburden correction should be applied only
Development of piezocones with pore pressure
when the analysis procedure calls for an N1,60 value.
transducers in order to measure the excess pore water
pressures that develop while conducting the test.
Uses of SPT Data
CPT with pore pressure measurements or CPTu the
- The SPT N value, as well as many other test
enhance procedure and especially useful in saturated
results, is only an index of soil behavior.
- most of these correlations are very
approximate, especially those based on fairly
Uses of CPT Data
old data that were obtained when test
procedures and equipment were different
- is more repeatable.
from those now used.
- useful way to evaluate soil profiles.
- because of the many uncertainties in the SPT
- is able to detect fine changes in the
results, all of these correlations have a wide
margin of error.
- the SPT should be used only in - can be used to assess the engineering
cohesionless soils. properties of the soil through the use of
empirical correlations.
- is much less prone to error due to differences * n depends on the soil type and stress history and that
in equipment and technique. the value of n can be taken to be 1.0 for clay- like soils,
- correlations intended for use in cohesionless and can be obtained for a general soil using an iterative
soils are generally more accurate and most procedure.
commonly used.
- less accurate in cohesive soils because of the Correlation with Soil Behavior Type
presence of excess pore water pressures.
- The CPT does not recover any soil samples
Corrected CPT Parameters during penetration.
- Soil behavior type is slightly different from
Because of the geometry of the cone penetrometer, the standard soil classification, such as that from
pore pressure just behind the cone, u2, will affect the qc the Unified Soil Classification System, but it
measured and qc must be corrected by the following could be argued that SBT is actually more
equation: useful than USCS.
*This correlation generally gives reasonable
descriptions of “normal” soils.
- developed in Canada.
- One method of penetrating through these
very large- grained soils is to use a Becker
hammer drill.
- uses a small diesel pile- driving hammer and
percussion action to drive a 135 to 230 mm
(5.5–9.0 in) diameter double- wall steel
casing into the ground.
- been used successfully on very dense and
coarse soils.
- The cuttings are sent to the top by blowing air
through the casing.
- can be used to assess the penetration
resistance of these soils using the Becker
penetration test.
- The number of blows required to advance the
casing 300 mm (1 ft) is the Becker blow
count, NB.
Overconsolidation Ratio Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest
Empirical correlations that relate OCR to the SPT N60 Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) present an equation that
can be used to estimate the OCR of a sand. For OCR gives a very rough estimate of the K0 value from CPT
in sands, silty sands, and sandy silts, Mayne (2007) data:
gives the following empirical correlation:
*this correlation gives a very rough estimate of the
value of K0.
Pa = atmospheric pressure (100 kPa or 1 tsf) Correlation with DMT Data
m = 0.6 for clean quartzitic sands or 0.8 for
silty sands to sandy silts Marchetti (1980) presents an equation that gives an
estimate of the K0 value for uncemented clays using
Another empirical formula, intended for gravels, is DMT Data:
attributed to Kulhawy and Chen (2007):
Correlation with CPT Data For sands, Baldi et al. (1986) provide a correlation that
relates K0 to KD and qc from the CPT:
A simple way to estimate the OCR of cohesive soils is
through this empirical correlation to Kulhawy and
Mayne (1990) using CPT data: (4.34)
K = 0.005 for “seasoned” sands and 0.002
for “freshly deposited” sands (Marchetti et
where: al., 2001)
k = 0.2 to 0.5 (use an average of 0.3)
Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils
*It is valid for Qt1 < 20, and higher values of k should
be used for aged, heavily overconsolidated clays. Correlation with SPT Data
Correlation with DMT Data The relative density is a useful parameter that
describes the consistency of cohesionless soils. It may
According to Marchetti (1980), the OCR of be determined from SPT data using the following
uncemented clays can be estimated through this empirical correlation (Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990):
empirical correlation with DMT Data:
(4.31) (4.35)
* for normally consolidated clays with OCR = 1, KD =2
and that this correlation does not apply to “cemented-
structured- aged” clays.
Dr = relative density (in decimal form)
N1,60 = SPT N-value corrected for field
procedures and overburden stress
CP = grain-size correction factor
CA = aging correction factor
COCR = overconsolidation correction factor
D50 = grain size at which 50 percent of the soil
is finer (mm)
t = age of soil (time since deposition) (years)
OCR = overconsolidation ratio