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Answer key UNIT. 1 | 4 9 | "Thebestpartis going on [international fights)" 2 | 1 | 49 | ‘Tmincharge-ct{running]the whole cabin.” 32 | 2 | ‘Mymaincespensbilityis Ipassenger safety)” 4219 | Aeepart ra the|eabin co director)” pages a3 bs cq dz 3 te 2i 3a 4j 5b 6k 7c 8h 9d wl ug nf page7 5 a2 b3 cq ds ex 6 g8 h7 pages 7 3 1924 2 1952 3. nthe 990s 8 2 cheerful 3 polite 4 prepared 5 professional 6 young 7. slamorous 8 adaptable 9. forceful 10 empathetic 1 organized 12 skilled 13 patient 14 coolunder pressure | 75 pages 9 1 cheerful 2 coolness 3 empathetic 4 exibilty 5. glamorous 6 organization 7. patient 8 politeness 9) prepared 10 professionalism 11 skilled 12 youth 2 cheerful 2 empathy 3 youth 4 slamour 5 skilled 6 professional 7 excellent 8 clarity 9 tall 10 good st dean pagexo 1 apron 2 controltower 3, boarding gates {Immigration and quarantine 5 crewroom 6 baggage claim 7. customs inspection 8 security check 9. arivals 40 checkin 3 2 security 2 arivalshall. 3. security customs, 4 boarding gates: 5 apron pages 4 ac 2b 3a 4e sd 5 a2 bq c3 ds ea 76 | Answerkey 1 checkin counter agent checkin 2 gate agent boarding gates 3. apron service staff—apron 4 eld operations staff-apron 55 baggage handler-apron, baggage claim ‘unne pages STARTER ad 2¢ 3a 4e 5b '42,Yes (Sally and Oleg), No (Sally and captain) 1b3,No (Abbie and Fran), Yes, (ran and2oe) ciyNo aF afi 3t 3 3d0,F 2introduce,F 3call F/I 4gcod,! smeet.! ages 4 2 the pursertoday. 2. Fmseniar rew member in economy. 3 Good tomeet you both. 4 Weknow each other already. 5, Howare you doing? 6 Itsgoodta ee you again. 5 a2 bs 3, pages 7 ab 2d 3a 4e se Fight attendant 3 Two months a aac \Whatare your duties before and aftertake-of? Could you tellus how many oxygen elinders there areonthis airrat? 13 Have we got any babies orvery young chien on board? 4 Whois working in business class? 5 Have any other passengers got special, requirements? 4 many 2 long 3 Where 4 When 5 much 6 What 7 Ne 8 can pagers af ad 3b 4c 58 6a 7e 8 Aight deck fist class ‘economy cabin ‘emergency ext ‘overwing hatch crew station cargo held Aight deck emergency ext crewstation cargohold firstclass ‘overwing hatch economy class None veg pages smoke hood ~Crew station and fight deck. medical kit~Flight deck and/or overhead locker. frst aid kt Overhead lacker. ‘emergency lighting ~ Floor. ‘oxygen cylinder~ Overhead lockers throughout alreraft and fight deck. torch~Crew station and fight deck. crash axe~Inthe galley and/or fight deck. Ie jacket Under alseats and crew station. Spares Inbagin overhead locker. 9, Mie extinguisher~ Overhead lockers throughout aircraft, near crew station. 10 seatbelts Allseatsincabinand fight deck. 41 safety card~Passenger seat pockets. 42 no smoking sign~Above passenger seats, n the lavatory, inthe galley. Answerkey | 77 6 Equipment in nearlloseto 1 sfetycard soa pot 2 emergency lene 3. jacket seat 4 ongencyinder —_overheadocker crewstation 5 nosmoklngsign the pasergerseviceunit passenger seat 6 fistaldkt overhead bcker crewstaton 7 fheextngucher overhead beter crewstaton 8 seatbelt 8 — a “uNIT3 TT af oF af st 6F 77 eT ee paweza » STARTER M4 2g 3h ac sb 6a 7e af teah 34 an ae 1 Possible answers: 2 4 Diabetes heat rouble, herantocatch the plane. Posstbleanswers: 2 Theycoudbe ntoiceted. 