smb00003287-ZP11MCE3AUS维修手册-英文 20180711
smb00003287-ZP11MCE3AUS维修手册-英文 20180711
smb00003287-ZP11MCE3AUS维修手册-英文 20180711
MG 3
The Service Procedures Manual provides information about the specification, system introduction, service procedure and
adjustment of the new MG 3 vehicle.
After mastering the content of this manual and materials in the service bulletins of SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co., the
technicians of Authorised Repairers of SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co. can provide better service for MG 3 vehicle
For relevant information about product brands, part number or special tools mentioned in this manual, we recommend
you to contact with SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co.
Without prior written approval from SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co., no part of the manual shall be reproduced,
stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (including but not limited to electronic, mechanical,
photocopy and recording). The statement above applies to all texts, illustrations and tables.
How To Use This Manual NOTE statements emphasize a necessary characteristic of
General a diagnostic or repair procedure. NOTE statements are
designed to do the following:
To assist in the use of this Manual, it is divided into sections
and sub-sections. The relevant sub-section title is given at the • Clarify a procedure.
header of each page. • Present additional information for accomplishing a
There is a single Contents section at the front of the Manual,
which is divided by section and sub-section. The book is • Give insight into the reason or reasons for performing a
numbered from page 1. The page number is given at the procedure in the manner recommended.
bottom of each page. • Present information that will help to accomplish a
procedure in a more effective manner.
The individual actions of the repair operations must be
followed in the sequence in which they appear. Item numbers • Present information that gives the technician the benefit
in the illustrations refer to the relevant numbered text under of past experience in accomplishing a procedure with
the illustration. greater ease.
Adjustment and repair operations include reference to Service TIP: Gives helpful information.
tool numbers and the associated illustration depicts the tool in References
use. Adjustment and repair operations also include reference
References to the LH or RH side given in this Manual are made
to wear limits, relevant data, torque figures, and specialist
when viewing the vehicle from the rear. With the engine and
information and useful assembly details. Each adjustment or
gearbox assembly removed, the crankshaft pulley end of the
repair operation is given a unique Repair Operation number.
engine is referred to as the front.
Operations covered in this Manual do not include reference
following meanings:
to testing the vehicle after repair. It is essential that work
When encountering a WARNING, you will be asked to take is inspected and tested after completion and if necessary a
a necessary action or not to take a prohibited action. If a road test of the vehicle is carried out. This is of particular
WARNING is not heeded, the following consequences may importance where safety related items are concerned.
occur: Dimensions
• Serious bodily injury or death to the technician.
The dimensions quoted are to design engineering specification.
• Serious bodily injury or death to other technicians in the Service limits are included where applicable.
workplace area.
Our company are constantly seeking to improve the
• Serious bodily injury to the driver and/or passenger(s) of
specification, design and production of their vehicles and
the vehicle, if the vehicle has been improperly repaired.
alterations take place accordingly. While every effort has been
CAUTION call special attention to a necessary action or to a made to ensure the accuracy of this Manual, it should not be
prohibited action. If a CAUTION is not heeded, the following regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications of any
consequences may occur: particular vehicle.
• Damage to the vehicle.
• Unnecessary vehicle repairs.
• Unnecessary component replacement.
• Improper operation or performance of the system or
component under repair.
• Damage to any systems or components which are
dependent upon the proper operation of the system or
component under repair.
• Improper operation or performance of any systems
or components which are dependent upon the proper
operation or performance of the system or component
under repair.
• Damage to fasteners, basic tools, or special tools.
• The leakage of coolant, lubricant, or other vital fluids.
1.0 1
Repairs and Replacements
When replacement parts are required it is essential that only
our company’s recommended parts are used.
All SMC recommended parts have the full backing of the vehicle
Tel: 021-54234810
1.0 2
General Information ........................... 1 Flywheel-MT ................................................ 66
General Information .............................................1 Crankshaft Pulley.......................................... 68
General Precautions ........................................... 1 Timing Chain Upper Cover Plate................... 69
Safety Instructions .............................................. 2 Timing Chain Lower Cover Plate................... 70
Environmental Precautions.................................. 3 Timing Chain................................................ 72
General Fitting Instructions................................. 5 Camshaft Cover ........................................... 74
Ball and Roller Bearings ...................................... 6 Camshaft - Intake or Exhaust ........................ 76
Oil Seals ............................................................ 7 Mechanical Tappet ........................................ 79
Joints and Joint Faces .......................................... 8 Valve............................................................ 80
Locking Devices ................................................. 8 Cylinder Head Assembly............................... 81
Screw Threads ................................................... 9 Cylinder Head Check ................................... 83
Fasteners Identification....................................... 9 Cylinder Gasket ........................................... 88
Flexible Pipes and Hoses................................... 11 Lower Crankcase ......................................... 89
Fuel Handling Precautions................................. 12 Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Check............. 90
Electrical Precautions ....................................... 13 Piston Check................................................ 91
Supplementary Restraint System Crankshaft Check......................................... 92
Precautions...................................................... 14 Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal ............................... 94
SRS Component Replacement Policy................. 20 Oil Strainer .................................................. 95
Air Conditioning System Precautions ................ 21 Oil Pump ..................................................... 96
Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Control Valve ......................................... 97
Replacement .................................................... 23 Engine Oil Filter ........................................... 98
Vehicle Identification Number ...........................24 Engine Oil Pressure Check............................ 99
Vehicle Identification Number........................... 24 Intake Manifold Gasket.................................. 99
Position Of Other Plates .................................. 25 Exhaust Manifold Gasket ............................. 102
Lifting & Towing...................................................26 Cylinder Pressure Test ................................ 103
Lifting .............................................................. 26 Special Tools .................................................. 104
Roadside Assistance ......................................... 27 Engine Cooling System .....................................106
Lubrication & Maintenance ................................29 Specifications ................................................. 106
Capacity .......................................................... 29 Torque ....................................................... 106
Fluid ................................................................ 29 Parameter .................................................. 107
Lubricating Fluid............................................... 30 Description and Operation............................. 108
Engine................................................. 31 System Layout ............................................ 108
Description ................................................ 110
Engine Mechanical...............................................31
Operation .................................................. 112
Specifications ................................................... 31
Service Procedures......................................... 114
Torque ......................................................... 31
Coolant - Drain and Refill ........................... 114
Parameter .................................................... 33
System Pressure Test .................................. 115
Description and Operation............................... 41
Pressure Seal Cap - Pressure Test................ 116
System Layout .............................................. 41
Coolant Expansion Tank.............................. 116
Description .................................................. 54
Cooling Fan................................................ 117
Operation .................................................... 56
Cooling Fan Low Speed Resistor ................. 117
Service Procedures........................................... 58
Radiator..................................................... 118
Powertrain Remove and Refit - AT ................ 58
Radiator Water Inlet Hose.......................... 119
Powertrain Remove and Refit - MT ............... 61
Radiator Water Outlet Hose ...................... 120
Powertrain Mount ........................................ 64
Engine Overflow Pipe - 1.5L........................ 120
Torque Converter Drive Plate - AT ............... 65
1.0 1
Heater Water Inlet Hose ............................ 121 Fuel System - Pressure Relief - 1.5L ............. 155
Heater Water Outlet Hose......................... 121 Fuel System - Pressure Test - 1.5L ............... 156
Radiator Drain Valve................................... 122 Tank-Drain & Refill ..................................... 157
Radiator Upper Shock Pad .......................... 122 Filler Neck ................................................. 157
Radiator Lower Shock Pad .......................... 123 Electronic Throttle Self-learning - UMC
Wind Scooper - Left................................... 123 System ....................................................... 158
Wind Scooper - Right ................................. 124 Special Tools .................................................. 159
Thermostat - 1.5L ...................................... 124 Engine Manifold & Exhaust System .................160
Water Pump............................................... 125 Specifications ................................................. 160
Transmission Oil Cooler Inlet Pipe Torque ....................................................... 160
Assembly - 4AT .......................................... 126 Description and Operation............................. 161
Transmission Oil Cooler Outlet Pipe System Layout ............................................ 161
Assembly - 4AT .......................................... 126 Description ................................................ 163
Special Tools .................................................. 127 Operation .................................................. 164
Engine Fuel & Management .............................128 Service Procedures......................................... 165
Specifications ................................................. 128 Air Filter Assembly ..................................... 165
Torque ....................................................... 128 Air Filter Element ....................................... 165
Parameter .................................................. 129 Air Inlet Pipe Assembly ............................... 166
Description and Operation............................. 130 Electronic Throttle ..................................... 166
System Layout ............................................ 130 Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly ...................... 167
System Control Diagram............................. 131 Rear Exhaust Pipe Assembly........................ 168
Description ................................................ 133 Exhaust Passage Heat Shield........................ 169
Service Procedures......................................... 141 Fuel Tank Heat Shield ................................. 169
Spark Plug .................................................. 141 Engine Electrical System ..................................170
Ignition Coil ............................................... 141 Specifications ................................................. 170
Engine Control Module (ECM) .................... 142 Torque ....................................................... 170
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Description and Operation............................. 171
(ECT) ........................................................ 142
System layout ............................................. 171
Engine Oil Temperature Sensor ................... 143
Description ................................................ 172
Crankshaft Position Sensor ......................... 143
Operation .................................................. 174
Camshaft Position Sensor ........................... 144
Service Procedures......................................... 175
Camshaft Phase Modulator ......................... 144
Alternator.................................................. 175
Oil Pressure Switch .................................... 146
Auxiliary Drive Belt .................................... 176
Knock Sensor............................................. 147
Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner..................... 177
Fuel Rail ..................................................... 147
Starter Motor ............................................ 177
Fuel Injector............................................... 148
Battery Positive Cable................................. 178
Oxygen Sensor........................................... 149
Battery Negative Cable............................... 179
Downstream Oxygen Sensor ...................... 149
Battery....................................................... 180
Manifold Absolute Pressure/Temperature
Sensor ....................................................... 150 Battery Tray ............................................... 180
Charcoal Canister ...................................... 150 Battery Tray Front Bracket.......................... 181
Carbon Canister Control Valve ................... 151 Battery Tray Rear Bracket ........................... 181
Pipe Assembly - Body Underfloor Fuel Accessory Belt Idle Pulley ........................... 182
Lines .......................................................... 151
Transmission .................................... 183
Fuel filter .................................................. 152
Tank - Fuel ................................................. 153 Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT..........................183
Fuel pump .................................................. 154 Specifications ................................................. 183
2 1.0
Torque ....................................................... 183 Torque ....................................................... 259
Description and Operation............................. 184 Description and Operation............................. 260
System Layout ............................................ 184 System Layout ............................................ 260
Description ................................................ 185 Service Procedures......................................... 261
Service Procedures......................................... 187 Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve - Manual........... 261
Shift Lever Knob - Automatic ...................... 187 Gear Shift Mechanism Assembly -
Shift Lever Assembly - Automatic ................ 188 Manual ....................................................... 261
Gear Panel ................................................. 189 Tools List ....................................................... 263
Transmission-AT................................................190 Transmission-MT ...............................................264
Specifications ................................................. 190 Specifications ................................................. 264
Torque ....................................................... 190 Torque ....................................................... 264
Parameter .................................................. 191 Parameter .................................................. 265
Description and Operation............................. 193 Description and Operation............................. 267
System Layout ............................................ 193 System Layout ............................................ 267
System Control Diagram............................. 198 Description ................................................ 276
Description ................................................ 202 Operation .................................................. 277
Operation .................................................. 212 Service Procedures......................................... 279
diagnosis ........................................................ 230 Manual Transmission Assembly.................... 279
Overview ................................................... 230 Gear Selection/Shift Shaft Oil Seal -
Manual ....................................................... 281
Machinery Diagnosis ................................... 231
Transmission Fluid - Drain and Refill ............ 282
Service Procedures......................................... 241
Reverse Lamp Switch.................................. 283
Hydraulic Pressure Test .............................. 241
Left Differential Oil Seal.............................. 283
Automatic Transmission Assembly............... 242
Right Differential Oil Seal ............................ 284
Automatic Transmission Fluid - Drain and
Refill .......................................................... 244 Manual Transmission Disassembling ............. 284
Automatic Transmission Fluid - Refill ........... 246 Drive Shaft Assembly .................................. 290
Transmission Control Module (TCM)........... 247 Driven Shaft Assembly ................................ 291
Automatic Transmission Harness................. 247 Differential Assembly .................................. 293
Neutral Start Switch ................................... 248 Special Tools .................................................. 295
Neutral Start Switch - Check and Clutch .................................................................296
Adjustment ................................................ 249 Specifications ................................................. 296
Input Speed Sensor..................................... 250 Torque ....................................................... 296
Output Speed Sensor ................................. 250 Parameter .................................................. 297
Automatic Transmission Housing End Oil Description and Operation............................. 298
Seal............................................................ 251 System Layout ............................................ 298
Torque Converter Housing End Oil Description ................................................ 301
Seal............................................................ 252
Operation .................................................. 302
Hydraulic Torque Converter ....................... 253
Service Procedures......................................... 303
Valve Body Cover ....................................... 253
Clutch Assembly......................................... 303
Valve Body Assembly .................................. 254
Clutch Release Bearing ............................... 304
Oil Pump Oil Seal ....................................... 256
Clutch Master Cylinder............................... 305
Filter Assembly........................................... 257
Clutch Slave Cylinder.................................. 306
Automatic Transmission Oil Cooler Pipe
Connector ................................................. 257 Clutch Pipeline System Bleeding .................. 306
Special Tools .................................................. 258 Clutch Position Sensor................................ 307
Shift Lock Control-MT......................................259 Special Tools .................................................. 308
Specifications ................................................. 259
1.0 3
HVAC System.................................. 309 Specifications ................................................. 342
HVAC Structure ................................................309 Torque ....................................................... 342
Specifications ................................................. 309 Description and Operation............................. 343
Torque ....................................................... 309 System Layout ............................................ 343
Parameters................................................. 309 System Control Diagram............................. 345
Description and Operation............................. 310 Description ................................................ 346
System Layout ............................................ 310 Operation .................................................. 347
Description ................................................ 313 Service Procedures......................................... 348
Service Procedures......................................... 318 A/C Panel - MTC ....................................... 348
Refrigerant Recovery and Refill ................... 318 Mode Damper Cable .................................. 348
Compressor - 1.5L ..................................... 319 Recirculated Damper Actuator.................... 349
Compressor Breather Hose - 1.5L .............. 320 Steering System .............................. 351
Compressor Exhaust Hose - 1.5L................ 321
Front Wheel Steering .......................................351
A/C Hard Pipe Assembly - 1.5L ................... 322
Specifications ................................................. 351
Pressure Switch .......................................... 323
Torque ....................................................... 351
Condenser ................................................. 323
Parameters................................................. 351
A/C Box Assembly ..................................... 324
Description and Operation............................. 352
Evaporator Core ........................................ 325
System Layout ............................................ 352
Expansion Valve.......................................... 326
Description ................................................ 355
Blower Motor Assembly ............................. 327
Operation .................................................. 356
Blower Speed Regulation Resistor ............... 327
Service Procedures......................................... 360
A/C Filter Cover ....................................... 328
Power Steering System - Pressure
A/C Filter Element ..................................... 328 Test ........................................................... 360
A/C Drain Pipe........................................... 329 Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod...................... 361
Heater Core Assembly ............................... 329 Steering Gear Boot..................................... 361
Instrument Panel Air Duct .......................... 330 Steering Gear Inner Tie Rod ....................... 362
Body Relief Valve - Left ............................... 330 Steering Gear Subassembly ......................... 362
Body Relief Valve - Right ............................. 331 Power Steering Pump ................................. 364
HVAC-ETC.........................................................332 Oil Inlet Pipe (Reservoir to Steering
Specifications ................................................. 332 Pump) ........................................................ 366
Torque ....................................................... 332 Oil Inlet Pipe - Steering Pump to Steering
Description and Operation............................. 333 Gear .......................................................... 366
System Layout ............................................ 333 Steering Gear Oil Outlet Pipe ..................... 368
System Control Diagram............................. 335 Steering Cooling Pipe ................................. 370
Description ................................................ 336 Reservoir Oil Return Pipe Assembly............ 371
Operation .................................................. 338 Power Assisted Steering (PAS) System
Bleeding ..................................................... 372
Service Procedures......................................... 339
Special Tools .................................................. 373
A/C Controller Assembly - ETC.................. 339
Steering Wheel and Column ...........................374
A/C Panel - ETC......................................... 339
Specifications ................................................. 374
Mode Damper Actuator ............................. 340
Torque ....................................................... 374
Internal/External Recirculated Damper
Actuator .................................................... 340 Service Procedures......................................... 375
Evaporator Core Temperature Steering Wheel Assembly ........................... 375
Sensor ....................................................... 341 Steering Wheel
Temperature Damper Actuator................... 341 Positioning/Adjustment ............................... 375
4 1.0
Steering Column Combination Rear Damper Assembly .............................. 407
Switch........................................................ 376 Rear Spring ................................................ 407
Steering Wheel Entertainment Rear Hub Bearing ....................................... 408
Switch........................................................ 377
H Frame Assembly ..................................... 408
Upper Steering Column .............................. 377
Tires and Wheels ..............................................410
Intermediate Shaft ...................................... 378
Specifications ................................................. 410
Steering Column Lower Trim Cover............ 379
Torque ....................................................... 410
Mechanical Steering Column Lock ............... 379
Parameter .................................................. 411
Suspension System.......................... 381 Service Procedures......................................... 412
Wheel Alignment ..............................................381 Wheel........................................................ 412
Specifications ................................................. 381 Tyre Pressure Monitoring Controller........... 413
Torque ....................................................... 381 Tyre Pressure Sensor .................................. 413
Parameters................................................. 381 Brake System................................... 415
Description and Operation............................. 382
Brake ..................................................................415
Description ................................................ 382
Specifications ................................................. 415
Service Procedures......................................... 383
Torque ....................................................... 415
Four-wheel Alignment................................. 383
Description and Operation............................. 416
Front Suspension ...............................................384
System Layout ............................................ 416
Specifications ................................................. 384
Description ................................................ 417
Torque ....................................................... 384
Service Procedures......................................... 418
Specifications.............................................. 384
Brake Fluid Level Indicator Switch ............... 418
Description and Operation............................. 385
Brake Master Cylinder and Reservoir
System Layout ............................................ 385 Assembly ................................................... 418
Description ................................................ 388 Vacuum Booster Assembly.......................... 419
Service Procedures......................................... 390 Brake pedal ................................................ 420
Front Hub .................................................. 390 Brake lamp switch ...................................... 421
Front Hub Bearing ..................................... 392 Brake Caliper – Front ................................. 422
Front Lower Arm ...................................... 393 Brake Pads – Front .................................... 423
Front_Lower_Ball_Pin ................................ 394 Brake Disc – Front ..................................... 424
Front Lower Arm Rear Bush....................... 394 Thickness and Run-Out Check-Front Brake
Front Lower Arm Front Bush...................... 395 Disc ........................................................... 424
Front Damper ............................................ 395 Brake Drum ............................................... 425
Anti Roll Bar .............................................. 397 Brake Shoes - Rear ..................................... 426
Anti Roll Bar Bush ...................................... 397 Brake Shoes – Manually Adjust .................... 427
Anti Roll Bar Link ....................................... 398 Hydraulic Wheel Cylinder........................... 427
Front Subframe Assembly ........................... 398 Brake System Bleeding ................................ 428
Special Tools .................................................. 400 Electronic Vacuum Pump............................. 429
Rear Suspension ................................................402 Special Tools .................................................. 430
Specifications ................................................. 402 Park Brake .........................................................431
Torque ....................................................... 402 Specifications ................................................. 431
Specifications.............................................. 402 Torque ....................................................... 431
Description and Operation............................. 403 Description and Operation............................. 432
System Component Layout ......................... 403 System Layout ............................................ 432
Description ................................................ 406 Description ................................................ 433
Service Procedures......................................... 407 Service Procedures......................................... 434
1.0 5
Handbrake Cable - Adjust ........................... 434 A Pillar Lower Trim Panel ........................... 458
Handbrake Cable – Equaliser....................... 434 B/C Pillar Upper Trim Panel ........................ 459
Handbrake Cable – Rear............................. 435 B/C Pillar Lower Trim Panel ........................ 459
Handbrake Lever ........................................ 436 D Pillar Upper Trim Panel ........................... 460
Brake Module.....................................................437 D Pillar Lower Trim Panel ........................... 460
Specifications ................................................. 437 Rear Coat Rack .......................................... 461
Torque ....................................................... 437 Carpet ....................................................... 461
Description and Operation............................. 438 Luggage Compartment Side Trim
System Layout ............................................ 438 Panel.......................................................... 462
System Control Diagram............................. 439 Luggage Compartment Sill Trim Panel........... 463
Description ................................................ 440 Tail Gate Interior Trim Panel ....................... 463
Service Procedures......................................... 441 Roof Interior Trim ...................................... 464
ABS Sensor - Front..................................... 441 Sun Visor and Bracket................................. 465
ABS Sensor - Rear ...................................... 441 Insulation Pad of Engine Compartment
Heat Shield................................................. 465
Brake Modulator (SCS) ............................... 442
Front Insulation Pad.................................... 466
Driveline/Axle.................................. 443 Driver Side Glasses Box.............................. 467
Driveline/Axle ....................................................443 Inner Roof Handle ...................................... 467
Specifications ................................................. 443 Fascia and Console ...........................................468
Torque ....................................................... 443 Specifications ................................................. 468
Description and Operation............................. 444 Torque ....................................................... 468
System Layout ............................................ 444 Service Procedures......................................... 469
Description ................................................ 446 Instrument Panel End Cover Plate
Assembly ................................................... 469
Diagnostic...................................................... 447
Driver Side Lower Trim Panel
Diagnosis ................................................... 447 Assembly ................................................... 469
Mechanical Check....................................... 447 Glove Box Assembly................................... 470
Service Procedures......................................... 448 Instrument Panel Side Air Outlet
RH Shaft & Both Joints................................ 448 Assembly ................................................... 470
LH Shaft & Both Joints ................................ 449 Central Instrument Panel Air Outlet
Outer CV Joint Gaiter ................................ 450 Assembly ................................................... 471
Inner joint .................................................. 450 Central Control Panel and Switch of
Instrument Panel ........................................ 472
Inner Joint Gaiter ....................................... 451
Instrument Panel IPK Frame
Special Tools .................................................. 452 Assembly ................................................... 473
Interior Fitting................................. 453 Instrument Panel Assembly ......................... 473
Instrument Panel Beam Assembly ................ 475
Interior Trim and Paneling ...............................453
Centre Console Upper Trim Panel
Specifications ................................................. 453
Assembly and Switch .................................. 476
Torque ....................................................... 453
Centre Console Assembly .......................... 476
Service Procedures......................................... 454
Centre Console Heater Closing Plate
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Assembly ................................................... 477
Waterproof Membrane............................... 454
Seats ...................................................................478
Front Door Inner Handle............................ 455
Specifications ................................................. 478
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel and
Torque ....................................................... 478
Waterproof Membrane............................... 456
Description and Operation............................. 479
Rear Door Inner Handle ............................. 457
System Layout ............................................ 479
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel............................ 458
Description ................................................ 480
6 1.0
Operation .................................................. 481 Exterior Rearview Mirror Cover ................. 504
Service Procedures......................................... 482 Interior Rearview Mirror ............................ 505
Front Seat .................................................. 482 Wipers and Washer ..........................................506
Front Seat Squab ........................................ 482 Specifications ................................................. 506
Front Seat Backrest Cover .......................... 483 Torque ....................................................... 506
Front Seat Cushion..................................... 484 Description and Operation............................. 507
Front Seat Cushion Cover .......................... 484 System Layout ............................................ 507
Front Seat Outer Trim Panel ....................... 485 System Control Diagram............................. 508
Rear Seat Cushion ...................................... 485 Description ................................................ 509
Rear Seat Squab Hinge................................ 486 Operation .................................................. 510
Rear Seat Squab.......................................... 486 Service Procedures......................................... 512
Windshield Wiper Blade Assembly.............. 512
Exterior Fitting................................ 487
Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly ............... 512
Fixed Windows ..................................................487 Windshield Wiper Linkage Assembly -
Service Procedures......................................... 487 With Motor ............................................... 513
Front Door Quarter Window..................... 487 Washer Reservoir Assembly ....................... 513
Rear Door Quarter Window ...................... 487 Washer Pump Assembly ............................. 514
Windshield................................................. 488 Windshield Washer Pump Hose.................. 514
Rear Window............................................. 488 Rear Window Washer Pump Hose.............. 515
Bumpers, Fascias and Grille .............................489 Rear Window Wiper Arm Assembly ........... 516
Specifications ................................................. 489 Rear Window Wiper Motor ....................... 517
Torque ....................................................... 489 Special Tools .................................................. 518
Service Procedures......................................... 490
Lighting Systems ............................. 519
Front Bumper and Bracket .......................... 490
Front Bumper Beam ................................... 491 Lighting...............................................................519
Rear Bumper Beam .................................... 492 Specifications ................................................. 519
Rear Bumper and Bracket ........................... 492 Torque ....................................................... 519
Exterior Trim and Paneling ..............................494 Description and Operation............................. 520
Specifications ................................................. 494 System Layout ............................................ 520
Torque ....................................................... 494 System Control Diagram............................. 521
Service Procedures......................................... 495 Description ................................................ 522
A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly...................... 495 Operation .................................................. 523
Front Wheelhouse Liner............................. 495 Service Procedures......................................... 524
Rear Wheelhouse Liner .............................. 496 Interior Lamp Assembly .............................. 524
Bottom Deflector....................................... 497 Rearview Mirror and Light Leveling
Switch........................................................ 524
A Pillar Exterior Trim Panel......................... 498
Lamps .................................................................525
Specifications ................................................. 525
Specifications ................................................. 499
Torque ....................................................... 525
Torque ....................................................... 499
Description and Operation............................. 526
Description and Operation............................. 500
System Layout ............................................ 526
System Layout ............................................ 500
System Control Diagram............................. 527
System Control Diagram............................. 501
Description ................................................ 528
Description ................................................ 502
Operation .................................................. 530
Operation .................................................. 503
Service Procedures......................................... 532
Service Procedures......................................... 504
Headlamp Assembly.................................... 532
Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly ............ 504
1.0 7
Integrated High/Low Beam Bulb .................. 532 Torque ....................................................... 555
Front Position Lamp ................................... 533 Service Procedures......................................... 556
Front Direction Indicator Lamp................... 533 Fender ....................................................... 556
Headlamp Lighting Calibration..................... 534 Front-end Module....................................... 557
Bulb – Indicator – Side Repeater ................. 534 Bonnet Assembly and Hinge........................ 558
High-mounted Stop Lamp Assembly ............ 535 Bonnet Adjustment..................................... 559
Tail Lamp Assembly .................................... 535 Bonnet Lock Assembly ............................... 560
Tail Lamp Assembly Bulb ............................. 536 Bonnet Release Cable and Handle ............... 561
Rear License Plate Lamp Assembly .............. 536 Rear Closures.....................................................562
Light Sensor ............................................... 537 Specifications ................................................. 562
Torque ....................................................... 562
Body Systems ................................. 539
Service Procedures......................................... 563
Door....................................................................539 Tail Gate Gas Spring and Mounting
Specifications ................................................. 539 Bracket ...................................................... 563
Torque ....................................................... 539 Tail Gate Assembly and Hinge ..................... 564
Service Procedures......................................... 540 Tail Gate Adjustment .................................. 565
Front Door Adjustment.............................. 540 Tail Gate Lock Assembly ............................. 566
Front Door Assembly and Hinge ................. 540 Tail Gate Lock Catch .................................. 566
Driver Side Door Outer Handle and Lock Fuel Filler Door Assembly........................... 567
Cylinder Assembly...................................... 541 Fuel Filler Door Release Cable
Driver Side Door Lock Assembly ................ 542 Assembly ................................................... 567
Front Passenger Side Door Outer Horns ..................................................................568
Handle ....................................................... 543 Specifications ................................................. 568
Rear Door Adjustment ............................... 543 Torque ....................................................... 568
Rear Door Assembly and Hinge .................. 544 Service Procedures......................................... 569
Rear Door Outer Handle ........................... 545 Tweeter ..................................................... 569
Rear Door Catch/CDL Motor..................... 545 Body Control Module........................................570
Front Door Upper Molding......................... 546 Specifications ................................................. 570
Rear Door Upper Molding .......................... 547 Torque ....................................................... 570
Door Window Outer Weatherstrip ............ 547 Description and Operation............................. 571
Front Door Window Glass ......................... 548 System Layout ............................................ 571
Rear Door Window Glass .......................... 548 System Control Diagram............................. 572
Front Door Window Regulator................... 549 Description ................................................ 573
Rear Door Window Regulator.................... 549 Operation .................................................. 576
Front Door Window Regulator Service Procedures......................................... 578
Adjustment ................................................ 550
Body Control Module (BCM) ...................... 578
Rear Door Window Regulator
Adjustment ................................................ 550 Add Key and Disable Key ............................ 578
Front Door Glass Channel .......................... 551 Body Repair ..................................... 579
Rear Door Glass Channel ........................... 551
Panel Repair.......................................................579
Front Door Division Bar ............................. 552
Roof Panel ................................................. 579
Rear Door Division Bar .............................. 552
Engine Compartment Panel......................... 580
Power Window Switch - Driver Side ........... 553
Dash Panel ................................................. 581
Power Window Switch - Others ................. 553
Bodyside Panel ........................................... 582
Central Control Door Lock Switch ............. 554
Front Floor ................................................ 583
Front Closures ...................................................555
Rear Floor ................................................. 584
Specifications ................................................. 555
8 1.0
Door Panel ................................................ 585 System Control Diagram............................. 674
Bonnet Panel Assembly............................... 586 Description ................................................ 675
Tail Gate Panel Assembly ............................ 587 Operation .................................................. 676
Collision Repair .................................................588 Alarm System....................................................678
Body Material ............................................. 588 Description and Operation............................. 678
Damage Diagnosis ...................................... 589 System Layout ............................................ 678
Repair Plan Determination .......................... 591 System Control Diagram............................. 679
Body Correction ........................................ 592 Description ................................................ 680
Panel Repair ............................................... 594 Operation .................................................. 681
Sheet Metal Replacement............................ 595 Service Procedures......................................... 682
Painting...............................................................599 Anti-theft Coil............................................ 682
Overview ................................................... 599 Seat Belts ..........................................................683
Painting Process.......................................... 601 Specifications ................................................. 683
General Film Coating Defects ..................... 606 Torque ....................................................... 683
Seal .....................................................................610 Description and Operation............................. 684
Overview ................................................... 610 System Layout ............................................ 684
Sealing Performance Test ............................ 612 System Control Diagram............................. 685
Position Information of Sealant.................... 613 Description ................................................ 686
Gasket Position Information........................ 626 Operation .................................................. 688
Corrosion Protection .......................................629 Service Procedures......................................... 689
Overview ................................................... 629 Front Seat Belt Assembly ............................ 689
Anti-corrosion Products and Front Seat Belt Buckle ................................ 690
Construction.............................................. 632 Rear Seat Belt Assembly ............................. 690
Welding Process ................................................638 Rear Seat Belt Buckle.................................. 692
Welding Process Overview ......................... 638 Rear Middle Seat Belt Assembly .................. 693
Welding Protection Measures...................... 639 Supplemental In�atable Restraints .................694
Welding Parts Remove................................ 640 Specifications ................................................. 694
OEM Welding Information .......................... 642 Torque ....................................................... 694
Body Dimension ................................................662 Description and Operation............................. 695
Point to Point Dimensional Information........... 662 System Layout ............................................ 695
Bodyside and Top Information..................... 662 System Control Diagram............................. 696
Bottom Plate Information ........................... 664 Description ................................................ 697
Rear End Information.................................. 665 Operation .................................................. 701
Internal Information.................................... 666 Service Procedures......................................... 703
Front End Information ................................ 667 Steering Wheel Airbag................................ 703
Gap Information............................................. 668 Instrument Panel Airbag.............................. 703
Body Side and Fuel Filler Cap Head Curtain Airbag................................... 704
Information ................................................ 668
Side Impact Sensor ..................................... 705
Front End Information ................................ 669
Airbag Control Module............................... 706
Rear End Information.................................. 671
Park Assistant System ......................................707
Sunroof Information ................................... 672
Description and Operation............................. 707
Safety and Restraints ...................... 673 System Layout ............................................ 707
Vehicle Access....................................................673 System Control Diagram............................. 708
Description and Operation............................. 673 Description ................................................ 710
System Layout ............................................ 673 Operation .................................................. 712
1.0 9
Service Procedures......................................... 713
Ultrasonic Sensor ....................................... 713
Camera...................................................... 713
Information and
Entertainment ................................. 715
Entertainment and Navigation ........................715
Specifications ................................................. 715
Torque ....................................................... 715
Description and Operation............................. 716
System Layout ............................................ 716
System Control Diagram............................. 717
Description ................................................ 718
Operation .................................................. 721
Service Procedures......................................... 722
Radio Antenna............................................ 722
Front Door Woofer ................................... 722
Rear Door Woofer..................................... 723
Tweeter ..................................................... 723
Player......................................................... 724
Microphone................................................ 724
Displays and Gauges..........................................725
Specifications ................................................. 725
Torque ....................................................... 725
Description and Operation............................. 726
System Layout ............................................ 726
System Control Diagram............................. 727
Description ................................................ 728
Operation .................................................. 732
Service Procedures......................................... 733
Instrument Pack ......................................... 733
10 1.0
General Information
General Information Health Protection Precautions
General Precautions The following precautions should be observed at all times.
Dangerous Substances
• Wear protective clothing, including impervious gloves
Modern vehicles contain many materials and liquids which if not where practicable.
handled with care can be hazardous to both personal health • Avoid prolonged and repeated contact with oils,
and the environment. particularly used engine oils.
Warning: Many liquids and other substances used in • Do not put oily rags in pockets.
vehicles are poisonous and should under no circumstances • Avoid contaminating clothes (particularly those next to
be consumed and should, as far as possible, be kept the skin) with oil.
from contact with the skin. These liquids and substances
• Overalls must be cleaned regularly. Discard heavily soiled
include acid, antifreeze, brake fluid, fuel, windscreen
clothing and oil impregnated footwear.
washer additives, lubricants, refrigerants and various
adhesives. • First aid treatment should be obtained immediately for
open cuts and wounds.
Warning: Always read carefully the instructions printed
• Apply barrier creams before each work period to help
on labels or stamped on components and obey them
prevent lubricating oil from contaminating the skin.
implicitly. Such instructions are included for reasons of
your health and personal safety. Never disregard them. • Wash with soap and water to ensure all oil is removed
(proprietary skin cleansers and nail brushes will help).
Synthetic Rubber
• Use moisturisers after cleaning; preparations containing
Many O-rings, seals, hoses, flexible pipes and other similar lanolin help replace the skin's natural oils which have been
items which appear to be natural rubber, are in fact, made removed.
of synthetic materials called Fluoroelastomers. Under normal
• Do not use petrol/gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, oil,
operating conditions this material is safe and does not present
thinners or solvents for cleaning skin.
a health hazard. However, if the material is damaged by fire
or excessive heating, it can break down and produce highly • Where practicable, degrease components prior to
corrosive Hydrofluoric acid. handling.
• If skin disorders develop, obtain medical advice without
Contact with Hydrofluoric acid can cause serious burns on
contact with skin. If skin contact does occur:
• Wear eye protection (e.g. goggles or face shield) if there
• Remove any contaminated clothing immediately. is a risk of eye contamination. Eye wash facilities should
• Irrigate affected area of skin with a copious amount of be provided in close vicinity to the work area.
cold water or limewater for 15 to 60 minutes.
• Obtain medical assistance immediately.
1.0 1
General Information
Safety Instructions • Observe absolute cleanliness when working with
Jacking hydraulic components.
Caution: It is best to use the lift when working under the Cooling System Caps and Plugs
vehicle. Be sure to hold the wheels with chocks and apply When the engine is hot, especially if it is overheated, pay
parking brake. special attention when removing expansion tank caps and
Always use the recommended jacking points. coolant drain or bleed screws. To avoid the possibility of
scalding, allow the engine to cool before attempting removal.
Always ensure that any lifting apparatus has sufficient load
capacity for the weight to be lifted.
1.0 2
General Information
Environmental Precautions Discharges to Water
General Oil, petrol, solvent, acids, hydraulic oil, antifreeze and other
This section provides general information which can help to such substances should never be poured down the drain and
reduce the environmental impacts from the activities carried every precaution must be taken to prevent spillage reaching
out in workshops. the drains.
Emissions to Air Handling of such materials must take place well away from the
Many of the activities that are carried out in workshops emit drains and preferably in an area with a kerb or wall around it, to
gases and fumes which contribute to global warming, depletion prevent discharge into the drain. If a spillage occurs it should
of the ozone layer and/or the formation of photochemical be soaked up immediately. Having a spill kit available will make
smog at ground level. By considering how the workshop this easier.
activities are carried out, these gases and fumes can be Checklist
minimised, thus reducing the impact on the environment.
Always adhere to the following disposal and spillage prevention
Exhaust Fumes instructions.
Running car engines is an essential part of workshop activities • Never pour anything down a drain without first checking
and exhaust fumes need to be ventilated to atmosphere. that it is environmentally safe to do so, and that it does
However, the amount of time engines are running and the not contravene any local regulations.
position of the vehicle should be carefully considered at all
• Store liquids in a walled area;
times, to reduce the release of poisonous gases and minimise
• Protect bulk storage tanks from vandalism by locking the
the inconvenience to people living nearby.
• Transfer liquids from one container to another in an area
Some of the cleaning agents used are solvent based and will away from open drains;
evaporate to atmosphere if used carelessly, or if cans are left
• Ensure lids are replaced securely on containers;
unsealed. All solvent containers should be firmly closed when
• Make sure that taps on liquid containers are secure and
not needed and solvent should be used sparingly. Suitable
cannot be accidentally turned on;
alternative materials may be available to replace some of the
commonly used solvents. Similarly, many paints are solvent • Have spill kits available near to points of storage and
based and the spray should be minimised to reduce solvent handling of liquids.
emissions. Spill Kits
Refrigerant Special materials are available to absorb a number of different
Discharge and replacement of these materials from air substances. They can be in granular form, ready to use and
conditioning units should only be carried out using the correct bought in convenient containers for storage. Disposal of used
equipment. spill-absorbing material is dealt with in 'Waste Management'
Land Contamination
Always adhere to the following.
Oils, fuels and solvents etc. can contaminate any soil that
• Don't leave engines running unnecessarily; they are allowed to contact. Such materials should never be
• Minimise testing times and check where the exhaust disposed of by pouring onto soil and every precaution must be
fumes are being blown. taken to prevent spillage reaching soil. Waste materials stored
Materials: on open ground could also leak, or have polluting substances
washed off them that would contaminate the land. Always
• Keep lids on containers of solvents;
store these materials in suitable robust containers.
• Only use the minimum quantity;
• Consider alternative materials;
Always adhere to the following.
• Minimise over-spray when painting.
Gases: • Don't pour or spill anything onto the soil or bare ground;
• Use the correct equipment for collecting refrigerants; • Don't store waste materials on bare ground, see‘Spillage
prevention' list.
• Don't burn rubbish on site.
1.0 3
General Information
Local Issues Dispose of waste in accordance with the following guidelines.
A number of environmental issues will be of particular concern • Fuel, hydraulic fluid, anti-freeze and oil: keep separate
to residents and other neighbours close to the site. The and dispose of to specialist contractor.
sensitivity of these issues will depend on the proximity of the • Refrigerant: collect in specialist equipment and reuse.
site and the layout and amount of activity carried on at the site.
• Detergents: safe to pour down the foul drain if diluted.
Car alarm testing, panel beating, hammering and other such • Paint, thinners: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
noisy activities should, whenever possible, be carried out contractor.
indoors with doors and windows shut or as far away from
• Components: send back to supplier for refurbishment,
houses as possible.
or disassemble and reuse any suitable parts. Dispose of
Be sensitive to the time of day when these activities are carried the remainder in ordinary waste.
out and minimise the time of the noisy operation, particularly • Small parts: reuse any suitable parts, dispose of the
in the early morning and late evening. remainder in ordinary waste.
Another local concern will be the smell from the various • Metals: can be sold if kept separate from general waste.
materials used. Using less solvent, paint and petrol could help • Tyres: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
prevent this annoyance. contractor.
Local residents and other business users will also be concerned • Packaging: compact as much as possible and dispose of
about traffic congestion, noise and exhaust fumes, be sensitive in ordinary waste.
to these concerns and try to minimise inconvenience from • asbestos material : keep separate and dispose of to
deliveries, customers and servicing operations. specialist contractor.
Checklist • Oily and fuel wastes (e.g. rags, used spill kit material):
Always adhere to the following. keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
• Air filters: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
• Identify where the neighbours who are likely to be
affected are situated;
• Rubber/plastics: dispose of in ordinary waste.
• Minimise noise, smells and traffic nuisance;
• Hoses: dispose of in ordinary waste.
• Prevent litter by disposing of waste in the correct
manner; • Batteries: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
• Have waste containers emptied regularly.
Waste Management • Airbags - explosives: keep separate and dispose of to
specialist contractor.
One of the major ways that pollution can be reduced is by the
• Electrical components: send back to supplier for
careful handling, storage and disposal of all waste materials that
refurbishment, or disassemble and reuse any suitable
occur on sites. This means that it is necessary to not only know
parts. Dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.
what the waste materials are, but also to have the necessary
documentation and to know local regulations that apply. • Catalysts: can be sold if kept separate from general waste
• Used spill-absorbing material: keep separate and dispose
Handling and Storage of Waste
of to specialist contractor.
They should be stored in such a way as to prevent the escape
of the material to land, water or air.
1.0 4
General Information
General Fitting Instructions • Never inspect a component for wear or dimensional
Component Removal check unless it is absolutely clean; a slight smear of grease
can conceal an incipient failure.
Whenever possible, clean components and surrounding area
before removal. • When a component is to be checked dimensionally
against recommended values, use the appropriate
• Blank off openings exposed by component removal. measuring equipment (surface plates, micrometers,
• Immediately seal fuel, oil or hydraulic lines when dial gauges etc.). Ensure the measuring equipment is
apertures are exposed; use plastic caps or plugs to calibrated and in good serviceable condition.
prevent loss of fluid and ingress of dirt. • Reject a component if its dimensions are outside the
• Close the open ends of oilways exposed by component specified tolerances, or if it appears to be damaged.
removal with tapered hardwood plugs or conspicuous • A part may be refitted if its critical dimension is exactly
plastic plugs. to its tolerance limit and it appears to be in satisfactory
• Immediately a component is removed, place it in a condition. Use ‘Plastigauge' for checking bearing surface
suitable container; use a separate container for each clearances.
component and its associated parts.
• Clean bench and provide marking materials, labels and
containers before dismantling a component.
Observe scrupulous cleanliness when dismantling components,
particularly when brake, fuel or hydraulic system parts are
being worked on. A particle of dirt or a cloth fragment could
cause a serious malfunction if trapped in these systems.
1.0 5
General Information
Ball and Roller Bearings • In the case of grease lubricated bearings (eg. hub
General bearings) fill the space between bearing and outer seal
with the recommended grade of grease before fitting
When removing and installing bearings, ensure that the
following practices are observed to ensure component
serviceability. • Always mark components of separable bearings (eg.
taper roller bearings) when dismantling, to ensure
• Remove all traces of lubricant from bearing under
correct reassembly. Never fit new rollers in a used outer
inspection by cleaning with a suitable degreasant;
ring; always fit a complete new bearing assembly.
maintain absolute cleanliness throughout operations.
• Hold inner race of bearing between finger and thumb of
one hand and spin outer race to check that it revolves
absolutely smoothly. Repeat, holding outer race and
spinning inner race.
• Rotate outer ring gently with a reciprocating motion,
while holding inner ring; feel for any check or obstruction
to rotation. Reject bearing if action is not perfectly
• Lubricate bearing with generous amounts of lubricant
appropriate to installation.
• Inspect shaft and bearing housing for discoloration or
other markings which indicate movement between
bearing and housing.
• Ensure that shaft and housing are clean and free from
burrs before fitting bearing.
• If one bearing of a pair shows an imperfection, it
is advisable to replace both with new bearings; an
exception could be if the faulty bearing had covered a
low mileage, and it can be established that damage is
confined to only one bearing.
• Never refit a ball or roller bearing without first ensuring
that it is in a fully serviceable condition.
• When hub bearings are removed or displaced, new
bearings must be fitted; do not attempt to refit the old
hub bearings.
• When fitting a bearing to a shaft, only apply force to the
inner ring of the bearing. When fitting a bearing into a
housing, only apply force to the outer ring of the bearing.
1.0 6
General Information
Oil Seals
Always renew oil seals which have been removed from their
working location (whether as an individual component or
as part of an assembly). NEVER use a seal which has been
improperly stored or handled, such as hung on a hook or nail.
1.0 7
General Information
Joints and Joint Faces Locking Devices
General General
Fit joints dry unless specified otherwise. Always replace locking devices with one of the same design.
Clean and inspect key closely; keys are suitable for refitting only
if indistinguishable from new, as any indentation may indicate
the onset of wear.
Split Pins
Always fit new split-pins of the correct size for the hole in the
bolt or stud.
1.0 8
General Information
Screw Threads Fasteners Identification
General Bolt Identification
Metric threads to ISO standards are used.
1.0 9
General Information
An encapsulated bolt may be replaced with a bolt of equivalent also marked and some have the metric symbol M on the flat
specification provided it is treated with an approved locking opposite the strength grade marking.
When tightening a slotted or castellated nut, never loosen it
Self-locking Bolts and Screws to insert a split pin except where recommended as part of an
adjustment. If difficulty is experienced, alternative washers or
nuts should be selected, or the washer thickness reduced.
1.0 10
General Information
Flexible Pipes and Hoses Hose Orientation and Connection
When removing and installing flexible hydraulic pipes and
hoses, ensure that the following practices are observed to
ensure component serviceability.
1.0 11
General Information
when hot; ensure this movement is taken into account when Fuel Handling Precautions
routing and securing hoses. General
Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined spaces is
also explosive and toxic. The vapour is heavier than air
and will always fall to the lowest level. The vapour can be
easily distributed throughout a workshop by air currents;
consequently, even a small spillage of fuel is potentially very
1.0 12
General Information
As an added precaution, fuel tanks should have a 'FUEL Electrical Precautions
VAPOUR' warning label attached to them as soon as they are General
removed from the vehicle.
The following guidelines are intended to ensure the safety of
Fuel Tank Repairs the operator while preventing damage to the electrical and
No attempt should be made to repair a plastic fuel tank. If the electronic components fitted to the vehicle. Where necessary,
structure of the tank is damaged, a new tank must be fitted. specific precautions are detailed in the individual procedures of
this manual.
Body Repairs
Plastic fuel pipes are particularly susceptible to heat, even
at relatively low temperature, and can be melted by heat Prior to commencing any test procedure on the vehicle ensure
conducted from some distance away. that the relevant test equipment is working correctly and any
harness or connectors are in good condition. It is particularly
When body repairs involve the use of heat, all fuel pipes which
important to check the condition of the lead and plugs of mains
run in the vicinity of the repair area must be removed, and the
operated equipment.
tank outlet plugged.
Warning: If welding is to be carried out in the vicinity of
Never reverse connect the vehicle battery and always ensure
the fuel tank, the fuel system must be drained and the tank
the correct polarity when connecting test equipment.
removed before welding commences.
High Voltage Circuits
Whenever disconnecting live HT circuits always use insulated
pliers and never allow the open end of the HT lead to contact
other components, particularly ECUs. Exercise caution when
measuring the voltage on the coil terminals while the engine is
running, high voltage spikes can occur on these terminals.
Connectors and Harnesses
The engine compartment of a vehicle is a particularly hostile
environment for electrical components and connectors:
1.0 13
General Information
Battery Disconnection Supplementary Restraint System Precautions
Before disconnecting the battery, disable the alarm system and General Precautions
switch off all electrical equipment. The SRS system contains components which could be
potentially hazardous to the service engineer if not serviced
Caution: To prevent damage to electrical components,
and handled correctly. The following guidelines are intended
always disconnect the battery when working on the
to alert the service engineer to potential sources of danger
vehicle's electrical system. The ground lead must be
and emphasise the importance of ensuring the integrity of
disconnected first and reconnected last.
SRS components fitted to the vehicle.
Caution: Always ensure that battery leads are routed
Warning: It is imperative that before any work
correctly and are not close to any potential chafing
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
information is read thoroughly.
Battery Charging
Warning: It is imperative that before any work
Always ensure any battery charging area is well ventilated and
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
that every precaution is taken to avoid naked flames and sparks.
information is read thoroughly.
Warning: The airbag module contains sodium azide which
Remove the handset prior to making any connection or is poisonous and extremely flammable. Contact with
disconnection in the system to prevent electrical surges water, acid or heavy metals may produce harmful or
caused by disconnecting ‘live' connections damaging electronic explosive compounds. Do not dismantle, incinerate or
components. bring into contact with electricity, before the unit has
Ensure hands and work surfaces are clean and free of grease, been deployed.
swarf, etc. Grease collects dirt which can cause electrical Warning: Always replace a seat belt assembly that has
tracking (shortcircuits) or high resistance contacts. withstood the strain of a severe vehicle impact, or if the
When handling printed circuit boards, treat with care and hold webbing shows signs of fraying.
by the edges only; note that some electronic components are Warning: Always disconnect the vehicle battery before
susceptible to body static. carrying out any electric welding on a vehicle fitted with
Connectors should never be subjected to forced removal or an SRS system.
refit, especially inter-board connectors. Damaged contacts can Caution: Do not expose an airbag module or seat belt
cause short-circuit and open-circuit fault conditions. pre-tensioner to heat exceeding 85℃.
Prior to commencing test, and periodically during a test, touch It should be noted that these precautions are not restricted
a good vehicle body earth to discharge static charge. Some to operations performed when servicing the SRS system,
electronic components are vulnerable to the static electricity the same care must be exercised when working on ancillary
that may be generated by the operator. systems and components located in the vicinity of the SRS
Electrical Multiplugs Lubricate components; these include, but are not limited to:
In order to prevent corrosion, Some multiplugs under bonnet • Steering system steering wheel airbag, rotary coupler.
and carpet is wiped special lubricate in factory. If these is • Front fascia passenger front airbag.
destroyed in maintaining, repair and replacing process, special
• Interior trim ICS Head Curtain Airbags(‘A'-post trim,
lubricate should be newly wiped
‘B'-post upper trim, grab handles, headlining above front
doors); SRS Electronic Control Unit (ECU) (beneath
centre console); side impact crash sensors (under carpet
beneath front seats)
• Seats side (thorax) airbags; front seat belt pretensioner.
• Electrical system–SRS harnesses, link leads and
Making the System Safe
Before working on, or in the vicinity of SRS components,
ensure the system is rendered safe by performing the following
1.0 14
General Information
• Ensure the SRS ECU is always installed correctly. There
must not be any gap between the SRS ECU and the
bracket to which it is mounted. An incorrectly mounted
SRS ECU could cause the system to malfunction.
• Do not supply power to the SRS ECU before all SRS
components connected.
1.0 15
General Information
Handling and Storage
1.0 16
General Information
• Never install electronic equipment (such as a mobile Never fit cover on seat which fitting side airbag.
telephone, two-way radio or in-car entertainment
Children under 12 years old should not sit in the front seat.
system) in such a way that it could generate electrical
interference in the airbag harness. Seek specialist advice Only genuine accessory parts are allowed to be installed.
when installing such equipment. Only authorised people can remove airbag modules, SRS
Note: SRS system wiring can be identified by a special ECU and SRS system wiring harness and connectors.
yellow outer sleeve protecting the wires (black with yellow If the airbag and seat belt pre-tensioner are deployed during an
stripe protective coverings are sometimes used). accident, SRS ECU must be replaced and discarded.
Every SRS system on every car has been paired and identified,
SRS illegally adding or modifying the SRS system and the wiring
harness could injure people.
Warning: Always ensure SRS wiring is routed correctly. Observe the following precautions:
Be careful to avoidtrapping or pinching the SRS wiring.
• Do not unlock and rotate the rotary coupler when it is
Do not leave the connectors hanging loose or allow SRS
removed from the vehicle.
components to hang from their harnesses. Look for
• Do not turn the road wheels when the rotary coupler is
possible points of chafing.
removed from the vehicle.
• Always ensure the rotary coupler is removed and
installed in its centred position and with the front road
wheels in the straight ahead position - procedure. SRS
refer to the SRS repair section for the correct removal
and installation
• If a new rotary coupler is being installed, ensure the
locking tab holding the coupler's rotational position is
not broken; units with a broken locking tab should not
be used.
Warning Labels
Warning symbols are displayed at various positions in the
vehicle. SRS components have additional warning labels
Precautions for Vehicle Owners
displayed on them to indicate that particular care is needed
For the airbag to work effectively and protect vehicle owners, when handling them. These include airbag modules, SRS
follow the precautions listed below. ECU, seat belt pre-tensioners and the rotary coupler.
Driver and passengers must use seat belts correctly. Correctly The following warning symbols may be displayed at various
using the seat belts can protect the body and reduce injuries locations on the vehicle:
in the event of an accident.
1.0 17
General Information
4. Bar code. The code number must be recorded if the
rotary coupler is to be replaced.
Warning: It is imperative that before any work • Driver's front airbag module – label attached to rear of
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate module housing.
information is read thoroughly. • Passenger’s front airbag module – label attached at side
of module housing.
The following list indicates possible locations and content
for warning labels. Exact positions and content may vary • SRS ECU – Included the label on top of SRS ECU.
dependent on model year, legislation and market trends. • Rotary coupler – several labels on front face.
Vehicle Recovery
Towing SRS Components Not Deployed
Normal towing procedures are unlikely to cause an airbag to
deploy. However, as a precaution, remove the handset from
the docking station and then disconnect both battery leads.
Disconnect the negative ‘-’ lead first.
Towing SRS Components Not Deployed
Once the driver’s airbag has been deployed, the vehicle must
have a suspended tow. However, as a precaution remove the
handset from the docking station and then disconnect both
battery leads. Disconnect the negative ‘-’ lead first.
SRS Components Deployed
Do not use rear facing child seat in front passenger seat of
vehicles fitted with passenger airbag. If a vehicle is to be scrapped and contains an undeployed airbag
module, the module must be manually deployed.
Rotary Coupler
Always observe the following precautions:
1. The need for caution when working SRS in close
proximity to SRS components. Warning: Only personnel who have undergone the
2. Refer to Workshop Manual for detailed instructions. appropriate training should undertake deployment of
airbag and seat belt pre-tensioner modules.
3. Ensure the wheels are in the straight ahead position
before removal and refitting. Warning: A deployed airbag or seat belt pre-tensioner is
very hot, DO NOT return to a deployed airbag module
until at least 30 minutes have elapsed since deployment.
1.0 18
General Information
Warning: Only use approved deployment equipment, Warning: Compliance with the following precautions
and only deploy SRS components in a well-ventilated MUST be ensured:
designated area. Ensure SRS components are not • Only use deployment equipment approved for the
damaged or ruptured before deployment. intended purpose.
Warning: Contact with chemicals from deployed and • Before commencing deployment procedure, ensure
damaged SRS components could present a health hazard, the deployment tool functions properly.
wear protective clothing when handling. DO NOT eat, • Deployment of airbag/pre-tensioner modules should
drink or smoke when handling SRS components. be performed in a well ventilated area which has
Warning: Deployment of airbag modules and seat belt been designated for the purpose.
pre-tensioners can cause injury to personnel in the close • Ensure airbag/pre-tensioner modules are not
vicinity of the deploying unit. In case of injury seek urgent damaged or ruptured before attempting to deploy.
medical advice. Possible sources of injury include: • Notify the relevant authorities of intention to deploy
• impact - due to inflating airbag or pretensioner airbag and pretensioner units.
operation causing component 'kick'. • When deploying airbag and seat belt pre-tensioner
• hearing - due to noise produced by deploying airbags units, ensure that all personnel are at least 15 metres
and seat belt pretensioner units. away from the deployment zone.
• burns - hot component parts and gases. • When deploying seat belt pretensioners in the
• irritation to eyes and lungs - from deploying gases or vehicle, ensure the pre-tensioner unit is fully secured
combustion residue. to its fixing point.
• When removing deployed airbag and seat belt
Warning: Ensure the SRS component to be deployed is
pre-tensioner modules, wear protective clothing.
securely fastened to its mounting.
Use gloves and seal deployed units in a plastic bag.
• Following deployment of any component of the SRS
system within the vehicle, all SRS components must
be replaced. DO NOT re-use or salvage any parts of
the SRS system.
• Do not lean over airbag modules or seat belt
pre-tensioner units when connecting deployment
1.0 19
General Information
SRS Component Replacement Policy • SRS ECU
Impacts Which Do Not Deploy the Airbags or • Side impact crash sensors (both sides of vehicle)
In addition, the following should be inspected for damage and
Check for structural damage in the area of the impact, paying
replaced as necessary:
particular attention to bumper armatures, longitudinals, crash
cans and bracketry. • Front seat belts (retractors, webbing, tongue latching, ‘D'
loop and body anchorage points)
Impacts Which Deploy the Airbags or
Pre-tensioners • Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, tongue
latching and body anchorage)
The replacement and inspection policy is dependent on the
type and severity of the crash condition. SRS. The following • Front seat frame (if there is evidence of external or airbag
guidelines are the minimum that should be exercised as a result deployment damage to seat frame)
of the deployment of specific SRS components: • ‘B' post internal finishers and fixings
Front Airbag Deployment (driver and passenger) • Door casings
If the front airbags are deployed, the following parts must be • Seat belt automatic height adjusters on ‘B' post
replaced: • Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim
• Driver airbag module Inflatable Curtain Structure (ICS) Airbags
• Passenger airbag module
If the Inflatable Curtain Structure airbag modules are deployed,
• Flyleads (where applicable) connecting SRS front airbag
the following parts must be replaced, (ICS) on the side of the
modules to SRS harness
vehicle for which deployment occurred:
• Seat belt pre-tensioners
• ICS airbag module
• Driver's seat belt retractor
• Link lead between airbag gas generator SRS and SRS
• Rotary coupler
• Airbag retaining clips above window aperture
In addition, the following should be inspected for damage and • ‘A' post internal finisher
replaced as necessary:
• Front seat belt pre-tensioners
• Front passenger's seat belt retractor (webbing, tongue • SRS ECU
latching, ‘D' loop, body anchorage point)
• Side impact crash sensors (both sides of vehicle)
• Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, body
anchorage and tongue latching function) In addition, the following should be inspected for damage and
replaced as necessary:
• Fascia moulding adjacent to passenger airbag module
• Steering wheel (if damage is evident) • Headlining
• Front seat frames and head restraints (if there is evidence • ICS mounting brackets
of damage to the seat frame or cushion pan) • Alarm sensor
• Steering column (if adjustment is lost or there are signs • Front seat belts (retractors, webbing, tongue latching, ‘D'
of collapse) loop and body anchorage points)
• Seat belt automatic height adjusters on ‘B' posts • Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, tongue
• Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim latching and body anchorage)
If the side (thorax) airbags are deployed, the following parts • Door casing
must be replaced, on the side of the vehicle on which the • Seat belt automatic height adjusters on ‘B' post
deployment occurred: • Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim
• Seat (thorax) airbag module Rear Impacts
• Seat squab foam Rear impacts may cause the seat belt pretensioners to deploy.
• Seat squab cover If this occurs, all pretensioner units must be replaced. In
addition, the following components should be inspected for
• Front seat belt buckle pre-tensioners
damage and replaced as necessary:
1.0 20
General Information
• Front seat frames Air Conditioning System Precautions
• Seat belt automatic height adjusters on ‘B'- post General
• Front seat belts (retractors, webbing, tongue latching, ‘D' The air conditioning system contains fluids and components
loop and body anchorage points) which could be potentially hazardous to the service engineer
• Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, tongue or the environment if not serviced and handled correctly. The
latching and body anchorage) following guidelines are intended to alert the service engineer
to potential sources of danger and emphasise the importance
• Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim
of ensuring the integrity of the air conditioning operating
conditions and components fitted to the vehicle.
Periodic Replacement of SRS Components
Where necessary, additional specific precautions are detailed
The performance of the propellants within airbags and in the relevant sections of this Manual which should be referred
pre-tensioners will deteriorate over a period of time. As a to prior to commencing repair operations.
result, it is essential that the airbags and pre-tensioners are
periodically replaced to maintain occupant safety. Airbags, The refrigerant used in the air conditioning system is HFC-134a
seat belt pre-tensioners and the rotary coupler should be (Hydrofluorocarbon) R134a.
replaced at 10 year intervals. Warning: Servicing must only be carried out by personnel
familiar with both the vehicle system and the charging and
testing equipment. All operations must be carried out in
a well ventilated area away from open flame and heat
• If liquid R134a enters the eye, do not rub it. Gently run
large quantities of eye wash over affected eye to raise the
temperature. If an eye wash is not available, cool, clean
water may be used to flush the eye. After rinsing, cover
the eye with a clean pad and seek immediate medical
• If liquid R134a is splashed onto the skin, run large
quantities of water over the affected area to raise the
temperature. Implement the same action if the skin
comes in contact with discharging cylinders. Wrap
the contaminated body parts in blankets (or similar
materials) and seek immediate medical attention.
• If the debilitating effects of inhalation of R134a vapour
is suspected, seek fresh air. If the affected person is
unconscious, move them away from the contaminated
area to fresh air and apply artificial respiration and/ or
oxygen and seek immediate medical attention.
1.0 21
General Information
Warning: Due to its low evaporating temperature, R134a • Whenever the refrigerant system is opened, the
must be handled with care. R134a splashed on any part receiver/drier must be renewed immediately before
of the body will cause immediate freezing of that area. evacuating and recharging the system.
Also, refrigerant cylinders and replenishment trolleys • Use alcohol and a clean lint-free cloth to clean dirty
when discharging will freeze skin to them if contact is connections.
• Ensure that all new parts fitted are marked for use with
Service Precautions R134a.
Observe the following precautions when handling components Refrigerant Oil
used in the air conditioning system: Refrigerant oil easily absorbs water and must not be stored for
• Air conditioning units must not be lifted by their hoses, long periods. Do not pour unused refrigerant oil back into the
pipes or capillary lines. container. Always use an approved refrigerant oil.
• Hoses and lines must not be subjected to any twist or When replacing components in the A/C system, drain the
stress; the efficiency of the system will be impaired by refrigerant oil from the component being replaced into
kinks or restrictions. Ensure that hoses are correctly a graduated container. On assembly, add the quantity of
positioned before tightening couplings, and ensure that refrigerant oil drained to the new component.
all clips and supports are utilised.
