Labour Relations Code
Labour Relations Code
Labour Relations Code
(under section 10)
(under section 27)
The Labour Relations and hdustrial Disputes Regulations, 1975 -:.;" :$LpB
PART I-Preliminary
Establishment ... ...
Purpose ... ...
Application ... ...
Revision ... ...
PART 11-Responsibilities
Employers ... ...
Individual Worker ...
Trade Unions ... ...
Employers Associations ...
PART111-Personnel Management Practices
Employment Policies ...
Manpower Use and Planning ...
Security of Workers ... ...
Working Environment ...
Payment of Wages ... ...
2. Purpose
The code recognizes the dynamic nature of industrial relations and
interprets it in its widest sense. It is not confined to procedural matters
but includes in its scope human relations and the greater responsibilities
of all the parties to the society in general.
Recognition is given to the fact that management in the exercise
of its function needs to use its resources (material and human)
efficiently. Recognition is also given to the fact that work is a social
right and obligation, it is not a commodity; it is to be respected and
dignity must be accorded to those who perform it, ensuring continuity
of employment, security of earnings and job satisfaction.
The inevitable conflicts that arise in the realization of these goals
must be resolved and it is the responsibility of all concerned, manage-
ment to individual employees, trade unions and employer's associa-
tions to co-operate in its solution. The code is designed to encourage
and assist that co-operation.
3. Application
Save where the Constitution provides otherwise, the code applies to
all employers and all workers and organizations representing workers
in determining their conduct one with the other, and industrial rela-
tions should be carried out within the spirit and intent of the code.
The code provides guidelines which complements the Labour Relations
and Industrial Disputes Act; an infringement of the code does not
of itself render anyone liable to legal proceedings, however, its provi-
sions may be relevant in deciding any question before a tribunal
or board.
4. Revision
In accordance with section 3(3) of the Act, the code may be revised
by the Minister. This will be done in consultation with representative
organizations of employers and workers.
This provision is not to be interpreted as inhibiting or restricting
the right of the parties to review and improve their own labour
management practices as the need arises.
5. Employers
In keeping with the need for management to be productive and
responsive to workers and the society in general, good management
F h e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N.301 19771
7. Trade Unions
The main objective of a trade union is to promote the interest
of its members, due regard being paid to the interest of the total
labour force and to the greater national interest. To achieve this
aim, trade unions have a duty to maintain the viability of the under-
taking by ensuring co-operation with management in measures to
promote efficiency and good industrial relations.
Trade Unions should therefore-
(i) where appropriate, maintain jointly with management
and other trade unions effective arrangements at
industry or local levels for negotiation, consultation
and communication and for settling grievances and
(ii) take all reasonable steps to ensure that their officials
and members observe all arrangements;
(iii) provide for the training of delegates in the scope
of their powers and duties and the day-to-day opera-
tion of the union;
(iv) provide adequate educational opportunities for the
advancement of their members;
me indlusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 961197q
8. Employers' Associations
The principal aim of employers' associations is to promote the
interests of their members, due regard being paid to the interest of the
total labour force and to the greater national interest.
Employers' associations should therefore-
(i) co-operate with trade unions for the establishment at
industry level where appropriate, of procedures for the
negotiation of terms and conditions of employment
and the settlement of disputes and grievances;
(ii) encourage their members to establish effective pro-
cedures in consultation with trade unions recognized
by them, for the settlement of disputes and grievances
at the local level;
fiii) take all reasonable steps to ensure that their members
pursue those procedures which are established;
(iv) collect, analyse and distribute information in the
industrial relations field;
(v) identify trends in industrial relations to help their
members to anticipate and keep abreast of change;
(vi) provide adequate advisory services for their members;
(vii) encourage their members to provide adequate educa-
fShc indlurico of this page in authorized by L.N. 961197Il
(b) Consultation
Consultation is the joint examination and discussion of problems
and matters affecting management and workers. It involves seeking
mutually acceptable solutions through a genuine exchange of views
and information. Management should take the initiative in establishing
and regularising consultative arrangements appropriate to the circum-
stances of the undertaking in co-operation with the workers or their
(i) Management should ensure that in establishing consultative
(a) all the information necessary for effective consultation
is supplied;
(b) there is adequate opportunity for workers and their repre-
sentatives to expose their views without prejudicibg their
positions in any way;
(c) senior members of management take an active part in con-
(4 there is adequate opportunity for reporting back.
(ii) Where formal arrangements exist the rules and procedures as
well as the subjects ,to be discussed should be agreed between
representatives of management and workers.
[The idusion of this paso is authorized by L.N. 96119771
(under section 27)
(Made by the Minister on the 1st day of May, 1975) L.N.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Labour Relations and Amd. :
L.N. 1068178
Industrial Disputes Regulations, 1975.