5 ines, nervous because he plansto do something Stuations bad, neous fst ye. rmsorry, but dint hear the departure time or gate umber. CCanyou repeat the departure time andgate number, please? Canyoutellme how long the fights? Situation2 "don't knawhow old he/thee tila? Canhe/the child read? is. How oldishe/the F'mnot sure about the mealtimes. Canyou tell me again, please? Situation rm sorry, but | don't understand Have youlost your boarding card? ‘Canyou show me yourboarding card? Situation, ‘Pmconfused about the times ofmy duties Can you g0 through them agai, please? | didn’thear the times. Could yourepeat them please? Did you say mith the blind passenger at 10.000 si.00? 4, Sheis strugetingto cope withthe children. 2 Possible answers: 4 Inflight illness could force diversion or present other complications. ‘2 Maymisbehave orbe sickon the plane. 3 Maybelllorhave panicattackonthe plane, or attempt to sabotage ight. 4 May disturb other passengers, may need help tolook afterall thre children. 3. Possible answers: Tryto determine flyers reallyare potential, problems; ifso, alert the purser, orbe prepared to deal with suchissues as may arise. ‘4, Possible answer ‘Students’ own answers; dependson actual conditions. pagez2 Answers may vary from cultureto culture. Possible Be yourselfand speak witha smile Be welcoming, vsibleand happy/ready to help. Relax be enthusiastic, and have fu. ‘Speak clearly and slowly, using positive everyday language. Identify yourself and crew using fist names. Establish eye contact. Build credibility, respect, and attention with customers. Tellcustomers what they can do, instead of what they canttdo, 78 | Answerkey Create a postive environment. Treat everyone as you would lke tobe rested 4 boarding 2. departure 3 aisle 4 bags 5 lockers 6 items 7 seat 3 devices 9 gate 10 door “pages ands Personalitems | Handluggage | Electronic devices handbag. suitcase (9P3 player wakkingstick trolevbaz | mobileshone wallet suitbag laptop rucksack DvD player handheld video an | 7 + abig bluesuitease 2 alitlered handbag. 8 1 abig, expensive, leather suitase 2. asmall fragile purse 3. anolded hatbox 4 abeautifulnew portable DVO player page 24 ° seating nearthe front ofthe aircraft, onthe isle seating near the fight attendants’ craw tation seating nextto empty seats ifpossible; assistance with equipment or medication lah | a bebebet le [sc| [v[e[ | | | ue ke x ages + nearthe lavatory; AC 2 exttomy wife's: 1S 3 ontheaisle; SM 4 Inthe middle; SP 5 nearthe front; VS 6 together,cs ic 2a 3g 4d 5b 6h 7f Be 1 ‘alike you 2 wonderif you'd mind 3 bepossibie 4 youthink 5 youmind 6 don't suppose 7. youpossibly 1 Woulayou 9 msorry 120 Would you please 6 ag 21 3b 4j 5c 6a 7e 8d of woh EE ‘page9 STARTER 3 Possibleanswers: 1 good eye contact & excellent grammar 1 aftiendlysmite | aclear, confident voice L/S expensive clothes andnice jewellery U/Baveryserious attitude about everything U/S_averyinformalway ofspeaking 1 comfortable but polite communication age30 Answerkey | 79 4 2 people who have pre-ordered special meas eae Cold) Hot 20 “drink ar L