System Identification of UCSD-NHERI Shake-Table Test of Two-Story Structure With Cross-Laminated Timber Rocking Walls
System Identification of UCSD-NHERI Shake-Table Test of Two-Story Structure With Cross-Laminated Timber Rocking Walls
System Identification of UCSD-NHERI Shake-Table Test of Two-Story Structure With Cross-Laminated Timber Rocking Walls
John W. van de Lindt, Ph.D., F.ASCE 7; and Jeffrey W. Berman, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE 8
Abstract: A full-scale 2-story mass timber building was tested on the University of California San Diego Natural Hazards Engineering
Research Infrastructure (UCSD-NHERI) uniaxial shake table during the period from June 2017 to September 2017. The main objective of the
experimental program was to test the performance of mass timber building designs with different seismic lateral force–resisting systems. The
focus of this study is on a building configuration designed using self-centering post-tensioned cross-laminated timber (CLT) rocking walls
with U-shaped steel flexural plate energy dissipators. The shake-table tests were designed to subject the building to a series of earthquake
ground motions of increasing intensity, ranging from a service-level earthquake to 1.20 times the maximum considered earthquake intensity.
Between each ground motion, low-amplitude white-noise excitations were applied to the building, which responded as a quasilinear system.
In this paper, two output-only operational modal analysis methods are used to estimate the modal parameters (frequency, damping, and mode
shapes) based on acceleration data collected during the white-noise shake-table tests. The correlations of observed damage and repairs
performed during the experimental program with changes in estimated modal features are reported. The modal parameters estimated from
the testing program are also compared with a linear finite-element model that is used to validate the modal identification results and study the
performance of the two system identification methods for CLT rocking structures. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002938. © 2021
American Society of Civil Engineers.
ure of the connections at the wall ends. To date, no journal papers due to the low-amplitude white-noise shake-table motion tests per-
were found in the literature that focused on studying modal features formed immediately before and immediately after each of the earth-
and damage propagation of self-centering CLT structures under quake shaking tests. In addition, these white-noise shake-table
shake-table experiments. motions were also applied before and after each of the interventions
Self-centering rocking wall systems exhibit rocking deformation performed.
behavior under lateral loading. At the same time, post-tensioned In this paper, two output-only methods for structural identifica-
tendons are used to recenter the walls to their original position. tion are used, which were observed to perform well in previous
The conceptual basis behind rocking wall systems is the use of a tests performed on different structural systems (Moaveni et al.
recentering mechanism, e.g., post-tensioned tendons, coupled with 2014; Belleri et al. 2014). The dynamic characterization methods
external energy dissipators (e.g., mild steel bars) that are designed are used here to systematically document the initial modal features
to dissipate seismic energy. The rocking wall concept originated and progressive changes to the modal parameters as damage pro-
from research in precast concrete (Priestley 1991; Holden et al. gressed and repairs were performed during the testing program.
2003; Restrepo and Rahman 2007; Belleri et al. 2014; Kurama The modal parameters estimated from the testing program are also
et al. 2018) and was successfully adapted to timber systems over compared with a linear finite-element model that is used to validate
the last 15 years (e.g., Granello et al. 2020). Post-tensioned timber the modal identification results and study the performance of the
systems have been detailed in a series of subassembly experiments two system identification methods for CLT rocking structures.
performed on beam-to-column, column-to-foundation, and wall-to- Lastly, the modal results provide benchmark data that can be used
foundation energy-dissipation solutions using laminated-veneer in future designs of CLT rocking structures, including the estima-
lumber (LVL) members (Palermo et al. 2005, 2006a, b; Smith et al. tion of initial and secant stiffnesses that can be used for design-
2007) and glued-laminated timber (glulam) members (e.g., Granello basis earthquake (DBE) intensities.
et al. 2019). Out of the energy-dissipation methods tested with LVL
shear walls by Palermo et al. (2005, 2006a, b) and Smith et al.
(2007), the U-shaped flexural plates (UFP) were observed to be the Materials and Methods
most effective (Smith et al. 2008).