2. In these Regulations-
"list of voters" means the list referred to in paragraph (5) of
regulation 5 as the list of workers who are eligible to vote
in the ballot;
"polling station" means the place provided by an employer pursu-
ant to paragraph (1) of regulation 7;
"presiding officer" means the officer designated by the Minister
under regulation 7 to preside at the taking of the ballot;
"voting period" means the period specified by the Minister under
regulation 7 as the period during which the ballot shall be
3.-(1) The Minister may cause a ballot to be taken under section
Act if-
a request in writing so to do is made to him by a trade union
(hereinafter referred to as the applicant) and a certificate in
the form set out as Form No. 1 in the Schedule is supplied Schedule.
Form No. 1.
to him; and
he is satisfied that a claim in the form set out as Form No. Form No. 2
2 in the Schedule was served on the employer of the workers
in relation to whom that request has been made; and
a ballot of the workers or category of workers in relation to
whom that request has been made was not taken during the
period of one year immediately preceding the date of that
request, or, where such a ballot was taken during that period,
if he is satisfied that new or unforeseen circumstances have
arisen which, in his opinion, justify the taking of the ballot
for which that request has been made; and
phe inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 71/197Y]
(3) If any trade union to which a copy of the certified list is given
in accordance with paragraph (2) makes to the Minister, within five
days after the copy was given to that trade union, an objection in
writing to the inclusion or omission of any name in or from the
list the Minister shall assist the employer and the trade unions con-
cerned to settle the objection; if they fail to settle the objection the
Minister shall make such inquiries, and examine such documents, as
he thinks fit and settle the objection in such manner as he thinks just.
(4) If the employer and the applicant and any other trade union
claiming bargaining rights in relation to the workers whose names
appear on the certified list referred to in paragraph (1) jointly request
the Minister in writing, before the date specified under regulation 7.
to amend that list, the Minister shall amend the list in accordance
with that request.
(5) The certified list furnished to the Minister under this regula-
tion, with any alteration or amendment made in accordance with
paragraph (3) or (4), shall be the list of the workers who are eligible
to vote in the ballot.
6.-(1) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable after the period
of five days referred to in paragraph (3) of regulation 5, cause to be
prepared such number of ballot papers as may be necessary for the
(2) Where the applicant is the only trade union claiming bar-
gaining rights in relation to the workers whose names appear on the
list of voters the ballot papers shall be in the form set out as Form
No. 3 in the Schedule. ~orm
NO. 3.
(3) Where any trade union besides the applicant also claims
bargaining rights in relation to the workers whose names appear on
the list of voters-
(a) the ballot papers shall be in the form set out as Form No.
4 in the Schedule; ~orm
NO. 4.
(b) the name of each trade union claiming bargaining rights in
relation to those workers shall be inserted in a separate com-
partment of the first column of the ballot papers, and, subject
to paragraph (4). if any of those trade unions was recognized,
before the preparation of the ballot papers, as having bargain-
ing rights in relation to those workers the name of that trade
union shall be the first one on the ballot papers.
(4) Where any trade union other than the applicant is recognized,
before the preparation of the ballot papers, as having bargaining rights
in relation to the workers whose names appear on the list of voters,
lThe inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 71119791
that trade union may, if it does not wish its time to be inserted in the
ballot papers, give to the Minister notice in writing of that fact before
the ballot papers are prepared.
(5) Any trade union which gives notice to the Minister in accord-
ance with paragraph (4) shall cease, on the date of that notice, to
be recognized as having bargaining rights in relation to the workers
whose names appear on the list of voters and to take part in any
arrangements for the taking of the ballot, and the name of that trade
union shall not be inserted in the ballot papers.
7.-(1) The employer shall, at the request of the Minister provide
on his premises suitable accommodation for the taking of the ballot.
(2) The Minister shall-
(a) designate such officer in the public service as he thinks fit
to preside at the taking of the ballot;
( b ) invite the employer to nominate an official agent and shall
also invite each trade union whose name appears on the ballot
papers to nominate one official agent;
(c) after consultation with the employer and the trade unions
whose names appear on the ballot papers, specify the date
on which, and the period during which, the ballot shall be
taken, so, however, that that period shall, to such extent as
is practicable, be a period during which the workers whose
names appear on the list of voters are required, in accordance
with their contracts of employment, to be at work.
8.-(1) The presiding officer shall, on the date, and before the com-
mencement of the voting period, be present at the polling station
and shaIl have in his possession-
(a) the ballot papers prepared under regulation 6 ;
( b ) a ballot box;
(c) a supply of challenging forms in the form set out as Form
Form NO. 5 . No. 5 in the Schedule:
(d) the list of voters;
(e) a supply of pencils and envelopes.