drink aT beer aF black tea/coffee ou without mil) pagese beady mary v a coffee emi, 1 1 pastawith beef ola v 2 lemonchicken sginandtonie v 3. greensalad juice pple, v 4 (Cooked) peas and carots orange, tomato, 5. chocolate cake etc) - ager cv Pare eat ¥ 2 sewedwith noice v 3 ismade trom onthe ocks/with v 4 Thesidedishesare tee 5 There'salzo redwine v rosé wine v — 4 rumand coke v A soda water v | 2 1,000)P¥ sparkingwater V7 | 3 90PLN stillwater v 4 120860 tea (blac, green, v 5 425AE0 herbal ete) whisky | v ro white ea/coffee) v white wine v ‘Amenities ———Economy_-Premium Business| First with mikand v ‘lass economy class dass sugar : 1 Alotofleg v ae 2 Astandard 7 seat 1 orders andreceves toma juice no ee 2 orders green tea, receives black teavith il 5 Hab auaee ae Orr geet eee eth i A ‘orders andreceWvesa lager = ° * 4 Standardfood Vw 7 and rik £ todsine service 2 loler 5 Slightybette v 3, Would youtke seatsthan 4 carefor economy 5 Shall 6 Atoletshared v 6 Doyoutake withsixother 7 Haveyou got people 8 please 7_Atuly-fatbed ¥ 9 Mdlike B Seatback = VW 10 May have a 41 Canthave i a 1 9 Adedicated v ; tounge 4 pasta with a beef and tomato sauce, orlemon 10 Priory check: vo thicken in 80 | Answerkey page3s 8 a2 ba c3 a2 b3 ct 9 ae 2g 3f 4b se 6a 7d ae 2a 3b a3 b2 ct PU Let’, need help, suggest, Pd Shall, about, think having get bring eet tosit ut ages9 5 4 hurts 2 feat 3 canttstop 4 looks 5 can'tbreathe 6 cut 7 feels 8 think 6 g 2a 3¢ 4d 5f 6b 7h Be pageno a se 2g 31 af sh 6c 7d 8a 9b 10) pases af 2i 3h 4g aa 2b 3a 4b evomsuneg i "6 The doctor assessed the situation and immediately advised the nurse to give intravenous fluids from our medica kt ‘The nurse took his blood pressure. ‘As soon as we landed, paramedics boarded the plane and took over the situation, 4. Shegave the passenger nitroglycerine tablet under his tongue 1 short ofbreath 2 pulse 3 distressed 4 allergies 55 blood pressure 6 unstable 7 stabilise 8 intravenous 9) heartrate te pes ‘STARTER 1a 2] 3f 4d se 6b 7g 8c 91 0h page a6 a4 bi c3 d2 3 ad 2c 3a 4b so, inorderto,® because, ¢ due to/because ofa When, while until Once before After loss ofpressure quickly below controlled pagea7 7 ah 2c 3a 4f 54 6b 7e 8g 8 2 Ofcourse not, There's nothing to wery about Everything's fine. 2 Inorderto, Because, So 3. We're descending toa lower altitude, after we arrive Intinsk age 48 1 Asuulden change in pressure. 2 Acondition where the human body isn't getting enough oxygen. 3 Youwilllose consciousness. 44 Because oxygen levels arelow. Answerkey | 81. Rapid decompression problems caused by... ow lackofoxygen sudden pressure temperatures change hypothermia dizziness fog and mist ‘nausea objectsmoving loss ofjudgement _aroundthe cabin Vision problems painfrom trapped gases 4 Keep yourmask an! 2. Stay alm! 3. Stayinyour seat! 4 Keep your seat belt fastened! 5 Don't unfasten your seatbelt! 6 Sitdown! 7 Breathe nosy, 8 Putyour own maskonfirst. 9 Hold on! 10 Don't getup. page ag 4 1 Airmovement that can'tbe seen. It may cause the aircraft todrop suddenly. 