Baird et al. (2014) derived formulas for the yielding force, initial
Test Specimen Description
stiffness, and hardening parameter using previous analytical deri-
vations by Kelly et al. (1972), based on experimental tests and A 2-story structure with CLT rocking walls was tested at the
finite-element modeling. Kramer et al. (2015) evaluated the tension UCSD-NHERI shake-table facility in 2017. Fig. 1 shows the struc-
and cyclic performance of an external energy-dissipation connector ture on the shake table following erection. The 2-story CLT build-
to be used on self-centering rocking CLT walls. The results indi- ing had a rectangular planar geometry of 17,680 × 6,100 mm. The
cated no damage on the CLT members, low variability, and predict- total height of the structure was 6,790 mm.
able behavior of the energy dissipators. A series of other studies Glued-laminated timber (GLT) beams and columns supported
focused on the seismic performance of self-centering CLT walls gravity loads collected from the CLT floor and roof. The columns
with UFP devices (Akbas et al. 2017; Ganey et al. 2017). were attached to the steel base with slotted pin connections to allow
In 2017, a series of tests were performed in the University of for compatibility of movements due to seismic loading without
California San Diego Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infra- introducing additional lateral loading on the columns, which mainly
structure (UCSD-NHERI) shake table for mass timber structures. carry gravity loads. Two columns sizes were used: (1) GLT 273 ×
Testing performed provided benchmark data on the performance of 190 mm, located along Gridlines A2 and A3, and (2) GLT 222 ×
three lateral resisting systems. Thus, the testing was divided into 190 mm, located along Gridlines A1 and A4 (Fig. 2).
three phases: (1) a self-centering rocking wall design (Pei et al. Two different floor systems were used on the floor and roof lev-
2019a), (2) a non-post-tensioned rocking wall design (Blomgren els. On the floor level, primary beams had cross-section dimensions
et al. 2019), and (3) a platform-type CLT wall system (van de of 495 × 222 mm and spanned in the north–south (NS) direction,
Lindt et al. 2019). The three studies cited summarize the experi- secondary beams had cross-section dimensions of 495 × 171 mm
mental testing program, including design, as well as the main re- and spanned in the east–west (EW) direction, and the floor con-
sults obtained for the lateral load–resisting systems. However, a sisted of three-ply CLT spanning in the NS direction [Fig. 2(b)].
detailed analysis of system identification results had not yet been The roof floor system consisted of beams with cross-section dimen-
performed and is developed in this study. sions of 457 × 222 mm (lateral bays) and 381 × 222 mm (central
Based on the literature review and existing knowledge, only a bay) spanning in the NS direction; no beams were detailed in the
limited number of tests on rocking timber systems have been per- EW direction. The roof-level floor spanned in the EW direction
formed on shake tables. No self-centering CLT systems have been and was constructed using a five-ply CLT-concrete composite
tested on a shake table at the time the shake-table testing reported system (Higgins et al. 2017), in which the reinforced concrete
here was performed. Therefore, no full-scale, dynamic test data was 57 mm thick. Two glulam grades were specified for the
Fig. 2. CLT self-centering rocking wall test specimen: (a) roof plan view; (b) floor plan view; (c) EW elevation view; (d) foundation beam and
shake-table plan view; and (e) NS elevation view. Accelerometers are marked as square boxes with arrows indicating the direction of recording.
Dimensions are presented in millimeters.
of the walls [Fig. 3(c)]. The structure had two walls that consisted
of two five-ply E1 panels that were 1,520 mm long connected
structurally using five UFP devices. The lowest UFP was located
1,980 mm from the base of the wall, and the spacing between the
five UFP devices was 960, 1,140, 1,140, and 990 mm measured
from the UFP that was closest to the foundation. Each CLT panel
was post-tensioned using four 19.05-mm-diameter high-strength
rods [ASTM A449 Type 1 (ASTM 2020)] with a yield stress of
634 MPa.
An initial tension force of 53.3 kN was applied to each of the
post-tensioning bars at the top of the wall. The walls were con- (b)
nected to the floors using a vertical slot tongue plate shear key,
which coupled the horizontal in-plane displacements of the floor
diaphragm and wall. Additional steel angles with Teflon polytetra-
fluorethylene sliding faces were used to provide out-of-plane
displacement restraint to the wall from the floor. At the floor level,
the tongue plate had a cross section of 44.5 × 76 mm, and at the
roof level, the tongue plate had a cross section of 22 × 76 mm.