• Flexible hoses should not be positioned close to the
A new compressor is sealed and pressurised with Nitrogen gas.
exhaust manifold (less than 100 mm) unless protected
When fitting a new compressor, slowly release the sealing cap;
by heat shielding.
gas pressure should be heard to vent as the seal is broken.
• Completed assemblies must be checked for refrigeration
lines touching metal panels. Any direct contact of Caution: Do not remove the cap(s) until immediately
components and panels may transmit noise and so must prior to connecting the air conditioning pipes to the
be eliminated. compressor.
• The appropriate torque wrench must be used when Rapid Refrigerant Discharge
tightening refrigerant connections to the stipulated If the air conditioning system is involved in accident damage and
value. An additional spanner must be used to hold the the system is punctured, the refrigerant will discharge rapidly.
union to prevent twisting of the pipe when tightening The rapid discharge of refrigerant will also result in the loss
connections. of most of the oil from the system. The compressor must be
• Before connecting any hose or pipe, ensure that removed and all the remaining oil in the compressor drained
refrigerant oil is applied to the seat of the new O-rings, and refilled as instructed in the air conditioning section of this
BUT NOT to the threads of the connection. manual.
• All protective plugs must remain in place to seal the Precautions for Refrigerant Recovery, Recycling
component until immediately prior to connection. and Recharging
• Ensure components are at room temperature before When the air conditioning system is recharged, any existing
uncapping, to prevent condensation of moisture from refrigerant is first recovered from the system and recycled.
the air that enters it. The system is then charged with the required weight of
• Components must not remain uncapped for longer than refrigerant and volume of refrigerant oil.
15 minutes. In the event of a delay, the caps must be Warning: Refrigerant must always be recycled before
fitted. re-use to ensure that the purity of the refrigerant is high
• When disconnecting, immediately cap all air conditioning enough for safe use in the air conditioning system.
pipes to prevent ingress of dirt and moisture into the
Warning: Recycling should always be carried out with
equipment which is design certified by Underwriter
• The receiver/drier contains desiccant which absorbs Laboratory Inc. for compliance with SAE J1991. Other
moisture. It must be positively sealed at all times. A equipment may not recycle refrigerant to the required
receiver/drier that has been left uncapped must not be level of purity.
used, fit a new unit.
Warning: A R134a Refrigerant Recovery Recycling
• The receiver/drier should be the last component
Recharging Station must not be used with any other type
connected to the system to ensure optimum dehydration
of refrigerant.
and maximum moisture protection of the system.
1.0 22
General Information
Warning: Refrigerant R134a from domestic and Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement
commercial sources must not be used in motor vehicle air Replacement Instructions
conditioning systems.
A new compressor is supplied filled with a full charge of
Caution: The system must be evacuated immediately refrigerant oil. The new compressor must be drained and a
before recharging commences. Delay between evacuation calculated quantity of oil added before fitting. To calculate the
and recharging is not permitted. quantity of oil to be added, carry out the following procedure:
1.0 23
General Information Vehicle Identification Number
1.0 24
Vehicle Identification Number General Information
Position Of Other Plates
Engine Number (1.5L Engine)
Printed on the left rear of the cylinder block, as shown in the
1.0 25
General Information Lifting & Towing
1.0 26
Lifting & Towing General Information
Put the mat under the jacking point on the sill. Roadside Assistance
Instructions for Roadside Assistance
It is recommended that a rescue trailer or a two-wheel rescue
vehicle shall be used. In emergency, use a towing vehicle with
front towing point.
Front Towing Eye
Before towing, release the hand brake, put the shift lever at
the neutral gear and the ignition switch at “ON” position. The
towing speed shall not exceed 50km/h (30mph).
1.0 27
General Information Lifting & Towing
put it to “ON” position. This state must be maintained when Note: A vehicle with an automatic transmission cannot be
the vehicle is moving. started by towing or pushing.
• When the transmission or drive shaft fails, the vehicle Vehicle Shipping
could not be towed.
If your vehicle needs to be shipped, we recommend you to use
• Ensure that the shift lever is at the neutral gear and special transporter to ship.
parking brake is disabled.
• If the engine is not in operation during towing, more care
must be taken in brake and steering operation.
1.0 28
Lubrication & Maintenance General Information
Lubrication & Maintenance Fluid
Capacity Fuel
Liquid Capacity Following recommended oils must be applied:
The following capacity values are merely approximate value for For gasoline engines
the corresponding system. 91# and above gasoline RON is recommended. DO NOT use
Component/System Capacity gasoline containing methanol.
Fuel Tank : 45L Antifreeze Fluid
Engine Oil - 1.5L: The mixture with 50% water and 50% OAT shall be used.
The antifreeze containing organic acid technology (OAT)
Refill from Dry State 4.4L
preservative and summer coolant or ethylene-glycol-based
Replacement of the Engine Oil 4.1L antifreeze (methanol not contained) are applied to protect
and Oil Filter the cooling system. Only the antifreeze with OAT antiseptic
Manual Transmission Oil - 5MT: can be used.
Steering System 0.92L After refilling antifreeze, attach the warning label at a
prominent position of the vehicle to show the type of
Brake Fluid for Brake System:
antifreeze used in the cooling system, so that correct antifreeze
Refill from Dry State 0.73L can be used for next refill.
Windshield Washer Reservoir 2.5L Concentration of Antifreeze Fluid
The overall antifreeze concentration shall not be less than 50%
of the volume, meanwhile make sure the antisepsis property
of the coolant. Antifreeze concentration more than 60% is not
recommended as it will weaken the cooling efficiency.
Concentration 50%
Capacity of Antifreeze Fluid 2.8L
Brake Fluid
Use brake fluid DOT 4 only.
PAS Fluid
Use the liquid that conforms to the Dexron III specification.
1.0 29
General Information Lubrication & Maintenance
Caution: Always use a high quality oil of the correct Washer Fluid
viscosity range in the engine. The use of oil of the Use QX-35 washer fluid.
incorrect specification can lead to high oil and fuel
consumption and ultimately to damaged components.
Transmission Fluid
Failure to use specified transmission fluid may result in serious
damage to the transmission.
Manual Transmission - 5MT
Refill or fill up with MTF94 oil.
Automatic Transmission - NEW 4AT
Refill or fill up with AW-1 oil.
General Lubricating Grease
Use FN745/94 lubricating grease produced by Fuchs.
1.0 30
Engine Mechanical Engine
Engine Mechanical
Description Value
Bolt-Under The Tie-bar Bracket to Automatic Transmission (45-55)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Under The Tie-bar Bracket to Under The Tie-bar (81-99)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Steering Fluid Pipe Bracket to Steering Pump 7-10Nm
Nut-Steering Fluid Pipe to Steering Pump 36-40Nm
Nut-Oil-cooled Pipe to Automatic Transmission 33-37Nm
Bolt-Oil-cooled Pipe Bracket to Automatic Transmission 7-10Nm
Bolt-Under The Tie-bar Bracket to Manual Transmission (45-55)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Under The Tie-bar Bracket to Under The Tie-bar (81-99)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Slave Cylinder to Manual Transmission 40-50Nm
Bolt-Engine Mount to Engine (63-77)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Engine Mount to The Right Side Rail 90-110Nm
Bolt-Engine Mount to Body 26-34Nm
Bolt-Automatic Transmission Mount to The Left Side Rail 55-65Nm
Nut-Automatic Transmission Mount to Automatic (63-77)Nm+(85-95)deg
Transmission Mount Bracket
Bolt-Manual Transmission Mount to The Left Side Rail 55-65Nm
Nut-Manual Transmission Mount to Manual Transmission (63-77)Nm+(85-95)deg
Mount Bracket
Bolt-Flywheel to Crankshaft 35Nm+60°
Bolt - flywheel to crankshaft (32-38)Nm+60°±5°
Bolt-Torsion Vibration Damper to Crankshaft 60Nm+120°
Bolt - cover upper front to cylinder head 8-12Nm
Bolt - cover lower front to cylinder block and crankcase 8-12Nm
Bolt - water pump pulley to water pump 23-27Nm
Bolt-Engine Mounting Bracket to Cylinder Body 40Nm+60deg
Bolt-Chain Guide Rail And Chain Tensioner Rail 20-24Nm
Bolt - chain guide rail upper to cylinder head front cam 8-12Nm
Bolt - timing chain tensioner to cyclinder head 18-22Nm+(22-28°)
Bolt - oil pump procket to oil pump 22-28Nm
Bolt-Cam Bearing Cap to Cylinder Head 7-10Nm
Bolt - ignition coil 8-12Nm
Bolt-Cam Bearing Cap to Cylinder Head 7-11Nm
Bolt - VCT unit to camshaft 70-80Nm
Bolt - cylinder head to cylinder block 30Nm ( 90°+60°)
Bolt - patch cylinder head to cylinder block 8-12Nm
Bolt - thermostat to cylinder head 8-12Nm
Bolt - crankcase lower to cylinder block 27-33Nm
Bolt -Connecting Rod (13-17)Nm+(77-83)°
1.0 31
Engine Engine Mechanical
Description Value
Bolt-Piston Cooling Jets to Crankcase 22-28Nm
Bolt - bearing cap to cylinder block (20±2)Nm+(90°+45°)±5°
plug blanking-plug blanking to crankcase 35-45 Nm
Bolt - bearing cap to cylinder block 8-12Nm
Bolt - oil pump to crankcase lower 8-12Nm
Bolt -baffle plate to crankcase lower 8-12Nm
Bolt - ocv to cylinder head 5-7Nm
Oil filter 16-20Nm
Plug - crankcase lower 35-40Nm
Nut-Intake Manifold to Crankcase 22-28Nm
Bolt-to Cylinder Block 8-12Nm
Bolt-Exhaust Manifold to ENG 22-28Nm
Bolt-Intake Manifold Housing 7-10Nm
1.0 32
Engine Mechanical Engine
1.5DVCT - Main Block
Model 1.5 L gasoline engine, with 16 valves, dual overhead camshaft,
variable intake/exhaust cam timing
Cylinder Arrangement 4-cylinder, in-line, transverse, 1st cylinder at the front of engine
Cylinder Bore Diameter 75mm
Stroke 84.8mm
Displacement 1498cm 3
1.0 33
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.5DVCT - Crankshaft
Crankshaft Axial Clearance 0.205 ± 0.1mm
Grade A 53.690-53.700mm
Grade B 53.680-53.690mm
Main Journal Tolerance:
Grade 0 49.993-50.000mm
Grade 1 49.992-49.984mm
1.0 34
Engine Mechanical Engine
1.5DVCT - Cylinder Block and Piston
Cylinder Block:
Material Cast Iron, HT250
Type of Cylinder Liner No cylinder liner, honing process of spiral bevel gear motion
Connecting Rod:
Model Fractured Connecting Rod, Material C70S6
Length 44.8-45mm
Connecting Rod Bearing Shell:
Clearance 0.020-0.071mm
1.0 35
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 36
Engine Mechanical Engine
1.5DVCT Cylinder Head and Valve
Cylinder Head:
Material Aluminum alloy
Cylinder Head Height:
New 118.95-119.05mm
Flatness 0.08mm
Model Double overhead camshaft directly acted on mechanical tappet
Bearing 5 for each camshaft, in-line
Drive Chain drive at crankshaft gear
Camshaft Axial Clearance: 0.06-0.19mm
ON 20.5°ATDC
ON 65.5°BBDC
1.0 37
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 38
Engine Mechanical Engine
1.0 39
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 40
Engine Mechanical Engine
Description and Operation
System Layout
NSE Engine Layout
1. 1.5DVCT Engine
1.0 41
Engine Engine Mechanical
1. Cylinder Block 17. O-ring - Lower Crank Case to Cylinder Block (Oil
2. Bolt - Connecting Rod Passage)
3. Crankshaft Assembly 18. Plug - Oil Passage
4. Main Bearing (Upper) 19. Plug - Oil Pressure Switch
5. Main Bearing (Lower) 20. Washer - Cylinder Block Oil Passage Plug
6. Connecting Rod Big End Bearing 21. Plug - Timing Hole
7. Main Bearing Thrust Plate 22. Location Pin - Main Bearing Cap
8. Cylinder Block Rear End Surface Cover Plate 23. Bolt - Main Bearing Cap
9. Crankshaft Sensor Signal Plate 24. Top Ring
10. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal 25. 2nd Ring
11. Screw - Crankshaft Sensor Signal Plate 26. 3rd Ring
12. Bolt - Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal 27. Piston
13. Location Pin - Crankshaft Sensor Signal Plate 28. Connecting Rod
14. Location Pin - Between Crankshaft and Flywheel 29. Piston Pin
15. Location Pin - Cylinder Block to Transmission Case 30. Main Bearing Cap
16. Location Pin - Front Cover to Cylinder Block 31. Main Bearing Cap
1.0 42
Engine Mechanical Engine
Camshaft Cover Exploded View
1.0 43
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 44
Engine Mechanical Engine
Oil Pump and Oil Filter Exploded View
1.0 45
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 46
Engine Mechanical Engine
Timing Chain System Exploded View
1. Front Upper Cover 12. Bolt - Front Upper Cover to Cylinder Head
2. Front Lower Cover 13. Bolt - Crankshaft Vibration Damper
3. Crankshaft Front Oil Seal 14. Bolt - Intake Phase Modulator
4. Timing Chain 15. Rock Rail
5. Crankshaft Sprocket - Timing Drive 16. Upper Guide Rail
6. Intake Phase Modulator 17. Chain Guide Rail
7. Exhaust Phase Modulator 18. Bolt - Chain Tensioner to Engine Body
8. Bolt - Front Lower Cover to Engine Body 19. Timing Hydraulic Tensioner
9. Bolt - Front Lower Cover to Engine Body 20. Engine Oil Control Sleeve
10. Bolt - Sprocket Upper Guide Rail to Cylinder Head Front 21. Damper Vibration Pulley
Bearing Cap
11. Bolt - Front Upper Cover to Cylinder Head
1.0 47
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 48
Engine Mechanical Engine
Intake Manifold Exploded View
1.0 49
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 50
Engine Mechanical Engine
Engine Sensor
1.0 51
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 52
Engine Mechanical Engine
Fuel Rail Assembly
1.0 53
Engine Engine Mechanical
Description engine is at rest, pin of an elastic load locks both halves of the
Overview modulator; when the engine operates, they are loosened in a
hydraulic way to ensure stable starting.
The NSE engine features in-line 4-cylinder, 16-valve, DOHC,
timing chain drive and electronically-controlled multi-point fuel Two oil control valves are fitted on the front camshaft bearing
injection system. cap and fixed with an O-ring and a bolt respectively. The
control valve is a four-way proportioning valve and consists of
It is mainly composed of cylinder block, cylinder head,
an oil inlet port, an oil return port and two oil ducts connected
crankshaft, connecting rod and camshaft. The cylinder head
with the phase modulator working chamber.
is made of cast aluminum and connected with the cast iron
cylinder block through the multi-layer cylinder gaskets by using Cylinder Block Components
10 high-strength bolts, and there are 3 additional high-strength The cylinder block is constructed from cast iron material
bolts directly connected with the cast iron cylinder block, HT250, this provides high overall strength, reducing the
providing high overall strength and reliable structure. likelihood of deformation. The cylinder liner is formed by
Cylinder Head Component cylinder hole honing. Y-shaped water passages are processed
between two adjacent cylinders to ensure heat dissipation
The cylinder head adopts 4 valves per cylinder structure
effect of the cylinder block.
with a spark plug mounted at the centre of the combustion
chamber. Due to adoption of overhead valve structure, The aluminum alloy thermal expansion piston is provided with
powerful whirlpool will be formed in the combustion chamber a full-floating piston pin which can rotate freely to reduce the
to make the mixed gas evenly distributed, which is good for friction resistance and the generation and delivery of heat, so
transmission of flame to improve combustion condition, so that the reliability and smoothness of high speed of engine
as to enhance the fuel economy, power performance and rotation can be enhanced.
emission performance of the engine.
The forging steel connecting rod has the structure of the
The mechanical tappets are fitted at the top of each valve H-section. The big end of connecting rod moves on the
and directly driven by the camshaft. The bottom bosses bearing shell of crankshaft journal. The connecting rod adopts
of the mechanical tappets are grouped by size, and the forging+cracking process.
valve clearance is optionally fitted with appropriate grouped
The crankshaft has four balance weights and is supported by
mechanical tappets. The valve stem oil seal is press-fitted on
five bearing shells. The end float is controlled by the thrust
the cylinder head oil seal seat and can be used as the valve
washer on the top of the central main bearing shell. The radial
spring seat to support the valve spring.
clearance of the bearing shell is optional, which is controlled
The exhaust valve is of a carbon deposit removal type, and the by the bearing shells of two different grades. The oil groove
valve stem with a machined side can clean the carbon buildup offered in the upper half part of the main bearing shell supply
at the end of valve duct and in combustion chamber so as to oil to the connecting rod big end bearing shell through the oil
prevent valve from seizing. hole in the crankshaft.
The metal cylinder gasket is of a multi-layer structure, the Lower Crankcase Components
cylinder opening adopts a pressing ring structure, which The lower crankcase assembly consists of lower crankcase, oil
enhances sealing at cylinder opening; local rubber coat pump assembly, oil strainer and oil filter.
technology is adopted to ensure the sealing performance.
The aluminum lower crankcase is designed into a shape that is
There are four oil ducts at the front bearing cap of the suitable for accumulating oil around the strainer, the oil pump
camshaft, one oil inlet duct, one oil return duct and two and oil strainer are fitted to bottom of crankcase after being
operating oil ducts. Oil enters the oil control solenoid valve combined, and oil passes through the oil strainer with screen
via the oil ducts. The tail end of the intake/exhaust camshaft and then the oil filter by pressurization of the oil pump.
is equipped with a camshaft signal wheel to provide signals
Clean oil is distributed to the main bearing and cylinder head
for the camshaft position sensor. There is a timing pin hole
via the main oil passage of the engine block to lubricate the
on the camshaft for controlling camshaft timing phase during
crankshaft, connecting rod and camshaft, etc. The mating
surface of the lower crankcase and engine block is sealed with
A phase modulator is fitted at the drive ends of the intake and sealant and secured with bolts, and the oil drain plug is located
exhaust camshafts, which is fixed by bolts. Main parts of the at the left side of the lower crankcase (in the direction of engine
phase modulator are made of aluminum. The housing (stator) front end surface).
driven by timing chain is connected with inner rotor through
five blades fixed at camshaft end in a hydraulic way. When the
1.0 54
Engine Mechanical Engine
Engine Accessories intake system vacuum level, then sends it to the cylinder for
combustion, so as to reduce the air pollution.
The accessories are a single 5-ribbed belt drive system driven
by crankshaft pulley, the system drives the water pump, Oil and gas in the crankcase are separated via an oil separating
alternator and A/C compressor and tensions the belt via a device in the camshaft cover, and oil flows back to the
damping tensioner. crankcase.
Crankcase Ventilation
The ventilation system redirects the exhaust gas escaped to
the crankcase back into the intake system with the help of
1.0 55
Engine Engine Mechanical
Lubricating Oil Circuit
The lubrication system is a full-flow filtration, forced oil supply is blocked, this valve will open and ensure the free flow of oil,
system. Oil is drawn from the oil pan through the oil strainer but the oil filter shall be replaced as soon as possible.
by the oil pump, and the oil strainer is equipped with a screen
Then, the oil enters into the main oil passage, and lubricates the
which can prevent impurities from entering the oil pump.
main bearing shell directly via the cross oil circuit. The cross oil
The oil pump with a pressure limiting valve is driven by the circuit on the crankshaft delivers the oil from the main bearing
crankshaft via a belt. When the oil pressure reaches a certain shell to the connecting rod big end bearing shell.
value, the pressure relief valve will open, the excess oil returns
The cylinder head has two side oil passages connecting with
to the inlet side of oil pump, and this helps maintain the oil
the main oil passage of the engine block. After entering the
pressure within a certain operating pressure range and ensure
side oil passages, the oil flows into 2 horizontal oil passages of
the normal operation of engine. Oil flowing from the oil pump
the standard length and is supplied to each mechanical tappet
outlet enters into the full-flow oil filter.
and camshaft journal.
The full-flow oil filter is directly fitted on the oil pan. The oil
filter is equipped with a by-pass valve. When the filter element
1.0 56
Engine Mechanical Engine
The oil splashed by the crankshaft lubricates the cylinder the piston pin from the connecting rod small end through the
wall, the oil collected by the lower side of the piston crown oil circuit.
lubricates the connecting rod small end, and oil is supplied to
1.0 57
Engine Engine Mechanical
Service Procedures
Powertrain Remove and Refit - AT
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the coolant.
Coolant Drain
3. Drain the automatic transmission fluid.
1.0 58
Engine Mechanical Engine
steering fluid pump.
Compressor Remove
20. Disconnect the clamp fixing the pipeline (reservoir to
water pump) to the water pump.
1.0 59
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 60
Engine Mechanical Engine
Powertrain Remove and Refit - MT
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the coolant.
Coolant Drain
3. Drain the manual transmission fluid.
Refrigerant Recycle
5. Remove the air filter assembly.
Air Filter Assembly Remove 13. Disconnect the clamp fixing the radiator water outlet
6. Remove the air intake pipe Assembly. hose to the engine.
12. Disconnect the clamp fixing the radiator water inlet 15. Disconnect the connector of the reverse lamp switch.
hose to the thermostat. 16. Pay attention to the mounting position, and disconnect
2 cable ball joints of the gear selection/shift rocker arm
of the manual transmission.
1.0 61
Engine Engine Mechanical
17. Loosen the clips fixing the gear selection/shift cable to 21. Remove 1 bolt fixing the steering fluid pipeline to the
the bracket. steering pump and the nut fixing the pipeline to the
steering fluid pump.
1.0 62
Engine Mechanical Engine
1. Fix the powertrain to the hydraulic jack, and place at
the bottom of the body.
2. Lower the vehicle, place the engine in the engine
compartment, and fix the engine with special tools
T10007 and TEN00070.
3. Fit the powertrain mount.
Powertrain Mount Refit
4. Fit 3 new bolts fixing the lower tie rod bracket to
the Manual transmission, tighten to (45-55) )Nm+
( 85-95) )deg, and check the torque.
Caution: Yielding technique is applied to this bolt . For
24. Fix the engine with special tools T10007 and virgin installation, the bolt is allowed to use twice. For
TEN00070. second use of bolt in the same station, the bolt must be
loosened to zero Nm, then tighten it according to specified
technique; when the bolt is used over twice or unknown
times, new bolt must be taken.
5. Fit 1 new bolt fixing the lower tie rod to the lower tie
rod bracket, tighten to ( 81-99) )Nm+( (85-95) )
deg, and check the torque.
Caution: Yielding technique is applied to this bolt . For
virgin installation, the bolt is allowed to use twice. For
second use of bolt in the same station, the bolt must be
loosened to zero Nm, then tighten it according to specified
technique; when the bolt is used over twice or unknown
times, new bolt must be taken.
25. Remove the powertrain mount. 6. Remove the special tools T10007 and TEN00070.
Powertrain Mount Remove 7. Connect the fuel pipe to the fuel rail.
26. Remove and discard 1 bolt fixing the lower tie rod to 8. Connect the fuel vapour pipe to the canister solenoid.
the lower tie rod bracket (1). 9. Fit 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the steering fluid pipeline
27. Remove and discard 3 bolts fixing the lower tie rod to the steering pump, tighten to 7-10Nm, and check
bracket to the Manual transmission (2). the torque.
10. Fit 1 nut fixing the steering fluid pipeline to the steering
pump, tighten to 36-40Nm, and check the torque.
11. Fit the A/C compressor.
Compressor Refit
12. Fit 2 bolts fixing the slave cylinder to the manual
transmission, tighten to 40-50Nm, and check the
13. Connect the clips fixing the gear selection/shift cable
to the bracket.
14. Connect 2 cable ball joints of the gear selection/shift
rocker arm of the manual transmission.
15. Fit the clamp fixing the water inlet/outlet pipes of the
28. Raise the vehicle on a lift. heater core to the thermostat.
29. Support the powertrain with hydraulic jack. 16. Fit the clamp fixing the radiator water outlet hose to
30. Fix the powertrain to the hydraulic jack, and remove the engine.
the special tools T10007 and TEN00070. 17. Fit the clamp fixing the radiator water inlet hose to
1.0 63
Engine Engine Mechanical
Refrigerant Refill
26. Fill the Manual transmission fluid.
Coolant Refill
6. Remove and discard 1 nut (1) fixing the Manual
28. Connect the battery negative.
transmission mount to the Manual transmission mount
7. Remove and discard 4 bolts (2) fixing the Manual
transmission mount to the left longitudinal beam.
1.0 64
Engine Mechanical Engine
Torque Converter Drive Plate - AT
1. Remove the automatic transmission.
1.0 65
Engine Engine Mechanical
1. Remove the clutch assembly.
1.0 66
Engine Mechanical Engine
6. Remove the flywheel from the crankshaft. 7. Remove the flywheel timing pin special tool
8. Fit the plug.
9. Fit the clutch assembly.
Clutch Assembly Refit
1.0 67
Engine Engine Mechanical
Crankshaft Pulley
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Raise the front of the vehicle.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands.
3. Remove the camshaft cover.
Wheel Remove
5. Remove auxiliary drive belt.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
1. Insert the TEN00002 into the engine body timing pin
6. Fix the crankshaft pulley with the TEN00008. hole and flywheel pin hole to lock the flywheel.
7. Loosen and remove the bolt fixing the pulley to the 2. Rotate the camshaft with the timing hole up, and lock
crankshaft, and discard the bolt. the camshaft phase with the TEN00004.
1.0 68
Engine Mechanical Engine
Timing Chain Upper Cover Plate
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine mount.
Powertrain Mount Remove
3. Remove the auxiliary drive belt.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
4. Remove the camshaft cover.
Camshaft Cover Remove
5. Release 8 bolts securing the timing chain upper cover
3. Push the crankshaft pulley to the crankshaft sprocket
for contact.
4. Fix the crankshaft shock absorber with a special tool
5. Fit the pulley bolt, tighten to 60Nm+120°, and check
the torque.
6. Fit the camshaft cover.
Wheel Refit 6. Remove 8 bolts securing the timing chain upper cover
9. Lower the vehicle.
Caution: When removing the timing chain upper cover
10. Connect the battery negative.
plate, ensure that the cover plate does not deform.
1. Check the timing chain upper cover plate.
Caution: Ensure that there is no damage on the timing
chain upper cover plate, otherwise, it may cause oil leak.
1.0 69
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 70
Engine Mechanical Engine
1.0 71
Engine Engine Mechanical
Timing Chain
1. Raise the front of the vehicle.
4. Rotate the camshaft with the timing hole up, and lock
the camshaft phase with the TEN00004.
1.0 72
Engine Mechanical Engine
5. Check parts for handling mark, oil stain, rust or dirt 11. Fit a new timing hydraulic tensioner washer, screw the
before assembly. If handling mark exists, do not use it, timing hydraulic tensioner into the cylinder head, and
if oil stain exists, wipe off it. tighten to 18-22Nm+(22-28°).
6. Put in the chain guide rail from the upper right side of
the guide rail locker, fit the pivot pin and secure it in
sequence, then tighten to 20-24Nm.
7. Put in the tensioner guide rail from the upper left side
of the guide rail locker, fit the pivot pin and tighten it to
12. Fit the oil pump sprocket with the TEN00006, the
tightening torque is 22-28Nm.
1.0 73
Engine Engine Mechanical
15. Fit the upper cover plate of the timing chain. Camshaft Cover
Timing Chain Upper Cover Plate Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
16. Fill the engine oil.
2. Remove the dipstick.
Lubricating Fluid Refill
17. Lower the vehicle.
1.0 74
Engine Mechanical Engine
3. Position the camshaft cover on the cylinder head.
4. Fit the bolt and tighten to 7-10Nm in sequence shown
in the figure below.
1.0 75
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 76
Engine Mechanical Engine
Refit 5. Put the camshaft into the bearing seat, fit the camshaft
1. Clean the camshaft. bearing cap and camshaft bolt (do not tighten). Rotate
the camshaft with the timing hole up, and lock the
2. Clean the upper cylinder head plane, top of the
camshaft phase with the TEN00004.
mechanical tappet and camshaft bearing cap.
3. Apply engine oil to the camshaft journal, bearing seat
and top tappet evenly.
4. Put the camshaft into the bearing seat, fit the camshaft
bearing cap, fit the camshaft bolt (do not tighten),
rotate the camshaft and measure the valve clearance.
Intake side clearance of the model to be repaired
is 0.17-0.23mm and the exhaust side clearance is
0.27-0.33mm, calculate the valve clearance and acquire
a proper mechanical tappet.
1.0 77
Engine Engine Mechanical
tighten to 18-22Nm+(22-28°).
1.0 78
Engine Mechanical Engine
Mechanical Tappet Q 10187107 T=3.414
R 10187108 T=3.438
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
S 10187109 T=3.465
2. Remove the camshaft - intake or exhaust.
T 10187110 T=3.495
Camshaft - Intake or Exhaust Remove
U 10187111 T=3.525
3. With a viscous magnet, take away the mechanical tappet
carefully, and put it aside. V 10187112 T=3.555
W 10187113 T=3.585
1. Clean the tappet hole.
2. Lubricate the standard tappet (H group) and fit it into
the tappet hole. Fit the camshaft, select correct tappet
group according to valve clearance.
3. Fit the selected tappet group.
The list of mechanical valve tappet series is as follows:
1.0 79
Engine Engine Mechanical
Valve Refit
Remove 1. Remove the carbon deposits and other foreign
1. Disconnect the battery negative. objects from the valve duct, valve, valve seat ring and
2. Remove the cylinder head assembly. combustion surface.
2. Check the diameter of the existing valve stem. Check
Cylinder Head Assembly Remove
the valve guide clearance with new valves.
3. Compress the valve spring with the T10005.
3. Check the conditions of the valve seat and valve before
another use.
4. Check the matching height of the valve stem.
5. Check the condition of the valve spring.
6. Ensure that the mechanical tappet, valve, valve spring,
spring cap and lock clamp are clean.
7. Lubricate the valve and valve stem oil seal.
8. Fit the valve stem oil seal to the valve guide with the
9. Fit the valve, spring and spring cap, compress the valve
spring with the T10005, and mount the lock clamps.
1.0 80
Engine Mechanical Engine
Cylinder Head Assembly
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Filter Remove
3. Drain the engine coolant.
Coolant Drain
4. Remove the alternator.
Alternator Remove
5. Remove the intake manifold and discard the intake
manifold gasket.
Intake Manifold Remove
1. Clean the sealing area of the cylinder head and upper
6. Remove the exhaust manifold and discard the exhaust cover plate of the timing chain. Clean the camshaft
manifold gasket. cover and joint face between the intake and exhaust
Exhaust Manifold Remove manifolds with foam remover and plastic scraper.
7. Unscrew the bolt fixing the thermostat assembly to the Caution: Don’t use scraper to deal with sealed surface.
cylinder head and remove the thermostat assembly. 2. Blow the oil passage and coolant passage dry.
3. Fit a new cylinder gasket.
1.0 81
Engine Engine Mechanical
10. Fit the intake manifold and fit a new intake manifold
Alternator Refit
12. Fill the engine coolant.
Coolant Refill
13. Fill the engine oil.
1.0 82
Engine Mechanical Engine
Cylinder Head Check
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Filter Remove
3. Drain the engine coolant.
Coolant Drain
4. Remove the alternator.
Alternator Remove
5. Remove the intake manifold and discard the intake
manifold gasket.
13. Remove the upper guide rail.
Intake Manifold Remove
6. Remove the exhaust manifold and discard the exhaust
manifold gasket.
1.0 83
Engine Engine Mechanical
17. Check the end offset of the camshaft with a dial gauge. 22. Identify the position of each camshaft, and remove the
18. If the end offset exceeds the tolerance, replace with a camshafts.
new camshaft and recheck, if the end offset still exceeds Caution: The intake/exhaust camshaft and signal
the tolerance, replace the cylinder head assembly. wheel shall be removed as an assembly, without
Camshaft axial clearance: 0.06-0.19mm removing the signal wheel.
1.0 84
Engine Mechanical Engine
26. Inspect the camshaft and replace if it is scratched, pitted
or excessively worn.
27. Fix the camshaft to the cylinder head, put a plastic
gauge on each journal, then refit the camshaft bearing
cover, do not rotate the camshaft.
28. Slowly unscrew the camshaft bearing cover bolts, and
remove the camshaft bearing cover.
32. Remove remaining valve spring retainer, valve spring New 118.95-119.05mm
and valve, put them aside in original refit sequence. 38. Remove carbon deposits from the valve, valve duct,
valve seat and combustion chamber surface.
1.0 85
Engine Engine Mechanical
Intake 45°
Exhaust 45°
42. Push the valve onto the seat with even abrasive.
39. Check the diameter of the existing valve stem and
43. Apply Prussian-blue to the valve seat, put it into the
check the valve guide clearance with new valves.
valve and press it in place without rotation, remove it
Valve stem diameter: and check the evenness and central alignment with the
Intake valve φ4.967-φ4.981mm valve seat, the position of valve seat shown in blue must
be in the central of the valve surface.
Exhaust valve φ4.957-φ4.971mm
44. Apply the color to the valve seat and recheck.
Clearance between Valve
45. Check the matching height of the valve stem.
Stem and Valve Guide:
0.019-0.053mm New intake valve 50.033-50.893mm
Intake Valve
0.029-0.063mm New exhaust valve 49.948-50.808mm
Exhaust Valve
Service Limit 0.26mm
Replace with a new valve as necessary, if the valve guide is to
46. If it still exceeds the limit, you need to replace the
be replaced, replace the cylinder head assembly.
cylinder head assembly.
40. If the cylinder head is to be reused, please check the
47. Check the valve spring:
valve seat and valve conditions.
Free length 40.2mm
Mounting length Intake 33.6mm; exhaust
Load - Valve Closed Intake 115±9.2Nm; exhaust
Load - Intake Valve Open 297±14.8Nm
Load - Exhaust Valve Open 291±14.6Nm
1. Clean the sealing area of the cylinder head and upper
cover plate of the timing chain. Clean the camshaft
cover and joint face between the intake and exhaust
41. Machine the valve surface angle and valve seat to the manifolds with foam remover and plastic scraper.
following standards: Caution: Don’t use scraper to deal with sealed surface.
1.0 86
Engine Mechanical Engine
6. Lubricate the camshaft bearing surface, and position the
camshaft on the cylinder head. Then close the camshaft
bearing cap properly, and pre-tighten with bolts.
12. Fit the exhaust manifold and fit a new exhaust manifold
1.0 87
Engine Engine Mechanical
1. Clean the mating surface of the cylinder head and
cylinder block.
2. Check the surface of the cylinder head for scratch.
3. Check the cylinder head height.
4. Clean the passages of the engine oil and the coolant.
5. Clean the cylinder head bolts and wipe them, check the
thread for any sign of damage.
6. Apply a thin oil film on the cylinder head bolt.
7. Fit a new and clean cylinder head gasket to the cylinder
1.0 88
Engine Mechanical Engine
Lower Crankcase
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Raise the front part of the vehicle.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands.
3. Remove the powertrain.
Powertrain - AT Remove
Powertrain - MT Remove
4. Remove the upper cover plate of the timing chain.
Timing Chain Upper Cover Plate Remove 10. Remove the lower crankcase.
5. Remove the lower cover plate of the timing chain. Refit
Timing Chain Lower Cover Plate Remove 1. Ensure the junction surface of the lower crankcase and
6. Remove the timing chain tensioner, and discard the the engine block is clean.
seal washer. 2. Please apply the sealant recommended by the
manufacturer for the junction surface of the lower
1.0 89
Engine Engine Mechanical
4. Fit the rear crankshaft oil seal. Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Check
Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
5. Fit the crankshaft pulley (oil pump drive) to the front
end of the crankshaft, and fit the oil pump belt. 2. Remove the cylinder head assembly.
Caution: At the foot of the crankshaft sprocket-oil pump Cylinder Head Remove
teeth side is a dent mark that is used to distinguish it with 3. Remove the lower crankcase assembly.
the crankshaft sprocket-timing chain. Lower Crankcase Remove
6. Fit the oil pump belt to the oil pump sprocket. 4. Mark the cylinder order on the connecting rod big end.
Caution: Keep bearing caps, bearings and bolts in their
fitted order.
Powertrain - AT Refit
Powertrain - MT Refit 7. Remove the connecting rod shell on the connecting rod
lower end cap (connecting rod big end cap).
10. Lower the vehicle.
8. Push the piston connecting rod assembly out of the
11. Connect the battery negative.
cylinder bore through the combustion surface with
a plastic bar or a stick, and remove the remaining
connecting rod shell.
Caution: When fitting the piston, DO NOT scratch the
cylinder liner with the connecting rod fracture.
9. Fit the connecting rod big end cap into the connecting
rod, and lightly tighten the connecting rod bolt.
1. Clean the mating surface between the cylinder block
and bearing base.
2. Clean the pin and the pin hole.
3. Clean the connecting rod and the retaining position of
the bearing shell on the connecting rod cap.
4. Clean the crankshaft and check for damage.
5. Align two connecting rod shells with the shell groove
and press them into the big end bore of the connecting
rod respectively, make sure the end face of the bearing
1.0 90
Engine Mechanical Engine
shell is in the same plane as the fracture surface of the Piston Check
connecting rod big end bore. Remove
Caution: The connecting rod bearings are not grouped. 1. Remove the piston connecting rod assembly.
Caution: Record the main bearing mark number on the Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Remove
front of the crankshaft. 2. Remove the used piston ring with an expander (tool)
and discard it.
6. Fit the piston connecting rod assembly into the
TEN00003 from top to bottom, and align the guide Refit
tooling with the cylinder bore, note that the arrow "↑" 1. Clean the piston ring groove and purge the oil passage.
on the top surface of the piston shall point to the front 2. Position the new piston ring 20 mm from the top
end of the engine. surface of the cylinder bore and measure the clearance.
7. Push the piston hard into the cylinder bore. 7. Ensure the piston ring can rotate freely, separate the
gap A and B of two compression rings at an angle of
Tip: It is recommended to replace the piston connecting 120° and away from the thrust side of the piston.
rod assembly as a set.
8. Scraper gap C and spring gap D shall be located 30°apart
8. Fit the connecting rod big end cover, tighten the from each other at both sides of the piston pin.
connecting rod bolt to (13-17)Nm+( (77-83) )°.
9. Fit the lower crankcase assembly.
1.0 91
Engine Engine Mechanical
Crankshaft Check
1. Remove the piston connecting rod assembly.
Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Remove
2. Unscrew the main bearing cap bolt, remove the main
bearing cap and remove the main bearing shell from
the bearing seat.
3. Remove the crankshaft.
9. Check the gap between the new piston ring and the
ring groove, refer to "Parameter" for details.
1.0 92
Engine Mechanical Engine
Caution: The weight groupings of the piston connecting "Parameter" for details.
rod assemblies on the same engine should be same, fit
Caution: The bearings with oil grooves and oil holes are
them correctly. If the piston connecting rod assembly
fitted in the main bearing holes of the cylinder block, and
in the same group cannot be selected and fitted when
bearings without oil grooves and oil holes are fitted in the
servicing, replace all the piston connecting rod assemblies
main bearing caps.
to ensure the piston connecting rod assembly weight is in
the same group. 12. The matching principle of the main bearing shell: the
upper part shall be grouped according to the engine
6. Clean the crankshaft and check for damage.
dimension (A: blue, B: red).
7. Align two connecting rod shells with the shell groove
and press them into the big end bore of the connecting
rod respectively, make sure the end face of the bearing
A 53.690<φ≤53.700
shell is in the same plane as the fracture surface of the
connecting rod big end bore. B 53.680≤φ≤53.690
1.0 93
Engine Engine Mechanical
4. Push the oil seal into the locating pin of the oil seal
slowly along the special tool TEN00013 and drive it
into the pin hole of the engine block.
1. Clean the mating area of the crankshaft flange neck and
the oil seal, and ensure there is no stain on it.
2. Fit the TEN00013 to the rear end of the crankshaft.
3. Apply clean oil to the oil seal lip.
1.0 94
Engine Mechanical Engine
Oil Strainer
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Filter Remove
3. Remove the lower crankcase.
1. Clean the oil strainer and the mating face.
2. Lubricate the new O-ring with engine oil and fit it to the
oil strainer. Insert the oil strainer into the new oil pump
from the opposite direction shown in the figure above.
3. Secure the oil pump and oil strainer to the lower
crankcase, fit the bolt, tighten to 8-12Nm.
4. Fit the oil baffle, and tighten to 8-12Nm.
5. Fit the lower crankcase.
1.0 95
Engine Engine Mechanical
Oil Pump
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the powertrain.
Powertrain - AT Remove
Powertrain - MT Remove
3. Remove the lower crankcase.
1. Clean the oil strainer and the connecting surface.
2. Lubricate the new O-ring with engine oil and fit the oil
strainer. Insert the oil strainer into the new oil pump in
the opposite direction shown in the figure above.
3. Fit the oil pump mounting bolt and the oil strainer
mounting bolt, and tighten them to 8-12Nm.
4. Fit the oil baffle, and tighten to 8-12Nm.
5. Fit the lower crankcase.
Powertrain - MT Refit
7. Connect the battery negative.
1.0 96
Engine Mechanical Engine
Oil Control Valve
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the oil control valve connector.
1. Refit a new oil control valve onto the front bearing cap,
fix it with bolts, and the tightening torque is 5-7Nm.
2. Check the oil seal of oil control valve, if any leakage or
aging appearance and crack occur, renew the oil seal of
the oil control valve. Fit the oil seal of the oil control
valve to the camshaft cover.
1.0 97
Engine Engine Mechanical
4. Clean the oil drain plug and fit a new sealing washer.
5. Fit the oil drain plug and tighten to 35-40Nm.
6. Take away the engine oil filler cap and fill the engine
oil to a correct level.
Lubricating Fluid Refill
7. Fit the bottom deflector.
1.0 98
Engine Mechanical Engine
Engine Oil Pressure Check Intake Manifold Gasket
Check Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the bottom deflector. 2. Remove the intake pipe assembly.
Bottom Deflector Remove Intake Pipe Assembly Remove
3. Disconnect the connector of oil pressure switch. 3. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the canister solenoid
hose from the intake manifold.
4. Remove the oil pressure switch.
1.0 99
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 100
Engine Mechanical Engine
Intake Pipe Assembly Refit
13. Connect the battery negative.
1. Ensure that the mating surface is clean, and the metal
insert has been fitted into the intake manifold bolt and
bolt hole.
2. Refit a new washer onto the intake manifold.
Tip: Be careful of the error proofing design on the washer.
3. Tighten 5 nuts in the sequence shown, and then fix the
mounting bolt A of the intake manifold and the engine
block, tighten to 22-28Nm and check the torque.
4. Remove the plug from the fuel hose and fuel rail.
5. Fix the fuel inlet pipe to the fuel rail.
6. Connect theTMAP sensor connector.
7. Connect the fuel injector connector, fit the harness clip
into the fuel rail bracket hole, and connect the canister
solenoid connector.
8. Insert the brake booster tube into the quick connector
of the intake manifold.
9. Connect the electronic throttle sensor connector.
10. Connect the part load breather pipe to the intake
manifold and secure it with clamps, insert the C-shape
pipe clip into the intake manifold mounting hole.
11. Connect the canister solenoid hose to the intake
manifold and secure it with clamps.
12. Fit the intake pipe assembly.
1.0 101
Engine Engine Mechanical
1.0 102
Engine Mechanical Engine
Cylinder Pressure Test will increase substantially. Refill engine oil (about
Test 15ml) through the spark plug hole, and retest the
1. Run the engine until it reaches normal operating cylinder pressure.
temperature. The battery must be fully charged or c. If the low compression pressure is caused by valves,
almost fully charged. low compression pressure will be measured in the
2. Stop the engine. 1st stroke, and it will not increase even when the
3. Disable the fuel system (e.g, pull out the harness oil is refilled.
connector of the fuel pump). d. The same consequence can be resulted from leaking
4. Start the engine again until it stops so as to consume cylinder head gasket and worn valves, but for the
the fuel remaining in the fuel rail. crankcase, the problem may be due to engine
5. Disable the ignition system (e.g, disengage the ignition coolant. In addition, a leaking cylinder head gasket
coil for each cylinder and engine harness connector). will result in low compression pressure readings of
the cylinders in pairs.
6. Remove the ignition coil for each cylinder.
7. Remove the spark plug for all cylinders. 12. Resume the ignition system.
8. Measure the compression pressure of the engine with 13. Resume the fuel system.
the following procedures:
a. Fit the adapter of the spark plug hole into the spark
plug hole.
b. Fit the compression pressure gauge into the adapter
of the spark plug hole.
c. Fully depress the accelerator pedal.
d. With assistance, turn the key to start the starter
until no increased pressure is indicated by the
compression pressure gauge.
Note: Do not keep the starter motor running for 5s at a
time, and the interval for next start shall not be less than 10s.
e. Check and record the readings on the pressure gauge.
f. Remove the compression pressure gauge from the
adapter of the spark plug hole.
g. Remove the adapter of the spark plug hole from the
spark plug hole.
9. Repeat step 8 to test the pressure of other cylinders.
The lower limit value for the engine cylinder (under
normal pressure/temperature) is 7 Bar.
10. Difference between each cylinder pressure and average
pressure for each cylinder: for gasoline engines, it shall
not be greater than 8%.
11. Here are some examples of measurement:
a. When the compression pressure is normal, the
compression pressure of each cylinder will increase
quickly and evenly to the specified value.
b. If the low compression pressure is caused by piston
rings, the compression pressure will drop in the
1st stroke and gradually increase in the subsequent
strokes, however, it will never reach the normal
value. After oil refilling, the compression pressure
1.0 103
Engine Engine Mechanical
Retainer belt
Engine lift wheel
Retainer oil
pump gear
TEN00070 Engine support
Valve spring
Holding pin compressor
flywheel timing
Remover valve
Retainer T10006
stem seal
TEN00008 crankshaft belt
Replacer valve
Camshaft timing stem seal
1.0 104
Engine Mechanical Engine
Tool Description Picture Tool Description Picture
Number Number
Remover and
Plug remove
TEN00118 TEN00001 replacer M8
crankshaft rear
oil seal
Engine oil
T10001 pressure test
1.0 105
Engine Engine Cooling System
1.0 106
Engine Cooling System Engine
Model Temperature-controlled, pressure overflow backflow type cooling
system with forced circulation of water and OAT mixture solution
Cooling fan: 8 Vanes, Temperature-controlled Electric Axial Flow Type
High speed:
• ON 17.7Mpa
• OFF 13.7Mpa
Cooling fan switch - for cooling during normal engine
100 ℃
• Low speed
112 ℃
• High speed
94 ℃
• Low speed
106 ℃
• High speed
Cooling fan switch - for cooling after engine stop
• Initial activation 80 ± 2 ℃
• Fully Open 94 ℃
≤ 80 ± 2 ℃
Secondary Thermostat:
• Initial activation
88 ± 2 ℃
• Fully Open
102 ℃
≤ 88 ± 2 ℃
Relief valve of radiator pressure cover
1.0 107
Engine Engine Cooling System
1.0 108
Engine Cooling System Engine
Cooling System Pipeline
1. Radiator Expansion Tank Assembly 12. Clamp - Engine Expansion Tank Overflow Pipe
2. Washer - Engine to Radiator Pipeline 13. Clip - Engine Expansion Tank Overflow Pipe
3. Radiator Expansion Tank Cap 14. Clamp - Heater to Engine Pipeline
4. Screw - Radiator Expansion Tank 15. Clamp - Cooling System Pipeline
5. Radiator Expansion Tank Bracket 16. Pipeline Assembly - Heater to Engine
6. Bolt - Radiator Expansion Tank Bracket 17. Clamp - Radiator Expansion Tank Overflow Pipe
7. Pipeline Assembly - Engine to Radiator 18. Pipeline Assembly - Engine to Heater
8. Clamp - Cooling System Pipeline 19. Clamp - Heater to Engine Pipeline
9. Clip - Engine to Radiator Pipeline 20. Clamp - Heater to Engine Pipeline
10. Pipeline Assembly - Radiator to Engine 21. Clip - Engine Expansion Tank Overflow Pipe
11. Clamp - Radiator to Engine Pipeline 22. Engine Overflow Pipe
1.0 109
Engine Engine Cooling System
Description Thermostat
Overview This thermostat is a wax-type component with pressure relief
The cooling system circulates the engine coolant in the loop characteristics. It is located in the sealing housing on engine
of engine and heater core. The coolant is the mixture of 50% pipe.
water and 50% organic acid technique (OAT), which helps to When starting a cold engine, the coolant temperature is low,
maintain the optimum operating temperature of the engine the wax-type component of the thermostat is in solid state,
when the environment and engine working conditions are and the thermostat valve switches off under the action of the
different. spring. At this point, the cooling system is in a small circulation
Caution: Engine coolant will damage paint finished status, namely, the coolant cannot enter into the radiator for
surfaces. If spilled, immediately rinse area with plenty of circulation. But, it can circulate between the bypass circuit
water. and heater core. When the coolant temperature rises, the
wax-type component starts melting into liquid state gradually
The coolant shall be replaced regularly to keep its optimum
followed by the increase of volume, then the thermostat valve
efficiency and corrosion resistance performance.
will open gradually under the action of the push rod, at this
Components of Cooling System point, the cooling system is in a big circulation status. The
Coolant Pump coolant will flow into the cylinder block through the bottom
hose of the radiator, allow the hot coolant to flow through
The coolant circulates through the rotor type pump on the
the radiator from the top hose to balance heat flow and keeps
rear upper part of the engine crankcase drive, which is sealed
the temperature at the optimal for engine operation. When
to the cylinder block by an O-ring and driven by the crankshaft
the thermostat is fully open, the coolant flows through the
timing belt.
Coolant Hose
Radiator and Cooling Fan
The rubber coolant hose delivers coolant among all
The radiator is of aluminum longitudinal-flow type with
components. The coolant hose is fixed to each component
injection moulding water tanks on both ends (for automatic
by spring clamps. The heater core completes the fluid inlet
transmission model, automatic transmission oil cooler is
by connecting the outlet elbow of the engine to the inlet pipe
locate in the water chamber below the radiator. The cooling
of the inlet hard pipe of heater core passing through the dash
hose linked with transmission is connected to the bushing of
panel, then goes to oil cooler water inlet pipe through the
the transmission oil cooler with nuts). The radiator supports
water outlet pipe of heater core and flows back to the engine
the cooling fan assembly, air conditioning (A/C) condenser.
cylinder block through the oil cooler.
The top of the radiator is located in the rubber bushing
Radiator Pressure Seal Cap
supported by the upper radiator beam bracket. The bottom
Radiator pressure cap is mounted on the top of the radiator,
of the radiator is located in the rubber bushing supported
which is equipped with a relief valve and vacuum valve. When
by the bracket fixed on the front longitudinal beam. Sponge
the system pressure is within 0.93 - 1.23 bar, relief valve opens
sealing strips fitted on both sides of the radiator are used to
to release system pressure; when the system pressure is within
guide the airflow through the radiator. The condenser fixed
0 - 0.098 bar, vacuum valve opens, and fluid is replenished to
by bolts is fitted on the front end of the radiator.
the system from outside, so that the cooling system can run
within a certain pressure range. The cooling fan and motor assembly is fitted on the fan shroud
at the rear of the radiator. The "Suction" type fan draws out air
Expansion Tank through the radiator. Besides, the fan shroud is equipped with
The coolant expansion tank is fitted on the left side of the additional vent holes allowing more air flow through radiator
cooling module cooling fan, one overflow/return pipe is when driving at high speed together with cooling fan. Low
connected to the pressure cover at the top of the radiator speed resistance of the cooling fan is fitted at the left side of
through the bottom part of the expansion tank. When the the radiator.
coolant is expanded during warm-up, additional coolant in the
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
cooling system will flow back to the expansion tank through
the overflow/return pipe; when the coolant in the cooling ECTThe engine coolant temperature sensor is fitted on the
system is insufficient, coolant in the expansion tank will flow engine cylinder block with a packaged negative temperature
back to the cooling system through the overflow/return pipe. coefficient (NTC) thermistor contacting with the engine
coolant, which is part of the bleeder circuit. The circuit is
composed of a 5V rated power supply, an engine control
1.0 110
Engine Cooling System Engine
module (ECM) internal resistance and a variable resistor
related to temperature (ECT sensor).
1.0 111
Engine Engine Cooling System
Coolant Flow
1.5 DVCT Engine
The cooling system utilizes the heat conduction principle, air in the coolant. The radiator pressure seal cap with relief
conducting heat from the engine components to the coolant. valve and vacuum valve isolates the cooling system from the
When the engine is at low temperature, the coolant pump will ambient atmosphere, the coolant expands as the temperature
circulate the coolant among the engine block, cylinder head rises, and the pressure of the cooling system will increase
and passenger compartment heater core. The thermostat will accordingly. The increased pressure raises the boiling point
be kept closed to prevent the coolant from flowing through of the coolant, allowing the engine to run at a higher, more
the radiator, however, a small amount of coolant may pass efficient operating temperature without the risk of coolant
through the bypass, this helps to prevent the accumulated boiling. The pressurization of the cooling system is limited, so
pressure from getting too high. When the engine reaches a pressure relief valve is provided on the expansion tank cap.
the normal operating temperature, the thermostat opens, By this way, when the max. operating pressure is reached, the
the cool coolant enters into the cylinder block through the excess pressure in the cooling system can be released.
hose at the bottom of the radiator, and the hot coolant will Cooling Fan Control Policy
flow into the radiator through the hose at the top of the
The cooling fan will operate at high or low speed, and the
radiator, so that the cool and hot coolant may be balanced
control is achieved by the ECM and relay unit. ECM The ECM
to maintain the engine at the best temperature. When the
utilizes the information provided by the ECT sensor, BCM
thermostat is fully open, all coolant flow through the radiator.
and A/C pressure switch to control the fan speed and engine
The excess coolant produced by thermal expansion returns
coolant temperature.
to the expansion tank through the overflow pipe at the top of
the radiator. Meanwhile, the expansion tank will remove the
1.0 112
Engine Cooling System Engine
During the normal operation, the cooling fan will operate at winding. The cooling fan relay is powered by a 12 V power
the following coolant temperatures: supply through Fuse 13 of the engine compartment fuse box.
Cooling Fan Status Low speed High speed When the cooling fan runs at low speed, the low-speed relay
provides the power supply; when the cooling fan runs at high
ON 100 ℃ 112 ℃
speed, the high-speed relay provides the power supply.
OFF 94 ℃ 106 ℃
The cooling fan relay may have faults under the following
When the A/C system is working, the cooling fan will operate conditions:
under the following pressure conditions: • High-speed relay coil is open.
Cooling Fan Status High speed • High-speed relay coil is short-circuited.
ON 17.7 Mpa • High-speed relay contact has a high resistance.
OFF 13.7 Mpa • High-speed relay contact is open.
• Low-speed relay coil is open.
The cooling fan control policy includes the engine idle speed
• Low-speed relay coil is short-circuited.
adjustment, which can compensate the additional load after the
fan is on. After the ignition key is removed: • Low-speed relay contact has a high resistance.
• External wire is open.
Cooling Fan Low speed High speed
Status • External wire is short to the 12V power supply.
ON 104 ℃ 110 ℃ • External wire is short to the ground.
OFF 100 ℃ 106 ℃ • External wire has a high resistance.
The cooling fan will operate for 30s to provide additional Warning: Keep clear of the cooling fan. The fan may start
cooling for the engine at high temperature. In case of ECT automatically without warning, even after the engine is
failure, the fan will operate at low speed. turned off.
1.0 113
Engine Engine Cooling System
Service Procedures
Coolant - Drain and Refill
1. Remove the coolant expansion tank cap.
3. Open the expansion tank cap. Fill coolant to the
expansion tank until the coolant level reaches the neck
of the expansion tank and keeps still.
4. When filling coolant to the vehicle with 1.5 DVCT
engine, unscrew the bleeder bolt on the radiator.
When founding that the coolant is about to spill, screw
up the bolt.
1.0 114
Engine Cooling System Engine
System Pressure Test
1. Visually check the expansion tank cap for signs of
2. Check the hose for signs of rupture and distortion and
the attachment strength of pipeline connection.
3. Open the coolant expansion tank cap.
1.0 115
Engine Engine Cooling System
Coolant Refill
1.0 116
Engine Cooling System Engine
Cooling Fan Cooling Fan Low Speed Resistor
Remove Remove
1. Remove the cooling fan low speed resistor. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
Cooling Fan Low Speed Resistor Remove 2. Disconnect the harness connector of the cooling fan
low speed resistor.
2. Remove the bottom deflector.
3. Remove 1 screw fixing the cooling fan low speed
Bottom Deflector Remove
resistor to the cooling fan.
3. Remove the air inlet pipe assembly.
1.0 117
Engine Engine Cooling System
and tighten the screw, and fix the lead well with Radiator
tapes to ensure no displacement of the lead and the Remove
serpentuator sleeve, otherwise, it will or may interfere 1. Drain the coolant.
the blade.
Coolant Drain
5. Connect the harness connector of the cooling fan.
2. Remove the cooling fan.
6. After replacement, connect the battery negative and
start the engine to check the fan operation. If there is Cooling Fan Remove
no high humming when the fan is running, resume the 3. Disconnect the clamp fixing the radiator water inlet
low speed operating condition. pipe to the radiator.
1.0 118
Engine Cooling System Engine
6. Remove the front-end module. Radiator Water Inlet Hose
Front-end Module Remove
1. Drain the coolant.
7. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the condenser to the radiator.
8. Unscrew the clip (2) fixing the condenser to the Coolant Drain
radiator. 2. Disconnect the clamp fixing the radiator water inlet
hose to the radiator.
Coolant Refill
1.0 119
Engine Engine Cooling System
Coolant Refill
Coolant Refill
1.0 120
Engine Cooling System Engine
Heater Water Inlet Hose Heater Water Outlet Hose
Remove Remove
1. Drain the coolant. 1. Drain the coolant.
2. Remove the air filter assembly. 2. Remove the air filter assembly.
Air Filter Assembly Remove
Air Filter Assembly Remove
3. Disconnect the clamp (1) fixing the water outlet hose
3. Disconnect the clamp (1) fixing the water inlet hose of
of the heater to the heater core.
the heater to the heater core.
4. Disconnect the clamp (2) fixing the water outlet hose
4. Disconnect the clamp (2) fixing the water inlet hose of
of the heater to the tee fitting.
the heater to the engine.
Coolant Refill
1.0 121
Engine Engine Cooling System
Refit Refit
1. Fix the radiator drain valve to the radiator and tighten 1. Press the radiator upper shock pad.
it up.
2. Fit the front-end module.
2. Fill the coolant.
Front-end Module Refit
Coolant Refill
1.0 122
Engine Cooling System Engine
Radiator Lower Shock Pad Wind Scooper - Left
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front-end module. 1. Remove the front bumper.
1. Press the radiator lower shock pad. Refit
2. Fit the front-end module. 1. Fit 4 plastic clips fixing the left wind scooper to the
upper radiator beam.
Front-end Module Refit
2. Fit the front bumper.
1.0 123
Engine Engine Cooling System
1.0 124
Engine Cooling System Engine
Refit Water Pump
1. Fit 6 bolts fixing the thermostat to the engine, tighten Remove
to 8-12Nm, and check the torque. 1. Drain the coolant.
2. Fit the clamp fixing the water inlet hose of the heater Coolant Drain
to the thermostat.
2. Remove the auxiliary drive belt.
3. Fit the clamp fixing the engine overflow pipe to the
thermostat. Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
4. Fit the clamp fixing the radiator water inlet hose to 3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the water pump pulley to the
the thermostat. water pump.
Coolant Refill
Coolant Refill
1.0 125
Engine Engine Cooling System
Transmission Oil Cooler Inlet Pipe Assembly - Transmission Oil Cooler Outlet Pipe Assembly
4AT - 4AT
Remove Remove
1. Drain the automatic transmission fluid. 1. Drain the automatic transmission fluid.
4. Disconnect the inlet pipe of the transmission oil cooler 4. Disconnect the outlet pipe of the transmission oil
from the radiator. cooler from the radiator.
5. Remove the inlet pipe of the transmission oil cooler. 5. Remove the outlet pipe of the transmission oil cooler.
Refit Refit
1. Fix the inlet pipe of the transmission oil cooler to the 1. Fix the outlet pipe of the transmission oil cooler to
radiator. the radiator.
2. Fit 1 nut fixing the inlet pipe of the transmission 2. Fit 1 nut fixing the outlet pipe of the transmission
oil cooler to the automatic transmission, tighten to oil cooler to the automatic transmission, tighten to
33-37Nm, and check the torque. 33-37Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fit 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the inlet pipe of the 3. Fit 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the outlet pipe of the
transmission oil cooler to the automatic transmission, transmission oil cooler to the automatic transmission,
tighten to 7-10Nm, and check the torque. tighten to 7-10Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fill the automatic transmission fluid. 4. Fill the automatic transmission fluid.