2 Anyunsecured people or items may be thrown around the cabin 3. Everyone must strapin and everything must be securedin place, 5 aL 2M 3M 4S 5L 6S 7M BM 95 wl nS 2M 6 a3 bs c2 dg en ” AF aT 3F 4F 5T ageso 8 switched return allow strap in work fall drops. sitdown 19 Batis a3 bg ci d7 es f4 g8 nO Ta 82 | Answerkey 1 ado 2 uncooperative 3 more 4 captain 3 (Youmustswitchitoffand stopusingit) 4. (Thatsnotallowed) 2 (Canyou switch tof please?) 4 thisincident has been reported to the fight eck) Baca “owt vs ao er as a3 ba cs d4 e2 have put lookaround make ure sive be careful pages 3 a2 bi c6 d8 05 f3 g4 hy Please putthe tray tableup. Please strap himjherin. Please put the seat backup. Please put the bag away. Please switch your laptop of. pages, 5 ie ze 3a af sb 6d 6 af 2c 3a ge sd 6b informed tet tell updated ariving spraying 7 receive 8 board 9. stopping 10 delayed 8 Possible answers: Ladies and gentlemen, the tolletshave been closed. We wilt you know ifwe can fixthe problem. Ladies and gentlemen, afr engine will be meeting the aircraft Thisis@ precaution only. Ladies and gentlemen, we willbe landing shorty. The runways now clear ofsnow, 4. Ladies and gentlemen, the trolley service willbe closing soan/has closed. Ladies and gentlemen, customs oficers willbe boarding the arrat- f Ladies and gentlemen, we willbe diverting to Luton. We apologize forthe inconvenience, pagesé ° ab af 3i al sd 6a 7k 8g 9i ih axz bs co da exo [7 g2 hg im 16 ke 13 peses7 cracked clogged wong, stuck twisted wedged broken off ripped 9) working 40 missing a1 wet 12 enough 8 aT 21 3F 4F sT 6T pages 5 aF aT 3F 4 sf 6T 7T 8F 6 af 2b 3e 4c 5h 6a 7d 8g a 2 Whattime’s 2 dowe get 3 Istheresomewhere 4 When does 5, Howlongwilitake 6 Ivegota problem with 7 Wsthethingto 8 a5 b4 ct d6 e3 f2 87 pages 9 1 Howfong will the laundry take? 2 Dowe have anintemet connection in ur rooms? 3 Whattimedoes the restaurant open? 44 Cenyoutell me where the shops are? 5 When does the bus leave? 6 Isthere somewhere can leave my bag? a2 bi c6 d3 es [4 er 18.00 Lufthansa Canberra Brazil Airtafic control London Heathrow Los Angeles international (USA) 40 Wit clock’ positions: The saladisat ten o'clock’ and soon, 23 bi c7 d2 e5 16 ga drvinglicence am People mustn't use them. three-hour departure delay The passenger wants vegetarian meal but there Isnttoneavalable, 7 Adisagreementwith a manager. pageés 6 a2 b4 cB dio e6 13 g5 ht Ip i7 pages minimum age maximum height healthy weight Goodheatth perfect eyesight customer-service experience customer satistacton 8 9 Answerkey | 83 additionallanguage ‘unusual halrstyle ° AT aT 3F 4F sf 6T 7T OF pages ‘Thecabin crew members responsibletothe senior cabin crewmember 2 Takeinitatve to address difficult issues 3 Maintain cabin crew quaifiation 44 Averifable five-year. history 5 Within gominutes 3 a5 bi c2 d6 24 pages 5 Possible answers: aR aR 3C AC SR 6C 7R BC 16 Crew member 4,5 Crew member: 3.7 Grewmemberc: 5,8 Crewmemberd:2,6 ea a2 bs cr dy pages ‘cross own 2 fhe + polite 4 electronic 2 flight standard 3. economy. 9 rage 5 customer 1 height 6 responsibility +2 documents 7 alrside 36 water 0 crew 18 behaviour 13 overhead 19 asthma 14 plaster 22 interview 45 personal 24 flexible 17 cargo 27 lavatory zo safety 29 problems 21 director 30 nose 2a allowed 31 landing 25 cabin 26 hotel 28 mask

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