This connection allowed only horizontal forces to be transferred
between the floor diaphragms, thereby allowing walls to rock
and lift without providing additional vertical restraints to the wall
In order to stabilize the structure in the direction perpendicular
to shaking and avoid excessive torsional movements, cross-bracing
steel bars were added to the structure on the east and west faces
between Grids A2 and A3 [Figs. 1 and 2(c)]. The cross-braces were
19-mm fully threaded rods tying the roof and second floor to the
shake table’s floor beams. Additional construction drawings are
available for download in DesignSafe-CI (Pei et al. 2019b). The
uplift of the foundation was prevented by anchoring post-tensioned
rods from the top of the steel base beam to the bottom of the shake-
table platform.
To understand the effects of damage (visible or not) to the struc- when there is post-tensioning (PT) force loss over 4.5 kN
ture from the increased shaking intensity, white-noise (WN) tests (1 kip)].
were carried out before and after each ground-motion test. In • Intervention 4: The intervention occurred between shake-table
addition to the WN tests after ground-motion events, additional Tests 10 and 11, and consisted of cross-bracing retightening.
WN tests followed six Interventions conducted included pre- • Intervention 5: The intervention occurred between shake-table
emptive repair or retrofitting measures, which were conducted over Tests 12 and 13 and consisted of cross-bracing retightening.
the test sequence. Thus, a total of 21 WN tests were conducted • Intervention 6: The intervention occurred between ground-
during the testing sequence. The WN signals consisted of a root- motion Tests 13 and 14, whereby the post-tensioning bars were
mean squared (RMS) acceleration of 0.03g for a duration of ap- again retensioned to their intended initial tension and cross-
proximately 120 s, except for the first three WN tests, which were bracing retightened.
conducted for 240 s. Data from these WN tests are available for Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) accelerometers with a
download in DesignSafe-CI (Pei et al. 2019b). total acceleration amplitude range of 5g (g ¼ 9.81 m=s2 ) were
Six preemptive interventions were undertaken over the test se- used to capture the structural dynamic response. The accelerome-
quence to make minor repairs or adjustments to the test structure ters were placed at seven locations on the underside of the floor and
that allow it to perform as intended in the structural design. In the roof levels, measuring the NS and EW accelerations [Figs. 2(a
interventions, the following actions were carried out: and b)]. In Figs. 2(a and b), the floor-level and roof accelerometer
• Intervention 1: The intervention taken between shake-table locations are labeled 1 through 14. In addition to measuring NS and
Tests 1 and 2 consisted of modification to the tongue plate con-
nections (a Teflon polytetrafluorethylene interface was added)
to reduce friction between the CLT wall slot and the tongue
plates connected to the floor diaphragm. The Teflon polytetra-
fluorethylene plates were effective in reducing the friction.
However, the design of the fixture of the Teflon polytetrafluor-
ethylene plate could be improved in future designs because they
tended to start to roll out of their original locations, which re-
quired that modifications and replacements had to be performed
during several of the interventions. Fig. 5(b) shows a damaged
Teflon polytetrafluorethylene plate (foreground) after being re-
moved and replaced by with new Teflon polytetrafluorethylene
plates (background).
• Intervention 2: This intervention took place between shake-table
Tests 5 and 6, and consisted of stiffening (bracing laterally) the
base beam after notable base beam deformations were observed
[Fig. 5(a)]. Fig. 5. (a) Base beam damage showing as downward deformation at
• Intervention 3: The intervention occurred between shake-table near the middle of the top flange; and (b) replacement of the Teflon
Tests 8 and 9 whereby the post-tensioning bars were retensioned polytetrafluorethylene plates during Intervention I. (Adapted from
Wichman 2018.)
to their intended initial tension [the retension was triggered
Fig. 6. Geometric representation of the FE model of the structure: (a) isometric view; (b) north–south elevation; and (c) east–west elevation.
Fig. 7. White-noise time signals and power spectral densities: (a) time signals of Channels 14E and 14N for white-noise Test 1 at the start of the
shake-table test sequence and white-noise Test 21 at the end of the testing sequence; and (b) power spectral densities of Channels 14E and 14N at
for white-noise Test 1 and Test 21 of the shake-table test sequence.
Other peaks are also observed at approximately 4.3 Hz, as dis- modes of vibration, and finally, Mode shapes 3 and 6 are the first
cussed in detail subsequently. and second modes in the NS direction, respectively.
