Learning Task 2

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My Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 Artifact on one’s cooperating school

Describe your cooperating school by supplying the needed information.

(Put the picture of your cooperating school)

Name of the school/institution _____________________________________________________

Phone and fax number/URL website ________________________________________________
Name of the School Principal
Academic Offerings: ____________________________________________________________
No. of faculty members _________________________________________________________
No. of staff ___________________________________________________________________
No. of students _________________________________________________________________
Write what is asked about your cooperating school.

School’s Vision Statement

School’s Mission Statement

School’s Goals

Graduate attributes

How does performance task 1 on knowing the school’s profile connect to the Philippine
Professional Standards for teachers?
How does the school’s profile connect to your learning as a teaching intern?

What is the impact of knowing the school’s information in student learning?


Performance Task 2 Complete the structured frame.

How can you concretize the school’s vision, mission, goals and expected graduate
attributes in your lesson?

I can concretize the school’s VMG by _________________________________________


Performance Task 3
Get a sample lesson that shows the VMS was integrated in the learning plan.
My Learning Artifact(s) (Pieces of evidence of learning, snapshots, documents, and others)

List the instructional facilities of your school. You may take snapshots of these facilities,
too. Request permission from the designated authority.
My Scoring Rubric
Meets Standard of Approaching Meets Acceptable Does Not Meet
INDICATORS Excellence Standard of Standard Acceptable Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

Performance  Has all the  Has some  Has  No aspect of

Tasks aspects of aspects of minimal work meets
work that work that aspects of level of
exceed level exceed level work that expectations.
of of meet level  Has errors,
expectation. expectation. of omissions, and
 Shows  Demonstrates expectation. misconceptions
exemplary solid  With some
performance performance errors and
understanding. is not

Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers

Learning The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of

Artifacts evidence of learning evidence of learning evidence of evidence of learning
is/are aligned with is/are aligned with learning is/are is/are aligned NOT of
learning outcomes. SOME of the learning aligned with ONE the learning outcomes.
outcomes. of the learning

Creativity and The learning tasks The learning tasks are The learning tasks The learning tasks are
Resourcefulness are done very done creatively and are done quite poorly done and need
creatively and resourcefully. creatively and improvement.
resourcefully. resourcefully.

Submission and The assigned The assigned learning The assigned The assigned learning
Requirements learning tasks are tasks are submitted a learning tasks are tasks are submitted 3
submitted on or day after the deadline. submitted 2 days days or more after the
before the deadline. after the deadline. deadline.


Signature of Practicum Supervisor

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