1.0 126
Engine Cooling System Engine
Special Tools
Tool Description Picture
Pressure test
connector, cap
Cooling system
pressure test kit
Pressure test
TEN00015 connector,
cooling system
Harness repair
1.0 127
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
1.0 128
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Engine Management System
Model 1x1 single ignition coil, top mounted, one ignition coil for one cylinder
Manufacturer/Model UAES BOSCH, Hall sensor which obtains signal from the side of the signal wheel
Camshaft position sensor:
Manufacturer/Model UAES BOSCH, Hall sensor which obtains signal from the side of the camshaft
signal wheel
Oxygen sensor:
1.0 129
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
1.0 130
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
System Control Diagram
Engine Control System Control Diagram
1.0 131
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
A = CAN Bus
1.0 132
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Description 1M Brake Vacuum Sensor
Overview 1N -
The engine management system (ECM) is applied to control 1O -
each aspect of the engine operation. The system receives 1P Non-continuous Power
inputs from various sensors, and then utilizes them to Supply
determine outputs, including the fuel volume delivered to the 1Q Non-continuous Power
combustion chamber, ignition time, air supply control, etc. Supply
Engine uses BOSCH ME ECM which is a continuous 2A CANBus 1 Low
multi-point fuel injection system controlled by ECM and
2B -
adopts the speed/density principle combined with electronic
throttle control. The control intentions of the engine 2C Brake Vacuum Sensor
management system are to: enhance power performance, 2D Continuity Power Supply
reduce fuel consumption and exhaust pollution. 2E -
Engine Control Module (ECM) 2F -
The engine control module is the control centre of the fuel 2G Brake Switch
injection system. It monitors continuously the information 2H -
from various sensors, controls various systems influencing 2J Brake Lamp
the vehicle performance. It also executes system diagnosis
2K -
function. It is able to identify the operation fault, remind the
driver with malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) and store the 2L A/C Medium Pressure
DTC at indication fault position to facilitate the repair of the
service personnel. 2M A/C High/Low Pressure
ECMEnd View and Pin Information of Connector - 1.5L (1) 2N -
2O Accelerator Pedal Sensor 2
2P Fan Speed Control 2
2Q Anti-theft Input
3A -
3B -
3C Ignition Switch
3D Accelerator Pedal 2.5V
Power Supply
3E Accelerator Pedal 1.5V
Power Supply
3F -
3G -
Pin No. Description 3H -
1A HS CAN Bus 1 High 3J Fuel Pump Relay
1B -
3K A/C Compressor Relay
1C - -
1D - -
1E Main Relay 3N Accelerator Pedal Sensor 1
1F Clutch Top Switch 3O -
1G Accelerator Pedal 1 Ground 3P Sensor Ground
1H - -
1J - -
1K - -
1L -
1.0 133
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
ECM End View and Pin Information of Connector - 1.5L (2) 24 Ignition Coil 4 Cylinder 1
25 Knock Sensor B
26 Knock Sensor A
27 Main Load Sensor
28 -
29 Phase Position Sensor
30 Canister Valve
31 Downstream Oxygen/Intake
Phase Position Sensor
32 Engine Speed Sensor Input
33 -
1.0 134
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
45 Intake Air Failure
5V Power Supply The main relay may have failures occurred under the following
46 Downstream Oxygen
Sensor Heater • Relay winding short-circuited
47 ECM Ground 4 • Relay winding open-circuit
48 ECM Ground 3 • Relay winding high resistance
• Relay contact normally open
The engine management system is composed of the following
6 components • Relay contact normally closed
• Relay contact high resistance
according to control principle:
• Relay harness open-circuit
• External Control
• Relay harness high resistance
• Engine Air Supply Control System
• Relay harness connected to the 12V power supply is
• Engine Ignition Control System short-circuited
• Engine Fuel Supply Control System • Relay harness short to ground
• Auxiliary 1 (heat management) • ECMFailure to provide ground access
• Auxiliary 2 (external assistance)
In order to determine whether the main relay works normally,
External Control the following checks may be carried out:
The external control of the engine mainly includes:
• Sound check - place the ignition key in "ON" position to
• Main relay check whether the fuel pump will work for 2s.
• Ignition switch • Whether the fuel injector or ignition coil is supported by
• Battery power (apply multimeter to check the voltage of battery)
• CANCommunication If the above are verified, it indicates that the main relay works
• Immobiliser power supply normally.
The external control mainly refers to the power supply and
communication. One line of power supply of the engine The engine management system applies CAN communication
control module (ECM) is directly connected to the power network for the communications between ECM and ABS,
supply through fuse to ensure ECM is in powered state. BCM and TCM, and diagnoses outputs through diagnostic
When the ignition switch is in "ON" or "IGN" position, the interface.
engine control module can control the opening of the main Immobiliser Power Supply
relay or connect to ignition power supply.
When the ignition switch is turned to Gear 2, the engine
The engine control can communicate with controllers of control module (ECM) and body control module (BCM)
other nodes on the network through CAN to ensure each communicate through CAN bus for mutual information
performance of the system. It can also be connected with verification, after verification, BCM will control the operation
the data link connector (DLC) to facilitate the diagnostic of starter motor, ECM will control ignition, fuel injection, and
operation of the service personnel. the engine will be started.
Main Relay Engine Air Supply Control System
The main relay is in the engine compartment fuse box. It is The engine air supply control system mainly includes:
a 4-pin relay adopting the DIN pin layout. The relay doesn't
• Electronic throttle body
contain the reverse electrode protection diodes, this function
is performed by the ECM. • Accelerator pedal module
• Intake air pressure/temperature sensor
When the engine control module (ECM) detects that the
ignition switch is in "IGN" position, it will output a low level • Camshaft position sensor
signal, control the relay to engage, and the UBR pin of ECM is • Variable camshaft timing valve
connected to the power supply voltage so as to meet the start
1.0 135
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
If the ratio of the air to fuel mass is 14.7:1, the fuel can be burnt the throttle form a part of whole electronic throttle control
sufficiently, and the engine is at the best working state for this system monitoring function, which can provide the redundancy
moment. protection expected by system control.
As for air supply portion, the optimal fuel air ratio is achieved Intake Air Pressure/Temperature Sensor (TMAP)
mainly by the control of air inflow and the master stroke of oil The intake air pressure/temperature sensor measures intake
cylinder. air manifold absolute pressure and intake air temperature and
Electronic Throttle provides engine load and intake air temperature information.
The electronic throttle is composed of throttle, throttle The intake air pressure portion is measured by a piezoelectric
actuator (DC motor) and throttle position sensor, etc. type sensor which can provide the "Load Signal" to the
controller in accordance with the pressure difference
ECM gives instructions to make the DC motor act and affect
between atmosphere and intake manifold; the controller
the throttle opening through the drive mechanism. There are
provides a 5V voltage and feedbacks a 0 - 5V voltage to the
two potentiometers acting as position sensors, which are fit
controller depending on the intake air pressure. The intake
in reverse phase. When the position of the throttle changes,
air temperature portion is measured by a NTC (Negative
the two resistances vary linearly, one increases and the other
Temperature Coefficient) type sensor, whose resistance
decreases. When a +5V voltage is added, the pedal position
changes with the intake air temperature and which transfers
will be transformed into the voltage output corresponding to
a voltage showing the change of the intake air temperature
the changes of the resistance value.
to the controller. The pressure (P) is proportional to output
These two potentiometers along with two potentiometers on voltage and the temperature is inversely proportional to
the accelerator pedal module used for monitoring the stroke of output resistance.
the accelerator pedal form a part of whole electronic throttle
Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor
control system monitoring function, which can provide the
redundancy protection expected by the system control. The camshaft position sensor is applied to cooperate with
the rotational speed sensor in the circumstances without
Throttle Position Sensor
electricity distributor, to provide the ECM with the camshaft
The throttle position sensor is used to provide throttle angle phase information, namely, identify the compression top dead
information for the ECM. ECM can obtain the engine load centre and exhaust top dead centre of the cylinder 1.
information and operating conditions (such as start, idle
The camshaft position sensor is composed of a hall sensor and
speed, motored condition, part load, full load), acceleration
a rotor made of steel plate. The hall sensor is fixed, and the
and deceleration information according to this information.
rotor with a 36° arc boss is fitted on the camshaft. The inner
Actually, the throttle sensor is an angle potentiometer magnetic field of the hall sensor will change when the boss
characterized by linear output. The potentiometer rotor arm passes it, which leads to the change of output signal voltage. In
and throttle are fitted coaxially. When the throttle rotates, this way, the two top dead centres are identified.
the potentiometer rotor arm will be driven to slide into a
certain position and the potentiometer output a voltage signal
proportional to the throttle position. CMPThe sensor or magnetic ring may have failures or provide
incorrect signals due to the following conditions:
Accelerator Pedal Module
• CMPSensor gap fails to comply with the specifications.
There are two potentiometers in the accelerator pedal
module acting as sensors, their resistance value will vary • CMPSensor is contaminated by metallic debris.
with the position changes of the electronic accelerator pedal, • CMPSensor hall-effect semiconductor is damaged.
while the ECM can response precisely to the movement • CMPSensor magnetic field is too weak.
of the accelerator pedal, therefore, the movements of the
• CMPSensor harness is open-circuit.
accelerator pedal may be monitored.
• CMPSensor harness is short-circuited.
Because both potentiometers are fitted in the same phase,
• CMPSensor harness has a high resistance.
when the accelerator pedal position changes, their resistances
• Magnetic ring is contaminated by metallic debris.
will increase or decrease linearly. When a +5V voltage is
added, the pedal position will be transformed into the voltage • The precision of magnetic ring is low due to mechanical
output corresponding to the changes of the resistance value. damage.
These two potentiometers and two potentiometers fitted on • Exhaust camshaft timing is incorrect.
the electronic throttle used for monitoring the position of • Intake camshaft timing is incorrect.
1.0 136
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Failure
The engine oil temperature sensor (EOT) is applied to The ignition coil may have failures under the following
monitor the engine oil temperature and control variable conditions:
camshaft timing valve (i.e. VCT valve). The variable camshaft
• Primary winding open-circuit
timing valve is adjusted at different temperatures to obtain
optimal intake air. • Primary winding short-circuited
• Resistance of primary winding out of tolerance
• Secondary winding open-circuit
The EOT sensor may have failures or provide incorrect signals
due to the following conditions: • Secondary winding short-circuited
• The circuit connecting secondary winding with primary
• System lack of oil
winding is short
• External harness open-circuit
• Resistance of secondary winding out of tolerance
• External harness short to ground
• Coil top insulation mechanically damaged
• External harness connected to the 5V power supply is
Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
CKPThe crankshaft position sensor is applied to provide
• External harness high resistance
information of the engine speed and crankshaft top dead
• ECMFailure to provide ground access
centre in the ignition system without electricity distributor. It
• EOTSensor thermistor damaged is a hall-effect sensor matched with pulse wheel in application.
Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Valve The pulse wheel is a teeth plate, with 58 small teeth separated
by 6°and a 2-teeth gap on magnetic ring. The pulse wheel
The engine control module outputs pulse width modulation
is fitted on the crankshaft, and rotates with the crankshaft.
(PWM) signal to drive the solenoid. Change in duty ratio may
When the tooth tips pass by sensor ends, the pulse wheel
adjust the opening of the solenoid.
made of steel magnetic materials cuts the magnetic force
The VCT system can, under the condition of low speed, line of the permanent magnets in the sensor to produce the
reduce the fuel consumption and improve the performance of induced voltage in the coil, which acts as the rotational speed
engine in the process of exhaust emission, especially torque output signal.
ECMIt receives signals from the CKP sensor and CMP
CKPThe sensor or magnetic ring may have failures or provide
sensor. With these signals, the valve timing can be determined
incorrect signals due to the following conditions:
by ECM by consulting control chart. Then ECM operates the
VCT engine oil control valve installed on one side of cylinder • CKPSensor gap fails to comply with the specifications.
head. These solenoid valves control the oil to flow into phase • CKPSensor is contaminated by dust.
modulator and change the relative position to the camshaft of • CKPSensor hall-effect semiconductor is damaged.
the phase modulator so as to adjust the valve timing.
• CKPSensor magnetic field is too weak.
Engine Ignition Control System
• CKPSensor harness is open-circuit.
The engine ignition control system mainly includes: • CKPSensor harness is short-circuited.
• Ignition coil 1、2、3、4 • CKPSensor harness has a high resistance.
• Engine speed sensor • Magnetic ring is contaminated by dust.
• Knock sensor • The precision of magnetic ring is low due to erosion or
• Ignition sequence mechanical damage.
Ignition Coil • The CKP sensor signal is distorted due to out-of-round
flywheel or drive disc.
The ignition coil turns the DC low voltage of battery to high
voltage and ignites the air mixture in cylinder through the spark • The CKP sensor signal is changed due to crankshaft
generated by the discharge of spark plug. Each ignition coil radial movement.
consists of a pair of coil windings around laminated iron core. In order to check the ECM for receiving the signal from CKP
There are four ignition coils fitted on the camshaft cover of sensor, following operations may be conducted:
the engine, and each cylinder has an independent ignition coil
connected with the spark plug.
1.0 137
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
• Check the operation of the fuel pump in the engine • HO2SWhen the output voltage changes, the increased
starting process; if the fuel pump supplies fuel when the temperature of HO2S is sufficient for normal operation.
ignition is on but not operating, it indicates that ECM • ECTThe temperature of the sensor is higher than the
does not receive CKP sensor signal. specified temperature.
Knock Sensor • The engine has started for a specified period of time.
The knock sensor is used to provide electronic controller With respect to above conditions, different engines have their
ECM with the engine knock information to carry out knock specific values which are stored in an electronic erasable
control. programmable read only memory (EEPROM). After these
The knock sensor is a vibration acceleration sensor. It is values are met, the system begins closed-loop operation.
fitted on the engine cylinder block. The sensitive element During the closed-loop running, the control module calculates
of the sensor is a piezoelectric crystal. The vibration of the the air fuel ratio and opening time of the injectors according to
engine cylinder block is transferred to the piezoelectric crystal the signals from various sensors, especially the heated oxygen
through the mass block in the sensor. Due to the pressure senor, so that the air fuel ratio is always close to 14.7:1.
generated from the vibration of mass block, the piezoelectric Oxygen Sensor
crystal produces voltage on both pole surfaces to transform
The oxygen sensor measures the oxygen content in the
the vibration signal into voltage signal to output.
engine exhaust to determine if the gasoline and air are
Failure burnt completely. The electronic controller implements the
The knock sensor may have failures or provide incorrect signals closed-loop control aiming at excessive air coefficient λ =
due to the following conditions: 1 according to the information to ensure that three-way
catalytic converters have the highest conversion efficiency in
• Sensor open-circuit
such three kinds of pollutant as HC, CO and NOx in the
• Sensor to ground short-circuited exhaust.
• Sensor circuit intermittently open
Its sensing element is a ceramic tube, the inner surface and
• Incorrect knock sensor refit outer surface of which are contacted with exhaust gas and
In case of knock sensor signal failure, the following symptoms ambient air respectively. When the sensing ceramic tube
may occur: temperature reaches 350℃, it will have the property of solid
electrolyte. With this property, the concentration difference
• Store the failure code of oxygen is turned to electric potential difference so as
• ECMFailure to inspect engine combustion knock to form electric signal output. If the mixture is rich, the
• ECMRestore default settings concentration difference of oxygen inside and outside the
Engine Fuel Supply Control System ceramic tube is high, the electric potential difference is high,
a large amount of oxygen ions move from inside to outside
The engine fuel supply control system mainly includes: and the output voltage is high (approximate to 900mV); if the
• Upstream oxygen sensor mixture is thin, the concentration difference of oxygen inside
• Downstream oxygen sensor and outside the ceramic tube is low, the electric potential
difference is low, only a few of oxygen ions move from inside
• Fuel injectors 1 - 4
to outside and the output voltage is low (approximate to
• Canister valve 100mV).
• Fuel pump relay
The oxygen sensor consists of the front oxygen sensor and
The engine fuel supply control system is mainly applied to rear oxygen sensor. The former is used to measure the
control the fuel supply for the engine under different working oxygen content in the engine exhaust to implement the closed
conditions. loop control, and the latter is used to monitor the conversion
function of the three-way catalyst.
When the engine starts for the first time and engine speed
is higher than the preset speed, the system begins open loop Failure
operation. The control module ignores the signals from the HO2SIt may have failures or provide incorrect signals due to
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S). The control module calculates the following conditions:
the air fuel ratio according to the input signal from the ECT,
TMAP and TP sensors. The system stays in open loop state • Contaminated by leaded fuel
until the following conditions are met: • Contaminated by carbon or silicon deposits
• Impact damage/mechanical impact
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Engine Fuel & Management Engine
• External harness open-circuit At the time of start
• External harness connected to the 12V power supply is • If the fuel system pressure falls to zero, the engine will
short-circuited fail to ignite.
• External harness short to ground • If the fuel system pressure is lower than normal operating
• External harness high resistance pressure (0.38MPa), the engine may try to ignite, but fails
• Heating device open-circuit to work normally.
• Heating device short-circuited • If the fuel system pressure is normal, the engine will ignite
to operate, but will flame out finally with decrease in fuel
• ECMFailure to provide ground access for heating device
pressure, and fails to restart.
• Harness shielding not connected to the ground
During driving
Fuel Injector
If the fuel pump relay fails during driving, the engine will lose
The fuel injector, according to the commands of the ECM,
power and finally shuts down due to shortage of fuel.
injects fuel within the specified time to supply the engine
with fuel and have it atomized. ECMThe ECM energizes the The fuel pump relay may have failures under the following
injector coil to form magnetic force. When the magnetic conditions:
force is strong enough to overcome the resultant force of
• Relay coil short-circuited
the return spring pressure, needle valve gravity and friction,
the needle valve begins to rise, and the fuel injection process • Relay coil open-circuit
starts. When fuel injection pulse ends, the pressure of return • Relay coil high resistance
spring makes the needle valve close again. • Relay contact normally open
Failure • Relay contact normally closed
The fuel injector may fails under the following conditions: • Relay contact high resistance
• Fuel filter blockage • Relay harness connected to the 12V power supply is
• Winding open-circuit
• Relay harness short to ground
• Winding short to ground
• ECMFailure to provide ground access
• Winding connected to the 12V power supply is
short-circuited Carry out the following checks and check the fuel pump relay
• Winding resistance out of tolerance for normal operation:
• External harness open-circuit • Sound check - place the ignition key in "ON" position to
• External harness short to ground check whether the fuel pump will work for 2s.
• External harness connected to the 12V power supply is Check the ECM for providing an access to ground for the fuel
short-circuited pump relay when the ignition switch is in "ON" position (for 2s)
Electric Fuel Pump and during the starting. Remove the fuel pump relay, connect
a multimeter between the 12V power supplied by the vehicle
The electric fuel pump transfers the fuel from the fuel tank to
and the fuse box pin connected with fuel pump pin 85, check
the engine and provides sufficient fuel pressure and rich fuel.
the output according to the circuit diagram after the ignition
It is a DC motor driven vane pump, which is fitted in the fuel is on.
tank and immersed in the fuel. It applies fuel for heat dissipation
As the ECM internal drive circuit consumes voltage, the
and lubrication. The battery supplies power to the electric fuel
measured voltage may be lower than the battery voltage.
pump via fuel pump relay, which allows the electric fuel pump
Canister Control Valve
circuit to be closed only when the relay starts and the engine
operates. When the engine stops running due to accident, the The canister control valve is applied to control the
fuel pump will stop operating automatically regeneration air flow of the fuel evaporation control system.
Failure The canister in the fuel evaporation control system absorbs
If the fuel pump relay fails, the following symptoms will occur: fuel steam from fuel tank till it cannot absorb any more.
ECMIt controls the canister control valve to open and allows
1.0 139
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
fresh air and saturated fuel steam in the canister to form Failure
regeneration air flow, then sends it to the engine air inlet pipe.
ECTThe sensor may have failures or provide incorrect signals
The electronic controller, based on the different working
due to the following conditions:
conditions of engine, changes the duty ratio of the pulse signal
transmitted to the canister control valve electromagnetic coil • The system is lack of coolant due to leakage
to control the regeneration air flow. Moreover, the flow is • External harness open-circuit
also influenced by the pressure difference on both ends. • External harness short to ground
Failure • External harness connected to the 5V power supply is
The canister control valve may have failures occurred under short-circuited
the following conditions: • External harness high resistance
• Electromagnetic winding open-circuit • ECM Failure to provide ground access
• Electromagnetic winding short-circuited • ECT Thermistor damaged
• External harness connected to the 12V power supply is Cooling Fan Relay Unit
short-circuited The cooling fan relay unit is fitted on the left side of the
• External harness short to ground radiator, which is equipped with two relays.
• External harness high resistance The cooling fan is controlled by the ECM, and is manipulated
• ECMFailure to provide PWM signal through the relay unit. ECM It uses the information provided
• Mechanical problems occur in the valve by the ECT sensor, BCM and A/C pressure sensor to limit
the cooling temperature of the engine.
Auxiliary 1 (Heat Management)
Auxiliary 2 (External Assistance)
The heat management portion mainly includes:
The external assistance portion mainly includes:
• A/C compressor relay
• Alternator control input
• A/C request (On/Off)
• Clutch switch
• Engine coolant temperature sensor
• Brake pedal switch
• Cooling fan relay (low speed, high speed)
• Brake lamp
• A/C pressure sensor
Alternator Control Input
The engine adjusts the opening or closing of the high/low speed
cooling fan relay according to the coolant temperature. The alternator control input is used by the ECM to control the
alternator for the battery charge while the engine operates.
After the driver presses the A/C request (ON/OFF) on
Brake Switch
the instrument panel, ECM monitors the status of the A/C
pressure sensor signal and decides whether to turn on the The brake switch is located on the pedal box in the cab. ECMIt
A/C according to the current engine coolant temperature monitors the switch status and transfers the data to the TCM
sensor signals and engine speed signals. via the CAN bus, and the TCM controls the gearbox clutch
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor to open. When the brake pedal is operated, the brake switch
is activated.
The coolant temperature sensor is used to provide the engine
Clutch Switch (MT only)
coolant temperature information. Whereby, the controller
can correct the fuel injection and ignition. It is a negative The clutch sensor is powered by the ECM. When the clutch
temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, whose resistance pedal is depressed, the ECM will receive the clutch release
value is reduced as the temperature rises, but it is not a linear signal; when the clutch pedal is reset, the ECM will receive
relationship. The thermistor is mounted inside a copper heat the clutch engagement signal.
1.0 140
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Service Procedures Ignition Coil
Spark Plug Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the air filter assembly.
2. Remove the ignition coil. Air Filter Assembly Remove
Ignition Coil Remove 3. Disconnect the harness connector and the bolt.
3. Clean the area around the spark plug. Remove the dust
around the spark plug with high pressure gas.
4. Remove 4 spark plugs with the spark plug socket.
4. Hold the end of the ignition coil rubber bush, and pull
out the ignition coil from the spark plug (if difficult to
pull out, you can rotate the ignition coil right and left
to loosen it).
1. Identify the model of the original spark plug before
fitting a new one. Spark plug of the same model shall 1. Fit the ignition coil onto the spark plug, and connect
be selected for replacement. the harness connector.
2. Adjust the initial gap of each new spark plug to 2. Tighten the bolts fixing the ignition coil to8-12Nm
0.80-0.90mm. 3. Connect the high voltage wire to the spark plug.
3. Fit the spark plug and tighten it to 22-28Nm. 4. Fit the air filter assembly.
4. Fit the ignition coil. Air Filter Assembly Refit
Ignition Coil Refit 5. Connect the battery negative.
5. Connect the battery negative.
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Engine Engine Fuel & Management
Coolant Drain
5. Remove the circlip fixing the engine coolant
temperature sensor.
6. Remove the engine coolant temperature sensor.
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Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Crankshaft Position Sensor
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the harness connector from the oil 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
temperature sensor.
Bottom Deflector Remove
3. Place the oil sink under the switch to collect the spilled
3. Disconnect the harness connector from the crankshaft
position sensor.
4. Remove the oil temperature sensor.
4. Remove the bolt fixing the crankshaft position sensor
to the cylinder block.
5. Remove the crankshaft position sensor.
1. Clean the thread of the oil temperature sensor.
2. Fit a new sealing washer to the oil temperature sensor Refit
and tighten the switch to 14-18Nm. 1. Clean the mating surface of the crankshaft position
3. Connect the temperature sensor connector. sensor and the cylinder block.
4. Remove the oil sink. 2. Locate the crankshaft position sensor, fit the retaining
5. Connect the battery negative. bolt and tighten it to 8-12Nm.
6. Check the engine oil level, and refill if necessary. 3. Connect the crankshaft position sensor harness
4. Fit the bottom deflector.
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Engine Engine Fuel & Management
1. Clean the camshaft position sensor and mating surface,
and fit an O-ring to the camshaft position sensor.
2. Fit the camshaft position sensor to the cylinder head
and tighten the bolts to 8-12Nm. 6. Remove the upper guide rail.
3. Connect the camshaft position sensor harness
4. Connect the battery negative.
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Engine Engine Fuel & Management
1. Clean the thread of the oil pressure switch.
2. Fit a new sealing washer to the oil pressure switch and
9. Fit the lower cover plate of the timing chain. tighten the switch to 14-18Nm.
Timing Chain Lower Cover Plate Refit 3. Connect the oil pressure switch harness connector.
10. Fit the upper cover plate of the timing chain. 4. Remove the oil sink.
5. Fit the bottom deflector.
Timing Chain Upper Cover Plate Refit
11. Fill the engine oil. Bottom Deflector Refit
6. Connect the battery negative.
Engine Oil Filter Refit
7. Check the engine oil level, and refill if necessary.
12. Connect the battery negative.
1.0 146
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Knock Sensor Fuel Rail
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the knock sensor harness connector. 2. Release the pressure of the fuel system.
3. Remove the bolt fixing the knock sensor onto the Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
cylinder block, and take away the sensor. spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
3. Disconnect the harness connector from the fuel rail
1. Clean the mating surface of the knock sensor and the
cylinder block.
2. Fit the knock sensor, ensure that the harness is properly 4. Release the fuel inlet pipe from the fuel rail.
placed, and tighten the bolts to 15-25Nm.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
3. Connect the knock sensor harness connector. contamination.
4. Connect the battery negative.
5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the fuel rail to the intake manifold.
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Engine Engine Fuel & Management
1. Remove the end cap from each fuel injector.
2. Clean the groove of the fuel injector and fuel rail.
3. Lubricate new O-rings with oil, and fit them to both
ends of each fuel injector.
4. Fit the fuel injector to the fuel rail.
5. Fix the fuel injector to the fuel rail with spring clamps.
6. Fit the fuel rail assembly.
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Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Oxygen Sensor Downstream Oxygen Sensor
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the upstream oxygen sensor harness 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
connector (1).
Bottom Deflector Remove
3. Use the special tool for the oxygen sensor TEN00011
3. Disconnect the downstream oxygen sensor connector
to remove the upstream oxygen sensor (2).
4. Use the special tool TEN00011 for the oxygen sensor
to remove the downstream oxygen sensor (2).
1. Fit the oxygen sensor with TEN00011, and tighten to
40-60Nm, check the torque.
Caution: Before the old part is refitted, apply the 1. Fit the oxygen sensor with TEN00011, tighten to
high temperature antiwelding agent onto the thread. 40-60Nm and check the torque.
2. Connect the upstream oxygen sensor harness Caution: Before the old part is refitted, apply the
connector. high temperature antiwelding agent onto the thread.
3. Connect the battery negative.
2. Connect the upstream oxygen sensor harness
3. Fit the upper bottom deflector.
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1.0 150
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Carbon Canister Control Valve Pipe Assembly - Body Underfloor Fuel Lines
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect battery earth lead. 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Disconnect purge valve electrical connector. Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
3. Disconnect vacuum hose from purge valve spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
4. Disconnect fuel ventilating hose from purge valve
2. Depressurise fuel system.
5. Remove purge valve from retaining bracket.
Fuel System - Depressurise
Before disconnecting any part of the fuel system, it
is imperative that all dust, dirt and debris is removed
from around components to prevent ingress of foreign
matter into fuel system.
3. Drain fuel tank.
Drain and Refill
4. Disconnect carbon canister pipe at purge valve.
1. Connect under-floor pipe to valve of carbon canister.
2. Connect vacuum pipes to valve of carbon canister.
3. Connect the connector of carbon canister valve.
4. Fit carbon canister valve to bracket.
5. Connect battery earth lead.
1.0 151
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
8. Remove filter.
1. Position fuel filter in clamp, secure screw, tighten
2. Refit pipes to filter.
3. Reconnect earth lead.
4. Lower hoist.
5. Reconnect battery earth lead.
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Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Tank - Fuel
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
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Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this Fuel System - Pressure Relief - 1.5L
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are Check
taken to prevent fire and explosion. 1. Release the fuel filler cap to release the steam pressure
9. Using T18007 to release and remove fuel pump locking in the fuel tank.
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
10. Carefully release fuel pump assembly. spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
11. Remove seal, discard. extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
Refit 2. Remove the fuel pump fuse from the engine
1. Fit new seal to fuel tank. compartment fuse box.
2. Fit fuel pump, taking care not to dislodge the seal. 3. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position and keep the
3. UsingT18007 to fit the fuel pump locking ring and engine idle until it stops.
tighten to 75–85Nm. 4. Place the ignition switch in "OFF" position, restart the
engine with the ignition key and keep for 10s to confirm
Caution: Verify that the triangle mark on fuel pump is
that the engine has no fuel.
aligned with the mark (three parallel line segments) on
fuel tank, and that the outer two line segments are not 5. Fix the fuel filler cap.
1.0 155
Engine Engine Fuel & Management
Fuel System - Pressure Test - 1.5L fuel pump for normal operation.
Check 7. Respectively disconnect the high-pressure fuel pump
1. Place a piece of absorbent cloth around the joint of the low-pressure fuel pipe and the fuel supply pipe from
high-pressure fuel pump low-pressure fuel pipe and the TCH00106.
underfloor fuel pipeline to collect the spilled fuel. 8. Drain the fuel remaining in the tool to the container.
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined 9. Connect the high-pressure fuel pump low-pressure fuel
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire pipe to the fuel supply pipe.
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
2. Disconnect the high-pressure fuel pump low-pressure
fuel pipe from the fuel supply pipe.
1.0 156
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Tank-Drain & Refill Filler Neck
Drain and Refill Remove
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
1. Release fuel filler cap from the filler neck. extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
2. Using a fuel recovery appliance, drain fuel from the tank 2. Drain fuel tank.
into a sealed container.
Drain fuel tank
3. Remove Wheelhouse Lining Board
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1.0 158
Engine Fuel & Management Engine
Special Tools Tool Description Picture
Tool Description Picture Number
Three-way pipe
TCH00106 of fuel pressure
Holding pin gauge
flywheel timing
Fuel pressure
Camshaft timing test equipment
Wrench O2
Wrench fuel
tank lock ring
1.0 159
Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System
1.0 160
Engine Manifold & Exhaust System Engine
Description and Operation
System Layout
1.0 161
Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System
1.0 162
Engine Manifold & Exhaust System Engine
Description the exhaust system is located on the front exhaust pipe. The
Air Filter tail pipe is designed with an one-piece pipe with single hole,
which is treated by the stainless steel polishing technology. The
The air filter outlet pipe is fitted between the air filter and the
exhaust system is connected with the vehicle body through 4
throttle body, which is fixed by the worm drive clamp. The air
rubber lugs. The rubber lugs can decrease the vibration of
filter assembly is fixed to the upper part of the engine with 4
the exhaust pipe during driving. Two thermal baffles are fitted
air filter mounting pins.
respectively on the upper part of the exhaust muffler and on
Exhaust System the outer surface of the fuel tank, this can decrease the thermal
The exhaust system consists of the front exhaust pipe and rear radiation from the exhaust pipe to protect the shift device and
exhaust pipe which are connected by nuts. The muffler of fuel system.
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1.0 164
Engine Manifold & Exhaust System Engine
Service Procedures Air Filter Element
Air Filter Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Remove 1 bolt securing the metal clamp of the air filter
1. Disconnect the battery negative. outlet pipe.
2. Remove 1 bolt securing the metal clamp of the air filter 2. Remove 5 screws fixing the upper housing of the air
outlet pipe. filter to the lower housing of the air filter.
3. Pluck off the air filter inlet pipe from the air filter 3. Remove the air filter element.
assembly. Refit
4. Pull to remove the air filter assembly directly. 1. Fit the air filter element.
Refit 2. Fit 5 screws fixing the upper housing of the air filter
1. Fix the air filter assembly to the engine. to the lower housing of the air filter, tighten to
2. Fit 1 bolt securing the metal clamp of the air filter 1.4-1.8Nm, and check the torque.
outlet pipe, tighten to 3-4Nm, and check the torque. 3. Fit 1 bolt securing the metal clamp of the air filter
3. Fix the air filter inlet pipe to the air filter assembly. outlet pipe, tighten to 3-4Nm, and check the torque.
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Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System
1. Fit the air inlet pipe assembly. 5. Connect the battery negative.
2. Fit 1 bolt of the metal clamp fixing the air inlet pipe 6. Perform self-learning for the electronic throttle.
assembly to the resonator, tighten to 3-4Nm, and Electronic Throttle Self-learning - UMC System
check the torque.
3. Fit 2 bolts fixing the air inlet pipe assembly to the
upper radiator beam, tighten to 5-7Nm, and check
the torque.
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Engine Manifold & Exhaust System Engine
Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently
cooled before handling.
1. Remove the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Remove
2. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the front exhaust pipe
assembly to the three-way catalytic converter.
3. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the front exhaust pipe
assembly to the engine.
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Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System
Rear Exhaust Pipe Assembly 2. Fit 2 nuts fixing the rear exhaust pipe assembly to the
Remove front exhaust pipe assembly, tighten to 19-25Nm, and
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during check the torque.
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently 3. Lower the vehicle on a lift.
cooled before handling.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove 2 nuts fixing the rear exhaust pipe assembly to
the front exhaust pipe assembly.
1. Fit the rubber lug securing the rear exhaust pipe
1.0 168
Engine Manifold & Exhaust System Engine
Exhaust Passage Heat Shield Fuel Tank Heat Shield
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front exhaust pipe assembly. 1. Remove the rear exhaust pipe assembly.
Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly Remove Rear Exhaust Pipe Assembly Remove
2. Remove 6 metal retainers fixing the heat shield of the 2. Remove 5 metal retainers fixing the heat shield of the
exhaust passage to the body. fuel tank to the fuel tank.
3. Remove the heat shield of the exhaust passage. 3. Remove the fuel tank heat shield assembly.
Refit Refit
1. Fit 6 metal retainers fixing the heat shield of the exhaust 1. Fit 5 metal retainers fixing the heat shield of the fuel
passage to the body, tighten to 4-6Nm, and check the tank to the fuel tank, tighten to 4-6Nm, and check
torque. the torque.
2. Fit the front exhaust pipe assembly. 2. Fit the rear exhaust pipe assembly.
Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly Refit Rear Exhaust Pipe Assembly Refit
1.0 169
Engine Engine Electrical System
1.0 170
Engine Electrical System Engine
Description and Operation
System layout
Starting and Charging System Layout
1.0 171
Engine Engine Electrical System
The rotor consists of a field coil, which is wound on the iron The starter motor is located at the left rear side of the engine,
core and fitted on the shaft. Both ends of the iron core extend, it is fixed to the mounting hole on the transmission housing
forming the north and south poles of the magnetic line in the with 2 flange bolts.
coil. The rotor is located in the stator, which is fitted on The starter motors are of the pre-engaged type, which
the bearing so as to guarantee stable rotation and enable it includes a solenoid, a one-way clutch and a motor body.
to support the high load in the drive belt tension application. When the ignition switch is in "START" position and the engine
The stator includes a stator core and a stator coil which is requested for start, the BCM integrated with anti-theft
has brackets supporting at both ends. The stator is made of function will output signals to switch on the starter relay after
soft iron sheet, which has a slot suitable for the stator coil passing anti-theft verification.
and is fixed on the alternator housing. The stator has three Battery
sets of coils which are made of copper wires with insulating Battery Instruction
paint. These 3 coil windings are connected in a "triangle
connection" scheme, thus the tail end of each winding is All vehicles have a 12V maintenance-free lead-acid battery
connected together. The output current is provided from the equipped at the left side of the engine compartment, which is
other end of each winding. The stator coil allows the magnetic fitted on the pressed steel bracket fixed on the transmission
flux generated by the rotor pole to flow through the stator mount, fastened by the battery retaining strap, and covered
coil. Rotation of the rotor makes the coil generate AC. by the battery heat shield. The battery electrodes are of
chuck-connected pole type.
The rectifier is located at the rear side of the alternator,
converts the AC generated by the stator coil to DC required Warning: Battery fluid (electrolyte) contains sulphuric
for the vehicle electrical system. The rectifier includes 8 acid. It may cause severe burns if it gets on your skin or
semiconductor diodes which are mounted on a heat sink for in your eyes. Wear protective clothing and a face shield.
heat dispersion. Three diodes are mounted on the front, If electrolyte gets on your skin or clothes, immediately
three on the opposite side, and the other two in the middle. rinse it off with water. If electrolyte gets in your eyes,
When the output voltage of the alternator is lower than the immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes
battery voltage, the rectifier also prevents the current from and seek medical help.
flowing from the battery to the alternator. The battery has three main functions. Firstly, it provides
The integrated circuit regulator is also located at the rear power for starting the engine. Secondly, it is used as a voltage
side of the alternator, controls the output voltage of the regulator of the electrical system. Lastly, it can provide energy
alternator to avoid battery overcharging and protect the in a certain amount of time when the electrical demand
vehicle electrical system. The regulator optimizes the battery exceeds the engine output.
charging according to relevant temperatures, sets a rated Compared with the conventional battery, the packaging
output voltage of 14.5V and changes the output voltage battery have following advantages:
according to the battery load and required load for the vehicle
• There is no need to add water during the entire life cycle
electrical system.
of the battery.
1.0 172
Engine Electrical System Engine
• It adopts the overcharge protective measures. If the Battery Charging Operation:
voltage applied to the battery is too high, it will not
• Connect two positive poles between charger and battery,
receive the excess current as the conventional battery
and connect two negative poles between charger and
will. For the conventional battery, if the battery
battery as well. If the battery is not removed from the
continues to be charged when the voltage is too high, air
vehicle, PLEASE connect the negative cable of the charger
leakage will occur, causing fluid loss.
negative pole to the body ground well.
• Compared with the conventional battery, self discharge
• Ensure the poles are clean, and the charging circuit loop
does not tend to occur for this kind of battery. This is
is all right.
especially important when the battery is not used for a
long time. • During charging process, if the battery temperature is
higher than 40℃, MUST stop charging, and after he
• For the cigar lighter and smaller electrical equipment, the
battery temperature falling to environment temperature,
electric quantity supplied is more reliable.
the battery can be charged again.
Battery Charging • DO NOT charge the battery under 0℃.
When the engine is not running, by the reasons of electric For the battery whose voltage value is under 11.0V, at the
equipments opening for long time, vehicle creepage and first of charging it may appear the phenomena that the battery
longtime parking, or some malfunction in the alternator, the cannot be charged. Because badly discharging, the inverse
battery might not be charged and will be flat, the vehicle even proportion of vitriol in battery is too small, the liquid is close
not can be started. On this condition, the battery need to be to pure water, battery’s inner resistance value is too high.
charged. With the charging going on, the inverse proportion of vitriol in
Caution: When charging or Emergency Starting, the battery will rise up, the charging process could become breath
negative cable should be connected to the body earth again.
well, while not the negative pole. Battery Measure
Battery Appearance Checking Before Charging: Battery can be measured by familiar equipment on the after
• If the shell is broken or there is a leak, DO NOT charge sales market, such as Midtronics series instruments. If the
the battery and replace it after finding the reason. equipment is not type-suited, the measured data can not be
used to judge the battery’s status.
• If the pole is broken, DO NOT charge the battery and
replace it after finding the reason. Battery Replacement
• The bulge battery for over discharging or over charging, Caution: When removing the battery, ensure that the
CAN NOT be charged. The battery should be replaced. alarm is disarmed and that the ignition is switched off.
• Before charging, clean the poles, rub off rust. And smear Always disconnect the negative terminal first and then
some butter to avoid electricity corroding. the positive terminal. When refitting the battery, always
fit the positive terminal first followed by the negative
Charging Announcements:
• PLEASE pull on the security glass.
Refer to "Battery - Remove/Refit" when replacing the battery.
• Keep ventilation and normal temperature when charging.
• DO NOT smoke when charging, and avoid kindling in.
• Before charging, connect the positive cable at first. After
charging, disconnect the negative cable at first.
1.0 173
Engine Engine Electrical System
Operation lamp will go out. At this moment, the alternator can generate
Alternator sufficient self-excited current via the diode in the magnetic
field and begin to charge the battery. If the charging warning
Alternator uses the self-excited system, where many diodes
lamp remains on, the charging system fails and a check must
supply part of the current generated by the alternator for the
be performed, otherwise, the battery will be damaged.
rotors. Alternator can not supply the initial current required
for start-up of the charging procedure. Initial current is Starter Motor
supplied by the battery power supply through ignition switch When the ignition switch is in "START" position, the coil will
to activate the exciting winding to start up the charging supply power to connect the pinion and the flywheel gear ring.
procedure. When the ignition switch is turned on, the battery The pinion moves spirally around the motor reel, thus the
voltage is also supplied through the charging warning lamp motor reel can achieve the connection through the gear ring.
and grounds via the field winding of the alternator, so that the On the starter motor, the motor drives the pinion through the
LED warning lamp illuminates. transmission instead of the motor reel directly.
When starting the engine, the rotor is rotating in the stator, When starting the engine, the one-way clutch prevents motor
generating the 3-phase alternating current (AC). When the armature overspeed. The driver should not remove the key
rotor speed increases, the output voltage will rise quickly, from the "START" position so that the motor can keep running.
and the potential difference of the diode output end of
After start-up of the engine, when the ignition switch is
the magnetic field will raise. When the voltage increases,
released, the solenoid coil will release energy to pull out the
the charging warning lamp will darken gradually. When the
pinion from the gear ring.
alternator output voltage is equal to the battery voltage, the
1.0 174
Engine Electrical System Engine
Service Procedures 5. Connect the battery negative wire.
Alternator 6. Put down the vehicle.
1. Raise the front of the vehicle.
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Engine Engine Electrical System
1.0 176
Engine Electrical System Engine
Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner Starter Motor
Remove Remove
1. Remove the auxiliary drive belt. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1.0 177
Engine Engine Electrical System
1.0 178
Engine Electrical System Engine
Battery Negative Cable longitudinal beam, fit 1 nut, tighten to 19–25Nm and
Remove check the torque.
1. Loosen 1 nut fixing the battery negative cable to the 4. Fit the battery.
negative terminal, and remove the cable. Battery Refit
2. Remove 1 nut fixing the engine harness to the battery
5. Fit the engine compartment fuse box.
negative cable, and remove the harness.
Engine Compartment Fuse Box Refit
6. Fix the engine harness to the battery negative cable, fit
1 nut, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fix the battery positive cable to the terminal, fit 1 nut,
tighten to 4–6Nm, and check the torque.
1.0 179
Engine Engine Electrical System
5. Remove 1 bolt (4) fixing the battery block to the 4. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the battery tray to the engine
battery tray, and remove the block. compartment fuse box.
1.0 180
Engine Electrical System Engine
Battery Tray Front Bracket Battery Tray Rear Bracket
Remove Remove
1. Remove the battery tray. 1. Remove the battery tray.
1.0 181
Engine Engine Electrical System
1.0 182
Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT Transmission
Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT
Description Value
Nut-Shift Cable to Floor 7-10Nm
Nut-CONTROL-A/TRNS to Floor 7-10Nm
Bolt-Resonator to The Left Side Rail 7-10Nm
Screw-Block a Display Panel to Console 1.0-1.4Nm
1.0 183
Transmission Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT
1. Automatic Transmission Gear Shift Mechanism Knob 8. Nut - Transmission Gear Shift Mechanism
Assembly 9. Automatic Transmission Gear Shift Jumper Cable Bracket
2. Clip Assembly
3. Shift Panel 10. Bolt - Transmission Gear Shift Jumper Cable Bracket
4. Transmission Gear Display Module 11. Automatic Transmission Shift Lever Assembly
5. Screw - Panel 12. Nut - Transmission Shift Lever Sleeve
6. Nut - Transmission Gear Shift Mechanism 13. Striker - Transmission Shift Lever Cable
7. Automatic Transmission Gear Shift Mechanism Assembly 14. Clip - Transmission Shift Lever Cable
1.0 184
Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT Transmission
Description manual shift controlling. Move the shift lever forward (+) to
Gear Shift Control Mechanism finish upshift, and move the shift lever backward (-) to finish
downshift. To exit Tiptronic mode, return the shift lever to
The gear shift control mechanism mainly consists of a shift
"D" position.
lever, a base, a gear shift lock-up solenoid valve, a gear shift
cable, etc. The gear shift control mechanism base is fixed to Gear Shift Lock-up Solenoid Valve
the body central passage with 4 screws. The inner latch of the The transmission is equipped with a gear shift lock-up solenoid
shift lever is engaged with the inner groove of the base. valve located at the bottom of the shift lever. The operation of
the solenoid valve is determined by the BCM-controlled gear
shift lock-up relay in the passenger compartment fuse box.
When the shift lever is in "P" position, with the ignition switch
on and the brake pedal not applied, the lock-up solenoid valve
is not activated at the time. The lock tongue of "P" position
lock block contacts with the corresponding groove at the shift
lever bottom so as to prevent the accidental movement of shift
lever. The lock-up solenoid valve is activated only when the
brake pedal is depressed. Enable the solenoid valve to make
the solenoid valve push rod move towards front part of the
vehicle, so as to push the lock tongue of "P" position lock block
away from the corresponding groove at the shift lever bottom.
Simultaneously, press the lock button on the shift lever knob
1. Shift Lever to allow the shift lever freely change to other positions from
2. P Gear Unlock Lever "P" position.
The shift lever position operation is as follows: Shift Lever Moving out of P Position in Emergency
With the ignition on and brake pedal depressed, when the shift
lever cannot be moved out from P gear, turn off the ignition
switch, pull out the ignition key and apply the parking cable,
depress the brake pedal, pry up the upper trim panel of the
centre console with a proper tool, press the P gear emergency
unlock button located at the left upper corner of the gear shift
mechanism, move the shift lever to N position simultaneously,
start the engine and shift to the required gear.
1.0 185
Transmission Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT
1.0 186
Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT Transmission
Service Procedures
Shift Lever Knob - Automatic
1. Remove the gear panel.
b. Insert the limit lever into the very bottom of the shift
lever knob.
3. Pull up the shift lever knob with care, and remove the
knob and sleeve assembly from the shift lever. Note
that do not touch the lock button by hands.
c. Pull out the limit lever, and the lock button of the
shift lever knob can restore to the normal state.
1.0 187
Transmission Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT
1.0 188
Shift Lock Control-NEW 4AT Transmission
Gear Panel
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Place the shift lever in "P" position.
3. Pry up the upper trim panel assembly with care.
4. Disconnect the connector of the gear panel.
5. Remove 4 screws fixing the gear panel to the upper
trim panel assembly, and remove the upper trim panel
1.0 189
Transmission Transmission-AT
Description Value
Bolt-Automatic Transmission to Engine 75-90Nm
Bolt-Automatic Transmission Mount Bracket to Automatic (45-55)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Under The Tie-bar Bracket to Automatic Transmission (45-55)Nm+(85-95)deg
Nut-Oil-cooled Pipe to Automatic Transmission 33-37Nm
Bolt-Oil-cooled Pipe Bracket to Automatic Transmission 7-10Nm
Nut-Cable Arm to Automatic Transmission 14-20Nm
Bolt-Cable Bracket to Automatic Transmission 15-23Nm
Oil Drain Plug 14.7-19.6Nm
Oil Over Flow Plug 23-25Nm
Oil Filler Plug 35-44Nm
Nut-Transmission Control Module to Bracket 6-8Nm
Bolt-Neutral Start Switch to Automatic Transmission 4.3-6.5Nm
Nut-Shift Rocker Arm to Neutral Start Switch 14-20Nm
Bolt-Input Speed Sensor to Transmission 3.9-6.9Nm
Bolt-Output Speed Sensor to Transmission 3.9-6.9Nm
Bolt-Valve Body Cover 6-7.9Nm
Bolt-Valve Body Assy to Automatic Transmission 9.8-11.8Nm
Bolt-Oil Temperature Sensor to Valve Body Assy 5.8-7.8Nm
Union 19.6–29.4Nm
1.0 190
Transmission-AT Transmission
Automatic Transmission
Model AISIN TS-41SN new 4-speed gear automatic transmission
Stall Speed 2631 ± 150rpm
Speed Ratio
·R gear 2.300
·Countershaft 1.023
F2 Roller type
Solenoid valve
·Switch solenoid 1: S1
1.0 191
Transmission Transmission-AT
High: 12 - 16 mA
Output/input speed sensor
Low: 4 - 8 mA
ATFOil temperature sensor (OT)
Note Clearance
Automatic transmission housing - hydraulic torque converter 17.3mm
Oil seal - oil pump assembly -0.3 - 0.3mm
Oil seal - automatic transmission housing end 2.6 - 3.6mm
Oil seal - torque converter housing end 1.7 - 2.7mm
Manual shift lever oil seal - automatic transmission housing end 0.75 - 1.25mm
1.0 192
Transmission-AT Transmission
Description and Operation
System Layout
Automatic Transmission Components Layout
1.0 193
Transmission Transmission-AT
5. Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) Cooler (integrated 7. Neutral Start Switch (NSW)
in the radiator) 8. Data Link Connector
6. Brake Pedal Switch 9. Automatic Transmission Control Module (TCM)
1.0 194
Transmission-AT Transmission
7. Automatic Transmission Vent Plug 27. Bolt and Washer - Oil Pan
8. O-ring - Automatic Transmission Oil Cooler Pipe 28. Bolt and Washer - Internal Harness Connector
Connector 29. Automatic Transmission Internal Harness Assembly
9. Automatic Transmission Oil Cooler Pipe Connector 30. O-ring - Internal Harness Connector
10. Automatic Transmission Overflow Plug 31. Clip - Temperature Sensor
11. O-ring - Automatic Transmission Oil Drain Plug 32. Bolt - Temperature Sensor
12. Overflow Pipe - Automatic Transmission Oil Pan 33. Washer - Housing and Valve Body Assembly
13. Automatic Transmission Oil Drain Plug 34. Compression Spring
14. Hydraulic Torque Converter Assembly 35. O-ring - C3 Accumulator Piston
15. Oil Seal - T Type - Right - Differential 36. C3 Accumulator Piston
16. Oil Seal - T Type - Left - Differential 37. O-ring - C3 Accumulator Piston
17. Oil Seal - T Type - Input Shaft 38. Compression Spring
18. Manual Shift Shaft Oil Seal 39. Bolt - Valve Body Assembly
19. Shift Control Switch 40. Bolt - Valve Body Assembly
20. Bolt and Washer - Shift Control Switch 41. Automatic Transmission Valve Body Assembly
21. O-ring - Filter Assembly 42. Automatic Transmission Oil Hole Screw
22. Filter Assembly 43. O-ring - Automatic Transmission Oil Hole Screw
23. Magnet 44. Washer - Automatic Transmission Fluid Filler Plug
24. Washer - Oil Pan 45. Automatic Transmission Fluid Filler Hole Plug
25. Automatic Transmission Oil Pan
26. Bolt and Washer - Oil Pan
1.0 195
Transmission Transmission-AT
1.0 196
Transmission-AT Transmission
Solenoid Valve Assembly
1.0 197
Transmission Transmission-AT
A = Hard Wire
1.0 198
Transmission-AT Transmission
A = HS CAN Bus
1.0 199
Transmission Transmission-AT
A: Hard Wire; B: Low-pressure Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF); C: High-pressure Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF);
1.0 200
Transmission-AT Transmission
15. Oil Cooler Assembly 17. Hydraulic Torque Converter Assembly
16. Oil Pump Pressure
1.0 201
Transmission Transmission-AT
This model is equipped with an AISIN AW TS-41SN
electronically controlled 4-speed automatic transmission. This
transmission is applicable to front-engine front-drive vehicles,
with maximum input torque of 150 Nm.
TS-41SN adopts lightweight and compact RAVIGNEAVX Based on the hydraulic pressure generated by the oil
planetary gears, compared with traditional automatic pump,TCMsends signals to each solenoid valve. These signals
transmissions needing 2 planet gear sets to realize upshift will control the pressure applied to the hydraulic torque
and downshift, TS-41SN can realize the gear shift with converter, planetary gear set, clutch and brake according to
1 RAVIGNEAVX planetary gear set. It makes the drive vehicle driving conditions.
mechanism simpler and lighter. Valve Body Assembly
The transmission uses 6 solenoid valves on the valve body.
The solenoid valves are activated or deactivated by theTCM,
and controls theATFflow (shift sequence) supplied to the
clutch and the brake, hydraulic torque converter, lubrication
and cooling. The solenoid valve may be divided into linear
1.0 202
Transmission-AT Transmission
control solenoid valves and switch solenoid valves according
to their operations.
• Switch Solenoid Valve: S1
• Linear Control Solenoid Valves: SLC1, SLC2, SLB1, SLU,
Each solenoid valve is provided with one inner coil and one
needle valve. The needle valve is activated by the voltage that
passes through the solenoid coil, and it opens or closes the
hydraulic circuit. The shift solenoid valve closes the hydraulic
circuit to accommodate to the current liquid flow. The linear
control solenoid valve can control the hydraulic circuit with a
better linearity.
All solenoid valves are powered byTCM, the grounding of the Shift Control Solenoid Valves (SLC1, SLC2 and
shift solenoid valves (SLC1, SLC2 and SLB1), lock-up clutch
control solenoid valve (SLU) and electromagnetic oil pump
(EMOP) is provided by theTCMand the grounding of the shift
solenoid valve (S1) is provided by the valve housing.
Solenoid Valve
Shift Solenoid Valve (S1)
The shift control solenoid valves (SLC1, SLC2, SLB1) are fitted
on the valve body,TCMcontrols the solenoid valves (SLC1,
SLC2 and SLB1), and the shift control solenoid valve linearly
The shift solenoid valve S1 is fitted on the valve
controls the oil pressure to the clutches (C1, C2 and C3) and
body,TCMcontrols the on/off of the shift solenoid valve S1.
the brakes (B1 and B3) to realize smooth shift. According to
It switches the oil passage according to the on/off state of
the combination of different states of the shift control solenoid
shift solenoid valve S1 to realize the fuel economy. As a
valves, the transmission realizes the gear shift (from 1st gear to
failure protection function, when any shift solenoid valve is
4th gear or from 4th gear to 1st gear). As a failure protection
abnormal,TCMcan cut off the current to the solenoid valve.
function, when any shift solenoid valve is abnormal,TCMcan
Shift solenoid valve S1 is normally closed.
cut off the current to the solenoid valve.
1.0 203
Transmission Transmission-AT
1. Inlet
2. Outlet
3. Discharge
The shift solenoid valves (SLC1 and SLC2) are normally open,
and the oil pressure decreases with the increase of the current.
1. Inlet
2. Outlet
3. Discharge
1.0 204
Transmission-AT Transmission
1. Inlet
2. Outlet
Valve Body Solenoid Valve Transmission End
Harness Assembly
1.0 205
Transmission Transmission-AT
Pin No. Description is on the one way clutch between the pump impeller and the
11 Pressure control solenoid turbine.
valve (SLB1) (-) The pump impeller obtains oil and swings it into the turbine,
12 Pressure control solenoid making the turbine rotate and transmit power. The guide
valve (SLC2) (-) wheel makes the liquid flow returning from the turbine change
13 Pressure control solenoid direction and enter the pump impeller again in the rotation
valve (SLC1) (-) direction same with that of the pump impeller and at the
optimal angle of highest power transmission efficiency.
The valve body solenoid valve harness combines the harnesses
of the shift solenoid valve (S1), the lock-up clutch control The one way clutch prevents the guide wheel from moving
solenoid valve (SLU), the shift control solenoid valves (SLC1, backwards, so as to obtain accurate liquid change direction.
SLC2 and SLB1), the EMOP andATFthe oil temperature When the engine is idling, the pump impeller transmits
sensor (OT) into a connector, and mounts it in an automatic extremely little liquid flow and the turbine remains no rotation,
transmission. and therefore, no power is transmitted to the transmission.
Hydraulic Torque Converter When the engine speed increases, the pump impeller swings
more liquid flow to make the turbine rotate. With the increase
of the engine speed, the turbine speed begins to increase. The
turbine speed becomes faster and faster, more and more liquid
flow is swung to the back of the guide wheel, causing the guide
wheel to rotate in the same direction with the turbine. When
the turbine speed is close to the pump impeller speed, the
centrifugal forces of both are almost equal, and all the three
components rotate roughly in the same speed. This is called
"coupling point".
6. Pump Impeller
7. Oil Pump
8. Input Shaft
1.0 206
Transmission-AT Transmission
TCMUse the electrically erasable programmable read TCMadjusts the operation of the transmission through the
only memory (EEPROM). Therefore, the new or following actuators:
replacedTCMcan be used to conduct the external • Shift solenoid valve (S1)
configuration.EEPROMcan alsoTCMupdate the new
• Lock-up clutch control solenoid valve of the hydraulic
information and market-specific data. To input new
torque converter (SLU)
information, theTCMmust be configured with a scan
• Shift control solenoid valve (SLC1, SLC2, SLB1)
tool.EEPROMcanTCMbe reconfigured for many times as
required, so as to meet the constantly changing parameters • Electromagnetic oil pump (EMOP)
and regulations. TCMIt also connects with the following units through
TCMstores the signal values of the transmission sensor theCANbus:
and the actuator. These stored signals guarantee that the • ECM
transmission can always obtain the optimal performance. If • BCM
the battery voltage is too low, such as battery discharges, the
• Instrument Pack
information will be lost. When the engine starts for the first
time after the battery is discharged or disconnected,TCMwill • Data Link Connector
resume to the default value.TCMinside theEEPROMallows TCMreceives the input signals such as the throttle opening
the stored values to be rapidly accessed again. fromECM, engine coolant temperature, engine speed, engine
Input and Output torque, brake switch, etc.;TCMalso receives the input signals
such as the contact positions of the neutral start switch
The sensor signal enablesTCMto monitor the transmission
and input and output speed,ATFoil temperature, valve
state.TCMprocesses the signals and compares them with
body solenoid valve state, mode switch, etc. In addition,
the data stored in the memory. If these signals are not in
theTCMoutputs the torque decrease request, shift gear
theTCMrange of parameters stored,TCMwill adjust the
information and failure warning information toECMand
operation of the transmission through the actuator to provide
outputs execution signal, etc. to the valve body solenoid valve.
the optimal driveability and other performances.
1.0 207
Transmission Transmission-AT
1.0 208
Transmission-AT Transmission
Pin No. Pin Functions
25 -
26 -
1.0 209
Transmission Transmission-AT
1.0 210
Transmission-AT Transmission
Oil Temperature Sensor Brake Pedal Switch
1. Oil Temperature Sensor The brake pedal switch is located on the pedal box in the
cab.TCMUse this switch to monitor the state of the brake
The oil temperature sensor is integrated with the transmission
pedal.ECMmonitors the switch state and transmits the data
internal harness and mounted on the valve body. It directly
viaCANbus toTCM.
detects the temperature of the oil in the hydraulic control
circuit, and sends the oil temperature signal toTCM.TCMuses If signal error of the brake pedal switch occurs,
oil temperature sensor to monitor the oil temperature in the • the shift lever can not shift to other gears from P or N
transmission to accommodate the oil temperature change, and gear.
realize smooth gear shift in a wide temperature range. The
• No additional engine braking will be generated.
oil temperature sensor has an electric output and grounds
viaTCM. Transmission Oil Cooler
The fluid temperature sensor is a negative temperature The transmission oil cooler is located in the collector of the
coefficient sensor. When the temperature rises, the sensor radiator. The oil cooler pipe connects the transmission and
resistance lowers; when the temperature decreases, the the oil cooler.
sensor resistance increases. The resistance change is inversely Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus
proportional to the transmission oil temperature. calculates TCMcommunicates viaCANbus with otherECUand controls
the transmission oil temperatureTCMthrough the sensor the followings:
• Shift Torque
• Engine Coolant Temperature
• Engine Torque And Speed
• Vehicle Speed
• Selected Gear
• Shift Information
• Reduction Of Engine Torque
• Engine Braking
1.0 211
Transmission Transmission-AT
Power Flow
The following data shows the power flow of each forward gear
and reverse gear in the transmission.
1.0 212
Transmission-AT Transmission
Data Notes
Clutch, Brake and Planetary Gear Set Operation
Connect the intermediate shaft
C1 Clutch C1
with the front sun gear
Connect the input shaft with the
C2 Clutch C2
planetary carrier
Connect the intermediate shaft
C3 Clutch C3
with the rear sun gear
B1 Brake B1 Lock the rear sun gear
B3 Brake B3 Lock the planetary carrier
Lock the planetary carrier to prevent
F2 One-way Clutch F2
counterclockwise rotation
1.0 213
Transmission Transmission-AT
Operating Components
Solenoid Valve Clutch Brake
C1 C2 C3 B1 B3 F2
P × × × × × × × ×
V≤9 × × × × × ×
V > 11 × × × × × ×
N × × × × × × × ×
1st × × *1 × × × ×
1st E/B × × × ×
2nd ⊙ *1 × × × ×
N cont. × × × ×
2nd - 3rd → →× ⊙ × ×→ × →× × ×
3rd × ⊙ × × × × ×
3rd - 4th ×→ ⊙ × →× × ×→ × ×
4th ⊙ × × × × ×
Remarks Lock ON
Lock OFF
controled (linear oil circuit pressure)
1.0 214
Transmission-AT Transmission
D - 1st Gear
Solenoid Valve Clutch Brake
C1 C2 C3 B1 B3 F2
D 1st × × *1 × × × ×
*1: (V≤13km/h)/×(V﹥13km/h)
1.0 215
Transmission Transmission-AT
D - 1st Gear
1.0 216
Transmission-AT Transmission
D - 1st Gear (Engine Brake)
Solenoid Valve Clutch Brake
C1 C2 C3 B1 B3 F2
D 1stE/B × × × ×
1.0 217
Transmission Transmission-AT
D - 1st Gear (Engine Brake) locked by one-way clutch F2, it tries to rotate clockwise during
engine braking, but brake B3 locks its rotation after it is on, and
Functional element: C1, F2 (lock counterclockwise rotation),
the driving force is transmitted to the engine from wheels.
B3 (open during engine braking)
The wheel provides drive force when the engine brake works.
Because the counterclockwise rotation of planetary carrier is
1.0 218
Transmission-AT Transmission
D - 2nd Gear
Solenoid Valve Clutch Brake
C1 C2 C3 B1 B3 F2
D 2nd ⊙ *1 × × × ×
1.0 219
Transmission Transmission-AT
D - 2nd Gear
1.0 220
Transmission-AT Transmission
D - 3rd Gear
Solenoid Valve Clutch Brake
C1 C2 C3 B1 B3 F2
D 3rd × ⊙ × × × × ×
1.0 221
Transmission Transmission-AT
D - 3rd Gear
1.0 222
Transmission-AT Transmission
D - 4th Gear
Solenoid Valve Clutch Brake
C1 C2 C3 B1 B3 F2
D 4th 4 ⊙ × × × × ×
1.0 223
Transmission Transmission-AT
D - 4th Gear
1.0 224
Transmission-AT Transmission
R Gear
Solenoid Valve Clutch Brake
C1 C2 C3 B1 B3 F2
V≤9 km/h × × × × × ×
V﹥11 km/h × × × × × ×
1.0 225
Transmission Transmission-AT
R Gear
1.0 226
Transmission-AT Transmission
Overview Lock-up Clutch Control of Hydraulic Torque
TCMIt controls the following functions:
1stE/G ×
2nd *1
3rd × ×
4th × 1. Pump Impeller
1.0 227
Transmission Transmission-AT
and force the friction liner of the lock device to locate on Economy Mode
the pump impeller so as to create mechanical connection
Normally, the TCM will consider the economy mode as
and eliminate the sliding between the pump impeller and
the default mode to be started. The economy mode is a
the turbine. Release the release supply pipe imposed by the
compromise between the sport mode and the snow mode,
hydraulic pressure on the hydraulic torque converter and
in this mode, the shift point and the engaging point to be
force the friction liner to leave the pump impeller and return
locked are within a lower speed range, this helps to reduce
to the hydraulic connection between the pump impeller and
engine speed, provide shift sequence for economical driving
the turbine.
and improve fuel economy.