(2) All official agents nominated in accordance with the invitation
of the Minister are entitled to be present, during the period specified
for the holding of the ballot, at the place provided therefor, and may-
(a) identify or challenge any person applying for a ballot paper;
(b) ensure that the ballot is conducted in accordance with these
(3) The employer shall permit every worker whose name appears
on the list of voters to be absent from work for such portion of the
voting period as may be necessary for that worker to cast his vote:
[The mclusim of th~spipe is authorized by L.N. 71119791
Provided that-
that portion of the voting period shall not exceed two hours
(exclusive of the time usually allowed to that worker for
taking his meal); and
the times at which, and the numbers in which, workers shall
be released by the employer for the purpose of casting their
votes shall be so arranged as to ensure that all the workers
whose names appear on the list of voters will have an
opportunity to cast their votes during the voting period.
(4) Every worker who is permitted to be absent from work in
accordance with paragraph (3) shall be deemed, for the purposes of
computing his wages and of determining any of his other rights as a
worker, to have been at work during the period of such absence.
(c) after the ballot paper has been marked, instruct the votw to
deposit the folded ballot paper in the ballot box in the view
of all the persons present.
(5) Any official agent who claims that a person who has applied
foa a ballot paper is not one of the persons whose names appear on
tht; list of voters may, before that person is given the balllot paper.
inform the presiding officer that he wishes to challenge that person
and may thereupon record his challenge by completing and signing
two copies of the challenging forms referred to in sub-paragraph (c)
of paragraph (1) of regulation 8 and giving them to the presiding
officer, who shall then, except in the case referred to in panagaph (3,
permit that person to votk and shall, after his ballot paper has been
marked, place it and one copy of the completed challenging forms into
an envelope, seal the envelope, mark on the outside thereof the name
of that person and the words "Challenged Ballot", and deposit the
envelope in the ballot box.
(6) The presiding officer shall keep the other copy of the com-
pleted challenging forms in another envelope, which shall not be
deposited in the ballot box.
(7) If all the official agents present agree that a person who has
been challenged shall not be permitted to vote the presiding o5cer
shall not permit him to vote.
10. During the voting period-
(a) no person other than the presiding officer, his assistant (if
any), official agents and persons waiting to cast their votes
shall be permitted to be in the polling station;
(b) no person shall, in any part of the premises in whkh the
polling station is situated, seek to influence arry pemm whose
name is on rhe list of voters as to whether, or in Miat manna,
he should vote, or seek to ascertain how that person intends
to vote or has voted.
11. At the end of the voting period the presiding officer shall seal
the ballot box in the view of all persons present and shall then take
the ballot box and deposit it in a secure place approved by the Minister.
1 2 4 1 ) On a day appointed by the Minister for the aounting of the
(a) the Minister shall, after examining tha copies of completed
challenging €oms kept by the presiding offioer in accordance
with paragraph (6) of regulation 9, decide whetherr the vote
[The inolusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 96/.1977]
13.-(1) After the votes have been counted the list of voters, and
all the ballot papers, used in the taking of the ballot shall be stored
in a safe place and shall be kept there for such period after the date
of counting, which shall not be less than two months, as the Minister
shall determine.
(2) Any dispute arising from the manner in which the ballot
was taken may, if it is not settled, be reported to the Minister within
seven days after the taking of the ballot and the Minister shall settle
the dispute in a manner appearing to him to be just.
14. Any person who contravenes any provision of these Regulations
for the contravention of which no penalty is provided elsewhere in these
Regulations shall be guilty of an offence and be liable on summary
conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding two
hundred dollars.
F e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 96119771
Form No. 1 (Regulation 3 (1) )
In respect of the claim of the ...............................................................
(Name of trade union)
for representational rights on behalf of he employees of .................................
(Name of Employer)
I required the SecretaryITreasurer of the aforesaid trade union to produce
to me the following books and records of that trade union for checks-
(a) the membership roll;
( b ) the ledger.
On examination those books and records show that ....................................
employees of the said employer as per list of names and categories attached
hereto were enrolled on or before the .........................................................
(Date o f claim)
as bona fide members of the said ...............................................................
(Name of trade union)
and that .............................................dues cards have been issued to these
members; and that the said ..........................................employees have paid
their entrance fees and are bona fide members of the said trade union, in
good financial standing.
Signature.. .........................................................
Form No. 2. cantd.
3. Description of the categorylcategories claimcd-
Dated this.. of. ............................................ 19......
(trade union)
Grounds of challenge.................................................................................
Dated this of .............................................19......
Signature.. ........................................................
Office.. ........................................................ of