Using the SSI and EFDD methods, six modes of vibration are
identified using the first WN trial (WN 01) data, which was con- Modal Features during the Shake-Table Testing Sequence
ducted at the beginning of the shake-table testing sequence. Changes in the natural frequencies and damping ratios for the iden-
Table 2 summarizes the identified natural frequencies and tified modes were evaluated at the end of each ground-motion
damping ratios. Small variations between the natural frequencies shake-table test as well as after interventions were made. Fig. 9
identified using EFDD and SSI methods are observed, the largest shows the changes in identified natural frequencies from each of
of which amounts to a 3.7% difference for Mode 1. The damping the 21 WN tests performed, as listed in Fig. 4. Results in Fig. 9
ratios identified using the EFDD and SSI methods vary consider- show that the natural frequency of Mode 1, f̄1 , decreased by ap-
ably, whereby the identified damping ratios for Mode 1 are 3.7% proximately 27% at the end of the testing sequence, with other
and 7.4% using the EFDD and SSI methods, respectively. Simi- modes showing smaller reductions and even slight increases, as
larly, the damping ratios identified for Mode 4 are approximately shown in Modes 3, 4, and 6. Before Intervention 1, a decrease
8.5% and 16.4% using the EFDD and SSI methods, respectively. of 13% in f̄1 was observed following the first ground-motion test
Such variations in damping ratios have been documented and jus- (Loma Prieta SLE intensity). This initial reduction is observed in
tified before in other shake-table studies (e.g., Moaveni et al. 2014) f̄2 , f̄ 4 , and f̄5 , although to a lesser extent. The initial reduction was
and ambient vibrations studies (e.g., Mugabo et al. 2019) when not apparent for Modes 3 and 6, which were perpendicular to the
different structural identification methods are used. As can be direction of shaking. Interestingly, f̄ 3 and f̄ 6 exhibited a slight in-
observed from Fig. 8, vibration Mode shapes 1 and 4 are the first crease. The most considerable reduction of f̄ 5 amounted to a 9%
reduction following Intervention 1 (WN Test 3), during which
and second translational modes of vibration in the EW direction,
modifications were made to tongue plates to reduce friction-
Mode shapes 2 and 5 correspond to the first and second torsional
induced transfer of vertical forces.
Moderate reductions in f̄1 are observed after the remainder of
the SLE round motions, as shown in the graph starting with WN 02
Table 2. Natural frequencies and damping ratios for the white-noise test at through WN 06.
the start of the shake-table testing sequence Similar to the case of SLE ground-shaking events, f̄1 following
DBE and MCE ground motions shows a gradual reduction of up to
Natural frequency, Damping
f̄ (Hz) ratio (%) 20% relative to the initial natural frequency. Following the first
Mode DBE ground motion corresponding to WN 07, f̄ 1 displayed reduc-
number Direction FDD SSI EFDD SSI tions up to 25% relative to the initial frequency value. WN 08 oc-
Mode 1 EW 1.39 1.34 3.64 7.35 curred after Intervention 2, which consisted of reinforcing the base
Mode 2 Torsional 1.49 1.51 2.24 2.11 beam with steel stiffeners. The addition of steel stiffeners caused an
Mode 3 NS 1.95 1.96 3.18 1.45 increase in the frequency, returning it to approximately 90% of the
Mode 4 EW 2.83 2.87 8.53 16.39 frequency identified prior to subjecting the structure to earthquake
Mode 5 Torsional 4.25 4.18 3.11 4.50 shaking, as can be seen in Fig. 9. This demonstrates that the base
Mode 6 NS 6.31 6.26 1.70 4.71
beam stiffeners, added to prevent the permanent deformation under
Fig. 8. Identified mode shapes and frequencies using the SSI method.
the CLT walls, resulted in stiffening the overall structural system. minimal structural damage to the structure except for the interface
The increase in natural frequencies after Intervention 2 (between region of the CLT walls with the base beam (Pei et al. 2019a).
WN 07 and WN 08) is also observed in Mode 4 and Mode 5. The damping ratios showed substantial changes for all four
Following Intervention 2, f̄ 4 exhibited a 46% increase, identified modes throughout the testing sequence. The damping ra-
resulting in a frequency of approximately 130% of the frequency tio associated with Mode 1 varied between 5.4% and 9.6% based on
estimated at the start of the test sequence. This notable increase in results of the EFDD analysis (diamonds) and between 3.9% and
frequency points to the importance of foundation effects from soil– 8.6% based on the results of the SSI analysis (circles in Fig. 10).