The transmission has the lock function among the 2nd/3rd/4th
When some specified conditions are met, the automatic
gear, the TCM monitors the relationship between the vehicle
transmission will automatically shift to a specific mode even in
speed and throttle position and determines when to lock the
the economy mode.
hydraulic torque converter.
Sport Mode and Tiptronic Mode
In addition, add speed signal input to detect the sliding ratio
and realize slide control. When locking the clutch by sliding In the sport mode, the TCM uses the shift pulse map with the
within the lock-up cancel range, the slide control can expand engine speed in higher gear higher than that in the economy
the lock-up range to the low speed range. This prevents mode, this strategy helps acceleration and vehicle response.
increased engine speed and drive efficiency and improves fuel However, once the shift lever moves forward or backward,
economy. Meanwhile, with the sliding of the lock-up clutch, the transmission enters into the Tiptronic mode. Then gently
the hydraulic torque converter absorbs the engine vibration. push the shift lever to upshift/downshift manually.
(AW-1 automatic transmission fluid shall be used) In the Tiptronic mode, the TCM controls automatic upshift
N-D and N-R Shift Control and the engine speed can be raised to the maximum. But the
TCM allows manual shift to be done only when the engine
N-D and N-R shift control can improve the shift quality from
speed is within the preset value. If the vehicle returns to the
N gear to D/R gear.
parking state, the 1st gear will be selected automatically. In
After engine start, by controlling/adjusting the shift solenoid the Tiptronic mode, all gears can be selected manually, and the
(SLC1, SLC2), the system controls/adjusts the pressure of the current gear can be displayed on the instrument pack at the
oil flowing to the clutch (C1, C2) and applies the optimum oil driver side. In the Tiptronic mode, the vehicle can start in the
pressure to control the shift quality from N gear to D/R gear. 1st/2nd/3rd gear.
Reverse Control Snow Mode
When the vehicle is in D gear and coasts at a speed above In the snow mode, the vehicle starts in the 2nd gear. TCMShift
11km/h, the reverse control is activated and brake B3 is sequence will be changed to help vehicle control under slippery
released. For safety reasons, the TCM will also prohibit the or icy conditions. Shift operations are done at a low engine
transmission to shift to R gear even when the shift lever moves speed.
from N gear to R gear. Reverse control takes priority over
Uphill Mode
the shift control from N gear to R gear.
This mode changes the general shift sequence and helps to
Self-diagnosis and Failure Protection Function
maintain the driving performance on steep slopes. TCMThe
TCMThese functions monitor the communication status of uphill mode is activated by monitoring the engine torque,
each sensor, actuator and control module (including ECM, etc). throttle angle and engine speed. This mode selects high speed
When any failure occurs, the TCM will warn the driver and shift point and avoids frequent shift according to the gradient.
save the failure in the form of DTC. Deletion of the DTC and
Downhill Mode
initialization learning can only be done by the special scan tool.
When the accelerator pedal is fully released, and the vehicle
With the failure protection function, when the automatic
acceleration is still increasing, TCMdetermine if the vehicle is
transmission system fails, the TCM will output control signal
in the downhill mode, in this mode, change the high speed shift
and achieve movement within a short distance. If the shift
point to control engine brake.
solenoid fails, the TCM will cancel the control signal for the
solenoid, and the shift of the automatic transmission is then Heating Mode
controlled by the oil pressure circuit only. When the shift The purpose of the transmission fluid cooling strategy is to
lever is in the R gear, fix it in the reverse gear; when it is in reduce the temperature of the engine and transmission under
the D gear, fix it in the 3rd gear. high load. Under these conditions, the engine and transmission
1.0 228
Transmission-AT Transmission
can produce excess heat. If the sensor sends the signal that the Warning: Never use the stall method to raise the ATF
ATF temperature is higher than 130℃, the TCM will adopt temperature, adaptive procedure can be performed
the "heating mode" shift strategy. TCMWhen the heating only when the ATF temperature is between 65℃ and
mode is selected, the gear will upshift in advance and the 80℃. Before performing the adaptive procedure,
lock-up clutch will act between the 2nd gear and the 4th gear. check for shift impact or speed change impact.
This can reduce the engine speed or the sliding in the hydraulic
2. N-D and N-R Shift Adaptive Learning
torque converter and lower the possibility of heat generation.
If the ATF temperature is below 125℃, normal shift strategy During static braking, shift to N gear and maintain for 3s.
will be resumed. Then, shift to D gear from N gear and maintain for 3s,
and then return to N gear. Repeat the above procedures
In the heating mode, the warning lamp on the instrument pack
for 5 times.
will not illuminate.
During static braking, shift to N gear and maintain for 3s.
Failure Protection
Then, shift to R gear from N gear and maintain for 3s,
When the automatic transmission is in the failure protection and then return to N gear. Repeat the above procedures
mode, if the current automatic transmission is in the D gear, for 5 times.
shift to the 3rd gear and maintain the gear; if it is in the R gear,
3. Shift Control Adaptive Learning
maintain the gear.
Shift to D gear, and apply a throttle opening of 25-35%
Adaptive Rule
to accelerate to the 4th gear, the vehicle speed shall be
Caution: Adaption data must be cleared after 80km/h or above. Then release the accelerator pedal and
replacement of the automatic transmission or after a allow the vehicle to coast till it stops (within 60s). Repeat
software update. And readaption will then be required. the above procedures for 10 times.
Perform Adaptive Learning 4. Confirm Adaptive Learning Effect
1. Warm-up
Confirm the shift quality (shift impact or speed change
The ATF temperature can be raised between 65℃ and impact, etc) is better than that before the adaptive
80℃ by driving at idle speed or by driving on city roads. operation.
Use the scan tool to confirm the ATF temperature.
1.0 229
Transmission Transmission-AT
1.0 230
Transmission-AT Transmission
Machinery Diagnosis Harness and Connector Diagnosis
Deflection of Drive Disc Check Warning: The following operating instructions
should be followed when checking:
•Do not hale the harness when disconnecting the
Terminal No. [Name] Voltage [V]
A24 [IG] - A1 [GND] 10 - 14
A24 [IG] - A23 [GND] 10 - 14
Step 2
1.0 231
Transmission Transmission-AT
2. With the resistance measurement function of a 1. Disconnect the connector from the TCM.
multimeter, measure the conductivity between the 2. With the voltage measurement function of a multimeter,
combined connector terminals and the body ground. measure the voltage between the combined connector
Check the conductivity according to the instructions in terminals.
the following table: Check the voltage according to the instructions in the
Standard: following table:
Terminal No. [Name] Conductivity Standard:
A24 [IG] - Body GND No Terminal No. [Name] Voltage [V]
A6 [B+] - A1 [GND] 10-14
Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
A6 [B+] - A23 [GND] 10-14
CAN Communication System
1.0 232
Transmission-AT Transmission
Tiptronic B9 [MS] - B21 [MS+] - B22 [MS-] - Switch Solenoid Valve S1
Mode Body GND Body GND Body GND Step
No No No 1. Disconnect the connector from the TCM.
Mode OFF
Tiptronic 2. With the resistance measurement function of a
Yes No No multimeter, measure the resistance between the
Mode ON
combined connector terminals and the body ground.
Upshift Yes Yes No
Check the resistance according to the instructions in the
Downshift Yes No Yes
following table:
Caution: Do not damage the terminal. Standard:
Oil Temperature Sensor System Terminal No. [Name] Resistance [Ω] 20℃
1. Disconnect the connector from the TCM. Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
2. With the resistance measurement function of Linear Solenoid
a multimeter, measure the resistance between
the combined connector terminals at various oil Step 1
temperatures. 1. Disconnect the connector from the TCM.
Check the resistance according to the instructions in the 2. With the resistance measurement function of a
following table: multimeter, measure the resistance between the
Standard: combined connector terminals.
1.0 233
Transmission Transmission-AT
Caution: Do not damage the terminal. Check the resistance according to the instructions in the
following table:
Speed Sensor
Terminal No. [Name] Resistance [Ω] 20℃
1. Disconnect the connector from the TCM.
2. With the resistance measurement function of a A15 [EMOP+] - A10
5.0 - 5.6
multimeter, measure the conductivity between the [EMOP-]
combined connector terminals.
Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
Check the conductivity according to the instructions in
Step 2
the following table:
1. With the resistance measurement function of a
multimeter, measure the conductivity between the
Terminal No. [Name] Conductivity combined connector terminals and the body ground.
B14 [SP+] - B5 [SP-] Yes Check the conductivity according to the instructions in
B16 [NC2+] - B6 [NC2-] Yes the following table:
Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
Terminal No. [Name] Conductivity
Neutral Start Switch (NSW)
A15 [EMOP+] - Body
Step No
1. Disconnect the connector from the TCM. A10 [EMOP-] - Body
2. With the resistance measurement function of a GND
multimeter, measure the conductivity between the
combined connector terminals. Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
B20 B19
B1 [R] B8 [N] B7 [D]
[P] - [W]
Gear - A24 - A24 - A24
A24 - A24
[IG] [IG] [IG]
[IG] [IG]
P Yes No No No No
R No Yes No No No
N No No Yes No No
D No No No Yes No
W No No No No Yes
• Valve Body Harness Connector
Caution: Do not damage the terminal. Oil Temperature Sensor (OT) System
Electromagnetic Oil Pump (EMOP)
1.0 234
Transmission-AT Transmission
Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
1. Disconnect the connector of the valve body harness and Terminal No. [Name] Resistance [Ω] (at 20℃)
body harness.
10 [S1] - Body GND 11 - 15
2. Heat the automatic transmission oil and immerse the oil
temperature sensor into it. Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
3. Corresponding to the temperature of the automatic
Linear Solenoid
transmission oil, with the resistance measurement
function of a multimeter, measure the resistance between Step 1
terminal 1 [OT] and 7 [OTG] of the valve body harness 1. Disconnect the connector of the valve body harness and
connector. body harness.
Standard: 2. With the resistance measurement function of a
Automatic Transmission multimeter, measure the resistance between the
Resistance [KΩ] terminals of the valve body harness connector.
Oil Temperature [℃]
-40℃ 161 (MAX) Check the resistance according to the instructions in the
following table:
-30℃ 36.3 - 52.1
10℃ 5.626 - 7.303
Terminal No. [Name] Resistance [Ω] (at 20℃)
(25℃) (3.5)
6 [SLC1] - 13 [SLC1G] 5.0 - 5.6
110℃ 0.224 - 0.271
5 [SLC2] - 12 [SLC2G] 5.0 - 5.6
145℃ 0.102 - 0.121
4 [SLB1] - 11 [SLB1G] 5.0 - 5.6
150℃ 0.087 (MIN)
3 [SLU] - 9 [SLUG] 5.0 - 5.6
Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
Caution: Do not damage the terminal.
Step 2
Step 2
1. With the resistance measurement function of a
multimeter, measure the conductivity between the 1. With the resistance measurement function of a
combined terminals of the valve body harness connector multimeter, measure the conductivity between the
and the body ground. combined terminals of the valve body harness connector
and the body ground.
Check the conductivity according to the instructions in
the following table: Check the conductivity according to the instructions in
the following table:
Terminal No. [Name] Conductivity
1.0 235
Transmission Transmission-AT
Step 1
Step 2
1.0 236
Transmission-AT Transmission
Step 1 Standard:
1. Disconnect the connector of the input speed sensor Signal Current [mA]
(NC2) and body harness. High 12.0 - 16.0
2. With the resistance measurement function of a
Low 4.0 - 8.0
multimeter, measure the conductivity between the
terminals of the input speed sensor (NC2). Solenoid Valve
Check the conductivity according to the instructions in Gear Shift Solenoid Valve
the following table: Test the resistance of gear shift solenoid valve S1
Terminal No. [Name] Conductivity
1 [NC2-] - 2 [NC2+] Yes
1.0 237
Transmission Transmission-AT
Caution: DO NOT damage the strainer when checking the Connect the battery positive to terminal 1 of each solenoid
operation condition of each solenoid valve. valve via 1 bulb (12 - 21 W), when connecting the battery
negative to terminal 2 of the solenoid valve, check the
Check the resistance of the gear shift control solenoid
valve (SLC1, SLC2, SLB1), lock-up control solenoid operation of the solenoid valve.
valve (SLU) or electromagnetic oil pump (EMOP) Check ATF
When the automatic transmission internal failure occurs, the
quality of ATF will change accordingly, therefore the condition
of ATF will be the key element in failure diagnosis.
1. Low fluid level: oil pump will inhale air which can
result in low oil pressure and functional malfunction of
2. High fluid level: a large number of bubbles produced by
the stir of the gear set will overflow from the vent pipe.
3. Normal ATF: red, with moderate viscosity. Abnormal
ATF: water (white emulsion) or a mixture of different
ATF will lead to "shift impact" and "rough running",
degrading the performance.
Check ATF Level
Temperature [℃] Resistance [Ω]
20℃ 5.0 - 5.6Ω Automatic Transmission Fluid Refill
Check ATF Quality
1. Remove the automatic transmission valve body cover,
and remove the valve body assembly. 1. Check the quality of ATF (with or without metal
particles, powder of friction plate, burning smell, white
emulsion and nigrescence). Excessive metal chips and
•Do not remove the gear shift control solenoid valve or bushing powder could cause the automatic transmission
lock-up control solenoid valve or EMOP from the valve body internal wear.
assembly. 2. Check if the ATF discolors. If yes, it indicates that ATF
•Do not impact the solenoid valve. may be mixed with water, special attention shall be paid
and the cooling system will be inspected.
2. With a multimeter, measure the resistance between
3. If required, replace the automatic transmission assembly
terminal 1 and 2 of each solenoid valve.
(with AT internal failure).
Check the operating condition of each solenoid valve Fluid Leak
Check the following components for fluid leak: junction
surface of the automatic transmission and engine, housing
junction, oil seal and O-ring.
1.0 238
Transmission-AT Transmission
For the fluid leak from the joint of the automatic transmission • When the ATF temperature is within 50 - 80℃ and the
and engine, check the fluid leak and determine whether it driving condition is normal.
leaks from the engine or the automatic transmission. If it is • A/C, lamps, etc are off.
automatic transmission fluid, it is probably leaked from the fuel
• Cruise control function is off.
pump oil seal or O-ring.
Warning: When performing the road test on common
For the fluid leak from the housing junction: re-apply the
roads, check road safety first.
For the fluid leak from the side cover junction: re-apply the Item Step
sealant. Drive under normal
conditions, check the
For the fluid leak from the joint of the oil pan and housing: Gear Shift Function (D
gear shift, 1st to 2nd gear,
repair the oil pan sealing washer. 2nd to 3rd gear and 3rd to
4th gear.
Drive under normal
Horizontal Vibration During
conditions, check if the
upshift is smooth.
Check the kick-down
function of each gear
Kick-down Function
and check for horizontal
Check the operating state
Engine Braking of the engine braking in the
1st gear of the sport mode.
With the shift lever at sport
Gear Shift Control Function
mode, check if it can shift to
at Sport Mode
any gear manually.
When driving on level
roads, slightly depress the
Fluid Leaked from the Outside of Oil Seal accelerator pedal within the
Lock-up Control Function
lock-up speed range to see
a. Check if the oil seal is properly fitted. Replace the oil seal if the engine speed changes
and fit it properly if necessary. dramatically.
When the vehicle is parking
b. Check the condition of the contact surface between on the slope (greater than
transmission housing and oil seal, ensure there is no scratch 5% or 3°), place the shift
or dent. Replace the automatic transmission assembly if lever in P gear and release
P Gear Test
the parking brake, the
vehicle shall not move under
Fluid Leaked from the Inside of Oil Seal the action of the parking
a. Check the drive shaft for any scratch, dent or wear. Replace
After road test, check each
the oil seal and fit it properly if necessary. Fluid Leak
component for fluid leak.
b.Check and ensure there is no foreign material, cutting mark Function Test
or wear on the oil seal lip. Replace the oil seal and fit it properly
if necessary. Carry out the road test under the following conditions:
Caution: When fitting the drive shaft, it should • After engine check and adjustment.
be erectly inserted into the spline hole of the • A/C, lamps, etc are off.
transmission differential. • Cruise control function is off.
Road Test Warning: To prevent accidental start of the vehicle,
Road tests can be used for precise fault symptom diagnosis and ensure the vehicle is locked before function test.
fault symptom check after the handling procedures, ensure that Delay test
road tests are carried out under the following conditions:
Delay refers to the duration of the slight vibration when
• After engine check and adjustment. switching the shift lever from N gear to D/R gear under idle
engine condition.
1.0 239
Transmission Transmission-AT
Caution: Make 3 measurements and average the value. 1. Block four vehicle wheels with wood wedges and fully
Ensure there is an interval longer than 1min apply the parking brake to lock the vehicle.
for each delay test so that the pressure of the 2. Depress the brake pedal with the left foot heavily, place
clutch/brake can be fully released. the shift lever in D or R gear, and depress the accelerator
1. Block four vehicle wheels with wood wedges and fully pedal with the right foot to measure the max. speed at
apply the parking brake to lock the vehicle. idling or stalling.
2. With the stopwatch, record the duration of the slight Stall Speed Around 2631 ± 150rpm
vibration when switching the shift lever from N gear to
D/R gear. Stall Test Results Failure Cause
Low engine power
N - D gear Less than 1.5s Both values at D and R gear
are below the standard value Hydraulic torque converter
N - R gear Less than 1.5s one-way clutch failure
Low oil circuit pressure (shift
Delay test results Failure Cause
solenoid valve SLC1/primary
Valve body failure (SLC1 pressure regulating valve
or SLC2 hydraulic system) failure)
Only the value at D gear is
Delay from N gear to C1 failure (slip) above the standard value Valve failure (SLC1 hydraulic
D gear is longer than system)
F2 failure
standard value
C1 failure (slip)
Oil pump failure
F2 failure
Oil filter failure (blockage)
Low oil circuit pressure (shift
Valve body failure (SLC1,
solenoid valve SLC2/primary
SLC2 or S1 hydraulic
pressure regulating valve
Delay from N gear to failure)
C3 failure (slip) Only the value at R gear is
R gear is longer than above the standard value Valve failure (SLC2 hydraulic
standard value B3 failure (slip) system)
Oil pump failure C3 failure (slip)
Oil filter failure (blockage) B3 failure (slip)
1.0 240
Transmission-AT Transmission
Service Procedures 6. Fit the special tool T26001 on the D gear testing hole
Hydraulic Pressure Test of the automatic transmission.
Check 7. Start the engine, depress the brake pedal and place the
During hydraulic test, check the working conditions of the shift lever in "D" position. When the vehicle meets the
automatic transmission by measuring the idling and stall oil requirement, switch to the start/stop state.
pressure at D and R gear. 8. When the engine stops under the start/stop state,
check the fluid pressure.
Warning: The operation shall not be longer than 5s,
or the temperature of the ATF will become too high. Description:
Ensure there is a spacing longer than 1 min between
Gear D Gear
every two stall tests.
ATFTemperature 20 - 110°C
1. Block four vehicle wheels with wood wedges and fully
apply the parking brake to lock the vehicle. C1 Oil Pressure 0.154 Mpa or above
2. Fit the special tool T26001 on the D or R gear testing
hole of the automatic transmission.
1.0 241
Transmission Transmission-AT
1.0 242
Transmission-AT Transmission
14. Remove 3 bolts fixing the upper part of the automatic 18. Lower the hydraulic jack slowly and carefully, and
transmission to the engine. remove the automatic transmission assembly.
1. Clean the junction surface of the engine and automatic
2. Clean the locating pin and pin hole of the automatic
3. Support the engine with a lifting equipment.
4. Fix the automatic transmission on the jack, and raise
the jack to locate it to the vehicle carefully.
5. Align the front end of the hydraulic torque converter
with the engine crankshaft hole, and simultaneously
align the locating pin of the engine with that of
the automatic transmission, then fit the automatic
15. Remove the starter motor. transmission and engine.
Starter Motor Remove 6. Fit 4 bolts fixing the lower part of the automatic
transmission to the engine, tighten to 75-90Nm, and
16. Support the automatic transmission assembly with
check the torque.
hydraulic jack.
7. Fit the starter motor.
17. Remove 4 bolts fixing the lower part of the automatic
transmission to the engine. Starter Motor Refit
8. Fit 3 bolts fixing the upper part of the automatic
transmission to the engine, tighten to 75-90Nm, and
check the torque.
9. Fit 4 new bolts fixing the bracket of the automatic
transmission mount to the automatic transmission,
tighten to (45-55)Nm+(85-95)deg, and check the
1.0 243
Transmission Transmission-AT
Caution: Yielding technique is applied to this bolt . For Automatic Transmission Fluid - Drain and Refill
virgin installation, the bolt is allowed to use twice. For Drain
second use of bolt in the same station, the bolt must be Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid
loosened to zero Nm, then tighten it according to specified as the fluid can be very hot.
technique; when the bolt is used over twice or unknown
times, new bolt must be taken. Caution: The transmission oil can be drained only
when the transmission is at normal operating
11. Clamp the transmission breather pipe clip about temperature.
vertically at the transmission harness without fixed tie,
and keep the breather pipe clip facing up as much as 1. Place a suitable container below the transmission to
possible. collect the ATF.
12. Fit the left drive shaft assembly. 2. Clean the area around the oil drain plug and overflow
Left Drive Shaft Assembly Refit
3. Remove the overflow plug and discard the seal ring.
13. Fit the nut fixing the automatic transmission oil cooler
pipe to the oil cooler pipe connector, tighten to
33-37Nm, and check the torque.
14. Fit 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the automatic
transmission oil cooler pipe to the automatic
transmission, tighten to 7-10Nm, and check the
15. Connect the harness connector to the input/output
speed sensor and temperature sensor.
16. Connect the harness connector to the automatic
17. Fit 1 nut fixing the automatic transmission cable
rocker arm to the automatic transmission, tighten to
14-20Nm, and check the torque. 1. Overflow Plug
18. Fit 2 bolts fixing the bracket of the automatic 2. Drain Plug
transmission cable to the automatic transmission, 4. Remove the oil drain plug and discard the seal ring.
tighten to 15-23Nm, and check the torque. 5. Drain the oil.
19. Fill the automatic transmission fluid. 6. Record the total amount of drained oil as necessary.
Automatic Transmission Fluid Refill Refill
20. Fit the front/rear brackets of the battery tray. 1. Ensure that the vehicle is on a horizontal level.
Front Bracket of Battery Tray Refit 2. Block four vehicle wheels with wood wedges and fully
apply the parking brake to lock the vehicle.
Rear Bracket of Battery Tray Refit
3. Move the shift lever to P gear.
21. Lower the vehicle on a lift.
4. Clean the oil drain plug and fit the new seal ring.
1.0 244
Transmission-AT Transmission
11. Fit the overflow plug, tighten to 23-25Nm, and check
the torque.
12. Clean the area around the oil filler and the oil filler
plug, and fit the new seal ring.
13. Fit the oil filler plug, tighten to 35-44Nm, and check
the torque.
14. Refit the battery tray.
Battery Tray Refit
1.0 245
Transmission Transmission-AT
Automatic Transmission Fluid - Refill Caution: ATFFluid level is different in cold and
Check and Refill hot states, so it needs to test the ATF level in
Important precautions: faults in the automatic transmission are hot state.
always accompanied with ATF deterioration (metal particles, 12. When the engine is in idle state, depress the brake and
powder of friction plate, smell of burning, white emulsion, etc.), so move the shift lever from P gear to all gears, stay at each
ATF testing is critical. gear separately for min. 3 seconds before returning to
Important precautions: Low oil level: oil pump may inhale air, the P gear, and perform the shift process for 2 times.
which can result in low oil pressure and transmission functional 13. Lift the vehicle, remove the overflow plug, and discard
malfunction. High oil level: a large number of bubbles will be the seal ring.
produced by the stir of the gear set and the oil will overflow from 14. Check the state of the ATF dripping from overflow
the breather pipe. hole.
Important precautions: Normal ATF: red, with moderate viscosity. 15. Confirm if the ATF temperature is within 50℃ - 60℃,
Abnormal ATF: water (white emulsion) or a mixture of different and wait until the ATF drips from the overflow hole.
ATF will lead to "shift impact" and "rough running", degrading the 16. Clean the overflow plug, fit the new seal ring, fit the
performance. overflow plug, tighten to 23-25Nm, and check the
1. Ensure that the vehicle is on a horizontal level, block torque.
the four vehicle tyres with wood blocks, and apply the Caution: After tightening the overflow plug,
park brake to lock the vehicle. make sure that the overflowed oil is wiped off
2. Move the shift lever to P gear. completely.
3. Clean the surrounding area of the oil filler plug, remove 17. Lower the vehicle and shut down the engine.
the oil filler plug and discard the seal ring.
1.0 246
Transmission-AT Transmission
Transmission Control Module (TCM) Automatic Transmission Harness
Remove Remove
Warning: The Transmission Control Module (TCM) is 1. Remove the battery tray.
uniquely coded to this vehicle and therefore will not work
Battery Tray Remove
if fitted to another vehicle.
2. Disconnect the connector of the input speed sensor.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Disconnect the connector of the output speed sensor.
2. Disconnect the harness connector (2) of the TCM.
4. Disconnect the connector of the neutral start switch.
3. Remove 2 nuts (1) fixing the TCM to the bracket.
5. Disconnect the harness connector of the transmission.
6. Disconnect the connector of the TCM.
1.0 247
Transmission Transmission-AT
Caution: Bind tape on the head of the flat-blade 8. Check if the engine can be started at P and N gear but
screwdriver before use. Take care not to damage can not be started at other gears.
the transmission housing and shift shaft.
1.0 248
Transmission-AT Transmission
Neutral Start Switch - Check and Adjustment switch and ensure it is fixed correctly. Fit and tighten
Check the nut to 14-20Nm, and check the torque.
1. Remove the neutral start switch. 6. Check if the engine can be started at P and N gear but
Neutral Start Switch Remove can not be started at other gears.
1.0 249
Transmission Transmission-AT
Warning: Position the earth lead carefully and prevent to Warning: Position the earth lead carefully and prevent to
contact the disconnected battery earth lead again. contact the disconnected battery earth lead again.
1. Disconnect the harness connector from the input 1. Disconnect the harness connector from the output
speed sensor. speed sensor.
2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the input speed sensor to the 2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the output speed sensor to the
transmission, and remove the input speed sensor. transmission, and remove the output speed sensor.
Caution: Be careful not to damage the input speed sensor Caution: Be careful not to damage the output speed
and transaxle housing. sensor and transaxle housing.
Refit Refit
1. Fit the new O-ring applied with ATF to the input speed 1. Fit the new O-ring applied with ATF to the output
sensor. speed sensor.
2. Fit 1 bolt fixing the input speed sensor to the 2. Fit 1 bolt fixing the output speed sensor to the
transmission, tighten to 3.9-6.9Nm, and check the transmission, tighten to 3.9-6.9Nm, and check the
torque. torque.
Note: Always use a new seal bolt. Note: Always use a new seal bolt.
1.0 250
Transmission-AT Transmission
Automatic Transmission Housing End Oil Seal 4. Fill the automatic transmission fluid and check the fluid
Remove level.
1. Drain the automatic transmission fluid. Automatic Transmission Fluid Refill
Automatic Transmission Fluid Drain
2. Remove the left drive shaft assembly.
Left Drive Shaft Assembly Remove
3. Insert the flat-blade screwdriver between the
differential housing and oil seal to remove the oil seal.
1.0 251
Transmission Transmission-AT
1.0 252
Transmission-AT Transmission
Hydraulic Torque Converter Valve Body Cover
Remove Remove
1. Remove the automatic transmission assembly. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
Automatic Transmission Assembly Remove 2. Drain the automatic transmission fluid.
2. Remove the hydraulic torque converter. Automatic Transmission Fluid Drain
Caution: Take care not to damage the oil seal, and 3. Remove 17 bolts securing the valve body cover, remove
do not drop the torque converter assembly. the valve body cover, and discard the valve body cover
Caution: Be careful not to damage the valve body cover
and transaxle housing.
1. Fit the torque converter to the automatic transmission.
Caution: Take care not to damage the oil seal, and
do not drop the torque converter assembly. 4. Remove 4 magnets for oil cleaning from the valve body
cover, check and remove the impurities on the valve
2. Measure the dimension from the tail end of the
body cover and magnets.
transaxle housing to the bolt hole surface of the
hydraulic torque converter assembly.
1.0 253
Transmission Transmission-AT
3. Fit the new washer to the valve body cover. Valve Body Assembly
4. Fit the valve body cover to the transaxle housing. Remove
5. Fit 17 new bolts, tighten to 6-7.9Nm, and check the 1. Remove the automatic transmission valve body cover.
torque. Valve Body Cover Remove
Note: Always use a new seal bolt. 2. Remove the automatic transmission filter assembly.
6. Fit the oil drain plug, tighten to 14.7-19.6Nm, and Filter Assembly Remove
check the torque. 3. Remove the bolts and clips securing the automatic
7. Fill the ATF and check the fluid level. transmission temperature sensor, and pull the
Automatic Transmission Fluid Refill temperature sensor out of the valve body assembly.
1.0 254
Transmission-AT Transmission
4. Connect the manual valve control rod to the manual
valve operating rod.
1.0 255
Transmission Transmission-AT
TCM and perform the self-learning. The procedures Oil Pump Oil Seal
for replacement already include procedures for update Remove
and self-learning. If it prompts "Failed" during the 1. Remove the hydraulic torque converter.
replacement, please operate as per the interface
prompts. Hydraulic Torque Converter Remove
2. Remove the oil seal at the oil pump with tools.
1. Fit the new oil seal to the oil pump with the special tool
TPT00161 and hammer.
1.0 256
Transmission-AT Transmission
Filter Assembly Automatic Transmission Oil Cooler Pipe
Remove Connector
1. Remove the automatic transmission valve body cover.
1. Remove the inlet/outlet pipe of the automatic
Valve Body Cover Remove
transmission oil cooler.
2. Remove the filter assembly from the valve body
assembly. Automatic Transmission Oil Cooler Inlet Pipe
1. Clean the oil cooler pipe connector and fit the new
seal ring.
2. Fit the oil cooler pipe connector, tighten to
19.6–29.4Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fit the inlet/outlet pipe of the automatic transmission
oil cooler.
1. Fit the new O-ring applied with ATF to the filter Automatic Transmission Oil Cooler Outlet Pipe
assembly. Refit
2. Fit the filter assembly to the valve body assembly.
3. Fit the automatic transmission valve body cover.
1.0 257
Transmission Transmission-AT
Replacer driven
Transmission TPT00218 shaft oil seal
T26001 pressure test - LH
Replacer driven
TPT00219 shaft oil seal
Engine lift - RH
Replacer, oil
pump seal
TEN00070 Engine support
TPT00164 manual shaft
oil seal
Adjuster ,
TPT00220 neutral start
1.0 258
Shift Lock Control-MT Transmission
Shift Lock Control-MT
Description Value
Bolt - gear change mechanism to floor 7–10Nm
1.0 259
Transmission Shift Lock Control-MT
1. Gear Shift Knob Assembly - Manual Transmission 3. Manual Gear Shift Control Mechanism
2. Clip - Gear Shift Knob Assembly 4. Bolt - Gear Shift Cable to Body
1.0 260
Shift Lock Control-MT Transmission
Service Procedures Gear Shift Mechanism Assembly - Manual
Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve - Manual Remove
Remove 1. Remove the shift lever knob and sleeve.
1. Place the shift lever in "N" position. Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve - Manual Remove
2. Remove the centre console upper trim panel assembly. 2. Pay attention to the mounting position, and loosen the
Centre Console Upper Trim Panel Assembly cable ball joint from the gear selection/shift rocker arm
Remove of the manual transmission.
3. Remove and discard the metal clip fixing the knob and
sleeve assembly to the shift lever.
1.0 261
Transmission Shift Lock Control-MT
1.0 262
Shift Lock Control-MT Transmission
Tools List
1.0 263
Transmission Transmission-MT
Description Value
Bolt-Manual Transmission Mount Bracket to Manual (45-55)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Under The Tie-bar Bracket to Under The Tie-bar (81-99)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt-Under The Tie-bar Bracket to Manual Transmission (45-55)Nm+(85-95)deg
Bolt- transmission to engine 75–90Nm
Bolt-Slave Cylinder to Manual Transmission 40-50Nm
Bolt-Battery negative cable to transmission case 15–20Nm
Bolt-Reverse Gear Lock 15-22Nm
Bolt-Control Cover to Rear Housing 15-25Nm
Bolt-Gear Selector Lever to Control Cover 15-25Nm
Bolt-Oil Drain plug to Transmission 25-35Nm
Bolt-Oil Filler Plug to Transmission 25-35Nm
Bolt-Switch Reverse Light to Transmission 12-18Nm
Self – locking bolt 15–20Nm
Bolt - reverse gear lever to front housing 22–28Nm
Bolt - front housing to rear housing 22–28Nm
Bolt - selector and shift cable support bracket to front 22–28Nm
Bolt - reverse idler shaft to rear housing 15–22Nm
Bolt - rear bearing baffle to rear housing 13–15Nm
Nut - output shaft 80–100Nm
Screw plug - 5th gear selector fork 5–8Nm
Bolt - control cover to rear housing 15–25Nm
Bolt - rear cover to rear housing 8–13Nm
Bolt - final drive gear to differential housing 110–150Nm
1.0 264
Transmission-MT Transmission
Model SH63Z Manual Transmission (1.5L) Big Ratio
Gear 5 forward gears (engaged by synchronizer), 1 reverse gear
Speed Ratio SH63Z:
SH63Z 135Nm
Maximum Input Speed 6000r/min
Mass (without oil) 30.6kg
Lubricating Oil MTF 94
Transmission standard oil capacity:
1.0 265
Transmission Transmission-MT
Thread sealant:
Circlip Ø29
Circlip Ø32
Disposable parts:
Output shaft locking nut
Spring pin
Pin Ø5×28
Pin Ø3×22
Pin Ø5×22
1.0 266
Transmission-MT Transmission
Description and Operation
System Layout
Transmission Assembly Layout
1.0 267
Transmission Transmission-MT
1.0 268
Transmission-MT Transmission
39. Reverse Gear Fork Shaft 58. Clutch Rocker Arm Shaft Bushing
40. Steel Ball 8 59. Self-locking Bolt
41. Locking Spring - Reverse Gear Taper Pin 60. Self-locking Spring
42. Reverse Gear Taper Pin 61. Front Housing
43. Reverse Gear Taper Block 62. Set Pin - Rear Housing
44. 5th Gear Fork Screw Plug 63. Set Pin - Front Housing
45. 5th Gear Fork 64. Magnetic Steel
46. Retaining Circlip 65. Gear Shift Stop Bolt
47. Bolt - Reverse Gear Rocker Arm Assembly 66. Shim - Gear Shift Stop Bolt
48. Reverse Gear Rocker Arm Assembly 67. Ventilation Plug Assembly
49. Bolt - Housing Connecting Bolt 68. Rear Bearing Baffle
50. Bolt - Housing Connecting Bolt 69. Screw - Rear Bearing Baffle
51. Shim Ø10 - Reverse Gear Lock Shaft 70. Bolt - Rear Cover Plate
52. Clutch Rocker Arm Shaft Bushing 71. Rear Cover Plate
53. Clutch Release Rocker Arm 72. Aluminum Gasket 8
54. Bolt - Release Fork and Rocker Arm 73. Bolt - Reverse Gear Idler Gear Shaft
55. Clutch Release Rocker Arm Shaft 74. Rear Housing
56. N/A 75. Bolt - Oil Groove
57. Clutch Release Fork 76. Oil Groove
1.0 269
Transmission Transmission-MT
1.0 270
Transmission-MT Transmission
31. Adjusting Gasket - Output Shaft Rear Bearing 35. Driven 1st Gear
32. Driven 5th Gear 36. Reverse Idler Shaft
33. Nut - Driven Shaft Locking 37. Reverse Idler Assembly
34. Driven Shaft 38. Nylon Washer - Reverse Idler
1.0 271
Transmission Transmission-MT
1.0 272
Transmission-MT Transmission
Transmission Accessories Layout
1.0 273
Transmission Transmission-MT
1.0 274
Transmission-MT Transmission
18. Driven 5th Gear 21. Main Reduction Driven Gear
19. Driven Shaft Locking Nut 22. Differential
20. Differential Bearing
1.0 275
Transmission Transmission-MT
Description housing, the fork shaft is connected with the fork, turn an
Overview appropriate synchronizer to shift to the forward gear, or turn
the sliding idler gear to shift to the reverse gear.
This vehicle is equipped with a 5-speed manual transmission.
The shift lever is located at the centre console of the passenger Reverse Gear Protection and Reverse Lamp Switch
compartment, it provides the driver with 6 choices for variable The reverse gear lock mechanism is used to prevent accidental
speed position, namely, 1st gear, 2nd gear, 3rd gear, 4th gear, shift from the 5th gear to the reverse gear directly. Therefore,
5th gear and reverse gear. The forward gears are engaged by you must ensure that the reverse gear can only be shifted to
the synchronizer, and the reverse gear is driven by the sliding from the neutral position. The reverse lamp plunger switch is
idler gear without a synchronizer. The drive shaft is fitted in fitted on the transmission rear housing.
the differential assembly at the rear of the transmission, and it
is used to transmit the driving force to the wheel.
Differential with traditional design fixes the main reduction
The transmission housing is made of cast aluminum, and
driven gear to the differential housing by bolts, differential
is connected to the engine cylinder block with bolts. The
housing supports the planetary shaft pin, planetary gear and
transmission input shaft and output shaft are supported by
sun gear. The differential assembly is supported by bearings in
the transmission housing.
The transmission housing is equipped with an oil filler plug, Neutral Position Sensor (start/stop system)
which is located at the front lower side of the housing,
The neutral position sensor fixed on the transmission main
and there is an oil drain plug at the rear lower side of
housing is a hall-effect sensor, which is used to identify when
the transmission housing, both of them are sealed with an
the transmission is in neutral position.
aluminum washer. The transmission is filled with lubricating
oil so as to lubricate the internal components in a splashing When the neutral position is selected, if the neutral position
manner. The breather plug is fitted at the rear of the control signal block is aligned with the sensor, the ECM will identify this
seat. The stamped steel closing panel seals the opening signal as the neutral position and the areas within 12° range at
between the transmission and engine cylinder block. both left and right sides are considered as the neutral area.
Gear Shift and Gear Selection If the neutral position signal block is not aligned with the sensor,
Gear selection is realized by manipulating the shift lever fitted the ECM will identify this signal as gear-selected.
at the centre console of the passenger compartment. Both The neutral signal is used for the start/stop of the engine,
cables have one end connected to the bottom of the shift please refer to
lever. The other end is connected to the gear selection rocker Engine Fuel and Control System - Description
arm and gear shift rocker arm fitted outside the transmission for details.
through the connector ring assembly. In the transmission
1.0 276
Transmission-MT Transmission
Transmission Assembly
Drivetrain changes the speed and direction of rotation through
the engagement between different gears of the drive shaft and
driven shaft, thereby generating 5 forward gears of different
speed ratio and 1 reverse gear. Except the reverse gear, the
gear wheels of all other gears are constantly engaged.
1.0 277
Transmission Transmission-MT
right until snapping into the groove of the gear shift positioning applied to the whole assembly, and the planetary gear does
cam, so the reverse gear can be shifted to. not rotate. The torque is transmitted to the wheels through
Differential the drive shaft.
The differential allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds When the vehicle takes a turn, the inner wheels will pass a
when the output torques are the same. The pinion integrated shorter distance at a lower speed. Thus it drives the planetary
with the driven shaft is engaged with the main reduction driven gear to rotate, and the outer sun gear offers a higher speed for
gear of the differential assembly. When the driven shaft rotates, outer wheels.
and the wheels swivel straight forward, the torque will be
1.0 278
Transmission-MT Transmission
Service Procedures
Manual Transmission Assembly
1. Remove the front/rear brackets of the battery tray.
1.0 279
Transmission Transmission-MT
13. Remove 3 bolts fixing the upper part of the manual 17. Disconnect the manual transmission from the engine,
transmission to the engine. adjust the height of the jack, and lower the manual
transmission to the floor slowly and carefully.
1. Clean the junction surface of the engine and
2. Clean the locating pin and pin hole of the transmission.
3. Support the engine with a lifting equipment.
4. Fit 3 new bolts fixing the bracket of the manual
transmission mount to the manual transmission, tighten
to ( 45-55) )Nm+( (85-95) )deg, and check the
Caution: Yielding technique is applied to this bolt . For
virgin installation, the bolt is allowed to use twice. For
14. Remove 4 bolts fixing the lower part of the manual second use of bolt in the same station, the bolt must be
transmission to the engine. loosened to zero Nm, then tighten it according to specified
technique; when the bolt is used over twice or unknown
times, new bolt must be taken.
5. Fit 1 new bolt fixing the lower tie rod bracket to the
lower tie rod, tighten to ( 81-99) )Nm+( (85-95) )
deg, and check the torque.
Caution: Yielding technique is applied to this bolt . For
virgin installation, the bolt is allowed to use twice. For
second use of bolt in the same station, the bolt must be
loosened to zero Nm, then tighten it according to specified
technique; when the bolt is used over twice or unknown
times, new bolt must be taken.
1.0 280
Transmission-MT Transmission
transmission to the engine, tighten to 75–90Nm, and Gear Selection/Shift Shaft Oil Seal - Manual
check the torque. Remove
8. Fit 3 bolts fixing the upper part of the manual 1. Remove the battery tray.
transmission to the engine, tighten to 75–90Nm, and Battery Tray Remove
check the torque.
2. Ensure that the shift lever is in neutral position.
9. Fit 2 bolts fixing the slave cylinder to the manual
3. Pay attention to the mounting position, and disconnect
transmission, tighten to 40-50Nm, and check the
2 cable ball joints of the gear selection/shift rocker arm
of the manual transmission.
10. Fit the starter motor.
5. Knock out and discard the spring pin fixing the shift
rocker arm to the gear selection/shift shaft, and remove
the shift rocker arm.
1.0 281
Transmission Transmission-MT
6. Remove 3 bolts fixing the control cover to the rear Transmission Fluid - Drain and Refill
housing, and remove the control cover assembly. Drain and Refill
7. Loosen the reverse gear lock shaft, and remove the 1. Lift the vehicle, and place a proper container below
reverse gear lock plate and reverse gear stop torsion the transmission.
spring. 2. Clean the area around the oil filler plug, remove the oil
8. Pull out the gear selection/shift shaft assembly. filler plug (a) and discard the sealing gasket.
9. Remove and discard the gear selection/shift shaft oil 3. Clean the area around the oil drain plug, remove the oil
seal. drain plug (b) and discard the sealing gasket.
1. Knock the new gear selection/shift shaft oil seal in place
with the special tool TPT00066 and hammer.
1.0 282
Transmission-MT Transmission
Reverse Lamp Switch Left Differential Oil Seal
Remove Remove
1. Remove the battery tray. 1. Drain the manual transmission fluid.
1. Clean the junction surface of the reverse lamp switch
and manual transmission.
2. Fit the reverse lamp switch, tighten to 12-18Nm, and
check the torque.
3. Connect the harness connector of the reverse lamp
switch. 3. Fit the left drive shaft assembly.
4. Fit the battery tray. Left Drive Shaft Assembly Refit
Battery Tray Refit 4. Fill the manual transmission fluid.
1.0 283
Transmission Transmission-MT
2. Remove the right drive shaft assembly. 2. Remove the reverse lamp switch.
Reverse Lamp Switch Remove
Right Drive Shaft Assembly Remove
3. Remove the clutch release bearing.
3. Carefully remove and discard the oil seal, be careful not
to damage the oil seal groove. Clutch Release Bearing Remove
1.0 284
Transmission-MT Transmission
8. Remove the steel ball with a magnetic screwdriver. 13. Remove and discard the output shaft locking nut.
10. Remove the 5th gear fork together with the 5th gear
synchronizer assembly.
11. Remove the input shaft 5th gear and the needle bearing.
12. Shift to 4th gear, and lock the transmission input shaft
with TPT00068.
1.0 285
Transmission Transmission-MT
20. Remove the remaining 3 bolts fixing the control cover 24. Remove the bolts connecting the front and rear
assembly to the rear housing. housings.
21. Remove the gear shift stop bolt and washer. 25. Knock the platform at the front housing large end face
gently with a nylon hammer, disconnect and remove
the rear and front housings.
26. Loosen 3 self-locking bolts at the side of the front
27. Remove 3 self-locking springs and 3 steel balls in the
23. Unscrew the reverse idler gear shaft bolt and gasket.
1.0 286
Transmission-MT Transmission
30. Shift to 4th gear, and remove the 5th/R gear fork shaft
assembly upward.
31. Hold the output shaft assembly, input shaft assembly,
1st/2nd gear fork shaft assembly and 3rd/4th gear fork
shaft assembly with both hands and hold them up out
of the front housing. When there is any difficulty, knock
the front housing platform to disengage it with a nylon
3. Fit the output shaft front bearing outer ring into the
front housing output shaft bearing bore, and knock it in
place gently with a nylon hammer.
4. Fit the differential assembly into the front housing, and
knock it in place gently with a nylon hammer when it
is difficult to fit.
5. Insert the 1st/2nd gear fork shaft assembly into the
output shaft assembly 1st/2nd gear synchronizer,
32. Remove the differential assembly from the front and 3rd/4th gear fork shaft assembly into input shaft
housing. When there is any difficulty, shake the assembly 3rd/4th gear synchronizer. After the two shaft
differential assembly accordingly and knock the bearing assemblies are engaged, hold them with both hands into
gently to disengage it. the front housing, at the same time, please ensure that
Refit the fork shaft is aligned with the fork shaft bore at the
housing and the two shaft bearings are aligned with the
1. Fit the new input shaft oil seal into the front housing
housing bearing bores.
with TPT00066.
6. Shift up the 3rd/4th gear fork shaft assembly to the 4th
gear position, and fit the 5th gear and reverse gear fork
shaft assemblies into the front housing.
7. Fit the steel ball and self-locking spring respectively
into the 3 self-locking holes at the side of the front
housing. Apply thread sealant to the thread, fit the new
self-locking bolt, and tighten to 15–20Nm.
8. Fit the reverse idler gear assembly, reverse idler gear
nylon washer and reverse gear shaft into the front
9. Fit the reverse gear rocker arm assembly into the
front housing, fit 2 bolts, and tighten to 22–28Nm.
After fitting the reverse gear rocker arm assembly,
2. Fit the new front housing oil seal with TPT00069.
the reverse idler gear must be able to rotate flexibly,
and the bolt hole of the reverse idler gear shaft
perpendicular to the gear faces outward.
10. Measure the distance between the front housing plane
and differential rear bearing outer ring plane as well as
the depth of the rear housing differential rear bearing
bore with the differential adjusting gasket measuring
tool. Select the adjusting gasket with the principle of a
pretightening force of 0.1mm. Apply an appropriate
amount of lubricating grease to the adjusting gasket,
1.0 287
Transmission Transmission-MT
and then put it into the rear housing differential rear Output shaft rear bearing adjusting gasket (cont'd.)
bearing bore.
11. Clean the junction surface of the housing, apply plane 0.35
sealant to the front housing plane and cover the rear
housing. Apply thread sealant to the 4 counter-hit bolts
of the front housing, fit 11 connecting bolts and tighten 0.45
to 22–28Nm. 0.5
12. Fit the gear selection/shift cable bracket, screw the 0.6
retaining bolt and tighten to 22–28Nm.
15. Press down the rear bearing baffle, fit 8 new screws
13. Align the reverse idler gear shaft hanging hole with the
and tighten to 13–15Nm.
hole at the rear housing reverse gear. Apply thread
sealant to the thread of the reverse idler gear shaft 16. Turn the 3rd/4th gear fork shaft to shift the transmission
hanging bolt, fit the bolt and aluminum washer, and gear to the 4th gear, and lock the transmission input
tighten to 15–22Nm. shaft with TPT00068.
14. Measure the altitude difference between the input
shaft rear bearing outer ring plane and rear housing
plane, the altitude difference between the output shaft
rear bearing outer ring plane and rear housing plane
with the input shaft rear bearing and output shaft rear
bearing adjusting gasket measuring tool, then select a
new appropriate adjusting gasket. Apply an appropriate
amount of lubricating grease to the adjusting gasket, and
then put it into the input shaft bearing. The selecting
principle is with an clearance of 0 - 0.05mm. If it is
put into the output shaft rear bearing, the selecting
principle is with a pretightening force of 0.1 - 0.15mm.
Input shaft rear bearing adjusting gasket
17. Fit the output shaft 5th gear into the output shaft, and
Thickness: mm fit the 3rd/4th gear needle bearing into the 5th gear
bushing and then fit the input shaft 5th gear, screw the
0.1 new output shaft locking nut to the output shaft, and fit
0.15 the rubber gasket at the engaged part of the 5th driving
and driven gear, and tighten the nuts to 80–100Nm.
18. Lock the nut with a punch.
Thickness: mm
19. Apply an appropriate amount of gear oil to the inner
0.2 tapered surface of the 3rd/4th/5th gear synchronizer
0.25 gear for lubrication, then fit it into the 5th driving gear
joint gear tapered surface; insert the 5th gear fork into
the 5th gear synchronizer gear bushing, and fit them
1.0 288
Transmission-MT Transmission
together into the 5th gear fork shaft assembly. Manual Transmission Assembly Refit
20. Select an appropriate circlip to snap into the 5th gear
synchronizer gear hub.
21. Press the new spring pin into the pin hole of the 5th
gear fork shaft. And put the steel ball into the hole at
the side of the 5th gear fork, fit the 5th gear fork bolt
and tighten to 5–8Nm.
22. Fit and secure the new circlip with circlip plier.
23. Apply plane sealant to the control window plane on the
rear housing. Fit the control cover assembly to the rear
housing, and fit the gear selection rocker arm assembly,
screw 5 connecting bolts and tighten to 15–25Nm.
24. Locate the gear shift rocker arm to the gear
selection/shift shaft, and knock in a new spring pin with
25. Fit the new rear housing oil seal with TPT00069.
1.0 289
Transmission Transmission-MT
1. Knock the input shaft front bearing in place with
1.0 290
Transmission-MT Transmission
Caution: Ensure parts are fitted in correct order and Driven Shaft Assembly
orientation. Remove
6. Lubricate the needle bearing, and fit the input shaft 4th 1. Remove the input shaft assembly.
gear synchronizer gear ring, needle bearing and 4th Manual Transmission Disassembling and Remove
gear in sequence.
2. Remove the input shaft rear bearing and 5th gear
7. Knock the input shaft rear bearing and 5th gear bushing bushing together with puller and T32001.
in place with TPT00065.
3. Remove the input shaft 4th gear, needle bearing and 4th
gear synchronizer gear ring in sequence.
Manual Transmission Disassembling 4. Remove the 3rd/4th gear synchronizer gear bushing
and slider assembly.
5. Knock out the synchronizer circlip.
1.0 291
Transmission Transmission-MT
1.0 292
Transmission-MT Transmission
Differential Assembly
1. Remove the differential assembly.
1. Check the differential rear bearing adjusting gasket for
wear or scratch, replace it when necessary.
Differential rear bearing adjusting gasket
Thickness (mm)
5. Knock out the circlips at both ends of the planetary 0.4
gear shaft.
2. Put the differential washer into the differential housing
1.0 293
Transmission Transmission-MT
3. Put the planetary gear and axle shaft gear into the
differential housing cavity in place.
4. Insert the planetary gear shaft and secure the two ends
with circlips.
1.0 294
Transmission-MT Transmission
Special Tools Tool Description Picture
Tool Description Picture Number
Replacer, input
TPT00065 and output shaft
Replacer, Ø5 bearing
spring pin
TPT00067 differential
Replacer, LH oil bearing
seal, differential
Locking plate,
input shaft
Replacer, RH oil
seal, differential
1.0 295
Transmission Clutch
Description Value
Bolt-Clutch Cover to Flywheel 24-26Nm
Bolt - clutch release fork to release shaft 20–25Nm
Bolt - clutch master cylinder to pedal bracket 7–10Nm
Union - clutch master cylinder to pipe 15–19Nm
Bolt - slave cylinder bracket to rear housing 40–50Nm
Union - clutch slave cylinder to pipe 15–19Nm
Bleed plug - clutch slave cylinder 10Nm
1.0 296
Clutch Transmission
Model Dry Single Disc, Diaphragm Spring, Hydraulic Booster Clutch
Diameter of driven plate 200mm
Diameter of pressure plate 200mm
Depth of rivet:
·New 1.2mm (above the rivet head)
·Service limit 0.2mm (above the rivet head)
1.0 297
Transmission Clutch
1.0 298
Clutch Transmission
Clutch Master Cylinder and Pipeline Assembly
1. Pin - Clutch Master Cylinder Push Rod 6. Clutch Master Cylinder Low-pressure Hose
2. Clutch Master Cylinder 7. Sleeve - Clutch Master Cylinder Pipeline
3. Clip - Clutch Master Cylinder Push Rod Pin 8. Clutch Master Cylinder Hard Pipe
4. Bolt - Clutch Master Cylinder 9. Clutch Sensor
5. Clutch Master Cylinder Pipeline Assembly 10. Clip - Clutch Hose
1.0 299
Transmission Clutch
1.0 300
Clutch Transmission
Description driven plate. There are 3 pull rings on the outer ring of the
Overview pressure plate, which is then connected to the housing through
a spring. The spring is composed of three quenched and
This is a traditional three-piece diaphragm clutch with a
tempered steel sheets. When the clutch pedal is depressed, it
hydraulic clutch release system, which has no need to adjust
will pull the pressure plate away from the driven plate. Clutch
the clutch to compensate clutch wear.
housing is punched by steal plate.
Clutch Hydraulic System
The diaphragm spring is a cast ring with 18 release fingers in
MT model: The master cylinder of the clutch is directly fitted
its inner ring. There are two round support rings fitted on
on the pedal bracket in the passenger compartment, and the
the housing so that the diaphragm spring can rotate between
push rod of the master cylinder piston is fixed to the clutch
them. The diaphragm spring is not directly connected to the
pedal with clips and pins. Two ends of the hydraulic pipeline
pressure plate. When the release bearing applies stress on the
are connected to the master and slave cylinders with threaded
release finger of the diaphragm spring, the diaphragm spring
joints. The clutch salve cylinder fitted on the bracket of the
will rotate around the support ring to leave the pressure plate.
manual transmission housing, release rocker arm, release fork
And meanwhile, the spring of the pressure plate connected to
and release bearing compose a release mechanism, while the
the housing will also be away from the driven plate.
release bearing is supported and fixed by the guide sleeve
Driven Plate
fitted on the transmission input shaft. The clutch pipeline from
the slave cylinder is connected to the pipeline of the master
cylinder through a quick connector. The release fork leans the
release bearing on the diaphragm spring of the clutch during
Clutch Mechanical System
The clutch cover assembly is fitted on the flywheel and secured
with six bolts.
Clutch Cover Assembly
1.0 301
Transmission Clutch
Operation plate, and the pressure plate will overcome the resistance of
Hydraulic Operation the spring, move towards the flywheel and apply pressure on
the driven plate.
MT model: when the clutch pedal is depressed, the piston is
pushed into the master cylinder. The piston drives the fluid The pressure on the driven plate applied by the pressure plate
in the master cylinder to move along the clutch pipeline. This increases the frictional force between the driven plate and
pressure is applied on the piston of the slave cylinder and the flywheel. When the clutch pedal is released, the frictional
piston will move under the action of hydraulic pressure. When force will increase, the rotational motion of flywheel is
the clutch pedal is released, the force on the release finger of transmitted to the driven plate, and then it is transferred to
the diaphragm spring will drive the release bearing. The release the transmission input shaft.
bearing then pushes the piston back to the slave cylinder by the
When the pedal is fully released, the force on the pressure
release fork and release rocker arm, and further drives the fluid
plate applied by the diaphragm spring will press the driven plate
back to the clutch pipeline and master cylinder.
on the flywheel, making no skidding between them.
Mechanical Operation
Clutch Sensor - MT
When the fluid in the slave cylinder drives the piston to
When the clutch pedal is depressed, the clutch sensor is
move, piston's movement pushes the clutch release bearing
activated. ECM uses the signal from the clutch sensor for the
to the release finger of the diaphragm spring by the release
following functions:
rocker arm and release fork and the diaphragm spring
will rotate around the support ring on the pressure plate • Reduce impact during gear the shift
housing. Following the deformation of the diaphragm spring, Reduce impact to prevent sharp increase of engine speed
its pressure on the pressure plate will disappear. Three leaf during the gear shift The reduction of the impact can improve
springs will pull the pressure plate away from the driven plate. drivability in the following aspects:
Disappearance of the pressure on the driven plate applied by • Smoother gear shift
the pressure plate reduces the frictional force between the
• Better exhaust emission control
driven plate and flywheel. The driven plate will skid on the
flywheel and can not transmit the power of the flywheel to • Fuel consumption improvement
the transmission input shaft. The clutch sensor receives a 12V reference voltage from the
When the clutch pedal is released, the pressure on the slave ECM. When the clutch pedal is in the reset position, the clutch
cylinder piston will disappear. Disappearance of this pressure sensor is connected to the ground. When the clutch pedal is
allows the release finger of the diaphragm spring to push the depressed, ECM will receive a 12V signal.
release bearing to skid along the guide sleeve, so that the In case of failure of the clutch sensor, any following signs may
release fork and release rocker arm are driven to push the occur:
slave cylinder piston back to the slave cylinder.
• Shifting impact reduction is not available
The diaphragm spring rotates around the support ring on the
pressure plate housing, and applies pressure on the pressure
1.0 302
Clutch Transmission
Service Procedures
Clutch Assembly
1. Remove the transmission assembly.
1.0 303
Transmission Clutch
1. Clean the junction surface of the release bearing and
bearing guide sleeve.
2. Lubricate the bearing movement surface with
molybdenum disulfide grease.
6. Fit 6 bolts fixing the pressure plate to the flywheel and 3. Fit the release bearing to the release fork, and fix it into
tighten manually. the groove of the release fork with clips.
7. Lock the flywheel with TEN00002, tighten the bolts 4. Fit the clutch release rocker arm shaft of the front
fixing the pressure plate to the flywheel gradually to housing, screw 2 release fork bolts and tighten to
24-26Nm in diagonal sequence, and check the torque. 20–25Nm.
Pay attention to lock the pressure plate with bolts. 5. Fit the transmission assembly.
8. Remove the TEN00040. Manual Transmission Assembly Refit
9. Fit the transmission assembly.
1.0 304
Clutch Transmission
Clutch Master Cylinder 3. Connect the low pressure hose of the master cylinder
Remove to the master cylinder, and fasten with clips.
1. Drain the brake fluid from the brake fluid reservoir. 4. Connect the front hard pipe of the master cylinder to
the threaded joint of the master cylinder, and tighten
Caution: Brake fluid will damage paint finished surfaces.
to 15–19Nm.
If spilled, immediately remove fluid and clean area with
water. 5. Fit the driver side lower trim panel assembly.
2. Remove the driver side lower trim panel assembly. Lower Dashboard Trim Panel-Driver
6. Fill brake fluid into reservoir up to the MAX mark.
Lower Dashboard Trim Panel-Driver
7. Bleed the clutch pipeline system.
3. Place a piece of absorbent cloth to absorb the spilled
fluid. Clutch Pipeline System Bleeding
4. Disconnect the clip fixing the low pressure hose of the
master cylinder to the master cylinder connector.
5. Release the thread connection of the master cylinder
front hard pipe and master cylinder.
6. Loosen the clip, and pull out the pin of the master
cylinder push rod.
7. Remove 2 bolts fixing the clutch master cylinder to the
pedal bracket.
1.0 305
Transmission Clutch
1.0 306
Clutch Transmission
Clutch Position Sensor
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove driver’s lower dashboard trim panel assembly.
Lower Dashboard Trim Panel-Driver
3. Access the clutch master cylinder.
4. Disconnect electrical connection.
5. Prise switch from holder, remove switch.
1. Position switch to master cylinder.
2. Secure in retaining clip.
3. Reconnect electrical connector.
4. Refit driver’s lower dashboard trim panel.
1.0 307
Transmission Clutch
Special Tools
Tool Description Picture
Holding pin
flywheel timing
Aligner, clutch
1.0 308
HVAC Structure HVAC System
HVAC Structure
Description Value
Bolt-Air conditioner compressor to engine 19-25Nm
Bolt-Air conditioner pipe to compressor 19-25Nm
Nut-evaporator/compressor pipe A to 7-10Nm
evaporator/compressor pipe B
Bolt-Air conditioner pipe to condenser 19-25Nm
Bolt-Air conditioner pipe to expansion valve 19-25Nm
Bolt-Condenser to Rad 5-7Nm
Nut/Bolt-Air conditioner case assembly to body 7-10Nm
Nut-Air conditioner case assembly to body 5-7Nm
Bolt-Expansion valve to evaporator 5–7Nm
Bolt-IPK duct to IPK 1.4–1.8Nm
Parameter - 1.5L
Amount of lubricating oil for replacement of A/C system components - 1.5L (parameters including oil
1.0 309
HVAC System HVAC Structure
1.0 310
HVAC Structure HVAC System
A/C Box Assembly
1.0 311
HVAC System HVAC Structure
1.0 312
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Description the windshield and front side window are integrated in the
Overview instrument panel.
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system controls 4 air outlet assemblies in the instrument panel allow occupants
the vehicle interior temperature and air distribution. The to control the flow and direction of air distribution to face.
system contains the A/C box assembly (A/C filter, heater
The front seat footwell air outlet is fitted in the port beside
assembly and evaporator box assembly), air duct, refrigerant
the A/C box assembly.
pipe, controller and control panel. The air outlets are
integrated in the luggage compartment. Fresh air flows into A/C Box Assembly
the A/C box assembly through the A/C filter assembly, and The A/C box assembly heats and distributes the fresh air or
flows through the entire system by the blower operation. circulating air according to the mode selected on the control
According to the setting on the control panel, the heated or panel. The A/C box assembly is below the instrument panel.
cooled air is supplied to the air outlets of "face", "footwell" The A/C box includes the blower, A/C air filter, heater core,
and "defrost" via the air distribution duct. evaporator core and control damper. The passage in the A/C
According to models, the vehicle will be provided with one of box assembly introduces air into the A/C box and divides it into
the two air conditioning systems, i.e. MTC or ETC: three parts, air is delivered to the air outlets for the "face",
"footwell" and "defrost". A fresh recirculating air damper is
• In the MTC system, functions such as the air circulation,
mounted on the A/C box assembly housing, which adjusts the
air temperature, air distribution and blower speeds
vehicle interior air or outside air and takes it as the circulating
are selected manually, and the air temperature and air
air. The drain outlet at the bottom of the box body directs
distribution are operated and controlled with cables.
condensed water from the box body to the lower side of the
• In the ETC system, functions such as air recirculation, air
temperature, air distribution and blower speeds, etc. are
selected manually. The damper is in the A/C box, which controls the inlet air,
outlet air temperature and position of the outlet air.