foundation–structure interactions that can alter the dynamic behav- In Fig. 10, it can be seen that the damping ratio for the main EW
ior of a structure, in this case originating from the stiffening of the modes (Modes 1 and 4) increases between Interventions 1 and 2,
base beam. The authors were not able to conclusively pinpoint the which is an opposite trend seen in the decrease of the natural
main reason for the observed erratic changes between WN 7 and frequencies. Assuming the mass is constant, the critical damping
WN 11 because this was not logged during testing. Nonetheless, may decrease as the stiffness decreases, which is implied as the
the data clearly indicate that changes were made at the end of frequency decreases. Thus, the damping coefficient, i.e., the esti-
Day 3, which are likely related to checking and adjusting of speci- mated viscous damping, would tend to be constant, even though
men, mainly through tightening of the transverse rods, following the damping ratio increases due to the decrease in the critical damp-
the public test performed on Day 3 of testing. ing. The testing and analysis cannot confirm this explicitly, and
During WN 18, after Intervention 5, f̄2 , f̄3 , and f̄6 experienced further research could be developed to answer this specific hypoth-
increases of up to 12%, 13%, and 22%, respectively. The frequency esis in a controlled small-scale experiment.
increases after Intervention 5 are only observed in the NS directions More considerable differences in damping ratios were observed
modes (f̄3 and f̄ 6 ) and in the first torsional mode (f̄ 3 ), demonstrat- as a result of using the two methods of analysis. As an example,
ing the effects of tightening the steel cross-brace rods. The steel Mode 4 displayed large differences in damping ratio when ex-
cross-brace rods were added on the north and south center bays tracted using the two modal analysis methods for the majority
of the testing sequence. The difference is more pronounced in
to reduce torsional responses in the structure during shake-table
the first half of the testing sequence, where there is a ratio of almost
testing. The cross-braces were retightened during several of the in-
four times between the damping ratios observed using the EFDD
terventions to maintain their effectiveness.
method and the ones observed using the SSI method [Fig. 10(d),
The most considerable reduction in the frequency for Mode 1
WN 04]. Such differences in damping ratios are most likely due to
was observed following the 1.2 × MCE Northridge event at the end
current limitations in the estimation of damping under low excita-
of the testing sequence. It resulted in a 28% reduction relative to the
tion levels when OMA methods are used (Magalhães et al. 2010;
initial frequency.
Moaveni et al. 2014). The structure is expected to respond in a
Other than Mode 1, the estimated natural frequencies of other
quasi-linear manner in response to the low-amplitude system iden-
identified modes exhibited only moderate decreases at the end of tification white-noise acceleration shake-table tests performed.
the shake-table experiment, with the second-highest reduction Thus, it is expected that the damping ratio value estimates are in-
being 10% for Mode 2. Interestingly, at the end of the testing se- dependent of the level of damage observed, unlike what would be
quence, Modes 3 through 6 displayed natural frequencies that were expected if the base motion induced large nonlinearities, as ex-
equal or slightly above the frequencies estimated at the beginning pected during large intense ground shaking.
of the testing sequence. This observation points toward the limited
effects of damage in modes perpendicular to the direction of shak-
ing and due to the effective retightening of the steel cross-braces Finite-Element Modeling Results
over the testing sequence. The moderate changes in frequencies Fig. 11 shows the frequencies estimated using the FE model
were also consistent with the field observations reporting only normalized by the identified frequencies obtained using the SSI
Fig. 9. Changes in natural frequencies for (a) Mode 1; (b) Mode 2; (c) Mode 3; (d) Mode 4; (e) Mode 5; and (f) Mode 6. Y-axis values are natural
frequencies normalized to the natural frequencies at the beginning of the testing sequence.
method. In the interest of brevity of this paper, comparison are only developing the elastic structural models that account for the effects
made with results based on the SSI analysis. Overall, there is a good of damage, four effects were considered: (1) damage to the base
agreement in most of the FE model frequencies, except f̄4 , which beam, (2) damage to the rocking wall base, (3) loosening of
exhibits a 46% difference between the FE model frequencies and cross-braces, and (4) combined effects of Effects 1–3. These are
the SSI-identified frequencies. detailed in the next subsections.