Ventilation Components
Recirculation damper: the damper actuator drives the
Ventilation components: A/C filter, A/C air duct, A/C box
recirculation damper to open and close the fresh and
(housing, damper, damper actuator, blower) and air outlet.
recirculating air inlets so as to control the inlet air.
A/C Air Filter
Temperature damper: the damper actuator or the damper
The A/C air filter is used to improve the quality of the fresh air cable drives the temperature damper to vary the mixing ratio
supplied to the interior of the vehicle and filter fine particles of the cold/warm air so as to control the temperature of the
such as dust and pollen, etc. A/C outlet air.
The A/C air filter is fitted on the A/C box assembly, it shall be Mode damper: the damper actuator or the damper cable
checked on a regular basis, and replace when necessary. drives the mode damper to vary the air passing through the
A/C Air Duct A/C box and air duct so as to meet the user's different needs,
such as, face, footwell, windshield, etc.
The body relief valve allows the warm air and vent air to go
through the passenger compartment freely.
The face air outlet in the instrument panel is fitted with an
individual air distribution duct. Air distribution ducts for The body relief valve is located at both sides of the luggage
compartment, which allows air in the passenger compartment
to be discharged to the covered area between the body and
1.0 313
HVAC System HVAC Structure
rear bumper. The air vent is an effective check valve and an aluminum unidirectional flat-tube heat exchanger. Two
each vent contains grille covered by soft rubber damper. The aluminum tubes are fitted on the heater core, they extend
damper can open or close automatically according to the through the engine compartment wall and connect the heater
pressure difference between the passenger compartment and core assembly to the engine coolant circulation system. When
the external environment. the engine works, coolant constantly flows through the heater
Heater Components core under the action of coolant pump.
1.0 314
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Cooling System
A/C System Schematic
The cooling system transfers heat from the vehicle to the the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant increase as
outside atmosphere and provides the heater assembly with it passes through the compressor, then it releases heat to
dehumidified cool air. The system comprises a compressor, a the atmosphere via the condenser and changes from high
condenser, TXV, A/C pipeline and an evaporator. The system temperature vapour to moderate-high temperature liquid.
is a closed loop system which applies R134a refrigerant as
the heat transfer medium. Add A/C oil to the refrigerant to
lubricate the internal components of the compressor.
1.0 315
HVAC System HVAC Structure
The TXV regulates the flow of the refrigerant and matches the
refrigerant flow with the heat load of the air passing through
the evaporator core. The TXV is fitted on the inlet and outlet
ports of the evaporator. The valve consists of an aluminum
housing containing inlet and outlet passages. A metering
valve is fitted in the inlet passage and the metering valve is
controlled by a temperature sensitive tube connected to a
diaphragm. The top of the diaphragm is filled with refrigerant
1. Condenser
and senses evaporator outlet pressure and the tube senses
2. Air intake port
evaporator outlet temperature. By regulating the opening of
3. Liquid outlet port the thermostatic expansion valve, the force can be balanced,
The condenser transfers the refrigerant heat into the ambient this keeps a proper degree of superheat for the evaporator
air and changes the refrigerant vapour from the compressor outlet and balances the refrigerant flow and the thermal load
into liquid. The condenser also removes moisture and of the air.
solid impurities from the refrigerant with its drying module Thermostatic Expansion Valve
and functions as a reservoir for liquid refrigerant so as to
accommodate changes of heat load in the evaporator.
With the impact effect and/or cooling fan, the air passing
through the heat exchanger absorbs heat from the refrigerant
and changes the refrigerant from a vapour to liquid. The
condenser cools and liquifies the refrigerant before it enters
the modulator. In the modulator, most of the remaining gas in
the refrigerant is separated. The refrigerant uses the desiccant
and filter to remove moisture and particles before entering
into the secondary cooler. The refrigerant is further cooled
as it flows through the secondary cooler, this results in the
refrigerant from the condenser outlet to the evaporator is
almost 100% converted into liquid.
1. Membrane
2. Housing
3. Metering valve
1.0 316
HVAC Structure HVAC System
4. Inlet passage to evaporator Evaporator
5. Outlet passage from evaporator The evaporator is in the air inlet of the heater assembly and
6. Thermo-sensitive tube absorbs heat from the exterior or recirculated inlet air. Low
pressure and low temperature refrigerant changes from liquid
The liquid coolant flows from the metering valve to the
to vapour in the evaporator, absorbing large quantities of heat
evaporator. The metering valve reduces the pressure and
during this process.
temperature of the refrigerant, changes the solid stream of
refrigerant into a fine spray and improves the evaporation A/C Pipeline
effect. As the refrigerant passes through the evaporator, Aluminum A/C pipelines connect the system components
it absorbs heat from the ambient air flowing through the together with O-rings between the connections to ensure a
evaporator core. The increase of the temperature causes the secure seal. To maintain a similar flow velocity in the system,
refrigerant to vaporize and increases its pressure. the diameter of the refrigerant lines may vary so as to suit
the two pressure/temperature modes. The pipelines with
The temperature and pressure of the refrigerant from the
larger diameters are fitted in the low pressure/temperature
evaporator drive the diaphragm and temperature sensitive
mode and those with smaller diameters are fitted in the high
tube to move and regulate the metering valve opening,
pressure/temperature mode, and integrate the refrigerant
thereby controlling the volume of the refrigerant flowing
refill port into the A/C pipelines so as to facilitate the system
through the evaporator. The warmer the air flowing through
the evaporator core, the more heat available to evaporate
refrigerant, and this allows more refrigerant to pass through
the metering valve.
1.0 317
HVAC System HVAC Structure
Caution: Part of A/C lubrication (PAG) could be recycled 1. Use the special polyether type lubricating oil (contained
together with refrigerant but service station can separate in graduated bottle) for R-134a system.
lubrication from refrigerant to calculate the quantity of 2. For information about the refilling station, refer to the
lubrication. manufacturer's instructions for use. Add an appropriate
amount of lubricating oil to the A/C system.
12. Start the recycle process. For information about the
refilling station, refer to the manufacturer's instructions 3. When the oil refilled reaches the required point, close
for use. the valve.
13. Wait for 5min before checking the low-pressure side Refill
gauge on the control panel. If the A/C system is capable Refrigerant Refill
of keeping vacuum, the recovery is completed. 1. Close the low-pressure side valve on the control panel.
Warning: If warning indicator illuminates, it means the 2. Open the high-pressure side valve on the control panel.
tank is overfull and service station will stop, install a new 3. For information about the refilling station, refer to the
empty tank to continue this process. The different type manufacturer's instructions for use.
of tank is prohibited using.
4. Fill refrigerant of the required amount into the A/C, and
14. If the pressure at the low-pressure side starts to ensure the unit of measurement is correct, for example,
rise from 0, there remains refrigerant in the system. kg or lb.
Recover the residual refrigerant. Repeat this step until
5. Start refill.
the system can keep vacuum for 2 minutes.
1.0 318
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Refrigerant Refill Completion Compressor - 1.5L
Refrigerant Refill Completion Remove
1. Close the high-pressure side valve on the refilling station 1. Recycle the A/C system refrigerant.
control panel. Both valves shall be closed. A/C System Refrigerant Recycle
2. Start the vehicle and A/C system. 2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Keep the engine running until the readings on the 3. Remove the bottom deflector.
high-pressure side pressure gauge and the low-pressure
side pressure gauge are stable. Bottom Deflector Remove
4. Compare the readings with the system specifications. 4. Remove the engine auxiliary drive belt.
5. Check the outlet temperature of the evaporator, and Engine Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
ensure that the A/C system operation conforms to the 5. Disconnect the harness connector (1).
system specifications.
6. Remove 2 bolts (3) fixing the A/C pipeline to the
6. Keep the A/C running. compressor, disconnect the pipeline, and discard the
7. Close the high-pressure side interface valve. seal ring.
8. Disconnect the high-pressure side hose from the vehicle. Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
9. Open the low-pressure side valve on the control panel. contamination.
The system will quickly suck in refrigerant from two
7. Remove 4 bolts (2) fixing the A/C compressor to the
hoses through the low-pressure side hose.
engine, and remove the compressor assembly.
10. Close the low-pressure side interface valve.
11. Disconnect the low-pressure side hose from the vehicle.
Refrigerant Refill Failure
Refrigerant Refill Failure
Sometimes, the refrigerant is not completely refilled into the
A/C system. There are two reasons:
1. The pressure of the refrigerant reservoir in the refilling
station is close to that of the A/C system,
1.0 319
HVAC System HVAC Structure
Compressor Breather Hose - 1.5L 3. Remove the plug, fit the new seal ring to the A/C
Remove pipeline, and apply clean compressor oil.
1. Recycle the A/C system refrigerant. 4. Fix the compressor breather hose to the compressor,
A/C System Refrigerant Recycle fit 1 bolt, tighten to 19-25Nm, and check the torque.
1.0 320
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Compressor Exhaust Hose - 1.5L 2. Fix the compressor exhaust hose to the condenser, fit
Remove 1 bolt, tighten to 19-25Nm, and check the torque.
1. Recycle the A/C system refrigerant. 3. Remove the plug, fit the new seal ring to the A/C
pipeline, and apply clean compressor oil.
A/C System Refrigerant Recycle
4. Fix the compressor exhaust hose to the compressor, fit
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
1 bolt, tighten to 19-25Nm, and check the torque.
3. Remove the bottom deflector.
5. Fit the front bumper assembly.
Bottom Deflector Remove
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
4. Remove the front bumper assembly.
6. Fit the bottom deflector.
Front Bumper Assembly Remove
Bottom Deflector Refit
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the compressor exhaust hose to
7. Connect the battery negative.
the compressor, disconnect the pipeline, and discard
the seal ring. 8. Fill the A/C system refrigerant.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent A/C System Refrigerant Refill
1.0 321
HVAC System HVAC Structure
1.0 322
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Pressure Switch Condenser
Remove Remove
1. Recycle the A/C system refrigerant. 1. Recycle the A/C system refrigerant.
1.0 323
HVAC System HVAC Structure
Coolant Drain
4. Remove the air filter assembly.
7. Remove 3 nuts fixing the A/C box assembly to the 5. Fix the A/C box assembly to the front firewall, fit 3
front firewall. nuts, tighten to 5-7Nm, and check the torque.
6. Fit the water pipe clips and connect the water pipe.
7. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline,
and apply clean compressor oil to it.
8. Fix the A/C hard pipe assembly to the expansion valve,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 19-25Nm, and check the torque.
9. Fit the air filter assembly.
1.0 324
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Air Filter Assembly Refit Evaporator Core
10. Refill the coolant. Remove
1. Remove the A/C box assembly.
Coolant Refill
11. Refill the A/C system refrigerant. A/C Box Assembly Remove
2. Remove the expansion valve.
A/C System Refrigerant Refill
12. Connect the battery negative. Expansion Valve Remove
13. Perform a self-learning for the A/C servo motor. 3. Remove the heater core.
a. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the Heater Core Remove
VDS. 4. Remove the screw and clip fixing the vent box to the
heater, and remove the vent box.
b. Select "Fast Channel - Learning Value/Adjustment -
A/C Servo Motor Self-learning", and operate as per 5. Remove the evaporator temperature sensor.
the instructions on the screen. 6. Remove the clip and screw securing the heater cover,
and disassemble the heater box.
7. Remove the evaporator core.
1. Fit the evaporator to the heater assembly.
2. Secure the heater cover with clips, fit and tighten the
3. Fit the evaporator temperature sensor.
4. Fix the vent box to the heater box, secure with clips,
fit and tighten the screw.
5. Fit the heater core.
Heater Core Refit
6. Fit the expansion valve.
1.0 325
HVAC System HVAC Structure
1. Remove the plug, fit the new seal ring to the A/C
pipeline, and apply clean compressor oil.
2. Fix the expansion valve to the A/C box, fit 2 screws,
tighten to 5–7Nm, and check the torque.
3. Remove the plug, fit the new seal ring to the A/C
pipeline, and apply clean compressor oil.
4. Fix the A/C hard pipe assembly to the thermostatic
expansion valve, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 19-25Nm, and
1.0 326
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Blower Motor Assembly Blower Speed Regulation Resistor
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the harness connector of the blower. 2. Disconnect the harness connector of the blower speed
3. Remove 3 screws fixing the blower assembly to the regulation resistor.
A/C box. 3. Remove 2 screws fixing the blower speed regulation
resistor to the A/C box.
1.0 327
HVAC System HVAC Structure
1. Fit the A/C filter cover and secure with clips.
2. Fit the glove box assembly.
1.0 328
HVAC Structure HVAC System
A/C Drain Pipe Heater Core Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Pry off the clip and remove the passenger side heater 1. Remove the A/C box assembly.
closing plate.
A/C Box Assembly Remove
2. Disconnect the pipeline from the body and A/C box.
2. Remove the sealing gasket of the pipeline.
3. Remove the A/C drain pipe.
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the water pipe clamp of the
Refit heater core to the A/C box, and remove the pipe clamp.
1. Fix the A/C pipe to the body and A/C box.
2. Fit the A/C drain pipe.
3. Fit the passenger side heater closing plate and secure
with clips.
1.0 329
HVAC System HVAC Structure
3. Remove the instrument panel air duct. 1. Fit the body relief valve - left.
Refit 2. Fit the rear bumper assembly.
1. Fix the instrument panel air duct to the instrument
Rear Bumper Assembly Refit
panel, fit 9 screws, tighten to 1.4–1.8Nm, and check
the torque.
2. Fit the instrument panel assembly.
1.0 330
HVAC Structure HVAC System
Body Relief Valve - Right
1. Remove the rear bumper assembly.
1. Fit the body relief valve - right.
2. Fit the rear bumper assembly.
1.0 331
Description Value
Bolt-Controller to cross member dash 2-4Nm
Screw-A/C control panel to IPK 2–3Nm
Bolt-Distribution flap servo motor to heater case 0.6–1Nm
Bolt-Blend flap servo motor to heater case 0.6–1Nm
1.0 332
Description and Operation
System Layout
A/C Control Panel
1.0 333
1.0 334
System Control Diagram
1.0 335
Overview To "Face + Footwell". Direct the air to distribute
through the footwell, side and centre air outlets.
Select blower speed, air temperature, air circulation, air
distribution, etc. by operating the A/C control panel. In
the electronic A/C system, functions such as blower speed, To "Footwell". Direct the air to distribute through
air temperature, air circulation, air distribution, etc. are the footwell air outlets.
selected manually. The whole system consists of the following Note: In this mode, a small amount of airflow
components: will be directed to distribute through the side,
• A/C control panel windshield side and windshield air outlets.
• A/C controller
• Evaporator temperature sensor To "Footwell + Windshield". Direct the air to
distribute through the windshield and footwell air outlets.
• Blower
• Damper actuator Heated Rear Window
Note: The air volume adjustment knob is also the Press the air circulation mode button on the control
A/C system switch knob. Adjust the air volume to 0 panel, switch the circulation damper to internal circulation, and
to turn off the A/C system. the indicator on the button illuminates.
Temperature Adjustment When the vehicle receives a reverse signal and a windshield
Rotate the temperature adjustment knob washing signal, internal/external circulation will be
clockwise/anti-clockwise to increase/decrease the air outlet automatically switched, and the automatic switching function
temperature. will be disabled in the defrost/defog mode.
1.0 336
If the defrost/defog mode is selected, operate the A/C When the temperature monitored is lower than a certain
switch button to turn on/off the compressor; operate the value, the compressor will be requested to turn off to prevent
air circulation mode button to switch between internal and the evaporator freezing.
external circulation, without quiting the defrost/defog mode
A/C Pressure Switch
in either case; operate other air distribution functions to
switch to corresponding air distribution mode and quit the The A/C pressure sensor signal varies within 0.2 - 4.8V.
defrost/defog mode. When the A/C refrigerant pressure is low, its signal value will
approach to 0V. When the A/C refrigerant pressure is high, its
signal value will approach to 5V. The engine control module
Evaporator Temperature Sensor (ECM) converts the A/C pressure sensor voltage signal to a
The evaporator temperature sensor is a negative temperature pressure value. When the pressure is too high or too low, the
coefficient thermistor. The sensor is in the evaporator, which engine control module will stop the A/C compressor.
is used to measure the surface temperature of the evaporator.
1.0 337
When the request of air volume change is shown on the A/C During the operation of compressor, the ECM may cut off the
control panel, the A/C controller controls the speed of the power supply of clutch in the following situations:
blower motor by increasing or decreasing the voltage at the • The ECM receives feedback from the pressure switch,
blower motor ground end with the blower speed regulation and the value is higher or lower than certain threshold;
resistor. • The ECM receives the temperature value from the A/C
Intake Control evaporator temperature sensor, and the value is lower
When the request of intake air source change is shown than certain threshold;
on the A/C control panel, the A/C controller enables the • The ECM receives the request of acceleration.
internal/external circulation actuator to change the damper
1.0 338
Service Procedures A/C Panel - ETC
A/C Controller Assembly - ETC Remove
Remove 1. Remove the centre console upper trim panel assembly.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Centre Console Upper Trim Panel Assembly
2. Remove the A/C panel - ETC. Remove
A/C Panel - ETC Remove 2. Remove 4 screws fixing the A/C panel to the instrument
3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the A/C controller to the panel.
instrument panel beam.
1.0 339
1.0 340
Evaporator Core Temperature Sensor Temperature Damper Actuator
Remove Remove
1. Remove the heater core. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1.0 341
Description Value
Screw-A/C control panel to IPK 2–3Nm
Bolt-Fresh recirculated air flap servo motor to heater case 0.6–1Nm
1.0 342
Description and Operation
System Layout
A/C Panel
1.0 343
1.0 344
System Control Diagram
MTC System Control Diagram
1.0 345
Description off after heating for 8 minutes. When the heated rear window
Overview works, press the button again to turn off the heating function,
then the indicator on the button goes out.
In manual A/C system, functions such as air temperature, air
distribution and blower speed are selected manually. Note: The heated rear window function works only
when the engine is running.
Manual Air Conditioning System
A/C Switch:
The control system consists of the following components:
• Manual controller Press the A/C switch to switch on the air conditioner. Press
the switch again to switch off the air conditioner.
• Evaporator temperature sensor
• Blower speed regulation resistor Blower Switch:
Heated Rear Window * The A/C pressure sensor signal varies within 0.2 - 4.8V.
When the A/C refrigerant pressure is low, its signal value will
Press the Heated Rear Window button to enable approach to 0V. When the A/C refrigerant pressure is high, its
the heated rear window function, and the indicator on the signal value will approach to 5V. The engine control module
button will illuminate. The heated rear window function will (ECM) converts the A/C pressure sensor voltage signal to a
automatically turn off after operating for 15 minutes. Operate pressure value. When the pressure is too high or too low, the
it for a second time within 5 minutes, and automatically turn engine control module will stop the A/C compressor.
1.0 346
Operation Mode Control
Overview Adjust the mode damper cable manually and drive the angle of
Manual A/C controller operates according to the followings the damper.
inputs: Compressor Control
• Blower speed When refrigeration request is shown on the A/C control
• Evaporator temperature value panel, the A/C controller will receive the switch signal and
• A/C pressure value then transmit to the engine control module via the bus; the
engine control module will engage the compressor clutch,
The manual A/C controller controls the followings after
meanwhile the engine accessory belt drives the compressor
manual settings on the panel:
to operate, thereby driving the refrigerant to circulate.
• Blower speed
During the operation of compressor, the engine control
• Internal/external circulation damper motor position
module may cut off the supply of clutch in the following
Blower Speed Control situations:
When the request of blower speed change is shown on the • The engine control module receives feedback from the
A/C control panel, the A/C controller controls the speed of pressure switch, and the value is higher or lower than
the blower motor by increasing or decreasing the voltage at certain threshold;
the blower motor ground end with the blower speed control • The engine control module receives the temperature
resistor. value from the A/C evaporator temperature sensor, and
Intake Control the value is lower than certain threshold;
When the request of intake air source change is shown • The engine control module receives the request of
on the A/C control panel, the A/C controller enables the acceleration.
internal/external circulation actuator to change the damper
Temperature Control
Adjust the temperature damper cable manually and change the
angle of the damper.
1.0 347
1.0 348
Recirculated Damper Actuator
1. Remove the glove box assembly.
1.0 349
1.0 350
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
Front Wheel Steering
Description Value
Bolts-Steering pump to Steering oil pipe 26–30Nm
Nuts-Steering outer tie rod 63–73Nm
Nuts-Steering outer tie rod to steering arm 28–32Nm
-Steering inner tie rod 70-80Nm
Bolts-Steering oil pipe bracket to Steering pump 7–10Nm
Bolts-Steering machine flowline fixed to the machine 7–10Nm
Bolts-Steering pump to Steering oil pipe 36–40Nm
Bolt - subframe to body 90–110Nm
Nuts - anti-roll bar to links 45–55Nm
Bolts-Steering gear to front subframe 90–110Nm
Bolts-Steering column intermediate shaft to Steering gear 19–25Nm
Bolts-Steering pump to Steering bracket 19–25Nm
Bolts-Steering pulley to Steering pump 9–11Nm
Bolts-Steering oil pipe bracket to Steering pump 7–10Nm
Bolts-Steering oil pipe bracket to Steering pump 7–10Nm
Bolts-Steering pump to the machine into the tubing is fixed 7–10Nm
to the right front longitudinal beam
Bolts-Steering pump to the machine into the tubing is fixed 7–10Nm
on the steering pump
Bolts-Turning machine flowline fixed to the left front 7–10Nm
longitudinal beam
Bolts-Steering oil pipe bracket to Subframe 7–10Nm
Bolts-Steering cooling pipe to Bulkhead 6.5–7.5Nm
Model Hydraulic servo-assist type steering gear can reach linear
transmission ratio steering system
Steering Column:
1.0 351
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
1.0 352
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
Power Steering Gear Exploded View
1.0 353
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
1.0 354
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
Description Warning: Care is required when working on the hydraulic
Overview systems, since the high pressure fluid can be hot and, when
the pump is operating, reach pressures in excess of 10000
The steering system mainly includes: a two-part foldaway
KPa(1450 lbf/in2) causing a risk of personal injury.
steering column, a power steering gear, a power steering fluid
pump, a power steering fluid reservoir, a steering fluid cooler Power Steering Fluid Flow
and steering fluid hard pipe and hose. The fluid pressure from the power steering fluid pump is
Power Steering Gear transferred to the conversion valve via the steering pinion, the
control valve controls the fluid pressure and changes the fluid
The power steering gear is fitted in an appropriate position
flow direction. The fluid is directed to the pressure cylinder
under the rear beam of the front subframe. Since the mounting
on the corresponding side of the steering gear, generating
point of the power steering gear and the suspension pivot are
steering pinion and rack propelling forces. The pressure
determined by the precisely machined rigid front subframe,
fluid returns from the pressure cylinder of the steering gear
it is possible to maintain the relative designed geometric
through a circular channel of the fluid return pipe. Before
dimensions between the steering pinion and rack mechanism
the power fluid returns to the steering fluid reservoir, in this
and the suspension at any time. The power steering gear
circular channel the power steering fluid cools. The steering
is fixed by two bolts and nuts. The power steering gear
fluid reservoir stores the power steering fluid.
shall rotate 2.85 cycles from one locking position to another
and the rubber bellows hood covers the moving area of the Power Steering Fluid Reservoir
steering pinion and rack. One end of the steering outer tie The power steering fluid reservoir consists of the body, lid
rod is fitted on the threaded steering gear and fixed with and filter assembly. On the lid, there is a fluid level gauge of
locking nuts, which can be used to adjust alignment of the steering fluid reservoir integrated with the lid and an O-ring
steering system. The other end of the steering outer tie rod is preventing fluid leakage. The filter assembly is fitted at the
entirely fixed with locking nuts to the steering arm stretching bottom of the steering fluid reservoir. The filter is made of
out from the front wheel hub. fine stainless steel wire mesh molded in the filter bracket. The
Power Steering Pump filter detracts particles in the steering fluid reservoir before
the steering fluid enters into the fluid supply pipeline. The
The pressure of the steering system is supplied by the vane
filter is a maintenance-free component. The basic function of
power steering pump which is driven by the crankshaft through
the steering fluid reservoir is to maintain a certain amount
steering pump belt. When the engine operates, hydraulic oil is
of surplus steering fluid in the hydraulic system to allow the
pumped out of the fluid reservoir by the steering pump. The
expansion and contraction of the steering fluid at different
fluid amount to be transferred and pressure are adjusted by the
temperatures. Ensure that the fluid supply pipe is always
flow control valve in the power steering pump, and the excess
covered by the steering fluid under all operating conditions.
fluid returns to the inlet of the oil pump through internal oil
Any air in the hydraulic system will be discharged from the
liquid inside the steering fluid reservoir.
1.0 355
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
Operation through the gear and rack. When the engine and the power
The turning of the steering wheel is transferred to the steering pump operate, the high pressure fluid flow in the
conversion valve on the rack mechanism of steering gear by steering gear offers steering power.
the steering column. The rotational motion of the steering Neutral Position
wheel is transformed to a linear motion of the steering rack
When the steering wheel is in the driving forward state, the and sensed by pistons on both sides of the power steering
power steering fluid will flow from the power steering pump cylinder. As the power steering cylinder has equal pressure
to the conversion valve. Slots of the outer cylindrical slide on both sides, the steering wheel shall be kept in the middle
valve are in line with the rotor slots, so that the fluid pressure position. Because most fluid has returned to the steering fluid
is over the conversion valve. Some pressures are applied to reservoir, the pressure at each side of the piston is very low.
the fluid inlet and outlet side of the power steering cylinder
1.0 356
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
Turn Left
When the steering wheel is rotated counterclockwise, the power steering cylinder through the aligned slot, so that
rotor and torsion bar rotate in the same direction. The slot the pressure of the left power steering cylinder increases.
position on the rotor moves from the middle aligned position, The return flow port of the right power steering cylinder is
blocking the fluid flow from returning to the steering fluid open, allowing the fluid to flow into the power steering fluid
reservoir. From now on, the fluid pressure from the power reservoir from the right power steering cylinder piston. The
steering pump flows into the slot newly aligned by the rotor pressure difference between left and right power steering
and the outer cylindrical slide valve from the power steering cylinder pistons generates steering power.
pump; the liquid pressure is directed to the left side of the
1.0 357
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
Turn Right
When the steering wheel is rotated clockwise, the rotor and steering column, making the rotor shaft rotate in the same
torsion bar rotate in the same direction. The slot position amount of rotation as the steering wheel. The rotational
on the rotor moves from the middle aligned position, blocking motion is also passed to the torsion bar from the rotor. If
the fluid flow from returning to the steering fluid reservoir. the wheel resistance is very high (for example in the parking
From now on, the fluid pressure from the power steering state), the torsion bar will rotate. The rotation of the torsion
pump flows into the slot newly aligned by the rotor and the bar means that the amount of rotation of the pinion and slide
outer cylindrical slide valve from the power steering pump; the valve is slightly less than that of the rotor. The rotation of
liquid pressure is directed to the right power steering cylinder the torsion bar makes the slots in the rotor and the torsion
through the aligned slot, so that the pressure of the right power bar out of the alignment position, the gap between the two
steering cylinder increases. The return flow port at the left slots becomes bigger. The greater the road resistance of the
side of the power steering cylinder is open, allowing the fluid to wheels to the steering rotation is, the larger the misalignment
flow into the power steering fluid reservoir from the left power of the slots in the rotor and the torsion bar becomes. As the
steering cylinder piston. The pressure difference between left misalignment increases, the liquid pressure flowing through the
and right power steering cylinder pistons generates steering corresponding side of the power steering cylinder increases.
power. When the road resistance of the wheels or the steering force
Cumulative Power applied to the steering wheel decreases, the torque applied
to the rotor decreases, the torsion bar is released, thus the
The cumulative power steering depends on the road resistance
misalignment of the slots in the rotor and the torsion bar
of the wheels opposite to the rotation direction of the front
decreases and the fluid pressure applied to the corresponding
wheels. When the steering wheel is turned left or right, the
side of the power steering cylinder decreases.
rotational motion is passed to the rotor shaft through the
1.0 358
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
Hydraulic Circuit
After the engine start, the power steering pump sucks the fluid pressure is directed to the corresponding side of the
power steering fluid from the steering fluid reservoir into power steering cylinder piston to offer steering power so
the low-pressure fluid inlet pipe and turns the fluid to the as to reduce the necessary steering force. The discharged
high-pressure fluid at the fluid outlet. Though a high-pressure power steering fluid due to piston movement in the power
fluid pipe, the high-pressure fluid comes to the conversion steering cylinder returns to the steering fluid reservoir from
valve. If no steering force is applied, the pressures at both the conversion valve through a power steering fluid cooling
sides of the power steering cylinder piston are equal. The pipe. The power steering fluid cooling pipe reduces the
remaining fluid returns to the steering fluid reservoir from temperature of the power steering fluid, extending the service
the conversion valve through a power steering fluid cooling life of the hoses and seals of the system.
pipe. If a steering force of turning to any side is applied, the
1.0 359
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
a. Fit the pressure gauge T38001 and hoses to the g. If the pressure exceeds the above value, there may
valve assembly T38002, and tighten the connectors. be something wrong.
1.0 360
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod Steering Gear Boot
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front wheels. 1. Remove the bottom deflector.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod Remove
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands. 3. Remove and discard the outer boot clamp of the
3. Remove and discard 1 nut fixing the steering gear outer steering gear.
tie rod to the knuckle. Disconnect the steering gear 4. Remove and discard the inner boot clamp of the
outer tie rod from the knuckle. steering gear.
4. Loosen the locking nut of the steering gear outer tie
1.0 361
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
1.0 362
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
pipe to the steering gear.
14. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the bracket of the steering
gear oil outlet pipe to the steering gear bracket, and
remove the oil outlet pipe.
1.0 363
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
5. Fit the steering gear oil outlet pipe to the steering gear Power Steering Pump
and tighten the pipe connector to 36–40Nm. Remove
6. Locate the front subframe to the body with the 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
hydraulic lifting equipment, fit 6 bolts and tighten to 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Remove
7. Fit the front exhaust pipe assembly.
3. Place a container to collect the spilled liquid.
Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly Refit
4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the oil inlet pipe
8. Fit 1 bolt fixing the mount bracket to the subframe and (steering pump to steering gear) to the steering pump.
tighten to 90–110Nm.
9. Fit the outer tie rod of the steering gear.
1.0 364
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
inlet pipe to the power steering pump, and tighten to
6. Fix the bracket of the oil inlet pipe (steering pump to
steering gear) to the steering pump, fit 1 bolt, tighten
to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fit the bottom deflector.
1.0 365
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
Oil Inlet Pipe (Reservoir to Steering Pump) Oil Inlet Pipe - Steering Pump to Steering Gear
Remove Remove
1. Place a container to collect the spilled liquid. 1. Place a container to collect the spilled liquid.
2. Disconnect the clamp fixing the oil inlet pipe (reservoir 2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the oil inlet pipe
to steering pump) to the steering pump, and disconnect (steering pump to steering gear) to the steering pump.
the pipeline.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
1.0 366
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
6. Remove and discard the nut (2) fixing the front
horizontal stabilizer bar to the connecting rod of the
front horizontal stabilizer bar.
10. Remove the front exhaust pipe assembly. 14. Remove the oil inlet pipe (steering pump to steering
Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly Remove
11. Support the front subframe assembly with the hydraulic
lifting equipment, remove and discard 6 bolts fixing 1. Remove the plug to fit the new seal ring, fix the oil inlet
the front subframe to the body, and lower the front pipe connector (steering pump to steering gear) to the
subframe. steering gear, tighten the pipe connector to 36–40Nm,
and check the torque.
2. Fix the bracket of the steering gear oil inlet pipe to the
steering gear bracket, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm,
and check the torque.
3. Locate the front subframe to the body with the
hydraulic lifting equipment, fit 6 bolts and tighten to
4. Fit the front exhaust pipe assembly.
Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly Refit
1.0 367
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
5. Fit 1 bolt fixing the mount bracket to the subframe and Steering Gear Oil Outlet Pipe
tighten to 90–110Nm. Remove
6. Fit the front lower swing arm assembly. 1. Remove the bottom deflector.
Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly Refit Bottom Deflector Remove
7. Fit the outer tie rod of the steering gear. 2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the steering gear
oil outlet pipe to the subframe.
Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod Refit
8. Locate the front horizontal stabilizer bar to the
connecting rod of the front horizontal stabilizer bar, fit
1 nut and tighten to 45–55Nm.
9. Fix the oil inlet pipe (steering pump to steering gear)
to the right front longitudinal beam, fit 2 bolts, tighten
to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
10. Fit the bottom deflector.
1.0 368
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
gear oil outlet pipe to the left front longitudinal beam,
and disconnect the pipeline.
13. Disconnect the clamp (2) fixing the steering gear oil
outlet pipe to the steering cooling pipe, and disconnect
the pipeline.
1.0 369
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
the subframe, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check Steering Cooling Pipe
the torque. Remove
12. Fit the bottom deflector. 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.
Bottom Deflector Refit Front Bumper Assembly Remove
13. Bleed the steering system. 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
Steering System Bleeding Bottom Deflector Remove
3. Place a container to collect the spilled liquid.
4. Disconnect the clamp (2) fixing the steering gear oil
outlet pipe to the steering cooling pipe, and disconnect
the pipeline.
1.0 370
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
2. Fix the steering cooling pipe to the radiator beam, fit 2 Reservoir Oil Return Pipe Assembly
bolts, tighten to 6.5–7.5Nm, and check the torque. Remove
3. Remove the plug, fix the steering gear oil outlet pipe to 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.
the steering cooling pipe and secure with clamps. Front Bumper Assembly Remove
4. Fit the bottom deflector. 2. Place a container to collect the spilled liquid.
Bottom Deflector Refit 3. Disconnect the clamp (2) fixing the reservoir oil return
5. Fit the front bumper assembly. pipe to the steering cooling pipe, and disconnect the
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
1.0 371
Steering System Front Wheel Steering
1.0 372
Front Wheel Steering Steering System
Special Tools
Tool Description Picture
PAS pressure
test equipment
T38002 hydraulic
pressure test
pressure test
Adaptor power
steering pump
TCH00094 power steering
pressure Test
1.0 373
Steering System Steering Wheel and Column
1.0 374
Steering Wheel and Column Steering System
Service Procedures Steering Wheel Positioning/Adjustment
Steering Wheel Assembly Check
Remove 1. Ensure correct tyre pressure and maintain the vehicle
1. Disconnect the battery negative. in unladen mass condition.
2. Remove the steering wheel airbag. 2. Shake the vehicle back and forth to release the stress
for steering and suspension.
Steering Wheel Airbag Remove
3. Please apply the four-wheel aligners recommended
3. Put the steering wheel in the centre and allow the
by our company when measuring the front wheel
wheel to be in the front.
alignment parameters.
4. Disconnect the harness connector of the steering
4. Check if the front wheel alignment parameter is within
the specified tolerance range.
5. With the steering wheel stopped, loosen the bolt fixing
the steering wheel to the steering column, after the Four-wheel Alignment Check
steering wheel is fully loosened from the splines of the Adjustment
steering column, remove the bolt. 1. If the steering wheel exceeds the alignment value
a. Loosen the right locking nut.
1.0 375
Steering System Steering Wheel and Column
8. Remove the screws to remove the clock spring from a. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the
the steering column, and take care not to damage the VDS.
b. Select "Fast Channel - Learning Value/Adjustment
Refit - SAS Reset Self-learning", and operate as per the
Caution: If the peg on a new rotary coupler is broken, or instructions on the screen.
if you suspect that the rotary coupler has been dropped
c. Select "Fast Channel - Learning Value/Adjustment -
or mishandled, discard the coupler.
SAS Zero Position Self-learning", and operate as per
1. Before fitting, ensure the red locating pin of the clock the instructions on the screen.
spring is not removed or damaged and the front wheels
10. Perform a system check, rotate each lever of the
face the front.
steering switch and check if it can work.
2. Ensure the clock spring to be fitted is in the centre, if
11. Check if the buttons of the entertainment switch on
it is not, gently rotate the rotor counterclockwise to
the steering wheel can work.
the end, then turn it clockwise for about 2.7 circles.
Align the connector clip with the Lock Pin position (this
location is the centre).
1.0 376
Steering Wheel and Column Steering System
Steering Wheel Entertainment Switch Upper Steering Column
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Pull out the key from the ignition switch, disconnect the
2. Remove the steering wheel airbag. negative battery cable. After 10s, disconnect the SRS
backup circuit before it works.
Steering Wheel Airbag Remove
2. Remove the combination switch.
3. Pry off the clip gently and remove the steering wheel
Combination Switch Remove
entertainment switch.
3. Remove the driver side lower trim panel assembly.
4. Disconnect the connector of the steering wheel
entertainment switch. Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly Remove
Refit 4. Disconnect the clip fixing the harness to the upper
1. Connect the harness connector on the back of the steering column.
steering wheel entertainment switch. 5. Remove and discard 1 bolt fixing the universal joint of
2. Fix the steering wheel entertainment switch to the the upper steering column to the intermediate shaft.
steering wheel.
3. Fit the steering wheel airbag.
1.0 377
Steering System Steering Wheel and Column
3. Fix the harness to the steering column and secure with Intermediate Shaft
clips. Remove
4. Fit the driver side lower trim panel assembly. 1. Keep the wheels facing forward and lock the steering
Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly Refit wheel.
2. Remove the driver side lower trim panel assembly.
5. Fit the combination switch.
Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly Remove
Combination Switch Refit
6. Connect the battery negative and the SRS circuit. 3. Remove and discard 1 bolt fixing the upper steering
column to the intermediate shaft.
1.0 378
Steering Wheel and Column Steering System
Steering Column Lower Trim Cover Mechanical Steering Column Lock
Remove Remove
1. Release the steering column to the lowermost position. 1. Remove the upper steering column.
2. With a screwdriver, carefully disconnect the upper trim Upper Steering Column Remove
cover from the lower trim cover, and remove the gap
2. Fix the upper steering column to the drilling machine.
cover strip of the steering column together.
3. Drill a small hole in the retaining screw head of the
3. Remove 3 screws fixing the lower trim cover of the
steering column lock, choose a broken screw extractor
steering column to the steering column.
with an appropriate diameter to rotate the screw out,
and do not damage adjacent parts.
4. Remove the steering column lock.
1. Put the steering column lock into the upper steering
2. Secure with new mounting screws, tighten them to
11–14Nm, and twist off the screw heads.
3. Fit the upper steering column.
1.0 379
1.0 380
Wheel Alignment Suspension System
Wheel Alignment
Description Value
Nuts - steering rod 63–73Nm
Four-wheel Alignment Parameter
Front Wheel
Camber –36′±45′
1.0 381
Suspension System Wheel Alignment
1.0 382
Wheel Alignment Suspension System
Service Procedures
Four-wheel Alignment
1. Only the recommended equipment by the company can
be used for four-wheel positioning adjustment.
2. The equipment must be calibrated according to the
manufacturer's requirements.
3. Ensure that the vehicle data input into the equipment
is correct.
4. Check the steering rod ball joint, front lower arm ball
joint and wheel bearing for wear or proper running.
Replace or repair it if necessary.
5. Check and adjust the tyre pressure.
6. Raise the vehicle on a four-wheel aligner.
7. Ensure that the vehicle is in unladen mass condition.
8. Ensure that the wheel mounting clamp has been
adjusted to a correct specification and has been fixed
firmly to the vehicle.
9. Ensure that the camera has been fitted and aligned
10. Align and adjust the wheels according to the
manufacturer's instruction. Lower the vehicle and keep
the vehicle suspension in normal state.
11. Ensure that the steering wheel is positioned in the
1. Observe the readings indicated on the test equipment,
and adjust the four-wheel positioning dada according
to the requirements.
2. Front Wheel Alignment Adjustment:
1.0 383
Suspension System Front Suspension
Front Suspension
Description Value
Bolts - front damper to knuckle 90–110Nm
Bolt - lower arm outer ball joint to swivel hub 50–65Nm
Nuts - steering rod outer ball joint 28–32Nm
Screws - front speed wheel sensor 7–10Nm
Screws - front brake disc to knuckle 30–36Nm
Bolts - front brake caliper to knuckle 90–110Nm
Nuts - rear spindle 320–350Nm
Nuts - lower arm outer ball joint (60±5)Nm+60°±5°
Nut - lower arm outer ball joint to swivel hub 50–65Nm
Nut - lower arm rear bush to subframe lock 90Nm+90°
Nut - lower arm front bush to subframe lock 90Nm+90°
Nuts - piston rod top 54–62Nm
Bolts - subframe brace to body 60–80Nm
Nut - anti-roll bar links to damper 50–65Nm
Bolts - anti-roll bar bush and clamp to subframe 22–28Nm
Nuts - anti-roll bar to links 45–55Nm
Bolt - subframe to body 90Nm+180°
Front Lower Arm L shaped, steel forged with lightening holes. Ball joints at forward
inner and outer joints
Anti Roll Bar Diameter 20.5mm
Front Spiral Spring Data:
Total Turns 4.8
Active coils 3.8
Wire diameter 11.6mm
1.0 384
Front Suspension Suspension System
Description and Operation
System Layout
Front Suspension
1.0 385
Suspension System Front Suspension
1.0 386
Front Suspension Suspension System
Front Damper Components
1.0 387
Suspension System Front Suspension
The front subframe is a fabricated steel construction made up A hexagon is provided in the outer end of the damper rod to
of precise components welded together to form a light weight, restrain the rod from rotating when the nut is tightened.
high structural strength assembly. The damper rod is sealed in the damper with a low friction
Geometric machining of all key positions takes place after seal.
construction to ensure the precise locations of front An angled spring seat is integral with the damper body.
suspension and steering system components.
A welded bracket on the body of the damper provides the
The subframe is attached to the body via 6 solid mounting location point for the anti roll bar link.
points, this helps to increase the stiffness of the front subframe.
A bearing is fitted to the underside of the top mount assembly A solid spring steel ARB is used that operates via ARB links
and allows the spring to rotate as the steering is operated. secured to each damper (dedicated bracket).
A dust cover is fitted between the bump stop and the damper The ARB is attached to the front of the subframe with two
and protects the damper rod from dirt and damage. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bushes that are secured with
clamp plates and bolts.
The coil spring axis is offset to the axis of the damper.
The low friction bushes PTFE require no additional greasing
This arrangement provides side load compensation, which and allow the ARB to rotate freely with quiet operation.
reduces friction within the damper.
This allows the bar to respond quickly to roll inputs and allows
stiffer bushes to be used as there is relatively little compression
Each damper is handed, is gas charged and oil filled, and is of or twisting.
twin tube construction.
Washers are attached to the ARB to locate the outside of each
bush and prevent sideways movement of the bar.
1.0 388
Front Suspension Suspension System
The ends of the ARB are attached to each strut spring seat via The lower ball joint is mounted at 180° to the axis of the link
an ARB link. and attaches to the ARB and is secured with a locknut.
This arrangement allows the ARB to act on a ratio of The link must be attached to the ARB with the ball joint on
approximately 1:1 with the wheel travel providing maximum the outboard side of the bar and the locknut facing inwards.
roll bar effectiveness.
The ball joints on the ARB links are not serviceable and if
Each ARB link has a ball joint fitting at each end, which improves replacement of either is necessary, a new link will be required.
response and efficiency.
The top ball joint is mounted on the axis of the link and attaches
directly to the damper strut and is secured with a locknut.
1.0 389
Suspension System Front Suspension
Service Procedures
Front Hub
1. Raise vehicle on lift.
2. Remove front wheel.
Wheel Remove
3. With an assistant applying brakes, remove and discard
drive shaft hub nut.
12. Remove M10 nut from ball pin and release track rod
ball joint from hub.
13. Remove screw securing ABS speed sensor, release
sensor and position aside.
9. Remove nut securing track rod to steering arm and 16. Remove 2 nuts/bolts securing damper to hub.
discard nut.
10. Fit an M10 nut to ball pin, flush with end of pin.
11. Using T38008 release track rod ball joint from steering
1.0 390
Front Suspension Suspension System
19. Position brake hose and ABS sensor harness to
damper, secure.
20. With an assistant applying brakes, fit drive shaft hub nut
and tighten to 320–350Nm.
21. Stake drive shaft hub nut.
22. Fit road wheel.
23. Lower the vehicle.
24. Check wheel alignment.
Wheel Alignment
17. Using T32011release hub from lower arm ball joint.
18. Release drive shaft from hub.
19. Remove hub assembly from damper.
1.0 391
Suspension System Front Suspension
1. Clean hub and bearing mating faces.
2. Using TCH00019 support hub, use TCH00067 to
press the new bearing into hub.
5. Fit hub.
1.0 392
Front Suspension Suspension System
Front Lower Arm
1. Remove wheel.
Wheel Refit
2. Remove nut/bolt securing lower arm ball joint to hub,
remove ball pin shield.
1. If necessary position ball pin to lower arm, fit nuts/bolts,
tighten to (60±5) )Nm+60°±5°.
2. Position lower arm to vehicle, locate front and rear
3. Insert bolt in front bush, start nut, do not fully tighten
at this stage.
3. Release ball joint from hub.
4. Insert bolt in rear bush, loosely tighten.
4. Remove bolt from lower arm rear pivot bush.
5. Position lower ball pin shield.
6. Locate lower arm ball pin in hub, fit nut/bolt, tighten
to 50–65Nm.
7. Tighten lower arm rear bush bolt to 90Nm+90°.
8. Tighten lower arm front bush nuts/bolts to 90Nm+90°.
9. Fit wheel.
Wheel Refit
10. Carry out wheel alignment check.
Wheel Alignment
1.0 393
Suspension System Front Suspension
4. Discard bush.
1. Position new bush to arm on suitable press.
2. Using TCH00069 and TCH00070 press bush into
lower arm.
1. Position ball pin to lower arm, fit nuts/bolts, tighten to
( 60±5) )Nm+60°±5°.
2. Locate lower arm ball pin in hub, fit nut/bolt, tighten
to 50–65Nm.
3. Fit wheel.
3. Refit front lower arm.
Wheels Refit
Front Lower Arm Refit
4. Carry out wheel alignment check.
Wheel Alignment
1.0 394
Front Suspension Suspension System
Front Lower Arm Front Bush Front Damper
Remove Remove
1. Remove front lower arm. 1. Raise vehicle on lift.
1.0 395
Suspension System Front Suspension
7. Lower vehicle. damper. Ensure bump stop and bump stop washer are
8. Remove nut securing damper to body, retrieve washers. correctly located in dust cover.
5. Fit spring to damper.
6. Position spring/damper assembly to spring compressor
T32016 and T32017. Compress spring.
7. Ensuring correct orientation, fit spring mounting plate
and rubber to damper shaft.
8. Fit washer and new nut.
9. Hold shaft with an Allen key, tighten nut to 54–62Nm.
10. Release spring tension, release shoes, remove spring
11. Clean damper/spring location on underside of wing.
12. Position damper/spring assembly to body, fit washers,
tighten nut to 60–80Nm.
9. Remove spring and damper assembly.
13. Locate hub to damper, fit nuts/bolts, tighten to
10. Position spring compressor T32016 and T32017 in 90–110Nm.
suitable vice.
14. Clean anti-roll bar link, fit to damper, tighten nut to
11. Position spring and damper assembly to spring 50–65Nm. Use an open ended spanner on the flats
compressor. Compress spring. provided to prevent ball stud rotation.
15. Secure brake hose and ABS sensor harness to
brackets. Secure ABS sensor harness and brake hose
in swivel clip.
16. Fit road wheel.
Wheel Refit
17. Lower the vehicle.
18. Check wheel alignment.
Wheel Alignment
12. Hold shaft with an Allen key, remove piston rod top
nut. Discard nut.
13. Remove washer and mounting turret with bearing.
14. Remove isolator.
15. Remove spring.
16. Remove bump stop washer, bump stop and dust cover.
17. Remove isolator.
18. Release spring tension, release shoes and remove spring
from compressor.
1. Inspect damper, spring mounting rubbers and bearing
for deterioration and damage.
2. Inspect damper dust cover and bump stops for signs of
deterioration and damage.
3. Wipe damper shaft and bump stop cup.
4. Fit bump stop, bump stop washer and dust cover to
1.0 396
Front Suspension Suspension System
Anti Roll Bar Anti Roll Bar Bush
Remove Remove
1. Remove front subframe. 1. Raise vehicle on hoist.
Front Subframe Remove 2. Remove bolts securing anti roll bar brackets to
1.0 397
Suspension System Front Suspension
Wheel Refit
1.0 398
Front Suspension Suspension System
8. Loosen the front bushing of the front lower swing arm Refit
from the front subframe. 1. Locate 2 new bolts to the corresponding holes of the
body but do not tighten them.
2. Locate 4 new bolts to the corresponding holes of the
body but do not tighten them.
3. Tighten 2 bolts to 90Nm+180°.
4. Tighten 4 bolts to 90Nm+180°.
5. Connect the rear bushing of the front lower swing
arm to the front subframe, and tighten the bolt to
6. Connect the front bushing of the front lower swing
arm to the front subframe, and tighten the bolt to
7. Connect the connecting rod of the stabilizer bar to
9. Remove and discard 6 bolts fixing the front subframe the horizontal stabilizer bar, and tighten the nut to
to the body in white. 45–55Nm.
8. Fit the exhaust pipe to the vehicle.
Four-wheel Alignment
1.0 399
Suspension System Front Suspension
Support front
Lever front TCH00019
T32011 lower arm ball
Support front
TCH00067 hub bearing and
Remover front drive flange
hub bearing
Replacer front
Support front hub bearing
Remover and
replacer front
Support front TCH00069
lower arm bush
TCH00068 hub bearing and (big)
drive flange
1.0 400
Front Suspension Suspension System
Tool Description Picture
Support front
TCH00070 lower arm bush
Remover and
replacer front
lower arm bush
Support front
TCH00072 lower arm bush
Coil spring
T32017 coil spring
1.0 401
Suspension System Rear Suspension
Rear Suspension
Description Value
Nut - rear damper to body 55–65Nm
Bolts - rear damper to trailing arm 140–170Nm
Nuts - rear spindle 320–350Nm
Bolts - rear subframe to bracket 90–110Nm
Screw - hand brake clip bracket 7–10Nm
Rear suspension
1.0 402
Rear Suspension Suspension System
Description and Operation
System Component Layout
Rear Suspension Layout
1.0 403
Suspension System Rear Suspension
1. Rear Suspension Damper Assembly 4. Rear Suspension Lower Spring Vibration Isolator
2. Rear Suspension Upper Spring Vibration Isolator 5. H Frame Member Mounting Bracket Assembly
3. Rear Suspension Spring 6. H Frame Member Assembly
1.0 404
Rear Suspension Suspension System
Rear Shock Absorber Disassembled View
1.0 405
Suspension System Rear Suspension
• Coil springs A hole in the lower isolator is provided for water drainage
and must be aligned with corresponding hole in the lower arm
• Dampers
when fitted.
• H frame member
Rear Shock Absorber
H Frame Member
The dampers are gas charged and oil filled and are of twin tube
The H frame member consist of a couple of trailing arm, a
cross beam , a lower coil spring seat , a damper fixing point
and a stub axle. The twin tube construction allows the damper piston to
operate on an inner tube with an oil/ gas cavity between the
The trailing arms are fabricated structure which is attached to
inner and outer tubes.
the body via two fabricate mounting brackets, forward of the
rear wheels. This minimises oil cavitation and eliminates the effect of
damage to the outer tube affecting piston operation.
A fabricated bracket inboard of each stub axle connected to
the trailing arm and cross beam provides the lower coil spring The lower damper mounting is fitted with a non-serviceable
seat. bush that is attached to the trailing arm with a bolt and washer.
The trailing arm, rearward of the stub axle provides the lower This mounting position gives the damper an approximate ratio
damper fixing point. of 1:1, which is beneficial for damping control.
A stub axle is bolted with four bolts to each side of the frame The damper rod is located in a bush in a top mounting and is
and provides location for the rear brakes and road wheels. secured with a rebound plate and a locknut.
The ‘twist beam ’ principle use angled pivot bushes which have The top mounting is attached to the body with two bolts.
a special construction to decrease the vertical vibration of the The rebound plate fitted between the damper rod locknut and
body. the top mounting cushions forces as the damper rod reaches
Coil Spring full extension.
Coil springs, manufactured from chromium steel, are fitted A spring aid plate and a spring aid are fitted over the rod
between the body and the lower arm. and cushion the damper operation if maximum bump travel
is reached.
Each spring is located in upper and lower spring isolators which
reduce noise transmitted to the body from the suspension.
Both isolators are positively retained to the spring.
1.0 406
Rear Suspension Suspension System
Service Procedures Rear Spring
Rear Damper Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Remove wheel.
1. Remove wheel. Wheel Remove
Wheels Remove 2. Place suitable support under rear lower arm.
2. Place suitable support under rear lower arm. 3. Remove lower damper mounting to subframe bolt.
3. Remove rear damper upper mounting to body fixings.
Wheel Refit
Wheel Refit
1.0 407
Suspension System Rear Suspension
1. Fit rear drive flange/hub bearing.
2. Position washer.
3. Fit new nut, tighten to 320–350Nm.
4. Using a suitable chisel knock in locking stake.
5. Fit grease cap.
8. Lower subframe, remove rear springs.
6. Refit brake drum.
9. Remove subframe mounting fixings.
Brake Drum
1.0 408
Rear Suspension Suspension System
6. Fully tighten lower damper bolts to 140–170Nm.
7. Refit brake flexible hose to subframe, fit brake pipe,
secure clip.
8. Position handbrake cable clips to subframe, tighten
9. Refit ABS sensors.
Handbrake Cable
11. Bleed brakes.
Four-wheel Alignment
1.0 409
Suspension System Tires and Wheels
1.0 410
Tires and Wheels Suspension System
Wheel Rim Specification 6.0J×15 6.5J×16 5.5J×14
Tyre Specification 185/65 R15 195/55 R16 185/70 R14
1.0 411
Suspension System Tires and Wheels
Service Procedures
Warning: Do not use silicone lubricant on the or wheel rim
or tyre edge. Clean tyre edge before removing. Use 50%
non-silicone lubricant and 50% water based lubricant to
these areas prior to refitting.
1. Remove the wheel trim cover assembly with a
2. Remove 4 highway type wheel bolts with a circular
ended wrench of the vehicle hand tools.
3. Place the vehicle at the lifting platform and lift to a
certain height. Warning: If there is oil leakage between the wheel and the
4. Remove wheels. brake disc or drum, it will cause the wheel bolts to become
loose and result in injury with the vehicle out of control.
5. Remove the tyre and the wheel valve assembly.
Never use heat to remove a seized wheel. This will shorten
Warning: Use a tyre changer to remove the tyre. Manual the life of the wheel, wheel bolts, hub and bearing. Wheel
tools or prybar could damage the road wheel or tyre. bolts must be tightened in correct sequence and to correct
Caution: Do not place the wheel face down on the ground torque to avoid distortion of wheel, brake drum or disc.
to avoid scratching. 5. Refit the wheel trim cover assembly.
Caution: Please clean the corrosive on the surface of the
road wheel, drum and brake disc before refitting. If wheel,
disc and drum contact surfaces are not properly cleaned,
the wheel bolts could become loose and may cause the
wheel to fall off while the vehicle is moving. This will cause
the vehicle to go out of control, and could cause injury.
1.0 412
Tires and Wheels Suspension System
Tyre Pressure Monitoring Controller Tyre Pressure Sensor
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Remove the wheels.
2. Remove the centre console assembly. Wheels Remove
Centre Console Assembly Remove 2. Exhaust the tyres.
3. Disconnect the electrical connector of the tyre 3. Press the tyre at the valve core on the tyre changer
pressure monitoring controller. until the tyre pressure sensor is exposed.
4. Loosen 2 nuts and remove the tyre pressure monitoring 4. Remove the locking nut fixing the tyre pressure sensor
controller. and the valve core assembly to the wheel, and remove
the tyre pressure sensor and the valve core assembly.
1. Fix the tyre pressure monitoring controller to the Refit
centre console bracket with nuts and tighten the nuts
1. Fit the new tyre pressure sensor and the valve core
base assembly to the wheel hub, fit and tighten the
2. Connect the electrical connector of the tyre pressure locking nut to 4.5–5.5Nm.
monitoring controller.
Keep the tyre from the electronic module during the tyre
3. Fit the centre console assembly.
mounting process.
Centre Console Assembly Refit 2. Inflate the tyres.
4. Connect the battery negative. 3. Fit the wheels.
5. Perform a self-learning for the tyre pressure monitoring
Wheels Refit
system (TPMS).
4. Perform a self-learning for the tyre pressure monitoring
system (TPMS).
1.0 413
1.0 414
Brake Brake System
Description Value
Nuts - master cylinder to servo 21–29Nm
Bolt - hose to panel 7–10Nm
Nuts -Brake pipe unions to master cylinder 15–19Nm
Nuts - pedal box to body 19–25Nm
Nuts - servo to ped 19–25Nm
Bolts - pedal box to body 19–25Nm
Nuts - ped box to body 19–25Nm
Blots - clutch cylinder to pedal box 7–10Nm
Screw - accelerator to body 8Nm
Bolt - brake lamp switch to pedal box 8–12Nm
Bolt - brake caliper 90–110Nm
Front brake hose to caliper housing 16–18Nm
Screw - front brake bleeding 7–9Nm
Screw - front brake disk to hub 7–10Nm
Bolt - front caliper housing to hub 85–105Nm
Screw - cap drum-brake 6–8Nm
Bolt - wheel cylinder to back-plate 7–13Nm
Rear brake hose to rear brake drum connection 15–19Nm
Screw - rear brake bleeding 9–13Nm
Bolt - EVP to bracket 7–10Nm
1.0 415
Brake System Brake
1.0 416
Brake Brake System
Description The tandem master cylinder contains two chambers and
Vacuum Servo Assembly associated pistons.
The vacuum servo/booster assembly provides boost during Each piston/chamber controls a circuit, the rear piston
braking to reduce the pedal force required for braking. produces brake pressure for the primary circuit, this covers
LHF & RHR, the front piston produces brake pressure for the
In a case of the vacuum booster assembly failure, the hydraulic
secondary circuit, and this covers RHF & LHR.
system maintains brake function, but greater pedal braking
force is required due to lack of vacuum assistance. The remote brake fluid reservoir is installed higher than the
master cylinder in order to maintain a gravitational feed.
The vacuum booster assembly is connected to the bulkhead
(LHD)/pedal box (RHD) via 4 studs. The fluid reservoir is partitioned inside to feed fluid to each
brake circuit independently, thus avoiding the condition that
The brake master cylinder assembly is connected via two fixing
both circuits could become devoid of fluid.
bolts at the front end of the vacuum booster assembly.
The brake fluid reservoir utilizes a fluid level switch.
The brake servo assembly consists of a circular housing which
contains two diaphragms, a central plate, a control valve A reed style switch, featuring a permanent magnet and float is
assembly, input and output push rods and a filter. installed in the fluid reservoir which is linked to the fluid level,
handbrake and EBD warning lamp in the instrument pack.
The input push rod is connected to the brake pedal.
Front Brake
The output push rod locates in the primary piston of the
master cylinder. Each front brake consists of a single-piston sliding brake caliper
assembly fitted to the hub and a ventilated brake disc.
A protective gaiter is installed on the control valve assembly
Rear Brake
where it extends from the rear of the housing.
Each rear brake consists of a back plate, a brake drum, brake
A port in the front face of the housing is connected to a vacuum
shoes, a hydraulic wheel cylinder, a self adjusting rod and return
line from the engine.
A non return valve is incorporated into the vacuum line.
The back plate is installed on the stub axle, retained by the stub
The control valve assembly consists of a valve body containing axle bolts and provides location for brake shoes and hydraulic
a valve, a piston, a valve spring and an input rod spring. wheel cylinder.
The valve controls a vacuum port in the valve body. The brake drum is fitted to the flange of bearing, and rotates
The piston controls an air inlet port between the valve and the with the wheels.
piston. Each rearward brake shoes is fitted with a handbrake cable
A reaction disc and a ratio disc separate the piston from the lever.
output push rod. Brake Pedal and Brake Lamp Switch
A guide tube on the front of the valve body is attached to the The brake pedal is installed on a pivot shaft in the pedal
front diaphragm and supported in a bush in the central plate. mounting bracket on the engine bulkhead.
A return spring locates in the open end of the guide tube. A clevis pin and clip connect the input rod of the brake servo
to the brake pedal.
Brake Master Cylinder Assembly
A tandem brake master cylinder is installed on the brake servo A tang on the end of the brake pedal activates a plunger style
assembly. brake switch in the pedal mounting bracket.
Fluid is supplied via a remote reservoir connected to the The brake switch is adjustable and secured in position using a
master cylinder via two rubber hoses. lock nut.
The master cylinder is fixed to the front of the brake servo via The brake lamp switch provides two brake pedal state outputs,
2 stud fixings. one power, the other ground.
When the brake pedal is pressed, the brake master cylinder This signal is supplied to the ECM and used to illuminate the
assembly produces hydraulic pressure so that the brake stop lamps.
1.0 417
Brake System Brake
2. Loosen the clip fixing the brake fluid level switch to the
brake fluid reservoir and remove the switch.
1. Fit the brake fluid level switch to the brake fluid
reservoir and secure with clips.
2. Connect the connector to the brake fluid level switch.
4. Loosen 2 brake pipes (1) from the brake master
5. Remove 2 nuts and washers (2) fixing the master
cylinder to the vacuum booster and discard the nuts.
1.0 418
Brake Brake System
Vacuum Booster Assembly
1. Remove the brake master cylinder and reservoir
6. Remove and discard the axis pin and block pin (2) fixing
the push rod of the vacuum booster to the brake pedal.
1.0 419
Brake System Brake
Brake pedal
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove steering column closing panel base.
Steering Column
3. Remove brake pedal push rod clip and clevis pin.
4. Remove clutch master cylinder push rod clip and clevis
5. Remove clutch master cylinder fixings, manipulate
cylinder to one side.