In identifying reasons for the differences in f̄ 4 , a sensitivity
study of the FE model revealed that a change in the effective stiff- Damage to the Base Beam
ness of the tongue plates resulted in a considerable shift in the The base beam damage was idealized by creating plastic hinges at
frequencies of the nonmatching modes. At the same time, the the two edges where the top flange met the two web plates of the
change in effective stiffness of the tongue plates produced a small base beam (quasi-box beam). The plastic hinges were assumed to
effect on other FE model modes. Although a single rotational stiff- yield and assigned a postyield hardening modulus of elasticity of
ness cannot fully represent the exact mechanics of the tongue plate 1% Es . The modeled reduction on the base beam stiffness resulted
connections, the best match in f̄ 4 and f̄ 5 occurred with the use of a in natural frequencies that were 86% and 94% of the initial values
single rotational stiffness with an effective length of the plate equal for the EW and torsional frequencies, respectively. The stiffness
to 304 mm, which corresponded to the distance between the first reduction of the base beam did not result in a reduction in the
bolt of the tongue plate and the centerline of the shear wall. When NS fundamental frequency (f̄3 ). The lack of frequency reduction
Fig. 10. Changes in damping ratios for the identified modes: (a) Mode 1; (b) Mode 2; (c) Mode 3; (d) Mode 4; (e) Mode 5; and
(f) Mode 6.
for Mode 3 is consistent with the experimental results, where no as a reduction in the cross-sectional area of the compression block.
reduction was observed following Intervention 2 before WN 08, As a result, a spring stiffness reduction factor of 1/20 was intro-
when the base beam was reinforced with additional steel stiffeners. duced by fitting the loss of stiffness due to crushing on five-ply
The effect of considering the damage to the base beams in terms of CLT samples in tests conducted by Barbosa et al. (2019). The
the natural frequencies are presented in Fig. 12 as horizontal solid effect of this damage resulted in natural frequencies that were
lines (level 1 lines). 84% and 93% of the experimental EW and torsional frequencies,
respectively. The NS fundamental frequency exhibited a 2% reduc-
Damage to the Base of the Rocking Wall tion due to this effect. Fig. 12 shows these results as horizontal
The second effect considered was the stiffness reduction of the wall dash-dotted lines (level 2 lines).
corner springs at the intersection between walls and the base beam.
Using Eq. (5), the wall spring stiffness was computed to be approx- Loosening of Cross-Braces
imately 5.25 × 106 kN=m. The damage observed in the wall cor- The third effect considered was the reduced axial stiffness of
ners included splitting, local crushing, and minor gaps between the cross-braces. The axial stiffness was considered to change
the base of the wall and base beam. These features can be modeled by a factor of 0.25 to match the total reduction range observed
Fig. 11. FE modes shapes. The parameter f̄ represents the FE modal frequencies normalized by the corresponding modal frequencies identified using
the SSI analysis (Fig. 8).
for the NS direction because damage to the base beam and the rock- The MAC is defined by the following equation:
ing walls did not affect the NS-direction frequencies. The reduction
in cross-brace stiffness resulted in 93% of the experimental fre- ðϕTa ϕb Þ2
MACab ¼ ð6Þ
quency in the NS direction. The torsional fundamental frequency ðϕTa ϕa ÞðϕTb ϕb Þ
showed a reduction of up to 88% of the experimental frequency at
the start of the shake-table tests. The EW fundamental frequency where ϕa = mode shape a; and ϕb = mode shape of mode b. For the
remained unchanged as a result of reducing the axial stiffness of the purpose of this study, the MACab is used to compare the mode
cross-braces. The effect of loosening cross-braces is shown in shape at the beginning of the experimental testing program with
Fig. 12 with horizontal solid lines (level 3 lines). the same mode shapes at several stages of the experimental tests
as well as the FE mode shapes.
Combined Damage Effects Fig. 13 features a selection of four MAC plots to show a com-
The next and last case considered was introduced to provide an parison of experimental mode shapes taken at different stages of the
encompassing case that captures the observed damage by combin- testing sequence, as well as comparisons of experimental and FE
ing the effect of loss of stiffness due to the damage at the steel base model mode shapes at the start of the shake-table sequence. The
beam and CLT wall base as well as the loosening of the cross-braces experimental MAC plots shown represent the MAC values between
that were described previously. A modification was made to the modes identified in WN 01, at the start of the test, and modes iden-
rocking wall base damage effect by introducing a reduction factor tified in a subsequent WN test, ranging from WN 03 to WN 21
of 1/600 (through calibration) to simulate more significant local- [e.g., Fig. 13(b) corresponds to MAC values between modes iden-
ized damage as observed at the end of the shake-table testing se- tified from WN 01 and WN 03 accelerations]. For all stages, Modes
quence. The combined damage effects resulted in frequencies of 1, 3, and 6 diagonal MAC values remained above 0.90 for the test-
75%, 84%, and 93% of the initial experimental frequencies in ing sequence. Modes 2, 4, and 5 recorded lowest diagonal MAC
the EW, torsional, and NS directions, respectively. The last case values of 0.8 (for WN 08), 0.76 (for WN 10), and 0.86 (for
combining all damage effects is presented in horizontal dashed WN 15), respectively. A few notable trends were observed between
lines (level 4 lines) in Fig. 12. changes in mode shapes and the schedule of interventions carried
Level 1 damage is consistent to the damage to the base beam, out during testing. Mode 2, which is the first torsional mode, dis-
which was partially remediated during Intervention 2. This obser- played its lowest consistency to its initial mode shapes following
vation explains the increase in f̄1 after Intervention 2 and points to Interventions 1 and 2. The MAC values between Mode shape 2
the subsequent reductions being related to the damage to the base of following Interventions 1 (WN 03) and 2 (WN 08) and the initial
the wall. estimates for Mode shape 2, were 0.85 and 0.80, respectively.
For Mode 2, lower MAC values following these interventions
point to the effect of retightening the cross-braces and making
Mode-Shapes Analysis and FE Validation
modifications to the tongue plate connections. Mode 4, being
The modal assurance criteria (MAC) analysis (Pastor et al. 2012) the second EW mode, displayed abrupt reductions in MAC values
was performed for all WN tests to evaluate the consistency of the following Interventions 1 and 4. The corresponding diagonal
experimental mode shapes and observe changes in mode shapes MAC values dropped to 0.92 and 0.79 following Interventions 1
due to the damage in the structural system. The comparison (WN 03) and 4 (WN15), respectively. Mode shape 4 appears to
consisted of computing MAC values between the modes identified be largely influenced by the load-transfer mechanism at the tongue
at the beginning of the testing sequence and all subsequent plate connections, which were designed to transfer lateral transla-
WN tests. tional forces without transferring vertical forces or moments.
Fig. 12. Damage FE modeling for the fundamental natural frequencies: (a) Mode 1, EW direction; (b) Mode 2, torsional direction; and (c) Mode 3,
NS direction. Levels 1, 2, and 3 indicate the damage to the base beam, damage to the rocking wall base, and the loosening of cross-braces,
respectively. Level 4 considers the combined effects of Levels 1–3 of the damage modeling.
Fig. 13. MAC between experimental Modes 1–6 for WN 01 and (a) itself; (b) WN 03; (c) WN 15; (d) WN 21; and (e) the mode shapes of the
FE model of the initial, undamaged structural model.
included repair and retrofits during the experimental program, in illustrated the impact of damage at the base of the rocking wall
between earthquake shaking tests. The first and second modes structural system as well as the effect of repair and retrofit inter-
in the NS, torsional, and EW directions were identified using ventions performed in the tested structure.
two output-only methods (EFDD and SSI). The first fundamental A linear-elastic FE model was developed to capture the initial
frequency value reduced by 28% at the end of the testing program. modal parameters and subsequent levels of damage consistent with
Reduction in natural frequencies for the first five ground motions the damage observed during testing. The FE model suggests that
was attributed partly to the boundary conditions at the base of the the lateral stiffness of the tongue plate connections is appreciably
CLT walls, including deformation in the steel base beam. The base lower than predicted by an idealized cantilever beam stiffness. Ad-
beam was retrofitted with the addition of stiffeners at high CLT wall ditionally, the tongue plate stiffness has a strong influence on the
bearing force locations in the second intervention. Following this second EW natural frequency due to the added flexibility at its
second intervention, a gradual and less abrupt reduction in the fun- location.
damental natural frequency was observed. The second natural fre- The shake-table test also provided insights into the influence of
quency in the direction of shaking initially decreased but increased foundation–structure effects (stiffening of the base beam), retight-
after Intervention 2 to levels above its initial value. The increase in ening of the cross-braces, and modifications made to the tongue
the second natural frequency in the direction of shaking originated plates. The impact of each intervention could not be evaluated sep-
from the modifications made at the tongue plate connections be- arately because multiple actions were done simultaneously for
tween the CLT walls and the diaphragms. some of the interventions. Further research on the CLT rocking wall
It is well-known that the global modal features may not always system is needed to determine the effects of the diaphragm to wall
detect the effects of local damage; however, results in this study connections for higher modes of vibrations so that interferences