6. Disconnect brake light switch, clutch pedal switch and
8. Remove the vacuum booster assembly. throttle position sensor electrical connectors.
1.0 420
Brake Brake System
17. Remove clutch pedal. Brake lamp switch
18. Remove brake pedal. Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the steering column lower cover plate.
Steering Column Lower Cover Plate Remove
3. Release the brake lamp switch harness connector.
4. Refit the inner nut securing the brake lamp switch to
the pedal bracket with an open spanner, remove the
outer nut and the brake lamp switch.
1. Position brake pedal and spring.
2. Partially insert pedal pivot.
3. Position clutch pedal and spring.
4. Fully insert pivot pin.
5. Fit clutch/brake pedal pivot pin retaining clip.
6. Fit pedal springs.
7. Position clutch pedal switch.
1. Adjust the initial position at the time of brake lamp
8. Position brake light switch.
switch refit. Release the pedal first and keep it in the
9. Position pedal box assembly to brake servo and initial position. Then allow the brake lamp switch
bulkhead. contact to contact with the brake pedal, adjust the
10. Fit pedal box to body fixings, tighten to19–25Nm stretching length of the brake lamp switch contact
11. Fit pedal box/brake servo fixings, secure to 19–25Nm (between the pedal and the outer nut), ensure that the
stretching length is kept within 0.5-1.5mm.
12. Fit brake pedal clevis pin and clip.
2. Secure the inner nut of the brake lamp switch with
13. Refit clutch master cylinder, tighten fixings to 7–10Nm
an open spanner, refit the outer nut and tighten to
14. Fit clutch pedal push rod pin and clip. 8–12Nm.
15. Refit throttle pedal/position sensor, tighten fixings to 3. Connect the brake switch connector.
4. Refit the steering column lower cover plate assembly.
16. Refit all electrical connectors.
Steering Column Lower Cover Plate Refit
17. Adjust clutch and brake pedal switches.
5. Connect the battery negative.
18. Fit steering column closing panel.
1.0 421
Brake System Brake
1.0 422
Brake Brake System
Brake Pads – Front sensor must be renewed, otherwise the warning light will
Remove still be illuminated.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported 9. Untie caliper housing and position to caliper carrier
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands. and align. Fit guide pins and tighten..
Warning: Brake pads must be renewed in axle sets only, 10. Fit caps to guide pin dust covers.
otherwise braking efficiency may be impaired. 11. Fit anti-rattle spring clip to carrier housing.
1. Raise vehicle on lift. 12. Check and top up brake fluid reservoir.
2. Remove front wheels. Caution: Never re-use fluid that has been bled from the
Wheels brake system.
3. Remove anti-rattle spring from caliper housing. 13. Fit wheels.
4. Remove 2 caps from guide pin dust covers.
5. Remove 2 guide pins from caliper housing.
14. Lower the vehicle.
6. Release caliper housing from caliper carrier and tie
15. Operate brake pedal several times to seat brake pads.
Tip: Pedal travel may be longer than normal during first
Caution: Don’t tie brake caliper on brake hose.
brake applications.
7. Remove brake pads from caliper housing.
1. Remove any scale and loose corrosion from around
edge of disc. Clean caliper housing and caliper carrier
using brake cleaning fluid.
Warning: Do not use compressed air to clean brake
components. Dust from friction materials can be harmful
if inhaled.
2. Inspect caliper and seals for damage.
3. Remove bleed screw cap, connect bleed hose and
bottle to bleed screw. Loosen bleed screw.
4. Press piston into caliper housing then tighten bleed
screw to 7–9Nm.
5. Disconnect bleed hose and remove bottle.
6. Secure bleed screw cap.
7. Fit brake pads to caliper housing.
8. Lubricate guide pins with anti-seize grease.
Caution: If brake pads low warning light was illuminated
on the instrument pack before changing brake pads, the
1.0 423
Brake System Brake
1.0 424
Brake Brake System
11. Fit wheel. Brake Drum
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
12. Press brake pedal several times to seat brake pads.
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands.
13. Lower the vehicle.
Warning: Brake pads must be renewed in axle sets only,
otherwise braking efficiency may be impaired.
1. Raise vehicle on lift.
2. Remove rear wheels.
3. Remove brake drum retaining screw/s.
6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Operate brake pedal several times to seat brake shoes.
1.0 425
Brake System Brake
Brake Drum
4. Clean brake shoes and components using brake cleaning
fluid. 1. Remove any scale and loose corrosion from around
edge of drum. Clean brake shoes and components
Warning: Do not use compressed air to clean brake
using brake cleaning fluid.
components. Dust from friction materials can be harmful
if inhaled. Warning: Do not use compressed air to clean brake
components. Dust from friction materials can be harmful
5. Compress clips and rotate to release brake shoe
if inhaled.
retaining pins, remove retaining pins.
2. Fit adjuster wheel ratchet plate and vertical spring.
6. Ease one shoe out of lower retaining groove in
abutment followed by other shoe. 3. Position adjuster on leading shoe.
7. Detach shoe abutment return spring from leading shoe 4. Locate upper spring in both brake shoes.
end and remove spring. 5. Manipulate brake shoes over adjuster rod.
Tip: The forward shoe is leading shoe, and the shoe 6. Remove elastic band from wheel cylinder.
connecting with parking brake cable is trailing shoe. 7. Position brake shoes onto brake drum and wheel
8. Release hand brake cable from brake shoe lever. cylinder.
9. Manoeuvre shoe assembly around wheel cylinder and 8. Locate handbrake cable in lever.
remove. 9. Position lower brake shoe spring in both shoes.
Caution: Ensure edges of brake shoes do not damage 10. Position shoes on abutment.
wheel cylinder dust covers. 11. Fit brake shoe retaining pins and clips.
10. Fit an elastic band around wheel cylinder to retain 12. Manually adjust brakes.
pistons. Brakes - Adjust
11. Manipulate trailing shoe to remove from adjuster 13. Fit brake drums.
Brake Drum
12. Detach upper spring from shoes.
14. Adjust handbrake cable.
13. Remove adjuster wheel ratchet plate and vertical spring.
14. Screw adjuster mechanism fully in. Handbrake Cable - Adjust
15. Lower the vehicle.
16. Operate brake pedal several times to seat brake shoes.
1.0 426
Brake Brake System
Brake Shoes – Manually Adjust Hydraulic Wheel Cylinder
Manually Adjust Remove
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands. only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands.
1. Release handbrake. Warning: Brake pads must be renewed in axle sets only,
Handbrake Cable - Adjust otherwise braking efficiency may be impaired.
4. Clean brake shoes and components using brake cleaning 3. Place suitable brake hose clamp on flexible brake hose.
fluid. 4. Remove bleed nipple.
Warning: Do not use compressed air to clean brake 5. Release brake pipe union, remove pipe from cylinder.
components. Dust from friction materials can be harmful 6. Remove wheel cylinder to back-plate fixings.
if inhaled. 7. Withdraw wheel cylinder.
5. Use suitable screwdriver to rotate brake shoe adjuster Refit
nut 1 notch.
1. Clean brake shoes and components using brake cleaning
6. Refit brake drum, ensure no resistance. fluid.
7. Repeat above until light resistance felt.
Warning: Do not use compressed air to clean brake
8. Back off adjuster 1 notch. components. Dust from friction materials can be harmful
9. Fit brake drum/s. if inhaled.
10. Adjust handbrake cable. Caution: Ensure edges of brake shoes do not damage
wheel cylinder dust covers.
Handbrake Cable - Adjust
11. Lower the vehicle. 3. Fit cylinder to back-plate fixings, secure to 7–13Nm.
12. Operate brake pedal several times to seat brake shoes. 4. Fit brake pipe union, secure to 15–19Nm.
5. Fit bleed nipple, do not fully tighten at this stage.
Tip: Pedal travel may be longer than normal during first
brake applications. 6. Manually adjust brake shoes.
7. Fit brake drum/s – do not refit wheel/s.
Brake Drum
8. Remove brake flexible hose clamp.
9. Bleed brakes.
Brake Bleed
10. Fit wheel/s.
11. Lower the vehicle.
12. Operate brake pedal several times to seat brake shoes.
1.0 427
Brake System Brake
Brake System Bleeding brake calipers in the following order: left rear, left
Bleeding front, right front.
Warning: Do not allow brake fluid to come into contact
with eyes or skin.
Caution: Never re-use fluid that has been bled from the
brake system.
Caution: During the entire bleeding process, ensure the 9. Lower the vehicle.
new brake fluid level in the brake reservoir is between the
10. Refill the brake fluid reservoir to the MAX mark.
Min. and Max. position.
11. Apply the brake and check for leakage.
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
12. Test the vehicle on the road. Check the minimum
3. Remove the bleed screw dust cover at the right rear stroke of the brake pedal when the brake is functioning.
brake caliper, and fit the hose to the bleed screw.
Immerse the free end of the hose into the container
with new brake fluid.
1.0 428
Brake Brake System
Electronic Vacuum Pump
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the harness connector of the electronic
vacuum pump.
3. Disconnect the electronic vacuum pump from the
vacuum brake hose.
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the electronic vacuum pump to
the bracket.
1.0 429
Brake System Brake
Special Tools
Tool Description Picture
Brake disc
runout test kit
1.0 430
Park Brake Brake System
Park Brake
Description Value
Bolt - brake cable to body 7–10Nm
Bolt - brake cable to rear frame 19–25Nm
1.0 431
Brake System Park Brake
1.0 432
Park Brake Brake System
Description A warning switch on the lever operates a warning lamp in the
Parking Brake instrument pack.
The parking brake consists of a transmission tunnel mounted When applying the hand brake, the warning switch connects
lever assembly that features a standard ratchet locking system the instrument pack warning lamp with ground, if the ignition
with a push button release. switch is ON, the warning lamp illuminates.
An adjustable compensator rod connects the lever to twin The instrument pack performs a self-check on the bulb every
cables. ignition cycle.
1.0 433
Brake System Park Brake
Exhaust Heatshield
5. Release handbrake cables from equaliser assembly.
6. Release grommet.
7. Remove equaliser.
1. Position equaliser through floor.
2. Position floor grommet.
3. Fit cables to equaliser assembly.
4. Fit exhaust heatshield.
Exhaust Heatshield
4. Tighten adjuster nut until: 5. Lower the vehicle.
Notch 1 - rear brake drums turn without resistance, handbrake 6. Fit adjusting nut.
warning lamp in instrument pack on or off. 7. Adjust handbrake cable.
Notch 2 - rear brake drums turn with light resistance, Handbrake Cable - Adjust
handbrake warning lamp in instrument pack on.
1.0 434
Park Brake Brake System
Handbrake Cable – Rear
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands.
1. Release handbrake cable adjustment.
Handbrake Cable - Adjust
2. Raise vehicle on lift.
3. Remove rear brake shoes.
4. Release hand brake cable from back-plate.
5. Remove handbrake cable from floor retaining clips.
9. Remove cable.
1. APosition cable, fit floor retaining clips 7–10Nm.
2. Secure rear subframe retaining clips 19–25Nm.
3. Fit cable to equaliser assembly.
4. Fit exhaust heatshield.
Exhaust Heatshield
5. Position cable in back-plate.
6. Fit brake shoes.
7. Lower the vehicle.
6. Remove handbrake cable from rear subframe retaining 8. Adjust handbrake cable.
Handbrake Cable - Adjust
Exhaust Heatshield
8. Release handbrake cable from equaliser assembly.
1.0 435
Brake System Park Brake
Handbrake Lever
1. Remove centre console.
Centre Console
2. Remove handbrake adjuster nut.
Handbrake Cable - Adjust
3. Release handbrake switch electrical connector
4. Remove handbrake lever to floor fixings.
Centre Console
1.0 436
Brake Module Brake System
Brake Module
Description Value
Screws - front speed wheel sensor 7–10Nm
Screws - rear speed wheel sensor 7–10Nm
Blots - SCS to bracket 7–10Nm
Brake pipe to SCS 15-19Nm
1.0 437
Brake System Brake Module
1.0 438
Brake Module Brake System
System Control Diagram
Brake System ABS Control Logic Diagram
1.0 439
Brake System Brake Module
Warning: ABS is an aid to retaining steering control and EBDThe function of the EBD is to optimize the distribution
stability while braking: of the hydraulic pressure between the front and rear axles to
keep the vehicle at a stable state in brake process according to
• ABS cannot defy the natural laws of physics acting
the vehicle load condition and road conditions.
on the vehicle
• ABS will not prevent accidents resulting from With the ABS ECU in the normal brake mode, the vehicle
excessive cornering speeds, following another vehicle deceleration of 0.3g and above (i.e., moderate to high
too closely, aquaplaning, etc. brake pedal load), the EBD function can be automatically
implemented in forward or reverse mode.
• The additional control provided by ABS must never
be exploited in a dangerous or reckless manner which EBDIts operation is similar to the ABS, but the EBD operates
could jeopardise the safety of the driver or other road at lower wheel slip limit, and the EBD is only applicable to the
users rear wheel brake.
• The fitting of ABS does not imply that the vehicle will During braking, if the ABS ECU detects that the rear axle
always stop in a shorter distance. wheel is slower than the front axle wheel, that is, the possibility
Tip: During normal braking the feel of the brake pedal on of wheel slip exists, the ABS ECU will send a signal to the
vehicles equipped with ABS will be the same as that on hydraulic pressure regulator to turn off the fluid inlet solenoid
non ABS vehicles. During anti-lock braking operation, the valve of the rear wheel brake.
driver will experience feedback in the form of a pulsating This prevents further increase of the hydraulic pressure of
brake pedal and solenoid/pump motor noise from the ABS the rear wheel brake but allows the hydraulic pressure of the
modulator. front wheel brake to increase, the whole brake force is thus
In conventional brakes, the ABS does not work. maximized.
Brake fluid directly flows into each wheel cylinder from the If the rear wheel speed returns to the calibration wheel slip
reservoir through HCU channel to apply brake to each wheel. limit range, the ABS ECU will send a signal to turn on the
fluid inlet valve gradually, which allows progressive increase of
Once ABS ECU detects that a wheel locking occurs through the hydraulic pressure of the rear axle brake.
the wheel speed sensor, ECU will give an order to close the
inlet valve, and the brake fluid will no longer flow into the EBDIts operation can be felt through the following ways: the
wheel cylinder. movement of the brake pedal is more violent by turning off the
fluid inlet solenoid valve and the brake pedal has a slight pulse
Meanwhile, the outlet valve is opened to discharge the as a result of the fluid inlet solenoid valve's turning on.
hydraulic oil from the wheel cylinder to allow the wheel to
rotate. When the brake pedal is released, the EBD will stop
If it is detected that a wheel slips normally, the outlet valve will
be closed due to low brake pressure and the brake fluid will EBDThe wheel slip limit that enables the EBD varies with the
flow into the wheel cylinder from the inlet valve to increase vehicle speed.
the brake force.
1.0 440
Brake Module Brake System
Service Procedures ABS Sensor - Rear
ABS Sensor - Front Remove
Remove Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands.
only by a jack.Always support the vehicle on safety stands. 1. Raise vehicle on lift.
1. Raise vehicle on lift 2. Remove ABS sensor to back-plate fixing.
2. Remove wheel/s. 3. Withdraw sensor.
Wheels 4. Locate and disconnect ABS sensor block connector.
3. Remove ABS sensor fixing. 5. Release sensor wiring from retaining clips.
4. Withdraw sensor from hub assembly. Refit
5. Locate and disconnect ABS sensor block connector. 1. Insert ABS sensor into back-plate, secure fixing to
6. Release sensor wiring from retaining clips. 7–10Nm.
1. Insert ABS sensor into hub assembly, secure fixing to 3. Connect ABS sensor block connector.
7–10Nm 4. Lower the vehicle.
2. Secure ABS sensor harness in retaining clips. 5. Clear any fault codes using diagnostic equipment.
3. Connect ABS sensor block connector
4. Fit wheel/s.
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Clear any fault codes using diagnostic equipment.
1.0 441
Brake System Brake Module
1.0 442
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
Description Value
Bolt - lower arm outer ball joint to swivel hub 50–65Nm
Nuts - steering rod outer ball joint 28–32Nm
Nuts - anti-roll bar to links 45–55Nm
Nut - front drive shaft 350 – 370 Nm
1.0 443
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
1.0 444
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
Left Drive Shaft Disassembled View
1.0 445
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
Description All joints are packed with grease and protected by gaiters.
Each drive shaft comprises of a solid shaft with inner and outer Both drive shafts are fitted with dynamic dampers.
constant velocity joints.
The drive shaft transmits engine torque, via the gearbox, to
The inner joint is of the tripode type with spherical bushing to the front wheels.
reduce sliding resistance.
The dynamic dampers reduce any vibration produced by the
The shaft and joint are one assembly. drive shaft's rotation.
The outer joint is a constant velocity ball and socket type which
is splined to the shaft and secured with a snap ring.
1.0 446
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
Diagnostic shake may also refer to the swing occurs in the front and the
Diagnosis rear of the vehicle.
Mechanical Check The start shake of the front-wheel drive vehicle may caused by
When rotating, a rattle sound can be heard. the followings:
When the worn or damaged constant velocity universal joint • Internal tee universal joint is worn or damaged.
of the front wheel drive shaft rotates, a rattle sound may be • Internal universal joint is severely worn or ceratoid.
heard. If there's a rattle sound, check the constant velocity
The universal joint shows severe ceratoid angle, which is
universal joint shield of the front wheel drive shaft for crack or
normally caused by the excessive height of the front cocked
head or the spring. When the power assembly suspension is
A "clunk" sound can be heard during accelerating
damaged or mismatched, following situations may occur:
and sliding.
• Angle of the universal joint is oversize.
If a "click" sound can be heard during rotation, check the
followings: • Start Shake
• Check the external universal joint for wear or damage. During rapid acceleration, high torque of the vehicle power
assembly causes increase of the front suspension. When the
• Check the seal for breakage or damage.
suspension raises, the angle of the internal tee universal joint
Shake or Vibration When Accelerating
will increase accordingly. Start shake may occur when following
Start Shake situations appear:
Start shake refers to the vibration felt on the steering wheel • Universal joint is worn.
and/or the front of the vehicle when the vehicle is shifted from
• Oversize angle exists before acceleration.
static starting to rapid accelerating. During acceleration, start
1.0 447
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
Service Procedures
RH Shaft & Both Joints
1. Raise vehicle on lift.
2. Remove wheel.
Wheel Remove
3. Prise locking device from nut. With an assistant pressing
brake pedal, remove and discard drive shaft nut.
4. Remove nut from track rod end, fit an M10 nut to ball
pin, flush with end of pin.
5. Break taper joint using toolT38008and release end
from track rod.
13. Remove and discard drive shaft circlip.
6. Remove nut from ball pin.
1. Fit new drive shaft circlip.
2. Clean ends of drive shaft and locations in hub and
3. Fit drive shaft to differential and push fully home.
4. Clean mating face of drive shaft support bracket and
cylinder block.
5. Pull hub outwards, engage drive shaft to hub and fit
hub to lower ball joint.
6. Fit nut and bolt securing hub to lower arm and tighten
to 50–65Nm.
7. Ensure lower ball joint is fully engaged in hub and bolt is
located in ball joint groove.
7. Remove nut securing link to anti roll bar and release
link. 8. Ensure tapers in track rod end and steering arm are
clean and rubber boot is not damaged.
8. Remove nut and bolt securing hub to lower arm.
9. Fit track rod end to steering arm and tighten nut to
9. UsingT32011 release lower arm ball joint.
10. Ensure anti-roll bar and link mating faces are clean.
11. Position link to anti roll bar, fit and tighten nut
12. Fit new drive shaft nut and tighten nut to 350 – 370
Nm m.
13. Stake the nut to drive shaft.
14. Fit wheel
Wheel Fit
15. Lower the vehicle.
10. Take care not to damage lower ball joint rubber gaiter.
11. Pull hub outward to release drive shaft from hub.
12. Release drive shaft from differential using TCH00001,
remove shaft.
1.0 448
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
LH Shaft & Both Joints
1. Raise vehicle on lift.
2. Remove wheel.
Wheel Remove
3. Prise locking device from nut. With an assistant pressing
brake pedal, remove and discard drive shaft nut.
4. Remove nut from track rod end, fit an M10 nut to ball
pin, flush with end of pin.
5. Break taper joint using toolT38008and release end
from track rod.
6. Remove nut from ball pin.
13. Remove and discard drive shaft circlip.
1. Fit new drive shaft circlip.
2. Clean ends of drive shaft and locations in hub and
3. Fit drive shaft to differential and push fully home.
4. Clean mating face of drive shaft support bracket and
cylinder block.
5. Pull hub outwards, engage drive shaft to hub and fit
hub to lower ball joint.
6. Fit nut and bolt securing hub to lower arm and tighten
to 50–65Nm.
7. Remove nut securing link to anti roll bar and release 7. Ensure lower ball joint is fully engaged in hub and bolt is
link. located in ball joint groove.
8. Remove nut and bolt securing hub to lower arm. 8. Ensure tapers in track rod end and steering arm are
clean and rubber boot is not damaged.
9. UsingT32011 release lower arm ball joint.
9. Fit track rod end to steering arm and tighten nut to
10. Ensure anti-roll bar and link mating faces are clean.
11. Position link to anti roll bar, fit and tighten nut
12. Fit new drive shaft nut and tighten nut to 350 – 370
Nm m.
13. Stake the nut to drive shaft.
14. Fit wheel
Wheel Fit
15. Lower the vehicle.
10. Take care not to damage lower ball joint rubber gaiter.
11. Pull hub outward to release drive shaft from hub.
12. Release drive shaft from differential using TCH00001,
remove shaft.
1.0 449
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
5. Using circlip pliers, release circlip, remove joint from 5. Using circlip pliers, release circlip, remove tripod joint
drive shaft and discard. from drive shaft, discard circlip.
1.0 450
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
Inner Joint Gaiter
1. Remove inner CV joint
1.0 451
Driveline/Axle Driveline/Axle
Special Tools
Tool Description Picture
Remover ball
Lever front
T32011 lower arm ball
Remover drive
1.0 452
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
Interior Trim and Paneling
Description Value
Bolt-‘BC’upper post trim to Body 1.5–2.2 Nm
Bolt-front seat belt to body 35–45Nm
Bolt - rear seat belt to lower ‘D’ post 30–35Nm
Bolt-‘D’upper post trim to Body 1.5–2.2 Nm
1.0 453
Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling
Service Procedures 5. Pry off the screw hole cover, and remove 1 screw fixing
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof the front door interior trim panel to the rear side of
Membrane the door.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Pry off the inner handle screw hole cover, and remove
1 screw fixing the inner door handle to the door.
6. Pry off the clip fixing the front door interior trim panel
to the door, remove and discard the clip.
1.0 454
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
window switch must be fitted to the front door interior Front Door Inner Handle
trim panel. Remove
4. Fit the new clip to the door trim panel, fit the stay wire 1. Remove the front door interior trim panel and
of the inner handle cable assembly, connect the harness waterproof membrane.
connector, align the interior trim panel clip with the
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
corresponding panel mounting hole, and fit the rear
Membrane Remove
door interior trim panel.
2. Remove 3 screws fixing the front door inner handle to
5. Fit and tighten 1 screw fixing the power window switch
the back of the door interior trim panel.
to the door, and fit the screw hole cover.
6. Fit and fix 1 screw fixing the inner handle to the door,
and fit the screw hole cover.
7. Fit and tighten 2 screws (front and rear) fixing the front
door interior trim panel to the door. Fit the screw
8. Connect the battery negative.
3. Pry off the clip and remove the front door inner handle
from the door interior trim panel.
1. Locate the inner door handle to the front door interior
trim panel, press the clip in place and secure with 3
2. Fit the front door interior trim panel and waterproof
1.0 455
Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof the rear door interior trim panel to the rear side of
Membrane the rear door.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Pry off the inner handle screw hole cover, and remove
1 screw fixing the inner door handle to the door.
6. Pry off the clip fixing the rear door interior trim panel
to the door, remove and discard the clip.
1.0 456
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
3. To remove the power window switch, the power Rear Door Inner Handle
window switch must be fitted to the rear door interior Remove
trim panel. 1. Remove the rear door interior trim panel and
4. Fit the new clip to the door trim panel, fit the stay wire waterproof membrane.
of the inner handle cable assembly, connect the harness
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
connector, align the interior trim panel clip with the
Membrane Remove
corresponding panel mounting hole, and fit the rear
door interior trim panel. 2. Remove 3 screws fixing the rear door inner handle to
the back of the door trim panel.
5. Fit and tighten 1 screw fixing the power window switch
to the door, and fit the screw hole cover.
6. Fit and fix 1 screw fixing the inner handle to the door,
and fit the screw hole cover.
7. Fit and tighten 2 screws (front and rear) fixing the rear
door interior trim panel to the door. Fit the screw
8. Connect the battery negative.
3. Pry off the clip, and remove the rear door inner handle
from the door interior trim panel.
1. Locate the inner door handle to the rear door interior
trim panel, press the clip in place and secure with 3
2. Fit the rear door interior trim panel and waterproof
1.0 457
Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling
1.0 458
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
B/C Pillar Upper Trim Panel B/C Pillar Lower Trim Panel
Remove Remove
1. Pry off the door weatherstrips on both sides of the B 1. Pry off the door weatherstrips on both sides of the B/C
pillar upper trim panel assembly. pillar lower trim panel assembly.
2. Pry off the bolt cap fixed on the B pillar upper trim 2. Pry off the front part of the doorsill trim panel and the
panel and remove 1 screw. rear part of the A pillar lower trim panel.
3. Pry off the clips of the B/C pillar lower trim panel
assembly, and remove the B/C pillar lower trim panel
1.0 459
Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling
1. Locate the D pillar lower trim panel on the body and
4. Pry off the clip, and remove the D pillar upper trim press the clip in place.
2. Fit the D pillar upper trim panel.
5. Fold down the rear seat back, remove 1 bolt fixing the
D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Refit
rear seat belt to the body, and draw the seat belt from
the hole of the D pillar upper trim panel assembly. 3. Fit the body weatherstrip outside the D pillar.
1. Pass the seat belt through the hole of the D pillar upper
trim panel assembly.
2. Fix the lower rear seat belt to the body, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 30–35Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fix the D pillar upper trim panel assembly to the body,
and press the clip in place.
4. Fit 2 bolts fixing the D pillar upper trim panel to the
body, tighten to 1.5–2.2 Nm, and check the torque.
5. Fit the rear coat rack assembly.
1.0 460
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
Rear Coat Rack Carpet
Remove Remove
1. Open the tail gate. 1. Open the tail gate.
2. Remove the rope hanging the rear coat rack. 2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Remove the rear coat rack assembly. 3. Remove the rear seat cushion assembly.
Refit Rear Seat Cushion Assembly Remove
1. Fit the rear coat rack assembly. 4. Remove the lower trim panel of the left/right A pillars.
2. Fit the rope hanging the rear coat rack. A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
3. Close the tail gate. 5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the left/right front seat belts to
the body.
6. Remove the left/right B/C pillar lower trim panels.
B/C Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
7. Remove the doorsill trim panel assembly.
8. Remove the front seat assembly.
Front Seat Assembly Remove
9. Remove 4 clips fixing the carpet to both left and right
sides of the base plate.
10. Remove the centre console heater closing plate
Centre Console Heater Closing Plate Assembly
11. Remove the centre console assembly.
Centre Console Assembly Remove
12. Remove the carpet.
1. Fit the carpet.
2. Fit 4 clips fixing the carpet to both left and right sides
of the floor.
3. Fit the centre console heater closing plate assembly.
Centre Console Heater Closing Plate Assembly
4. Fit the centre console assembly.
Centre Console Assembly Refit
5. Press the clip, and fit the door sill trim panel assembly.
1.0 461
Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling
6. Fit the B/C pillar lower trim panel assembly. Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel
B/C Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
1. Remove the coat rack.
7. Fit 2 bolts fixing the left/right front seat belts to the
underbody, tighten to 35–45Nm, and check the 2. Remove the D pillar upper trim panel.
torque. D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove
8. Fit the A pillar lower trim panel assembly. 3. Remove the carpet of the luggage compartment.
A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit 4. Remove the luggage compartment sill trim panel.
9. Fit the front seats. Luggage Compartment Sill Trim Panel Remove
Front Seat Assembly Refit 5. Remove the weatherstrip outside the side trim panel of
10. Fit the rear seat cushion assembly. the luggage compartment.
Rear Seat Cushion Assembly Refit 6. Remove the retaining screw of the trim panel and
remove the luggage compartment side trim panel.
11. Connect the battery negative.
12. Close the tail gate.
1. Locate the side trim panel of the luggage compartment
to the body, and fit the retaining screw to fix it.
2. Fit the luggage compartment sill trim panel.
1.0 462
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
Luggage Compartment Sill Trim Panel Tail Gate Interior Trim Panel
Remove Remove
1. Pry off the body weatherstrip outside the luggage 1. Open the tail gate.
compartment sill trim panel. 2. Pry off the screw covers, remove 2 screws fixing the
2. Remove the carpet of the luggage compartment. tail gate interior trim panel to the tail gate, pry off the
3. Remove 4 clips and the upper clip fixing the luggage clip, and remove the tail gate interior trim panel.
compartment sill trim panel to the vehicle body.
4. Remove the luggage compartment sill trim panel. 1. Fix the tail gate interior trim panel to the tail gate,
Refit ensure the clip is fitted in place, fit and tighten 2 screws,
and fit the screw covers.
1. Fit the luggage compartment sill trim panel, and ensure
the clip is fitted in place. 2. Close the tail gate.
1.0 463
Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling
Microphone Remove
5. Remove the sun visor and bracket assembly.
13. Fold down the rear seat, and tilt two front seats. 6. Fit the microphone.
14. Remove the roof interior trim panel from the luggage Microphone Refit
compartment lid carefully. 7. Fit the weatherstrip at the column.
8. Fit the A pillar upper trim panel.
1.0 464
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
Sun Visor and Bracket Insulation Pad of Engine Compartment Heat
Remove Shield
1. Open the sun visor downward.
2. Pry off the screw trim cover of the sun visor, and 1. Remove the engine transmission assembly.
remove 1 screw fixing the sun visor to the roof interior Automatic Transmission Assembly Remove
trim panel. Manual Transmission Assembly Remove
3. Remove the sun visor from the sun visor bracket. 2. Remove the braking modulator.
braking Modulator Remove
3. Remove the brake master cylinder and reservoir
Brake Master Cylinder and Reservoir Assembly
4. Remove the vacuum booster assembly.
Vacuum Booster Assembly Remove
5. Disconnect the water inlet/outlet pipes of the A/C
4. Pry off the screw trim cover of the sun visor bracket, heater.
and remove 1 screw fixing the sun visor bracket to the
6. Disconnect the A/C water inlet/outlet pipes from the
roof interior trim panel.
expansion valve.
5. Remove the sun visor bracket.
7. Remove 5 plastic nuts fixing the insulation pad of the
Refit engine compartment heat shield to the front body.
1. Fix the sun visor bracket to the roof interior trim panel,
fit and tighten 1 retaining screw, and fit the screw trim
2. Fix one end of the sun visor to the sun visor bracket
and the other end to the roof interior trim panel, fit
and tighten 1 retaining screw.
3. Fit the screw trim cover of the sun visor.
4. Reset the sun visor.
1.0 465
Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling
Carpet Remove
5. Remove 5 clips fixing the front insulation pad to the
front body.
6. Remove the front insulation pad.
1. Lay the front insulation pad to the corresponding
position of the body, and put the locating hole over
the locating pin.
2. Fix the front insulation pad to the body with 7 clips.
3. Fit the main carpet.
Carpet Refit
4. Fit the A/C box assembly.
1.0 466
Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting
Driver Side Glasses Box Inner Roof Handle
Remove Remove
1. Open the glasses box, and pry off the screw trim cover 1. Open the trim cover to expose the screw of the inner
in it to expose the screw securing the glasses box. roof handle.
2. Loosen 2 screws fixing the glasses box to the roof. 2. Loosen 2 screws fixing the inner roof handle to the
1.0 467
Interior Fitting Fascia and Console
1.0 468
Fascia and Console Interior Fitting
Service Procedures Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly
Instrument Panel End Cover Plate Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Remove 2 screws fixing the driver side lower trim panel
1. Pry off the clip fixing the right instrument panel end assembly to the instrument panel body.
cover to the instrument panel assembly.
2. Pry off the clip of the driver side lower trim panel,
2. Pull the right instrument panel end cover out of the disconnect the harness connector and remove the
door weatherstrip covering the edge of the end cover. driver side lower trim panel assembly.
Take care not to scratch it. 3. Remove 3 screws fixing the card slot to the driver side
3. Remove the left instrument panel end cover assembly lower trim panel from the back. Remove the card slot
in the same way. with the release handle of the oil filler cap.
1. Extend the edge of the right instrument panel end
cover to the bottom of the door weatherstrip, fit the
right instrument panel end cover and press the door
weatherstrip tightly.
2. Fit the left instrument panel end cover assembly in the
same way.
1.0 469
Interior Fitting Fascia and Console
2. Pry off the clip along the edge of the instrument panel
upper moulding and remove the instrument panel
upper moulding.
3. Press and hold the glove box assembly to remove it
from the instrument panel body.
4. Remove the glove box.
1. Align the glove box to a position of the lower panel
where the glove box could be opened completely.
2. Align two semicircular bushings on the lower part of the
glove box assembly to the instrument panel frame shaft.
3. Gently push the glove box stopper into the instrument
panel body and ensure it is fitted in place.
1. Locate the right side air outlet to the instrument panel,
and press the clip in place.
1.0 470
Fascia and Console Interior Fitting
2. Locate the left side air outlet to the instrument panel, Central Instrument Panel Air Outlet Assembly
press the clip in place, fit and tighten 1 retaining screw. Remove
3. Locate the instrument panel upper moulding to the 1. Pry off the clip along the edge of the instrument panel
instrument panel, and press the clip in place. upper moulding and remove the instrument panel
upper moulding.
1. Locate the central air outlet to the central control
panel of the instrument panel, and press the clip. Fit
and tighten 4 screws.
2. Fix the instrument panel upper moulding to the
instrument panel assembly, press the clip, and ensure it
is fitted in place.
1.0 471
Interior Fitting Fascia and Console
1. Fix the entertainment control switch to the central
control panel of the instrument panel from the back, fit
and tighten 2 screws.
2. For vehicles with knob caps, align any one clip of the
knob caps with any one mounting slope, then fit it to
the knob cap from the front of the central control panel
of the instrument panel until a sound of "click" is heard,
which indicates the knob cap is correctly fitted.
1.0 472
Fascia and Console Interior Fitting
Instrument Panel IPK Frame Assembly Instrument Panel Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Adjust the steering wheel to the very bottom to leave 1. Remove the instrument panel end cover assembly.
enough space. Instrument Panel End Cover Assembly Remove
2. With a screwdriver, carefully disconnect the upper trim 2. Remove the driver side lower trim panel assembly.
cover from the lower trim cover of the steering column.
Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly Remove
3. Pry off the clip on the IPK frame of the instrument
3. Remove the instrument panel side air outlet assembly.
panel, and remove the instrument panel IPK frame.
Instrument Panel Side Air Outlet Assembly
4. Remove the central control panel and switch of the
instrument panel.
Central Control Panel and Switch of Instrument
Panel Remove
5. Remove the player.
Player Remove
6. Remove the left/right A pillar upper trim panels.
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove
7. Remove the centre console assembly.
1.0 473
Interior Fitting Fascia and Console
Player Refit
15. Fit the central control panel and switch of the
instrument panel.
1.0 474
Fascia and Console Interior Fitting
Instrument Panel Beam Assembly 2. Locate the instrument panel beam assembly.
Remove 3. Fit 8 bolts fixing the instrument panel beam assembly to
1. Remove the instrument panel assembly. the body, tighten to 19–25 Nm, and check the torque.
Instrument Panel Assembly Remove 4. Fit the harness clip fixing the electrical harness assembly
of the instrument panel to the instrument panel beam
2. Remove 4 bolts fixing the steering column to the
assembly, and connect the harness.
instrument panel beam assembly.
5. Fit 1 bolt fixing the instrument panel beam assembly
to the front body, tighten to 19–25 Nm, and check
the torque.
6. Fit the windshield wiper linkage mechanism assembly.
1.0 475
Interior Fitting Fascia and Console
Centre Console Upper Trim Panel Assembly and Centre Console Assembly
Switch Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the centre console upper trim panel assembly
2. Pry off the clips fixing the centre console upper trim and switch.
panel to the instrument panel and center console.
Centre Console Upper Trim Panel Assembly and
Switch Remove
3. Remove the centre console heater closing plate
1.0 476
Fascia and Console Interior Fitting
Centre Console Heater Closing Plate Assembly
1. Pry off the clip of the centre console heater closing
plate and remove the centre console heater closing
1.0 477
Interior Fitting Seats
Description Value
Screw - front seat to floor 40–50Nm
Bolt - squab to cushion 40–50Nm
Bolt - striker to body 19–25Nm
1.0 478
Seats Interior Fitting
Description and Operation
System Layout
Seat Layout
1.0 479
Interior Fitting Seats
1. Seat Headrest
2. Seat Back Assembly
3. Seat Back Cover and Foam
4. Seat Back Frame The rear seat of this model is a 4/6 type seat with reclinable
seat back. If you want to expand the luggage compartment
5. Seat Cushion Assembly
space, first fully lower (or remove) all the rear seat headrests,
6. Seat Cushion Cover and Foam then pull up the unlock straps (1) on both sides respectively
7. Seat Cushion Frame and fold the seat back forward. When unfolding the rear seat
The common seat mainly consists of headrest, seat back, back, pull up the seat back unlock straps, push the seat back
seat cushion and accessories. Among them, both seat back until it reaches an appropriate position, and the seat back is
assembly and seat cushion assembly consist of cover, foam locked when it clicks.
and frame. The seat assembly and the main components
are repaired as fittings according to the vulnerability and
maintainability of the components.
1.0 480
Seats Interior Fitting
Operation 3. Seat Back Adjusting Handle
Manual Seat The front/rear position of the seat can be adjusted by the
Driver Seat handle in the front of the seat. Lift the handle and pull it to
the desired position. Release the handle to lock the seat to
the selected position. The 2nd adjusting handle is located in
the front of the trim panel outside the seat cushion, which can
adjust the seat height. Lift or press the handle repeatedly to
raise or lower the seat. The 3rd adjusting handle is located in
the rear of the height adjusting handle, which can adjust the
seat back inclination. Lift the handle and pull it to the desired
position. Release the handle to lock the seat to the selected
Front Passenger Seat
The passenger seat is adjusted in the same way as the driver
seat. The front/rear position of the seat can be adjusted by the
1. Seat Longitudinal Position Adjusting Handle handle in the front of the seat. The position of the sear back
can be adjusted by the side handle.
2. Seat Height Adjusting Handle*
1.0 481
Interior Fitting Seats
1.0 482
Seats Interior Fitting
2. Fix the squab upholstery to the seat frame with cables Front Seat Backrest Cover
and J-clamps. Remove
3. Refit the exterior trim panel. 1. Remove the front seat backrest assembly.
Front Seat Outer Trim Panel Refit Front Seat Backrest Remove
4. Locate the interior trim panel, refit the screw and 2. Pull the headrest to the top, loosen the buckle fixing
tighten it. the headrest and remove the headrest.
5. Refit the front seat. 3. Remove 2 guide pipes of the headrest.
Front Seat Refit 4. Release J-clamps of the backrest upholstery under the
5. Pull the upholstery upward, and open the C-rings
connecting the backrest foam and the interior of the
upholstery, note and mark their exact positions.
6. Remove the upholstery.
1. Locate the upholstery to the backrest, fix the interior
of the upholstery to the marked position of the back
foam with C-ring.
2. Close J-clamps of the backrest upholstery under the
3. Fix the backrest upholstery to the frame with J-clamps.
4. Refit 2 headrest guide pipes.
5. Locate and secure the headrest.
6. Refit the front seat backrest assembly.
Front Seat Backrest Refit
1.0 483
Interior Fitting Seats
1.0 484
Seats Interior Fitting
Front Seat Outer Trim Panel Rear Seat Cushion
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front seat. 1. Release the seat belt buckle from the belt through-hole.
Remove-Front Seat 2. Pull the front end of the cushion upward until it is
released from the retaining clips.
2. Partially raise recline and seat height handles (where
3. Remove screws at front (behind recline handle) and
rear of trim.
1.0 485
Interior Fitting Seats
1. Position the hinge to the vehicle body, refit the bolt
and tighten to 19–25Nm.
2. Refit the D pillar lower trim panel assembly. 6. Release squab from centre bracket and remove squab.
D Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit Refit
3. Refit the rear seat backrest assembly. 1. Position squab inner hinge/pin onto opposite seat
squab/centre bracket.
2. Tilt seat squab to fully forward position.
3. Insert outer pivot clip into bracket, push fully home,
ensure clip, guide and pivot are fully engaged and secure.
4. Refit rear seat cushion.
1.0 486
Fixed Windows Exterior Fitting
Fixed Windows Rear Door Quarter Window
Service Procedures Remove
Front Door Quarter Window 1. Remove the outer weatherstrip of the door window.
Door Window Outer Weatherstrip Remove
1. Remove the outer weatherstrip of the door window.
2. Remove the inner guide rail weatherstrip of the rear
Door Window Outer Weatherstrip Remove door window.
2. Remove the inner guide rail weatherstrip of the front 3. Remove the rear door window.
door window.
Rear Door Window Remove
3. Remove the front door window.
4. Remove the rear door separating pillar.
Front Door Window Remove
Rear Door Separating Pillar Remove
4. Remove the front door separating pillar.
5. Remove the rear door quarter window from the
Front Door Separating Pillar Remove vehicle.
5. Remove the front door quarter window from the 6. Remove the weatherstrip of the quarter window.
vehicle. Refit
6. Remove the weatherstrip of the quarter window from 1. Fix the weatherstrip of the rear door quarter window
the quarter window. to the quarter window.
Refit 2. Fit the rear door quarter window.
1. Fix the weatherstrip of the front door quarter window 3. Fit the rear door window chute weatherstrip.
to the quarter window.
4. Fit the rear door separating pillar.
2. Fit the front door quarter window.
Rear Door Separating Pillar Refit
3. Fit the front door separating pillar.
5. Fit the rear door window.
Front Door Separating Pillar Refit
Rear Door Window Refit
4. Fit the front door window.
6. Fit the inner guide rail weatherstrip of the rear door
Front Door Window Refit window.
5. Fit the inner guide rail weatherstrip of the front door 7. Fit the outer weatherstrip of the door window.
Door Window Outer Weatherstrip Refit
6. Fit the outer weatherstrip of the door window.
1.0 487
Exterior Fitting Fixed Windows
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove 2. Disconnect the connector of the rear window defogger.
2. Remove the interior rearview mirror. 3. Remove the rear window wiper motor.
Interior Rearview Mirror Assembly Remove Rear Window Wiper Motor Remove
3. Remove the A pillar exterior trim panel. 4. Put 2 suction cups symmetrically on both sides of the
rear window (outer side).
A Pillar Exterior Trim Panel Remove
5. Remove the adhesive on the rear window assembly and
4. Remove the A/C air inlet grille assembly.
the rear window frame with the glass sealant remover.
A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly Remove 6. Remove the rear window with suction cups on both
5. Put suitable coverings on the vehicle body to protect sides aided by an assistant.
it from scratch. 7. Remove the adhesive on the original rear window and
6. Put 2 suckers symmetrically on both sides of the rear window frame.
windshield (outer side). Refit
7. Remove the adhesive around the windshield assembly 1. Thoroughly clean the mounting position of the rear
with the glass sealant remover. window on the body and the rear window with cleaner.
8. Remove the windshield with suckers on both sides 2. Apply glass primer to the body assembly area of the
aided by an assistant. rear window.
9. Remove the adhesive on the original windshield and 3. Apply adhesive to the rear window assembly, and press
windshield frame. the rear window into the rear window frame with
Refit suction cups.
1. Thoroughly clean the mounting position of the 4. Fix the rear window to the rear window frame with
windshield on the body and the windshield with cleaner. tapes, and allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours.
2. Apply glass primer to the body assembly area of the 5. Remove the tape.
windshield. 6. Pour the water on the windshield assembly, and check
3. Apply adhesive to the windshield assembly, and press for leak. If any leak is found, dry the windshield
the windshield into the windshield frame with suction assembly and block the leaking location with adhesive.
cups. If it still leaks, remove the windshield assembly and
4. Fix the windshield to the windshield frame with tapes, repeat all service procedures.
and allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours. 7. Fit the rear window wiper motor.
5. Remove the tape. Rear Window Wiper Motor Refit
6. Pour the water on the windshield assembly, and check 8. Connect the electrical connector of the rear window
for leak. If any leak is found, dry the windshield defogger.
assembly and block the leaking location with adhesive. 9. Connect the battery negative.
If it still leaks, remove the windshield assembly and
repeat all service procedures.
7. Fit the A/C air inlet grille assembly.
1.0 488
Bumpers, Fascias and Grille Exterior Fitting
Bumpers, Fascias and Grille
Description Value
Bolt-From front bumper to fender 2–2.5Nm
Bolt-From rearbumper to wheel casing 2–3Nm
Bolt-From under flow duct to front bumper 4–6Nm
Bolt-From front bumper to fend upper tie bar 3–5Nm
Bolt-From front bumper impact bar to body in white 40–50Nm
Screw-From front bumper impact bar to fend upper tie bar 7–10Nm
Bolt-From rear bumper impact bar to body in white 19–25Nm
Bolt-From rear bumper brackt to bodyside 3–4Nm
Bolt-From rearbumper to wheel casing 3–4Nm
Bolt-From rear bumper to body in white 3–4Nm
1.0 489
Exterior Fitting Bumpers, Fascias and Grille
Service Procedures
Front Bumper and Bracket
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove 2 screws (1) fixing the front bumper to the
upper part of the left (right) wheelhouse liner, and
remove 1 screw (2) fixing the left (right) side of the
front bumper to the left (right) fender.
1.0 490
Bumpers, Fascias and Grille Exterior Fitting
Front Bumper Beam Front Bumper and Bracket Refit
Remove 8. Connect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the front bumper and bracket.
Front Bumper and Bracket Remove
3. Disconnect the harness connector.
4. Remove the tweeter.
Tweeter Remove
5. Remove the wind scoopers on both sides.
Wind Scooper - Left Remove
Wind Scooper - Right Remove
6. Remove 2 nuts (1) and 6 bolts (2) fixing the left and
right sides of the front bumper beam to the body and 4
bolts (3) to the front-end module.
1.0 491
Exterior Fitting Bumpers, Fascias and Grille
5. Remove 1 screw (1), 1 split pin (2) and 1 clip (3) of the
left (right) side of the rear bumper and the left (right)
rear wheelhouse liner.
1.0 492
Bumpers, Fascias and Grille Exterior Fitting
radar sensor, and remove the rear bumper.
7. If the brackets on both left and right sides of the rear
bumper are required to be removed, remove 6 bolts
fixing the left/right rear bumper brackets to the rear
end panel.
1. If the brackets on both left and right sides of the rear
bumper have been removed, fix 3 screws of the left
(right) bracket of the rear bumper at first, tighten to
3–4Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect the rear fog lamp connectors on the left and
right sides and 4 connectors of the rear bumper rear
radar sensor.
3. Gently push the rear bumper in place to allow the
bumper on each side to engage with the bumper
4. Fit 1 clip, 1 split pin and 1 screw of the lower part of
the left (right) rear bumper and the left (right) rear
wheelhouse liner, tighten to 3–4Nm, and check the
5. Fit 2 screws and 2 bolts fixing the lower rear bumper
to the body bracket, tighten to 3–4Nm, and check
the torque.
6. Fit 2 screws fixing the rear bumper to the body, tighten
to 3–4Nm, and check the torque.
7. Close the tail gate.
8. Connect the battery negative.
1.0 493
Exterior Fitting Exterior Trim and Paneling
1.0 494
Exterior Trim and Paneling Exterior Fitting
Service Procedures Front Wheelhouse Liner
A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
1. Open the bonnet. 2. Remove the front wheels.
2. Pry off the clips at the side corners of the A/C air inlet Wheels Remove
grille, and remove the side corners.
3. Remove 5 screws (1) fixing the left front wheelhouse
3. Remove the windshield wiper arm assembly. liner to the left side of the front bumper.
Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly Remove 4. Remove 3 bolts (2) fixing the left front wheelhouse
4. Remove 2 screws (1) and 2 clips (2) fixing the A/C air liner to the body.
inlet grille to the body. 5. Remove 1 hexalobular socket screw (3) fixing the left
front wheelhouse liner to the pedal.
6. Remove 1 plastic nut (4) fixing the left front wheelhouse
liner to the body.
7. Remove 1 bolt (5) fixing the left front wheelhouse liner
to the left side of the bottom deflector.
1.0 495
Exterior Fitting Exterior Trim and Paneling
1.0 496
Exterior Trim and Paneling Exterior Fitting
Bottom Deflector
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Follow steps 3 - 4 to remove the bottom deflector with
high configuration; follow steps 5 - 6 to remove the
bottom deflector with low configuration. Follow steps
7 - 8 to remove the bottom deflector on both sides of
the middle part.
3. If it is the bottom deflector with a big head, remove 3
bolts connecting the bottom deflector and the bottom
of the front bumper.
4. Remove 6 bolts fixing the bottom deflector to the front
wheelhouse liner and the front subframe, and remove Refit
the bottom deflector. 1. Follow steps 2 - 3 to fit the central guard plate on both
sides of the middle part; follow steps 4 - 5 to fit the
deflector with low configuration; follow steps 6 - 7 to
fit the bottom deflector with high configuration.
2. Fit 6 clips fixing the central guard plate to the
underbody, and press the clip in place.
3. Fit 6 bolts fixing the central guard plate to the
underbody, tighten to 4-6Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fix the bottom deflector in place, fit 4 bolts fixing the
bottom deflector to the front subframe and the right
front wheelhouse liner, tighten to 4-6Nm, and check
the torque.
5. Fit 1 bolt connecting the bottom deflector and the
5. If it is the bottom deflector with small right side, bottom of the front bumper, tighten to 3-4Nm, and
remove 1 bolt connecting the bottom deflector and the check the torque.
bottom of the front bumper. 6. Insert the bottom deflector into the lower revers of
6. Remove 4 bolts fixing the bottom deflector to the right the front bumper, fit 6 bolts fixing the bottom deflector
front wheelhouse liner and the front subframe, and to the front subframe and the front wheelhouse liner,
remove the bottom deflector. tighten to 3-4Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fit 3 bolts connecting the bottom deflector and the
bottom of the front bumper, tighten to 3-4Nm, and
check the torque.
8. Lower the vehicle.
1.0 497
Exterior Fitting Exterior Trim and Paneling
1.0 498
Mirrors Exterior Fitting
Description Value
Screw - exterior mirror 9–10Nm
1.0 499
Exterior Fitting Mirrors
1. Left Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly 2. Right Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly
1.0 500
Mirrors Exterior Fitting
System Control Diagram
A=Hard Wire
1.0 501
Exterior Fitting Mirrors
1.0 502
Mirrors Exterior Fitting
Operation Exterior Rearview Mirror Manual Folding
Exterior Rearview Mirror Fold manually to achieve the folding/expansion of the exterior
The steering gear of the exterior rearview mirror includes rearview mirror.
2 bidirectional motors (vertical motor and horizontal motor) Interior Rearview Mirror
which provide horizontal and vertical motions for the rearview
Manual Anti-dazzle Function
mirror. The vertical motor is responsible for the up-and-down
motion while the horizontal motor is for the left-and-right During driving, the strong light from the interior rearview
motion. mirror may affect the driver. To avoid such visual shock, pull
the lever at the base of the interior rearview mirror and change
The exterior rearview mirror can provide the following
the view to 'dip' the mirror. Push back the lever to return the
interior rearview mirror to the normal position.
• Exterior rearview mirror manual folding
• Side direction indicator lamp
1.0 503
Exterior Fitting Mirrors
1. Refit mirror cover to exterior rearview mirror
2. Refit 2 screws securing mirror cover.
3. Refit the mirror glass.
1. Position the exterior review mirror with the location
pin on it to corresponding location hole on the door,
fit 2 bolts, and tighten to 9–10Nm.
2. Connect the exterior review mirror connector, and fit
the waterproof film.
3. Fit the outside trim shell.
4. Fit the front door interior trim panel.
1.0 504
Mirrors Exterior Fitting
Interior Rearview Mirror
1. Knock down the interior rearview mirror assembly
with a rubber hammer with care to remove it from
the base.
1. Locate the interior rearview mirror to the mounting
bracket and push it into the slot with care to fit it in
1.0 505
Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer
1.0 506
Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting
Description and Operation
System Layout
Wiper and Washer Layout
1.0 507
Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer
1.0 508
Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting
Description The rear wiper is located at the bottom of the rear window.
Overview Its motor is fitted on a linkage mechanism on the tail gate. The
linkage mechanism can drive the wiper arm and the wiper blade
The wiper and washer system is controlled by the body control
to operate.
module (BCM), which will operate after receiving commands
from the wiper/washer lever switch on the right side of the Washer Exploded View
steering wheel. The washer system includes:
The diagnostic information for the wiper and washer system
can be read with the scan tool.
Wiper Exploded View
The wiper system includes:
1. Washer Reservoir
2. Windshield Washer Pump
3. Windshield Washer Reservoir Hose
4. Windshield Washer Hose Assembly
1. Front Wiper Motor 5. Washer Reservoir Neck
2. Passenger Side Wiper Arm Assembly 6. Washer Reservoir Cap
3. Driver Side Wiper Arm Assembly 7. Washer Reservoir Neck Seal Ring
4. Passenger Side Wiper Blade Assembly 8. Tail Gate Washer Nozzle Hose
5. Driver Side Wiper Blade Assembly 9. Tail Gate Washer Reservoir Hose
6. Shaft Cap 10. Rear Window Washer Nozzle
7. Shaft Cap 11. Windshield Washing Nozzle
8. Rear Wiper Motor The washer reservoir is fitted in the right wheelhouse, with a
9. Rear Window Seal Ring capacity of about 4 liters. The engine compartment is provided
10. Rear Wiper Blade with a filler neck with a seal cap which can be used to refill the
washer reservoir.
11. Rear Wiper Arm
The washer pump is fitted below the washer reservoir. When
The windshield wiper motor is below the air inlet grille
the washer pump is enabled, it will pump the fluid in the washer
at the bottom of the windshield, which is fitted to a
reservoir into the washer nozzle under the action of pressure.
linkage mechanism on the bracket between inner and outer
compartment walls. The linkage mechanism can drive the
wiper arm and the wiper blade to operate.
1.0 509
Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer
Operation wipe vary with the vehicle speed level and the setting of wiper
Overview delay potentiometer.
The front/rear wipers and washers are controlled by the BCM. When the switch is in intermittent, low speed or high speed
When the BCM receives an ON signal from the washer/wiper position, the BCM will adjust the interval of intermittent wipe
lever switch connected by the hard wire, it drives the washer according to the vehicle speed. ABS ECU monitors the wheel
pump and wiper motor to work. The bidirectional washer speed signal and transmits it to the BCM through HS CAN
pump provides washer fluid for the front and rear windows, bus.
the front washer pump is indirectly controlled by the BCM,
If the wiper/washer lever switch is in the intermittent wipe,
and the rear washer pump is directly controlled by the rear
the BCM adjusts the selected delay time by comparing vehicle
window washer switch.
speed with the resistance corresponding to the intermittent
Front Wiper/Washer System delay rotary switch.
The front wiper includes the BCM, washer/wiper lever switch Programmed Wash/Wipe
and two relays. One of the relay (1) is used to turn on/off the
When the ignition switch in "ACC" or "ON" position and the
wiper, and the other (2) is used to control the wiper speed.
front wiper switch is enabled, the BCM controls the front
When the BCM receives signals from the washer/wiper lever
wiper to work at low speed, enables the washer pump and
switch, it drives the front wiper to work by closing the two
triggers the internal counter. When the counter value achieves
wiper relays in the engine compartment fuse box.
the set value, the BCM closes the relay, and the front wiper
The switches for single wipe, intermittent wipe and low/high starts to work. When the driver release the washer/wiper
speed wipe form a closed circuit with the BCM through relay lever, the washer pump and front wiper stop.
1 or 2.
Caution: During engine start, the windshield wiper
When the ignition switch is in "ACC" or "ON" position, the and washer function is disabled.
output status of the front wiper is as follows:
Caution: The wiper continues operating for three
Front Wiper
Switch 1 Switch 2 times after the lever switch is released. After
several seconds, the wiper will wipe once more to
Stop 0 0 eliminate the washer fluid on the windshield.
Single Wipe 1 1 Front Wiper Stop
Auto Wipe 1 0
With the ignition switch ON, turn the wiper switch of
Low Speed Wipe 0 1 the washer/wiper lever to "OFF" position, the wiper relay
High Speed Wipe 1 1 disconnects immediately and the front wiper then stops
0 = Disconnected 1 = Closed promptly.
High Speed Wipe If the ignition switch is turned off when the wiper is working,
the wiper relay will remain closed, even if the washer/wiper
When choosing high speed mode for the front wiper, the BCM
lever is in "OFF" position; when the wiper shifts to the "RESET"
will send a signal to the wiper relay. When relay 2 closes, the
position at low speed, the relay disconnects automatically and
power supply connects the motor directly through the resistor
the wiper stops working.
for deceleration, at this stage, the wiper works at high speed.
Front Wiper Failure Protection
Low Speed Wipe
When choosing low speed wipe mode, the BCM sends a signal When the front wiper is enabled, the BCM monitors the
to the wiper relay. The power supply passes through relay 1 position signal of the front wiper switch. If the ignition switch
before connecting with the motor by a resistor. The resistor is in "OFF" position, but the switch of the front wiper remains
reduces the power, so the wiper works at low speed. in the original status, the relay of the front wiper will also
disconnect automatically.
Auto Wipe-Variable Intermittent Wipe
Rear Wiper/Washer System
The function of variable intermittent wipe: the vehicle is
provided with a wiper delay potentiometer. BCMWhen a valid request from the rear wiper switch is
received, it will control the corresponding relay to work.
When receiving valid wiper interval request, the BCM will
control the wiper at slow speed. The times of intermittent
1.0 510
Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting
Intermittent Wipe speed/intermittent mode, if the shift lever is turned to the R
When the ignition switch is in "ACC/ON" position, if the BCM gear, the BCM will apply the rear wiper relay automatically
detects that the rear wiper switch is ON, it controls the rear after several seconds and activate the rear wiper, this does
wiper to work at low speed, enables the washer pump and not affect the front wiper.
triggers the internal counter. When the counter value achieves Rear Window Washer/Wiper Failure
the set value, the BCM closes the relay, and the rear wiper
If the tail gate is open, the wiper/washer of the rear window
starts to work.
will be disabled for any mode.
Programmed Wipe If the BCM detects that the tail gate is open when the rear
When the rear wiper switch is activated, the washer pump is wiper is working, the rear wiper will be disabled immediately.
enabled, and the BCM monitors the status of the rear wiper After the tail gate is closed, the rear wiper returns to normal
switch and counts. If the switch is not released, the BCM will state after appr. 5s, this provides enough time for the user to
activate the rear wiper relay to start the rear wiper. take his hands away from the wash/wipe area.
R Gear Wipe
When the ignition switch is in "ACC/ON" position, and
the front washer/wiper lever switch is in high speed/low
1.0 511
Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer
2. Take out the blade from the wiper arm and remove
while pressing the safety clips. 3. Remove the nuts fixing the wiper arm to the linkage
Refit mechanism.
1. Engage the wiper blade assembly into safety clips, and 4. Remove the wiper arm assembly.
refit on the wiper arm assembly. Refit
2. Secure the wiper arm to the windshield. 1. Fix the wiper blade assembly into the safety buckle and
fit to the wiper arm assembly.
2. Fit the wiper blade and arm assembly to the pivot of
mechanism assembly.
3. Ensure that the adhesive tapes of two wiper blades are
fitted in initial positions properly and align with the dots
on the black printing edge of the glass.
4. Fit the nuts to the pivot of mechanism assembly and
tighten to 14–16Nm.
5. Fit the wiper shaft cover to the pivot.
6. Close the bonnet.
1.0 512
Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting
Windshield Wiper Linkage Assembly - With Washer Reservoir Assembly
Motor Remove
Remove 1. Remove the front bumper and the bracket.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
Front Bumper and Bracket Remove
2. Remove the windshield wiper arm assembly.
2. Remove the washer pump assembly.
Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly Remove
Washer Pump Remove
3. Remove the air inlet grille assembly.
3. Loosen 1 bolt securing the washer fluid filler pipe.
4. Remove 3 bolts of the windshield wiper linkage
mechanism assembly.
1.0 513
Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer
Front Bumper and Bracket Remove Front Bumper and Bracket Remove
2. Put one container under the washer reservoir. 2. Remove the front wheelhouse liner.
3. Disconnect the connector of the washer pump (1). Front Wheelhouse Liner Remove
4. Remove the washer pump from the washer reservoir. 3. Put one container under the washer reservoir.
5. Disconnect the windshield washer pump hose (2). 4. Disconnect the windshield washer pump hose from the
6. Disconnect the rear window washer pump hose (3). washer pump.
7. Remove the washer pump. 5. Disconnect the connection of the windshield washer
Refit pump hose and the windshield nozzle hose.
1. Fit the washer pump to the washer reservoir. 6. Remove the clip fixing the windshield washer pump
hose to the body, and remove the windshield washer
2. Connect the windshield washer pump hose.
pump hose.
3. Connect the rear window washer pump hose.
4. Connect the connector of the washer pump.
1. Fit the new hose and connect it to the washer pump.
5. Refill the windshield washer fluid.
2. Route the new hose according to the used one and
6. Fit the front bumper and the bracket.
fit the clip.
Front Bumper and Bracket Refit 3. Connect the windshield washer pump hose and the
nozzle hose.
4. Refill the windshield washer fluid.
5. Fit the front wheelhouse liner.
1.0 514
Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting
Rear Window Washer Pump Hose 8. Fit the trim panel assembly of right door sill.
Remove 9. Fit the clip to the rear of the roof interior in place.
1. Remove the front bumper and the bracket. 10. Fit the right luggage compartment side trim panel.
Front Bumper and Bracket Remove Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel Refit
2. Put one container under the washer reservoir. 11. Fit the tail gate interior trim panel.
3. Disconnect the rear window washer pump hose from
Tail Gate Interior Trim Panel Refit
the washer pump.
1.0 515
Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer
1. Remove the mounting shaft cap of the rear wiper arm, 2. Fit the nozzle to the wiper motor shaft in the right
and remove 1 nut fixing the rear window wiper arm direction and tap it to fit in place. Check if the spray
assembly to the rear wiper motor shaft. direction of the washer fluid is correct, if necessary,
insert a needle into the nozzle hole to adjust the nozzle
by prying the needle gently, enabling the washer fluid to
be sprayed directly to the center of the windshield.
3. Fit the mounting shaft cap of the rear wiper arm.
4. Ensure that the blade tape is fitted in the correct
initial position and is aligned with the dot on the black
printing edge of the glass.
1.0 516
Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting
Rear Window Wiper Motor
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the rear window wiper arm assembly.
Rear Window Wiper Arm Assembly Remove
3. Remove the seal ring of the rear wiper motor from the
wiper motor output shaft.
4. Remove the tail gate trim panel.
1.0 517
Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer
Special Tools
Tool Description Picture
Remover rear
wiper bar
1.0 518
Lighting Lighting Systems
Description Value
Screw self-tapping - reading lamp 1.5–2Nm
1.0 519
Lighting Systems Lighting
1.0 520
Lighting Lighting Systems
System Control Diagram
1.0 521
Lighting Systems Lighting
Description The interior lamp is fitted with a single filament bulb. The
Overview assembly is connected to the body harness.
The interior lighting system is controlled by the body control The lens can be removed to allow for replacement of the bulb.
module ( BCM ) which is located on the passenger side of the Boot Lamp
vehicle, behind the glovebox.
The boot (loadspace) lamp is located in the RH trim panel in
The interior lighting comprises: the load space.
• Front reading lamp The lamp comprises a plastic moulding which incorporates a
• Boot lamp lens and also provides location for a bulb holder.
Front Reading Lamp The boot lamp operates automatically when the boot is
The front interior lamp assembly is located centrally in the head opened, a door is opened.
lining above the windscreen. Bulb Specification
The assembly is retained with two screws which locate in Lamp Bulb Type Voltage Power
brackets attached to the roof panel. Front Reading C10W 12V 10W
Spring clips provide retention to the headlining.
Luggage C5W 12V 5W
The interior lamp assembly has one non-latching switch for the Compartment
interior lamp operation. Lamp
1.0 522
Lighting Lighting Systems
Operation • When pressing the LOCK button on the remote key, or
Overview using the mechanical key to lock the door, the interior
lamps will dim gradually.
Interior Lighting
• When all doors are in the closed state and the ignition
Interior lighting includes:
switch is in "ACC" or "ON" position, the interior lamps
• Front Reading Lamp will dim gradually.
• Luggage Compartment Lamp • If any door is opened, the interior lamps will illuminate
• Interior Backlight and gradually dim in 15min for the energy-saving function
of the battery is on.
BCMThe BCM receives signals of the interior lighting system.
When the BCM receives the reading lamp switch signal, door Note: In auto mode PWM control, once the impact
switch signal or tail gate OPEN signal, it will illuminate the sensor is triggered, the interior lamps will
corresponding lamp inside the vehicle. illuminate immediately, and when the interior
lighting switch is pressed, the interior lamps
PWMInterior Lighting Controlled (by PWM)
will go out at once.
PWMThe interior lamps under control include the front Manual Mode PWM Control
reading lamp and luggage compartment lamp. The interior
door lighting system can be controlled by auto mode or Press the master switch on the front reading lamp assembly to
manual mode. turn on/off the front reading lamp. When the interior lamps
are turned on/off manually, the auto delay function will be
Auto Mode PWM Control
No need to press the switch, the BCM will control the Manual Shift Between Control Modes
working status of the interior lamp according to the signal
received. Press the master switch on the front reading lamp assembly to
activate the auto mode. Press the master switch again to turn
Caution: At the moment of engine start,the interior light off the auto mode.
with turned on will be off,after that it will relight on
automatically. The interior lighting delay power control includes:
• Front Reading Lamp
The interior lamp will illuminate automatically under the
following conditions: BCMIt controls the interior lighting system by the relay.
• When pressing the UNLOCK button on the remote key, Under the following situations, the BCM controls the delay of
or using the mechanical key to unlock the door, the the front reading lamp by disconnecting the delay relay.
front reading lamp illuminates gradually. If the door is • When the ignition switch is in "ACC" or "ON" position
not unlocked within 30s, the front reading lamp will dim
• When the UNLOCK button on the remote key is
pressed, and the door is unlocked by the mechanical key
• After the ignition switch is off and the position lamp is
on, the reading lamp will illuminate gradually. If the door The delay function may fail under the following conditions:
is not unlocked within 30s, the reading lamp will dim • 15min since the ignition switch is OFF
• When the LOCK button on the remote key is pressed,
• When the ignition switch is off within 30s after the and the door is locked by the mechanical key
position lamp goes out, the reading lamp will illuminate
• When the vehicle is in anti-theft state
• When the vehicle is locked externally
• If any door is opened, the reading lamp will illuminate
• When the ignition switch in "START" position
LEDInterior Backlight
• If the interior lamps illuminate, all doors are in a closed
state. When the ignition switch is shifted to "OFF" When the position lamp is on or the BCM determines that
position from "ACC" or "ON" position, the interior the signal of the light sensor (if equipped) is for night driving,
lamps will dim gradually in 30s. the interior backlight illuminates.
1.0 523
Lighting Systems Lighting
1.0 524
Lamps Lighting Systems
Description Value
Bolt - headlamp assy 3–5Nm
Screw-Headlamp lighting calibration 0.1–0.5Nm
Bolt - rear lamp assy 3–5Nm
1.0 525
Lighting Systems Lamps
1.0 526
Lamps Lighting Systems
System Control Diagram
1.0 527
Lighting Systems Lamps
Description Headlamp
Overview Headlamp (low configuration)
The exterior lighting system includes all external lamps, which
are controlled by the master light switch and auto lamp control
sensor. Exterior lighting system includes:
• Headlamp
• Side Direction Indicator Lamp
• Tail Lamp
• High-mounted Stop Lamp
• Rear Fog Lamp
• Rear License Plate Lamp
Lamp Lever Switch
1. Front Width Lamp/Daytime Running Lamp (bulb)
2. Front Direction Indicator Lamp (bulb)
3. High/Low Beam (bulb)
The tail lamp is fitted on the body by bolts, which includes the
rear width lamp, brake lamp, reverse lamp and rear direction
indicator lamp.
1.0 528
Lamps Lighting Systems
Rear Fog Lamp Bulb Specification
Bulb Type Voltage Power
High Beam and HB3 LL 12V 60W
Low Beam
Front Direction PY21W 12V 21W
Indicator Lamp
Front Width LED
Lamp (high
Front Width W5W 12V 5W
Lamp (low
1. Rear Fog Lamp (bulb) configuration)
Side Direction WY5W 12V 5W
Rear fog lamps are on the rear bumper. The bulbs extend from Indicator Lamp
the lens gaps of the lamps and illuminate the area around the High-mounted W5W 12V 5W
lens. Stop Lamp
Rear Fog Lamp P21W 12V 21W
Side Direction Indicator Lamp
Rear Width Lamp LED
The bulb of the side direction signal lamp is integrated in the
Reverse Lamp LED
exterior rearview mirror.
License Plate W5W 12V 5W
Centre High-mounted Stop Lamp (CHMSL) Lamp
The high-mounted stop lamp is above the rear window, which Brake Lamp P21W 12V 21W
is a bulb high-mounted stop lamp fixed with clips to the tail Rear Direction WY16W 12V 16W
gate panel. Indicator Lamp
Rear License Plate Lamp
The two rear license plate lamps are fitted on the rear bumper.
1.0 529
Lighting Systems Lamps
Operation provides the current status of the direction indicator lamp for
Overview the driver by acoustic warning.
• Low Beam When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the low beam
• High Beam headlamp is enabled, then the activation of the rear fog lamp
switch can illuminate the rear fog lamp. The BCM sends the
• Rear Fog Lamp
ON/OFF status of the rear fog lamp to the IPK by receiving
• Position Lamp/Tail Lamp the activation signal of the rear fog lamp, and the indicator of
• Rear License Plate Lamp rear fog lamp on the IPK illuminates. When the rear fog lamp
• Daytime Running Lamp (if equipped) switch, low beam headlamp or front fog lamp (if equipped) is
disabled, the rear fog lamp is cancelled. If the rear fog lamp is
BCMIt monitors the following exterior lamps:
already activated at the time of engine start, it will remain ON.
• Reverse Lamp
Hazard Warning Lamp
BCMIt controls and monitors the following exterior lamps:
The hazard warning lamps are comprised of the front/rear
• Direction Indicator Lamp (excluding side direction direction indicator lamps and side direction indicator lamps.
indicator lamp)
The hazard warning lamp switch is marked with a triangle,
• Hazard Warning Lamp which is a touch switch. When the hazard warning lamp is
Auto Lamp Control (if equipped) activated, the triangle mark on the switch will flash. When the
position lamp or headlamp is enabled, the triangle mark dims,
When the lamp lever switch is in "AUTO" position (if
but it will still flash. The hazard warning lamp can be activated
equipped), the light sensor (if equipped) will turn on/off the
manually regardless of current position of the ignition switch.
headlamp automatically according to the intensity of the
outside light (visible light). When the lamp lever switch is Operation Priority of Direction Indicator Lamp and Hazard
in other positions, the priority of the switch command is Warning Lamp
higher than that of the request signal from the light sensor (if
If the direction indicator lamp switch is enabled when the
hazard warning lamp is working, the direction indicator lamp
When the lamp lever switch is in "AUTO" position (if equipped) will cancel the hazard warning lamp. Then, the hazard warning
for night driving, the following lamps will: lamp will still flash after the direction indicator lamp switch or
ignition switch is disabled.
• When the ignition switch is in "OFF" position, the low
beam headlamp and position lamp do not illuminate. If the hazard warning lamp switch is enabled when the direction
• When the ignition switch is in "ACC" position, the indicator lamp is working, the hazard warning lamp will cancel
position lamp illuminates. the direction indicator lamp. The direction indicator lamp will
resume after the hazard warning lamp is disabled.
• When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the low
beam headlamp illuminates. The hazard warning lamp can be activated automatically under
• When the ignition switch is in "CRANK" position, the the following situations:
low beam headlamp goes out and the position lamp In case of impact, when the BCM detects an impact signal, it
illuminates. will activate the hazard warning lamp automatically. Accidental
Brake lamp activation of the hazard warning lamp during impact can be
cancelled by pressing the hazard warning lamp switch for more
When the brake pedal is depressed, the brake lamp illuminates,
than 5s.
and the ECM monitors the brake lamp through the hard wire
and sends the braking status signal to other ECUs to use Low Beam Headlamp
through the CAN bus. When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, and the lamp
Direction Indicator Lamp lever switch is turned to the low beam or when the light sensor
detects a dark light, the low beam headlamp illuminates. The
When the ignition switch is in "ON" position and the
low beam headlamp is controlled by the relay in the BCM.
direction indicator lamp switch is enabled, the BCM flashes
the corresponding direction indicator lamp by identifying High Beam Headlamp
the switch status of the direction indicator lamp. Then the When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the BCM closes
direction indicator lamp on the instrument pack flashes and the high beam relay and illuminates the high beam headlamp
1.0 530
Lamps Lighting Systems
by identifying the status of the lamp lever switch. When the The Follow Me Home function can be set by manual mode as
high beam is enabled, the indicator of high beam on the IPK follows:
After the ignition switch is off, turn the lamp lever switch to
Position Lamp / Tail Lamp & License Plate Lamp the steering wheel, the system enters the Follow Me Home
The position lamp/tail lamp and license plate lamp are
controlled by the same output port of the BCM. When With the Follow Me Home activated, pull the high beam
moving the headlamp and width lamp knobs to "WIDTH headlamp lever or shift the ignition switch to disable the
LAMP" position or when the light sensor detects a dark light, Follow Me Home.
the BCM can detect the ON signal of the width lamp/tail
When enabled ignition switch, alternator failure or battery
lamp and license plate lamp and output signals to turn on an
overdischarge is detected, the Follow Me Home cannot work
external relay, so that the width lamp/tail lamp and license
plate lamp will illuminate simultaneously.
Daytime Running Lamp (if equipped)
Reverse Lamp
BCMThe daytime running lamp is controlled through HSD.
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the reverse lamp When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, and the light
illuminates when the shift lever is moved to "R" gear. sensor (if equipped) determines as daytime, or when the
Note: For vehicles with automatic transmission, to position lamp is off, the daytime running lamp illuminates.
avoid shifting to "R" gear and illuminating the When the position lamp is on, the daytime running lamp
reverse lamp accidentally, when the BCM detects extinguishes automatically.
that the shift lever is in "R" gear, it will hold Lamp of Security System
it there for more than 1s before illuminating the
reverse lamp. If the BCM receives a valid request signal of the outside lock,
and the vehicle is in the security system, locked or completely
Additional Functions in the anti-theft state, it controls the direction indicator lamp
Follow Me Home to give 3 flashes.
When the driver turns off the ignition switch and is about to If the anti-theft function of the security system is disabled, the
leave the vehicle, the Follow Me Home function can control the direction indicator lamp gives 1 flash.
illumination of the low beam headlamp to illuminate the area
around the vehicle. The following lamp can provide Follow Me If the vehicle is not fully locked (bonnet, tail gate and door are
Home function: low beam headlamp. open), the direction indicator lamp will not flash.
1.0 531
Lighting Systems Lamps
1.0 532
Lamps Lighting Systems
Front Position Lamp Front Direction Indicator Lamp
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Turn the front position lamp bulb cover 2. Turn the front direction indicator lamp bulb cover
counterclockwise to an appropriate position, counterclockwise to an appropriate position, and
and remove the bulb cover. remove the bulb cover.
3. Turn the front position lamp holder counterclockwise 3. Turn the front direction indicator lamp holder
and remove the holder. counterclockwise and remove the holder.
4. Remove the bulb from the lamp holder and discard it. 4. Remove the bulb from the lamp holder and discard it.
Refit Refit
1. Fit the new bulb into the lamp holder. 1. Fit the new bulb into the lamp holder.
2. Fit the bulb holder to the headlamp assembly. 2. Fit the bulb holder to the headlamp assembly.
3. Fit the front position lamp bulb cover. 3. Fit the front direction indicator lamp bulb cover.
4. Connect the battery negative. 4. Connect the battery negative.
1.0 533
Lighting Systems Lamps
4. Remove bulb
1. Fit bulb to holder.
2. Lightly lubricate bulb rubber holder.
3. Fit bulb holder to mirror.
4. Align mirror glass, press to engage clips.
5. Connect battery earth lead.
1.0 534
Lamps Lighting Systems
High-mounted Stop Lamp Assembly Tail Lamp Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Open the tail gate, pry off the trim panel of the 2. Remove 2 bolts fixing the tail lamp assembly to the
high-mounted stop lamp with an appropriate tool, and body.
remove the high-mounted stop lamp assembly.
3. Disconnect the connector of the high-mounted stop
lamp (1).
4. Remove 3 screws (2) fixing the high-mounted stop lamp
to the trim panel of the high-mounted stop lamp, and
remove the lamp to replace the bulb.
1.0 535
Lighting Systems Lamps
4. Remove the bulb from the lamp holder and discard it. Refit
Refit 1. Insert the rear license plate lamp into the rear bumper.
1. Fit the new bulb into the lamp holder, and fit the holder 2. Fit the rear bumper.
into the tail lamp assembly.
Rear Bumper Refit
2. Fit the tail lamp assembly.
3. Connect the battery negative.
Tail Lamp Assembly Refit
1.0 536
Lamps Lighting Systems
Light Sensor
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the instrument panel assembly.
1.0 537
1.0 538
Door Body Systems
Description Value
Bolt - door hinge to door 22–28Nm
Bolt - striker to door body 25±5Nm
Bolt - door hinge to body 30–36Nm
Bolt - door checker to body 19–25Nm
Bolt - door handle–outer to door panel 3.5–5Nm
Bolt - latch assy to door inner panel 8–10Nm
Bolt - division bar to door 6–8Nm
Bolt - glass to regulator 2–4Nm
Nut - regulator to door 6.5–7.5Nm
Bolt - window regulator guide rail to door 7–10Nm
Bolt - glass holder 7–10Nm
Bolt - glass to window regulator guide rail 7–10Nm
1.0 539
Body Systems Door
5. Pry off the rubber seal ring, pull out the body harness,
and disconnect the harness connector of the body.
3. Support the door with the jack and adjust it to the 6. With the help of an assistant, hold the door, remove
correct position. and discard 4 bolts (2) fixing the upper/lower hinges to
4. When the required effect is achieved by adjustment, the door side.
tighten the door hinge bolts to the specified torque 7. Remove the front door assembly.
8. Remove and discard 2 bolts (1) fixing the upper hinge
Striker Adjustment to the body, and remove the front door upper hinge.
1. Open/close the door to evaluate its close property. 9. Remove and discard 3 bolts (1) fixing the lower hinge
2. Loosen 2 striker screws. to the body, and remove the front door lower hinge.
3. Adjust the striker to an appropriate position.
4. Tighten the striker to the body screw to 25±5Nm.
1. Fit 2 new bolts fixing the upper hinge to the body,
tighten to 30–36Nm, and check the torque.
2. Fit 3 new bolts fixing the lower hinge to the body,
tighten to 30–36Nm, and check the torque.
3. With the help of an assistant, locate the door to the
1.0 540
Door Body Systems
body. Driver Side Door Outer Handle and Lock
4. Connect the harness connector of the body, and insert Cylinder Assembly
the rubber seal ring into the mounting hole of the body. Remove
5. Fit the new bolts fixing the front door upper/lower 1. Ensure that the window is fully lifted.
hinges to the door side respectively, but do not tighten 2. Disconnect the battery negative.
them. 3. Remove the driver side door interior trim panel and
6. Fit the new bolts fixing the door check to the body waterproof membrane.
side, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
7. Close the door and check if the door can be properly Membrane Remove
opened or closed, and make the adjustment. Tighten
4. Loosen the clip (1) securing the outer handle link and
the bolts fixing the upper/lower hinges to the door side
lock cylinder link.
to 22–28Nm, and check the torque.
5. Disconnect the harness connector (2).
8. Connect the battery negative.
6. Remove 2 bolts (3) fixing the outer door handle to the
1.0 541
Body Systems Door
1. Fit the door lock into the door cavity from the inside
of the door carefully and locate it.
2. Fit the inner door cable into the corresponding slot
of the lock body.
3. Fit 3 screws from top to bottom to fix the door lock to
the door, tighten the screws to 8–10Nm, and check
the torque.
4. Carefully secure 2 door lock cables connecting to the
outer door handle and door lock cylinder with clips by
using a flat blade screwdriver.
5. Connect the electrical connector.
6. Pull the lock body out of the door cavity to disconnect
6. Fit the door interior trim panel and waterproof
the electrical connector of the door lock.
1.0 542
Door Body Systems
Front Passenger Side Door Outer Handle Rear Door Adjustment
Remove Protect the edges of the door panel from scratch with tapes.
1. Ensure that the window is fully lifted. An assistant is required to support the door in the adjustment
2. Disconnect the battery negative. process.
3. Remove the front door interior trim panel and Door Hinge Adjustment
waterproof membrane. 1. Put the wood block on the jack, and put the jack under
the body to support the rear door.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
Membrane Remove 2. Loosen 4 bolts fixing the upper/lower door hinges to
the rear door.
4. Loosen the clip at outer handle link and outer handle
5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the outer door handle to the
2. Fit the retaining bolts of the outer door handle from the 3. Adjust the striker to an appropriate position.
door cavity, tighten to 3.5–5Nm, and check the torque. 4. After the adjustment, tighten the screws to 25±5Nm.
3. Fit the link into the clip of the outer handle.
4. Fit the driver side door interior trim panel and
waterproof membrane.
1.0 543
Body Systems Door
4. Remove and discard 1 bolt fixing the door check to 6. Fit the new bolts fixing the door check to the body
the body side. side, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
7. Close the door and check if the door can be properly
opened or closed, and make the adjustment. Tighten
the bolts fixing the upper/lower hinges to the door side
to 22–28Nm, and check the torque.
8. Connect the battery negative.
5. Pry off the rubber seal ring, pull out the body harness,
and disconnect the harness connector of the body.
6. With the help of an assistant, hold the door, remove
and discard 4 bolts (2) fixing the upper/lower hinges to
the door side.
7. Remove the rear door assembly.
8. Remove and discard 2 bolts (1) fixing the upper hinge
to the body, and remove the rear door upper hinge.
9. Remove and discard 3 bolts (1) fixing the lower hinge
to the body, and remove the rear door lower hinge.
1. Fit 2 new bolts fixing the upper hinge to the body,
tighten to 30–36Nm, and check the torque.
2. Fit 3 new bolts fixing the lower hinge to the body,
tighten to 30–36Nm, and check the torque.
3. With the help of an assistant, locate the door to the
1.0 544
Door Body Systems
Rear Door Outer Handle Rear Door Catch/CDL Motor
Remove Remove
1. Ensure that the window is fully lifted. 1. Ensure door glass is fully raised.
2. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Disconnect battery earth lead.
3. Remove the rear door interior trim panel. 3. Remove door trim panel.
The Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove Rear Door Trim Panel Remove
4. Remove the waterproof membrane. 4. Remove the waterproof membrane, take care not to
5. Loosen the clip 1 of outer handle connecting rod. damage membrane.
6. Remove 2 bolt 2 securing the outer handle from door 5. Release out handle to catch release rod clip, remove
cavity. rod.
6. Disconnect electrical connector.
1.0 545
Body Systems Door
9. Remove catch/motor.
1. Position door catch/CDL motor in door.
2. Refit release cable.
3. Fit door catch bolts, tighten to8–10Nm.
4. Refit handle release rod to clip, secure clip.
5. Reconnect electrical connector.
6. Refit waterproof membrane.
4. Remove inner door glass weatherstrip (felt trim).
7. Refit door trim panel.
5. Release door glass channel from door.
Rear Door Trim Panel Refit
6. Drill out upper moulding pop rivets, ensure all debris
8. Connect battery earth lead. is retrieved.
7. Remove trim.
1. Position upper moulding on door.
2. Secure using new pop rivets.
3. Refit torx screw.
4. Refit front quarter light glass.
Front Quarter Light Glass Refit
5. Refit door glass channel to door.
6. Refit inner door glass weatherstrip.
7. Refit outer weatherstrip on door.
Outer Weatherstrip Refit
1.0 546
Door Body Systems
Rear Door Upper Molding Door Window Outer Weatherstrip
Remove Remove
1. Remove door outer weatherstrip. 1. Using suitable trim tool, prise weatherstrip up from
Outer Weatherstrip Remove door starting at front end.
3. Release seal at upper door pillar corner, remove torx 1. Position weatherstrip on door.
screw. 2. Use suitable rubber mallet to locate clips onto door
starting at front.
7. Remove trim.
1. MPosition upper moulding on door.
2. Secure using new pop rivets.
3. Refit torx screw.
4. Refit rear quarter light glass.
Rear Quarter Light Glass Refit
5. Refit door glass channel to door.
6. Refit inner door glass weatherstrip.
7. Refit outer weatherstrip on door.
Outer Weatherstrip Refit
1.0 547
Body Systems Door
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof Rear Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
Membrane Remove Membrane Remove
Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the
glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the
door. door.
4. Remove 2 screws fixing the front door window glass 4. Remove 2 screws fixing the rear door window glass
to the window regulator. to the window regulator.
5. Release 2 fasteners of the guide rail of the front door 5. Release 2 fasteners of the guide rail of the rear door
window glass. window glass.
6. Carefully remove the door window glass from the door 6. Carefully remove the door window glass from the door
cavity. cavity.
Refit Refit
1. Fit the glass into the door cavity and then to the guide 1. Fit the glass into the door cavity and then to the guide
rail of the front door window glass. rail of the rear door window glass.
2. Fit the bolt of the guide rail of the front door window 2. Fit the bolt of the guide rail of the rear door window
glass, and tighten to 6–8Nm. glass, and tighten to 6–8Nm.
3. Fit the glass to the window regulator, secure with 2 3. Fit the glass to the window regulator, secure with 2
screws, and tighten to 2–4Nm. screws, and tighten to 2–4Nm.
4. Fit the front door interior trim panel and the 4. Fit the rear door interior trim panel and the waterproof
waterproof membrane. membrane.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof Rear Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
Membrane Refit Membrane Refit
5. Connect the battery negative. 5. Connect the battery negative.
1.0 548
Door Body Systems
Front Door Window Regulator Rear Door Window Regulator
Remove Remove
1. Remove door glass. 1. Remove door glass.
1.0 549
Body Systems Door
Front Door Window Regulator Adjustment Rear Door Window Regulator Adjustment
Adjustment Adjustment
1. Open the front door. 1. Open the rear door.
2. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Remove the front door interior trim panel and the 3. Remove the rear door interior trim panel and the
waterproof membrane. waterproof membrane.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof Rear Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
Membrane Remove Membrane Remove
Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the
glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the
door. door.
4. Loosen 2 clamping screws (1) fixing the front door 4. Loosen 2 clamping screws (1) fixing the rear door
window glass to the window regulator. window glass to the window regulator.
5. Loosen 7 mounting nuts (2) securing the window 5. Loosen 7 mounting nuts (2) securing the window
regulator. regulator.
6. Adjust the window so as to make it engage well with the 6. Adjust the window so as to make it engage well with the
seals on both ends and ensure the window works well. seals on both ends and ensure the window works well.
7. Tighten 7 mounting nuts securing the window regulator 7. Tighten 7 mounting nuts securing the window regulator
to 7–10Nm, and check the torque. to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
8. Tighten 2 clamping screws of the window to 7–10Nm, 8. Tighten 2 clamping screws of the window to 7–10Nm,
and check the torque. and check the torque.
9. Raise and lower the window glass to check the 9. Raise and lower the window glass to check the
operation and positioning. operation and positioning.
10. Fit the front door interior trim panel and the 10. Fit the rear door interior trim panel and the waterproof
waterproof membrane. membrane.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof Rear Door Interior Trim Panel and Waterproof
Membrane Refit Membrane Refit
11. Connect the battery negative. 11. Connect the battery negative.
12. Check if the window glass regulator can work. 12. Check if the window glass regulator can work.
1.0 550
Door Body Systems
Front Door Glass Channel Rear Door Glass Channel
Remove Remove
1. Remove front door glass. 1. Remove rear door glass.
1.0 551
Body Systems Door
1.0 552
Door Body Systems
Power Window Switch - Driver Side Power Window Switch - Others
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Pry off the power window switch screw cover. 2. Pry off the power window switch screw cover.
3. Remove 1 screw fixing the power window switch to 3. Remove 1 screw fixing the power window switch to
the door. the door.
4. Remove the power window switch from the door 4. Remove the power window switch from the door
interior trim panel, and disconnect the harness interior trim panel, and disconnect the harness
connector. connector.
Refit Refit
1. Connect the connector of the power window switch. 1. Connect the connector of the power window switch.
2. Fix the power window switch to the door interior trim 2. Fix the power window switch to the door interior trim
panel, fit and tighten 1 screw. panel, fit and tighten 1 screw.
3. Fit the power window switch screw cover. 3. Fit the power window switch screw cover.
4. Connect the battery negative. 4. Connect the battery negative.
1.0 553
Body Systems Door
1.0 554
Front Closures Body Systems
Front Closures
Description Value
Nut - fender to body 7–10Nm
Screw - front bumper support bracket 3–4Nm
Bolt - headlamp assy 3–5Nm
Bolt - head lamp bracket to MFE 7–10Nm
Bolt-Expansion Tank stand to Body 7–10Nm
Bolt-intercooler to platform 4–6Nm
Bolt - hood hinge to body 26–34Nm
Nut - hood hinge to hood panel 19–25Nm
Nut - hood hinge to hood 26–34Nm
Bolt - hood latch to platform 7–10Nm
1.0 555
Body Systems Front Closures
Service Procedures
1. Remove the front bumper assembly.
12. Remove the bolt (4) fixing the middle bracket of the
fender to the fender, and remove the middle bracket.
13. Remove 2 clips (8) connecting the fender to the
acoustic pad, and remove the acoustic pad of the fender.
1. Locate the acoustic pad of the fender to the fender,
and fit the clip.
3. Remove the A pillar exterior trim panel.
2. Locate and adjust the fender.
A Pillar Exterior Trim Panel Remove 3. Locate the middle bracket to the fender, fit the bolt
4. Remove 4 screws securing the left and right mounting fixing the middle bracket to the fender, tighten to
brackets of the front bumper, and remove the brackets. 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
5. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the fender to the front 4. Fix the fender to the body, do not tighten the bolt.
bracket of the fender. 5. Adjust the gap between the fender and adjacent panels
6. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the fender to the front upper and ensure uniform gap. Then tighten 6 bolts fixing the
bracket of the fender. fender to the body to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
7. Remove 1 bolt (3) at the side corner of the A/C air And tighten 2 screws fixing the fender to the body.
inlet grille. 6. Fit the front bumper bracket, tighten 4 screws fixing
8. Remove 1 bolt securing the middle bracket of the the left and right brackets of the front bumper to the
fender from the door. body to 3–4Nm, and check the torque.
9. Remove 1 screw (5) connecting the bottom of the 7. Fit the A pillar exterior trim panel.
fender to the body. A Pillar Exterior Trim Panel Refit
10. Remove 1 bolt (6) connecting the bottom of the fender 8. Tighten the bolt above the headlamp to 3–5Nm, and
to the bodyside outer panel and 1 screw (7) to the check the torque.
wheelhouse liner.
9. Fit the front bumper assembly.
11. Remove the fender.
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
1.0 556
Front Closures Body Systems
Front-end Module 10. Disconnect the bonnet lock release cable assembly
Remove from the lock assembly to remove the lock assembly.
1. Remove the front bumper assembly. Bonnet Lock Assembly Remove
Front Bumper Remove 11. Remove the front bumper beam.
2. Remove the headlamp assembly. Front Bumper Beam Remove
Headlamp Assembly Remove 12. Remove the tweeter harness from the front-end
3. Remove the wind scoopers on both sides. module.
Wind Scooper - Left Remove 13. Remove the reservoir oil return pipe assembly.
Wind Scooper - Right Remove Reservoir Oil Return Pipe Assembly Remove
4. Remove 4 bolts fixing the middle support bracket of 14. Remove 2 screws connecting the front-end module to
the front bumper to the upper part of the front-end the radiator shock pad to disconnect the front-end
module, and remove the middle support bracket of the module intercooler and radiator, and remove the
front bumper. front-end module.
1. Fix the front-end module to the intercooler and
2. Fit the reservoir oil return pipe assembly.
Reservoir Oil Return Pipe Assembly Refit
3. Fit the tweeter harness to the front-end module.
4. Fit the front bumper beam.
8. Remove 2 bolts (1) connecting the upper mounting Front Bumper Beam Refit
panel of the left headlamp and the front-end module. 5. Fit the bonnet lock assembly.
9. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the bracket of the coolant Bonnet Lock Assembly Refit
expansion tank to the front-end module. 6. Locate the upper mounting panel of the right headlamp
to the front-end module, tighten 2 bolts connecting the
upper mounting panel of the right headlamp and the
front-end module to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
7. Locate the upper mounting panel of the left headlamp
to the front-end module, tighten 2 bolts connecting
the upper mounting panel of the left headlamp and the
front-end module to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
8. Fit 2 bolts fixing the bracket of the coolant expansion
tank to the front-end module, tighten to 7–10Nm, and
check the torque.
9. Fit the air inlet pipe assembly.
Air Inlet Pipe Refit
1.0 557
Body Systems Front Closures
10. Fit the bolt fixing the bottom deflector to the front-end Bonnet Assembly and Hinge
module. Remove
Bottom Deflector Refit Warning: Take special attention to avoid vehicle damage
11. Fix the middle support bracket of the front bumper and personal injury.
to the upper part of the front-end module, fit 4 bolts, 1. Open and support the bonnet properly.
tighten to 4–6Nm, and check the torque. 2. Mark the position of the hinges relative to the bonnet
12. Fit the wind scoopers on both sides. for positioning during refitting.
3. Remove 4 nuts (2) fixing the hinges (bonnet side) on
Wind Scooper - Left Refit
both sides to the bonnet.
Wind Scooper - Right Refit
4. With assistance, remove the bonnet.
13. Fit the bonnet support rod assembly.
5. Remove 4 bolts (1) fixing the hinges (body side) on
14. Fit the headlamp assembly. both sides to the front-end of the body.
Headlamp Assembly Refit
15. Fit the front bumper assembly.
1.0 558
Front Closures Body Systems
Bonnet Adjustment
1. Adjust the rear part of the bonnet.
1.0 559
Body Systems Front Closures
1. Connect the lock end of the bonnet release cable
assembly and the lock assembly firmly, i.e. fit the
spherical end of the cable core wire into the hook slot
of the bonnet lock, put the core wire into the long slot
of the bonnet lock case, and align the circular groove of
the main cable pipe connector with the mounting slot
of the lock case, then press it hard until it clicks.
2. Locate the bonnet lock assembly to the bracket of the
front-end module, and align it with the position marked
when removing.
3. Connect the harness connector of the bonnet lock.
4. Fit 3 bolts fixing the lock assembly to the bracket of the
front-end module, and do not tighten to the specified
1.0 560
Front Closures Body Systems
Bonnet Release Cable and Handle and fit the clip into the panel.
Remove 3. Fit the bonnet lock assembly.
1. Open the bonnet and support it with a rod firmly.
Bonnet Lock Assembly Refit
2. Remove the bonnet lock assembly.
4. Insert the end of the cable assembly into the base of
Bonnet Lock Assembly Remove the release handle.
3. Remove and discard the release handle of the bonnet. 5. Fit the A pillar lower trim panel.
A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
6. Fit the new release handle of the bonnet, and ensure
the handle is pressed till the end.
7. Pull the release handle of the bonnet in the driver
compartment, and check if the bonnet works properly
when it is opened.
1.0 561
Body Systems Rear Closures
Rear Closures
Description Value
Bolt -Tailgate kniqhthead to body 7–10Nm
Nut - tailgate hinge to body 26–34Nm
Bolt - tailgate hinge to tailgate panel 7–10Nm
Bolt - Tailgate hinge to tailgate 7–10Nm
Bolt - tailgate lock to tailgate panel 6–8Nm
Bolt - striker to body 8.5–11.5Nm
Bolt - fuel filler flap to body 8–12Nm
1.0 562
Rear Closures Body Systems
Service Procedures Caution: To avoid damaging the airtightness of the air
Tail Gate Gas Spring and Mounting Bracket spring, never hold the centre of the air spring and laterally
Remove apply force to it by hand.
1. Open the tail gate, and when removing the tail gate, 6. Align the ball cup at piston end of the left gas spring
make sure it is securely supported. with the ball head on the tail gate inner panel. Hold the
end of the piston, push the ball cup into the ball head
Warning: As the large weight of the tailgate, operations
with thumb, if the two parts are fitted well, a "crack"
should be performed after the safety feature is set, and
sound will be heard.
take extra care to prevent the vehicle from damaging and
personal injury. 7. Repeat step 1-6 to fit the right gas spring and the
mounting bracket of the tail gate.
2. Carefully pry off the steel spring retaining clip on both
sides of the left gas spring, forcibly unplug the ball cup 8. Close the tail gate.
at piston end from the ball head of the tail gate.
3. Then pull the ball head socket of gas spring sleeve from
the ball head of left body bracket.Then forcibly unplug
the ball cup at socket end of the gas spring from the ball
head of the left body side bracket.
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the mounting bracket of the
left gas spring to the body, and remove the gas spring
mounting bracket.
5. Repeat step 2-4 to remove the right gas spring and its
mounting bracket.
1. Align the mounting bracket of the left gas spring with
the hole on the luggage compartment.
2. Fit 2 bolts fixing the mounting bracket of the tail gate
gas spring to the body, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check
the torque.
3. Check the steel spring piece on both ball cups of the
air spring, ensure it is properly located in the spring
piece slot.
4. Align the ball cup at socket end of the gas spring with
the ball head on the left mounting bracket, and make
sure the gas spring piston is downward.
5. Hold the sleeve, push the ball cup into the ball head
with thumb, if the two parts are fitted well, a "crack"
sound will be heard.
1.0 563
Body Systems Rear Closures
5. Fit the harness into the tail gate cavity, and connect the
interface of the resistance heater wires at both sides of
the windshield.
6. Connect the harness connector of the lock, and fit the
1.0 564
Rear Closures Body Systems
tail gate lock assembly. Tail Gate Adjustment
Tail Gate Lock Assembly Refit
1. Mark the position of the tail gate hinge on the tail gate
7. Connect the harness connector of the rear window
with a non-permanent marker.
wiper motor, and fit the wiper motor.
2. Loosen 4 bolts fixing the left and right hinges to the
Rear Window Wiper Motor Refit
tail gate.
8. Fit the high-mounted stop lamp.
1.0 565
Body Systems Rear Closures
1. Locate the lock catch to the tail gate sill of the body,
ensure the arrow on the lock catch towards the inner
5. Remove the tail gate lock sleeve. of the vehicle, and pay attention to the correspondence
6. Pull the lock out of the tail gate cavity, disconnect the between the position tick mark on the lock catch and
connector, and remove the tail gate lock assembly. the tick mark on the vehicle body.
Refit 2. Secure the lock catch of the tail gate to the body with
1. Fit the lock assembly into the tail gate cavity, and bolts, but do not tighten them.
connect the connector. 3. Close and open the tail gate repeatedly for several
2. Fit 3 mounting bolts, but do not tighten them. times, check and adjust the fit clearance and the surface
distance between the tail gate and the surrounding
3. Check and adjust the fit clearance and the surface
sheet metal parts. After the adjustment is done, secure
difference between the tail gate lock and the
the bolts to 8.5–11.5Nm.
surrounding panels, then tighten the lock bolt to
6–8Nm, and check the torque. 4. Make sure that the tail gate lock is fully locked, and
check if the electrical signal of the tail gate lock is
4. Fit the tail gate lock sleeve.
5. Fit the interior trim panel of the tail gate.
1.0 566
Rear Closures Body Systems
Fuel Filler Door Assembly Fuel Filler Door Release Cable Assembly
Remove Remove
Warning: Apply masking tape to painted body edges to 1. Open the fuel filler door.
avoid paint damage. 2. Open the tail gate, and remove the right trim panel of
1. Pull up the fuel filler door release handle under the the luggage compartment.
driver side instrument panel assembly to open the fuel Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel Remove
filler door.
3. Remove the luggage compartment carpet, and loosen
2. Release the fuel filler door release handle from the the clip fixing the cable to the floor.
fuel filler door.
4. Remove the driver side A pillar lower trim panel.
3. Remove 2 mounting bolts connecting the fuel filler
door and the body. A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
5. Remove the B/C pillar lower trim panel.
B/C Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
6. Remove the sill trim panel of the right rear door.
7. Remove the lower trim panel of the right D pillar.
D Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
8. Remove the cable from the base of the release handle.
9. Loosen all clips of the cable, and pull the cable out of
the fuel filler door.
1. Fit the handle of the fuel filler door release cable
assembly into the luggage compartment through the
mounting hole on the right bodyside panel, push the
4. Remove the door assembly.
filler door of the fuel filler door release cable into the
Refit mounting hole along the hole axis till it clicks and clips
1. Locate the fuel filler door to the body, fit 2 bolts, on both sides are completely stuck into the bodyside
tighten to 8–12Nm, and check the torque. panel.
2. Fit the fuel filler door release cable. 2. Fit the cable assembly to the rear compartment through
3. Verify the release operation. the right luggage compartment, and secure the cable in
sequence with clips along the bottom of the rear seats
to the right compartment, then fit the cylindrical end of
the cable assembly into the notch of the release handle
base along the D pillar lower trim panel at the left side
of the body and the right sill.
3. Fit the driver side A pillar lower trim panel.
A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
4. Fit the B/C pillar lower trim panel.
B/C Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
5. Fit the sill trim panel of the right rear door.
6. Fit the right D pillar lower trim panel.
D Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
7. Fit the luggage compartment carpet.
8. Fit the right trim panel of the luggage compartment.
Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel Refit
9. Pull the fuel filler door release handle at the driver side
sill, check the connections of the fuel filler door release
cable assembly.
1.0 567
Body Systems Horns
Description Value
Nut-Horn to Front impact bar 7–10Nm
1.0 568
Horns Body Systems
Service Procedures
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the front bumper assembly.
1.0 569
Body Systems Body Control Module
1.0 570
Body Control Module Body Systems
Description and Operation
System Layout
1.0 571
Body Systems Body Control Module
1.0 572
Body Control Module Body Systems
Description 8 Rear Wiper Homing Signal
Mounting position: 9 Rear Wiper Switch
BCMThe BCM is on the left front bodyside panel. 10 Front Wiper Mode Selection
Switch 1
BCMThe BCM consists of the low power microprocessor,
11 Right Direction Indicator Lamp
EEPROM, CAN transceiver and power supply. BCM Switch
contains discrete input/output terminals which controls most
12 Position Lamp Switch
of the body functions. It interacts with other primary electrical
13 Driver Window Up Switch
systems through the HS CAN bus. The power mode master
control module (PMM) of the BCM provides power for most 14 Tail Gate Unlock Switch
of the vehicle electric components. 15 Driver Door Ajar Warning
The BCM communicates directly with the following
16 Driver Door Locked with Key
components through the HS CAN bus:
• HVAC(Air conditioning system) 17 High Beam Flash Switch
• FICM 18 IMMO SPI Bus Data Line
• IPK 19 IMMO SPI Bus Clock Line
• ECM 20 N Gear/Clutch Switch
• ABS/SCS 21 KL.R (ACC switch)
• TCM (if equipped) 22 KL.15 (ignition switch)
• SDM 23 Reverse Gear Switch
• TPMS (if equipped) 24 Low Beam Switch
BCM Connector 25 -
The BCM has four connectors which interacts with other 26 -
related systems via the harness and provides input/output 27 Heated Rear Window
signals for the BCM.
28 Front Wiper Homing Signal
BCM Harness Connector BY026 29 Front Wiper Mode Selection
Switch 2
30 Hazard Warning Lamp Switch
31 Left Direction Indicator Lamp
32 -
33 Luggage Compartment Lid Ajar
Warning Switch
34 Passenger Door Ajar Warning
35 Driver Door Unlocked with
Pin No. Description Key Signal
1 - 36 High Beam Switch
2 KL.50 37 Rear Fog Lamp Switch
3 Rear Wiper/Washer Switch 38 CAN L
4 Front Wiper/Washer Switch 39 CAN H
5 Driver Window Down Switch 40 -
6 -
7 Driver Side One-button Down
1.0 573
Body Systems Body Control Module
1.0 574
Body Control Module Body Systems
10 Door Unlock Output
11 Ground 2
1.0 575
Body Systems Body Control Module
With the aftermarket diagnostic tool, the local MG Authorised BCMThe BCM monitors information input and output, if
Repairer can shift the vehicle load management configuration any fault is detected, the corresponding DTC will be stored
from transportation mode to normal mode. in the fault records. BCMThe BCM can detect short and
open circuits as well as wrong signals of the CAN and LIN
Normal Mode
buses. When any fault is detected, the BCM will close the
This mode applies the default setting, after completion of the corresponding functions. When the fault is eliminated, the
PDI, the vehicle can enter into normal operation. corresponding function will be activated next time when the
activation request is received.
1.0 576
Body Control Module Body Systems
The BCM can exchange information with the aftermarket of the driver side instrument panel (driver's leg) and is made
diagnostic tool through the DLC. It is on the closure panel according to the ISO standards.
1.0 577
Body Systems Body Control Module
1.0 578
Panel Repair Body Repair
Panel Repair
Roof Panel
1.0 579
Body Repair Panel Repair
1.0 580
Panel Repair Body Repair
Dash Panel
1.0 581
Body Repair Panel Repair
Bodyside Panel
1.0 582
Panel Repair Body Repair
Front Floor
1.0 583
Body Repair Panel Repair
Rear Floor
1.0 584
Panel Repair Body Repair
Door Panel
1.0 585
Body Repair Panel Repair
1.0 586
Panel Repair Body Repair
Tail Gate Panel Assembly
1.0 587
Body Repair Collision Repair
Collision Repair
Body Material
For different strength requirements of different body parts, this model adopts various high strength steel plates and ultra high
strength steel plates (hot formed steel plate). The detailed positions of different materials are as follows:
Only services as per relevant instructions in the Manufacturer's Service Manual and services of high strength steel plates
and hot formed steel plates as per the modern inverter technology are allowed.
During the service of the galvanized steel plate, the following matters should be noted:
• The paint and zinc coating should be completely ground off before grinding. Be careful when grinding.
• Apply the spot welding paint between the weld contact surfaces before the spot welding (with a hairbrush or a spray).
• Particles on the surfaces will be absorbed by the electrode, so it is necessary to clean the electrode tip frequently.
1.0 588
Collision Repair Body Repair
Damage Diagnosis
Damage Detection
During damage detection, visually inspect the location collided
to determine the direction and size of the impact, and check
for potential damages. For vehicles damaged in an accident,
query the vehicle speed, impact location or rollover location,
direction and angle when the accident happens, and understand
the impact form, location and angle of the impacted vehicle,
etc, use an intuitive method to determine the location damaged • Characteristics of damage caused by middle impact
by the impact and areas that may be affected by the impact.
Test drive and measuring instrument can also be used for the
thorough check of the vehicle, confirm if the underbody is
deformed, and if the whole body is damaged and twisted, check
if the door can function properly, etc to determine the level of
damage and the method of repair.
Damage Measurement
Accurate measurement is one of the necessary processes for
completion of impact repair. For integral bodies, measurement
is more important for a successful damage repair, because the
steering system and suspension are on the body, and some
suspensions are designed according to the requirement for
assembly. To ensure correct steering and driveability, the
fit tolerance of the key machining size shall be within the
permissible range.
1.0 589
Body Repair Collision Repair
Method of measurement:
• Distance measurement: the simplest and most practical
method is to measure the distance between the
reference points of the component with a steel tape.
1.0 590
Collision Repair Body Repair
Repair Plan Determination
Underbody Correction
When the vehicle is severely damaged, the underbody is
deformed, no need to replace the whole body, correct
the underbody first. Underbody correction ensures the
three-dimensional position of the underbody and the general
position of the body, determines the position of the engine
assembly and front suspension and recovers the angle for
wheel alignment and the position of other assemblies. After
underbody correction, repair the body panel.
Body and Covering Component Correction
After an impact, if the body and covering component only
have repairable depression or deformation, no serious damage
occurs, no need to replace the component, recover its shape
by correction.
Sheet Metals Replacement
When the body part has a damage at one location or more
than one location, and the damage or corrosion is beyond the
specified degree, it is worthless to repair it or a repair cannot
help it to achieve the specified technical standard and function
requirement, then replace the sheet metals.
Body Replacement
When the vehicle is severely damaged, the whole body is
smashed by the impact, the underbody is seriously deformed,
the two sides, roof cover, engine hood and trunk lid are
almost destroyed, and the whole body is unrepairable, then
replace the body according to user's demands. Remove
usable assembly and component from the damaged vehicle,
thoroughly check and repair the major assembly such as
engine. Replace the body assembly and parts that shall be
replaced, and reassemble them according to the assembly
process of the vehicle.
Partial Replacement
When impact occurs, and only local damage appears, for
example, damage to the front/rear fender, door, engine hood
or trunk lid, partial replacement can be performed for the
body, this saves trouble, time and reduces the cost.
Body Pillar Replacement
When the body pillar, windshield pillar, front or rear pillar is
badly damaged and cannot be corrected by a simple repair,
replace it. Recover the large-scale deformation before
replacing the pillar.
1.0 591
Body Repair Collision Repair
Body Correction
The purpose of body correction is to recover the correct
position and size of the sheet metal by eliminating the
deformation (plastic deformation) and residue stress caused
by collisions.
Introduction of Correcting Equipment
The correcting equipment shall provide the following features:
• The equipment shall have high-strength body positioning
device and fixture. Correction/Drawing Method
• It shall have a service puller with various shapes and Drawing Sequence
different functions that can meet the repair requirements Note the method and procedure for drawing: during drawing,
for different locations. draw for a little while, then release the chain, unload and make
• Be able to perform multipoint and comprehensive measurements. Operate from inside to outside.
correction/drawing. 1. Take length as the priority. Draw the vehicle in the
• Be able to accurately measure and detect the deviation longitudinal direction along the centreline of the vehicle.
and repair error for each reference point. 2. Then correct the width. Correct the vehicle in the
Operation Process for Correcting Equipment horizontal direction.
Regardless of the type of the equipment used, its operation is 3. Finally correct the height.
broadly divided into the following 4 steps: Stress Elimination
1. Get on the vehicle. Eliminate the stress during drawing;
2. Position, clamping. • Knock the raised location beside the deformed region
3. Drawing. and the back;
4. Measurement. • Knock the welding location of the deformed region;
• Prevent motion of the vehicle; • Knock the reinforcement of the deformed region;
1.0 592
Collision Repair Body Repair
completely eliminate the stress of the curved steel sheet to
achieve accurate repair of the body.
1.0 593
Body Repair Collision Repair
Panel Repair obvious defect that can be sensed by a touch are not allowed.
Panel Repair Method Especially for large scale repair, ensure the integrity, streamline
feature, continuity and fineness of the continuous surface.
Puller Method for Sheet Metal Repair (Meson
Machine) Sufficient Strength and Rigidity
The puller traction method for sheet metal repair is introduced The body of the original design has sufficient strength and
in recent years, for this method, a number of flat gasket pullers rigidity, the body repaired shall ensure sufficient strength and
is welded according to the size of the damaged sheet metals, rigidity. The vibration noise of the body repaired shall be within
the flat gasket puller is a traction medium, insert the wire into the permissible range, abnormal vibration noise shall not occur.
the medium, and draw the wire with a manual or mechanical Ensure the body has no any fatigue damage within the certain
manner, apply force to the damaged sheet metals through distance, the entire body shall have the specified rigidity, make
the medium so that it can be drawn outwards and resume sure the body panels is able to maintain its shape in use.
its position and shape, especially for larger deformation,
bilayer structure, inaccessible location, corner transition and
door pillar, etc, the puller traction method provides a more
convenient method for repair.
Heat Shrinkage Method
For repair, the shape of the large smooth structure and the
wedge structure of the local transition shall be recovered.
When it is hard to recover the shape, change the original shape
in an appropriate way, the shape shall be symmetrical, beautiful,
firm and durable.
Integrity and Fineness of Continuous Surface
1.0 594
Collision Repair Body Repair
Sheet Metal Replacement
The process for sheet metal replacement is as follows:
1.0 595
Body Repair Collision Repair
• Adjust the difference between the high surface and the low
1.0 596
Collision Repair Body Repair
3. Adjust surrounding clearance; Caution: Use arms not exceeding 300 mm in length.
1.0 597
Body Repair Collision Repair
1.0 598
Painting Body Repair
The purpose of automotive painting is to provide an excellent
appearance, decoration, gloss protection, colour protection,
corrosion resistance and a longer service life, so it has
distinctive features:
Aftermarket paint repair is composed of the primer coat, putty • Increase the total thickness of the coating and improve the
coat, intermediate coating, pigmented paint coating and varnish film build;
coating. • Improve the corrosion resistance and weather resistance
of the primer/top coat;
• Repair minor defects on the substrate surface;
• Raise the decoration performance of the top coat.
1.0 599
Body Repair Painting
6. Top Coat: top coat is used for the final coating of 7. In order to thoroughly clean the area of exposed metal
the multi-coatings, it directly affects the decoration due to damage of the painted surface, the cleaning area
performance, weather resistance, gloss protection, shall be larger than the original damaged area.
colour protection, chemical resistance, contaminant 8. Use phosphate to eliminate the dust, contaminant, etc on
resistance and appearance of the vehicle. the exposed metal, and offer a good repair environment
Classification of Top Coat for the new coating.
The classification of the top coat by colour effect is as follows:
• Pure pigmented paint: containing resin, pigment and
additive only.
• Metallic paint: containing metal powder, with better gloss
and saturation.
• Pear paint: comparing with the metallic paint, instead
of using metallic paint, it uses mica powder coated with
titanium dioxide and ferrum dioxide to improve the
texture and gloss of the paint film.
1.0 600
Painting Body Repair
Painting Process
Generally, automobile painting can be divided into two parts: 1.
metal treatment before painting (also known as pretreatment);
2. application process.
Surface Pretreatment
Surface pretreatment consists of the following works:
1. Surface cleaning: before painting, thoroughly remove the
mud, dirt other foreign materials on the vehicle, especially
the dirt on the door frame, luggage compartment, engine
cover seam and wheel house, failure to do so may cause
the new paint film to be contaminated.
1.0 601
Body Repair Painting
1.0 602
Painting Body Repair
Coating Application care not to grind the surrounding area. When using a
grinding block, grind in the horizontal direction, and begin
For paint repair of the pretreated sheet metal of the finished
with the top, then move down gradually;
surface, please refer to the detailed processes below:
• Clean the repair surface with an air gun.
1. Primer application
• Cover the area around the region to be repaired;
• Use a soft cloth with detergent to wipe the surface to
be painted, and use another clean cloth to wipe off the
detergent residue on the surface;
• Purge the surface with compressed air;
• Spray anti-rust primer and dry it;
• Flash off for 5min after application, and bake it with the
infrared baking lamp according to the instruction of the • After a levelling of 10-15min, cure the paint film with an
putty; infrared baking lamp;
• Wear dust mask, select appropriate sandpaper and hard • Coat a grinding indicator layer on the surface so that the
grinding block, rail grinding machine can be used, and take uneven surface can be easily found during grinding;
1.0 603
Body Repair Painting
5. Varnish Application
• Remove the covering paper from the surrounding of the • After baking, further treatment can be done only when the
repair area, purge the inner/outer surface of the repair paint film is completely cool (such as grinding, polishing,
area with compressed air, and thoroughly remove the etc).
abrasive debris and moisture; 6. Polishing/waxing
4. Top Coat Application • When the paint film is completely cool, use sandpaper
• Check the colour code, and check the colour formulation P1500 or P2000 to grind the dust, sag, etc on the paint
according to the code; film;
• Polish the body surface around the repair area to acquire • Use slack wax and wool wheel to grind the location to
correct colour; be polished. At the beginning of polishing, the speed of
the polisher shall not be high, the speed shall be increased
• Check for the difference between the colour mixed and
that of the original body in the stage fluorescent lamp or
sunlight; • Polish with polishing wax and sponge wheel.
• When it is consistent with the vehicle to be painted • Use a clean sponge wheel, use polishing wax to remove
(dilution ratio, distance, pressure, paint output, the swirl mark caused by polishing to restore the gloss of
temperature, flash-off time, etc), paint the colour test the paint film;
panel; • Check if the colour of the painted location is correct in
• Flash off the test panel for 15min, bake the test panel as the lamplight, then check it in the sunlight.
per the specified temperature and time. Take care not to
7. Hairdressing/cleaning
overheat the test panel during baking;
• Use a soft cloth with detergent to wipe the area to be
repaired, and dry with another clean cloth;
1.0 604
Painting Body Repair
8. Process information for paints of different brands
Recommend paint brand information
PPG Sherwin-Williams Akzo Nobel
P565-895 E2G973 Priming Filler 680 Grey
P565-9850 GBP988-AR Primer Surfacer EP
P565-9085 UPO7299 Sikkens 1K All Plastics Primer
UPO7226-3 Washprimer 1K 1CF/EF
P551-1050 18380221 Kombi Filler
Putty P551-1052 Polykit IV Set
Buffer P565-510/511 P30 Autosurfacer Classic
layer P565-5601/5605/5607 P50 Autosurfacer Rapid
P190-376 CC645HS Autoclear Plus HS (HSR)
P190-6850 HPC15 Autoclear Xcel SET
P190-6060 CC939 Autoclear II
Varnish P190-6208+P210-6863 CC931 Autoclear Rapid
P190-588AP210-790/938/939 CC930 Autoclear Mat
P190-588+P210-760/790 CC655
1.0 605
Body Repair Painting
General Film Coating Defects • Low product temperature, low spraying pressure, slow
Paint Film Defects Caused by Application and gunning speed, short distance to spray gun, thicker film;
Treatments • Large caliber of spray gun, poor atomization of spray gun;
Particles • Slow solvent evaporation rate and low paints' viscosity;
The phenomenon that bumps in the film coatings are spread • Short distance between spray gun and workpiece, slower
over the whole or local surface in granular form. gunning speed, thicker spraying coatings;
Analysis of Possible Causes: • Insufficient flash-off intervals between layers;
1.0 606
Painting Body Repair
• Mix the paint and solvent in proportion to ensure the • The substrate is not flat or the finish coating is sprayed
proper fluidness; to the surfacer surfaces without having the orange skin
• It should be heated up slowly to avoid the rapid solvent ground smooth;
evaporation. • The ambient temperature is high, the wind speed is fast
• Full flash-off intervals between layers; and the substrate temperature is high;
• The diluent volatilizes rapidly, the paint has high viscosity
Defect treatments: The defects should be completely ground
and the film is too thin;
to remove the pin holes and pin eyes, then repaint it.
• The distance from spray gun is too far, the gunning speed
Blistering is too fast, the spraying pressure is low and the amount
Part of the film coating floats off the painted surface or prime of paint out of spray gun is little;
coat and is filled with liquid or gas, which is about 1 ~ 5mm in
Preventive Measures:
diameter or floats off in large pieces. If there is some water
under the film, the vapor generated by evaporation of water • Grind the intermediate coating completely smooth
will plump up the film to form blister when the temperature according to the process requirements;
rises up. • Control the ambient temperature and wind speed (0.2 -
Analysis of Possible Causes: 0.6m/s);
• Use the diluent suitable for that temperature, and
• The ambient humidity is high and the film is dried
adjust the paint viscosity as per the paint manufacturers'
naturally after spraying, resulting in moisture infiltrating
product instructions.
into the film;
• Adjust the gun pressure, then regulate the gun to
• The substrate is not dried properly, the drying time is
proper distance and reduce the gunning speed as per the
short between coatings, the heating and drying are too
manufacturers' instructions;
• Spray the appropriate layers to ensure that the film get
• Grind the putty while adding water and the putty absorbs
the desired thickness;
• There is oil or water in the compressed air lines;
Defect treatments: Only perform the grinding and polishing if
Preventive Measures:
the defect of orange skin is slight; the orange skin should be
• Grind the dry putty; ground to completely removed and then be resprayed if the
• Ensure that the previous coating has met the defect is serious.
requirements for cleanness and dryness before spraying; Sanding Scratches
• Reduce the humidity in the painting and spraying room;
The sanding scratches left by sanding substrate are visible
• Use the curing agent and diluent suitable for environment on the film after spraying the paint. Sometimes, the sanding
temperature, make it dry as soon as possible once the scratches on the substrate will extend due to the erosion
spraying is completed to prevent the moisture from caused by solvent contained in the film, the upper film would
infiltrating into the film. be subsided gradually after a period, resulting in the sanding
Defect treatments: Once blisters appear on the film surface, scratches more and more obvious.
this surface should be ground to remove the blistering Analysis of Possible Causes:
defects completely, then respray it depending on the surface
• If the improper abrasive papers are used to sand the
substrate, the sanding scratches will be wide and unable
Orange Skin to be covered and filled up by upper film;
The orange skin is used to describe the leveling property of • If the lower film is sanded and sprayed with upper film
the film: When you observe the film surface against the light, over it before it isn't totally dry, it is easy to make the
you can see different ripples of 1 - 5mm presenting on the sanding scratches to extend due to the erosion caused by
film surface, and the brightness and plumpness vary in different solvent in the upper film and form the sanding scratches
ripple areas, such texture on the film surface, which is similar defect;
to orange peel, is known as orange skin.
• The diluent that has high solubility for upper paint or too
Analysis of Possible Causes: slow to dry has been misused.
Preventive Measures:
1.0 607
Body Repair Painting
• When you select the abrasive paper number to make Defect treatments: Once the putty marks appear, those areas
sanding, you should observe the principle that the should be sanded, and apply the putty again and respray the
abrasive paper number should not be jumped by 2 levels surfacer and finish.
each replacement;
• Ensure that the lower film is totally dry before sanding;
The lower-layer paint is single-component, or even if it is
• Select the correct upper film solvent as per the product two-component, it is not dry and cured completely (including
instructions; improper amount of curing agent is used), when the paint
Defect treatments: For slight sanding scratches, they can be is sprayed above it, the solvent contained in upper film will
removed or made less obvious by sanding and polishing as they erode the lower film, causing the uplift and shrinks present on
have been filled up by paint; For the sanding scratches that the lower film surface.
are more obvious, they cannot be removed by sanding and Analysis of Possible Causes:
polishing, it should be resprayed after removing the scratches.
• The lower film is not totally dry;
Putty Marks
• The lower film becomes deteriorated;
A putty mark means the defect that trace is left along the edges
• The continuous spraying of surfacer or finish results in
of putty application areas after spraying the surfacer or finish.
too thick surface, or the used curing agent and diluent
Analysis of Possible Causes: are too slow to dry, or the diluent with high solubility
is used, or the flash-off intervals between layers are too
• The feather edges are improperly treated before putty
short when spraying the surfacer or finish, or the low
air temperature during the spray causes the infiltration
• The putty is mixed with curing agent in improper
and erosion of solvent contained in the surfacer or
finish, resulting in the lifting occurred at the putty edges,
• The next action is taken before the putty is completely one-component putty or surfacer edges.
dry (sanding, spraying the surfacer, etc.);
Preventive Measures:
• The putty is not flat enough, the feather edges do not
meet the standard, and it is higher or lower than the old • For the film not totally dry, it must be sanded and sprayed
surrounding coatings or metal; with the next layer paint after it is completely dry. If
it cannot be totally dry due to the improper adding of
• The curing agent and diluent mixed in the surfacer or
curing agent, it needs to respray the paint mixed with
finish are dried slowly, or the flash-off intervals between
proper curing agent after film removal.
layers are too short when spraying the surfacer or finish,
and the solvent penetrates and erodes the putty, resulting • For the deteriorated film, shown as chalking, cracking,
in the edges expanded and extended. loss of gloss, they must be removed totally and resprayed
with two-component surfacer or finish;
Preventive Measures:
• Use the correct mating curing agent and diluent, and
• The width of the feather edges must be 20 - 30mm ensure the flash-off interval between layers is enough.
and the surface is smooth without steps before putty
• Use the two-component putty and surfacer.
Defect treatments: When the lifting defect appears, it should
• Adding the curing agent in proper proportion according
be sanded to remove any defects at the lifting area, if the lifting
to the product instructions;
is severe, the film that has lifting should also be sanded and
• Make sure to perform the sanding and spray the surfacer
removed completely, then spray the two-component surfacer
when the putty is totally dry.
and finish.
• Use the correct curing agent and diluent, and ensure the
Paint Film Defects Caused by Operating
flash-off interval between layers is enough. Environment and Treatments
• The periphery of putty must be sanded to be qualified. Paint film defects caused by external corrosive
Not only the putty, but also the extended old materials
surrounding coatings should be sanded when you sand
Defect phenomenon: The film defects occur when the film
the putty edges to allow the putty together with the
is affected by the acidic and alkaline materials as well as
surroundings to form flat surface.
industrial fall-outs, such as asphalt, oil, battery electrolyte,
bird droppings, sap, acid rain, pollen, dust produced by steel
plant and black carbon from boiler stack. It generally appears
1.0 608
Painting Body Repair
as uplift, discolor and even cracking and peeling caused by the
contaminants infiltrating into the film.
1.0 609
Body Repair Seal
Seal Clean the affected seam, re-process the exposed metal area
Overview with proper etch primer;
Process Area of Underbody Seal Coat proper sealant at the required places;
Underbody areas and doorsill outer panels should be Process the affected area with acid-etch primer (chassis sealant
processed with plastisol PVC underbody sealer. This sealer is also acceptable), and apply proper colour paint film.
shall not be reused. When repairing the sealer for the
After reassembly or refit of parts, if the seam is plugged, then
underbody areas, the underbody sealer upon delivery should
apply paste seam sealant to such seam. Blockage of the seam
be removed and returned to the proper breakpoint. Expose
may occur after panel repair. In this case, apply sealant and
the clean metal surface, and the current sealing edge shall also
paint before final assembly. If the inlet is of proper size, apply
fit firmly to the panels.
seam sealant to the two sides of the joint to be repaired. If the
Use new chassis sealant between the primer and the spray can be only done to one side (such as compartment),
intermediate primer. If necessary, use the seam sealant before then use cavity wax to process the affected compartment
applying the chassis sealant. Before coating the chassis sealant, beam.
fit the plugs and insulating ring on the disk type floor (except
Seams which require sealant when assembling in the plant is
the part for wax spray). Refit the heat-fusible plugs damaged in
described in the figure below.
repair with heat blower or replace them with rubber insulating
ring. Caution: Look through all the joints near the fixed areas.
If necessary, all the combined ,fixed or replaced areas
Before using new chassis sealant, cover the suspension, wheel,
should be sealed. These areas can’t be ruined. Sealing
tyre, power unit, exhaust system and brake system (including
could protect from waters and wind noises and so on.
all mounting points).
Before the final inspection, it is necessary to look through
Seam Sealant all the sealed areas.
For factory assembly, apply PVC sealant treated by baking to
special joint weld and sheet metal edge. This kind of material
is not suitable for repair, so approved special sealant shall be
used for aftersales service.
1.0 610
Seal Body Repair
Application of PVC sealant:
Process Implementation effect section view Application location
Mating faces for fitting the parts, welds
Sealant with appearance requirement; such as
Elimination tail lamp, side body and roof joint, visible
location after assembly
PVC Welds without appearance requirement
sealant Sealant or assembly requirement (covered weld,
Application with a width < 50mm); such as seam of
interior floor, underbody
Sealant Edge of four doors and two covers (thickness:
Injection 1-2.5mm, width: 5-9mm)
Plug type One-component plug Two-component plug
Workshop Painting workshop or general assembly Painting workshop
Material EPDM, TPE, PA6, TEEE, etc. (PA6-GF) + hot melt adhesive, metal sheet + hot melt
TPE + hot melt adhesive, etc
Sealing 30mm water column, 10min, no water leak 500mm water column, 10min, no water leak
Application 4 doors, side body, etc Floor, spare tyre compartment, etc
Remark Seals holes with no direct connection with Used to seal holes directly connecting passenger
passenger compartment or waterproof holes compartment and external horizontal holes
1.0 611
Body Repair Seal
Sealing Performance Test damaged, aged or displaced. Meanwhile, align the door with
Overview the seal.
Process of the leaking problem needs to combine techniques, Note: Check the colour of the water around the leak. If
experiences and instincts to take proper and effective the water is dirty, the leak is from under the vehicle. If the
measures. Do not come to conclusions fast only by naked water is clean, it is from above.
When a leaking spot is found, the methods below are
Test Tool and Instrument necessary for resolution of the leak problem:
When checking and correcting the leaking problems, the below 1. Replace all of the damaged, displaced and aged door hole
tools and instruments are recommended to use: seal and weatherstrip.
1. Garden Sprayer (manual) 2. Check all the body seals and ensure it is fixed on the
2. Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaner fixing flange/fixing face correctly. If necessary, the simitar
can be used.
3. Dry, Absorbent Cloth
3. Blow the body weld seam to be processed with
4. Battery Torch
compressed air and/or hot blower when necessary.
5. Mirror
4. If necessary, apply sealant to the outside of the connector
6. Weatherstrip Locating Tool
to prevent water.
7. Trim Panel Remover
5. When correcting leakage of the windshield and
8. Small Wooden or Plastic Wedges weatherstrip (or polish between the upper glass and
9. Dry Compressed Air Supply the body directly), try not to remove the glass. Use
10. Hot Blower qualified materials at proper places (such as glass to the
weatherstrip or glass to the body).
11. Sealer Applicators
Initial Door Seal Replacement
12. Ultrasonic Leak Detector
The initial seals for both front and rear doors are stuck on the
When checking for leak, at least the following parts should be
specified positions. Always comply with the regulations below
when replacing the weatherstrip:
• Front Inner Space;
• Clean the position where the door weatherstrip is
• Rear Seat Space; located. Do not clean the doors with paint diluent agent.
• Storage Compartment or Luggage Compartment • The ideal temperature for sticking the weatherstrip is
Test Method and Measure 25℃ (77℉). For either the door or the weatherstrip,
The operators at the fittings center can judge from where to when the temperature is less than 18℃ (64℉), it is hard
check the leakage by information offered by the customers. to stick the weatherstrip.
The next step is to find the leaking spot after the leaking place • Do not apply too much force to stick the weatherstrip,
is founded. this will make disassembly or re-installation much easier.
If the weatherstrip shall be refitted, do not touch the
For the first case, an easy and effective method is the common
contact face or stain it.
garden sprayer. Nozzle of this extruding garden sprayer ought
to be adjusted, so that water can be sucked into the nozzle
directly and spray out proper spray. At the dark corners, a
mirror or battery torch cab be used (the test light using supply
voltage is not available).
The test order is very important. Begin from the lowest point
and go up gradually, this can avoid blocking off the other leaking
place when an area is being checked. If the test is begun from
the windscreen, any water flowing into the pumping chamber
may drop on the pedal by baffle insulating ring. Even though, it
may be judged wrongly that seal of the windscreen fails.
1.0 612
Seal Body Repair
Position Information of Sealant
Body Seal Identification
Sealant Information • For any place not specifically described in the figure
below, brushing glue is applied.
After the panel is welded or replaced for repair, it is required
to use PVC sealant to seal the weld seam and the new
panel according to the following construction principles
and the instructions on gluing position given by the original
manufacturer to guarantee the repair quality:
• PVC brushing glue requirements: cover the weld seam
to make the surface smooth and even without fillets, and
the width < 50mm.
• PVC tube glue requirements: cover the weld seam to
make the surface smooth and even, the width is within
5-9mm and the thickness within 1-2.5mm.
• PVC frictioning glue requirements: cover the weld seam
to make the surface smooth and even without pinholes
or bubbles.
1.0 613
Body Repair Seal
Front Compartment
1.0 614
Seal Body Repair
1.0 615
Body Repair Seal
Front Floor
1.0 616
Seal Body Repair
Dash Panel
1.0 617
Body Repair Seal
Rear Floor
1.0 618
Seal Body Repair
Bodyside Panel
1.0 619
Body Repair Seal
1.0 620
Seal Body Repair
Front Door
1.0 621
Body Repair Seal
Rear Door
1.0 622
Seal Body Repair
1.0 623
Body Repair Seal
Tail Gate
1.0 624
Seal Body Repair
Position Information of Foam Parts
1.0 625
Body Repair Seal
• Clean the position pasted-to-be on the sheet metal before pasting new gaskets.
• Follow the size requirements in the figure below.
1.0 626
Seal Body Repair
Gasket Pasting Position Information
1.0 627
Body Repair Seal
1.0 628
Corrosion Protection Body Repair
Corrosion Protection During service, do not remove the protective wax or paint
Overview from the underbody or lower part of the engine cover. If the
above areas shall be cleaned with steam, then apply a new layer
Treatment in Production
of protective wax or an underbody protection layer as soon as
During production, the vehicle body applies the following possible.
methods for anti-corrosion treatment:
Maintenance Check
• Use galvanized steel sheet;
When doing the anti-corrosion check on the body, observe
• Phosphate anti-corrosion primer dip-coating, the following steps:
• Lift the vehicle, visually inspect the underbody sealant for
• Chip-resistant coating;
any damage;
• Underbody coating: spray on the underbody of the main
• Lower the vehicle, check the body exterior paint for
floor and rear floor, and on the rear wheel opening;
damage, and the body panel for corrosion.
• Cavity wax: spray on the sheet metal parts such as
doorsill and rear window sill, side extensions and the Note: If the vehicle is dirty, it will need to be washed prior
lower sheet metal of the door; to inspection of bodywork.
• Protective wax: spray on the opening not covered by the The above check refers only to visual check. When checking
wheel house. for corrosion and paint damage, do not remove the decorative
panels or sound insulation materials.
Whenever repairing the body, make sure the anti-corrosion
materials from the repair area is also repaired or updated. 1. Lift the vehicle, and use the test lamp or spotlight to
Ensure the materials used are the approved anti-corrosion perform a visual check for the following:
materials. • Corrosion damage and paint damage, and conditions of
Precautions for Body Repair and Operation the lower panels of the front/rear vehicle, doorsill and the
underbody sealant at the wheel opening;
In the workshop, it is necessary to exercise caution in the
operation of the vehicle. For example, when lifting the vehicle, • Damage to underbody sealant. Erosion conditions in
any carelessness and negligence can cause damage to the surrounding areas of the suspension mounting point and
underbody sealant, seam sealing materials, underbody sealing fuel tank mounting point.
wax and body panels, etc. Note: for unexposed metals, the little bubble on the underbody
When fitting the accessories, ensure that the vehicle sealing material can be neglected.
anti-corrosion protection is not impaired by broken protective Pay special attention to damage of the sheet metal or
layer or moisture. anti-corrosion material due to incorrect lifting method.
1.0 629
Body Repair Corrosion Protection
Underbody Protective Maintenance 7. Use approved underbody sealant for service to spray the
affected area;
Whenever doing maintenance work of the body, ensure that
the body sealing and anti-corrosion protection is recovered 8. Remove all the covering on the mounting surfaces of the
to the original condition. This applies not only to the repair components.
work on damaged areas, but also to the recovery work on the After refitting the above mechanical parts, including hoses,
protective layer of certain areas indirectly weakened due to pipes and other clips, cover the brake disc, spray a layer of
accidents or maintenance operations. approved underbody protective wax. After repairing the sheet
Before straightening or doing panel repairs, you must remove metal at the damaged wheel opening, spray new wax which is
the corrosion protection layer of the damaged area. It's also applicable for the painted surface and underbody sealant.
particularly important, especially for the panels with a Remove the old wax on the underbody, and the range of the
protective wax layer, the underbody with polyvinyl chloride underbody wax is at least 200mm larger than the range of the
(PVC) sealing materials, and the sound barrier areas. new underbody sealant.
Warning: DO NOT use oxy-acetylene gas equipment to Note: Where repairs include the application of finish
remove corrosion prevention materials. Large volumes of paint coats in the areas requiring underbody wax, carry
fumes and gases are liberated by these materials when out paint operations before applying wax.
they burn. Cavity Wax Injection
Note: The device used for removing strong After repair, be sure to use approved cavity wax for treatment.
anti-corrosion sealant can provide several speeds In addition, for all inner surfaces damaged by the repair,
and efficiency. The scraper (not pneumatic chisel) whether these areas have been treated in the production
driven by compressed air provides a relatively process, they shall be subject to a cavity wax treatment. This
quiet mechanical method by using a very rapid includes all the cavities and the door interior. If necessary,
reciprocating motion. Move the operating edge of allow additional holes to be made for wax injection, but these
the tool along the workpiece surface to remove the holes can not be located in the load-bearing parts. Make sure
sealing material. that these holes are treated by using the proper zinc-rich
primer, and brushed with protective wax, and finally sealed
The most common way is to remove the sealing material
with the rubber ring.
by using hot air dryer integrated with a blade. One of the
most effective ways is to use a "hot knife" with fast cutting Before injecting the wax, make sure the cavity to be treated
characteristics. This tool uses a wide blade that can easily is free of contaminants and foreign materials. If necessary, use
access the outline area where it is difficult to reach in some compressed air to remove the debris in the cavity.
other way.
Always ensure cavity wax injection is performed after the final
When doing the repair on the underbody sealants, follow the finish and before re-assembling other components.
following steps:
During the spray process, ensure that the cavity wax covers
1. Remove the existing underbody coating; all the flanges and seams, and be fully distributed to the repair
2. After the sheet metals are repaired, use solvents to clean areas of all new and existing sheet metals.
the affected area and use the etching phosphate materials It is noteworthy that there is no wax injection process when
to process bare metal; assembling new sheet metal and complete body shell. Such
3. Apply new primer to the affected areas; operation shall be performed after repair.
Caution: DO NOT, under any circumstances, apply It is quite essential to take efficient cavity wax protective
underbody sealer directly to bare metal surfaces. measures. Always observe the following points:
4. Replace all damaged heat-fusible plugs. If this type of plug • Before wax injection, ensure the paint repair work is
does not use such rubber grommet of appropriate size, completed;
ensure this type of plug be implanted to the sealant; • If necessary, clean the body panel areas and blow the
5. After the mechanical parts, hoses and pipe clips on the cavity prior to the operation;
underbody are removed, cover all the mounting surfaces. • During wax injection and drying, the temperature should
The underbody sealant must be sprayed before the above be at 18 ℃ (64 ℉);
components are refitted:
• Check the pattern of the injection equipment;
6. Brush all exposed seams with sealant;
1.0 630
Corrosion Protection Body Repair
• Cover all areas where no protective layer is needed and
the area that may be contaminated due to overspray;
• In case of possible contamination, remove the body
device, such as seat belt retractor;
• Before dealing with the internal structure of the door, lift
the door glass up to the completely closed position;
• Before refitting the components, spray wax on the body
areas which are usually covered by trims;
• After the wax layer is completely dry, check whether the
drain hole on the body and door is clean;
• Keep the equipment clean and tidy, especially the wax
1.0 631
Body Repair Corrosion Protection
Anti-corrosion Products and Construction Caution: Do not force the lance into access holes when
Equipment and Supplier using this attachment.
Cavity Waxing Machine and Technology 1100 mm movable nylon spray gun pipe: the elastic nylon
spray gun shares the same type with the rigid spray gun, but
it provides a stronger penetrability, it can be used to spray the
inaccessible vessel of the curved section or nozzle. The main
disadvantage of the elastic nylon spray gun is that it cannot
precisely position the internal compartment. When spraying,
spray outwards by the stroke of the spray gun. When pulling
the spray gun out, retract it slowly and ensure the integrity of
the finished spray. Do not pull the spray gun out with a rush.
Ensure the nylon pipe of the spray gun is away from the edge
and located in the hole so that wear of the nylon pipe can be
avoided and the service life of the nylon pipe can be prolonged.
Ensure the spray operation is stopped before removing the
nozzle from the port. To assist in the completion of this step,
1. Air Inlet use red paint to mark the rear of the nozzle (30 mm).
2. Flow Control (adjust spray mode) Hook Nozzle of Movable Spray Gun
3. Pressure Cup (1L) Max. Pressure 140 PSI (9.7 bar, 9.84 The spray gun with rigid hook nozzle provides a forward
kg/cm³) spray, its conical spray is characterised by long range and good
4. Spray Gun Connector dispersion. The combination of these two features provides a
good capability of orientation and a good effect on the short
5. Nozzle Connection of Spray Gun Pipe
and narrow locations to be sprayed, besides, it can also be
6. Retractable Spray Gun Pipe used for direct spray of the inner wheel arc, etc.
7. Rigid Hook Rod (forward, conical spray)
When using, place the smooth area at the end of the spray gun
8. Movable nylon spray gun pipe (1100 mm), 360° spray to form an angle of 180° with the location to be sprayed. For
9. Rigid spray gun pipe (1100 mm), 360° spray locations hidden in a box or hole, this helps to finish the spray
For repair, if the waxing area is scratched, handle it again. successfully.
Compressed air spray guns with the integral pressure cup and For general spray, arch the nozzle, and move from one end
replaceable spray gun pipe shall be used. to the other as required, and ensure complete spray of the
According to the configuration of the add-on device, please surface.
strictly observe the following in use: Note: Always clean gun after use with appropriate solvent
• When handling the film area, use the rigid or movable to maintain efficiency.
spray gun to give a 360° spray to ensure a maximum Recommended Equipment
coverage; 3M Schutz Pistol Spray Gun 08996 for Body: The pistol spray
• For restricted openings, use a hook nozzle to provide gun is constructed of the housing and machined light alloy,
a more directional spray (narrow inside or short which is fitted by 3M bolts to the Schutz container.
3M Pneumatic Cartridge Pistol Spray Gun 08012: The direct
• Wax is directly sprayed to the bottom surface through feed pneumatic gun is used for the 3M cartridge product. It has
the smaller spray pipe of the spray gun, disconnect the a good performance in smooth spray, and an adjusting valve for
liquid. additional control is provided.
1100 mm rigid spray gun: the nozzle of the rigid spray gun gives 3M pneumatic pistol spray gun-08006/7: direct feed pneumatic
a forward conical spray of 360° circumference. Though the guns are used for the 3M product sealed in bags (spray gun
wax film is sprayed by a single stroke, it can affect all surfaces 08006 is used for products of 200 ml and 310 ml in bags, and
of the compartment, internal and external spray can provide spray gun 08007 is used for products of different models in
effective and complete wax coverage for the long/straight bags, including products of 600 ml).
structure and compartment. By visual inspection, the rigid
spray pipe also provides position accuracy for handling the Other applicable spray guns: heavy pistol 08013.
shapely location.
1.0 632
Corrosion Protection Body Repair
3M glue gun 08190: this model is used for 3M structure gluing • The cutting surface or damaged coating of the sheet
08120. metal panel requires zinc spray;
3M cavity wax film glue gun 08997: This machine can load • Zinc shall be sprayed on the contact surface of the
a tank of 1L, it is equipped with a hose of 750 mm. The welding to prevent rust of the spot welding.
approved system can be obtained from the 3M surface repair
coefficient. The Cooper Greux falcon preliminary spray gun
(airtight) is used for spraying transit wax, which has a 5L
container with a complete manual pump and achieves effective
spray without compressed air or additional operation. Use
of the nozzle, spray gun, hose length and a trigger valve
with complete filter can facilitate the application. Other
applications include general service, wax spray liquid and paint
spray. The operation may use heavy materials. All components
can be replaced and configured with different nozzles.
SATA Schutz gun UBE: the SATA gun is used for retreatment of
the bottom vehicle coated with protective paint, the spray gun
is in the special one-way container (1L). Thread parts (inner
thread of the gun) conform to the standard of most of the
Schutz product packages.
Specification of UBE:
Air consumption 7 ft3/min (200 litres/min) @
45 lbf.in2
Weight: 23.3 oz (220 grams)
Tel: 86 21 62753535
Zinc Spray
For locations needing MIG/MAG welding or spot welding, apply
the primer rich in zinc to the area near the connector surface,
and do not process the welding area.
1.0 633
Body Repair Corrosion Protection
1.0 634
Corrosion Protection Body Repair
Door and Luggage Compartment Lid
Spray cavity wax from the process hole inside the door and luggage compartment lid to cover the internal sheet metal and
frame with a layer of protective film. Most of the cavity wax deposit is at the bottom of the sheet metal cavity, and it will be
finally drained from the hole at the bottom.
1.0 635
Body Repair Corrosion Protection
1.0 636
Corrosion Protection Body Repair
Chassis Adhesive
Function of chassis adhesive:
• Improve the stone-chipping resistance of the underbody;
• Improve the corrosion resistance of the underbody sheet
• Improve the seam sealing performance of the underbody
sheet metal;
• Improve the sound insulation performance of the
Caution: Ensure that suspension units, wheels, tyres,
power unit, exhaust and brakes (including all mounting
points) are shielded prior to application of fresh
underbody sealer.
Operation procedures for chassis adhesive:
1. Cleaning: to ensure the maximum viscosity of the
product, the underbody surface shall be clean and free
from any dirt, oil stain, grease or wax residue.
2. Inspection: before operation, thoroughly inspect the
underbody for any potential damage or rust. Key location:
wheel arch, lower side, seam and overlap joint.
3. Dust elimination: eliminate the rust spot on the
underbody with a shovel or wire brush. Pay particular
attention to the inaccessible locations, for example,
wheel frame, overlap or seam.
4. Check the type of the underbody coating: check the type
of the underbody coating and select a suitable product.
5. Read use instruction: before operation, please carefully
read the instruction on the package of the product and
view the technical data sheet. Read the safety instruction
in the Material Safety Data Sheet carefully so that you
can minimize some potential risk and hazard and achieve
the optimum effect.
6. Use cross spray technique: spray the rust prevention
product at a distance of around 30cm, spray in the
horizontal direction first, then spray the stiffener of the
base plate from a proper angle (cross spray technique).
To achieve an optimum thickness (1.5mm) of the wet
film, at least three sprays shall be done.
7. Drying time: a specific drying time shall be defined, the
coating material shall adhere to the underbody firmly and
permanently. Different solutions and different coating
thicknesses may require different drying time. Products
with high volatile solution require 2hr drying time at least.
8. Clean spray gun: use spray gun detergent to clean the
spray gun immediately after use.
1.0 637
Body Repair Welding Process
MAG Shielded Arc Welding • Welding time: long welding time will cause much heat,
large diameter and deep penetration of the welding spot.
MAG shielded arc welding is mainly used for welding high However, prolonged welding time will lead to electrode
strength, low alloy steel body and aluminum casting, etc. impress and thermal deformation rather than increase of
Advantages of the MAG shielded arc welding include: the welding spot.
• Easy operation; • Arrangement of the welding spot: the gap and margin
• This method can melt the base metal completely, low of the welding spot (distance between the spot and the
current can be used to weld thin metal, which can panel edge) is also crucial for determining the welding
diminish damage to the adjacent area strength; spot strength. Welding spot gap decrease can improve
• Stable and controllable arc; the weldment connection strength, but the effect is
• Suitable for welding locations with gap and misalignment; actually limited. Excessive gap may cause the welding
current to transfer through the last welding spot or
• Temperature and duration of the welding is controllable,
leak, then the added welding spot will not strengthen
short heating time of the welding zone reduces fatigue
the connection strength of the weldment any more, and
and deformation of the base metal.
it will have an adverse impact, therefore, the gap of the
Typical welding locations and methods: welding spot shall be beyond the area of current leak.
• Butt welding. Fit two adjacent metal edges together, fit Correct welding sequence shall be applied for the resistance
mutually along the two metal panels or weld the butted spot welding, continuous welding in one direction is generally
edge; not allowed, when the electrode tip is hot and discolours, stop
• Overlap welding. Weld two overlapping metal panels; welding and allow it to cool down. To avoid crack due to stress
• Plug welding. Punch a hole on one or several exterior concentration, do not weld the boundary of the corner.
workpieces, arc passes through the hole before entering
into the interior workpiece, and the hole is filled with the
melting metal;
• Spot welding. When the wire feed timing pulse is
triggered, current will be introduced into the two metal
panels to be welded.
1.0 638
Welding Process Body Repair
Welding Protection Measures
Electronic Control Unit
Before welding repair is operated, in consideration of the
electronic control unit (ECU) refitted on the vehicle, the
following protection measures must be followed. The plentiful
heat and sharp vibration produced during these operations
may damage the electronic control unit.
Carefully check the welding quality of the jointing for seat belts
rivet joints within 250mm, including the spot welding spacing.
1.0 639
Body Repair Welding Process
5. Rivet Junction
1.0 640
Welding Process Body Repair
• c. Dimension measurement
1.0 641
Body Repair Welding Process
—2 layers of welding
—3 layers of welding
1.0 642
Welding Process Body Repair
Welding Information of Main Parts
Engine Compartment
1.0 643
Body Repair Welding Process
2. Weld the dash panel upper beam assembly (B) to the front
wheelhouse assembly (A).
1.0 644
Welding Process Body Repair
1.0 645
Body Repair Welding Process
The bodyside assembly is welded with A, B,C, D, E, F, G and 4. Weld the fuel filler housing assembly to the right bodyside
H. Firstly weld A, B, C and D into the bodyside outer panel outer panel (A).
assembly, then weld the bodyside outer panel assembly to E, F,
G and H.
1.0 646
Welding Process Body Repair
1.0 647
Body Repair Welding Process
A - Bodyside Assembly
B - Front Outer Frame Assembly
1.0 648
Welding Process Body Repair
Weld the bodyside assembly to the body assembly and weld
the frame assembly to the body assembly.
1.0 649
Body Repair Welding Process
1.0 650
Welding Process Body Repair
Bodyside Outer Panel Service in Sections
1.0 651
Body Repair Welding Process
"Service in Sections" is widely used in the service of bodyside outer panel, because in accidents, the damaged parts are always
the front bodyside outer panel or the rear bodyside outer panel.
1.0 652
Welding Process Body Repair
2. Weld the rear bodyside outer panel
1.0 653
Body Repair Welding Process
1.0 654
Welding Process Body Repair
1. Weld the rear end panel (A) to the bodyside assembly.
2. Weld the rear end panel (A) to the rear door assembly.
1.0 655
Body Repair Welding Process
Roof Panel
1.0 656
Welding Process Body Repair
Weld the roof beam (A, B, C) to the body assembly then to the roof panel (D).
1.0 657
Body Repair Welding Process
1.0 658
Welding Process Body Repair
1.0 659
Body Repair Welding Process
Weld the roof beam (A, B) to the body assembly then to the roof panel - with sunroof (C).
1.0 660
Welding Process Body Repair
1.0 661
Body Repair Body Dimension
Body Dimension
Point to Point Dimensional Information
Bodyside and Top Information
1.0 662
Body Dimension Body Repair
1.0 663
Body Repair Body Dimension
1.0 664
Body Dimension Body Repair
Rear End Information
1.0 665
Body Repair Body Dimension
Internal Information
1.0 666
Body Dimension Body Repair
Front End Information
1.0 667
Body Repair Body Dimension
Gap Information
Body Side and Fuel Filler Cap Information
1.0 668
Body Dimension Body Repair
Front End Information
1.0 669
Body Repair Body Dimension
1.0 670
Body Dimension Body Repair
Rear End Information
1.0 671
Body Repair Body Dimension
Sunroof Information
1.0 672
Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints
Vehicle Access
Description and Operation
System Layout
1. Horn
2. Body Control Module
3. Left Front Door Lock Assembly
4. Left Rear Door Lock Assembly
5. Tail Gate Lock Assembly
6. Right Rear Door Lock Assembly
7. Driver Side Door Lock Assembly
8. Central Lock Switch
9. Remote Key
10. Ignition Switch
11. Instrument Pack
12. Engine Control Module
1.0 673
Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access
1.0 674
Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints
Security System
The function of the security system is to prevent illegal vehicle
start. When the ignition switch is turned to ACC position,
the anti-theft system can be disabled by the transmitter on the
remote key, this transmitter can be identified by the reader
coil around the ignition switch, and the coil transmits electric
power and data to the remote key in a frequency within a
certain distance away from the signal reader coil. The security
system includes:
• Door switch
• Tail gate switch
• Bonnet switch (if equipped)
• Safety warning lamp
• Hazard warning lamp button
• Remote key
• Ignition switch
• Body control module (BCM)
Door Switch
Each door lock assembly contains a microswitch to notify
the BCM of the door status. When the door is open, the
microswitch contact will close to connect the ground circuit of
the BCM. When the door is closed, the microswitch contact
will disconnect and convert into an open circuit. Door switch,
bonnet and luggage compartment open switches are the main
components of the alarm system. When the alarm system
works, these switches will monitor the external intrusion into
the vehicle. The door open signal is also used by the BCM to
indicate the door status information in the instrument pack
information centre and control the interior lighting.
Luggage Compartment Switch
The luggage compartment lock motor contains a microswitch
used to notify the BCM of the luggage compartment lid status.
When the luggage compartment lid is closed, the microswitch
contact disconnects and the circuit of the BCM becomes an
open circuit. When the luggage compartment lid is open, the
switch will be closed and the ground circuit of the BCM will
be connected. CANWhen the bus detects that the ground
circuit is connected, it will trigger the alarm. The luggage
compartment open microswitch is also used by the BCM to
indicate the luggage compartment status information in the
instrument pack information centre and automatically control
the interior lighting.
1.0 675
Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access
With the door (bonnet, tail gate) open, and the ignition switch
Complete Anti-theft Status
in ACC, ON or START position or the engine running, when
When the three zones of the security system are closed, if using the mechanical key or remote key to send the LOCK
a LOCK request from the remote control or mechanical key request outside the vehicle, the BCM will activate the horn to
is received, the security system formally enters the complete send an acoustic alarm (appr. 30ms) to indicate error lock.
anti-theft status. Once in the complete anti-theft status, all
Disable Security System
activated safety zones will be monitored at all times. When
the switch of zone 2 or 3 is enabled, if you attempt to lock Any of the following operations will cause the BCM to disable
the system from outside, the vehicle will enter the partial lock the security system:
status and give an error lock alarm. • Valid UNLOCK request from the remote key is received.
BCMIt will monitor the following outside LOCK request • Valid UNLOCK request from the driver door switch is
signals: received.
• Valid LOCK request from the remote key is received. • A valid emergency key is inserted into and the ignition
• Valid LOCK request from the driver door lock switch is switch is shifted from the ACC position to the ON
received. position.
When the security system enters the complete anti-theft Caution: If the driver door unlock switch is stuck
status, the BCM will allow the direction indicator lamp to or the switch circuit is short-circuited, the
give three flashes.
1.0 676
Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints
emergency key will not be used to disable the
alarm; while the remote key will not be affected.
When the security system is disabled, the BCM will allow the
direction indicator lamp to flash once.
Unlock Triggered by Impact
After being unlocked with the remote key, the vehicle will
automatically return to the previous locked status if there is
no operation within 30 seconds. In the auto relock status, if
the ignition switch is in ACC position or a valid key exists, the
current timing of the relock timer is cancelled, and the auto
relock function is cancelled.
Auto Lock
With the driver door closed and the impact signals disabled,
press the LOCK button of the central lock switch to lock all
1.0 677
Safety and Restraints Alarm System
Alarm System
Description and Operation
System Layout
1. LF Anti-theft Coil
1.0 678
Alarm System Safety and Restraints
System Control Diagram
1.0 679
Safety and Restraints Alarm System
The vehicle is configured with an anti-theft system connected
with the ECM. The characteristic value from the RF transceiver
will be verified, if the value matches the corresponding data,
the engine can be started. When the power is connected, the
key sends the characteristic value to the LF anti-theft coil and
the serial data circuit to the BCM through the hard wire.
Mounting Position
• LF anti-theft coil: on the IGN lock cylinder.
End View and Pin Information of LF Anti-theft Coil
Harness Connector FC009
1.0 680
Alarm System Safety and Restraints
The function of the anti-theft system is provided by the BCM,
ECM and modules which can store signals.
1.0 681
Safety and Restraints Alarm System
Service Procedures
Anti-theft Coil
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the steering column trim cover.
1. Connect the connector of the anti-theft coil.
2. Fasten the clips and fit the anti-theft coil.
3. Fit the steering column trim cover.
1.0 682
Seat Belts Safety and Restraints
Seat Belts
Description Value
Bolt - front seat belt retractor to ‘BC’ post 30–35Nm
Bolt - front seat belt to upper ‘BC’ post 30–35Nm
Bolt - front seat belt to body 30–35Nm
Bolt - front seat belt buckle 43–53Nm
Bolt - rear seat belt to upper ‘D’ post 30–35Nm
Bolt - rear seat belt retractor to rear inner wheelarch 30–35Nm
Bolt - rear seat belt double buckle 30–35Nm
Bolt-rear middle seat belt retractor 35-45Nm
Bolt - rear seat middle lap belt 30–35Nm
1.0 683
Safety and Restraints Seat Belts
1.0 684
Seat Belts Safety and Restraints
System Control Diagram
Airbag Control Logic Diagram
1.0 685
Safety and Restraints Seat Belts
Description webbing loose, so that the loads acting on the occupants are
Front Seat Belt Pretensioner reduced.
Front Seat Belt
1.0 686
Seat Belts Safety and Restraints
Seat Belt Warning The front seat belt buckles are integrated with the seat belt not
tied warning switch, which is connected to the instrument pack
through SRS ECU. The seat belt warning will be triggered if
the seat belt is not tied firmly during driving. The warning
message comprises an acoustic alarm and a warning lamp on
the instrument panel. To prevent unnecessary warning, some
vehicle specification specifies that a pressure sensor shall be
fitted within the foam of the passenger seat when there is no
passenger on the seat. If there is any passenger on the seat, but
the pressure sensor is not activated, then the seat belt warning
will not be triggered even if the occupant does not wear the
seat belt.
1.0 687
Safety and Restraints Seat Belts
Normal operation of the side seat airbag and head curtain Intermittent Failure
airbag depends on whether the severity level of the side impact The warning lamp will illuminate at the moment and remain
detected by the side impact sensor exceeds the threshold on in subsequent driving cycles. The warning lamp will not
for triggering the side impact sensor. When the SRS ECU illuminate in the next ignition unless the failure occurs again,
receives a trigger signal from the side impact sensor, it will but the DTC is still stored in the SRS ECU memory.
activate the side seat airbag and curtain airbag module. The
Permanent Failure
triggered gas generator can produce a large quantity of gas to
expand the airbag. The expanded airbag will eject from the For a permanent failure, the SRS lamp will illuminate when
seat upholstery, similarly, if the head curtain airbag module is the test is started, and it will remain on in every subsequent
triggered, the head airbag will eject from the interior trim panel ignition cycle until the cause of the failure is solved. In addition,
above the door to protect the passenger from head injury. The the diagnosis system will also record the information of the
fully expanded airbag will release excess gas to reduce the risk failure occurred.
of passenger injury. When any failure is detected, the system will retain certain
Warning Lamp Check operating functions:
When the ignition switch is turned on, the SRS warning lamp • If it is detected that the circuit of the SRS outside the
shall illuminate, then check the lamp. If no failure occurs in the SRS ECU is faulty, SRS ECU will still activate the airbag
SRS, the warning lamp shall go out after about 6 seconds to and seat belt pretensioner module.
monitor the subsequent ignition cycles. System check includes • When the SRS ECU failure or power supply failure is
the states of SRS ECU and SRS harness. detected, the whole system will not work.
System Continuity Fault • If the circuit of the SRS warning lamp is faulty, the
With the ignition switch ON, if any of the following faults warning lamp will not illuminate when the ignition switch
occurs in the system, the SRS warning lamp will illuminate is turned on for initial check of the warning lamp; if
and remain on during subsequent ignition cycles: there is no other faults in the system, all functions of the
system are available in case of a crash.
• ECUand SRS failures
Additional information provided by the "scan tool" for DLC
• Harness failure
• Ground connection failure
• Open circuit
• Version Levels of Hardware and Software
• Airbag module failure
• Impact Mode State
• Seat belt pretensioner failure
• Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Data
If the system detects any failure during driving, the warning
lamp will also illuminate to indicate failure of the SRS system. SRS ECUThe SRS ECU records fault information in the
When the warning lamp illuminates, the SRS will not work memory, and the information can be read by connecting the
when any impact occurs. scan tool to the DLC below the closure plate of the driver
side instrument panel.
With the ignition switch ON, the diagnosis function of the SRS
ECU will monitor the SRS. If any fault is detected, the SRS
1.0 688
Seat Belts Safety and Restraints
Service Procedures
Front Seat Belt Assembly
1. Remove key from ignition switch, disconnect battery
leads, earth first and wait 10 minutes for theSRS
back-up power circuit to discharge before commencing
1.0 689
Safety and Restraints Seat Belts
1.0 690
Seat Belts Safety and Restraints
6. Remove the C-pillar upper trim panel. 7. Refit luggage compartment trim..
C-pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove Luggage Compartment Trim
7. Remove the C-pillar lower trim panel. 8. Refit rear seat cushion.
C-pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove Rear Seat Cushion
8. Remove the luggage compartment side trim panel.
Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel Remove
9. Unscrew 1 bolt fixing the rear seat belt to the upper
part of C-pillar.
10. Unscrew 1 bolt fixing the rear seat belt retractor to the
rear wheelhouse inner panel.
1.0 691
Safety and Restraints Seat Belts
1.0 692
Seat Belts Safety and Restraints
Rear Middle Seat Belt Assembly
1. Remove the rear seat cushion.
11. Remove the rear seat back foam and take out the rear
middle seat belt retractor.
12. Pass the middle seat belt webbing through the
decorative frame hole of the seat belt on the rear seat
back, and remove the rear middle seat belt assembly.
1. Pass the rear middle seat belt webbing through the
3. Release and remove 2 headrest guide pipes.
decorative frame hole of the seat belt on the rear seat
4. Remove the screw securing the seat back release lever, back.
disconnect the connection of the rear seat back release
2. Fix the rear middle seat belt retractor to the rear seat
lever and the cable, and remove the seat back release
back frame, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 35-45Nm, and check
the torque.
5. Pull the elastic clip out of the upholstery.
3. Recover the rear seat back upholstery.
6. Release and remove the clip securing the rear seat back
4. Fix the rear middle seat belt and buckle to the body, fit
1 bolt, tighten to 30–35Nm, and check the torque.
7. Remove the C-ring securing the rear seat back
5. Fit the rear seat cushion.
8. Mark the locations of the C-rings securing the seat back Rear Seat Cushions Refit
upholstery and foam, remove the C-rings, and remove
the upholstery.
1.0 693
Safety and Restraints Supplemental In�atable Restraints
1.0 694
Supplemental In�atable Restraints Safety and Restraints
Description and Operation
System Layout
Airbag Control Diagram
1.0 695
Safety and Restraints Supplemental In�atable Restraints
1.0 696
Supplemental In�atable Restraints Safety and Restraints
Description severity of the side impact exceeds the preset trigger value,
Overview the SRS ECU will send a signal to activate the corresponding
side airbag, curtain airbag module and seat belt pretensioner.
The SRS can provide passive protection for the passenger
when severe impact occurs. This system is usually based on If the severity of the rear impact exceeds the preset trigger
application of the standard protection system (seat belts). value, the SRS ECU will send a signal to activate the seat belt
The SRS consists of the following components:
Caution: It is important that the SRS ECU is correctly
• Supplementary restraint system ECU (SRS ECU)
mounted and is fitted in the designated location and
• Driver airbag module orientation to ensure correct operation.
• Front passenger airbag module
• Seat side airbag module (if equipped)
After the vehicle is powered on, the SRS ECU monitors the
• Head curtain airbag module (if equipped) preparation of the SRS module. After start, it monitors the
• Seat belt pretensioner (if equipped) system continuously. SRS ECUThe SRS ECU monitors the
• Side impact sensor (if equipped) status of the following modules:
• Rotary coupler • SRS ECUInternal accelerometer
• SRS warning lamp (on the IPK) • SRS ECUMicro-processor
• Seat belt not tied warning lamp (on the IPK) • Side impact sensor (if equipped)
SRS ECUThe SRS ECU connects the vehicle DLC through • Driver side airbag module
the HS CAN bus. • Passenger side airbag module
Supplementary Restraint System ECU (SRS ECU) • Side airbag module (if equipped)
• Side curtain airbag module (if equipped)
• Seat belt pretensioner (if equipped)
• Diagnosis count
1.0 697
Safety and Restraints Supplemental In�atable Restraints
1. Airbag housing
2. Airbag cover
3. Airbag connector
4. Gas generator
1.0 698
Supplemental In�atable Restraints Safety and Restraints
Caution: Do not try to remove the connector at the
module end, it is a permanent connection.
1.0 699
Safety and Restraints Supplemental In�atable Restraints
1. Clip
2. Airbag connector
3. Mounting point
4. Gas generator assembly
5. Side curtain airbag
1.0 700
Supplemental In�atable Restraints Safety and Restraints
Operation and passenger airbags and seat belt pretensioner are
Overview activated (side airbag may also be triggered).
When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the SRS will be Warning Lamp Check
activated. With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the SRS When the ignition switch is turned on, the SRS warning lamp
warning lamp illuminates for several seconds, then goes out, shall illuminate, then check the lamp. If no failure occurs in the
this indicates that the system is in normal condition. SRS, the warning lamp shall go out after several seconds to
Front Impact monitor the subsequent ignition cycles.
If the front impact is severe and exceeds the threshold set in System Continuity Fault
the SRS ECU, the front airbag module and front pretensioning With the ignition switch ON, if any of the following faults
seat belt will work. occurs in the system, the SRS warning lamp will illuminate:
When the accelerometer and front impact sensor in the SRS • SRS ECUFailure
ECU detect any impact, the ECU will produce current to
• Harness failure
trigger the front airbag module:
• Ground connection failure
• The driver side front airbag module is activated to expand
• Open circuit
the airbag.
• Airbag module failure
• The passenger side front airbag module is activated to
• Seat belt pretensioner failure
expand the airbag.
If the system detects any failure during driving, the warning
When the front airbag is fully expanded, it will release the gas
lamp will also illuminate to indicate failure of the SRS system.
immediately from the passage port and provide the passenger
When the warning lamp illuminates, the SRS may not work
moving forward with gradual deceleration, this reduces the risk
when any impact occurs.
level of injury to the occupants.
With the ignition switch ON, the diagnosis function of the SRS
SRS ECUThe SRS ECU can determine the type and severity
ECU will monitor the SRS. If any fault is detected, the SRS
level of the impact. If the front impact detected by the sensor
ECU will store a related DTC in a nonvolatile memory and
is severe, the SRS ECU will send an ignition signal to the front
output a signal to illuminate the SRS warning lamp. The failure
airbag module and seat belt pretensioner.
information in the memory can be read with the scan tool.
Side Impact
Low Voltage Failure
Normal operation of the side seat airbag and head curtain
When the voltage supply is not within the specified range, the
airbag depends on whether the severity level of the side impact
malfunction indicator lamp will illuminate. The DTC is stored
detected by the side impact sensor and acceleration sensor
in the memory.
in the SRS ECU exceeds the threshold for triggering the
side impact sensor. When the SRS ECU detects severe side Intermittent Failure
impact, it will activate the side airbag, curtain airbag module When intermittent failure occurs, the warning lamp
and seat belt pretensioner. The triggered gas generator can illuminates, and it will be disabled after the failure is eliminated.
produce a large quantity of gas to expand the airbag. The The warning lamp will not illuminate in the next ignition unless
expanded airbag will eject from the seat upholstery, similarly, the failure occurs again, but the DTC is still stored in the SRS
if the head curtain airbag module is triggered, the airbag will ECU memory.
eject from the interior trim panel above the door to protect
Permanent Failure
the passenger from head injury. The fully expanded airbag will
release excess gas to reduce the risk of passenger injury. For a permanent failure, the SRS lamp will illuminate when
the test is started, and it will remain on in every subsequent
Front Impact with Angle
ignition cycle until the cause of the failure is solved. In addition,
When a front impact with angle happens, whether the airbag the diagnosis system will also record the information of the
and seat belt pretensioner work depends on the speed and failure occurred.
angle of the impact. There are several conditions:
Additional information provided by the "scan tool" for DLC
• The impact is below the threshold of the impact sensor
in the SRS ECU, and no airbag or seat belt pretensioner
is activated. • SRS ECUDTC
• The speed and angle of impact exceed the triggering • Version Levels of Hardware and Software
threshold of the front impact sensor, and the front driver • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Data
1.0 701
Safety and Restraints Supplemental In�atable Restraints
SRS ECUThe SRS ECU records fault information in the scan tool to the DLC below the closure plate of the driver
memory, and the information can be read by connecting the side instrument panel.
1.0 702
Supplemental In�atable Restraints Safety and Restraints
Service Procedures Instrument Panel Airbag
Steering Wheel Airbag Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative. Wait for 10 minutes
Warning: It is imperative that before any work until the SRS backup circuit is discharged.
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate 2. Remove the instrument panel assembly.
information is read thoroughly.
Instrument Panel Assembly Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Wait for 10 minutes
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the passenger front airbag
until the SRS backup circuit is discharged.
module to the instrument panel.
2. Adjust the steering wheel to the lowest position.
3. Adjust the depth of the steering wheel and pull it
outwards to the end.
4. Pry off the upper trim cover of the steering column to
spare room for removing the airbag lock ring.
5. Rotate the steering wheel to expose the airbag lock
6. Pry off three lock rings from the lower part of the
steering wheel with a flat-bladed screwdriver to release
three PINs fixing the airbag to the steering wheel.
3. Push the driver airbag into the steering wheel till a click 2. Fit 2 screws fixing the passenger front airbag module
can be heard. onto the instrument panel, tighten to 1.3–1.9Nm and
check the torque.
4. Position the steering column upper trim cover onto the
lower trim cover, and fit the clip. 3. Fit the instrument panel body assembly.
6. Connect the negative battery. Check the system, rotate 4. Fix the passenger side airbag module bracket onto the
the ignition switch, and check whether the SRS warning instrument panel frame, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 6–8Nm
lamp illuminates for several seconds, and then goes out. and check the torque.
5. Connect the airbag module connector.
6. Connect the negative battery. Check the system, rotate
1.0 703
Safety and Restraints Supplemental In�atable Restraints
the ignition switch, and check whether the SRS warning Head Curtain Airbag
lamp illuminates for several seconds, and then goes out. Remove
1. Remove the key from the ignition switch, and
disconnect the battery positive and negative (disconnect
the ground first). Wait for 10 min until the SRS backup
circuit is discharged.
Warning: It is imperative that before any work
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
information is read thoroughly.
2. Remove the roof interior.
3. Disconnect the electrical connector from the curtain
1.0 704
Supplemental In�atable Restraints Safety and Restraints
4. Connect the harness connector of the side curtain Side Impact Sensor
airbag. Remove
5. Fit the roof interior. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
Roof Interior Refit 2. Remove the front seat assembly.
6. Connect the battery negative. Front Seat Assembly Remove
7. Turn on the ignition switch, and check if the SRS 3. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front seat belt to the carpet,
warning lamp illuminates for 6s and then goes out. and remove the seat belt.
4. Remove the B pillar lower trim panel.
1. Fix the side impact sensor to the body, fit 1 bolt, tighten
to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect the harness connector.
3. Fit the B pillar lower trim panel.
1.0 705
Safety and Restraints Supplemental In�atable Restraints
1. Fix the airbag control module to the body, fit 3 bolts,
tighten to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect the harness connector.
3. Connect the battery negative.
4. Programme and encode the sensing and diagnostic
module (SDM).
a. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the
1.0 706
Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints
Park Assistant System
Description and Operation
System Layout
Parking Distance Control System Layout
1. Instrument Pack
2. Rear Ultrasonic Sensor (if equipped)
3. Rearview Camera (if equipped)
4. (I) Radio (if equipped); (II) Entertainment mainframe (if
5. Body Control Module (BCM)
6. Gear Shift Selection Switch (AT)
1.0 707
Safety and Restraints Park Assistant System
1.0 708
Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints
PDC System Control Diagram - AT
1.0 709
Safety and Restraints Park Assistant System
During reversing, if the vehicle has to go through obstructions End View and Pin Information of Rear Camera
on the road, the PDC will send a warning to the driver. The Connector BY025
system consists of the ultrasonic sensor fitted on the rear
bumper and the instrument pack. When the vehicle is in
reverse gear, the ultrasonic sensor is used to monitor the area
around the rear bumper, if any object is detected within the
monitoring area, the acoustic alarm device in the instrument
pack will send an acoustic alarm. The system is able to detect
relatively hard solid objects and objects like wire fence.
If the rear camera is fitted, the image of the rear vehicle will
be displayed on the entertainment mainframe display during
Rear Ultrasonic Sensor (if equipped)
The ultrasonic sensors are fixed on the rear bumper. All the
sensors share the same structure, with the colors matching the
Pin No. Description
1 Signal Ground
The detection range of the rear ultrasonic sensor involves the
2 Ground
area 1200mm away from the back of the bumper. The alarm
3 Video Signal
frequency increases with the shortened distance between the
object and the vehicle when the distance ranges from 300mm 4 Camera Power Supply
to 1200mm. When the object is 300mm away from the vehicle,
End View and Pin Information of Right PDC Sensor
the alarm becomes consecutive alarm. Connector BY202
Acoustic Alarm
The acoustic alarm in the instrument pack can inform the
driver of the system status by acoustic alarm.
Rear Camera (if equipped)
1.0 710
Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints
End View and Pin Information of Middle PDC Sensor
Connector BY203
4 Power supply
1.0 711
Safety and Restraints Park Assistant System
1.0 712
Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints
Service Procedures Camera
Ultrasonic Sensor Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the rear bumper.
2. Remove the rear bumper. Rear Bumper Remove
Rear Bumper Remove 3. Release the clip to remove the rearview camera
3. Disconnect the connector of the ultrasonic sensor. assembly.
1. Fit the rearview camera to the rear bumper.
2. Fit the rear bumper.
1.0 713
1.0 714
Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment
Entertainment and Navigation
Description Value
Nut-Roof antenna to body 3–4Nm
Bolt-Colour radio to instrument panel 1.4–1.8Nm
1.0 715
Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation
1.0 716
Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment
System Control Diagram
Entertainment Player System Control Diagram
1.0 717
Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation
Entertainment mainframes with medium configuration support
radio, USB, bluetooth phone, video, picture, etc.
Entertainment Player Control Button
1.0 718
Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment
Audio Control Button on Steering Wheel Antenna
The audio device can be controlled by the remote switches Radio antenna.
on the steering wheel. These function buttons can allow the
most common functions in the ICE system to be used in a
much more convenient manner.
The tweeters are fitted on the left/right A pillars and fixed on A3 Left Front Audio +
the A pillar trim panel with clips. A4 Left Rear Audio +
A5 Right Rear Audio -
A6 Right Front Audio -
A7 Left Front Audio -
A8 Left Rear Audio -
B9 -
B10 Battery Power (when the lamp
switch is in position 1/2)
B11 -
B12 -
B13 -
B14 Battery Power (when the ignition
switch is in ACC position)
1.0 719
Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation
Pin No. Description End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
BY220 (Entertainment Player)
B15 Battery Power
B16 Ground
C1 -
C2 -
C3 Steering Wheel Button Signal
C4 Steering Wheel Button Signal 1 +
C5 Microphone Ground
C6 High Speed CAN Bus
C7 -
C8 -
C9 -
C10 Steering Wheel Button Signal 2 +
Pin No. Description
C11 Microphone +
1 USB Power Supply
C12 HS CAN Low
2 USB Data -
D1 -
3 USB Data +
D2 -
4 -
D3 -
5 USB Ground
D5 Rear Camera SHLD Shield
D7 End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
BY226 (Radio with Medium Configuration)
D8 -
D9 -
D10 Lin
D11 Rear Camera GND
1.0 720
Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment
For more information about the operation of the
entertainment system, please refer to "User Manual" and the
operating instructions inside the entertainment mainframe.
1.0 721
Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation
4. Remove speaker
1. Position speaker in door.
2. Fit and tighten the screws.
1. Fix the roof antenna to the body, fit the harness, fit the
3. Refit electrical connector.
retaining nut, tighten to 3–4Nm, and check the torque.
4. Refit front door trim.
2. Fit the roof interior.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
Roof Interior Refit
3. Connect the battery negative.
1.0 722
Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment
Rear Door Woofer Tweeter
Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear door interior trim panel. 1. Remove the tweeter from A pillar upper trim panel.
1.0 723
Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation
Player Microphone
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the central control panel of the instrument 2. Pry off the microphone assembly.
Central Control Panel of Instrument Panel
3. Remove 4 screws fixing the entertainment mainframe
to the instrument panel, disconnect the harness
connector, and remove the entertainment mainframe.
1.0 724
Displays and Gauges Information and Entertainment
Displays and Gauges
Description Value
Bolt-Clusters to instrument panel 1.3–1.9Nm
1.0 725
Information and Entertainment Displays and Gauges
1. Instrument Pack
1.0 726
Displays and Gauges Information and Entertainment
System Control Diagram
1.0 727
Information and Entertainment Displays and Gauges
1.0 728
Displays and Gauges Information and Entertainment
Harness Connector Pin No. Description
End View of Instrument Pack Harness 29 High Beam
Connector (FC006) 30 PDC Acoustic Alarm Input
31 Fuel Sensor Signal +
32 -
10 BCM Acoustic Request For warning information, please refer to "Information Centre"
in the "Instrument and Control" section of the User Manual.
11 -
12 Brake Fluid Level Warning Lamps and Indicators
1.0 729
Information and Entertainment Displays and Gauges
It receives the signal from the ECM to inform the It receives the signal from the BCM to remind the
driver of the alternator failure. driver that the width lamp illuminates.
Low Oil Pressure Warning Lamp Rear Fog Lamp Indicator
It receives the signal from the hard wire to inform It receives the signal from the BCM to remind the
the driver that the current oil pressure is low, which may cause driver that the rear fog lamp illuminates.
serious damage to the engine.
Direction Indicator Lamp
TPMS Warning Lamp (if equipped)
It receives the signal from the BCM to remind the
It receives the TPMS status signal from the TPMS driver that the direction indicator lamp illuminates. If the
to inform the driver of the low tyre pressure or TPMS failure. hazard warning lamps are enabled, both direction indicator
lamps will flash together.
ABS Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Anti-theft System Warning Lamp
It receives the signal from the ABS to inform the
driver of the ABS failure. It receives the signal from the BCM. If the anti-theft
system cannot identify the valid key, the lamp illuminates.
SCS/TC Warning Lamp
When the BCM receives a RF signal of low remote key battery,
It receives the signal from the SCS to inform the the lamp flashes.
driver whether the SCS/TC fails. Door Open Warning Lamp
If this lamp flashes during driving, the system is operating to
assist the driver. It receives the signal from the BCM. If any door, tail
gate or bonnet is open, the lamp illuminates.
SCS/TC OFF Warning Lamp
Transmission Malfunction Indicator Lamp
It receives the signal from the SCS to inform the
driver that the SCS/TC is in OFF state. It receives the signal from the TCM to inform the
driver of the automatic transmission failure.
Brake System Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Information Centre
It receives the signal from the SCS to inform the The information centre provides the followings:
driver of the brake system failures such as lack of brake fluid
or electronic braking force distribution (EBD) failure.
6 140
5 7 180
3 80
2 km/h
1.0 730
Displays and Gauges Information and Entertainment
Vehicle Information Display 9,999km, it will reset automatically. Trip A and Trip B can
be reset independently so that the vehicle can record the trip
The vehicle information display provides the followings:
Range to Empty
It displays the approximate mileage without refueling. "Range
to Empty" will be recalculated after refueling.
1.0 731
Information and Entertainment Displays and Gauges
The specific function of the instrument pack available at a given • Low Oil Pressure Warning Lamp
time depends on the position of the ignition switch. • Engine Emission Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Ignition Switch OFF • Alternator Malfunction Indicator Lamp
When the ignition switch is off, if the vehicle battery is Ignition Switch "Start"
connected, the instrument pack will be kept in "standby When the engine is started, all the lamps will go out. If there's
mode". any warning lamp remains ON, the corresponding system is
Ignition Switch ON failed.
It refers that the ignition switch is powered on, check before
driving is performed by the instrument pack, and CAN bus is
1.0 732
Displays and Gauges Information and Entertainment
Service Procedures
Instrument Pack
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the instrument pack frame.
1.0 733
1.0 734
Power and Signal Power and Signal
Power and Signal
Description Value
Bolt-Engine compartment fuse box to battery bracket 6–8Nm
Nut-Engine compartment fuse box to body 6–8Nm
Bolt-Engine cable to Engine compartment fuse box 6–9Nm
Bolt-Battery positive cable to Engine compartment fuse box 6–9Nm
1.0 735
Power and Signal Power and Signal
1.0 736
Power and Signal Power and Signal
Instrument Panel Harness Body Harness
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the instrument panel assembly. 2. Remove the front bumper assembly.
1.0 737
Power and Signal Power and Signal
12. Disconnect the harness connector of the left head lamp. 19. Disconnect the harness connector of the inertia switch.
13. Loosen the ground point under the ABS modulator. 20. Disconnect the harness connector of the brake fluid
level sensor.
21. Disconnect the harness connector of the brake vacuum
22. Disconnect the harness connector of the right front
wheel speed sensor.
1.0 738
Power and Signal Power and Signal
38. Remove the roof interior.
1.0 739
Power and Signal Power and Signal
44. Disconnect the connector between body harness and 52. Loosen 3 ground points around the left tail lamp
front door harness. assembly.
45. Disconnect the harness connectors of the seat belt
pretensioners on both sides.
46. Disconnect the harness connectors of the impact
sensors on both sides.
47. Loosen the ground point under the front seat.
1.0 740
Power and Signal Power and Signal
59. Remove the high-mounted stop lamp assembly. switch.
High-mounted Stop Lamp Assembly Remove 8. Connect the harness connector of the tail gate lock.
60. Remove the rear bumper assembly. 9. Connect the harness connector of the rear wiper
Rear Bumper Assembly Remove
10. Connect the harness connectors of the rear window
61. Pry off the fuel pump cover, and disconnect the fuel
heating elements on both sides.
pump harness connector.
11. Fit the interior trim panel of the tail gate.
Tail Gate Interior Trim Panel Refit
12. Connect the harness connector of the diode.
13. Tighten 3 ground points around the left tail lamp
14. Tighten 2 ground points under the right tail lamp
15. Fit the tail lamp assembly.
Tail Lamp Assembly Refit
16. Fit the luggage compartment side trim panel.
Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel Refit
17. Connect the harness connector of the rear door.
62. Disconnect the harness connector of the right rear
wheel speed sensor. 18. Tighten the ground point under the front seat.
63. Disconnect the harness connector of the left rear 19. Connect the harness connectors of the impact sensors
wheel speed sensor. on both sides.
20. Connect the harness connectors of the seat belt
pretensioners on both sides.
21. Connect the connector between body harness and
front door harness.
22. Connect the harness connector of the airbag control
23. Connect the harness connector of the radio antenna.
24. Connect the harness connector of the curtain airbag
on both sides.
25. Connect the harness connector of the sunroof motor.
26. Connect the harness connector of the tweeter.
27. Fit the roof interior.
64. Loosen the harness clip, and remove the body harness.
Roof Interior Refit
28. Connect the harness connector of the lamp lever
1. Arrange the harness to the body and secure with clips.
2. Connect the harness connector of the left rear wheel
29. Connect the harness connector of the wiper lever
speed sensor.
3. Connect the harness connector of the right rear wheel
30. Connect the connector between body harness and
speed sensor.
instrument panel harness.
4. Connect the harness connector of the fuel pump.
31. Tighten the ground point under the DAB.
5. Fit the rear bumper assembly.
32. Connect the harness connector of the DAB.
Rear Bumper Assembly Refit 33. Connect the harness connector of the clutch pedal.
6. Fit the high-mounted stop lamp assembly. 34. Connect the harness connector of the brake pedal.
High-mounted Stop Lamp Assembly Refit 35. Connect the harness connector of the accelerator
7. Connect the harness connector of the tail gate release pedal.
1.0 741
Power and Signal Power and Signal
36. Tighten the ground point under the BCM. 63. Fit the front bumper assembly.
37. Connect the harness connector of the BCM. Front Bumper Assembly Refit
38. Fit the carpet assembly. 64. Connect the battery negative.
Carpet Assembly Refit
39. Fit the A/C box assembly.
A/C Box Assembly Refit
40. Tighten ground point fixed to the right front longitudinal
41. Fit the washer reservoir assembly.
Washer Reservoir Assembly Refit
42. Connect the harness connector of the right headlamp.
43. Connect the harness connector of the right front wheel
speed sensor.
44. Connect the harness connector of the brake vacuum
45. Connect the harness connector of the brake fluid level
46. Connect the harness connector of the inertia switch.
47. Connect the harness connector of the front wiper
48. Fit the A/C air inlet grille.
A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly Refit
49. Fit the A/C Hard Pipe Assembly.
A/C Hard Pipe Assembly Refit
50. Connect the engine harness connector.
51. Connect the harness connector of the left front wheel
speed sensor.
52. Tighten the ground point under the ABS modulator.
53. Connect the harness connector of the left headlamp.
54. Connect the harness connector of the back up lamp
55. Fit the brake modulator.
Brake Modulator Refit
56. Fit the battery tray.
Battery Tray Refit
57. Tighten the ground point of the left front longitudinal
58. Fit the engine compartment fuse box.
Engine Compartment Fuse Box Refit
59. Connect the connector of the cooling fan relay.
60. Connect the connector of the cooling fan motor.
61. Connect the harness connector of the engine
compartment lock.
62. Connect the harness connector of the horn.
1.0 742
Power and Signal Power and Signal
Front Door Harness 7. Fit the front door interior trim panel.
Remove Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
8. Connect the battery negative.
2. Remove the front door interior trim panel.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove
3. Disconnect the connector between front door harness
and body harness.
4. Disconnect the harness connector of the window
regulator motor.
5. Disconnect the harness connector of the speaker.
6. Disconnect the harness connector of the exterior
rearview mirror.
1.0 743
Power and Signal Power and Signal
1.0 744
Glossary List Name Description
Name Description NOx Oxides of Nitrogen
A/C Air Conditioning NSW Neutral Start Switch
ABS Anti-lock braking system NTC Negative Temperature
ATF Automatic Transmission Coefficient
Fluid OAT Organic Acid Technology
BCM Body Controller Module PAS Power Assisted Steering
CAN Controller area network PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
CHMSL Centre High Mounted Stop PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RON Research Octane Number
CKP Crankshaft Position
SCS Stability Control System
CMP Camshaft Position
SDM Sensing Diagnostic Module
CO Carbon Monoxide
SIPS SAIC Integrated Program
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code SRS Supplementary Restraint
EBD Electronic Braking-force System
Distribution TC Traction Control
ECM Engine Control Module TCM Transmission Control
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature Module
ECU Electronic Control Unit TMAP Temperature, Manifold
EEPROM Electronic Erasable Absolute Pressure
Programmable Read Only TP Throttle Position
Memory TPMS Tyre Pressure Monitoring
ELR Emergency Locking System
Retractor TWC Three-way Catalyst
EMS Engine Management System TXV Thermostatic Expansion
EOT Engine Oil Temperature Valve
HC Hydro Carbons VDS Vehicle Diagnostic System
HCU Hybrid control module VIN Vehicle Identification
HO2S Heated Oxygen Sensor Number
1.0 745